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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    Jwacqui wrote: »
    Happy Friday Everyone also!! Especially Ladiee24!! :D

    Congratulations on your loss this week!! Thats fab! You'll be a gold member before you know it! So, seeing as you're so close any tips for all us that are a little farther from goal??

    I bet you have loads as you have done an amazing job so far! ;)

    I'm having a really good week so far!! I have to say thanks so much for your comment. I had intentions to join the gym this week. I might, I think I will, I wil next week etc..

    I was supposed to do it yesterday but didn't get around to it and when I seen your post this morning I got up went to the gym and not only joined but got a plan made up and did it today!

    I feel so great for doing it and I enjoyed pushing myself! Would you believe I'm home now and want to go do it again!! The trainer said that with the plan he made me (interval training) that I can expect up to a 4lb loss the first few weeks as it will strip the fat!!! :eek: But I'd be happy with 2lbs!! I think thats alot I don't want to be dissappointed!

    Hope we are all having a fantastic week!! And are enjoying your weight loss journey, and remember it is a journey and it doesn't matter if it takes longer than you take or you get lost along the way just get back on the horse and keep in mind what you want and it will be yours.

    Reach for the moon and it you don't quite get there you'll fall on a star!!

    I know it's cheesy but we are all capable of so much when we put our mind to it, it just takes determination!!

    Much love to everyone!!

    Jacqui xx :p

    i'm absolutely delighted to hear this!!! well done cause exercise sucks as far as i'm concerned :D but if i want a toned frame it's what i have to do!

    aw where to start with tips:
    • tracking "if you bite it you write it"
    • point free soup
    • sugar free jelly
    • cook as much as you can from scratch!!
    • get a pedometer from your meetings great motivator to know your bonus points
    • stay to your meetings as much as you can
    • go at your own pace its your journey
    • find exercise you enjoy(or can put up with :P) for me it's walking or work out dvd's
    • draw a line under a bad morning, afternoon, day or week!!
    please let us know how the gym treats you!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 93 ✭✭qwertyface

    Oh god! I need some sort of emotional support here... I joined ww two weeks ago and dropped 6.5 pounds, then this week had a ridiculous amount of drinking/partying events, ignored any sort of healthy eating rules. My weigh in is tomorrow and I'm petrified! I wouldn't be surprised if I was back to my original weight! Agh!! My own fault, but it's a little embarrassing... Ugh. And I have 2 more social events the next two nights! Ridiculous.

  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    Hi guys...just catchin up on the week there...weighed in on thurs half pound dwn...was ok... Down is down and big loss week before i really cant complain!!:):) thursday and friday were a complete disaster!! Drink chocolate and crap!! Really way over points miles over...:):) So im playing catch up with myself now for the week!!! With no car anymore..i cant get to the gym so im really gonna struggle this week...hoping i can get out walking again after work...Started new week today really...back in work so that does keep me on the straight road :D:D...

    Well done Ladiee24...Thats brill ur so close now!! And thanks so much for your comment...means alot..!! This post not so inspiring tho but just shows we all have really bad days from time to time...Its all part of the journey!! All the bumps along the way are what makes it exciting :) Hoping my no gym buzz this week wont ruin my week but il try make most of it..!!
    All your advice is spot on too...TRACK TRACK TRACK...!! I think its the best thing ever!!!:D:D

    Hope everyone has a great week...Chin up!! We shall all get there in the end...If you want something bad enough u will get it and I have every faith thats true ;)...xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 388 ✭✭cjdun1

    Hi, just wondering if any has used the WW pedometer (the one that calculates what points you've earned through walking, etc?)......thinking of getting one, but if they're rubbish, I'll save my €20.



  • Registered Users Posts: 46 112togo

    Pembily wrote: »
    Firstly, MASSIVE MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS, that is an amazing feat to do to loose that amount of weight and you are now on a healty track:):)

    My advice - Find a pic of yourself when you were 4 stone heavier and look at it, and look in the mirror... Or put on an old pair of pants!!!

