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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    Eh yeah!! I regularly used to think "I'll leave college for the summer and come back looking amazing" or "I'll see friends of mine that I haven't seen in a while and they'll tell me how amazing I look because I will magically have gotten slimmer". Now I just realise that if I don't do it now for the day to day then I won't do it at all.

    I also do a bit of compensating, I have a pretty handbag so it's ok to be overweight. Or I have a big chest, that's all that people focus on anyway so the rest of me doesn't really matter. It's funny how easy it is to ignore the truth!

    Congrats on how well you've done. It must be an unbelievable feeling!! :)

    Oh i hear you there, i could never fit into nice clothes, so instead i'd blow my money on the latest coolest phone, or nice shoes, or spend a fortune on my hair! or....oh yes....the hand bags! I'm the crazy bag lady!

    I think thats why i changed my hair back to its natural colour....i'm kinda seeing wait....the real me aint that bad....i was (still am) just over weight...but now i'm losing weight i'm beginning to show the real ME! :)

    1st day on the new pro points system! loving it! Bananas are 0 pts :D so i'm loving the fact i can whip up nice big breakfast smoothies with slim line milk, for a wopping 3 ProPoints :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 304 ✭✭alpha2010

    can someone send me a good link or something so I can learn about the pro points system


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 297 ✭✭Slaygal

    Hello Ladies and gentlemen,

    I got a phone call from my Sis in London last night telling me about the new programme. It sounds really good :) She thought it was launching here too.
    Good Luck Lainey Lady! Can't wait to hear how you get on. BTW she said Chicken Breast was 6.5 propoints hope this helps you.

    I'm gonna give it my all, I want to lose 6 pounds by C'mas weigh in so I'm giving the discovery programme a fond farewell by hitting the 4th stone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    alpha2010 wrote: »
    can someone send me a good link or something so I can learn about the pro points system


    There is some information on there, tho most the information is kept for the paid section, They are kinda keeping the points calculations a secret at the moment. I'm just using the calculator on the ww site to work out my Pro Points. ww work out the daily point allowance for people I didnt calculate them my self

    I'm on 44 Pro Points a day, Plus 49 weekly treat pro points, I cant save points and use them next day, Use them or lose them. So its 44 pro points a day....and i can spend the other 49 treat pro points at my own discretion. Plus i earn extra pro points from exercise.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    I say the November Weight Watchers Magazine will have more information on the ww pro point system. its think they are keeping point calculations a secret to encourage people to go back to meetings and to sign up online. Like i'm paid member online and i don't know how my 44 points was calculated. Thats the number i was told so i'm going with it.

    I'll be the boards guinea pig lol :P

    right its so freaking cold! i'm going to hit to treadmill for a while to try and warm my self up!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 foodforliving

    1st day on the new pro points system! loving it! Bananas are 0 pts :D so i'm loving the fact i can whip up nice big breakfast smoothies with slim line milk, for a wopping 3 ProPoints :D[/QUOTE]


    One thing that is important for breakfast - and this is essential for weight loss - is to consume some form of protein with your breakfast. Have a smothie is fine but ensure that you have either yogurt, ground nuts or protein powder in there. this will balance your blood sugar levels for the day. also cinnnamon has been linked to helping manage cravings so stick a little (1/3 teaspoon) in there

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    1st day on the new pro points system! loving it! Bananas are 0 pts :D so i'm loving the fact i can whip up nice big breakfast smoothies with slim line milk, for a wopping 3 ProPoints :D


    One thing that is important for breakfast - and this is essential for weight loss - is to consume some form of protein with your breakfast. Have a smothie is fine but ensure that you have either yogurt, ground nuts or protein powder in there. this will balance your blood sugar levels for the day. also cinnnamon has been linked to helping manage cravings so stick a little (1/3 teaspoon) in there[/QUOTE]

    oh i have oatmeal with slimline milk, and a boiled egg every morning for breakie,. :P smoothie is more of a splurge breakfast. if i have time for a long relaxing breakfast. I'll have my oatmeal, boiled egg AND smoohtie :P

    I boil an egg the night before, and eat that cold in the mornings while im waiting for oatmeal to cool down :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 223 ✭✭KayTee

    One lb down today, looking forward to a good week!

  • Registered Users Posts: 176 ✭✭Muirgheal

    susita06- Well done! Have you got the CARD?

    Good Luck Pink Chick- let us know how you're getting on!

    arfheabhas- that's brilliant! A fantastic start.

