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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,435 ✭✭✭Birdie086

    izzy24 wrote: »

    havnt been on in a few days its mad this site moves so fast:D... i had a a challenging few days a friend of mine is home from oz so havnt been at home as i on mid-term aswell...

    Thursay had wrap for lunch and lots of fruit and den i had to do a 5 hour shift in my parents chipper which wasnt planned so i was starving and had no dinner with me:eek: that was really hard but i only ate two chips as i was busy thank god and der was nothing healthy to eat in my parentd house so i got a curly wurly and chickatees and thats all i ate all day which wasnt good for me either:(.

    Then today was meeting friends for lunch so had two slices of homemade brown bread with tuna, full fat mayo(they had no light mayo:mad: i did ask) lettuce and tomato and didn even have a cappucino had diet coke instead:p. Then for dinner i had a bag of chips and 1 chicken fillet roll from chinese and mayo dip.

    It was hard but im proud of myself for not falling off track:D...
    So tomarrow i have a christening and sunday dinner out(still have 47 weeklies left).

    Being hetic week so have 2 more days to keep on track den its back to work and normal routine :D...

    Sorry for the rant everyone:)...

    worked for years for my mam in a chipper, and would you beleive it while i was working there i eventually got my wieght under control!!!! I used to have ham salad(salad from the burger section) sandwiches with a little bit of coleslaw and about four of five chips for my break, or else a chicken breask with salad. Because it was the family business I was working a lot an used to miss a lot of functions. And then along cam recession and my mam went bust and made us all redundant. I spent the next year attending every single party I was invited to - to make up for the ones i missed out on - and the weight just spiralled out of control!!!!!

    I just want to give you some hope cos I was reared in a chipper and when I got to grips with portion control etc I was actually at my healthiest when working there - so it can be done!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 197 ✭✭Layla0509

    Thanks everyone we're doing ok bit of good news today the scan results came back and the cancer hasn't spread anywhere else so looks like it's been caught in time she starts treatment next wk big sigh of relief and she's being sooooooo positive like always :)
    @saexpat thanks that would be very helpful feel kinda useless and don't think chocolates would be a great choice :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,302 ✭✭✭Cadyboo

    I tried the Quorn mince and have to say that I really didn't like it, i'm very fussy too, I had it with my usual bologonese sauce but hated the texture of it, I love mince beef so definitely won't be eating it again.

    Im ths same, I made shephards pie with it, and it was just too soft or something. I have bought another bag for another try.. so will let you know how that works out with bolognese.
    Lady Lainy wrote: »
    Taking my bloated ass off to bed with lucozade sport and Nurofen and strepsols!
    I must be coming down with something.....just feel blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

    F*ck off scales! .....yeah yeah yeah i'll have to deal with you in the morning....but god....blah just feck off

    Aw Lainy... Just dont be thinking bout your weight and get yourself better first. Then when you are ok, start again.:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 277 ✭✭kashmir

    Hi All !

    Joined WW 2 weeks ago and happily down 6llbs :D.
    Starting Weight : 15st 13 :eek:
    Boy do I have a long way to go....somewhere in the region of 4 - 4.5 st to go goal weight wasn't mentioned at my first weigh in so guessing I'll be told somewhere down the road. Can't even remember being 13st so even getting there would be a thrill ! Anyway aiming for my very first Silver 7 this week .....fingers crossed !

    I just want to say a Huge Thank You to you all....I've had such inspiration from your stories and willingness to encourage each other !

    I start my first message with a question - very lofty - How many PP in Hodgins Low Fat Sausages. Yes I managed to track down an illusive packet in the Dunnes near where I work ! Yes they do exist....unlike the definitely extinct Low Fat Greek Yoghurt :rolleyes:

    Good Luck to All...fingers crossed for sticking to points this weekend....there definitely was something in the air last weekend and definitely don't think I'd get away with it 2 weekends in a row !;)


    Great post, fair play, you got a lot of things in one!! Best of luck, you're clued in probs. Have no clue what those sausages cost, have followed the chat about them alright, but don't really eat sausages and the odd time I do...denny gold medal is your only man. keep posting/smiling!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 277 ✭✭kashmir

    Just on the topic of soups, how long will soup last for in the fridge, I used to make a big pot of it, freeze it and then forget about it, so I'm on a mission this weekend.

    I usually make a big pot on Saturday and put it in the fidge for the week having a bowl/mug a get nicer by the day. I think though if you freeze it, it should last a month at the very least, but in reality a lot more.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 283 ✭✭Kay_80

    Layla I'm so sorry to hear your mums news but delighted to read it hasn't spread elsewhere thats fantastic news :) keep the spirits up and the positive thoughts it goes a long way towards recovery.

    Lainey get better soon that sounds like a woeful dose.

    So I'm having a great time here but the food situation is a nightmare and I had a massive long post already posted and hit submit and the stupid hotel connection died and I lost it! aghh !

    But long story short I got called 'fat' today by one of my german friends who herself is probably a good 3 or 4 stone heavier than me (I've no problem with that and i'm not saying that to be mean just to put this in context a bit) . I havent seen her since xmas and I've lost weight and I know ALOT of inches cos clothes are hanging off me and she said to me hey you look like you've put on alot of weight is everything okay? I really think your Dr should tell you to lose weight for health reasons!!!! WTF do you say to that???

