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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    Down one pound this week. :D Managed to keep myself away from the scales all week (usually weigh myself half way thru the week on Sundays to see how I'm doing-not going to do that anymore). Its not a massive loss but I'm happy enough with that-15 pounds to get to 10 stone. If I lose 1 pound a week I'll get to goal by beginning of July, so have marked 4th July on my calendar (Independence Day-quite apt I think!). Fingers crossed!
    Just a question on the C25K program. Started week 3 this morning. Didn't really feel ready for the 3 min jogs but did them anyway and felt great after it. Looking ahead to week 5 there's a 20 min jog but the longest that I'll have jogged before that is 8 minutes. Has anyone done the 20min jog and how did u find the jump from 8 to 20? I guess if I could do the 3 min jogs today I'll be ready for the 20mins, its just all a bit daunting! :rolleyes:

    Well done on getting to Week 3.

    The 20 mins seems daunting. But you should be well able for it by the time you get there. At that stage, you won't just have run 8 minutes. You would have run 8 mins twice in one session so you've actually built up to 16 mins at that stage.If you like check out my thread. It's a bit of a mess. But I've commented on how I've felt after each session so it may help you.

    My first twenty minute run was tough. But I've found that some nights are tough, some are fine. I have no problem now running 20 minutes!!! (three weeks since the first 20 mins) I think thats what running is about....some nights you'll find it tough going but at this stage, even when I'm finding it hard and don't think I'll get to the end...I do!! The C25k program builds your fitness gradually so it's brilliant that way. Some nights I feel awful and then the next night I'll feel's really been such a journey. I've so much self-doubt that I'm always telling myself that I can't do this. But I'm on Week 8 now running over 4k in 28 it must be working for me!

    Keep it didn't think you'd be able for the three minutes...and then you were! You might feel like this again but you will get there.

    I'm running an official 5k race on Saturday (I won't be racing though!!) :eek:

    I was weighed in last night. Stayed the same. Probably didn't deserve that. I had about 7/ 8 glasses of wine and chicken curry Sat. A whole takeway pizza on Sunday. And a tuna melt Monday.

    I need to get back on track. if I lose half a pound this week I'll have lost 5% of my weight. I'm going to walk more. Drink more water. Shop this evening so I'm prepared for those weak moments

    Well done to everyone who lost this week

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 297 ✭✭Slaygal

    Hi Everyone, -1lb this week and very happy. I had a mixed bag of a week mostly good but one or two bad days. Well done to all the losers :) for those of you who gained or stayed the same, go get 'em !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33 newtorunning

    Hi Everyone,
    feeling positive and upbeat, working away at the moment so won't get weighed in till 6th April so hoping for a good result!


  • Registered Users Posts: 511 ✭✭✭hyperbaby

    lost 1 lb this week,
    1 more pound to go until i'm in the correct bmi range
    total 1st 6lbs so far :D

    great to read everyone's progress!
    Go team!

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭itsallaboutme!!

    Hi all!! well its been a good while since i posted on here but ive been reading all the posts and seeing all the newbies joining over the last while! your all doing great fair play to ya all for sticking with it and on all the losses!!

    Well I am glad to report that I finally made my goal at class this tuesday I was down three lbs!!!! needless to say i was delighted as it has been a hard three months for me as i have been 3lbs from goal since xmas and have been up and down and staying the same alot.So at last it all came good this week and with my 3lbs loss i am now 1lb under the WW goal that was set when i first joined. i discussed my goal with my leader and we decided to reset my goal as i would like to lose another 5lbs but after the huge buzz i got on tuesday morning i am all set and even more determined to get there!!!

    so anyway thats all my news believe me people if i can get to goal anyone can!!!! best of luck with it all:D:D;)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 79 ✭✭fatewatchers

    Hi folks!

    Congrats on your losses this week. Just back from my WI, was expecting nothing as I've felt bloated and weird all week... well, lost 4.5lbs. Delighted, I got my 6th silver seven and my third little glass stone. I have now lost a total of 42.5lbs since January 14th, wooop!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    Hi folks!

    Congrats on your losses this week. Just back from my WI, was expecting nothing as I've felt bloated and weird all week... well, lost 4.5lbs. Delighted, I got my 6th silver seven and my third little glass stone. I have now lost a total of 42.5lbs since January 14th, wooop!

    What can I say? You are brilliant!!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭JOJOC123

    Hi everyone

    First of all well done everyone on their losses!!!

