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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 863 ✭✭✭Eabhabear

    Wow just catching up on all the posts over the last few days! I'm just back from a wedding in Lough Rynn. The meal on Friday was gorgeous but the free wine during the meal was lethal :D I reckon I danced off any damage that night.

    Yesterday was a different story altogether. Was so hungover that I spent the day binging on chocolate :o but it's done now and I'm back on track today. Just did out my shopping list. Going to make a zero point tomato & basil soup and get some pitta bread and salad stuff to go with it. Going to go for a long walk today, tomorrow and Tues and hopefully I'll sts or even lose a little bit on Weds.

    For the people talking about sit-ups, if you are new to them my advice would be to do them in blocks. Say do 20 to start with and then take a break and then do another 20 later on. I find that if you do it this way you're not daunted by the thought of doing them and you won't give up if you can barely get to 20.

    Also does anyone know how many propoints are in a single time out finger, the ones from the multi-packs?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    ooooh just found my new favourite kitchen gadget! :P my mom got me an egg poaching set from aldi (7.99)

    So i had:
    2 slices of toast
    ww cheese spread
    4 poached egg whites

    ww online tracker says that two slices of 35g bread is 4pp.... that's what im going by....i don't care what any calculator says :p

    I divided the egg whites between two poaching cups, 2 whites in each cup and a bit of ww cheese spread on each slice of toast...and the egg whites on each slice.

    50g of the ww cheese spread is 1pp i know i didnt even use near 50g :P

    Toast - 4pp
    4 Egg Whites - 1pp
    ww cheese spread - 1pp
    Total :D 6pp

    the egg whites do need a bit of seasoning for flavour...ground garlic, chili flakes, pepper ect..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,309 ✭✭✭RVN10

    Hey guys so far this week has been great since joining the gym , down my half a stone , siging up for the 10k Run tomorrow hopefully and then going to see what the fuss about the ww classes are all about :P

    60 mins on the treadmill today and 10 min on the cross trainer really feeling motivated , i think i'm starting to look a bit trimmer too which is ace , heres to another good week :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 131 ✭✭Limerickgal82

    Joined WW 6 weeks -- down 7.5 lbs -- finding it tough to stay motivated :( Also have an issue with My leader and her Scales !! I have had serious questions about how accurate they are for a few wks so i weighed myself on purpose on 2 other scales-- they both gave the same weight loss of 2.5 lbs -- went down to the class 30 mins later and her scales weight loss was .5lbs :( so frustrating !! Also need some ideas for Lunch at work -- im over salad and soup lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    RVN10 wrote: »
    Hey guys so far this week has been great since joining the gym , down my half a stone , siging up for the 10k Run tomorrow hopefully and then going to see what the fuss about the ww classes are all about :P

    60 mins on the treadmill today and 10 min on the cross trainer really feeling motivated , i think i'm starting to look a bit trimmer too which is ace , heres to another good week :D

    well you totally guilted me into hopping on the treatmill! wrecked now...but at least i've earned a few extra points so i can enjoy my dinner guilt free now :p

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,859 ✭✭✭m'lady

    As matter of interest girls how many activity points would you give if you did a good half hour to forty minutes on the treadmill, 20 on bike and 10 on cross trainer? The table in the pocket book is all over the place!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    m'lady wrote: »
    As matter of interest girls how many activity points would you give if you did a good half hour to forty minutes on the treadmill, 20 on bike and 10 on cross trainer? The table in the pocket book is all over the place!

    it depends on the intensity....acitivity points can end up being different for two people...even if they did the same exercise.....same speed...same length of time...think its down how much effort it took your body to that.

    Like i just did 40 mins on treadmill at 5kph, i'm drenched in sweat....and that 4pp activity points

    I say you did about 5-6pp

    FAIR PLAY TO YA!!!!! I Miss the fitness I had last summer!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    Am I healthy enough for exercise?
    Your first concern should be determining if you are safely able to begin increasing your activity. It’s wise to check with your doctor before you increase your level of physical activity. Right now, you can take our quiz

    Why is activity important?
    Activity burns calories. Plus, it helps to preserve, build and tone muscle tissue. Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat does, even when the body is at rest. Physical activity can also help to improve your mood. There are many benefits to being active, but to sum it all up, getting active will help you to improve your health and feel great while you lose weight.

