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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    Looks like i really wasn de only one that fell off de wagon...been tryin to compensate the weekend yday and today...WI is tamo nite so fingers crosses...

    Hope al your WIs go ok guys...:D:D Will see the results by the end of the week anyways :D:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11 Bubbles08

    im another one that has fallen off the wagon!! Completely!! Had a miscarriage in Nov and just couldnt get back in to it since. Went back last week wit great intentions of sticking t it but fell off the wagon badly. Weigh in 2moro nite. Need to be down or ill just end up quitting like i done before. Any good tips on a quick fix!?

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    hey guys,

    wow bad weeks all around! i was very good in london but we got snowed in so it was only crappy airport food if i wanted to eat :(

    don't know how i'll get on this week not worrying to much i've got the motivation to make it this is just a little bump in the road & a reminder why i'm doing this it's for me & no one else so i've no reason to feel guilty times like these will happen. i think we all need to be a little easier on ourselves here!!!

    best of luck to everyone with their WI - we'll still get there just a week or so slower!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 39 MIDWIFEnTRAININ

    Been in WW since Nov lost 1 stone n 11lbs so far. WI was 2nit lost 2lbs so happy :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: wasn d best week n I didn exercise so good result I think !!!! keep it up hopefully. My sis lost nearly 3 stone :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: so proud of her she keeps us al goin x x x

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 39 MIDWIFEnTRAININ

    Lost 25lbs so far only 77 to go :rolleyes::rolleyes:


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  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    MIDWIFEnTRAINING - Congratulations on your weight loss so far!! You are doing great & I'm sure you'll reach your goal!

    Bubbles08 - sorry to hear about your bad news in November, it's good you took some time before getting back to WW. Take your time with it & don't give up! You will get back on track!

    This week, despite a terrible (but very enjoyable!) weekend, I was miraculously down 0.5lb!:) Am delighted, and plan to be extra good this week so that my weekend excesses don't catch up with me!

    Good Luck everyone with WI this week!:D:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,590 ✭✭✭Pigwidgeon

    had my WI tonight, down 3lbs. i'm delighted.
    went walking a good few times this week, in the rain wind and snow, the way i look at it, the sooner i get to maintance the sooner i don't have to pay. tracked strictly all week and didn't use any exercise points.
    only 1lb to go to my goal, so hopefully next week.

    hope everyone does ok this week!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11 Bubbles08

    thanks LorDar, was great i was actually down 1.5lb, usually with exercise and strict tracking im only down 1lb. This week 1,5 and all the crap i ate! Well at least its motivated me to do even better next week and see what i loose! Need to loose 3 stone but a stone and a half before my hols in June. Fingers crossed i can do it!

    Best of luck to everyone! xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    Welcome Midwife n trainin...I tink i no u from sumwher :D:D:D

    Well guys dwn 2lb this week was chuffed...only 0.5lb to my three im so determined to get it this week...(my original target date for de third stone).... Fingers crossed!!

    Wel done Lordar and Bubbles we managed to lose even with mad weekends... Keep up de good work!!! xx

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,359 ✭✭✭whiteandlight

    Hi guys,

    So I'm now 8 pounds from healthy BMI. I've been on WW for 5 months now and lost 35lbs. However I'm thinking of quitting/maintenence for a few weeks.

    I'm back in college, the assignments are mounting up, stress levels rising and my OH is trying to write his PHD thesis. On top of this we're both having serious money worries. He's already got a large loan and I'm looking at having to get one before the end of the acaedemic year too.

    I just feel my head isn't in the right place. I feel off the wagon in style last weekend and I've spent all week obsessing about trying to claw it back then promptly falling off again each evening .

    WW and my points have the potential to ruin/make my day at the moment but lately it has been more ruin than the latter and I just feel that something thats making me quite miserable is not beneficial at the moment. Its contributing to my stress levels and the more stressed I get the more I want to eat.

    I don't plan on going mad. I love my healthy lunches/snacks, I'm a member of the gym (ran on the treadmill for the first time yesterday!), aerobics starts back next week so I should continue getting fitter even if I'm no longer losing weight.

    Any advice? My heads all over the place! Just can't make a decision. Its been so successful for me, I just don't feel I'm in the right mindset at the mo. Thanks for all the support over the last few months and welcome to all the newbies!

    Help?!! TIA x

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  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    MM85 - you poor thing! I could feel your stress while reading your post. I know how counting points can completely take over your life - and you have done sooo well so far, but really if it is stressing you out that much maybe you should take a break.

