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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    Hey all, sorry for my crazy lady rant yesterday. The workings of a pissed off female on a diet are a bizarre thing indeed. I just reached my breaking point and need to vent my fears and frustrations somewhere ppl would understand them.
    Looking back on what i wrote, i feel like such a moany old bag.

    went to ww this morning. i cried, had my little hissy fit. down half lb. worked my ass off to lose the equivalent of a burger. a glorified bowl movement. not to sound goss or anything but thats how i feel,

    but my new game plan i think is going to shake things up and sort me out
    have my dinner 7pm tuesday night at normal, and have my weight in 8am wednesday mornings so wont be torturing my body by fasting for 18hrs over night and stay on points for the wednesday cos i can have my normal healthy breakfast right after weight in.

    sorry again for crazy rant! this place is about positive support, we dont need negativity here.

    thanks everyone :D

    x x x

  • Registered Users Posts: 281 ✭✭gaoife

    Hi Lady Lainy


    I started exercising around 5 weeks ago and stopped loosing weight. I was never over my points when i totted up for the week and was getting really p""ed off!
    It turns out that i wasn't eating enough, i was saving points to have at the weekend and this meant that my body wasn't getting enough fule for the exercise and was holding onto all the calories it had. My measurements were changing and people were commenting but no change at weigh in.
    This week i ate my points every day without fail, even went over at the weekend but i had my bonus exercise points for that and i lost 2.5lbs.
    This may be totally different from what your experiencing but i just thought i'd sahre just in case this is whats effecting you too. :) good luck

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    you know may just be on to something. it never accured to me.

    Like i've been working out and excercising from week one in ww. cos well im unemployed (going back to college this sept tho so wooo for me) so i had the time to knock out crazy gym sessions...I'm on 27 points, based on my age, height, what i do most of the day ect ect. i dont actually do anything really during the day, kinda sitting around mainly.

    but my gym sessions are only an hour a day, but they are intense and heavy going, like my hair would be so drenched with sweat you'd think im just out of the shower, so even tho i'm technically eating my correct point allowance, i wonder should i be giving my self an extra one or two points cos of the intensity of the gym work outs. 27 points might still be leaving my body hunger for energy it needs to burn the fat so it holds on to the fat i have incase it thinks there isnt enough food and calories anymore.

    cos when i was on a higher point allowance when i started 9 months ago the weight was falling off at a nice steady pace kinda 2 - 2.5lbs a week nearly everyweek without fail.

    Food for thought! Think im going to up my points this week to 29 and keep up my gym sessions and see what happens.

    ooooh whats this i feel. i think its my sanity coming back...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    Fittle wrote: »
    Hi there, Well I've finally done it. I've gone and joined WW as of this Monday! I am truly delighted with myself because I have had no interest in losing weight (or myself :()for such a long time. And the fact that I went down to the class on monday, paid the fee and stayed there, is a huge plus for me!

    I daren't say what weight I am at the moment, because I despaired when I got on the scales. So when the weight starts coming off, then I'll tell all:D My child eats like a king - the best of fruit/veg and meat and is a great eater. I know my 'eating' issues' have been mainly psychological (I'm tackling that too) as Ive been so focussed on ensuring that he eats well, that I've forgotten completely about myself somewhere along the way.....

    Anyhow, my previous diet (for the past few years) went something like this:

    Breakfast none
    11am Coffee (latte) and muffin/Danish
    Lunch Hot chicken wrap with peppers etc/mayonaise, crisps, bottle water
    Dinner None
    anytime after 9pm.....Whatever was in my press, rinsed down with a couple of glasses of wine (4 evenings out of 7)...

    Needless to say, my moods have been crap because I had been getting little or no nutrition from the above (embarrassing) 'diet'

    Yesterday I had (and I'm very proud of myself and wasn't even the teenchiest bit hungry);

    Breakfast Porridge with Skimed milk and a few blueberries/glass oj
    Lunch Tuna salad sandwich on brown bread/1 litre water/apple banana and orange
    Dinner Vegetarian stirfry with 30g brown rice (used spray oil and five spice for seasoning), glass skimmed milk

    And that was it! The stirfry was huge, millions of veg and I was thoroughly satisfied until breakfast this morning.