    What counts as activity?
    Any physical activity that makes your body move counts. You don’t have to go to the gym to get a good workout, and you don’t need equipment to exercise. You can earn activity ProPoints values for all types of activity, anything beyond your regular daily activity: Just make a start by doing more than you did before. Every activity counts towards healthy weight loss. However, in order to earn activity ProPoints values for activities you need to reach an aggregate period of 10 minutes – e.g. 2 x 5 minutes of walking or cycling.

    How often should I get active?
    The latest recommendation from the British Heart Foundation is that for good health, we should all be getting at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity on 5 days or more a week. The American College of Sports Medicine also suggests 20 minutes of high intensity activity on 3 days a week as an alternative to maintain health and reduce the risk of chronic disease.

    We know that this may seem like a lot of activity, especially if you’ve been fairly inactive or sedentary. That’s okay. Right now, getting any daily activity at all is a positive step, and we’ve designed the plan to encourage you to become more active.

    To start with, you should try to earn some activity ProPoints values on most days. The best approach is to start slow, starting with activities of low and moderate intensity. Jumping into an activity routine that's more intense than you're used to is a recipe for burnout. As you start to feel more comfortable, you can gradually increase your efforts. To benefit your weight loss - aim to earn 2-4 activity ProPoints values a day.

    When you reach your Goal Weight, we recommend you aim to earn 4-6 activity ProPoints values a day to help keep your weight steady. This usually equates to around an hour of activity every day.

    How long should I get active for?
    To start, don’t worry about duration. Getting any daily activity at all is a positive step – being more active than you are right now can enhance your weight loss efforts – and your health.

    For weight control and general health — and to start earning activity ProPoints values — you certainly don’t have to do all of your daily activity in one shot. Doing three ten-minute spurts of activity can be just as beneficial as one 30-minute session. So don't feel like you can't get active because you don't have time. Just start small and increase your efforts gradually, to help avoid injury and burn-out.

    How much activity is too much?
    We recommend that you earn no more than an average (over a usual week) of 6 activity ProPoints values per day, unless you are under the supervision of a qualified exercise specialist. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that you don’t regularly exceed this amount of daily exercise unless you’re under the supervision of a qualified exercise specialist to reduce the risk of injury.

    How can I be sure that I'm getting active safely?
    First of all, always be sure to warm up and cool down.

    To warm up before exercise, spend five minutes doing a low-intensity, gentler version of whatever activity you'll be doing. Then stretch your muscles before you begin. (Your muscles need to be warm to be stretched.)

    Cooling down after exercise is just as important, as it allows your body to gradually adjust back to resting levels. To cool down, perform any low-intensity activity for five minutes. You may also want to stretch again; stretching after activity may help prevent soreness.

    To avoid injury, it’s important to use proper form, and to heed your body’s signals to stop when something hurts or doesn’t feel right.

    What kind of exercise should I do? Should I do more strength-building or cardio?
    For now, it doesn't matter. Just move! If you’re inactive now, performing any type of activity will be a big step in the right direction. And, if you’re already active, doing more will be beneficial. When getting active daily starts to become more of an established habit, and you’re ready to advance, then you can focus on creating an ideal exercise combination that will best suit your goals and preferences. The best exercise regime includes a combination of cardiovascular exercise, strength training and stretching movements to build flexibility. The options to achieve this are limitless, and you don’t need to join a gym to do it.

    You can find workout ideas, exercise tips, and much more specific information about getting the biggest benefits from physical activity on our site.

    Is it better to exercise all at once or break it up into chunks?
    For weight control and general health, it doesn’t matter. Activity doesn't need to be done all at once for it to count. Doing three ten-minute bouts of activity can be just as beneficial as one 30-minute session. So don't feel like you can't exercise because you don't have time. Just move!

