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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    Hey girl sorry I never replied to this, I was doing assignments at the time and didn't get a chance. Thank you so much for the encouragement! Its crazy to think in a few short weeks I'll be where u are! I feel a bit worried about the 20 mins, had a bit of a moment of panic, think it was the stress of the assignments too! I still have a week and a half of the program to go before the 20 min so I've plenty of time yet. Going to ignore the days ahead from now on and concentrate on what I need to do from day to day. Also, if it does turn out that I can't do the full 20 mins then I'll deal with that when I get to it and build my way up to it slowly instead. Its not the end of the world! Congrats on getting to week 8, it really is a great achievement and you should be proud of yourself! I'm proud of u and I've never met u hehe! :D Best of luck in the 5K race, you're brill :D

    Don't worry about staying the same, its better than gaining anyway and its definitely better to lose it slowly. You'll probably have a loss next week hun xx

    AW! Thanks so much! :)
    Just to let you know 'I did it". I ran 5k non-stop!! I felt sick for the last half kilometer but I made it to the end and managed to pick the pace up for the last 100 meters! I was like Chariots of Fire!! (not) :D

    This is making me so determined to lose weight now and get back on track. Running 5k at 14 stone in 31 mins. Imagine how much easier it would be if I lost a stone or two!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 146 ✭✭Millieboo

    Pembily wrote: »
    The inital goal WW gives you it generally to get you to below a BMI of 25, you can gol 5lb either side of your goal and what I did was got to goal, stopped having to pay and then changed goal but talk to your leader and see how you can work it to stop having to pay if you want to loose more weight once you reach your initial goal...

    Thank you Pembily...that clears that up :)! Still 12.5lbs to go to goal but the fact it gets free helps ha! God being a student makes me such a cheap-skate lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,404 ✭✭✭✭Pembily

    Millieboo wrote: »
    Thank you Pembily...that clears that up :)! Still 12.5lbs to go to goal but the fact it gets free helps ha! God being a student makes me such a cheap-skate lol

    Oh I am the exact same!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 264 ✭✭hollyhock

    well done everyone on good losses! i was down 2lbs on thurs! i took a different approach this week,i was sick to the teeth of points,checking food and nearly counting on my plate as i ate,anyway my head was done in! so i just ate less and a bit healthier and walked so it worked for this week !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,668 ✭✭✭brainyneuron

    dolliemix wrote: »
    AW! Thanks so much! :)
    Just to let you know 'I did it". I ran 5k non-stop!! I felt sick for the last half kilometer but I made it to the end and managed to pick the pace up for the last 100 meters! I was like Chariots of Fire!! (not) :D

    This is making me so determined to lose weight now and get back on track. Running 5k at 14 stone in 31 mins. Imagine how much easier it would be if I lost a stone or two!!!

    Fantastic dollie!! Well done you really have done amazingly! Very jealous!! :D Was looking at for 5K's during the summer but there doesn't seem to be many. Have just missed out on doing the Galway 5K series which is annoying!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7 Bearster

    Hello this is my first time logging into Have been reading all your posts for a while though and have found them a great help. I have been running for a while now and I think its great to read about people who have decided to do the couch to 5km. If you are interested in runs around Ireland try and put in ireland and running it will give you loads of events. This site has all types of activities and events on it. I started ww in the first week of jan 2010 at 10 st 8.5pds I am now 9st 9 pds and two pounds off goal bring on WI on Tuesday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭itsallaboutme!!

    Millieboo wrote: »
    Thanks for answering, may be silly question there a reason you didnt stick with original goal and then loose more weight anyway (is that not alllowed?) Sorry its just that I am a student and struggle with the €10 a week, cant wait to get to goal so that I can go meetings for free. Is there a limit on how much you can loose after goal or something? Thank you in advance to anyone who can advise me?????

    I didnt stick with my original goal coz I had it set in my own mind when I joined that I wanted to get back to where I was weight wise.I was happy with myself and my size when I was at 10 and a half stone so its just a personal thing I guess that I want to get back there again:)

    Tbh my leader just said that as I wanted to drop another few lbs it would be better for me not to go onto the maintenance programme just yet. But once I get to my new goal and complete the maintenance plan its gold all the way!!!