    Well done itsallaboutme for reaching goal u must feel on top of the world!!

    Fatewatchers - well done u are doing so well!!!

    Had my WI this morning and was up .5lbs :mad::mad::mad:
    Cant understand this as I taught I had a good week wrote everything down, no alchol and walked every day twice some days!!!

    So annoyed - if anyone has any ideas why this might have happened im all ears!!!
    Cheers for reading this and sorry for the rant!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    JOJOC123 wrote: »
    Hi everyone

    First of all well done everyone on their losses!!!

    Well done itsallaboutme for reaching goal u must feel on top of the world!!

    Fatewatchers - well done u are doing so well!!!

    Had my WI this morning and was up .5lbs :mad::mad::mad:
    Cant understand this as I taught I had a good week wrote everything down, no alchol and walked every day twice some days!!!

    So annoyed - if anyone has any ideas why this might have happened im all ears!!!
    Cheers for reading this and sorry for the rant!!

    It's so annoying when that happens :mad:

    I've said it here before but they say 'a good week is never wasted' so keep going and you'll see if off and possibly more next week and the week after!

    My leader was talking about those weeks where you feel you're getting nowhere and she gave three tips:

    1. check portion sizes, we can get into bad habits (even when we're doing ww!!:D:eek::D)

    2. Go back and read all the ww booklets again - and follow the 'Fast Start' program for a week.

    3. Try changing your regular excersise. Just to give your body a kick.

    Have you thought about the Couch 2 5k program that loads of us here are trying out?

  • Registered Users Posts: 146 ✭✭Millieboo

    Hi all!! well its been a good while since i posted on here but ive been reading all the posts and seeing all the newbies joining over the last while! your all doing great fair play to ya all for sticking with it and on all the losses!!

    Well I am glad to report that I finally made my goal at class this tuesday I was down three lbs!!!! needless to say i was delighted as it has been a hard three months for me as i have been 3lbs from goal since xmas and have been up and down and staying the same alot.So at last it all came good this week and with my 3lbs loss i am now 1lb under the WW goal that was set when i first joined. i discussed my goal with my leader and we decided to reset my goal as i would like to lose another 5lbs but after the huge buzz i got on tuesday morning i am all set and even more determined to get there!!!

    so anyway thats all my news believe me people if i can get to goal anyone can!!!! best of luck with it all:D:D;)

    Congratulations on getting to goal! Just a quick question, when you say you reassessed your goal with your leader, do you still get go onto maintenance now and then gold card (so free) after 3 weeks?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 111 ✭✭harvardgal2

    Jwucqai. I have a tear in my eye after watching your video and hearing about the girl saying you were the reason she kept going. I am struggling so very badly at the minute. I cant get on track at all. Am in complete denial and not doing anything about it. You video is so inspiring yet I still dont think when I get up tomorrow I will be able to change my attitude. I used to be like you but now I'm just someone who gives up at the first sign of difficulty. I am putting on weight, weight that I battled so hard to loose yet can't seem too stop myself. So sad, disheartened, lonely etc etc etc. Need advice.:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭brainyneuron

    Jwucqai. I have a tear in my eye after watching your video and hearing about the girl saying you were the reason she kept going. I am struggling so very badly at the minute. I cant get on track at all. Am in complete denial and not doing anything about it. You video is so inspiring yet I still dont think when I get up tomorrow I will be able to change my attitude. I used to be like you but now I'm just someone who gives up at the first sign of difficulty. I am putting on weight, weight that I battled so hard to loose yet can't seem too stop myself. So sad, disheartened, lonely etc etc etc. Need advice.:(

    Poor thing, big hugs to you xxx

    My first bit of advice is to take it slowly. Don't try to change everything at once cos that is waay too overwhelming and hard to deal with. Give yourself the next week or two to sort things out. So say tomorrow, go for a walk but don't change what you eat too drastically, then the next day go for a walk and cut out one or two bad things and so on until in a week or two you have got back on track. Baby steps are much better than great leaps!

    Don't be too hard on yourself either. Its a vicious cycle that you're in a the mo and I've been there many many times. You feel bad about something so you eat, then you feel bad about the eating which makes you feel worse and you eat more. Treat yourself to something nice like a massage or lunch with a friend to cheer you up. Remind yourself that you are beautiful and not worthless and fat.

