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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 525 ✭✭✭ya-what-now?

    To everyone that's having a bit of a tough time - don't get down. Just take a little time to consider the greater view.

    When I started WW in Feb 2008, I had 7 stone 12.5lbs to loose (weighed 17stone 12.5lbs at 5ft 5.5) - to be bang in the middle of my "healthy weight range". After being overweight all my life and avoiding the scales like the plague, that was quite daunting to hear. It seemed like an ENORMOUS amount of weight to lose, and tbh I couldn't even imagine how I'd do it. But I just started following the WW plan and joined a gym and bit by bit, the weight started coming off.

    By last January, I'd lost 6 stone. I was delighted, sure there had been weeks when I'd had gains and weeks when I had losses but I managed to keep the weight going in the right direction - downwards!

    Then I hit a wall. A lot of things added to this, started seeing someone, so the evenings I had previously dedicated to the gym after work - now started being sacrificed so I could spend time with the bf. Also, it seemed like there were too many things i "HAD" to go to - dinners out, birthdays - all of which meant what I ate and drank, wasn't controlled by me. And things just started to slip a little. Basically, long story short I missed 6 weeks of classes. When I came back I had put on 9.5lbs and weighed 12st 8lbs.

    My god, was that the biggest kick up the a**e that I ever got. I had worked SO hard over the previous two years, the last thing I wanted to do was EVER go back to how I was before ww - never being able to find clothes - literally being able to shop in about 4 shops - Evans, M&S, New Look and H&M (the fatty section as I used to call them). I took out a pair of size 22 jeans that I had kept, and a size 20 top and tried them on - they were swimming on me. I decided that was that - I was gonna be super strict and BE HONEST with myself. Tracking was never my strongest point, so I got back on track and wrote down EVERYTHING. At the end of the day I am doing this for myself, so it's only myself I'm letting down by making excuses like "ah it's a treat, I'm out to eat, sure I'll have what I want".

    So got back on track, and now am half a pound off the 6stone that I previously got, 13pounds (I think) off my official goal, and just under 2 stone off my personal goal and I am going to get there AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. I started back using my food diary and making sure I make time for the gym AND the bf ;)

    Hope my story might be of a little help - just to let anyone know that's having a tough time, we all go through it, and you just need to find a little bit of motivation to get you going again because ANYONE can do it, the battle with your head is a lot harder than the battle with the scales!! Best of luck :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 89 ✭✭Wednesdays Girl

    Exercise it is.. I've probably been making excuses for not exercising for way too long work/insert-other-weak-excuse-here. I was going to wait until tomorrow to get weighed but I might do it today, get it over with and start afresh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    Ya what now

    love your post! I am the person who didn't go back six weeks later and ended up putting everything on and more ....three times! This time round, because of Reading boards , I realise that, gaining one week means I just need to work harder but not give up! I wish I'd been as brave as you in the past to go back when I realised things were slipping. But I'm here now and so is everyone else here and that in itself is positive because we're acknowledging that we need to keep an eye on things.

    Good luck with the last 13lbs!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 525 ✭✭✭ya-what-now?

    Aw thank's Dollie!

    I was so in denial when I wasn't going to meetings I wouldn't even come onto these boards coz I didn't want to be reminded of how off track I'd gone!!

    But thanks for your lovely post, I just think that everyone here has gone through tough patches and sometimes it's just something somebody says that can give you a different perspective and a reason to get back on track!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 304 ✭✭alpha2010

    okay im prob annoying people by posting on this thread constantly but one thing i keep forgetting to ask is how important is drinking water while on a diet

    like my leader is constantly going on about it but never says why its beneficial and also when she asks the women how did they lose x amount of weight that week, they always say its because of the water

    like for me, im losing enough , average of about 3 pound a week and i dont drink it, i only drink diet coke, its an addiction ha but honestly have any of you guys noticed benefits because your drinking the recommended amount of water everyday and should i really start drinking water ?

    i LOVE the WW flavored water so could i drink that instead of tap water because it sickens me :P ??