    My advice (for what it's worth!) - take a break from the points counting, weighing yourself & counting exercise bonus points for a while (maybe a month?)
    Keep what you've already learned at the back of your mind but don't be so focused on the weight issue - you will be surprised at how many healthy choices you will make even unconsciously!
    Pick a date in the future (say 5th April?) and decide not to weigh yourself until then - when you do you may find you will have lost weight!:) But even if you gain I bet it won't be very much!
    Then, after that date, when your head is in a better place - go back to WW & all that it involves. You will be in a better place for starting afresh, and won't feel so stressed out by it all.

    I had a look at your ticker just now - look how far you've come already!! If it's stressing you out it's counter-productive - take a break & see you in a month??

    Good Luck, what ever you decide!:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    Hey Tia!

    Your doing brilliant! and you really have only a few more pound to go til goal.. Why dont you just put WW to a back seat for now if it seems to be gettin you mre and mre stressed and down.

    You have the right idea with the aerobics and the gym so maintaining should not be a problem for you! Your not going to forget any of the good habits you have gotten into you'll just be able to be more relaxed about your situation.

    I no its not much...but hope it helps! xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Serafijn

    Hey MM,

    Sorry to hear you're having a tough time of it, exams/assignments looming plus money worries is never fun.

    You've come a long way already and no doubt you're in far better shape than you were before. Like the above posters I think you can afford to take a break for a while, just try to make healthy decisions. Maybe try the whole 'conscious eating' thing and try to stop as soon as you're full to keep you on track in the meantime.

    LorDar's idea of setting a return date is a good one. Pick a date after you've completed the bulk of your college work so that you know you're free until then, but commit yourself to getting back to it. You can then take a guilt-free break without the risk of packing it in forever.

    Best of luck with the assignments and keep us updated with how you're getting on :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,359 ✭✭✭whiteandlight

    Thanks for all the advice guys, been a rough week. Its funny but since Imade the decision this is the first day I haven't been reaching for anything bad-I'm well under my points!

    I like the idea of the dates too. I'm gonna aim to start back on the 1 March for that month anyways. I have a load of deadlines this month and in April so I figure I might be ok to stay on track that month. Otherwise it'd be May and thats a little too far away for my liking.

    TBH I can't see myself losing all my healthy habits in a month but I'll keep popping on here to chat and keep myself on track. I don't think I'll weigh in everyweek this month, I'm thinking every second week. Think it'd be too often to show any change while not following the plan religiously.

    Thanks for all the advice. I am feeling a lot better this evening and the OH got good news today so things are on the look up :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,503 ✭✭✭✭jellie

    couldnt make it to my weigh in tonight :( stupid weather & snow, managed to miss 2 classes! really annoying cause ive been good all week! hopefully ill be able to stick to being good for the next week..

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,264 ✭✭✭JBoyle4eva

    Had my WI this evening, down 1.5 lbs. Would probably have been more if I behaved properly within the points.

    But I'm only 2 lbs from my 5% goal, so I'm actually gonna be very good this week. I want to try and aim for 4 lbs. That would mean I'm down my 1st stone.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 39 MIDWIFEnTRAININ

    Thanks LorDar n conrats to JBoyle ur doing so well. I just wanna ask every1 wat exercise are you doing? has anyone tried rebounding? Im finding it quite hard to get into exercise :( story of my life. Luv swimming tryin to find a decent pool wit no membership fees . . . let me no wats workin for you?? Gud luck wit 2 anyone else stil to go to WI:rolleyes::rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    hey guys,

    i missed WI last night as well thanks to the weather! but determined to make it next week.

    MusicMental i think everyones suggestions have been great for you i'd say even if you tracked what you eat over the next couple of weeks you'll be grand or start a food diary on here! could be just the ticket! best of luck with whatever works best for you :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,503 ✭✭✭✭jellie

    Thanks LorDar n conrats to JBoyle ur doing so well. I just wanna ask every1 wat exercise are you doing? has anyone tried rebounding? Im finding it quite hard to get into exercise :( story of my life. Luv swimming tryin to find a decent pool wit no membership fees . . . let me no wats workin for you?? Gud luck wit 2 anyone else stil to go to WI:rolleyes::rolleyes:

    I think its important to do exercise that you ENJOY. if you dread doing the exercise you probably wont do it. So if you love swimming do that. i tried a salsa class & loved that. now i do a difference dance class & its fun & a really good work out.

    i hate walking, find it boring, so no matter how much i try i find it hard to push myself to go for a walk.

    I also find if i do the exercise with friends it helps, theyll force you to go to whatever it is :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 277 ✭✭DubLegs

    Hey All!