    I've never been called Fat before and it really hurt my feelings and well I think she did it on purpose. I'm relying on her to translate for me cos I have no german and well the food situation was a disaster today. I avoided all crap had a healthy breakfast. Fruit salad and a small bowl of Special K. We went for Coffee in McD's today at 1 after looking at the Berlin Wall art work in the Freezing cold, she ate 2 giant cookies I had nothing. Just coffee.

    I was starvin marvin come 3 o'clock there's 8 of us in a group and when my OH tactfully suggested that me and him would go off grab food and meet everyone else later for a gig we were going to tonight she got stroppy and insisted we had to eat together and not until 5 o clock and at this restaurant she wanted beside her hostel which was way across town :(

    Long story shortened it was Italian, but not 'Italian' like at home there was lots of Turkish dishes on the menu as well and our waiter only spoke Turkish or German they had no English menus' so when I asked for anything 'healthyish' ie Pasta Arriabata or something I was told it was not available so I ordered a Salad with no Dressing and Gnnoci which was to come with tomatoes and Spinich but I requested no sauce just plain and I was going to add 1 tbsp of Olive Oil myself at the table and a tiny amount of cheese.

    She ordered it and well............Salad came out drenched in a marie rose type sauce, and well the Gnnoci that came in LOADS of butter, olive oil and alot of parmasan cheese and no spinich to be found anywhere. I could have cried!!!! We were going to a gig so I had to eat what I was given but I know it's Obliterated my dailies and some of my weeklies and I'm totally raging. I didn't even enjoy it for the points spent on it. even if it was all zero it was crappy.

    Got to the gig and I didn't drink cos I couldn't afford the points. I don't know whether i'm being paranoid but I dunno if she sabotaged me on purpose or if the restaurant just totally fu**ed up and i'm being too precious about it??

    Either way I'm raging and well for her to call me Fat when i'm down nearly 9lbs since the last time she saw me in December is just sticking with me since this morning and I can't shake it :( I know I'm fat I'm 12 12 and 5.4 so I'm not skinny but honestly i've never been called fat in my life and I've never been skinny and probably been the weight I am now for the last 3 years or more, I was a 16 or a 14 depending on shops before but now a size 14 fits perfectly so what is her problem??

    Sorry for the rant guys I just had to say something somewhere. My OH is so annoyed on my behalf, I said nothing to him but he knows how hard I'm working and I just saw his face when my food arrived and he looked like he was going to lose it on my behalf but I kicked him under the table. I don't want to be the annoying GF who goes on about points and diets etc etc but at the same time he's as good for just knowing automatically whats good and whats bad when it comes to my food.

    My tummy is now in bits due to the level of dairy (I'm lactose intolerent anyway) and I'm actually still hungery but can't eat anything.

    I'm putting my foot down tomorrow I'm finding somewhere healthy (even sushi would be perfect) and I'm going to bite my tongue for the rest of the weekend! Sorry for the self involved very long post guys! but thank you for reading if you did :)

    Onwards and downwards tomorrow.

    PS Walked fecking miles today so lets hope those activity points helped with the woeful dinner and I danced my ass off for 3 hours at a gig tonight so thats gotta help!

    Night night all have a good weekend x

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 277 ✭✭kashmir

    Kay_80 wrote: »
    Layla I'm so sorry to hear your mums news but delighted to read it hasn't spread elsewhere thats fantastic news :) keep the spirits up and the positive thoughts it goes a long way towards recovery.

    Lainey get better soon that sounds like a woeful dose.

    So I'm having a great time here but the food situation is a nightmare and I had a massive long post already posted and hit submit and the stupid hotel connection died and I lost it! aghh !

    But long story short I got called 'fat' today by one of my german friends who herself is probably a good 3 or 4 stone heavier than me (I've no problem with that and i'm not saying that to be mean just to put this in context a bit) . I havent seen her since xmas and I've lost weight and I know ALOT of inches cos clothes are hanging off me and she said to me hey you look like you've put on alot of weight is everything okay? I really think your Dr should tell you to lose weight for health reasons!!!! WTF do you say to that???

    I've never been called Fat before and it really hurt my feelings and well I think she did it on purpose. I'm relying on her to translate for me cos I have no german and well the food situation was a disaster today. I avoided all crap had a healthy breakfast. Fruit salad and a small bowl of Special K. We went for Coffee in McD's today at 1 after looking at the Berlin Wall art work in the Freezing cold, she ate 2 giant cookies I had nothing. Just coffee.

    I was starvin marvin come 3 o'clock there's 8 of us in a group and when my OH tactfully suggested that me and him would go off grab food and meet everyone else later for a gig we were going to tonight she got stroppy and insisted we had to eat together and not until 5 o clock and at this restaurant she wanted beside her hostel which was way across town :(

    Long story shortened it was Italian, but not 'Italian' like at home there was lots of Turkish dishes on the menu as well and our waiter only spoke Turkish or German they had no English menus' so when I asked for anything 'healthyish' ie Pasta Arriabata or something I was told it was not available so I ordered a Salad with no Dressing and Gnnoci which was to come with tomatoes and Spinich but I requested no sauce just plain and I was going to add 1 tbsp of Olive Oil myself at the table and a tiny amount of cheese.

    She ordered it and well............Salad came out drenched in a marie rose type sauce, and well the Gnnoci that came in LOADS of butter, olive oil and alot of parmasan cheese and no spinich to be found anywhere. I could have cried!!!! We were going to a gig so I had to eat what I was given but I know it's Obliterated my dailies and some of my weeklies and I'm totally raging. I didn't even enjoy it for the points spent on it. even if it was all zero it was crappy.