    As far as I know once you reach goal and maintain you are allowed to go 5lbs below and 5lbs above in order to stay a gold member and you also have to get weighed 5 times a year?? I am totally open to correction though!:o

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,810 ✭✭✭ergonomics

    I'm off on a week's holiday next week. I need to lose 1.5lbs and I'm worried about how this holiday will affect it! We're staying in Ireland so if it suits I might go to a class. Haven't missed a class since I started and I know I have 2 weeks of holidays but I still don't want to miss anything!

    Also I was wondering if you count activity points when you do housework? I did 2 hours earlier and am exhausted afterwards. If I count it as a low activity I can get 4.5 points for myself! This seems like a lot though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,272 ✭✭✭✭Max Power1

    As far as I know once you reach goal and maintain you are allowed to go 5lbs below and 5lbs above in order to stay a gold member and you also have to get weighed 5 times a year?? I am totally open to correction though!:o
    So what happens if you go over 5 lbs under your goal weight? They take away your gold card and make you pay again? Seems a bit mad tbf

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 751 ✭✭✭Daisy Steiner

    I'm going to join weight-watchers for the first time on Wednesday. I'm nervous :(

    I need some motivation though and I need to stop eating so much crap. Hopefully the points system will work for me!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    I'm going to join weight-watchers for the first time on Wednesday. I'm nervous :(

    I need some motivation though and I need to stop eating so much crap. Hopefully the points system will work for me!

    Hi Daisy,

    The first night is always the hardest. But in a different way it's a huge achievement. Just remember it's almost 100% likely that by Wednesday week you will be a 'Loser' :D

    Congrats on taking the first step. I'm on Week 5 now I hated the first night. Just kept thinking why have I let myself get to this stage again. The following week I left feeling like I weighed a stone lighter. And it's all been uphill since then. You get great support and encouragement at the meetings.A lot of the posters here have been doing WW for over a year and are not far off their target weight. It's really encouraging to read through their food diaries and get some ideas.

    Be ready on Thursday to do a big shop. Do a clear out on Wednesday or tomorrow so you're cupboards/ fridge and freezer are ready for yummy low fat food.

    Looking forward to following your progress :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 79 ✭✭fatewatchers

    I'm going to join weight-watchers for the first time on Wednesday. I'm nervous :(

    I need some motivation though and I need to stop eating so much crap. Hopefully the points system will work for me!

    I am in WW 10 weeks and have lost 42.5lbs. I was just like you at the start, nervous and worrying how I'd summon the motivation. But, I found that the points system is easy to follow, and every time I had a good result at the scales it spurred me on.

    Set yourself mini-goals... I have a journal with a list of goals in the back. As I achieve each one, I tick a box and write down the date I achieve each one. Goals like 5% loss, 15% loss, every time you lose half a stone, a stone etc... dress sizes going down, BMI changes. It really keeps me going to be able to strive to mark things off my list :)

    Best of luck, it will work for you if you stick to your points!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 Jenosaurus

    Like many of you here this is not my first time joining WW. The last time I joined I started at a whopping 16stone 2 pounds. Lost about 2 stone, and thought to myself I can do this by myself, and stopped going to my WI and needless to say I was wrong.
    So here I am again, went back to WW two weeks ago, and I am actually disgusted that I am now 16 st 7 pds. But that is the last time Im going to see that on a scale, thats for sure.
    I lost four pounds my first week, and Im looking forward to my WI on Thursday!
    I have no excuse to quit this time, my sister is getting married next year!!

    Hoping to get the support here, to not let me stop AGAIN :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    Jenosaurus wrote: »
    Like many of you here this is not my first time joining WW. The last time I joined I started at a whopping 16stone 2 pounds. Lost about 2 stone, and thought to myself I can do this by myself, and stopped going to my WI and needless to say I was wrong.
    So here I am again, went back to WW two weeks ago, and I am actually disgusted that I am now 16 st 7 pds. But that is the last time Im going to see that on a scale, thats for sure.
    I lost four pounds my first week, and Im looking forward to my WI on Thursday!
    I have no excuse to quit this time, my sister is getting married next year!!

