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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 125 ✭✭9st n 09

    Just celebrating my 26th post so I now have a signature!!! :D I'm sooooo easily entertained!

  • Registered Users Posts: 125 ✭✭9st n 09

    That didn't quite work :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 264 ✭✭hollyhock

    down 2lbs thurs nite! good losses all round this week! nibbling easter eggs 2day! oh!oh!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,772 ✭✭✭Jwacqui

    Hi Everyone!

    Happy Easter!! I hope everybody is well and keeping on track this week. So far my week is going well.
    My daily points allowance is 24 and my week has gone as follows points wise; Wed 24, Thur 20 (-4), Fri 22 (-2), Sat 25 (+1).
    So not too bad, today I have had 18 points so far I'm holding off as long as I can and then going to have a treat later for hopefully 4points. Saving 2.
    My choc treat today was one ferro roche which I'm not too happy about, was a total waste of 1.5 points!!

    How is everybody getting on with the temptation of easter eggs and such? I pointed all the easter eggs in the house and wrote the points on the box!! Hopefully that will deter me from them!! I might have something small after my after weigh in as a treat on tuesday if I have a good week!!:p

    J x

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭1lbAtaTime

    Well done Jwacqui, sounds like you will are well ahead of yourself this Easter weekend. So far over the weekend I am 6.5 points over in total!!! eeek (including having eaten my activity points). I had a small piece of easter egg last night which pushed me over a few but not to worry I will break even by the time weigh in comes on Thursday.
    I made it out for 2 walks over the weekend on Friday and Saturday both 45 mins so that was a step up as I was only ever doing 30 minutes before. Will definitely get out to do the same again today to try and get myself motoring on getting rid of those points Im over at the mo.
    Anyway still half a week to go to weigh in so hopefully will finish up ok.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    Hello all... looks like we all having a mixed weekend...

    I took out the tracker there and as much as dont seem to have eaten much im over points everyday...i was good yday but den had nite out las nite full of alcohol :D:D

    Iv to pull it back today tamo an weds yet again!!! Stupid weekend ruins everything :D:D I only need half pound off for nxt silver seven and im away to manchester for family party on thurs so id love to get it before den!! :D:D

    Heres hoping for now anyways :D:D Good to you all for week ahead :D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 361 ✭✭breadandjam

    Another funny weekend. It was my wifes birthday on friday so my daughter and I baked her a chocolate cake. 125grammes of butter in that plus a couple of large bars of dark chocolate and some cream for the chocolate icing. I managed to only have two small slices.

    I also managed to stay away from Easter eggs for the weekend apart from a cadbury's creme egg which my daughter gave me (Although I did bite the ear of a Lindt chocolate rabbit- how many points in a chocolate rabbit ear:confused:).

    I also managed to get two long walks of an hour and a half in.
    Again I've been nibbling away on the muesli bars so I think I'll just stop buying them, if they're not there they can't tempt me. Stick to fruit for snacking. We had leg of lamb & roast potatoes yesterday and my portion size control was lax to say the least.

    Weigh in tomorrow night, it hardly seems like a week since I last weighed in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 125 ✭✭9st n 09

    Why oh why can I be soooooooooo good one week and then let myself down with a bang the following! Cannot stop eating today or yesterday. Haven't even written in my tracker once this week! Of course could come up with all the excuses I want but it's really down to just not having the will power! Oh well, time to draw another line under a bad couple of days and down to damage control till Thurs! :rolleyes:

    Breadandjam, hope you had a good wi tonight, and best of luck to everybody else.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭1lbAtaTime

    I've blown it....whatever chance I had yesterday afternoon I blew it in the evening when I took a fit of the munchies and ended up eating 40 points in total yesterday!!! my allowance is 21 so that is basically 2 days food in one day!!! I dont think any amount of walking and pulling back will rectify that by Thursday ..... eeeeeeekkkk

    Fortunately have been good today so not still on a downward spiral but know Thursday will be bad news again!! Oh well

  • Registered Users Posts: 361 ✭✭breadandjam

    1lbAtaTime wrote: »
    I've blown it....whatever chance I had yesterday afternoon I blew it in the evening when I took a fit of the munchies and ended up eating 40 points in total yesterday!!!l

    1lbAtaTime, Just draw a line under that and carry on, Do your walks, watch your points and okay you might be up a bit but you'll be in a good position to be down next week.

