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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,359 ✭✭✭whiteandlight

    Wow there's so much activity on here now its great! Congrats to all and hello to the newcomers!

    So fell off the wagon in style on saturday (had some saved points so it could have been worse) but as it happened I went down with a vomiting bug (and no it was not a hangover!) and didn't keep anything down all day yesterday. I hate throwing up, it makes you feel horrible and I was lying on the couch for most of the day but at one point when I made a break for the bathroom I didn't get there and ended up vomiting in the kitchen sink.... Yuk. Horribly embarassing. Thank God I live with my bf so he put me up to bed again with a towel and basin and disinfected the sink. Have to do something really nice for him when I'm better.

    Still in bed this morning, tummy feeling a little better but not sure what to eat. I'm thinking of trying my usual porridge and see if it stays down. Fingers crossed!

    I've had a very up and down week besides. On tue I had to go get a new pair of black trousers for work because my size 16's were falling off me. Queue a quick run to tesco for a cheap pair as I refuse to spend my non-existent money on clothes that I am determined will not fit me after a month or two. Was very disappointed because I still needed a size 16. Seriously, you would think with 33lbs of a loss and toning I would have a dropped at least one trouser size. So I was very upset that night. On the plus side the lads I live with did not really understand my disappointment so I went upstairs to have a little weep and for once did not comfort eat as all the food was too far away!!

    Anyway recovered from that and got back on the wagon on wednesday. Had loads of great news on friday, got assignments back etc so very happy and also managed to stay within points so I was delighted. The only blot on my horizon was that I sustained and didn't lose anything.

    The best day/moment of the week was yesterday when I was getting ready to go out. I came out of the shower and was deciding what to wear. I had bought a dress in the sales (size12) that had been sitting on my bedroom door since as inspiration and despite my disappointment at sustaining I said feck it, sure I'll try it on. Wonders of wonders it fit!!!! A size 12?!! Like I haven't fit into a size 12 in over 5 years!?! Anyways so I was delighted and spent my night walking on air and making not so good food choices.

    Then I woke up yesterday and proceeded to throw up for the next 24-hours!!

    It really has been a roller coaster week. At the end of it though I have come out positive. I realised I hadn't been spending my points as wisely as I should have and that explains the sustain. I realised i have toned up a lot. I did my measurements and I've lost an inch or more everywhere which is deadly. So even though I've only lost 5.5lbs since the last time I did them, all the exercise is really paying off.

    My plan for the week is to get back on track as quickly as this bug allows me and to maintain my levels of exercise as it really is paying the dividents.

    Anyways, that was a marathon post but I am bored and tired of being ill so its keeping my mind off my stomach!! Hope everyone has a wonderful week and here's to staying on track :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,503 ✭✭✭✭jellie

    MusicMental youve just proved the craziness of the differences of sizes between shops! size 12 in a dress & size 16 in trousers? thats just insane.

    & if youve lost 33lbs there is NO WAY you could still be the same clothes size as you were before! (well done btw)

    dont let weird clothes size differences get you down :) & hope youre feeling better soon!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,359 ✭✭✭whiteandlight

    Well the size 12 certainly helped in getting over the size 16. Admittedly its not tight and I doubt I'll be in it for long but we shall see!

    Actually much better now post porridge and a banana so thinking I might have the energy for some wii fit later but I'll be taking it easy.

    I must say by the way that between the wii fit and my fitness coach I have really toned up in the last 3 weeks. I've been doing at least half an hour every night and it really is showing. Love my fitness coach, anyone got it yet?

  • Registered Users Posts: 442 ✭✭Papillon87

    My painstakingly slow weight-loss continues......slowly! Down 7lbs as of this evening, finally. Hell-bent on speeding it up and getting the next 7lbs off by the end of February.

    Music- what's the My Fitness Coach? Is it a game for the Wii? Excuse my ignorance!