    DO NOT BE MAD!! 3.5 lb is only 3.5 lb, don't think of it as quarter of a stone, you can retain up to 5lb of water when you have your period...

    Best of luck and don't give up hope, remeber - your goal weight is 56 pounds closer than it was 8 months ago and summer is easier!!!

    thanks pembily. i dug out an old photo from last october, and i couldnt believe the difference - really cheered me up so thanks for the idea! when you're looking at yourself in the mirror everyday it can be hard soemtimes to see the difference.

    im hoping to have lost that 3.5 pounds and more this week - as i hope some of it was period related.

    as my leader says- lets see less of ye next week!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 144 ✭✭felinefeelins

    Welcome to all NEWBIES .
    Some gr8 stories with amazing results.

    112togo, the photo is a good idea, I combine it with 2 items of clothing, one I used to wear and one I want to wear. Appreciate the stuff out of left field too, sitting on a seat
    and actually being on the seat as opposed to flowing over the sides of it, that was one that caught me by surprise.
    I lost all of 1lb this week, tis so slow this time round, but slow in the right direction I keep telling myself. Have decided to go away in August, so thats my next goal, got 9 weeks and I want to drop 14 lbs................
    Just realised it was a bank holiday w/e (all the traffic was the 1st clue lol) points normally get a hit on BH w/e's but actually doing very well so far. Bit of sunshine helps attempting to find a garden in the wilderness that's out the back so getting a tonne of exercise too..... and maybe a little tan.
    Enjoy the w/e all, congrats to all and best of luck for the nxt WI

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,772 ✭✭✭Jwacqui

    Hi Everyone,

    Hope your weekend is going well.

    I have to say I agree totally with all your tips! Spot on! Regarding the gym it seems to be going well so far. I did 45mins cardio friday (bike, treadmill, crosstrainer), and 50mins yesterday morning! I'm not in any pain either, my experience before with the gym was I would be in agony, I don't know if this is because I'm doing more stretches or because I have lost weight since last time. Was going to go again today but thought 3days in a row might be a bit much but I have to say I am really regretting not going! Believe it or not I actually feel guilty! :eek: I am shocked!

    Cant go tomorrow cause it opens 9-6 cause of the Bank Holiday and I am working 10-5.30!

    Weigh in is tuesday and I'm kinda nervous! I've had a good week food wise and since I joined this is the first week I have been active. Have also been getting my water in every day (2-3litres)! Hope it goes well!!

    I am heading to the gym tuesday after weigh in and defintely going wednesday with my friend! So thats 2days down already. Never know I might even go 4times next week!

    Hope you are all doing fab!

    J xx :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 361 ✭✭breadandjam

    Well done everyone. I missed my WI last week and ended up going for an Indian Meal instead. We had someone staying with us and were out a lot with them so I lost track.

    So I just drew a line under it and I managed to pull it all back this week by upping the amount of exercise and tracking everything and was down 2.5 pounds which makes 3 stone 11 pound so far.

    I'm pushing to lose thgree this week and make it four stone. Today I walked home from Blanchardstown Shopping centre to Cabra along the Canal- an hour and forty mnutes- great day for it too.:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 144 ✭✭felinefeelins

    Well done everyone. I missed my WI last week and ended up going for an Indian Meal instead. We had someone staying with us and were out a lot with them so I lost track.

    So I just drew a line under it and I managed to pull it all back this week by upping the amount of exercise and tracking everything and was down 2.5 pounds which makes 3 stone 11 pound so far.

    I'm pushing to lose thgree this week and make it four stone. Today I walked home from Blanchardstown Shopping centre to Cabra along the Canal- an hour and forty mnutes- great day for it too.:)

    WOW Well done B n J . thats brill.
    Think ypu have the rite attitude. Tis not. Start nxt day but, nxt meal......... Got to say this is my mantra at the mo. As said just realised twas BH w/e and almost on Q, got calls frm friends who wanted to make plans for grub n grogg. So, decided I would be the designated driver to cull some of those nasty empty points. It worked. Wasn't hit with munhchies either....... Got a load of brownie points also, gonna stick em into the bank when we hit the beaches on hols

  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    Hey hey..