    Got to the gig and I didn't drink cos I couldn't afford the points. I don't know whether i'm being paranoid but I dunno if she sabotaged me on purpose or if the restaurant just totally fu**ed up and i'm being too precious about it??

    Either way I'm raging and well for her to call me Fat when i'm down nearly 9lbs since the last time she saw me in December is just sticking with me since this morning and I can't shake it :( I know I'm fat I'm 12 12 and 5.4 so I'm not skinny but honestly i've never been called fat in my life and I've never been skinny and probably been the weight I am now for the last 3 years or more, I was a 16 or a 14 depending on shops before but now a size 14 fits perfectly so what is her problem??

    Sorry for the rant guys I just had to say something somewhere. My OH is so annoyed on my behalf, I said nothing to him but he knows how hard I'm working and I just saw his face when my food arrived and he looked like he was going to lose it on my behalf but I kicked him under the table. I don't want to be the annoying GF who goes on about points and diets etc etc but at the same time he's as good for just knowing automatically whats good and whats bad when it comes to my food.

    My tummy is now in bits due to the level of dairy (I'm lactose intolerent anyway) and I'm actually still hungery but can't eat anything.

    I'm putting my foot down tomorrow I'm finding somewhere healthy (even sushi would be perfect) and I'm going to bite my tongue for the rest of the weekend! Sorry for the self involved very long post guys! but thank you for reading if you did :)

    Onwards and downwards tomorrow.

    PS Walked fecking miles today so lets hope those activity points helped with the woeful dinner and I danced my ass off for 3 hours at a gig tonight so thats gotta help!

    Night night all have a good weekend x

    Ok,girl! Here is the thing. You are on your weekend away, you enjoy it whatever way YOU want too. Do not accept any rubbish like this from anyone for any reason at any time. Sounds like a little jealousy is at play here to me. Eat where and when you want to tomorrow, you can of course (and do have) to be sociable but there are easy ways of avoiding eating, postponing eating etc, just say you are not feeling 100% or better still get OH to say it. then find somewhere more appropriate to eat later. You could - like me = openly say that this place doesn't suit you to eat but you'll have a drink. you are in control of you. You be the one who people fit around for a change. Let me tell you, try it once and you will NEVER look back..

  • Registered Users Posts: 283 ✭✭Kay_80

    Thanks a mil Kashmir I know everything you say is true, and really am not putting up with that ****e tomorrow, time for the little narky short arse in me to come out and dig my heels in, I'll also be bringing a bigger handbag and be throwing in some snacks I can munch on while walking around to make the 'no i'll just have a drink' thing me more realistic for me! :D

    I wouldn't mind obliterating all my points on something tasty given I am on hols, but that crap was not it, yuck I'm going to find a nice Japanese place tomorrow and gorge myself on sushi and or noodles .......but I'll stick within my points!! I'm using all my weeklies this weekend one way or the other so may as well be on something I want and like and will enjoy!

    Oh and Kildarish was it you who was looking for Cranberry juice?? If so I'm not sure if you're aware but per the shop guide the Ocean free LIGHT Cranberry juice is zero pp but only for a small glass (I think maybe 125ml) I thought that was great cos I love the odd glass for breakfast to go with porriage and it's really great for kidney infections. I'll check my shop guide again for you on Monday just to get you the details, that may be too small of a glass for your needs though but I will confirm either way! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    @Kay thanks for that, I will get sone today. The way I see it is any is better than none at all!

    Sorry to hear you had such a horrible day yesterday.
    Sounds like your friend is just jealous and wanted to sabotage ur efforts. Insist on going somewhere you want today. But don't let her or WW ruin ur weekend.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    I have to work this afternoon and cld be a late one. Not sure what the food situation will be like. I bought a multi pack of bottled water in lidl yesterday and some apples and light snacks. Hopefully that'll stop me doing too much damage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,323 ✭✭✭happyday

    "I did feck all excercise except for a hour of sit-ups on Weds and an hour on the treadmill thurs but I still managed to lose 3lbs.....can't believe it! "

    An hour of sit-ups! OMG no wonder you lost the weight. 5 mins would kill me :eek:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,014 ✭✭✭Monife

    Kay_80 wrote: »
    Layla I'm so sorry to hear your mums news but delighted to read it hasn't spread elsewhere thats fantastic news :) keep the spirits up and the positive thoughts it goes a long way towards recovery.

    Lainey get better soon that sounds like a woeful dose.

    So I'm having a great time here but the food situation is a nightmare and I had a massive long post already posted and hit submit and the stupid hotel connection died and I lost it! aghh !

    But long story short I got called 'fat' today by one of my german friends who herself is probably a good 3 or 4 stone heavier than me (I've no problem with that and i'm not saying that to be mean just to put this in context a bit) . I havent seen her since xmas and I've lost weight and I know ALOT of inches cos clothes are hanging off me and she said to me hey you look like you've put on alot of weight is everything okay? I really think your Dr should tell you to lose weight for health reasons!!!! WTF do you say to that???

    I've never been called Fat before and it really hurt my feelings and well I think she did it on purpose. I'm relying on her to translate for me cos I have no german and well the food situation was a disaster today. I avoided all crap had a healthy breakfast. Fruit salad and a small bowl of Special K. We went for Coffee in McD's today at 1 after looking at the Berlin Wall art work in the Freezing cold, she ate 2 giant cookies I had nothing. Just coffee.