    A question I wanted to ask everyone in here: When did you first notice a difference in yourself, physically? I can't see anything yet, but only 7lbs down I guess!! I really want to join a gym, just lacking the confidence- the irony eh!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 89 ✭✭Tootsie

    Hi everyone, I think we all fell off the wagon this weekend from reading all the posts here,with me it was chocolate cake,buns,lashings of olive oil on anything I could use it on cooking yesterday,but only 2 normal sized glasses of red wine.....of and the 6 squares of Lindt dark chocolate that I found in the fridge,that i consumed while drinking the wine,yum yum.....LOL

    MM85,the clothes sizes are mad in shops,take no notice of that at all,you could have 3 different sizes of trousers in the wardrobe and they all fit..33 lbs there is no ignoring the fact what a great job you have done there,fair play to you.....the measurements are more important I would say at this go forth & be proud of yourself....:D

    Hope the V bug won't linger too long with ya....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    Hi all... im proud to say iv jump head first back on de wagon today yay!!!

    Even if i maintain this week itll be worth it to no i had a good monday and hopefully de rest of the week will follow the same pattern..


    Good luck to all WI this week will check in weds and share de ups... or dwns ....hopefully!! xx

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭1lbAtaTime

    Thanks for all the welcomes everyone. Sounds like everyone is on the road to size 10 around here :)
    I managed to be really good weekend and even skipped the after weigh in take away I usually have on Thursdays however all it took was one stressful Monday morning and I found myself digging into a chicken fillet burger (quite delicious I must say!) and chips about 2 this afternoon!! I havent calculated the points for today yet but hoping it would be too bad because breakfast and tea were very good. The scales will tell on Thursday as usual!!

    Ladiee...I do my best dieting Mon - Wed before my weigh in also on Thursday. You can definitely loose 1 pound by then to get your stone. Good luck ;) know if you lost just half a pound a week between now and new years that would be your stone and a half gone. Totally doable, I say go back and take it one day at a time. Good luck


  • Registered Users Posts: 15,503 ✭✭✭✭jellie

    MusicMental - is the wii fitness any good? is it something youd keep at or would you get bored very quickly? i really want a wii.. but im afraid itd be a novelty for a week & then id get bored & have wasted a big pile of money.

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭PinkChick

    Hi Guys, well I did it! I reached my goal last night. It was 9 st 4 lb and I got to 9 st 3.5 lb. I am delighted. I feel it's the first thing in my life that I have aimed for and achieved like this. I feel positive that I can maintain it as I have definitely adapted to a healthier lifestyle. I bought a dress last night that is my "goal dress". Now I know that everytime I look at it I can feel proud. I have decided to set myself a new goal now. I want to run the mini-marathon. I am not a runner so I am starting from scratch and I have been unable to exercise for two months due to illness but I am determined and am looking forward to having something new to aim towards. Thanks to you all for the support. This place really makes a difference. I have no intentions of leaving yet though. It's something I want to keep up and I know I will still need this place.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 227 ✭✭lovinit

    I have my weigh in tonight, I did not go last week because I did not want to see another plus on my card, I said then I would be good all week and I was not, so I am not looking forward to it but I need to go.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    Hi all! My weigh-in is tonight & I am also dreading a gain - but I am going anyway because I need to face the music!
    lovinit - don't be afraid to go get weighed, I know it's hard when you are expecting to gain. But just think - if you don't go will you be saying the same thing next week? At least if you go this week you will know how much you have to lose to get you back on track! I hope you do go to class & let us know how it went! I'll be posting my result - no matter what!

    MM85; ignore the trousers size!! I agree with the other posters - clothes sizes are the oddest thing! I have a size 16 on me at the moment & they are falling off (not literally - but almost!), I also have other size 16s at home that a barely "comfortable"! Like you I don't want to buy too much clothes until I reach goal - but I really do need to do a big wardrobe clear out soon!

    And PinkChick - Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yippee!:D:D:D I am so happy for you - it is very well deserved! I look forward to hearing how the maintenance prog is going for you. And, I hope to be joining you on 21st April (or maybe earlier!):D:D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    Papillion87: to answer your question - I think I notice a change after about 10lbs (they say that's a dress size) but there are little things I started to notice first.
    1) my waist came back - I am still heaviest on my bottom half but my top half is definitely a lot smaller! (I'd say I'm at least one, if not two sizes different- eeks!)
    2) my skin is looking better - not as tired & drawn looking (thanks to all the veg!)