    Im havin a dreadful week of i already said thurs and fri were awful... sat was ok...but today agin has been terrible..i just cant stop eating...feeling so hungry and lost on only 20 stressed out over my whole car crap and just not havin any of it this week..!!!:(..No way to get to gym aint helping lack of exercise is so bloody crap in itself...Im doing the marathon tamo so maybe that mite kick me in the ass..I dunno i just feel as though this week is a complete wash out already...bit down about the whole thing i guess!!

    Felinefeelins, breadandjam and jwacqui..well done for been so positive and having been on track i think its great...i need to be dragged back to reality!!...

    Sorry bout my rant...!! Hope everyones having a super long weekend..!! xx

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 76 ✭✭lots2lose

    Hey hey..

    Im havin a dreadful week of i already said thurs and fri were awful... sat was ok...but today agin has been terrible..i just cant stop eating...feeling so hungry and lost on only 20 stressed out over my whole car crap and just not havin any of it this week..!!!:(..No way to get to gym aint helping lack of exercise is so bloody crap in itself...Im doing the marathon tamo so maybe that mite kick me in the ass..I dunno i just feel as though this week is a complete wash out already...bit down about the whole thing i guess!!

    Felinefeelins, breadandjam and jwacqui..well done for been so positive and having been on track i think its great...i need to be dragged back to reality!!...

    Sorry bout my rant...!! Hope everyones having a super long weekend..!! xx

    Hi Shelly how did the marathon go? try not to get too down about the bad week you have done amaing so far and you might be surprised when you step on those scales!

    Last week I had the worst week ever i went to WW but stayed the same and totally deserved it

    Ive been good so far this week as the holiers are in 4 weeks I cant beleive its nearly here! I'm gonna join Aqua Aerobics on Wednesday too I brought a swim suit at the weekend i really want to give it a big push!

    Hi to all and hope you had a great weekend and will have an even better week! x

  • Registered Users Posts: 664 ✭✭✭Karmella

    Oh my god I am totally dreading this WI tonight, I really feel like I've put every one of the 7.5 lbs I lost back on. It was a really bad holiday week and then the BH weekend just killed me off altogether. But I guess I'll just have to go and pick myself up and start again tomorrow. I should be at my 5% today and I was only a pound away 2 weeks ago. Oh well, hopefully it won't be as bad as I'm expecting..... fingers crossed!

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭itsallaboutme!!

    hi everyone

    just checking in after my weigh in.after losing 5lbs last week was really expecting to stay the same or maybe 1lb down but was delighted to see i was 2.5lbs down and also finally made it to my first stone :D.i found the bank holiday a bit tough especially friday and saturday as i was working sunday and monday:mad:. but its a new week now so back on track big time this week, back to aqua aerobics tomorrow cant wait i actually missed not going last night:eek:

    there were some really inspiring stories at my meeting this morning which have given me the incentive to keep going and make my goal. im down now from 13st 5lbs to 12st 4lbs so im really happy and after this morning im even more determined to get there.

    congrats to everyone with losses since i last posted keep it up!!

    to anyone who is feeling it this week with the bank holiday, like others have said draw a line under it and tomorrow is another day!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,772 ✭✭✭Jwacqui

    Hi Everybody,

    Had weigh in this morning and was down half a pound. Have to say I'm a little disappointed, havn't done any exercise since started WW and this week I went to te gym twice so thought I had sweated off more than that!

    Ah well, a loss is a loss. It's 2st 4lb down in total, that shows it's working so just need to persevere. Went to the gym this morning after weigh in and had a great work out!!

    So I'm hoping the exercise is going to pay off this week and next week will be a good one!

    Shellybelly you've come so far, draw a line under your weekend and just get back on track! If you have had a bad week, thats all it is. A bad week don't let it turn into a bad fortnight or month!

    J xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    Hi ther guys...nice to see people having great losses even after the bank hols..Well done thats brill!!