    Just back from WI and only 1/2 lb down!
    Bit disappointed about it (although i know i was bad last weekend!!!) cos i was hoping for more.

    Having a "day off" today so back on pointing tomorrow, even though i'm begining to loose all hope on this now - nothing seems to be happening.
    I had a problem with cysts there last year which i think is coming back and it says a symptom of it was weigh gain but i think that might be my over active imagination!!

    God i'm loosing my motivation!!!!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,359 ✭✭✭whiteandlight

    Thanks guys, I'm bailing for a few weeks alright. Ladie24 I kept one on here for months! Only reason I don't anymore is coz I signed up online and keep it there instead.

    Gonna be good (well pretty good!) but I'm just not going to stress about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,245 ✭✭✭psycho-hope

    missed my WI last night beacuse of the weather so will someone give me a kick up the behind to get me back in gear for this week gonna try and stick to 18 or 20 points this week to give my self a bit of a boost

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭PinkChick

    Hi guys, I was having a really good week up until yesterday when I heard out of the blue that I was being made redundant. My partener works in the same place and is in the same position. I am in such shock and have fallen off the wagon a lot. I really need to get back on track because I had put on three pound this week. I was a bit lost after getting my goal and didn't know what I was at plus it TOM so I wasn't too worried. But I needed a good week this week to make up for it. My W.I. is on Tuesday so hopefully I can get back on track.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭1lbAtaTime

    Oh dear oh dear,,,,,up 1.5 pounds again this week although it was deserved this week admittedly and was definitely fueled by the 1.5 I was up last week when I really didn't think I deserved it. So hard to maintain motivation for weeks on end but I am determined to get this back on track.

    I had a look over my food and exercise journals which Ive been keeping since I went back last April and it is very clear that my weight has stayed within the same few pounds since October which is not so coincidentally also about the same time that the nights got shorter and colder and I stopped exercising. I've not been too bad with the eating hence staying around the same weight give or take a few pounds so reckon Im still ok on that side of it but the only way to get it going again is to start exercising.

    So that's it but Im gonna try and do something I enjoy like some of you have said and not necesarily the same thing over and over. The plan for the week is to go and play squash tomorrow with my when I say play we dont really even know the rules that well but none the less we'll go and get up a sweat while having a good old gossip and burn a few cals, then Im thinking Sunday would be a great day to get out in the mountains for a bit of a hill walk in the snow and Tuesday a bit of aqua aerobics which I also really enjoy.

    I hope that along with staying within my 21 points will give me a great result this week and maybe even rid those rotten 3 pounds I have let sneak in over the last 2 weeks. :):)

    Good luck everyone this week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,103 ✭✭✭misslt

    I re-joined last week and can't even make it to my first weigh in.

    I'm finding it hard this time, much harder than last time, I'm always hungry. I know it'll take time to get used to it again but I fell into it no problem the last time.

    I guess all I can do is keep at it..

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,900 ✭✭✭Quality

    lost 1.5lb on wednesday thats 9lb in 3 weeks, got a nice long walk in today.

    feeling good this week.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 39 MIDWIFEnTRAININ

    Hey !!doin ok so far, still findin it hard 2 get up n do some exercise need sum motivation. WI wednesday dunno wat 2 expect. But pushing on wit my goal of another stone by my bday April 15th ;);) FINGERS CROSSED. hows every1 else doin??

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Serafijn

    Hey Pinkchick, so sorry to hear that news. I'm in the same boat unfortunately so just trying to not fall too far from the wagon. It wasn't exactly a surprise for me, but it still isn't good to hear :(

    Best of luck with it, hope you can figure things out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    Hey hey juus checkin in guys...I see the boards a bit mixed this week...

    Havin a good week...missed couple sessions in gym tho due to the roads.. and had a wine nite last nite with some treats..

    Gonna stick to my points anyways til weds and get my ass back in the gym tamo..

    Hopefully i can get the half pound off me for my 3rd stone...!!

    Best of luck for the rest of the week k guys!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    PinkChick - so sorry to hear your bad news! You too, Serafijn. I'm in the same boat too - got my notice 3 weeks ago & will be officially unemployed in 5 weeks time:( PinkChick don't worry too much about falling off the wagon right now - you just need some time to get used to your news and then you'll be straight back to it! (I know I had a pizza & a bottle of wine the day I found out!)

    WW-wise things are going OK this week - managed to stay OP for most of the week, had a slight slip up yesterday (wine, again!) I hope everyone has a good weigh-in next week - it was a tough one this week weatherwise!:P

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