    My biggest problem is excercise - or lack of. I walk for about 20 minutes in the morning/evening (get the bus) but apart from that, I do very little. I've no interest in gyms etc and have a young child.
    So any tips/encouragement etc for someone who is already feeling better in herself for even trying to do this, would be really, really appreciated ;)

    Just going is a huge step, you should be very proud of your self. Not only will you be slimmer and losing weight, but you'll be HEALTHIER! as they see, cant put a price on our health.

    There will be bad days and you will feel like crap....just take a look at my latest rants and hissy fits, but there will also be amazing days and you'll wanna scream to the world "I did it" Hitting your first silver 7 sticker,
    dropping that first dress size, fitting into those jeans you got on sale that look amazing but never quite fit right, but you always said "some day i'll get into them" your "some day jeans"

    you'll soon be looking at foods your frineds are eating telling them just how nasty and how many grams of nasty saturated fat there about to devour. some day soon now you'll be circling the block many times over and wont even break breath.

    Welcome onboard! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 516 ✭✭✭sophie1234

    i joined weight watchers in april and so far ive lost just over 2stone i been doing great losing weight nearly every week walking and eating great! and feel much better all round happier person but in the last few weeks ive hit a bit of a slump and all i want to do is fall back into the bad eating habits but im trying not to but im NOT going to allow my self!! ......... i no its prob been asked somewere in here before but i wasnt feeling like reading trough all this but if some1 could give me sometips on stayin on track and not falling off the wagin this is about my 6th time doing weight watchers and i want it to be my last i want to stick at this forever!!!!! because i really am noticing a huge life changE and want it to continue!!:D:D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 516 ✭✭✭sophie1234

    corasam wrote: »

    i'm looking for v low fat fromage frias thats used in the Quick start WW receipes, but can't find it, checked my local supermarket supervalu and dunnes but its not in the fridge, was mostly looking beside the creme friache and creams, checked by the yogurts too, lots of petit flous which are frommage frias but nothing low fat. Anyone use it? or have suggestion for an alternative? want to make a pasta sauce other than tomato.

    also, do ye recommend the WW cookbooks?


    Low fat fromage frais all there is a good few usually on the lower shelfs but of 0% i use all these ones i think vitalina have one! also pasta saucas are great cause you can make simple ones with little or no points heres one of my favorites ill list how to make it for you!

    sprahy oil in the bottom of a pan add a chopped onion (doesnt have to be to madly choped ull see why later) put them on a low heat till soft then add a garlic(i find lots of garlic the best) then i add a tin of choped tomoato and some passata then heat that up for 5 /10 mins till all cooked then i add some fresh basil (again i like alot) then with a soup blender i blend it all up to a soup like texture except its much thicker then i add a spoon of extra light philli and stir it in this makes it a nice creamy tomoto sauce and between 4 portions its works out at 0 points cause the amount of extra light phili between 4 is not worth even 0.5 points! but the good this is if theres some left its good for lunch with no pasta but some of the Weight watchers garlic bread!! :-) hope that helps!! ive many more pasta sauces for little or no points cause i love making pasta find it one of the best sauces any one else want reciepies dont be shy to ask!! :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    sophie1234 wrote: »
    i joined weight watchers in april and so far ive lost just over 2stone i been doing great losing weight nearly every week walking and eating great! and feel much better all round happier person but in the last few weeks ive hit a bit of a slump and all i want to do is fall back into the bad eating habits but im trying not to but im NOT going to allow my self!! ......... i no its prob been asked somewere in here before but i wasnt feeling like reading trough all this but if some1 could give me sometips on stayin on track and not falling off the wagin this is about my 6th time doing weight watchers and i want it to be my last i want to stick at this forever!!!!! because i really am noticing a huge life changE and want it to continue!!:D:D

    Hi Sophie I'm in the exact same boat as you. I've done ww about six times. I joined in March and I've lost about 2 stone. I got bored of it in June and i was on holidays in July. I've another stone or more to lose but I've been getting complacent. I have block of cheese and a block of butter in my fridge at the moment, which is a big warning sign that I'm heading back on the slippery slope of weight gain if I don't reign it in now!

    Yesterday I was trying on clothes and I was between sizes. Im between 16 and 14. I was trying on 16 jeans and the salesgirl was telling me that they were too big for me. I thought they were fine. I was just happy that a pair of jeans actually fit me. I haven't worn a pair of jeans for over three years. Normally I'm looking for a size bigger or I abandon the shop. She got me a size 14. I expected them to get as far as my knees but when I put them on they looked great! I'll have to wear baggy tops with them because I hate that muffin look but the sales assistant told me they'd stretch and I probably wont need to.