    So, the plan for tomorrow, go for a walk at somestage and don't worry about what you eat, leave that to later in the week. Then go for a walk and have porridge for brekkie on Saturday.

    Hope it helps xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,772 ✭✭✭Jwacqui

    Jwucqai. I have a tear in my eye after watching your video and hearing about the girl saying you were the reason she kept going. I am struggling so very badly at the minute. I cant get on track at all. Am in complete denial and not doing anything about it. You video is so inspiring yet I still dont think when I get up tomorrow I will be able to change my attitude. I used to be like you but now I'm just someone who gives up at the first sign of difficulty. I am putting on weight, weight that I battled so hard to loose yet can't seem too stop myself. So sad, disheartened, lonely etc etc etc. Need advice.:(

    I have been where you are so many time and the only thing that changed my attitude for good was coming to the realisation that if I don't get on top of my weight I will never be happy with myself.
    It's going to take time and it won't happen over night but once we try a little bit we will always have our goal within our reach!

    Do you have much support? I find that so important when losing weight!
    What about making mini goals? That's motivates me so much.

    What do you enjoy outside weight loss? Maybe apply that to losing weight.

    Hope some of that helps! If you ever need anything or even just somebody to talk to pop me a PM :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 388 ✭✭cjdun1

    harvardgirl2, I'm having the same problem at the moment, but I had a 4 hour drive last night, and I've come up with a cunning plan! My issue is eating rubbish when I'm bored......but essentially I'm lazy, so I'm going to pack all my meringue nests, WW cookies, etc, except for one portion of each, which I'm allowing myself per day...............and I'm putting the rest in a box, and putting them into the garden shed! because I'm lazy, I won't leave the house to get them and if it's raining even better!!!

    I know it's off the wall, but at this stage, I think it's my only option!

    Something similar might work for you?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 66 ✭✭Mother Teresa

    Congratulations Itsallabout me on reaching your initial goal!
    And Fatewatchers, you have shown me that consistently using the plan gets consistent results! I was in the habit of good week, bad week, and you've reminded me to keep plugging away.
    So with that in mind, i've been tracking and doing really well points wise this week, however, does anyone every feel "backed up":( (my apologies) for want of a better phrase.
    Despite drinking lots of water, walking and eating much healthier and lighter than I have in a long time, my stomach is uncomfortabley bloated and sore.

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭itsallaboutme!!

    Millieboo wrote: »
    Congratulations on getting to goal! Just a quick question, when you say you reassessed your goal with your leader, do you still get go onto maintenance now and then gold card (so free) after 3 weeks?

    No, because ive set myself a new goal that is lower than the one originally set im still gong to be losing weight (fingers crossed:eek:) so i wont be maintaining it just yet. the original goal was 11st 1lb which is the top weight for my height range and ive decided i would like to get to and maintain 10st 8lbs as thats what i was a few years ago and i was happy at that size. for my build i think i would be too skinny if i go any lower than that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Thumpette

    Hey Guys,

    I'm a bit confused between the two ww threads now, but i think ill stick with this one... Had weigh in last night- finally a good result!

    Weight loss so far: (I’m 5’7)
    Starting weight: 13 stone 1 pound
    Week 1- 12 stone 11.5 - pound (loss of 3.5 pound)
    Week 2- 12 stone 11.5 pound (no change)
    Week 3- 12 stone 8 pound (total loss 7 ib)
    Week 4- 12 stone 8 pound (no change)
    Week 5- 12 stone 5 pound (total loss 10 pound)
    Week 6- 12 stone 2.5 pound (total loss 12.5 pound)
    Week 7- 12 stone 2.5 pound (no change- still 12.5 pound loss)
    Week 8- 12 stone 2 pound (total loss 13 pound- that next silver 7 is feeling impossible to get)
    Week 9- 11 stone 12.5 pound :D (total loss of 16.5 pound) I am now the proud owner of a little stone, a second silver 7 and a lot of baggy clothes!

    Was starting to feel a bit disheartened over the last couple of week trying to get that elusive stone. This week I was actually quite bad- had 15 points worth of booze on Friday night and a kebab! The difference this week was loads of zero soup for lunches and really strict tracking. I got back all those 15 points used by cutting back other days! Best of luck girls!

    Now for the next stone!

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭itsallaboutme!!

