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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 227 ✭✭lovinit

    So I went to weigh in after all, every time I miss a week I always thought I would do brilliantly that week but i always end up staying the same, so this week I actually gained 1 and half pounds, so today she was talking about tracking and I realise I only track the first few days, I dont even remember even tracking on the weekends ever, so thats what I am focusing on this week, and I am going to enjoy 2 morrow then begin properly on wednesday.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13 justwantajob!

    Jwacqui not to worry, as you say 2 bad weeks since xmas isn't too bad at all. And it's given you motivation for next week so there's some positive. AND you only had a six day week so no Monday for the weekend's eating to settle. If you stay focused this week it could result in a really big loss...

    My week's been good-ish so far. Period's due so I feel like a balloon, I'm trying to remind myself that that's why I feel massive and that my points have been okay. They haven't been spot on, but they've been better than last week, and I've tracked everything so at least I'm not lying to myself. I made the ww spag bol tonight, for the sake of 3 points I'm going back to Dolmio Light in future, ww recipe wasn't as nice. Though most of their recipes are yum

    Exercise wise I do camogie twice a week so a lot of running, but I'm not always great at motivating myself to go (haven't been in two weeks now, but I'm definitely going to go this Wednesday). My friend is trying to lose weight too so the two of us go for walks on the nights when we don't have camogie/spinning. Spinning's our other exercise, though she's better at going than me. If you're not the best at getting out to do exercise I'd recommend convincing a friend to join you for walks. That way you can motivate each other, I've found it really useful :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13 justwantajob!

    PS: Skinny Cow hot chocolate is AWESOME. Much nicer and more satisfying than options or even cadburys highlights. Very very useful when you need something sweet but don't have the points

  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    Hi all, well haven't had a very good week - haven't tracked at all since Thursday, and I know tracking is what helps me lose:(:( I finished work last Friday and haven't stopped eating since! Tues is my WI day, so obviously no WI tonight - could go on Thursday but think I'll just wait a week.
    Hope I can get my head back - am eating all around me but not really enjoying it!!:(:(
    Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone - hope you all have a good day.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭1lbAtaTime

    So I think i've had an ok week. Not great but ok. I too seem to be going over my points by a couple every day.....yesterday I had had my points for the day bar one and we decided to stay in and watch a dvd, i couldnt resist having something to go with movie night so I ended up having a ww double choc brownie and a bag of treble crunch. Not so bad but still over my points. Weigh in on Thursday so I guess I will find out then how Ive been going. I missed my weigh in last week so I really feel like I dont know where I stand at the mo. Usually I can guess if I will be up or down but not at the mo, another reason why going to weigh in is so important every week.

    Happy Paddys Day everyone. :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 144 ✭✭felinefeelins

    Hi Jwacqiu, well done on the 9 and 2, those are great odds. keep it up. my exercise is a bit of everything, when I don't have the time, say @ 10-15 mins I literally use the stairs at home, I do a cardio up and down the stairs up 3 steps dwn 3 steps and repeat for the amount of time I have. I walk, but to be perfectly honest I just can't get into it, I would do what a lot of people do, park further away and you know the rest. I swim when I can. But the one thing that turned it around for me was the wii fit, I'm addicted I also got the wii coach disc. there is a wide variety of exercises ranging from cardio to flexibility and strength, the fact that there is a graph with it really helps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭PinkChick

    Hi Guys, not been the best week but seems to be a common enough feeling here which makes me feel slightly better! WI tonight so will see how it goes. Exercise wise, I try to go to the gym, play tag once a week and pilates once a week. I really need to up it. Its my weak point and its worse now I have got my goal because I need to tone up more than ever.

    I've noticed a common theme with ppl is not tracking. Thats definitely an issue for me too. Usually I track for a cpl of days after WI but then come the weekend I lose it. We usually go out for lunch on Fri and cos thats hard to point I dont and then never track again until next WI. Not good. I think thats going to be my aim for this week definitely. To track every day for a change, even if its atrocious.

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    hey guys

    hope you all had a lovely day yesterday & are all enjoying this fab sunshine long my it last as i cross every crossable part of my body to try keep it :D

    i'd a very quite day yesterday nice & relaxing walked the coast road on monday night & again yesterday just before lunch it was so beautiful out there! only problem with such fab weather is boards seems to be a wee bit neglected however it is making me track better so fingers crossed for thursday!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 227 ✭✭lovinit

    So after gaining 1 and half pounds at my last weigh in, I decided I was going to do it properly. Yesterday I ate loads of choc and crisps cos I am going off them for the rest of lent, well apart from ww bars. So today i went out for a long walk, which lasted 1 hour and 45 minutes, then I had a pint of water, gonna have nice bacon, mushrooms, beans for later on, and I am going to the gym for 2 hours tomorrow so far so good:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    Well hello everyone...from the last few posts i can that i wasn the only one not having a good one..