    Weigh in this morning, loss of 2.5 lbs. Am well happy! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 24 arfheabhas

    Thanks Muirgheal,

    I'm happy with the start, now just to keep it up. Well done today it seems like everyone is everyone is very positive this week.

    Well done KayTee.

    PinkChick hope the first meeting went well!

    Lady Lainy, good luck on the Propoints let us know the good and the bad.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 264 ✭✭hollyhock

    hello,not doin good!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭PinkChick

    Does anyone know how many points are in a sachet of sugar? just one sachet.

    I went back last night.My weight was what I though, I have 10 lbs to lose for my first goal. Weird being back doing it again but good too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 758 ✭✭✭bubbaloo

    I'm delighted to say my weigh in went well - down 3.5 lbs! :)
    I was shocked as I wasn't always on my best beahviour during the week but it shows why WW works for me - you can have a little bit of what you fancy!!
    Tip for the week was : De-stress and enjoy what you can. It's at times of stress we are brought over the edge and start to pig-out!
    I know that's true for me anyway!!
    Good luck to all.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 297 ✭✭Slaygal

    Well Done Bubbaloo :) That's a great loss. Hollyhock we all have bad days and weeks. You can do it ! Don't let one day or week undone all your good work. I know how frustrating it can be. A wise person once said 'Nothing Worthwhile is ever easy '

  • Registered Users Posts: 176 ✭✭Muirgheal

    KayTee wrote: »
    One lb down today, looking forward to a good week!

    Missed this KayTee- good on ya!

    And bubbaloo- good girl!
    hollyhock wrote: »
    hello,not doin good!!!

    God Hollyhock I feel the fustration in those three words.

    I found a quote in the ww supplement a few months ago that is carved on the back of my eyelids for moments like this- "Success is getting up just one more time than you fall down."

    I have days when all I repeat to myself is that it takes just one time
    - and four days out of five it's working for me.

    Stay tough!

  • Registered Users Posts: 176 ✭✭Muirgheal

    KayTee wrote: »
    One lb down today, looking forward to a good week!

    Missed this KayTee- good on ya!

    And bubbaloo- good girl!
    hollyhock wrote: »
    hello,not doin good!!!

    God Hollyhock I feel the fustration in those three words.

    I found a quote in the ww supplement a few months ago that is carved on the back of my eyelids for moments like this- "Success is getting up just one more time than you fall down."

    I have days when all I repeat to myself is that it takes just one time
    - and four days out of five it's working for me.

    Stay tough!

  • Registered Users Posts: 24 arfheabhas

    Well done bubbaloo!

    Hollyhock, I always found that when I had a bad day or week it was best just to let it go and not beat myself up over it. You are rewarding yourself by eating well not punishing yourself by depriving yourself. Today i'm going to have a yummy chicken stir fry, and not i'm not going to have burger and chips. I also find looking for new recipes so your not having the same dinners every day helps. If I overdo any of the recipes I won't be able to eat them for months.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 Disco diva

    Can any body tell me how to you apply online for the new propoint system in the UK?? it wont accept my payment address due to the fact that i'm living in Ireland! I'm following the little black dress weight watchers programme i found in Bellamagazine but i've no idea how to measure naughty food for my 49 points!!All they give you is a Chicken korma
    I cant wait till Jan for the irish launch!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 24 arfheabhas

    Lady Lainy wrote: »
    oh forget the irish site! sign up to the english one! and give a english address.. just google a random english hotel, and use that address....when they ask for cardholders address....i gave my full irish address but just used english postal code! QUOTE]

    Borrowed you post there Lady Lainy hope it answers your question Disco Diva. Let us know how you get on with the new system.

  • Registered Users Posts: 223 ✭✭KayTee

    some fantastic weight loss this week! Having a good start to my week, so hope it contiues. No exercise today though, I'll have to be dedicated over the weekend :D

    How are people finding the pro-points system?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 264 ✭✭hollyhock

    :)thanks muirgheal and arfheabhas for ur kind words of wisdom!!
    i know if i bow out before xmas things could get a lot worse!! weighed myself this morn,13sts8.1/4lbs. im now 2sts heavier than i was 7yrs ago when i started in the job im in now!! it`s the worst place ever to work if u have a love of food"IN A KITCHEN",every corner i turn theres food,somethin to be licked,tasted or munched!!! on a cold morn,which is most appealing,a hot buttery scone or a bowl of porridge????lunch:garlic pots,chips,lasange,bagguettes,soup,salads etc all very available!!!!!!tea break:someones birthday,eclairs,coffee cake,you would want willpower of steel! then home,cook dinner for family!!!!how would u be right,i can feel myself growin thinkin about it!!!sorry for rant,any advice welcome,thanks x:confused:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 297 ✭✭Slaygal