    I was starvin marvin come 3 o'clock there's 8 of us in a group and when my OH tactfully suggested that me and him would go off grab food and meet everyone else later for a gig we were going to tonight she got stroppy and insisted we had to eat together and not until 5 o clock and at this restaurant she wanted beside her hostel which was way across town :(

    Long story shortened it was Italian, but not 'Italian' like at home there was lots of Turkish dishes on the menu as well and our waiter only spoke Turkish or German they had no English menus' so when I asked for anything 'healthyish' ie Pasta Arriabata or something I was told it was not available so I ordered a Salad with no Dressing and Gnnoci which was to come with tomatoes and Spinich but I requested no sauce just plain and I was going to add 1 tbsp of Olive Oil myself at the table and a tiny amount of cheese.

    She ordered it and well............Salad came out drenched in a marie rose type sauce, and well the Gnnoci that came in LOADS of butter, olive oil and alot of parmasan cheese and no spinich to be found anywhere. I could have cried!!!! We were going to a gig so I had to eat what I was given but I know it's Obliterated my dailies and some of my weeklies and I'm totally raging. I didn't even enjoy it for the points spent on it. even if it was all zero it was crappy.

    Got to the gig and I didn't drink cos I couldn't afford the points. I don't know whether i'm being paranoid but I dunno if she sabotaged me on purpose or if the restaurant just totally fu**ed up and i'm being too precious about it??

    Either way I'm raging and well for her to call me Fat when i'm down nearly 9lbs since the last time she saw me in December is just sticking with me since this morning and I can't shake it :( I know I'm fat I'm 12 12 and 5.4 so I'm not skinny but honestly i've never been called fat in my life and I've never been skinny and probably been the weight I am now for the last 3 years or more, I was a 16 or a 14 depending on shops before but now a size 14 fits perfectly so what is her problem??

    Sorry for the rant guys I just had to say something somewhere. My OH is so annoyed on my behalf, I said nothing to him but he knows how hard I'm working and I just saw his face when my food arrived and he looked like he was going to lose it on my behalf but I kicked him under the table. I don't want to be the annoying GF who goes on about points and diets etc etc but at the same time he's as good for just knowing automatically whats good and whats bad when it comes to my food.

    My tummy is now in bits due to the level of dairy (I'm lactose intolerent anyway) and I'm actually still hungery but can't eat anything.

    I'm putting my foot down tomorrow I'm finding somewhere healthy (even sushi would be perfect) and I'm going to bite my tongue for the rest of the weekend! Sorry for the self involved very long post guys! but thank you for reading if you did :)

    Onwards and downwards tomorrow.

    PS Walked fecking miles today so lets hope those activity points helped with the woeful dinner and I danced my ass off for 3 hours at a gig tonight so thats gotta help!

    Night night all have a good weekend x

    Kay, don't mind her! She definitely sounds like a green eyed monster. You are not fat AT ALL!!!! And keep telling yourself, at least you are doing something about it to get you even more healthy. I actually can't believe she said that to you, a friend like. I am 15 stone 11.5lbs and even when I was at my heaviest (18 stone 3lbs) not one of my friends (even the lads) called me fat. She must have some insecurity issues herself and is playing on yours. Forget about it and try and enjoy your holiday. That is what holidays are for, enjoying yourself. Stand your ground and say that you are only there for a short time and you want to do A. B and C and you want to eat at A and B. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,435 ✭✭✭Birdie086

    Kay, it deffo sounds like a bit of jealousy to me, I can understand how you are so upset after heading away with the best of intentions, hope the rest of the weekend goes better. Focus on the positive and enjoy xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 364 ✭✭fofany

    Layla, I was so glad this morning when I read that your mam's cancer hasn't spread. Great news.

    Kay_80, my heart goes out to you, especially as you didn't even enjoy the food. It must be so frustrating for you. I hope things go a better for you today. All the walking & dancing will cancel out loads of the pps! Hope you're feeling better today & that your "friend" trys not to be so much of a control freak.

    I have been quite good so far this week. Had a bit of a binge on Wed night - was just so hungry & then last night had some funsize maltesers after all my dailies were used. Did loads of walking this week though. But tonight I am going to my parents for dinner. My mum just makes so much food & will have baked at least 2 desserts. I only called in on Thursday to collect something & she sent me away with homemade scones, shortbread & chocolate chip cookies - so hard to resist. I think she is a feeder. I am planning tonight to bring a fresh fruit salad so I don't have any of the desserts and I have asked for just one piece of chicken for me (they are barbecueing). Plus she only gives my kids processed food - they don't get what the adults eat - because my brother's kids only eat processed stuff. I always give them something to eat before we go over so they don't eat too much rubbish when they're there. At least I won't be drinking as I'll be driving. It's just so hard when you have no control over what food you get. I really have to go this week as I have been getting out of it lately, just because I don't want to sabotage my weightloss. I feel that the food is being forced on me. My family are all big eaters & drinkers & all overweight and I don't think they like to see me being good.

    Good luck everyone with the weekend!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,435 ✭✭✭Birdie086

    fofany wrote: »
    Layla, I was so glad this morning when I read that your mam's cancer hasn't spread. Great news.

    Kay_80, my heart goes out to you, especially as you didn't even enjoy the food. It must be so frustrating for you. I hope things go a better for you today. All the walking & dancing will cancel out loads of the pps! Hope you're feeling better today & that your "friend" trys not to be so much of a control freak.