    Iv bitten the bullet an d WI today after missing last to my delight iv stayed the same IM SO HAPPY :D:D:D

    That was the big kick in the behind i needed...Iv gotten a new start by maintainin so im so happy to get stuck in and start again now for next week... Thinking along the same lines as few others with the Kick start this week...

    Oh and seen as im still resting with physio iv taken your advice and started swimming. Im gonna commit to it this week even three days ??

    I have a plan anyways fingers crossed i can keep to it :D:D

    And definitely draw a line under the bad week girls and start again tamo...Best idea for everyone not havin a good one.

    Good luck to everyone WI today and tamo...!! Keep us posted !

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  • Registered Users Posts: 125 ✭✭9st n 09

    Down another 1.5 lbs!!!! Yipee. So treating myself to a couple of chocolate fingers and a creme egg!
    Thrilled with the result as really put my back into this week, please god i'll keep it up!
    How's everybody else doing?

  • Registered Users Posts: 125 ✭✭9st n 09

    10 mins ago I wrote that I was having "a couple" of choc fingers! 10 bikkies later somebody had better come and take the box off me before i finish the lot! Any wonder why i have a stone and a half to loose??????? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    morning guys!

    i'm thrilled i lost 2.5lbs last night so that's 35.5lbs altogether :eek: i'm delighted!plus the sun is back which makes me even happier! opportunity to get more walking in & sit in the sunny beer garden tomorrow to hopefully watch ireland win the rugby :)

    well done to everyone this week loss or gain the most important thing is that you went to your meeting & faced a bad week if you did have one. leave the past in the past where it belongs! ONWARDS & DOWNWARDS.

    best of luck for the weekend :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    Yay! Go ladiee24!!!:D:D Good on you - brilliant result this week, another silver seven too??

    I was down half a pound - not bad considering my week! Plus I wasn't going to go get weighed this week as my usual class is on Tuesdays, but just decided to bite the bullet on Thurs & see what I had to deal with. Otherwise I know I would've spent the weekend thinking "well, I'm up now anyway so I may aswell keep eating!" Now I'm going to think "I only have 5 days to weigh-in this week so I am going to do my best to lose at least half a pound - don't want to be up!"

    Hope everyone else gets/got the results they wanted!:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14 sunalishine

    Well done Ladiee24 and LorDar... down is down either way!!! So after being a point or so over every day i was down 2.5 this week, i was feeling a bit crappy and almost didnt go to my WI last night but i'm so glad i did now!! That's the thing about WI, you always dread it but most of the time its not as bad as you thought!!

    Jwacqui i've started going to the gym which makes a big difference, only problem is i can get a bit lackadaisical with my points because of it "ah sure i'll have that ww bar i was at the gym" type of thing... its not got out of hand yet but i'll have to watch it!!

    justwantajob, where do you play camogie? I played a bit a couple of years ago and i'd like to get back into it but i'm not very good!!!

    Congrats to everyone on the losses, and to anyone who had a bad week just draw a line under it :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭1lbAtaTime

    Ah lads, wait till I tell ye, I went to my weigh in last night and I was up not 1, not 2, not even 3 or 4 but 5.5 pounds!!!! Well all I could do was laugh, leader asked me had I eaten Paddy!!! Missing my weigh in last week was the end of me. Proves even more that I am a lifer, I need ww and I need my weigh ins every single week.
    So anyway I am on a serious buzz this week and managed to resist a lot of temptation today so on the right road....need to ensure I get a lot of exercise in also so Ill be getting up off this couch now shortly and getting my ass around the block.
    The aim for the week is to get one of those week 1 weight losses aiming for about 4 lbs to nip that 5.5 in the bud quick smart.
    Good luck everyone for the weekend ahead :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 125 ✭✭9st n 09

    Oh 1lbAtatime, not to worry. At least you know where you went wrong! :rolleyes: Hope the weekend goes good for you. Not having a great day but will be back on track tomorrow. Am determined not to be too much in the red points wise by Monday morning!

    Hope everybody has a good weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 261 ✭✭elsy

    Hey everyone,
    I am starting ww on monday i'm 12st 7 want to get down to about 10 and half. I was 14st 11 at one stage and have managed to get down to 12st 7 myself but cant get past it i am this weight the past 4 months so hoping ww will help me start loosing again i am getting married in sept so would like to loose at least another stone to a stone anf half by then so please wish me luck!!! :):):)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 986 ✭✭✭jenzz

    elsy wrote: »
    Hey everyone,
    I am starting ww on monday i'm 12st 7 want to get down to about 10 and half. I was 14st 11 at one stage and have managed to get down to 12st 7 myself but cant get past it i am this weight the past 4 months so hoping ww will help me start loosing again i am getting married in sept so would like to loose at least another stone to a stone anf half by then so please wish me luck!!! :):):)

    Well done on the 2st 4lb loss already & best of luck in the land of WW

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 407 ✭✭lynsalot

    going back on thursday and i'm dreading. i lost about a stone and then stopped going so i don't know what i've lost now. I lost almost 4 stone a few years ago but got married and put it back on and for some reason i just can't get the weight down - really mades me sad. sorry but it genuinely does. i wish there was a quick fix... lol i know there's not.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭1lbAtaTime

    Thanks 9 St n 09.....Im glad to report that although there are a few hours left I have had a really good weekend so fingers crossed for the rest of the week. Always find during the week easier coz Im working so hopefully I will have undone quite a bit of the damage by my weigh in this week.
    Cooking up some salmon and roasted veg for dinner this evening....mmmmm

    Very quiet here at the weekends altogether. Hope you all had a good weekend.