    Lotstolose...the marathon went well was casual enough walk but it was 10km so i guess that will help this was ok today... trying to keep it ok till WI but i am expecting to be up!! Thanks for the advice i no your right i was just flippin out the other day...thurs after WI will mark the start of a better week all in all!! Found out a bus i can get to the gym too so until then il walk to work etc tat shud stand to me:)

    Thanks jwaqui too i no you guys are right but i was defo just having a moment..the marathon helped me chill out for some strange reason!!...Il continue as i am till WI...and start again thurs...maybe WI wont be as bad as I think... heres hoping anyways !! :)

    Best of luck to everyone else WI...:):) xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 664 ✭✭✭Karmella

    Well i was right about one thing - i was up. But thankfully only 2 lbs. I honestly thought it was more! Anyway i'm going to be back on track tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 58,456 ✭✭✭✭ibarelycare

    I was so bad this week....and skipped my class last night :o I know, I know, very bold. But my weekend was a total write off...3 BBQs and all tracking went completely out the window. I'd been up half a pound the week before and didn't want to be up 2 weeks in a row :( I'm back on track now though and don't have any nights out or parties planned for the next week so I have no excuses not to be good!

    I'm starting aqua aerobics tonight, which I'm really nervous about! I'm just so unfit, worried I'm going to collapse halfway through :D

    if you're going to the national aquatic centre tonight keep an eye out for a very sunburnt newbie!

    Well done to everyone who had good WIs despite the BH weekend! And to those who went up, not to worry, it'll make you more determined for next week. Good luck to everyone else who has their's later in the week too! x

  • Registered Users Posts: 252 ✭✭rebelchick2

    Was down last night 4lbs after a wedding and 2 BBQ's, I'm thrilled! If I lose a lb or two every week now until the end of summer, I'll reach my target! Heres hoping anyway!

  • Registered Users Posts: 46 112togo


    down 6 pounds tonight, so delighted.

    think a lot of last weeks gain was just fluid retention.

    back on track and all motivated again!

  • Registered Users Posts: 273 ✭✭Rathkenny

    Hope you don't mind me joining this thread!! I rejoined WW last night for what felt like the 100th time! I was doing Motivation weight management since January and lost 1stone but to be honest I was hoping to lose a fair bit more considering the money it cost!!

    Anyway, so now I'm back to WW and would like to lose 2.5 stone but I my first target is 7lbs. I'm on that Fast Start programme and only have 18 points a day for this week so I found it quite hard today. I went half a point over today but I'm sure that won't kill me! I also did two 20 min walks.

    I've a hen night on Saturday night though include a cocktail tasting session so I'm not too sure how I'm going to cope with that one.

    Congrats to everyone here who's been doing so well with your weight loss.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭itsallaboutme!!

    ibarelycare- i couldnt make aerobics last night im raging:mad: did you go yourself?how did you find it???:D

    im defo defo defo going on monday night though :Dit is a different instructor on monday night so if you didnt find it any good last night stick it out till monday! i find monday nights class a bit more intense (although you can take it at your own pace too) and wednesday is a bit more relaxed(or maybe its just me???:o:o). monday is defo the night to go to burn of any weekend mishaps!!:eek::eek:if you go keep an eye for the black and white speedo cap:D:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 144 ✭✭felinefeelins

    Well done Shelly on the marathon.
    Congrats to all those with good news.
    I was only down 1lb this week, was really expecting a lot more, has been my best week to date, between food and exercise I was hoping for a least 3lbs. Do you know sometimes a poor weight loss is worse than gaining weight. Yet again I say, hope to see the results next week !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I'm thinking of doing the fast track for a week and see if that kick starts the weight loss. Any advice? Is it worth trying

  • Registered Users Posts: 58,456 ✭✭✭✭ibarelycare

    ibarelycare- i couldnt make aerobics last night im raging:mad: did you go yourself?how did you find it???:D

    im defo defo defo going on monday night though :Dit is a different instructor on monday night so if you didnt find it any good last night stick it out till monday! i find monday nights class a bit more intense (although you can take it at your own pace too) and wednesday is a bit more relaxed(or maybe its just me???:o:o). monday is defo the night to go to burn of any weekend mishaps!!:eek::eek:if you go keep an eye for the black and white speedo cap:D:D