    I have been quite good so far this week. Had a bit of a binge on Wed night - was just so hungry & then last night had some funsize maltesers after all my dailies were used. Did loads of walking this week though. But tonight I am going to my parents for dinner. My mum just makes so much food & will have baked at least 2 desserts. I only called in on Thursday to collect something & she sent me away with homemade scones, shortbread & chocolate chip cookies - so hard to resist. I think she is a feeder. I am planning tonight to bring a fresh fruit salad so I don't have any of the desserts and I have asked for just one piece of chicken for me (they are barbecueing). Plus she only gives my kids processed food - they don't get what the adults eat - because my brother's kids only eat processed stuff. I always give them something to eat before we go over so they don't eat too much rubbish when they're there. At least I won't be drinking as I'll be driving. It's just so hard when you have no control over what food you get. I really have to go this week as I have been getting out of it lately, just because I don't want to sabotage my weightloss. I feel that the food is being forced on me. My family are all big eaters & drinkers & all overweight and I don't think they like to see me being good.

    Good luck everyone with the weekend!

    Obviously I can't speak for your family but my reckoning is sometimes our families can be suspicious of our healthy eating because they are afraid they might properly examine their own behaviors regarding food and their relationship with it.
    Fair play for having a plan of action.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    Oi! scales were up!

    but feck it whats done is done....i think my sleep (or lack there of) really screwed me up...and now i'm dying with allergies and sinus! Actually didnt sleep at all last night. was coughing sneezing all soon as one thing sets off my sinusitis....everything sets them hair, dog hair, dust, .....blah!

    Pink eyes, headache, puffy face, ears hurting :( which is really annoying...big family dinner tonight with all the spanish and irish cousins...i wanted to look less puffy and for the weight i've actually be clear to see..

    Going to take scorching hot shower in the minute and let the steam do its work! I REALLY hope this doesn't end up turning into sinus infection....they take me like a month to shake :(

    I have exams coming up soon and alot of assignments...i think stress is wearing me down.


    you are doing so well! She must be jealous....cos now your the "cute irish friend.....who has a man" With attitude like hers.....i can only assume she's single! Get your OH to say that he'd like a romantic dinner just him and ye are on a mini get away, that way ye can go off and find somewhere healthy AND have a romantic dinner for two, there is nothing worse than wasting points on something you dont even like...

    can i just say awwwww your OH sounds lovely...the fact he was like annoyed on your behalf...that he's totally supportive....that wonderful!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    Layla0509 wrote: »
    Thanks everyone we're doing ok bit of good news today the scan results came back and the cancer hasn't spread anywhere else so looks like it's been caught in time she starts treatment next wk big sigh of relief and she's being sooooooo positive like always :)
    @saexpat thanks that would be very helpful feel kinda useless and don't think chocolates would be a great choice :)


    After the bombshell few days ago....the tiniest bit of good news is worth celebrating!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 154 ✭✭lil kc

    Im really trying to be good this weekend, but its so hard. I only used 5 weeklies yesterday cos I really wanted a handful of chips but I usually use 15 on a Friday. I didn't cheat on Thursday after weigh in cos I truly believe it catches up on me the next week. Have everything planned out for today including 6 drinks for tonight. I am going to London on Tuesday for the week so I am dreading that. Not going to be able to cook for myself is freaking me out. I have been going through the eating out guide and circling things that are acceptable to eat but I think I am going to be starving alot of the time.

    Indian food is really a big part of the culture for all my friends that live there, anybody know the best thing to go for?

  • Registered Users Posts: 65 ✭✭mcb81

    Thats great news Layla, a positive attitude is so important.

    Traditional fish pie 9pp/portiom
    Serves 4

    700g potatoes, peeled
    2 large leeks, chopped
    300ml skimmed milk, plus 2 tbsp
    1tbsp of chopped fresh parsley or chives
    25g polyunsaturated margarine
    50g plain white flour
    450g skinless cod fillet, cut into chunks
    100g frozen peeled prawns, defrosted
    50g frozen peas, defrosted
    Salt and pepper

    • Cook the potatoes in boiling water until just tender. Meanwhile cook the leeks in a small amount of boiling water for about 5 mins. Drain them both well, reserving the boiling water.
    • Mash the potatoes, adding 2 tbsp of milk. Make the 300ml of milk up to 450ml with the cooking liquid from the potatoes and leeks. Add the chopped parsley or chives.
    • Put the margarine, flour and milk mixture into a saucepan. Heat stirring constantly until thick and smooth. Season if necessary.
    • Preheat the oven to gas mark 5/ 190C / fan oven 170
    • Put the cod in the base of a 1.2litre baking dish and scatter the cooked leeks, prawns and peas on top. Pour the sauce over. Pipe or spoon the mashed potato over the surface.
    • Bake in the oven for 30-35 minutes until cooked and browned.

    Yorkshire curd tarts 3pp/tart
    Makes 12

    175g ready made shortcrust pastry, defrosted if frozen
    125g low fat cottage cheese
    Finely grated zest of a lemon
    25g sultanas
    25g Demerara sugar
    Pinch of ground cinnamon
    1 egg

    • Preheat the oven to gas mark 5 /190C/ fan oven 170C. roll out the pastry and cut into 12 circles. Fit them in a 12 hole patty tin.
    • Push the cottage cheese through a sieve and beat it well with the lemon zest, sultanas, sugar, nutmeg and egg.
    • Divide the filling between the pastry cases and bake for 20 mins until the filling is set to the touch.