    Welcome JenZZ ....ww is definitely a great place to help you get to your target. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 264 ✭✭hollyhock

    hello to all weightwatchers,ive being a w.w. member since july last,ive lost around 16 lbs,up,down,stayed the same! can`t get my head around it,ive a wedding in 17 weeks time and would love to lose another stone and get something nice to wear,any tips to get back on track?:mad:I`m begining to panic!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 227 ✭✭lovinit

    Well done 1lbtAtaTime;). My week is going terrible, I cant believe how much I have actually eaten, I have gone off choc and crisps for lent since St Paddys day, because I normally go off it completely but then I always end up replacing it with something worse:p. But i seem to be replacing it again with cereal bars and cookies:(. Dreading my weigh in on tuesday, but I did loads of walking which will hopefully work in my favour:). I never end up tracking at the weekend, but I eat more during the day and dont eat much at night, so I will see how it goes:o

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    Having been sick for the last 2 weeks I have WI tomorrow night and am dreading it. I had all the OH family for dinner yesterday so that was huge, though I kept portions small and only a small 3 point brekkie and wasn't hungry in the evening so 2 points Ryvita and butter. Trying today to be very good and of course tomorrow, plus back exercising again. My birthday is in June and I really want to be down another dress size. I am NOT turning 34 a size 14 I was always a size 12 and will be again. :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    How are we all... welcome again to the new posters im sure ul all love it here :D

    I had an ok beginning to my week but then the weekend came an i did overindulge :( but im trying to stay positive and remain ok from now until weds. Gonna try swim today and tamo and take it from there.

    Hope everyone is having a good week.. Mondays are always so dull :D:D x

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,220 ✭✭✭✭Loopy

    I have my 1st weigh in tommorow - after starting 2 weeks (they were closed on Paddys Day)

    Kind of excited but dead nervous:D
    Walked my backside off today...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭1lbAtaTime

    Well 4 days down 3 to go and so far so good Im glad to report. I think that having a good weekend is really important and maybe that had been where I have been going wrong over the last few months, I have definitely been going a bit mad every weekend so that is going be stop to get the weight loss rolling again.
    For the first time in quite a while Im looking forward to my weigh in this week.

    Good luck loopy :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 123 ✭✭Bernso

    hey all,
    Was an avid fan last yeaar. Went from 11.12 to 10.3.
    Stopped following the plan and about 10st 8 now so disappointed I've let myself creep back up.
    My goal is 9/ 9.7. Thing is I know it's achievable if i could just STICK TO THE PLAN!
    Re-joining today at lunchtime and please God this can be it for me.
    I'm grand if I can go with it but the comfort eating hss been prevalent lately. Really want to be happy and i am so freakin' happy when I've my weight under control.
    Wish me luck :(( :))

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    1lbAtaTime well done on keeping yourself so focused! i know it can be hard when you've been up the week before.

    loopy & bernso best of luck you'll get some super support here.

    shellybelly - i know what you mean on the weekend over indulgance i think it's down to the lack of a solid routine but staying positive is super & you'll get through - how's the leg/knee now?

    i'm planning on a lovely walk this evening need it to get my head cleared planning on boothing down the coast road with my iPod extermely loud i feel i should apologies in advance hehe! to anyone who has WI good luck!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 361 ✭✭breadandjam

    I rejoined WW about ten weeks ago. I did it first about eight years ago and lost 5 stone but after the birth of our daughter and buying a car I put it all back on and more.

    My doctor told me I was borderline diabetic due to my weight so I knew the only way I'd lose it was going back to WW. So far I've lost 2 and a half stone. What helps me is staying to class,tracking, (the one week i didn't track I was up in weight) and walking as much as I can. I manage about an hour each day mostly in the morning- the dog is delighted I went back to WW:).
    Another thing that helps is I put some porridge soaking everynight so it will be ready to go next morning. Porridge is great It keeps me going til lunchtime- I use the Flahavans real fruit porridge.

    The other thing I did was buy one of the points calculators which is great when you're shopping as you can work out the points on the spot and decide if something is worth it instead of working out the points when you get it home and being badly surprised.

    Also if you miss a week or have a bad week or a bad day when you've gone way over your points just put it behind you and start over. Good luck everyone

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