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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Serafijn

    I do mine online (UK version, use my parents' address!) and I have to say it makes it so easy. All you need to do is type in your food and it tells you the points. If it's not listed you can enter the calories and sat fat and it works it out for you. You can add the things you eat most often as favourites, and the recipe database is searchable from the tracker. If you use the internet a lot it's perfect ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,900 ✭✭✭Quality

    down 2.5 this week. Delighted with myself!! Got my first silver seven last night.

    Need to make a concious effort to fit in more exercise this week. No point in losing the weight and not toning up!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    I agree with ladiee24 - keep low points snacks to hand! I bought a six-pack of Velvet crunch in Supervalu yesterday for half price (€1.25 I think), and they are only 1 point a pack - great value in every sense!:)

    Also, when I come home from shopping I get out my points caluclator & write the point value of everything on the products! It's a bit of a pain, but actually I don't mind doing it. Then when I look in the fridge I know a LF yoghurt is only 1 point - but a kitkat is 5! (for the hubby, not me!;)) I know it's not quite the same - but it makes it easier to make the choice when you feel like something sweet.

    Welcome to all the new people by the way!!:)

    Congratulations Quality!! Well Done! I hear you about the toning - after two children they really do wreck your body!

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    Serafijn wrote: »
    I do mine online (UK version, use my parents' address!) and I have to say it makes it so easy. All you need to do is type in your food and it tells you the points. If it's not listed you can enter the calories and sat fat and it works it out for you. You can add the things you eat most often as favourites, and the recipe database is searchable from the tracker. If you use the internet a lot it's perfect ;)

    I wish the Irish website was as good as the UK one!! It's the only thing I find lacking for us WWer here in Ireland.

    Just thinking guys is this something we could maybe get together over & approach WW Ireland about?????

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,503 ✭✭✭✭jellie

    best thing for snacks if you have a sweet tooth has to be sugar free jelly - 0 points :D (ive eaten it like every night this week lol)

    weigh in later, hopefully be down, been good this week!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28 midwife2b?

    i like sugar free jelly too but find it a bit boring on its own so i mix it with a ww toffee or vanilla yogurt, its yum and only 1/2 point for the lot.. goodluck tonight!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,503 ✭✭✭✭jellie

    yay down 3lbs :D thats the best loss ive had since i started :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭1lbAtaTime

    Oh no up 1.5 pounds.....weird since I thought I'd been really good and was expecting at least 1.5 down!! mmmmmm....
    Not to worry not demotivated by it so at least that's something.
    Have already lost a good bit so seems to be getting harder. Need to maybe make some changes to get it kick started again....and definitely exercise more, that kinda stopped with the cold winter days.

    Well done Sar 84. 3 pounds in a week is fantastic :D Good on ya

  • Registered Users Posts: 89 ✭✭Tootsie

    You know sometimes I cant figure out how the body works at all,this week I really thought I would stay the same,but I was down 2lbs,for last weeks WI I had worked very hard but only lost 1lb....I had PMT so that was the reason...dont know know today at work,someone remarked I'd lost weight,and how was my diet going?????
    I said I'm not on a diet,and they said,I was.......if anyone asks I tell them that I attend WW,and I changed my attutide to food & exercise,virtually stopped eating bread & cheese[mmmmmmmmmm] :D
    We all have different type of diets,a good diet & an unhealty diet[been there],mine is just a little healthier than other peoples ATM plus I do plenty of walking...I am proud of what I have personally achieved,I just hope it stays off......;)
    Good night ladies & gents[ if there are any !] have a good weekend........... T :D:D
    ps:sorry for the ramble...

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    looks like some of us are in the same boat this week was up 1.5lbs last night but i was half expecting it! so onwards & upwards we'll get there next week!

    off to london tomorrow for a couple of days can't wait so will have to be on my best behaviour!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,359 ✭✭✭whiteandlight

    I maintained last week so I feel everyones pain! However, I have just lost 3lbs this week! OMG I'm only 8.5lbs from goal and a heatlhy BMI of 25.....
    Its also TOTM so hopefully I'll get under the 12stone mark next week. Apart from the Vomiting bug I was really good this week, pointed every morsel that passed my lips. Just shows it works. Yipee :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 442 ✭✭Papillon87

    Tuesday and Wednesday of this week were an absolute disaster! I have to laugh looking back, but at the time it was NOT funny! I was like a woman possessed, drawn to anything and everything. There was popcorn, Pick'n'Mix (which I never eat, I think the last time I had them was about 4 years ago) and well, those were the only "bad" bad things, but, and this was interesting, my stomach was in absolute bits after them. I was so, so ill! Do you think your body gets used to the better food and reacts to the bad stuff?! It was very odd anyway and has put me right off sweets again!