  • Registered Users Posts: 95 ✭✭Starrgrrl

    @Kay; oh lord she sounds like an absolute cowbag! Just what you don't need when you're trying so hard and doing so well. Size 14 is so NOT fat and just remember how good you look and feel. I know that meal sucked but it really won't ruin all your effots so far! With your healthy snacking and walking you can safely say that it won't hurt you too much. I think a good dose of shopping with her slim friend is that your German friend needs. Whip her into a department store and give her a fashion show with all the clothes you look great in and some hints on how with a few small changes, she could look as well herself! I know it's mean but a saboteur (sp?) always deserves it!!! Enjoy the rest of your break!

    @Layla: I'm so happy about your mum! Thank goodness it's looking a bit brighter and good luck to you both over the next few months. Keep us all informed about how you're both doing!

    Claire x

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 178 ✭✭boxoff

    Fab morning for a walk/jog girls! Just power walked over the hill of howth, wow its some workout. Jogged the way down - 3.5miles. Came home and had half a roasted chicken breat and tons of zero point salad. Going to a friends birthday later so want to be extra good 2day.
    Best of luck for weekend - I always find it the hardest time to stay on track!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 364 ✭✭fofany

    Just had a 3 course lunch for 9pps.

    Starter : Bowl of leek & courgette soup 1pp (because of the stock & it was a massive bowl!).

    Main : I was making a quick chicken curry for the rest of the family, so made a Quorn one for myself. Half pkt of Quorn pieces (150g) 4pp fried in spray oil 1pp & add 1/4 jar Homepride Mild Curry Sauce 2pp. Pot was 7pp, divided in 2 gives 4pp (wish they still had halves!). Served with 75g boiled rice 3pp & a massive salad. And I have another dinner now for tomorrow.

    Dessert : WW peach yogurt 1pp

    Just wish I was that organised every day!

  • Registered Users Posts: 81 ✭✭finglasgal1

    OMG Kay, get rid of that thing ur with! She is NOT a friend... you dont need ppl like her in ur life whether ur miles apart or not!!
    You are doing fantastic so please do not let her put u down when she cant talk..... She is jealous of you looking so great and healthy and having a OH... 1 can only assume she is single...

    Now didnt I tell u it was nothing but walking over there haha And junk food shops, there are some nice places but you have to really look 4 them!! That art berlin wall thing, holy jasus, it was lashing rain when we went and sooo windy... we only there like 3 weeks ago!! Arghhh

    Did you go to "the pub" in Alexanderplatz? we enjoyed it there! good atmosphere...

    Please dont let the crowbag bring u down girly, you are fantastic! Ditch the weight & the mate, I say!

  • Registered Users Posts: 197 ✭✭Layla0509

    Ah well the scales where up 1lb this morning which isn't as bad as I thought :) start of a new wk so

  • Registered Users Posts: 81 ✭✭finglasgal1

    I went for walk this morning bout 9.45 till bout 10.30. had Kiwi for brekkie... Now im gonna have a brown pitta bread with lettuce, scallions, low low cheese, WW mayo and chicken breast (pre pack low fat one)
    Off to USHER tonight woohoo so im bn good haha

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 154 ✭✭lil kc

    Kay_80 wrote: »
    Layla I'm so sorry to hear your mums news but delighted to read it hasn't spread elsewhere thats fantastic news :) keep the spirits up and the positive thoughts it goes a long way towards recovery.

    Lainey get better soon that sounds like a woeful dose.

    So I'm having a great time here but the food situation is a nightmare and I had a massive long post already posted and hit submit and the stupid hotel connection died and I lost it! aghh !

    But long story short I got called 'fat' today by one of my german friends who herself is probably a good 3 or 4 stone heavier than me (I've no problem with that and i'm not saying that to be mean just to put this in context a bit) . I havent seen her since xmas and I've lost weight and I know ALOT of inches cos clothes are hanging off me and she said to me hey you look like you've put on alot of weight is everything okay? I really think your Dr should tell you to lose weight for health reasons!!!! WTF do you say to that???

    I've never been called Fat before and it really hurt my feelings and well I think she did it on purpose. I'm relying on her to translate for me cos I have no german and well the food situation was a disaster today. I avoided all crap had a healthy breakfast. Fruit salad and a small bowl of Special K. We went for Coffee in McD's today at 1 after looking at the Berlin Wall art work in the Freezing cold, she ate 2 giant cookies I had nothing. Just coffee.

    I was starvin marvin come 3 o'clock there's 8 of us in a group and when my OH tactfully suggested that me and him would go off grab food and meet everyone else later for a gig we were going to tonight she got stroppy and insisted we had to eat together and not until 5 o clock and at this restaurant she wanted beside her hostel which was way across town :(

    Long story shortened it was Italian, but not 'Italian' like at home there was lots of Turkish dishes on the menu as well and our waiter only spoke Turkish or German they had no English menus' so when I asked for anything 'healthyish' ie Pasta Arriabata or something I was told it was not available so I ordered a Salad with no Dressing and Gnnoci which was to come with tomatoes and Spinich but I requested no sauce just plain and I was going to add 1 tbsp of Olive Oil myself at the table and a tiny amount of cheese.

    She ordered it and well............Salad came out drenched in a marie rose type sauce, and well the Gnnoci that came in LOADS of butter, olive oil and alot of parmasan cheese and no spinich to be found anywhere. I could have cried!!!! We were going to a gig so I had to eat what I was given but I know it's Obliterated my dailies and some of my weeklies and I'm totally raging. I didn't even enjoy it for the points spent on it. even if it was all zero it was crappy.

    Got to the gig and I didn't drink cos I couldn't afford the points. I don't know whether i'm being paranoid but I dunno if she sabotaged me on purpose or if the restaurant just totally fu**ed up and i'm being too precious about it??