    I couldn't make it either, I was dragged in for emergency babysitting duties because my sister-in-law had to go into hospital! Was so pissed off! I'm definitely going to go on Monday but the fact that it's more intense on Monday makes me even more scared :o I'll just have to bite the bullet though. Went on my bike when I got home to make up for it and am going to go swimming after work this evening!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭1lbAtaTime

    Hi All
    Amazing to see the no of people on this thread now. I've had a hard few weeks and so have been reading but not posting. I think I might be heading back on the right track now. I got my 50lb certificate in September but have only maintained since then despite needing to loose the same again. Anyway I have set a long term goal for my friends wedding which is in a years time and if I can loose 5 lbs a month until then I will be at my goal weight. It seems like a year is miles away but really each month goes so fast so I know it will be here before we know it.
    I stayed the same this week which I was relieved about after the bank holiday so Im trying to stick to 18 points for the week to get a kick start.
    Good luck loosers :) at weigh ins.

  • Registered Users Posts: 64 ✭✭barneylou

    Hi everyone,

    Well I had a bad weekend I was heading to sligo and was geared up for been good then my aunt said she was having a bbq, I went and got chicken breasts cause I knew it would be all steak and chops and I was right but they also had potatoe salad and coleslaw what can i say I just had to have some, had a bbq the next day to, so they could use up what wasnt eaten the day b4, any how lost 1/2 pound which i was really happy about cause I had visions of putting weight on so im back on track and I have 12 points saved since and counting.:o

    Also I was just wondering if any one in the meath area can help me with this one Im heading to spain in july our flights on a tuesday at 5 my ww meetings are on a wednesday and i looked up the ww site and i see there is a meeting on a tuesday in the New Grange hotel at 1.05 does it normally be busy and what time would be the best to just run in and get weighed and run out again I dont want to delay but I dont have to be at the airport till about 2.45, :cool:

    Im going for 3 weeks and I have a friends wedding the week I come back and thats what Im gearing my weight loss towards, I checked and there is a meeting close to where we are staying in spain on tuesday mornings with english speaking leaders so im going to head to that to my husband thinks im mad but hoildays are hard and i dont want to come home with 1/2 a stone on..

    Well thats me good luck for the weekend everyone hope it goes well :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 76 ✭✭lots2lose

    Hi All!

    Well how are we all doing this week? i went to aqua Aerobics on Wednesday and i have to say i loved it really good fun its just a shame there is only 1 class a week in my gym :( does anyone know of any pay as you go classes in Dublin? I was at the one on Wednesday in the Markievtz Centre.

    Food wise im not too bad I will have to put in a decent try at the weekend if I am gonna lose anything fingers crossed for everyone this week!

    im on holiers in 3 weeks i cant believe it really pushing for that stone i havent been boozing and plan to keep it that way for the next few weeks (booze id deffo a big reason for my weight gain!)

    hope all is well everyone :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 58,456 ✭✭✭✭ibarelycare

    lots2lose wrote: »
    Hi All!

    Well how are we all doing this week? i went to aqua Aerobics on Wednesday and i have to say i loved it really good fun its just a shame there is only 1 class a week in my gym :( does anyone know of any pay as you go classes in Dublin? I was at the one on Wednesday in the Markievtz Centre.

    National Aquatic Centre in Blanchardstown do classes on a Monday & Wednesday at 8.30, €8 a lesson for non-members.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,057 ✭✭✭MissFlitworth

    Crumlin swimming pool does them, on Tuesday evenings at 7.30, €6 a class

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 76 ✭✭lots2lose

    Thanks everyone Crumlin would be closer so I might try there!

    Have a great weekend everyone :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭1lbAtaTime

    Tallaght Community Centre do Aqua aerobics pay as you go Mon: 7.30, Tues-Thurs 8.15. €8 per session.

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