    Stepped tentatively on the scales yesterday (genuinely feared I had regained a large percentage of the 7lbs), but by some miracle seem to have stayed the same. Phew. Inspiration and motivation came yesterday in the form of invitations to two big events/parties in mid and late March. I now see these events as my target dates for having shifted another stone (i.e. 1 and a half stone total by mid March). Really tempted to buy beautiful dress I saw last night now....but I never know what to do size wise at the moment. I am kind of between a ten and an eight at the moment (I know that sounds small but even at 2.5 stone overweight I've only ever been a ten solely due to my height.....still looked awfully roly poly in them). I don't aim at getting into too small a dress size as I know I won't go down too many, I doubt a six would ever get near my boobs! Tempted to buy the eight. Hmmmm.

    /sorry for rant!

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭PinkChick

    Hi guys, sorry haven't had a chance to post in a while. Thanks a million for all the messages. They really mean a lot to me. I definitely agree that your body gets used to eating better. I just could not physically stomach the pig outs I did before. This week has been odd. I am allowed to have six points extra but I am not sure I have been really. Have been slacking on the tracking :) I almost feel that I am able to monitor it in my head at this stage and I do find that I am making the better choices. But I think I am being a bit more slack in letting myself waver here and there. I suppose this is what it's going to be like from now on! I have to stay within five pounds of my goal for the next four weeks then I get gold membership. I would love that. I think I could afford to lose a couple or gain a couple without too much effect but hopefully I can stay around the same. That's my aim now. I am going to concentrate on toning up from now on and exercising more so I am looking forward to that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 corcors

    Hey Everyone, 1st off well done PinkChick

    I had my WI yesterday after what I thought had been a seriously dodgy week (there was an Eddie Rockets involved!) Somehow I lot 3lbs :DI couldn’t believe it, literally thought it was a mistake but it’s not! I made myself do a lot of exercise so think that may have been my saving grace. So I’m 7lbs down, delighted with that and I can feel a difference around my tummy already. Having said that yesterday after the WI I pigged out so really have to make sure I don’t become complacent

  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    Just checkin in guys...WELL DONE PINK CHICK!! SO proud its brill for u hopefully we will all follow in your foot steps real soon!!!

    Was dwn two pound this week so only 2.5lb till third stone...would love to get it next week but not banking on it as iv nite ou an things on tonight!!!

    Keepin me fingers crossed tho!!!..:D:D Have a great weekend guys!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭1lbAtaTime

    UH OH Spagetti-os!!!
    I was up 1.5 on Thursday and couldnt believe it and I am now officially falling off the wagon!!! out tonight but have to get back on track big time tomorrow so I can reverse the damage and hopefully stay the same this week!!!
    Well done to every one this week,,,,,hopefully I will get better news on thurs week!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 89 ✭✭Tootsie

    Up/down,I crashed this weekend!! My OH will loose his job in the next few weeks/months,we dont know,they[his industry] support the car industry. It is on it's Knee's. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,he is on nights this weekend......I will be 39 on Wednesday....
    Ps:it's very quiet around here ar weekend's !!!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 89 ✭✭Tootsie

    I have 1.5lbs to loose before I get the Gold Card... I won't do it this week though.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    i fell off de wagon guys....crashed and burned officially..went ou for few las nite an it ended up drinkin till de early hours leavin me DYING today:(:(

    So iv basically eaten everything and anything i can put my hands on today :D:D..

    HELP is seriously needed!!!:(:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,503 ✭✭✭✭jellie

    been feeling v down this evening & ended up eating chocolate *sigh* my points have just gone out the window.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 277 ✭✭DubLegs

    Hey All!

    Firstly to all who lost weight this week! Congrats!