    Either way I'm raging and well for her to call me Fat when i'm down nearly 9lbs since the last time she saw me in December is just sticking with me since this morning and I can't shake it :( I know I'm fat I'm 12 12 and 5.4 so I'm not skinny but honestly i've never been called fat in my life and I've never been skinny and probably been the weight I am now for the last 3 years or more, I was a 16 or a 14 depending on shops before but now a size 14 fits perfectly so what is her problem??

    Sorry for the rant guys I just had to say something somewhere. My OH is so annoyed on my behalf, I said nothing to him but he knows how hard I'm working and I just saw his face when my food arrived and he looked like he was going to lose it on my behalf but I kicked him under the table. I don't want to be the annoying GF who goes on about points and diets etc etc but at the same time he's as good for just knowing automatically whats good and whats bad when it comes to my food.

    My tummy is now in bits due to the level of dairy (I'm lactose intolerent anyway) and I'm actually still hungery but can't eat anything.

    I'm putting my foot down tomorrow I'm finding somewhere healthy (even sushi would be perfect) and I'm going to bite my tongue for the rest of the weekend! Sorry for the self involved very long post guys! but thank you for reading if you did :)

    Onwards and downwards tomorrow.

    PS Walked fecking miles today so lets hope those activity points helped with the woeful dinner and I danced my ass off for 3 hours at a gig tonight so thats gotta help!

    Night night all have a good weekend x

    First of all, people have been going to countries for years where they don't speak the language and have survived, so kick yer wan to the curb!

    Secondly, stop beating yourself up over that food. As you said yourself you are walking loads and after all you are on holidays so don't be upset.

    Lastly whoop whoop for your OH, that must be so lovely to have someone that knows you and that understands whats important to you. I am so jealous.

    I am a size 14 and feel the healthiest and most confident than I ever have, and I have been a size 10 before too. You be proud of your achievements and surround yourself with nice supportive people. She is a jealous FEEDER!

    Chin up, have a great time x

  • Registered Users Posts: 31 Mollie57

    Kay_80 wrote: »
    Layla I'm so sorry to hear your mums news but delighted to read it hasn't spread elsewhere thats fantastic news :) keep the spirits up and the positive thoughts it goes a long way towards recovery.

    Lainey get better soon that sounds like a woeful dose.

    So I'm having a great time here but the food situation is a nightmare and I had a massive long post already posted and hit submit and the stupid hotel connection died and I lost it! aghh !

    But long story short I got called 'fat' today by one of my german friends who herself is probably a good 3 or 4 stone heavier than me (I've no problem with that and i'm not saying that to be mean just to put this in context a bit) . I havent seen her since xmas and I've lost weight and I know ALOT of inches cos clothes are hanging off me and she said to me hey you look like you've put on alot of weight is everything okay? I really think your Dr should tell you to lose weight for health reasons!!!! WTF do you say to that???

    I've never been called Fat before and it really hurt my feelings and well I think she did it on purpose. I'm relying on her to translate for me cos I have no german and well the food situation was a disaster today. I avoided all crap had a healthy breakfast. Fruit salad and a small bowl of Special K. We went for Coffee in McD's today at 1 after looking at the Berlin Wall art work in the Freezing cold, she ate 2 giant cookies I had nothing. Just coffee.

    I was starvin marvin come 3 o'clock there's 8 of us in a group and when my OH tactfully suggested that me and him would go off grab food and meet everyone else later for a gig we were going to tonight she got stroppy and insisted we had to eat together and not until 5 o clock and at this restaurant she wanted beside her hostel which was way across town :(

    Long story shortened it was Italian, but not 'Italian' like at home there was lots of Turkish dishes on the menu as well and our waiter only spoke Turkish or German they had no English menus' so when I asked for anything 'healthyish' ie Pasta Arriabata or something I was told it was not available so I ordered a Salad with no Dressing and Gnnoci which was to come with tomatoes and Spinich but I requested no sauce just plain and I was going to add 1 tbsp of Olive Oil myself at the table and a tiny amount of cheese.

    She ordered it and well............Salad came out drenched in a marie rose type sauce, and well the Gnnoci that came in LOADS of butter, olive oil and alot of parmasan cheese and no spinich to be found anywhere. I could have cried!!!! We were going to a gig so I had to eat what I was given but I know it's Obliterated my dailies and some of my weeklies and I'm totally raging. I didn't even enjoy it for the points spent on it. even if it was all zero it was crappy.

    Got to the gig and I didn't drink cos I couldn't afford the points. I don't know whether i'm being paranoid but I dunno if she sabotaged me on purpose or if the restaurant just totally fu**ed up and i'm being too precious about it??

    Either way I'm raging and well for her to call me Fat when i'm down nearly 9lbs since the last time she saw me in December is just sticking with me since this morning and I can't shake it :( I know I'm fat I'm 12 12 and 5.4 so I'm not skinny but honestly i've never been called fat in my life and I've never been skinny and probably been the weight I am now for the last 3 years or more, I was a 16 or a 14 depending on shops before but now a size 14 fits perfectly so what is her problem??

    Sorry for the rant guys I just had to say something somewhere. My OH is so annoyed on my behalf, I said nothing to him but he knows how hard I'm working and I just saw his face when my food arrived and he looked like he was going to lose it on my behalf but I kicked him under the table. I don't want to be the annoying GF who goes on about points and diets etc etc but at the same time he's as good for just knowing automatically whats good and whats bad when it comes to my food.