    Hoping to get the support here, to not let me stop AGAIN :D

    Brilliant. Well done! I know exactly how you feel. I think I have the opposite to anorexia. I never think I look over-weight.:D Then I notice the clothes sizes creeping up and up. When the XL starts getting too tight I know I need to head back to WW. As usual I get a shock when I see how much weight I've put on! This time 5 weeks ago I was the heaviest I've ever been at 14 9.5. I'm already down to 14 which is under my last starting weight. I've my meeting on tomorrow. I stayed the same last week. But I really think I've lost this week. I haven't been tracking :( but I've been keeping an eye on what I've been eating, didn't drink any alcohol and ran my first 5k race on Saturday If I lose half a pound I'll have reached 5% of my body weight and I'll be in to the 13s!

    ....And I can fit very nicely into XL! Infact won't be too long now till I'm L...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 Jenosaurus

    dolliemix wrote: »
    I'm already down to 14 which is under my last starting weight. I've my meeting on tomorrow..

    What I wouldnt give to be 14 let alone under it, but soon enough. . fingers crossed! Good luck tomorrow! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 751 ✭✭✭Daisy Steiner

    Thanks people, I can't find my own weighing scales so am dreading that part. I suspect I'm around 16 stone will find out fo'sho' on Wednesday I guess!

    My cupboards are pretty much bare at this stage and I'm looking into buying a chest freezer, I have a fridge/freezer but the freezer is ****e!

    I started a food diary last week and really it was focusing like that which gave me that push to just go and find out more and get out of this damn rut!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 66 ✭✭Mother Teresa

    Morning all, how's everyone getting on this week?
    I ad weigh in yesterday and lost a half pound. i really need to work harder over the weekends, despite being good mon-fri i find even though i track over theweeekend there's alot of guess work involved as i'm eating out or in other people's houses.
    Anyway, with the weekend thats ahead, i've decided that no matter what i'm going to get to a class on Tuesday since my monday class will be closed, and that way, I've more chance of staying focused.
    Onwards and downwards, best of luck to all the new comers too :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 79 ✭✭fatewatchers

    Hi everyone,

    I just wanted to say... there is no point dreading what weight you are each week, that is counterproductive. I know that if I start to stress and worry, I start cramming junk food into my mouth. Your weight is a number that you have the power to lower. It is transient and temporary and it doesn't define who you are as an individual.

    You know, it's gas, I am reading about Jenosaurus being "disgusted" at being 16st 7lbs.... lol, I would LOVE to be that weight! If I was that weight, I'd have lost 5st and 3lbs. Getting on the scales in January of this year and being told "Ok, so your start weight is 21st 10lb!".... well, I put on a brave face about let, told my leader "oh, it isn't as bad as I thought it was"... absolute lies, I was stunned by how heavy I was and immediately started telling myself I couldn't do it, it was too much weight to lose. I did have a deep-rooted determination though, I said to myself "look at that weight, that is the heaviest you are ever going to be." It goes to show you how these things are so personal from one WeightWatcher to another. If I could get to 16 stone by the end of this year I would be amazed and thrilled!

    The best thing I have done in my so far short experience of WW is to use these forums. They are a fantastic support because, as I'm sure some of you can empathise, I often feel in my circle of friends that I'm the "token fat friend" and they just don't have the level of understanding of how much of a challenge this is going to be. I have to lose nine stone to be at the upper range of a healthy BMI. Nine stone is an entire person. Most Hollywood A-listers weigh about 8 stone. I have to lose an entire Nicole Richie, plus some extra. When I put it like that, I feel demoralised. BUT... and this is the big but, you have to find smaller milestones to dot along your journey, so that you can stop at each one and take stock of what you are doing. I have lost the weight of a person I know and love very well. My 4 year old daughter weighs 40lbs, so just a shade under 3 stone. When I pick her up, she is heavy and hard to carry for any length of time, yet at Christmas just gone, I was walking around with that weight on me. When I look at it like that, it just blows my mind. I complain that I can't lift my daughter anymore, she's too heavy and getting too big (she's all legs, the lucky wee thing :D ) but 3 months ago I was the weight I am now when I stand on the scales holding my daughter. I lift her now for a cuddle most days, partly for a cuddle, but also, partly, to assess in real terms what I've achieved thus far. By the time I've finished this, I will have lost three times the weight of my girl. I don't think I could comfortably lift someone who weighed nine stone. Things like that put weight loss into perspective for me. I have to be realistic that I have a LOT of weight to lose. I'm still obese. I'm a size 18-20 where before I was a 24. This is all do-able though. I just have to be honest with myself and give myself 2 full years to do this and do it right. I am not going to lose 9 stone in a year. If I get about five stone in total by the end of the year off I will be thrilled. I'd still be 16stone 10lbs though, but I'm nearly 6 ft tall :)