    I was up 1lb on Friday and i don't know why! i was an angel all week pointed everything walked a couple of nights and was seriously hoping to be down! Nope was up instead!!!! :eek:
    I asked the leader and got the usual questions - excess water (nope!) time of month (nope not close!) did you just eat breakfast (nope hours ago) then she just said well stick at it for next week!
    Talk about frustrated!
    so Being 1lb up set the path for major distruction - Burger King lunch, bottle of wine and take away friday night - Sat, sauages rashers heaps of bread then a huge Dominos on sat night (had to get side orders too, makes falling off the wagon look good).
    Yesterday wasn't so bad but i didn't point!

    So this brings me to this morning - all guilt ridden and shameful of falling off the wagon! Is it worth being good for the next few days til friday? Will it make a difference?

    Sorry for the rant i'm just majorly disheartened and peed off!

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭PinkChick

    Hi DubLegs. I have found that sometimes I don't see the results of a good week (or bad week) until the following weeks weigh in. I have seen this pattern a few times. Sometimes I have an awful week and the good week before saves me. But it can work the other way too! I wouldn't be too disheartened. Once you are doing all you say you are, you will see the results eventually. Write off the weekend, it's over now. Just start again and try stick with. You will see good results in the end!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,264 ✭✭✭JBoyle4eva

    Ugh, with the snow and everything this morning, walked to college. Lecture was cancelled, so we went to the oub and I ended up getting a small fry-up: 1 egg, 1 rasher, 1 baclk pudding and 2 sausages:o Hoping that hasn't set me back too far, but I was so in the mood for comfort food.....but I geave my toast to my friend, so at least I saved 2 points:p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 277 ✭✭DubLegs

    Thanks pink chick!
    I gonna jump back on the wagon today and hopefully come friday the bad weekend won't be too harsh on me!

    Although wat i wouldn't give today for some nice comfort food!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,503 ✭✭✭✭jellie

    how bad would an insomnia hot choc with skinny milk & no marshmallows have been..? :( i was soooo cold this morning, i NEEDED it! im giving it 4, bearing in mind a starbucks hot choc WITH cream and full milk is 5.5.. has still ruined my whole days points! why did i forget to make sugar free jelly last night, why..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭1lbAtaTime

    DubLegs its like you've written the story of my weekend!!
    Up 1.5 on Thursday despite having what I thought was a good week, was asked same questions at the scales!!, walked out and was already off the straight after, wine and nibbles on fri night, burger king on sat followed by a lot of alcohol, sausages for breakie and curry for dinner!!!
    Oh when I fall off I do it in style.
    Have until Thursday to pull it back so was very good today but know it will be bad news but hoping pinkchick is right and my good week last week catches up and it isnt too disastrous :)
    Good luck everyone with your weigh ins this week

  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    Hi all!! Well I've been avoiding here for a few days - I am a little ashamed of my excesses over the weekend :o:o
    Was out for dinner Fri night & had planned what I was going to eat before hand - so wasn't too bad (apart from the wine!) - had a lot of fish & no dessert.
    Was also out for dinner Sat night & that was planned too (kinda!) - made healthy-ish choices for starter & dinner - and then (what possessed me!:eek:) had a cheese board for dessert :eek::o And of course plenty of wine & vodka!
    Well, you'd have thought that would be enough for one weekend - but Oh No! Went out for dinner on Sunday afternoon too!:o More starters & mains - although no dessert & no wine!

    Well, today is weigh-in & all will be revealed!! Although I did try to compensate during the days at the weekend - I just can't believe I ate out 3 times! That's just ridiculous!:o

    There are no plans for this weekend - so it'll be zero point soup all the way!:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,151 ✭✭✭holdfast

    anyone using the discovery plan you see on the telly ? . Have to say the irsih weight watchers website is brutal compared to the uk one. I would like to be able to do weigth watchers online but does not seem possible with irish one

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Serafijn

    I use the UK one online, you just need to put in a UK address when you sign up. My parents are in the UK so I just use theirs. I love it, it's so handy and I use their recipe database all the time :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,245 ✭✭✭psycho-hope

    Hi folks another one whose fallen off the wagon reporting in. came home from WI on thurs to find house had been ransackned, then was away for the weekend so just doin damage limitation now

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