    Congratulations Itsallabout me on reaching your initial goal!
    And Fatewatchers, you have shown me that consistently using the plan gets consistent results! I was in the habit of good week, bad week, and you've reminded me to keep plugging away.
    So with that in mind, i've been tracking and doing really well points wise this week, however, does anyone every feel "backed up":( (my apologies) for want of a better phrase.
    Despite drinking lots of water, walking and eating much healthier and lighter than I have in a long time, my stomach is uncomfortabley bloated and sore.

    I have this little "issue" too:o i have found sprinkling a spoon of flaxseed on my cereal in the morning and a mandarin during the day has helped alot!!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,540 ✭✭✭dublingal80

    So with that in mind, i've been tracking and doing really well points wise this week, however, does anyone every feel "backed up":( (my apologies) for want of a better phrase.
    Despite drinking lots of water, walking and eating much healthier and lighter than I have in a long time, my stomach is uncomfortabley bloated and sore.

    YUP!!! i get that all the time. its because there is less fat in your diet so the best thing to do is to buy some flaxseed, put it on a salad or in a yogurt but the MAIN thing to do is after you finish eating it, have about 2 pints of water, otherwise you will be in SO much pain. it works really quickly too. you will guaranteed to be .....not backed up... in a couple of hours. so maybe get into a habit of taking the flaxseed every day, then every second day and see what happens

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 66 ✭✭Mother Teresa

    Thanks so much girls! I'll pick some up today.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 526 ✭✭✭ali85

    YUP!!! i get that all the time. its because there is less fat in your diet so the best thing to do is to buy some flaxseed, put it on a salad or in a yogurt but the MAIN thing to do is after you finish eating it, have about 2 pints of water, otherwise you will be in SO much pain. it works really quickly too. you will guaranteed to be .....not backed up... in a couple of hours. so maybe get into a habit of taking the flaxseed every day, then every second day and see what happens

    Im so glad that this is something that's not unique to me! :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20 Leo25

    hey all!!
    Had my WI yesterday and was down 2.5lb!! Was thrilled, 3 more pounds to go to my second stone, don't think i'll get it next week, but two weeks should sort it out!!
    Well done to all the losses this week, everyone's doing great!!

    itsallaboutme - Fair play for gettin to your initail goal, it came up on the scales this week that i'm with 7lb of my WW goal, but i think i'll do what you did and bring it down a bit again!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 297 ✭✭Slaygal

    Congratulations to Itsallaboutme! What a fantastic achievement. Fatewatchers you're a weight loss wondergirl ! Jwacqui, I finally got 5 mins to watch your video tried to watch it 2 nites ago but my other half was beside me on the couch chatting in my ear so I couldn't hear it properly.

    Harvardgirl I was that solider, Get your runners on and get out for a walk it will make you feel much better. The ladies of this forum got me through it and you will get through, the darkest hour is always before the dawn.

    One day at a time is how I get through. I'm sending you a *HUGE* hug through the interweb. It's like the song says I get knocked down but I get up again.

    Leo good man ! I can feel it my bones you'll get that second stone very soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 146 ✭✭Millieboo

    No, because ive set myself a new goal that is lower than the one originally set im still gong to be losing weight (fingers crossed:eek:) so i wont be maintaining it just yet. the original goal was 11st 1lb which is the top weight for my height range and ive decided i would like to get to and maintain 10st 8lbs as thats what i was a few years ago and i was happy at that size. for my build i think i would be too skinny if i go any lower than that!

    Thanks for answering, may be silly question there a reason you didnt stick with original goal and then loose more weight anyway (is that not alllowed?) Sorry its just that I am a student and struggle with the €10 a week, cant wait to get to goal so that I can go meetings for free. Is there a limit on how much you can loose after goal or something? Thank you in advance to anyone who can advise me?????

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 79 ✭✭fatewatchers

    Hi folks!

    Well, after my great milestone that I reached last night, I was wiped tired and went to bed when my daughter did... 7.30. It basically meant that I ate 16 points... I'm meant to have 27 a day! Goddamnit. So today.... ate rings around me, couldn't get satisfied and went over by five points. Really annoyed at myself.

    16 (yesterdays intake) + 32 (todays pigout) makes 48 over 2 days, when I'm meant to have 54 over two days. So I know I'm technically below my points allowance but I'm still raging with myself, for 10 weeks now I have been SUPER strict with myself but for some reason today I just couldn't stop eating. I even ate a goddamn sausage roll... I don't even really like those! I need to nip this in the bud today so I only end up having a bad day instead of a bad week!