    It was such an unexpected boost and its made me determined to get down to a size 14 comfortably within the next few months.

    I'm rejoining ww today to keep me on track because otherwise the butter and the ice cream and the cheese and the extra portions and the extra snacks will start creeping in.

    Have you tried the C25k program? I found it great and I'm running three times a week now. I started in Feb. It just get you sweating that little bit more than the walking and it builds up really gradually. Theres a support thread on boards to help you too!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 86 ✭✭chunkykate

    sophie1234 wrote: »
    i joined weight watchers in april and so far ive lost just over 2stone i been doing great losing weight nearly every week walking and eating great! and feel much better all round happier person but in the last few weeks ive hit a bit of a slump and all i want to do is fall back into the bad eating habits but im trying not to but im NOT going to allow my self!! ......... i no its prob been asked somewere in here before but i wasnt feeling like reading trough all this but if some1 could give me sometips on stayin on track and not falling off the wagin this is about my 6th time doing weight watchers and i want it to be my last i want to stick at this forever!!!!! because i really am noticing a huge life changE and want it to continue!!:D:D

    Hi sophie1234

    Well done for sticking with ww so far and losing 2 stone, thats great! The best advice I can think of for getting out of the rut and keeping to the plan is to change something. My favourite mantra from WW is 'Nothing changes unless something changes". WW is great at the start because you've changed your way of eating and maybe got more used to doing exercise and its new and exciting and you lose weight so its motivating. After a while though, that new food and exercise might start to feel a bit boring.

    So I would recommend starting a new exercise that you enjoy and arranging it for 2 or 3 nights a week e.g. swimming lessons, tennis lessons, aerobics, dance classes etc. There's also the Couch to 5K running program.

    Dietwise, maybe you could shake things up a bit, take out a cook book this weekend, pick out a few meals that you like the sound of and that could be WW friendly by maybe changing some ingredients like using low fat cheese or philadelphia instead of cream or whatever. Then make a meal plan for next week and make a shopping list for new ingredients that you need. And do the same for breakfast and lunch e.g. find a new low point bread/wrap, find a new cereal, new fruits, nuts etc

    Hope that helps, now maybe you already have varied meals and excercise plans, let us know if you do and hopefully people can suggest other things!

  • Registered Users Posts: 516 ✭✭✭sophie1234

    dolliemix wrote: »
    Hi Sophie I'm in the exact same boat as you. I've done ww about six times. I joined in March and I've lost about 2 stone. I got bored of it in June and i was on holidays in July. I've another stone or more to lose but I've been getting complacent. I have block of cheese and a block of butter in my fridge at the moment, which is a big warning sign that I'm heading back on the slippery slope of weight gain if I don't reign it in now!

    Yesterday I was trying on clothes and I was between sizes. Im between 16 and 14. I was trying on 16 jeans and the salesgirl was telling me that they were too big for me. I thought they were fine. I was just happy that a pair of jeans actually fit me. I haven't worn a pair of jeans for over three years. Normally I'm looking for a size bigger or I abandon the shop. She got me a size 14. I expected them to get as far as my knees but when I put them on they looked great! I'll have to wear baggy tops with them because I hate that muffin look but the sales assistant told me they'd stretch and I probably wont need to.

    It was such an unexpected boost and its made me determined to get down to a size 14 comfortably within the next few months.

    I'm rejoining ww today to keep me on track because otherwise the butter and the ice cream and the cheese and the extra portions and the extra snacks will start creeping in.

    Have you tried the C25k program? I found it great and I'm running three times a week now. I started in Feb. It just get you sweating that little bit more than the walking and it builds up really gradually. Theres a support thread on boards to help you too!

    wow must of felt great to have that boost from the shop assistant i always try avoid them incase they suggest im tryin to squeez myself into the wrong size lol! i excercise every day nearly walking the dog evedn if its only for ten minutes somedays still try to make sure i get out once a day! i think im just gettin bored of the same old diet food but im trying different things witch is good im just worried about losing interest witch i dont want to do!! i still have fair amount to lose but i no it doesnt happen over night its a lifestyle change i just wish it did:( but its for life now and im going to try everhything to avoid losing interested!

  • Registered Users Posts: 516 ✭✭✭sophie1234

    chunkykate wrote: »
    Hi sophie1234

    Well done for sticking with ww so far and losing 2 stone, thats great! The best advice I can think of for getting out of the rut and keeping to the plan is to change something. My favourite mantra from WW is 'Nothing changes unless something changes". WW is great at the start because you've changed your way of eating and maybe got more used to doing exercise and its new and exciting and you lose weight so its motivating. After a while though, that new food and exercise might start to feel a bit boring.