    I had my weigh in and despite eating almost a whole leg of lamb on Sunday I stayed the same, so I'm happy with that.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 264 ✭✭hollyhock

    well done breadandjam! i`m a bit like 1lbAtatime,ive been over 4 the past 3 days! not too bad 2day.:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,772 ✭✭✭Jwacqui

    Hi Everyone!!

    Hope you all had a lovely weekend!

    I have to say I am very proud of myself today, I checked my ww folder and everyday since xmas bar one I have tracked!! It's a really good feeling. I was extra good this weekend, we went for a set meal on Sunday (chinese!! :eek:), it was a set menu and when the starter was brought out; 2springrolls I gave one away and cut the other in half and gave that away aswell. I didn't have one easter egg either, I gave them to friends or I actually squashed up one and threw it in the bin!! :P

    So, did all the hard work pay off?? Of course! I lost 2lb and I am now 2.5lb away from my next silver 7 and the 2stone mark!! I finally feel back on track and I couldn't be happier!! :D

    9st n 9 and 1lbAtaTime just put the weekend behind you and start from today. If you had a bad day, week or month the hardest part is getting over that and facing it! When you do that it's never as bad as it seems! Promise!

    Well done breadandjam, after what you considered to be not great week staying the same is an achievment in itself!!

    I hope you all have a fantastic week!! :D

    J x

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭PinkChick

    Hi guys, I feel I only post on this when I am doing well which is a bit unfair. I read it all the time and keep up to date. I am having an awful week. My WI was so great last week and I was over the moon but I just completely slid over the long weekend, although I didn't have easter eggs, just anything else you can think of. I didn't go to my WI this week. I have done NO exercise at all since last Wednesday. I had being doing so well on that. I feel crap. My body can't take all this bad food and lack of exercise. I am not sleeping either. I am going to try really hard today to start again. If I could be good from today until WI next Tuesday it might reign me back in. I want to hit 9stone. That's my goal now. Has been since I started but my leader advised me to have a WW goal to get gold card and a personal goal too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 43 skii29

    Hey all
    Well done and keep up the good work.
    I was down 2lbs last night so now 11 3
    Slowly but surely getting there.
    I even went drinking last weekend.[Only had 5 drinks]
    I want to get to 10 stone so still a good bit of work to be done
    Best of luck to everyone for the week ahead


  • Registered Users Posts: 23 clairem

    Hi everyone and well done on your losses. Pinkchick don't beat yourself up over a bad couple of days. It happens to everyone. Just forget about it and start again today. I bet you'll be down a few pounds at your next weigh in :)

    I was really bad at the weekend and didnt even count my points. I had a mcdonalds, pub lunch, four crunchies and a rake of pints :( I really didnt want to go to my weigh-in today as I was sure I'd be up. I felt like if I skipped this week then I prob wouldn't end up going back though so I went. I'm so glad I did cos I was down 2 pounds!!!

    To treat myself (in a ww friendly way!) I'm making a chicken balti from scratch tonight. Its yummy and zero points for the sauce so I only have to point the chicken and rice! I might even have a nice glass of wine after!! Oooo I'm making myself hungry now - better get cooking!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,264 ✭✭✭JBoyle4eva

    Hey all,

    Been absent from WW for about 4/5 weeks now....mainly due to my college life becoming overwhelming and me not having the time to visit my meeting. But, I've been trying to count my points....but since Sunday it's been a disaster. Chocolate eggs are everywhere and I've ate 2 and a half since :O

    I'm not in Maynooth where my group is held this week, so I'm tempted to just go into the group where I am this week, but I've been there once before and I didn't feel as comfortable as my normal group. I'm not re-joining, but gonna pay for those few weeks missed.

    Anyway, gonna try and kick start again tomorrow, thats when the meeting is here. Wish me luck y'all :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 318 ✭✭Knifey_Spoony

    Hi everyone.