    How can I avoid exercise burnout?
    Make sure you’re performing a variety of different activity and exercises that you enjoy, and that you change these activities when you begin to feel bored.

    Remember that there are three main types of physical activity: aerobic, resistance (strength training), and stretching (flexibility). It’s important to avoid doing too much of a particular type of exercise, so be sure to switch up your routines. You can find all sorts of ideas for different activities and demonstration videos on the site in Fitness & Health.

    Why should I drink more liquids when I’m active?
    When you exercise at a moderate or high level of intensity, you sweat, and it’s essential that you replace those lost liquids. Drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after physical activity, and be especially careful to do so when you’re exercising in hot weather. Cool water is a great choice – as it’s free and zero ProPoints values.

    Should I avoid exercise after eating?
    It’s wise to avoid moderate- or high-intensity activity just after eating, as it could be uncomfortable. .But taking a leisurely stroll is a great idea.

    What's the best time of day for exercise?
    Any exercise, at any time, counts. For weight loss and general health, the time of day you exercise doesn’t matter. Do it whenever it works for you. You’ll likely prefer to exercise at a certain time of day based on your schedule. Many people find that exercising in the early morning is the easiest, for example, because they are most likely to be free of other commitments and unexpected interruptions during the early morning hours.

    Will doing crunches help me lose the fat around my midsection?
    No. "Spot reduction," as exercise physiologists call it, doesn’t work. When you combine activity with a healthy, weight loss eating plan (and that’s the ProPoints plan), you lose weight from all over your body. Abdominal workouts can make your muscles firmer, and can deliver other benefits by strengthening the core area of your body, but they won’t make the fat around your midsection disappear.

    Can exercise reduce cellulite?
    Cellulite, or the dimpling of skin in areas like the thighs and buttocks, can’t be eliminated with exercise – or any creams or other expensive products, for that matter. But exercise and weight loss can help reduce the appearance of cellulite, by toning muscle and reducing body fat.

    Will gaining muscle slow down my weight loss?
    No. Building muscle mass increases metabolism, helping you burn more calories even at rest. When you’re losing weight it is unlikely you would actually build muscle mass, rather help to maintain your muscle mass as your body loses weight and gets smaller – and therefore help to maintain your metabolism. So don’t skip strength-training exercises because you fear gaining muscle; that’s exactly the benefit you want! Rest assured it would take a very intense strength training program to promote enough muscle gain to interfere with weight loss. Further, the scales are not the only measure of success. When you preserve or tone muscles through exercise, you will likely lose inches off your waistline and your clothes will likely fit much better.

    How do activity ProPoints values work?
    When you log enough physical activity in the Activity Tracker in the Plan Manager, you’ll automatically be credited with any activity ProPoints values you’ve earned. Your earned activity ProPoints values can be swapped for food ProPoints values. You can swap your activity ProPoints values for food any time during the week you earned them; you just can’t ’roll them over’ into the following week.

    If you wish, you can swap earned activity ProPoints values for food before you use your weekly ProPoints allowance (or vice-versa).

    Should I swap activity ProPoints values for food?
    It's up to you. The plan allows you to swap them for food and drink and still lose weight. Just watching your activity ProPoints values add up can motivate you to get more active and to keep following the plan, even if you only rarely use your activity ProPoints values for food. If you do want to swap them for food, just remember that you must use them in the same week you earn them. Use them that week, or lose them. In this way, they’re just like your weekly ProPoints allowance. You can’t ’roll over’ those extra ProPoints values to the following week.

    Is there a maximum number of activity ProPoints values that I can swap for food?
    No. If you've earned them, you can use them for food. But just like your weekly ProPoints allowance, you must use activity ProPoints values in the same week you earn them. You can’t ’roll them over‘ to the following week.

    Why do heavier people tend to earn more activity ProPoints values for any given activity?
    The more weight a person carries, the harder that person has to work to move their weight, and they use more calories doing so. That’s why a heavier person can earn more activity ProPoints values than a lighter person if they both exercise at the same intensity for the same period of time.

