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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 79 ✭✭fatewatchers

    Down 0.5lbs this week. Was a bit annoyed and hoping I'd get 1.5lbs off (that would make 75lb total loss) so I am a pound shy of that now. Want to get that certificate! With a little application this week I should get that pound off.

    Next Wednesday marks 6 months of me being on WW and in that time I've lost 5st 4lbs.... would love to be able to say next week that I lost 75lbs in 6 months.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭Edgedinblue

    Wow Fatewatchers! thats amazing!! need to ask, how did you do it?! fair play to you, love reading about people successes! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 264 ✭✭hollyhock

    down 1lb thurs,really goin to try,very good yesterday and 2day!hopefully i`ll keep the mojo this time!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 86 ✭✭chunkykate

    Hi all

    Does anyone know the minimum WW points anyone's allowed in a day? I thought it was 14 but cant find it written down to check. Thanks

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭Edgedinblue

    yeah its 14! checked my ww book!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭woysworld

    yeah its 14! checked my ww book!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 Nia3

    hi i joined WW in jan- i had just strated back college- and had alot of stress as it was my final year. i lasted 2 weeks- felt starving and stressed constantly-- in hindsight there were 2 reasons for this- i often eat to relive stress or boredom or other emotional issues- and 2 ndly i was relying too much on ww snacks instead of eating fruit and veg.

    so on may 21 when i finished my exams i started again on 22 points. i found it much easier as i was mentally prepared for it and had no stressors. i was doing pretty well but then i got a virus so havent excercised in 3 weeks. there were about 3 days i went off track but there were occaisions where it was almost obligatorty to drink.

    i lost 9 lbs in 6 weeks which wasnt fanatistic but i was happy with that. btw- i wasnt giving myself excercise points- wondered if maybe i was eating too little.

    all was fine until this week- i have exams in three weeks and have to start studying so usual stressors are back- i eat to procrastinate studying- i eat becuase thinking about exams makes me anxiuous- i eat to relive boredom when im studing something i dont like- overall i had gone over by 7 points this week- which i was determined to make up for at weekend. then yesterday i went and ate 40 points becuase i had arguement with friend and was feeling anxious about study...

    how do others deal with eating for these emotional reasons-- any tips
    sorry this is long

    btw im 5 ft 3 1/2 and 12 stone 13 lbs when i weighed myself on thursday- ( probable gained a lb from yesterday- fraid to weigh myself now)
    ( im a size 14 -16)

    i know i should accept yesterday as a momentary slip and pull myself back on track--- but when i was overeating yesterday that was whet i was telling myself- its okay to have 1 bad day ect...

    i want to beat my deamons and stay on track for next 5 weeks while i have exam stress--- any advice greatly appreciated

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 304 ✭✭alpha2010

    Nia3 wrote: »
    any advice greatly appreciated

    What worked for me when I was doing exams, was planning my whole day out including food

    so I set out when I was going to study, take a break, have my lunch etc

    It's the only way you can keep your head straight while studying. I know its sooo stressful, I used to just eat crisps and bars while studying thinking I needed more energy.

    If you eat the right food you will be able to concentrate more and you wont feel sluggish. When I used to over eat while studying, all I wanted to do after was just go to bed, and the studying would just go out the window :P

    so every night plan your WHOLE day out, it sounds boring but I was able to lose 12 pound still during my exam period

    good luck with the diet and the exams :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 264 ✭✭hollyhock

    chunkykate wrote: »
    Hi all

    Does anyone know the minimum WW points anyone's allowed in a day? I thought it was 14 but cant find it written down to check. Thanks
    ive checked the book being used at mo and 16 points is the lowest anyone should be on,14 is too low,there is a quizz to do that will suit ur own needs and how many points u should be on exactly in the book.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 30 Spongy Cabbage

    Hey everyone.

    Started WW on wednesday, feeling good about starting this finally. have a lot to loose but not going to worry about that. i just want to change my awful food habits for good and get a lot healthier. started a food diary on here in the nutrition forum, it'll help me keep a bit more track of everything. have read through some posts here, and reading all the stories have really helped motivate me a bit more. :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 31 MzMollz

    Hiya, having some trouble finding ww pedometers. Asked at our meeting but she says she wont have em till jan. Rang ww ireland and they said that any pedometers that are available are already in the meetings. Anyone know if there are any available at their meetings. Im in clare so the closer the better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 146 ✭✭Millieboo

    MzMollz wrote: »
    Hiya, having some trouble finding ww pedometers. Asked at our meeting but she says she wont have em till jan. Rang ww ireland and they said that any pedometers that are available are already in the meetings. Anyone know if there are any available at their meetings. Im in clare so the closer the better.