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5 Milky Way

    alpha2010 wrote: »
    honestly have any of you guys noticed benefits because your drinking the recommended amount of water everyday and should i really start drinking water ?

    There is no evidence to back up the old adage of drinking 8 glasses of water/day. We absorb water through any food/drink. Drinking caffinated or sweet drinks can however act as appetite stimulants, but drinking water does not actually promote weight loss.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,381 ✭✭✭✭rubadub

    Milky Way wrote: »
    There is no evidence to back up the old adage of drinking 8 glasses of water/day. We absorb water through any food/drink.
    Yes, somebody read a medical study and misinterpreted it many years ago. The medical report/study was about people in hospitals and they recommened those people got XXXml of water per day, BUT this included the water in their food intake, which would be a usual medical way of listing it. The person reading it read it as just water intake excluding food and so overestimate the need.
    Milky Way wrote: »
    but drinking water does not actually promote weight loss.
    There are several theories about it. If you were on a fast all day long and drank cold water then you would burn more calories. If you drink a litre of ice cold water your body must warm this up to room temperature so it takes a lot of energy. Your body expends a lot of energy just keeping warm, this is why people tend to eat more in the winter, I also eat more in winter to keep immune levels up, which sort of goes in hand with having energy to keep warm.

    Another theory is that it will fill your stomach up and so you feel full and are less likely to overeat. I saw a documentary on BBC where they recommended soups, apparently if you just ate veg & water your body can recognise that the water is just water, while if it is all liquidised and made into soup your body is sort of tricked by some mechanism and you recognise all the soup as being more like solid food. So you tend to be satisfied quicker. Many people report feeling fuller eating porridge rather than the same amount of uncooked oats with cold milk.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    Water flushes unneeded stuff out of your system. I definitely notice a difference when I drink more water. my 10% sticker and my third silver seven tonight at weigh in. I was down a pound! :)

    Nearly half way there......:p

  • Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭JOJOC123

    Hi Guys

    Hope everyone is having a good week!
    Im off work for the week and it has been going ok was up 2lbs last week so this week i have been tracking religiously all week so fingers crossed it will show on the scales.

    Went to eddie rockets with bf and had ceasar salad with chicken and the sauce on the side, didnt have any croutons or cheese so proud of myself didnt even have any chips or onion rings!!

    Alpha2010 - I really didnt like water same as yourself but then I start having sugar free miwadi with sparkling water and its lovely, I find now if I dont have water im very thirsty, also i find my skin is a lot clearer when im drinking the water compared to when im not drinking it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 605 ✭✭✭foundry

    dolliemix wrote: »
    Water flushes unneeded stuff out of your system. I definitely notice a difference when I drink more water. my 10% sticker and my third silver seven tonight at weigh in. I was down a pound! :)

    Nearly half way there......:p

    Well done Dollie!! I got my 10% few weeks ago and I'm almost half way there too!
    How long have u been at it? I started in Jan so 5 months, come Christmas (which will fly) we won't be recognised!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,810 ✭✭✭ergonomics

    dolliemix wrote: » my 10% sticker and my third silver seven tonight at weigh in. I was down a pound! :)

    Nearly half way there......:p

    Well done! That's great! I just calculated on the WW site and I should have gotten by 10% sticker 5 POUNDS ago. My old leader was the pits. Will be asking for that in my meeting tomorrow. Now, even if I'm up, I can pretend I got something nice :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    foundry wrote: »
    Well done Dollie!! I got my 10% few weeks ago and I'm almost half way there too!
    How long have u been at it? I started in Jan so 5 months, come Christmas (which will fly) we won't be recognised!