    So far I've 3st 0.5lbs lost, so really, my goal until December is to lose 1st 13.5lbs. That is realistic and achieveable and that, IMO, is the key to healthy, sustainable success on WW. Be honest, be realistic, be reasonable and you WILL see results!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 297 ✭✭Slaygal

    Hi Jensosaurus, I was that woman. I got on the scales two years ago and I was 16 stone 2. I knew I was overweight so much that I had to use Dutch courage to weigh myself. Like Fatewatchers ( the fountain of wisdom) says be realistic. No one puts on stones overnight so don't expect to lose stones overnight. Eat healthily, eat well and go for a few walks. After a few weeks you'll see a difference. BTW I now weigh 13 stone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭carolinespring

    Hi everyone,

    I just wanted to say... there is no point dreading what weight you are each week, that is counterproductive. I know that if I start to stress and worry, I start cramming junk food into my mouth. Your weight is a number that you have the power to lower. It is transient and temporary and it doesn't define who you are as an individual.

    You know, it's gas, I am reading about Jenosaurus being "disgusted" at being 16st 7lbs.... lol, I would LOVE to be that weight! If I was that weight, I'd have lost 5st and 3lbs. Getting on the scales in January of this year and being told "Ok, so your start weight is 21st 10lb!".... well, I put on a brave face about let, told my leader "oh, it isn't as bad as I thought it was"... absolute lies, I was stunned by how heavy I was and immediately started telling myself I couldn't do it, it was too much weight to lose. I did have a deep-rooted determination though, I said to myself "look at that weight, that is the heaviest you are ever going to be." It goes to show you how these things are so personal from one WeightWatcher to another. If I could get to 16 stone by the end of this year I would be amazed and thrilled!

    The best thing I have done in my so far short experience of WW is to use these forums. They are a fantastic support because, as I'm sure some of you can empathise, I often feel in my circle of friends that I'm the "token fat friend" and they just don't have the level of understanding of how much of a challenge this is going to be. I have to lose nine stone to be at the upper range of a healthy BMI. Nine stone is an entire person. Most Hollywood A-listers weigh about 8 stone. I have to lose an entire Nicole Richie, plus some extra. When I put it like that, I feel demoralised. BUT... and this is the big but, you have to find smaller milestones to dot along your journey, so that you can stop at each one and take stock of what you are doing. I have lost the weight of a person I know and love very well. My 4 year old daughter weighs 40lbs, so just a shade under 3 stone. When I pick her up, she is heavy and hard to carry for any length of time, yet at Christmas just gone, I was walking around with that weight on me. When I look at it like that, it just blows my mind. I complain that I can't lift my daughter anymore, she's too heavy and getting too big (she's all legs, the lucky wee thing :D ) but 3 months ago I was the weight I am now when I stand on the scales holding my daughter. I lift her now for a cuddle most days, partly for a cuddle, but also, partly, to assess in real terms what I've achieved thus far. By the time I've finished this, I will have lost three times the weight of my girl. I don't think I could comfortably lift someone who weighed nine stone. Things like that put weight loss into perspective for me. I have to be realistic that I have a LOT of weight to lose. I'm still obese. I'm a size 18-20 where before I was a 24. This is all do-able though. I just have to be honest with myself and give myself 2 full years to do this and do it right. I am not going to lose 9 stone in a year. If I get about five stone in total by the end of the year off I will be thrilled. I'd still be 16stone 10lbs though, but I'm nearly 6 ft tall :)

    So far I've 3st 0.5lbs lost, so really, my goal until December is to lose 1st 13.5lbs. That is realistic and achieveable and that, IMO, is the key to healthy, sustainable success on WW. Be honest, be realistic, be reasonable and you WILL see results!