    How do I determine the intensity level of my activity?
    “Intensity” is relative; the same activity may require more effort from a new exerciser than it does from somebody who has been exercising regularly for a while. Generally speaking, your perceived rate of exertion is a pretty accurate measure of intensity level. Here are some additional guidelines to follow to help you determine your level of intensity:

    •Your intensity level is low if you can talk and sing, your breathing is regular and you’re not sweating.

    •Your intensity level is moderate if you can talk but can’t sing; your breathing is frequent and deep, and you begin sweating after 10 minutes.

    •Your intensity level is high if you can talk briefly but can’t sing, your breathing is rapid and deep, and you begin sweating after 3-5 minutes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    Eabhabear wrote: »
    Also does anyone know how many propoints are in a single time out finger, the ones from the multi-packs?

    1pp per finger 3pp for two fingers :) thats for the snack size, which I assume is the multi pack size

  • Registered Users Posts: 264 ✭✭hollyhock

    Eabhabear wrote: »
    Wow just catching up on all the posts over the last few days! I'm just back from a wedding in Lough Rynn. The meal on Friday was gorgeous but the free wine during the meal was lethal :D I reckon I danced off any damage that night.

    Yesterday was a different story altogether. Was so hungover that I spent the day binging on chocolate :o but it's done now and I'm back on track today. Just did out my shopping list. Going to make a zero point tomato & basil soup and get some pitta bread and salad stuff to go with it. Going to go for a long walk today, tomorrow and Tues and hopefully I'll sts or even lose a little bit on Weds.

    For the people talking about sit-ups, if you are new to them my advice would be to do them in blocks. Say do 20 to start with and then take a break and then do another 20 later on. I find that if you do it this way you're not daunted by the thought of doing them and you won't give up if you can barely get to 20.

    Also does anyone know how many propoints are in a single time out finger, the ones from the multi-packs?
    .......their the ones in a new light blue pack(they used to be in a navy pack),they are 2pp each and i love them!!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 72 ✭✭eok56

    Mislaid my book; I have searched the house but no sign of it :( I haven't taken it outside the house so it has to be somewhere but god knows where!!

    Can some one tell me how much pp are in eggs and also prawns?

    Thanks!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 65 ✭✭mcb81

    eok56 wrote: »
    Mislaid my book; I have searched the house but no sign of it :( I haven't taken it outside the house so it has to be somewhere but god knows where!!

    Can some one tell me how much pp are in eggs and also prawns?

    Thanks!! :)

    medium egg= 2pp
    large egg = 3pp
    1 egg white - 0pp
    2 egg whites = 1pp

    king prawns, cooked, 1 portion, 100g = 3pp
    king raw, 8, 64g = 1pp
    peeled, 1 medium portion 60g = 1
    tiger, cooked and peeled, 1 portion. 100g = 2pp

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    eok56 wrote: »
    Mislaid my book; I have searched the house but no sign of it :( I haven't taken it outside the house so it has to be somewhere but god knows where!!

    Can some one tell me how much pp are in eggs and also prawns?

    Thanks!! :)

    Medium egg - 45g - 2pp
    Large egg - 65g - 3pp

    100g Raw Prawns - 2pp
    100g Raw Tiger Prawns - 2pp
    100 Raw King Prawns - 2pp

  • Registered Users Posts: 72 ✭✭eok56

    Thank you so much ladies!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 73 ✭✭rachelryan29

    Hodgins sausages in ashborune tesco!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Evening all, just been catching up on everyone over the last 24 hours.
    Everyone seems to have had a better weekend than last weekend, but I don't think we could have got much worse!

    I'm really happy bout my weekend. Was good food wise, and went for a nice walk in the woods today. Himself was with me so I wasn't walking at my usual speed, but it was a decent walk all the same.