    WeightWatchers is great though, I believe wholeheartedly in the system and I know it works if you do it right. Just a shame that I wobbled yesterday and today :(

    Tomorrow though - back on track and no messing!!! I WANT that 50lbs certificate in the next three weeks or so, I have 42.5 gone so far so fingers crossed eh?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 146 ✭✭Millieboo

    Fatewatchers, I think you're being way too hard on yourself, given the AMAZING results you've had over the last ten weeks! Even if you had gone over your points based on 2 days its not the end of the world....but you didnt even do that!!!!!

    Seriously don't berate yourself, this is for life and you're going have good days and bad days!

    You've done so incredibly well, tomorrow is a new day :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭brainyneuron

    dolliemix wrote: »
    Well done on getting to Week 3.

    The 20 mins seems daunting. But you should be well able for it by the time you get there. At that stage, you won't just have run 8 minutes. You would have run 8 mins twice in one session so you've actually built up to 16 mins at that stage.If you like check out my thread. It's a bit of a mess. But I've commented on how I've felt after each session so it may help you.

    My first twenty minute run was tough. But I've found that some nights are tough, some are fine. I have no problem now running 20 minutes!!! (three weeks since the first 20 mins) I think thats what running is about....some nights you'll find it tough going but at this stage, even when I'm finding it hard and don't think I'll get to the end...I do!! The C25k program builds your fitness gradually so it's brilliant that way. Some nights I feel awful and then the next night I'll feel's really been such a journey. I've so much self-doubt that I'm always telling myself that I can't do this. But I'm on Week 8 now running over 4k in 28 it must be working for me!

    Keep it didn't think you'd be able for the three minutes...and then you were! You might feel like this again but you will get there.

    I'm running an official 5k race on Saturday (I won't be racing though!!) :eek:

    I was weighed in last night. Stayed the same. Probably didn't deserve that. I had about 7/ 8 glasses of wine and chicken curry Sat. A whole takeway pizza on Sunday. And a tuna melt Monday.

    I need to get back on track. if I lose half a pound this week I'll have lost 5% of my weight. I'm going to walk more. Drink more water. Shop this evening so I'm prepared for those weak moments

    Well done to everyone who lost this week

    Hey girl sorry I never replied to this, I was doing assignments at the time and didn't get a chance. Thank you so much for the encouragement! Its crazy to think in a few short weeks I'll be where u are! I feel a bit worried about the 20 mins, had a bit of a moment of panic, think it was the stress of the assignments too! I still have a week and a half of the program to go before the 20 min so I've plenty of time yet. Going to ignore the days ahead from now on and concentrate on what I need to do from day to day. Also, if it does turn out that I can't do the full 20 mins then I'll deal with that when I get to it and build my way up to it slowly instead. Its not the end of the world! Congrats on getting to week 8, it really is a great achievement and you should be proud of yourself! I'm proud of u and I've never met u hehe! :D Best of luck in the 5K race, you're brill :D

    Don't worry about staying the same, its better than gaining anyway and its definitely better to lose it slowly. You'll probably have a loss next week hun xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭brainyneuron

    Also I am a member of the Couch to 5K facebook group and quite a lot of people get worried about the 20min jog so I'm reassured that I'm not alone in the fear! Every one of them did it and got thru it so I can too :D:D

    Back on topic....weight watchers, points, food, BMI, weight, scales, etc etc etc Hehe :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 297 ✭✭Slaygal

    Fatewatchers, you're being far too hard on yourself. You've done amazingly well and you wouldn't be human if you didn't have a slip up. You've a great attitude and you'll get that 50lb certificate. You Go Girl !
    I did the same :( I wobbled Thursday and Yesterday so there's a pair of us in it.
    Have a great weekend Ladies and Gents. Onwards and downwards towards goal.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,404 ✭✭✭✭Pembily

    Millieboo wrote: »
    Thanks for answering, may be silly question there a reason you didnt stick with original goal and then loose more weight anyway (is that not alllowed?) Sorry its just that I am a student and struggle with the €10 a week, cant wait to get to goal so that I can go meetings for free. Is there a limit on how much you can loose after goal or something? Thank you in advance to anyone who can advise me?????

    The inital goal WW gives you it generally to get you to below a BMI of 25, you can gol 5lb either side of your goal and what I did was got to goal, stopped having to pay and then changed goal but talk to your leader and see how you can work it to stop having to pay if you want to loose more weight once you reach your initial goal...

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