    Thats a really good thought actually. I've been so caught up in all my small goals to make things manageable that I'd forgotten about the long term result! Next Christmas we'll be able to wear what what we want and feel wonderful! :) I can't wait :D

    I started on the 3rd March. So I'm on my 12th week now. Just finished the graph in my weight watchers book today. I've lost 21 now and I want to lose 50. Well done on your progress!
    ergonomics wrote: »
    Well done! That's great! I just calculated on the WW site and I should have gotten by 10% sticker 5 POUNDS ago. My old leader was the pits. Will be asking for that in my meeting tomorrow. Now, even if I'm up, I can pretend I got something nice :D

    OMG demand that sticker tomorrow. When I got my stone the leader didn't give me a stone. I felt robbed! You get a book as well when you get 10% which is really motivating, telling you how great you are etc so make sure you ask for that too!!!

    Good luck tomorrow :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 79 ✭✭fatewatchers

    Hi everyone,

    Didn't go to WI tonight, have been sick all week and have a lot of "drama" going on in the real world. Am uberstressed out so decided a WI where I'm probably going to be up (last weekend was a hen night Thursday, a wedding all day Friday, and a wedding all day Saturday, oh and TOTM is due more or less now! Bloat central) is the last thing I need. I have the usual, pre-menstrual insatiable appetite and I've been eating like a lunatic all week. Starting tomorrow I am doing a fast start week just to give myself a kickstart.

    Hope ye all have a good week!

    Just realised I posted this two weeks ago. I went to WI last week, was up 1.5lbs but expected it, according to my scales at home I'd actually gained 3lbs the week before so in reality I'd lost 1.5lb IYKWIM. What it all means is that I am 2lbs off 4 stone lost..... fingers and toes crossed I get that tomorrow!!! Am back on track and the "real life drama" has subsided somewhat so way more focused than I have been for the past three weeks or so. Am so hoping to get that 2lb off tomorrow night at WI.... think I deserve it, I've exercised every day and pointed every morsel that passed my lips.

    Oh well, we shall see! Well done to those who've had a loss this week!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 525 ✭✭✭ya-what-now?

    Best of luck Fate, if you've exercised and tracked like that I'm sure it'll show up on the scales!!

    Nice work on the loss dollie, it's such a nice thought to think that within this year we could all be wearing anything we want! I get genuinely excited when I think about this - sad I know! ha ha!

  • Registered Users Posts: 605 ✭✭✭foundry

    Hi I'm just looking for some opinions

    I currently have a points allowance of 21. I'm thinking of reducing this to 19 so I can save 2 points a day for the weekend as I always seem to mess up. And then feel guilty then binge. (Circle of death!)
    Is it OK to do this?
    I don't mean some weeks, I mean most weeks!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 525 ✭✭✭ya-what-now?

    Yeah it's totally fine to save up points for a meal out / night out / wkend etc! Just make sure you don't save more than 4pts per day and you'll be fine!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 89 ✭✭Wednesdays Girl

    ergonomics wrote: »
    Well done! That's great! I just calculated on the WW site and I should have gotten by 10% sticker 5 POUNDS ago. My old leader was the pits. Will be asking for that in my meeting tomorrow. Now, even if I'm up, I can pretend I got something nice :D

    Same problem with me (probably because of the same leader!). I feel a bit robbed to be honest because after I hit that milestone I went up. I'm not blaming my leader for going up but I felt motivation going after that week and maybe if I'd gotten that it would have been that boost I needed. Went back last night, got weighed and it turns out I'm the same. I also managed to resist the urge to have cake today! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 525 ✭✭✭ya-what-now?

    I feel awful when I hear of people that have rubbish leader! Can honestly say that I wouldn't have done half as good as I have done if it wasn't for my leader. She's really motivational and she always know when I need encouragement and when I need to be told to pull up my socks!! She's also brilliant for recepies!

    She's on here as a user Eimhearwwl I think is her user name but she has her own website with loadsa recepies -

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 89 ✭✭Wednesdays Girl

    I feel awful when I hear of people that have rubbish leader! Can honestly say that I wouldn't have done half as good as I have done if it wasn't for my leader. She's really motivational and she always know when I need encouragement and when I need to be told to pull up my socks!! She's also brilliant for recepies!