    My tummy is now in bits due to the level of dairy (I'm lactose intolerent anyway) and I'm actually still hungery but can't eat anything.

    I'm putting my foot down tomorrow I'm finding somewhere healthy (even sushi would be perfect) and I'm going to bite my tongue for the rest of the weekend! Sorry for the self involved very long post guys! but thank you for reading if you did :)

    Onwards and downwards tomorrow.

    PS Walked fecking miles today so lets hope those activity points helped with the woeful dinner and I danced my ass off for 3 hours at a gig tonight so thats gotta help!

    Night night all have a good weekend x

    Kay never mind that nasty cow - she is just jealous of how well you have done and is trying to sabotage your diet. Great that your OH is so supportive - just hang on in there!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,014 ✭✭✭Monife

    Such a nice day. Just back from a 3.5k walk and really enjoyed it. Strapped my ankles in bandages so what happened last time with the new runners wouldn't happen again... worked a treat. Have a nice day everyone. Off to do the shopping with the OH and then back to cook, cook, cook!! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 671 ✭✭✭Shoe Lover

    Not having the best weekend so far. Got the mother of all migraines yesterday. Haven't had one so bad in a long time. Had to stop on the way home from work into my mam's and get my dad to drive me home the rest of the way :( Then went to bed but couldn't sleep cos of the pain :(:( Seems to have gone for now though :)

    Have friends coming over tonight for a takeaway, hoping I can convince them to get a chinese so I can get a relatively low pointed chow mein! If we go to the normal takeaway, I've literally no idea what to get because even a bag of chips is 12pp :eek:

    Someone asked about soup: Here is my Spicy Lentil Soup:

    1 onion,
    2 sticks of celery
    1 veg stock cube made up to 850ml
    50g red lentils
    tin of tomatoes
    2 tbsps tomato puree
    1.5 tsp chilli powder
    1 tsp garlic powder

    Cook onion & celery in low fat spray till soft. Add chilli, garlic, stock, tomatoes, tomato puree and lentils. Bring to boil, simmer for 20 mins or so till it thickens. Blitz in blender, season with S&P.

    Serves 4, 2pp per bowl! Delish :pac::pac:

    Oh and kay I cannot believe that girl called you FAT! How rude was she? Totally jealous of you obviously! She is defo not a friend! You don't need negative ppl like that in your life!

  • Registered Users Posts: 261 ✭✭Dee01

    Well done everyone so far this weekend. It seems to be an improvement on last week - myself included :p.

    Kay, dont mind that little fecker, defo just jealous. If you are 5 foot 4 and loosing that amount of weight, your friend would of course have noticed even if she didn't want to admit it to you. Green eyed monsters are not nice friends to have. I don't speak a word of German and spent a week in Berlin last year. I had the time of my life and the language barrier didn't stop me one little bit. In fact I found the Germans enjoyed talking english with us. Anyway - hopefully the rest of the weekend improves.

    I was very lazy this morning and didn't get up until about 1pm. I had 2 slices of Mc Cambridges brown bread and a packet of skips today. Having read through the thread this morning (eh afternoon) I felt I really should go for a walk. I put on a pot of soup and headed out. I even managed to jog a bit of it. Very proud. Just in the door and have had a bowl of soup and I just have to share the recipe as its so nice.

    Carrot and Coriander Soup

    1lb carrots
    1.5l veg stock (2pp)
    2 onions
    1tbs ground coriander
    1 large bunch of fresh coriander
    spray oil (2pp)
    S&P to taste

    1. Roughly chop your carrots and onion
    2. Fry until the onions start to soften
    3. Add the ground coriander and fry for a couple of mins (add a small bit of the stock if you find it burning/sticking)
    4. Add the stock and bring to the boil
    5. Simmer until carrots are soft
    6. Blend to your desired consistency
    7. Finely chop fresh coriander and stir in
    8. S&P to taste


    Good luck for the rest of the weekend. I'm gona enjoy my Chinese tonight as i'm not gona drink (Singapore noodles 15pp and spring rolls 9pp)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    lil kc wrote: »
    Im really trying to be good this weekend, but its so hard. I only used 5 weeklies yesterday cos I really wanted a handful of chips but I usually use 15 on a Friday. I didn't cheat on Thursday after weigh in cos I truly believe it catches up on me the next week. Have everything planned out for today including 6 drinks for tonight. I am going to London on Tuesday for the week so I am dreading that. Not going to be able to cook for myself is freaking me out. I have been going through the eating out guide and circling things that are acceptable to eat but I think I am going to be starving alot of the time.

    Indian food is really a big part of the culture for all my friends that live there, anybody know the best thing to go for?

    Indian food is not all about ghee-laden curries and fatty naan breads. Dishes baked in the Tandoor oven, like chicken tikka, tandoori or shashlik come without a sauce and can be lower in ProPoints® values. But think twice before you order 'extras' - poppadoms, samosas and bhajis are loaded with saturated fat. Avoid curries cooked in creamy sauces, like chicken tikka masala.

    Tandoori Chicken (half) 15
    Tikka (8 pieces) 14
    Vegetable Curry 15
    Vegetable Biryani 29
    Dahl Balti 15
    Prawn Jalfrezi 16
    King Prawn Vindaloo 15
    Chicken Balti 18
    Fish Curry 18
    Lamb Balti 23

    Side Orders
    Cauliflower Bhajee 6
    Saag Aloo 8
    Bombay Potato 8
    Plain Rice 12
    Pilau Rice 16
    Plain Naan 12

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