    I started weight watchers again last week, for the zillionth time.
    Feeling quite motivated this time though. Fingers crossed it lasts!
    Anyway, had my first weight in 2 days ago...and lost 6.5lbs in my first week!
    I was (and still am) completely shocked...but delighted :)
    The most I'd ever lost in one week while doing WW before was 4lbs, so I was thrilled with 6.5lbs. It's really encouraged me to stick with it.
    I reckon I have about 3 stone to lose in total, so that's 6.5lbs of it gone already.

    Fingers crossed I can stick to it!

    Good luck to everyone else :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    Hi all...well done skii29 an jwacqui on the losses!!
    Welcome Knifey Spooney too brill lost keep it up it really will work..This is my 3rd go at ww and im lovin it so far!! Iv lost 3st 9lb in all iv stiil long way to go but im tellin you if i can do it anyone can i love my grub :D:D

    Dwn 2.5lb today guys cudn believe it im absolutely thrilled.!!! Got my 50lb but no cert til nxt week :(:(...:D 3st 9lb in total now i cant believe im even sayin that am so happy :D:D:D

    I didn even have a gud start to the week so there is hope for every1 thinkin they had a bad one...chin up!!


    Off to manchester now til sat gonna try an be really good so much motivation now i cant believe it ;)

    Enjoy the weekend !!! xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,772 ✭✭✭Jwacqui

    Hi Everyone! :D

    Congratulations shellybelly that is AMAZING!! You totally deserve it!! Thats what happens when you are determined! Keep up the amazing work!! It really helps when you hit a goal, I have 2.5lbs to get to 2stone and it really does push you.

    The only thing that I do find hard sometimes is that I work late and the days that I do for example tonight I am in work at 6pm til 12am. I find it hard to eat my points in a good way. I woke up late today 1pm :o, I have been working alot lately and college aswell so I needed sleep!! By the time i woke up and had lunch it was 2pm, I had 8.5 points so that leaves 15.5 points left and I'm about to get ready for work now so I won't eat again before work and I won't eat that many points on a half hour break and I defintely won't eat after work as it will be too late. Any suggestions??

    I try and have bigger things like the 8.5 points for lunch and i'll try have about the same for lunch in work but that will leave be with a 7point deficit..

    J x

    p.s. hope everybody is having a fantastic week!! track track track!! ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 264 ✭✭hollyhock

    well after being way over my points due to easter eggs,i was delighted to be only up half a pound!;)so start of a good week 2moro!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 162 ✭✭Saucey-Susie

    im finding it very difficult to survive on 17 points without going over. Is there anyone else out there on 17 points that can give me some ideas as to what you eat on a daily basis. i know about the whole zero point soup thing, but there is only so much soup i can have before i get bored of it. and I know that i can do more exercise to make up more points so eat more but at the last couple of weeks i have been feeling completely drained so after work, im so exhausted i just head home, gym bag and all. the only exericise i get is the 20 mins walk to and from work every day, plus an hours walk at lunchtime most days, if it isnt raining, and usually 30 mins to an hour walking during work too to different offices.

    breakfast usually consists of cereal, semi skimmed milk and a tiny bit of sugar - 3 points.
    snack is usually a banana or grapes - 1-1.5 points
    lunch, if i havent brought it in is usually a sandwich or sushi 5-6 points
    then i'll get a fruit cup too for later on if im hungry which is 1.5 points
    dinner can vary - ww meal, or chicken and veg and potatos or fish and veg. usually between 5 - 8 points.

    So adding all that up, thats 20 points... and thats on a good day too. there are the days that i slip, we all do, and i have a bar of chocolate or something, which brings me up to 25 at the very least!!


  • Registered Users Posts: 842 ✭✭✭starflake

    Hey... am i thought the least you can have is 18 points a day?? I think the main thing is all about eating foods that will fill you. I would strongly recommend eating 2 weetabix in the morning or all bran or bran flakes as they tend to keep me full right up to about 1pm. Make the zero point soup ( there are several variations of this, so you wont get sick of it.)and have that before you head out at night or if you're peckish and running low on points. keep some cherry tomatoes or other zero points foods with you during the day if you're starting to feel peckish. also, get in your exercise as if you do moderate exercise for 30 mins five times a week you can go a point over one or 2 days and it wont make a difference. I hope this helps!!