    Hollyhock, You can do this ! Talk to your work mates and ask them to help you. I find having a big breakfast stops me nibbling. The No point soups are a godsend in the winter and again they help keep me full. Most veggies are no point so things like Ratatoue (can't spell it), veg curry, veg chilli are great for the winter again to keep you full and warm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭PinkChick

    Ok, it's my second day and I am doing well. Was on points yesterday although didn't get to exercise because of work. Hoping to go for two runs over the weekend but not sure I'll get anything done before that.

    Anyway, I had to buy my lunch today (long story!!). I went to Cafe Sol and got a crayfish salad. The sauce was on the side and I didn't use any of it. It was mostly celery, lettuce, cucumber, peppers and then obviously crayfish. So the only pointable thing there is the crayfish, there was about 85g of it and from googling, I work that out at one point. There were two pieces of brown bread, the standard kind you get in cafes, the small ones. Was going to point these at 4 but don't know if that's way out. My homemade one works out at 4 for 2 slices and the slices are far bigger than that. You know the packs of two you get with soup in places, they would be equivalent to that. Any ideas?

    I also got soup because it really wouldn't have been enough. I got the tomato and basil soup. I checked there was no cream in it which there isn't. It is very tomatoey so I don't think there is milk either. It really does just seem to be tomato and basil but I can't see it being 0 either. Any ideas?


  • Registered Users Posts: 176 ✭✭Muirgheal

    Hollyhock- you've obviously got an iron will to have lost anything in that environment! Well done you!

    Could you ask the chef to have some carrot sticks (or similar) left to hand and try to pick at those instead? Or (at the risk of turning everyone off eating out ever again) imagine the chef didn't wash his hands before preping the food?

    <sorry everyone>

    Pinkchick- mccambridges brown bread is 1.5 a slice if that's any use to you as a guide. I normally point soup I eat out as 3 per bowl, but that soup sounds to me like you would be safe pointing at 1.5.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24 arfheabhas


    Maybe for the mornings if you have a filling breakfast at home and then have a treat of a skinny latte at work. Only 1 and 1/2 points and it will feel like a hot comforting treat in the winter.

  • Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭JOJOC123

    Hi Guys

    Well after my moaning and giving out I went to my WI last nite and lost
    4.5lbs.............................I nearly fell off the scales could not believe it needless to say.

    So this week Im keeping up the good work I hope by continuing with the circuit training and eating properly!!!!

    Best of luck to everyone for the rest of the week..........Have a great weekend too!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 176 ✭✭Muirgheal

    JOJOC123 wrote: »
    Hi Guys

    Well after my moaning and giving out I went to my WI last nite and lost
    4.5lbs.............................I nearly fell off the scales could not believe it needless to say.

    So this week Im keeping up the good work I hope by continuing with the circuit training and eating properly!!!!

    Best of luck to everyone for the rest of the week..........Have a great weekend too!!!!

    Bloody hell- that's impressive!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 304 ✭✭alpha2010

    had to weigh myself a day early because I was going out last night and I was the same weight :( I wish I didn't have to weigh myself a day early because who knows I could of been down but sure I wont be weighing myself today with the damage I did last night

    ahh well ill know next week :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    I've kinda done feck all this week! So many nights out this week! unreal like! From tomorrow I'll be head first into Pro Points system. I've spent last few hrs pro pointing my favourite ww safe recipes and foods. So can pro point from the get to tomorrow morning.

    I did the dog on it for the last two days...cos well its nearly 8pm friday night now....i haven't been to bed since Wednesday night...LOL.

    Breakfast tomorrow,
    Skinny Mocha 2 pro points, (1.5pts)
    30g oatmeal + slim line milk 5 pro points (3pts)
    Boiled egg 1 pro point (1.5pts)
    Banana + Slimline milk smoothie 3 pro points (5pts)

    11 Pro Points out of my daily 44 pro points

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  • Registered Users Posts: 264 ✭✭hollyhock

    well,thanks to all replies,went thurs nite,up 1lb so not as bad as i expected. Voiced my situation to leader,she gave me some advice,fri was an improvement on the last few weeks,went a little over points but happy enough!! sat goin well so far!!:o

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