    So I would recommend starting a new exercise that you enjoy and arranging it for 2 or 3 nights a week e.g. swimming lessons, tennis lessons, aerobics, dance classes etc. There's also the Couch to 5K running program.

    Dietwise, maybe you could shake things up a bit, take out a cook book this weekend, pick out a few meals that you like the sound of and that could be WW friendly by maybe changing some ingredients like using low fat cheese or philadelphia instead of cream or whatever. Then make a meal plan for next week and make a shopping list for new ingredients that you need. And do the same for breakfast and lunch e.g. find a new low point bread/wrap, find a new cereal, new fruits, nuts etc

    Hope that helps, now maybe you already have varied meals and excercise plans, let us know if you do and hopefully people can suggest other things!

    well one thing i defo try and do is always cook new things im fairly good at cooking and can change things that would normally be high points to little or no points by using things such as extra light philli or light sour cream! but reading everyone elses post here is actually great and a really good way of keeping modivated hearing other peoples success and relising ur not alone every one gets stuck in a rut! and this fourm is great like havin a weight watcher class everyday reading people tips ect

    THanks :-)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 86 ✭✭chunkykate

    sophie1234 wrote: »
    well one thing i defo try and do is always cook new things im fairly good at cooking and can change things that would normally be high points to little or no points by using things such as extra light philli or light sour cream! but reading everyone elses post here is actually great and a really good way of keeping modivated hearing other peoples success and relising ur not alone every one gets stuck in a rut! and this fourm is great like havin a weight watcher class everyday reading people tips ect

    THanks :-)

    No prob. Thats good you're already cooking lots of different things and reducing the points in them. I often read the food diaries here to get ideas for what to have for lunch or dinner. Maybe try something new exercise wise as well, pick something that you like so that you'd stick to it and enjoy it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭DsJewel

    Hi, I started back doing ww this week.Like many people I've doen it,then stopped,then started again. I've got about a stone+half to lose then I'll be back to a weight I know I feel confident and comfortable in.Im not going to meetings as I cant afford them every week at the moment,I'm a student+only work weekends.And I know how to do it at this stage after doing it so many times.It's just a matter of sticking to it.
    But already as it's Saturday tomorrow I can feel the "take the weekend off" feeling coming.Like since it'll be Sat that I can have a take away or something "not good" and do points Mon-Fri.I always get this feeling,even though I know the only person I'm fooling is me right?

  • Registered Users Posts: 516 ✭✭✭sophie1234

    DsJewel wrote: »
    Hi, I started back doing ww this week.Like many people I've doen it,then stopped,then started again. I've got about a stone+half to lose then I'll be back to a weight I know I feel confident and comfortable in.Im not going to meetings as I cant afford them every week at the moment,I'm a student+only work weekends.And I know how to do it at this stage after doing it so many times.It's just a matter of sticking to it.
    But already as it's Saturday tomorrow I can feel the "take the weekend off" feeling coming.Like since it'll be Sat that I can have a take away or something "not good" and do points Mon-Fri.I always get this feeling,even though I know the only person I'm fooling is me right?

    try making a home made low fat take away altrnitve to a take away or if u like pizza WW have a great selection on non frozen pizzas and garlic bread now witch i always have if everyone is havin take away pizza and there defo nicer! :-) its very hard to stay on track 5 days a week`and take two days off cause then it will turn into 3 (cause this is a long weekend) then it will turn into four then it will go to just right back to to no diet ! its what seemed to of happen to me in the past !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 304 ✭✭alpha2010

    down 3 this week, was very surprised because I went out for the whole weekend because it was my OH birthday.. but sure I'm not complaining :P

    only 15 more pound to go, it feels like its taking a lifetime to shift the last stone

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 load2lose

    Lot's of interesting posts in this thread with a nice mix between stugggle and success.

    From a personal point I'd like to say hello (waves hand). I will be a regular poster, perhaps nuisance :D for the next while as I attempt to shed my load.

    Finding it very difficult to maintain my motivation so posting here will hopefully give me some helpful information on WW and some advice on the road ahead.

    Will update my status when I make my first trip to WW this week. (yeah you guessed it I've been putting it off for weeks!)