    She's on here as a user Eimhearwwl I think is her user name but she has her own website with loadsa recepies -

    Thanks so much. I've had a look at her recipes and they seem really interesting.. I'm definitely going to try one or two of them. It's great the way she has them all pointed too! I'm going to try going to another meeting for a while and see how I find it. Maybe I'll click better with a different leader..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,390 ✭✭✭The Big Red Button

    On the subject of how having the right leader can make such a difference ... can anyone recommend an evening class (anytime from 6:30 on) on Monday-Thursday evenings, in or close to Dublin city centre?

    I'm planning on starting WW again after being away from it the past couple of years, but the leader I had when I went before was pretty rubbish to be honest! I'm determined to do it properly this time, but I really want to find a class with a good leader.

    Thanks! :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 525 ✭✭✭ya-what-now?

    Hey chatter - if you click the link above, that's my leader and she does two meetings on Tuesday evenings in Drumcondra - one at 18.15 (WI goes on til but 18.45) and one a 19.15 - don't know if that's too far out of town for u?!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,390 ✭✭✭The Big Red Button

    Hey chatter - if you click the link above, that's my leader and she does two meetings on Tuesday evenings in Drumcondra - one at 18.15 (WI goes on til but 18.45) and one a 19.15 - don't know if that's too far out of town for u?!

    That actually sounds perfect, I live only a few minutes down the road from Drumcondra! :) Can't wait to get started back at it again ... dreading the first weigh-in though :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭JOJOC123

    Hi Guys

    Went to my WI this afternoon - I was up 2lbs last week so this week decided to throw myself into it and it paid off - I was down 4lbs:eek::eek::eek:
    Could not believe it im so thrilled - best of luck everyone who still has to weigh in and congrats to all the losers!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 79 ✭✭fatewatchers

    Just in from WI, where I lost 4.5 lbs, hurrah! Got past the 4 stone mark at last, have lost 4st 2.5lbs (58.5lbs) so far since January.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Thumpette

    Well done JoJo and Fatewatchers! Fantastic result. i was down 3 pound this week- over the moon with that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    Great results this weeks JoJo FAtewatchers and Thumpette. :)

    Fatewatchers - 4 stone since January! Super achievement!

    Congrats Everyone

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 73 ✭✭StandardAngel

    Another pound and a half gone :) only half a pound left and i will have lost my first stone :):)
    Hoping to have lost it by my next weigh in on thursday, and then im off to turkey two days later so will probably put the stone back on over there for the week!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 304 ✭✭alpha2010

    down 3 today was delighted and shocked because i wasn't exercising this week because of my inury i was sooo happy, i went to cinema and then eddie rockets :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 526 ✭✭✭ali85

    I had been back at WW since February...was doing well but the person I was going with started to be really negative so I cut my nose off to spite my face and stopped going.... I was so annoyed with myself. I started back last week with my sister in law and I was delighted to see that after 7 weeks I had only put up 1lb... worked really hard this week and had my weigh in last night... down 5lbs!!!!! I am only 1.5lbs off my stone and 12lbs off my goal... :D

    Just wanted to say to anyone getting disheartened, just keep your chin up and keep at it... You are all doing so well and I must say this place has been a godsend! Spend most of the time reading here and thinking to myself... THANK GOD IT'S NOT ONLY ME THAT THINKS THAT!!! :D

    Thanks folks!!! :P

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46 time_for_action

    oh my god such fantastic weight losses this week guys.. well done. I truly think this board gives people such encouragement & motivation. I very nearly didnt go to class yest as i was ill (TOTM) and figured it wouldnt be worth my while going due to the dreaded water retention, blloating and stuff but thanks to some fantastic people on my food diary thread and previous advice read on this thread i decided to go and to my surprise i was down 1lb. thrilled ! it gave me such a boost. well done everyone & Thank you.

    week 1 : -4lb
    Week 2 : - 2.5lb
    Week 3 : -1/2lb (got my 1st silver 7 - hopefully the 1st of many)
    Week 4 : -1/2lb
    Week 5 : -1.5lb
    Week 6 : -1lb

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