    If you have a whole grain cereal and skimmed milk and canderel you're cutting points down too.

    Instead of a banana and grapes have an apple and an orange, thats 1 point! bananas are 1.5 points for a large one and grapes are quiet sugary too.

    Sandwhiches are a disaster because the bread alone is 2.5 points before you even go near fillings. Stick to ryvita or salads instead of bread, or the weight watchers bread. the white one is 1.5 points for 2 slices.

    Your dinners are fine... you should be aiming for about 4 points for breakfast, 6 points for lunch and 8 for dinner.
    I'm on a lot more points than you but I'm alot heavier obviously... but keep zero points food with you and you should ward off the hunger pains!! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭1lbAtaTime

    Hi All
    Thanks for the notes of encouragement, I have been reading them but not up to posting. I was up half a pound last night at weigh in and I was so relieved she might as well have told me I was down!!!
    I have definitely drawn a line under the last 2 weeks and am moving on.
    I have decided to set a points limit for each meal and stick with it. I have 21 points so its 4 for breakie, 6 for lunch, 8 for dinner and 3 for snacks.
    What I was tending to do was just track at the end of the day and discovering that I was after going over so I would plan to eat less the next day and then by the end of that day I would have gone over again and it hasnt been good.
    So today Ive stuck to it and still have a point and half to play with for something later.
    Fingers crossed for this week
    Enjoy the weekend everyone :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    Hi is we all this Monday..??:D:D

    Well done on all the losses peoples doing great !!!

    Well i went to Manchester Thursday to Saturday and was bold il admit i really enjoyed myself food and alcohol wise :):) Had a nite out last nite too but nothing outrageous.. Was back in gym yday so trying to get back on track for WI thursday cant WI weds with work!!

    Im really hoping for the best this week with all my partying and tom il be very lucky to maintain!!

    How is everyone else getting on...good/bad weekends?? xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 842 ✭✭✭starflake

    hey! Good weekend! had a meal out Sat but was good the rest of the weekend, plenty of exercise so fingers crossed weigh in Wed :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 trying_hard

    Hey All!!

    I have just came across this thread and im thrilled!! i rejoined weightwatchers last week and i have been very down the last 2 days, really tired and hungry and was looking for a bit of internet support and i came across this thread! BRILLIANT!

    my weigh in day is wednesday and i dont think it will go too well, i was brilliant up until yesterday and swore i would make up for it today and of course i havent!!

    you would think a sun holiday in 5 weeks would be great motivation! and words of advice??

  • Registered Users Posts: 264 ✭✭hollyhock

    welcome trying hard,hope you get on well on wed! usually 1st week has a good loss even if ur not good every day! i love reading all the replies too,it just shows we`re all human and have good and bad days! we all have weekends and social lives and have to work around them!:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 36 Lyndan

    Hello All. Im back on WW again for the 50th time!! I have about 5stone to loose and I am 5lbs into that. I have stayed the same for the last 3 weeks which is a pain but at least I am not up. I am hoping to try and loose a bit this week...I just need to get motivated again, I havent been writing down my points so Im going to start doing that today and even if I go over im still going to write it down....Ill be carrying a notebook with me everywhere! If you can eat it you can point it!

    I was wondering if anyone has done weight watchers while being pregnant?

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    hey all how are you doing? i've had a couple of strange weeks was up 2.5lbs the week before last & down a pound last week hoping to be down the other 1.5 this week.

    nice to see more new names here i love the support & encouragement this thread gives to people. hopefully i'll update with a loss this thursday! good luck to everyone with weigh in this week.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    Ok having been sick, again, and missing last week, I'm back in tonight. Rather a strange week, my appetite was gone for 3-4 days, but when it came back it was with a vengence and for things like pizza, chips etc. Though they were meals not snacks it's still not good.
    Any way I have weigh in tonight and we'll see. I turn 34 in about 8 weeks and I want to be down a stone so I turn 34 back in my size 12's where I feel I'm meant to be. I'm fed up wishing to be thinner either I do it or I give up and stop wishing for something I'm not willing to put the effort into to achive. :-)

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