    Well said and the very best of luck to you. I know from what you have said you will get to goal.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    Jenosaurus wrote: »
    What I wouldnt give to be 14 let alone under it, but soon enough. . fingers crossed! Good luck tomorrow! :)

    Of course you'll get there soon::)

    I was lucky that I decided to head to ww when I did.... I was 14 9.5 when I started five weeks ago. Imagine if I hadn't. I was only 4 pounds away from 15 stone. I could be 15 stone today instead of 14!

    We're all heading in the same direction by doing weightwatchers and supporting one another here:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭itsallaboutme!!

    Wow fatewatchers fair play to have a great outlook on this whole thing and like someone else has already said you will defo get there in the end! keep up the great work ;);)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46 time_for_action

    Hi all... i have been a regular viewer of this site and can i say fair play to you all. you are the inspiration for me to start. i have been on the upper end of the scale all my life.. in my teens size 14 and my 20s 16. im now verging on 18 and ive had enough. i am by no means a huge eater. typical day would be
    breakfast tea & toast or cornflakes or skipped
    lunch wrap with breaded chicken lettuce onion - no mayo/sauce always with a diet coke & crisps
    Dinner - potatoes, chicken, veg
    supper - cream crackers & tea or cornflakes

    im a divil for crisps & diet coke, would eat them all day long if i could. not so much big on chocolate & biscuits but i'll never refuse them.
    anyways ive been trying to lose weight forever but never works (maybe lack of will power). i exercise regularly but never seems to have an effect. but now i have a huge incentive. im a bridesmaid for a friend of mine at the end of the summer and i dont want to be the only whale in the photos. the other two bridesmaids are size zero (yes Zero:eek:). i know im not going to dramatically lose it all but i woud love to have 2 stone gone by august. so i have decided to join weightwatchers. is this the way to go? hopefully by posting this it will spur me on. any info or tips you can give would mean the world to me. i have 19 weeks ! is it mission impossible.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 125 ✭✭emma82

    Hi fellow WW-ers!

    I've just come across this thread- I'm so delighted & mostly inspired! I started on ww about 7 times at this stage. Last year my dad had a massive heart attack & the whole family had to get checked out- my cholestrol was wayyyy over what it should have been for my age. The doctor told me I needed to lose at least 3 stone- I was raging!! How dare he? Sure I was grand.... then I took a good long hard look at myself & realised I wasn't grand at all- I was in the obese range, my BMI was 33.4 & I really wasn't happy in myself.

    So off I went to the old faithful ww- but this time I just got it! It really just clicked. I started pointing everything- writing it down & actually being honest about what I was doing. Fast forward now 15mths on- I've lost 4 stone, have a gold card and have been maintaining for 2 mths now. I can run up to 10k in under 50 minutes, I do spinning, aerobics- all sorts- not to mention the friends I've made at the gym & at ww. My cholestrol is back to what it should be & I'm no longer in the risk category.

    So to those of you that are starting out- good luck- it really can change your life- if you let it. Track, stay at meetings & exercise. If you have a bad week- take it & move on. To those of you struggling- keep at it- it took me 9 weeks to lose my last 3.5lbs- I was ready to throw the towel in- but my leader kept me going. To those of you that have been maintaining for years- wow- I wanna be you!!! Well done!

    Thats my 2 cents!

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭lucy2010

    Hi all

    Ive been calorie counting since end of Feb. Ive lost 9lbs. I use a site & find it great. I did WW years ago & lost a load.
    Last night in my parents whilst rooting out knitting paterns I came across my old point calculator ( the cardboard sliding thing). Does anyone know if the points system from about 2001 is still valid. Im 160lbs, 5 8 & it says I should do 20 points a day. I need to lose another 10 lbs by my sons communion in May. I currently walk about 1-2 hours a day & about 40 min on the bike. I think starvation diets that never work have slowed my metabolism down so I need to get that back working again

    I would go join but I cant afford the €20 sign up & €10 a week so im going to try do it at home alone.

    Any thoughts ??

  • Registered Users Posts: 128 ✭✭Vickysg24

    lucy2010 wrote: »

    I would go join but I cant afford the €20 sign up & €10 a week so im going to try do it at home alone.