    Had a little victory yesterday. Bought my first pair of size 18 trousers in two years or more! They are walking trousers and I really didn't think they would fit. Only tried them on coz they were reduced by 70%! Delighted! Made my weekend :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,859 ✭✭✭m'lady

    Lady Lainy wrote: »
    it depends on the intensity....acitivity points can end up being different for two people...even if they did the same exercise.....same speed...same length of time...think its down how much effort it took your body to that.

    Like i just did 40 mins on treadmill at 5kph, i'm drenched in sweat....and that 4pp activity points

    I say you did about 5-6pp

    FAIR PLAY TO YA!!!!! I Miss the fitness I had last summer!

    Thanks a million lainy, its pretty hard to work out in pocket book,not sure if you've seen it,but there is obvious errors in it, I know it was spoken about a while back here but can't find the page. Am definitely gonna try get to the gym every other day hopefully!

  • Registered Users Posts: 308 ✭✭SSFG

    kildareash wrote: »

    Had a little victory yesterday. Bought my first pair of size 18 trousers in two years or more! They are walking trousers and I really didn't think they would fit. Only tried them on coz they were reduced by 70%! Delighted! Made my weekend :D

    Double bonus 70% off!! Such a great feeling, well done!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,859 ✭✭✭m'lady

    kildareash wrote: »
    Evening all, just been catching up on everyone over the last 24 hours.
    Everyone seems to have had a better weekend than last weekend, but I don't think we could have got much worse!

    I'm really happy bout my weekend. Was good food wise, and went for a nice walk in the woods today. Himself was with me so I wasn't walking at my usual speed, but it was a decent walk all the same.

    Had a little victory yesterday. Bought my first pair of size 18 trousers in two years or more! They are walking trousers and I really didn't think they would fit. Only tried them on coz they were reduced by 70%! Delighted! Made my weekend :D

    Such a fantastic feeling isn't it? If we could bottle that feeling we'd never eat rubbish again! Well done!

  • Registered Users Posts: 364 ✭✭fofany

    kildareash wrote: »
    Evening all, just been catching up on everyone over the last 24 hours.
    Everyone seems to have had a better weekend than last weekend, but I don't think we could have got much worse!

    I'm really happy bout my weekend. Was good food wise, and went for a nice walk in the woods today. Himself was with me so I wasn't walking at my usual speed, but it was a decent walk all the same.

    Had a little victory yesterday. Bought my first pair of size 18 trousers in two years or more! They are walking trousers and I really didn't think they would fit. Only tried them on coz they were reduced by 70%! Delighted! Made my weekend :D

    I'm sure you're so full of motivation today - you just sound like it! Good news on the trousers.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 277 ✭✭kashmir

    Lady Lainy wrote: »
    Oi! scales were up!

    but feck it whats done is done....i think my sleep (or lack there of) really screwed me up...and now i'm dying with allergies and sinus! Actually didnt sleep at all last night. was coughing sneezing all soon as one thing sets off my sinusitis....everything sets them hair, dog hair, dust, .....blah!

    I know so many people suffering sinus problems at the moment and I think the tree pollen has started early too....mayby a sign of a good summer ...wishful thinking.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,309 ✭✭✭RVN10

    kildareash wrote: »
    Have u tried the butternut squash and red pepper soup? I have a big Pot boiling at the minute?
    It's just butternut squash, red pepper and an onion. Oh yeah and vegetable stock!
    kildareash wrote: »
    Evening all, just been catching up on everyone over the last 24 hours.
    Everyone seems to have had a better weekend than last weekend, but I don't think we could have got much worse!

    I'm really happy bout my weekend. Was good food wise, and went for a nice walk in the woods today. Himself was with me so I wasn't walking at my usual speed, but it was a decent walk all the same.

    Had a little victory yesterday. Bought my first pair of size 18 trousers in two years or more! They are walking trousers and I really didn't think they would fit. Only tried them on coz they were reduced by 70%! Delighted! Made my weekend :D

    Congrats kildaresh

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    anyone got some tasty 0pp marinade recipes? I've started using my George forman again...doing chicken breasts on it....

    i put the chicken breast in sandwich bag....flatten it with a hammer :P
    tonight i slapped 10g of green pesto over the chicken! OH MY GOD NOM NOM!
    but the pesto was 1pp for the 10g...