    Does anyone have any information on the mens only class in Bettystown on Weds evening? Any input is greatly received.

    Cheers folks :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 99 ✭✭susita06

    Just found this site too:) Pity I didn't realise it was here all the time! I have been going to weightwatchers for just over a year and a half now and have 5 stone 9lbs gone so far with 10lbs left to goal and finding it so so difficult to keep on losing!! I was wondering does anyone have any tips? Havent been at my meeting since 2 weeks ago and felt i had been v v good yet when i checked last night it seems i am the same!! was really hoping to be at goal or pretty close to it before I go back to college in sept :confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,775 ✭✭✭Fittle

    Hi loadstolose, just wanted to say welcome and best of luck! I only joined ww last monday, so I'm a newbie too.

    I haven't even had my first weigh-in yet and will have to wait until next tues because of the b/h as our class isn't on this monday.

    Anyway, I've had a pretty good week I believe. I ate out twice and was out one night since monday. Needless to say, the points went out the window! But what DID happen is that I was so aware of what I was eating! I almost shocked myself. My three friends (who collectively, are probably my weight !) had burgers & steaks and fries etc. Before last monday, and this is no joke, I wouldn't have thought twice about not having the same, or similar to everyone else. It would never have entered my head. But I had salads (mains) and (soup) for starters etc - while all around me were having chunky fries/steak/chicken wings etc. Then I didn't even have a desert!!!
    So like I said, points went out the window, but I know I definitely did 100% better than I would have done, had I not joined WW.
    Even on the day I was slightly hungover, it wouldn't have cost me a thought to order a curry once I got in from work (having eaten very little all day). But no, I went and had my WW meal from the freezer...and loads of water.
    I'm reading over so many of these posts and so many of you truly are inspirational. Just had porridge for brekkie (which I actually love!), so I'm back on track today. Best of luck to all on this difficult bank holiday weekend!:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11 sally123

    there are 1.5pts in 30g of porridge but remember you need to add in the points if you use milk to make it

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    yeah, porridge is a great filling breakkie to have. High fiber/wholegrain & slow releasing energy from complex carbs, amazing how a lil bowl can keep you going to hours.

    30g = 1.5pt
    150ml Semi-skimmed milk = 1.5pt

    Try going for a 100% wholegrain brand, with no added sugar/flavors/preservative.

    Excellent healthy breakkie to start the day for 3 pts. I use splenda (0pt) as a sweetener if i want a sweet kick.

    Wholegrain first thing in the morning is great for....hmmm keeping things moving....which stops tummy getting bloated. Plus i bet most of us try to avoid we miss out on the fiber from the few slices of brown bread.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,775 ✭✭✭Fittle

    Not sure what posessed me join WW the Monday before a bank holiday! Due for my first weigh-in today (though not sure if there are classes anywhere?) - not looking forward to it..but I'm going and I'll check back in:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 176 ✭✭Muirgheal

    Joined weight watchers a month ago, and am due to weigh in tomorrow/Wednesday. (Have varied between Tues/Wed since joining.)

    My knees ache and I can't climb stairs without risking a heart attack! So my doctor tells me I need to loose over 8 stone. Have been obese for years, but I'm afraid to lose weight.

    I see friends dieting who could fit into the arm of my shirt and i think they're mad. When one of my friends was ill with a gastro-intestinal bug she was happy cause she lost 10 lbs, which I think is insane. I see a family member whose obsession with calorie counting has led to her daughter's diagnosis with anorexia, which I think is unspeakable. So as far as I'm concerned weight loss leads to madness, misery, or both

    I do realise that my weight is making me miserable in other ways. When I am really miserable every time I go shopping and can't find anything that fits!

    I need to really to lose weight as my life quite literally depends on it, but I'm afraid that I'll be taken over by the same bug that rules our culture.

    With my attitude I may be on a loser before I begin.

    So wish me luck...

  • Registered Users Posts: 99 ✭✭susita06

    Muirgheal wrote: »
    Joined weight watchers a month ago, and am due to weigh in tomorrow/Wednesday. (Have varied between Tues/Wed since joining.)

    My knees ache and I can't climb stairs without risking a heart attack! So my doctor tells me I need to loose over 8 stone. Have been obese for years, but I'm afraid to lose weight.