    Hey, yeah we didn't have any at our meetings but I kept asking and my leader ordered some in after a couple of weeks (they disappeared v quickly), she did mention that there is major delay getting them in from UK and they sell out very fast - sorry I know that doesn't exactly help!

  • Registered Users Posts: 146 ✭✭Millieboo

    hollyhock wrote: »
    ive checked the book being used at mo and 16 points is the lowest anyone should be on,14 is too low,there is a quizz to do that will suit ur own needs and how many points u should be on exactly in the book.

    Hiya, as far as I am aware, based on books and leader - 4 is max you can save a day but you must eat 16 points a if you were only on 18 points, you would only be able to save max 2 points a day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,484 ✭✭✭Quackles

    MzMollz wrote: »
    Hiya, having some trouble finding ww pedometers. Asked at our meeting but she says she wont have em till jan. Rang ww ireland and they said that any pedometers that are available are already in the meetings. Anyone know if there are any available at their meetings. Im in clare so the closer the better.

    I can't help you there, but our leader doesn't think much of the WW pedometers, she says you're better off buying another one where you're not paying for the brand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,484 ✭✭✭Quackles

    Down a pound and a half - I AM IN THE 10 STONE, WOOOO!!! One more pound and my third stone is gone! 3 more, and I'm at target!

    (Why am I so happy about having a point less to eat every day? :pac:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 126 ✭✭Amre17

    Hi all,

    Long time reader, first time poster here.

    First and foremost, congrats to everyone on the great weight loss results!

    Im posting here in the hope of getting the good kick up the a*se that i need to get back on the wagon..

    I joined ww in late jan and up until mid may i had lost 13pounds..not a load but i had been to ww before and lost a stone and put it on as fast as i lost it so this time i was looking to create a lifestyle rather than just lose the weight fast.. From the middle of may or so on I stopped going to meetings cause they kept clashing with different things. For a couple of weeks I kept going well..however in the last while Ive stopped exercising altogether, sunk back into my awful eating habits and i need to put a stop to it!! im about 11pounds off my goal and i just need to hear the harsh words from someone to get me back on track..

    if anyone could offer a couple of tips to start back into it i would be hugely greatful.. :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,484 ✭✭✭Quackles

    Amre17 wrote: »
    Hi all,

    Long time reader, first time poster here.

    First and foremost, congrats to everyone on the great weight loss results!

    Im posting here in the hope of getting the good kick up the a*se that i need to get back on the wagon..

    I joined ww in late jan and up until mid may i had lost 13pounds..not a load but i had been to ww before and lost a stone and put it on as fast as i lost it so this time i was looking to create a lifestyle rather than just lose the weight fast.. From the middle of may or so on I stopped going to meetings cause they kept clashing with different things. For a couple of weeks I kept going well..however in the last while Ive stopped exercising altogether, sunk back into my awful eating habits and i need to put a stop to it!! im about 11pounds off my goal and i just need to hear the harsh words from someone to get me back on track..

    if anyone could offer a couple of tips to start back into it i would be hugely greatful.. :rolleyes:
    Personally, I need the meetings. They keep me honest and focussed. If you really don't want to go back to a meeting, weigh yourself at the same time every week as if you were. Maybe in front of someone?

    Just think about how great you'll feel when that 11lb is gone! Track religiously, and track your water and exercise, too! Good luck! I feel your pain - I've been mucking about with the same few pounds for a while now and I'm going off the wall :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 518 ✭✭✭littlebitdull

    Me .... I need to attend the meetings. Was at mine yesterday, and a few of us were talking, and we all agreed that we simply can not do this on our own. Even the weeks I have to miss one meeting I have been sidetracked easily.

    So Amre17 the first thing I would say to you is get yourself back to your group!

    I personally am delighted to say that i reached my 10% goal yesterday !! Still a ways to go (tracker is only to next personal goal...) but honestly feel I will make it there. With help - and decided yesterday to simply budget for that tenner a week as an ongoing thing for however long it takes!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 531 ✭✭✭Claregirl

    Hi Everyone!

    I hope ye don't mind me joining in!! I just discovered this forum today and it's brill!! I've read through a good few of the posts and it's so good to see the encouragement, praise and motivation to be gained!!

    I'm into my second week with WW Starting weight 11st 11lbs at 5'3". I havent gotten round to setting goals as such I've just calculated the 5% and 10% to aim for now. In my first week I managed to loose 6lbs so I'm delighted with that and felt the first week was easy. I was one of those people who skipped breakfast etc so I felt that I was actually eating more in my first week of WW.

    This week though I'm STARVING!! Any tips?? Is this normal? I'm on 18 points a day.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 525 ✭✭✭ya-what-now?