    Any thoughts ??

    Hi Lucy I was doing it at home alone since February and so far all together I've lost 17lbs... bringing me from my heaviest ever (13st 13lbs) to my lighest in four years (12st 10lbs) I'm still getting on great but I've decided to start going to the meetings just to keep me going and for that bit of extra moral support....

    The best advice I can give you on sticking to it on your own is get your friends to join in with you... my friends and family are doing it too and it's so much easier for me as we share recipes with each other and talk to each other about how we're getting on :D

    hope this helps and Good luck

  • Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭JOJOC123


    Hope everyone is having a good week - welcome to all the newbies, this forum is great for motivation and inspiration!!

    Well done on all the losses this week, have my WI tomorrow nite and im dreading it - was up .5lb last week and I had been great the previous week so ive been just going mad this week eating all around me - its terrible Ive no excuse, just cant help it!!

    So going to go to my WI tomorrow nite and if Im up I deserve it but if i stay the same or am down (i wish) then ill be better the following week.

    Sorry for the rant just need to get it off my chest!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 511 ✭✭✭hyperbaby

    Hi all... i have been a regular viewer of this site and can i say fair play to you all. you are the inspiration for me to start. i have been on the upper end of the scale all my life.. in my teens size 14 and my 20s 16. im now verging on 18 and ive had enough. i am by no means a huge eater. typical day would be
    breakfast tea & toast or cornflakes or skipped
    lunch wrap with breaded chicken lettuce onion - no mayo/sauce always with a diet coke & crisps
    Dinner - potatoes, chicken, veg
    supper - cream crackers & tea or cornflakes

    im a divil for crisps & diet coke, would eat them all day long if i could. not so much big on chocolate & biscuits but i'll never refuse them.
    anyways ive been trying to lose weight forever but never works (maybe lack of will power). i exercise regularly but never seems to have an effect. but now i have a huge incentive. im a bridesmaid for a friend of mine at the end of the summer and i dont want to be the only whale in the photos. the other two bridesmaids are size zero (yes Zero:eek:). i know im not going to dramatically lose it all but i woud love to have 2 stone gone by august. so i have decided to join weightwatchers. is this the way to go? hopefully by posting this it will spur me on. any info or tips you can give would mean the world to me. i have 19 weeks ! is it mission impossible.

    I'm no expert but I have a few tips for you.

    breakfast tea & toast or cornflakes or skipped
    don't skip breakfast if you can, i'm not the best for eating breakfast but i always have a banana or yoghurt everyday for breakfast.
    if you have toast, it's not great because there is probably butter, jam or some other spread on it.
    lunch wrap with breaded chicken lettuce onion - no mayo/sauce always with a diet coke & crisps
    breaded chicken is the devil, there is whole of points in breaded chicken(not sure how many, but I reckon 5-6points)
    crisps are usually bad, i love crisps too so i buy treble crunch, skips, velvet crunch, things like that which are around 1 and a half per bag
    Dinner - potatoes, chicken, veg
    veg and chicken are fine but potatoes are approx 2 and and a half points for a boiled potato, i think it is 2 points without butter for a scoop of mash poatoes
    supper - cream crackers & tea or cornflakes
    maybe try some rivita or rice cakes, or some fruit or some sugar free jelly or a low fat yoghurt instead of cream crackers.

    once you start pointing you'll be amazed at the points in some items.
    19 weeks is loads, you could lose approximately 1 pound per week which is 19 pounds and the first week or two all going well you might lose 4-6 pounds so that would be approx 25 pounds which is very close to 28 pounds.
    you have an incentive so i bet you'll do great.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46 time_for_action

    thanks so much hyperbaby. im off now to buy a notebook for my food diary. found a class thats on tomorrow... hope the date isn't a sign though !!! April 1st (APRIL FOOLS DAY :D)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    Hi everyone!

    Great to see new and 'old' posting. I'm feeling tons of positivity coming from this thread :)

    I lost 1.5 lbs last night - A little goal ticked - 5% of my original weight has disappeared into thin air!

    That loss has really motivated me to keep going, especially since I stayed the same last week. I've 3 more pounds and then I'll have my first stone :)

    I can feel it in my clothes already! :)

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