    As regards going to the gym - if you're not comfortable with this yet then perhaps just go out walking if you can??
    I'm no longer a gym member but I know when I was that no-one paid the slightest bit of attention to me! I wish I had the time to get back to it - it really does help speed the weight loss along.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16 booshboo

    .to Weight Watchers.

    Hey guys, just thought I would introduce myself as I will be hanging around here trying to keep on the 'wagon'. Seriously need to lose serious poundage after having a baby. Who by they way was born just over a year ago :) !! So I can no longer use the good ol' baby weight excuse, time to get off my arse!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭1lbAtaTime

    Well done PinkChick, that is fantastic. You must be walking on cloud 9 at the moment. Wear your new dress with pride:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,264 ✭✭✭JBoyle4eva

    Well Done PinkChick:D

    I hope to reach that goal, but I've a lot to go (about 4 and half stone) so hopefully I'll be there by the end of the year :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 89 ✭✭Tootsie

    Well done PinkChick,you have done fantasticly well in achieving your goal,and Thank You for starting this thread for all us,this is also an achievement....all these people,all this support :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,154 ✭✭✭Dolbert

    Fantastic achievement Pinkchick, well done! I hope to be where you're at this time next year :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,245 ✭✭✭psycho-hope

    well done pinkchick, hope to be at goal by this time next year if i can manage it have first stone just gone 6 more to go lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    :(Well, I stayed the same last night! But I am now going to forget about it & do my best this week! Good luck to everyone else weighing in this week!

    And to PinkChick! I just wanted to reiterate what Tootsie said above - Thank you for starting this thread & getting it sticky'ed, it's been a huge success!!:D:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 176 ✭✭sfhawke7w

    rejoined ww two weeks ago, first week down 3 1/2lbs last week up 3lbs so hoping to be down something this week, have been good and am really trying to keep within my points, have exercised everyday since sunday and not using them points, as on 22 a day and find it hard to get to that some days.

    weigh in is tonight so fingers crossed.

    Today 14st 11 1/2lbs

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 55 ✭✭sn00ps

    Well done PinkChick .. you are our inspiration ..

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    congrat to PinkChick! a huge achievement you've done yourself proud! wear you're dress with a huge smile & the knowledge that you've done that for yourself! hope to be joining you at goal on 23rd April!!

    thanks 1lbatatime for the good luck i'm hoping i'll get there then it's only 23.5 pounds to goal!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12 rubyrua

    Hi all, I've been reading this thread for couple of mths now an jst decided to finally post. I have been in ww on and off for couple of yrs now an defo think its the healthiest way to lose weight.
    Unfort I dont have great will power so I have never managed to actually succeeed! :( I am not majorly overweight but I do need to lose about a stone to feel comfortable about myself. I am a boredom eater \ evening eater - watchin telly in the evening I am constantly thinking "what can i eat nxt!!" sad i know! :o chocolate is my biggest downfall - i find that i want it all the time!!!
    I am very active (probably my only saving grace as if i wasnt I definitely would be a hell of a lot bigger for the amount i eat!) so its just the eating that is my downfall!!!
    Anyways I am writing this as I am hoping it might give me the necessary push to actually getting my ass in gear and stop talking an actually start 'doing'... I have to be honest though that sometimes i get so fed up of 'points' does anyone else feel like this? unfort the core plan isnt viable for me at the moment as i have to eat at work etc... anyways rant over! heres to a skinny 09
    PinkChick - Congrats on your success - it must be such an incredible feeling! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,590 ✭✭✭Pigwidgeon

    had my weigh in tonight, up 2 pounds, so annoyed, if it had been the other way and i had lost two pounds i would have gotten goal tonight.
    it's my own fault though, i ate terribly this week, and didn't do as much exercise as i should have, didn't count points too well either, i blame it on my mocks being next week.