    Hi Claregirl - 18pts isn't a lot but it's enough, you just need to start filling up on no / low point food! I'm on 20pts but trying to save a couple during the week to allow for a few drinks at the weekend so I know what it's like.

    I'd say if you're hungry keep some low-points snacks with you so you're not tempted to turn to the nearest bar of chocolate when your tummy's groaning for food! I keep an apple / small banana nearby in case I get hungry in between breakfast and lunch and same for the afternoons. Also I'd advise you to keep drinking the water, becuase often when we think we're starved we can just be dehydrated. So next time you're really hungry, just drink a big glass of water and see how you feel after 10mins and if you do still feel hungry then eat something. Also, try bulking out your main meals with lots of veg and keep the carbs down.

    Hopefully that helps, but if you want to post up an average day's food for you it'd be easier to see where there might be things you could change so ya don't go hungry. ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭ziggy23

    Hi guys

    I started back in WW last week. Have done it numerous times before and ended up losing interest after a few weeks but I'm determined this time to do it. I just keeping puttin on weight:eek::eek: I lost 2 pounds on my 1st week wasnt to bad I suppose but I wasnt tracking everything:o This week I have my whole week's diet planned out so hopefully I'll see some good results! Anyway I'm goin to keep posting here to keep the motivation up!
    Oh one other thing does anybody know are the points for American WW the same as ours?
    Well done everyone on their weight loss and good luck to all the newbies like myself:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 30 Spongy Cabbage

    Hi guys! weighed in today after my proper week back on WW in a long time. Down 4.5pounds delighted with that. Had a giant food blip last night and had a small taco chips and cheese burger :( felt so bad about it. but got over it, didnt want that one thing to turn into a weeks worth of blips! got my head screwed back on again now! brand new day and week tomorrow!

    after reading through some posts here, well done everyone on their losses this week!

  • Registered Users Posts: 281 ✭✭gaoife

    Hi Everybody :D

    Was down 1lb last night! not a lot buit i was very very bold over the weekend so im delighted. Gonn a try be super good for the next 4 weeks as im going away on the 17th Aug and i'd love to be down another 6 lbs that 1.5 per week which is deffo possible.

    Good luck with the week everyone

  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭corasam


    I've been doing WW for 2 weeks, I've lost 2lbs, not a huge amount but when I think about all the things I didn't eat for the last 2 weeks I know I would defo have been up alot more!

    I'm starting to get bored of eating the same foods, veggy pasta, pork stir fry, chicken curry for dinners, and lunches tend to be tuna sandwich, salad and soup.

    This week I started the 0 to 5k training which i think will be the biggest success in loosing the lbs, need more inspiration on the food side to keep to the plan - I like having low point meals as I'm a snacker and need to keep points for yogurt/fruit and the odd small treat.

    any suggestions welcome!

  • Registered Users Posts: 146 ✭✭Millieboo

    Hey corasam, ww has loads of recipes in folder, online, magazine, books etc....but i find that they are rarely very exciting or successful - generally end up being bit bland. I love taking recipes from books and online that are full fat and making them low point by substituting ingredients etc, but it does depend on whether you like cooking and/or have the time!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 106 ✭✭cherryred

    hi everybody!
    i'm back on the weightwatchers after jumping on the scales on Monday......10st6!

    I intially started in november last year at 10st10 and got down to 9st10 over 3 months. And now, well, the bad eating habits have creeped up, matching my BF in eating(seriously who orders a personal pizza from Dominos? I can polish of a large in no time) and my curves attendance is down.

    I hopefully got a holiday in 4 weeks and would love to be 10st by then, do you think its realistic? I lost 10 pounds in the first month of my other diet so hopefully....

    curves 3 times a week and point counting all the way, have to lay of the booze too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,381 ✭✭✭✭rubadub

    cherryred wrote: »
    who orders a personal pizza from Dominos? I can polish of a large in no time)

    From dominos, and this is a medium!
    rubadub wrote: »
    Medium Pepperoni Passion double decadance 8 slices, the entire pizza is 2728kcal 148.8g fat (64g sat fat)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 106 ✭✭cherryred

    i know rubadub, the shame!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18 carminaburana

    I too am a seasoned WW, have been on and off the wagon. At 5 foot 2 ins tall, I weighed in last March at 12 stone and half a pound. Am now 10 and half stone. Goal for me is 8 stone 10 pounds. Delighted to find this thread. Must say, though, the leader we have is brill, and very funny. Always lose the weeks I attend, and stay the same the weeks I don't. Some of you folk doing brilliantly. Ye are an inspiration.:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭JOJOC123

    Hi Guys

    Just back from WI and was down 1lb - wahoo im delighted thats 19lbs in total.

    Headed down to the shops for a look then and I had to get the a small in a pair of leggings was chuffed so bought two pairs!

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