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 277 ✭✭misspiggy40

    Lady Lainy wrote: »
    anyone got some tasty 0pp marinade recipes? I've started using my George forman again...doing chicken breasts on it....

    i put the chicken breast in sandwich bag....flatten it with a hammer :P
    tonight i slapped 10g of green pesto over the chicken! OH MY GOD NOM NOM!
    but the pesto was 1pp for the 10g...

    Hey Lady L how long do you cook them for?? Assume well flattened.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    Hey Lady L how long do you cook them for?? Assume well flattened.

    i just flatten them till there an same thickness all over...usually about 3/4 of an inch in thickness...takes about 6 - 8 minutes.

    Had it with a load of potatoes and peas and corn (oh if only i liked any of the 0pp veg)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Lady Lainy wrote: »
    anyone got some tasty 0pp marinade recipes? I've started using my George forman again...doing chicken breasts on it....

    OOh, I'd be interested in this too. Last time I jst threw a little bit of everything in! It was delish but I didn't point it :o
    I was thinking of doing chicken noodles or something like that for dinner tomorrow

  • Registered Users Posts: 65 ✭✭mcb81

    Lady Lainy wrote: »
    anyone got some tasty 0pp marinade recipes? I've started using my George forman again...doing chicken breasts on it....

    i put the chicken breast in sandwich bag....flatten it with a hammer :P
    tonight i slapped 10g of green pesto over the chicken! OH MY GOD NOM NOM!
    but the pesto was 1pp for the 10g...

    you could try half a crushed clove of garlic mixed with the juice and zest of half a lemon 0pp or
    tablespoon of soy sauce, juice of half a lime and a teaspoon of sweetener 0pp.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 671 ✭✭✭Shoe Lover

    Also need some ideas for Lunch at work -- im over salad and soup lol

    You could try a WW bagel cut in half and toasted (4pp), 1 35g tub of Extra Light Philadelphia (1pp) spread on top, then topped with 30g of smoked salmon (1pp). Delish! Had it for brunch today, was really nice and filling too!

    Have been a lot better this weekend than I thought I would be. Had friends over last night and we got a chinese but I got a veg chow mein and only had half a glass of wine so didn't go over my dailies. Wasn't too worried if I did, as I have all my weeklies left, but was nervous about drinking in case I had a migraine relapse :(

    Then today, I went for dinner with the in laws. Resisted the starter, even with my boyf's father shoving bread rolls at me. Had a lovely cajun chicken salad with only a tiny amount of dressing on the side. No dessert either, although I did have a mouthful of the OH's choco fudge cake. I have a WW sticky toffee pud that I'm going to have in a bit, although have a bit of a choco craving at the mo!

    Sorry for the long post!

  • Registered Users Posts: 184 ✭✭izzy24

    Hey people...

    God i had a really tough wkend out for dinner yesterday and today... I tried to point everything as best i could and tried to make the right decisions... Really hoping i havnt messed things up... Weigh in is tuesday please god let e be down:(...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,014 ✭✭✭Monife

    Hey Lainy.

    Don't know any 0PP marinades but the following is low enough.

    4 cloves garlic
    1 small red chilli
    2 tsp sesame oil
    2 tsp honey
    4tbsp soy sauce

    Chop garlic and chilli very fine (or mince the garlic if you can). Mix well in a bowl with other ingredients.

    The sauce could marinade 4 chicken breasts. I usually use it on chopped up chicken for a stir fry but I would say you could dip the chicken breasts in it, massage it in a bit and pop them on the george forman.

    5PP for the sauce, I would count it as 1PP per portion of chicken. You could tweak it for 1 chicken breast, maybe 1tsp sesame oil, 1tsp honey & 2tbsp soy, 2 garlic cloves & half of chilli but it would then be 2PP.

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