    It has made me determined to lose at least two pounds this week, went for a walk tonight, and going to the gym and for a swim on Saturday, will try get another walk in if i have time, determined to get my goal by my predebs at the end of the mocks, so 16th of feb. If i really work at it for the next two weeks hopefully i'll get goal by then. Can't wait to actually be able to wear a nice dress that doesn't look hideous on me. :D

    Well done to everyone on their losses this week! Keep up the good work!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭1lbAtaTime

    Sometimes I feel like I'm wishing my life away waiting for Thursday evening so I can get my weigh in done.....wishing my life a weigh!!!
    Not sure how I will get on this week ... have I eaten quite well but have done no exercise at all. Was hoping at the start of the week that I would loose 2 pounds but I think that is a lot to loose any week especially when Ive done no exercise.
    Good news though I discovered is that I'm actually exactly half way to goal.....Id miscalculated the other day so yippee.
    Will check in tomorrow with the weigh in results


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,264 ✭✭✭JBoyle4eva

    As I can't make my meeting tomorrow night, I decided to weigh myself tonight. Lost 3 lbs this week :) I'm starting to feel a bit of a slug starting, kinda wish I could pig out, but I won't. I'm doing good, so keeping it up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,245 ✭✭✭psycho-hope

    hey everyone have my WI tomorrow ...well today i guess now not expectin to loose anything since its TOM so will be happy if i stay the same

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,359 ✭✭✭whiteandlight

    Yahoo go PinkChick!!! Congrats hun, you must be over the moon x

    Sorry guys, been off the radar for a couple of days. Took me a few days to recover from the vomiting bug-really sucked but took a sneak peak at the scales and it seems throwing up everything for a couple of days has paid off lol :eek:

    Thanks for all the comments re clothes size-isn't it hilarious how much they vary?!

    Couple of questions for me about the wii fit, can't remember who from. It really depends on yourself. I am a complete lazy ass who is quite content to come in in the evenings and sit for hours in front of the tv. This works very well for me coz I can get up and do half an hour no problem whereas if I was to go for a walk it'd probably take me half an hour to convince myself to do it LOL!

    I've had it for a month now and its still going strong, love it to bits. You will only get out of it what you put in though as some of the mini games don't require a lot of movement.

    As reagrds the wii fitness coach, no you don't need the balance board for it. Its a standard game for the wii. I like it. Its like a good workout dvd but one you can alter at any stage. Like you can pick your length of workout, music, background, focus (ie cardio, flexibility etc) and my fav feature you can change the difficulty mid workout! I love it though its a lot tougher than the wii fit, its more concentrated though not so much fun

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28 midwife2b?

    i find for my chocolate cravings that options choc drink or cadburys highlites are great, there only 1/2 a point each, i put two sachets together to get a good mug size for only 1point, theres lovely flavours to pick from, i also think the ww tuna mixed with tomamto is yum and only 1 point, i put it on 1 slice of taost and put a wee bit of cheese on top and grill, i tell myself its a slice of pizza! and its only 3points altogether and very filling.. and i steam veg and put hot curry powder over it and parma cheese.. which is like no points gettin hungry now... :)

    -14 lbs and at goal for 6 weeks!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    rubyrua wrote: »
    I have to be honest though that sometimes i get so fed up of 'points' does anyone else feel like this? unfort the core plan isnt viable for me at the moment as i have to eat at work etc...

    hey rubyrua!! welcome & i hope you get as much out of the WW thread as I do! everyone gets sick of counting points at some stage during the journey. have you started back to a class yet as they've merged the points & the core plan together & it's now call the discover plan i'm finding it great as i'm rediscovering all the little tips i'd forgotten about.

    i've found the best thing so far to be the filling foods - keeps those snack attacks at bay!! and the majority of foods that are classed as filling foods are low point options!

    i'm also a huge fan of evening eating my best friends are the WW bars, curly wurlys, treble & velvet crunch! all between 1.5 & 2.5 points so if you do have a blow out it's not too bad!

    hope some of this helps & if i can be of anymore help just ask!

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