    I see friends dieting who could fit into the arm of my shirt and i think they're mad. When one of my friends was ill with a gastro-intestinal bug she was happy cause she lost 10 lbs, which I think is insane. I see a family member whose obsession with calorie counting has led to her daughter's diagnosis with anorexia, which I think is unspeakable. So as far as I'm concerned weight loss leads to madness, misery, or both

    I do realise that my weight is making me miserable in other ways. When I am really miserable every time I go shopping and can't find anything that fits!

    I need to really to lose weight as my life quite literally depends on it, but I'm afraid that I'll be taken over by the same bug that rules our culture.

    With my attitude I may be on a loser before I begin.

    So wish me luck...

    Good luck tomorrow. Yea some people can get obsessive etc and all the other things you say but for every one person like that there must be another 100 that get the good stuff out of losing weight. That bit of an ego and confidence that you would have never thought possible, the new daily small things like crossing your legs comfortably or the little bone on your wrist that you never really knew you had appearing or even lying in bed finally realising that you have waaaay more room to move around!!! and of course there are the difference in clothes and how you look etc............. it makes you feel amazing and healthy and after a few weeks you will begin to see how different you feel! Dont allow the fears or assumptions that losing weight can be bad or other things ruin your attempts.... give a go !

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,775 ✭✭✭Fittle

    Muirgheal wrote: »
    Joined weight watchers a month ago, and am due to weigh in tomorrow/Wednesday. (Have varied between Tues/Wed since joining.)

    My knees ache and I can't climb stairs without risking a heart attack! So my doctor tells me I need to loose over 8 stone. Have been obese for years, but I'm afraid to lose weight.

    I see friends dieting who could fit into the arm of my shirt and i think they're mad. When one of my friends was ill with a gastro-intestinal bug she was happy cause she lost 10 lbs, which I think is insane. I see a family member whose obsession with calorie counting has led to her daughter's diagnosis with anorexia, which I think is unspeakable. So as far as I'm concerned weight loss leads to madness, misery, or both

    I do realise that my weight is making me miserable in other ways. When I am really miserable every time I go shopping and can't find anything that fits!

    I need to really to lose weight as my life quite literally depends on it, but I'm afraid that I'll be taken over by the same bug that rules our culture.

    With my attitude I may be on a loser before I begin.

    So wish me luck...

    Heya. Just wanted to say I feel your pain (literally!), except with me, it's my back. I also have a pal who's a size 12 and who talks about weight loss I understand that side of it too. I'm only a week in WW, and didn't have the best week I could have - it started well, but gradually faded into obscurity....I'm reading alot of threads of this page, and I hve to say, I'm finding them very inspirational. I'm going back 2mrw, doubt I lost anyting, but I'll still go of luck to you, you're not alone;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 264 ✭✭hollyhock

    up one on thurs,weekend over,should be good now but im on hols for a week!yipee!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 264 ✭✭hollyhock

    fittle,have u much to lose? ww scales says i have 3sts6lbs but if i lost 2sts id be quite happy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 826 ✭✭✭Travel is good

    Fittle wrote: »
    Not sure what posessed me join WW the Monday before a bank holiday! Due for my first weigh-in today (though not sure if there are classes anywhere?) - not looking forward to it..but I'm going and I'll check back in:)
    There are absolutely loads of classes available - see the ones nearest you on

    If your regular class is on Monday, you need to find an alternative, as the classes are usually not held on a bank holiday.

    I myself have written a list of all the classes convenient to me on the way home from work/lunchtime for nearly every day of the week. So I have no excuse for missing a class!

  • Registered Users Posts: 176 ✭✭Muirgheal

    Susita06 & Fittle- thanks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 516 ✭✭✭sophie1234

    weigh in tonight and after the bank holiday im not looking forward to it but it has to be done!! and with my holidays next week i was looking forward to being down but i dont think i feel like i have but i suppose just gotta keep on at it!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 49 who.dunnit

    Hello all!!
    First of all fair play to ye all for losing so much weight! Just came across this page today and have seen people mentioning losing 5 stone!! Incredible!

    I joined WW last sept to lose some weight i'd put on and lost a stone. Stopped it then because all though I was still overweight was pretty happy with myself. Decided to go back again and lose some just for myself and to be healthier. Went back last week and was the same weight i was when i left last year, exactly a stone lighter! lost 2.5 pounds this week and must keep motivated. I'm not sure exactly how much i want to lose but I'm gonna start with a stone!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 516 ✭✭✭sophie1234

    weigh in went fine stayed the same after a bank holiday weekend im happy! back on track for next week but treaking my self to low fat ice cream and maltessers yummy :-)

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