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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    Wel hello there..just checking in...Well done on all the losses this week its fab!!

    I was up 3lbs!!!:eek::eek::eek:..iv nvr put on that much before so i no it really was that bad of a week!!..even with the marathon..!! Im back on track now thankfully...saving points for my nite out tamo nite.. and goin match sunday but gonna take it easy just one or two..thank god im broke cause i do actually have an excuse!!! Iv seven more WIs til holidays so even 4/5lb more and id be happy!! den il be just ever so close to goal...I can honestly say this bit is the hardest!!So far it is anyways...

    Well for now things can only get better taking each day at a time this week.. Still no gym trying to get up even once this week and il be happy!!

    Good luck to everyone for the week ahead...!! xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭carolinespring

    I am a fat slob that needs to lose 7 stone. I know I can do this as I lost 7 and a half stone before but with stress of in laws I put it all back on plus extra. I know the WW plans in side out but just cant seem to get my head in the right place to do it.... any advice....?
    I feel awful all the time and hate how I look. I dont like my huge clothes or that I am the biggest person in the room. I NEED to get back on track but how? I want the slim happy beautiful woman I was back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,772 ✭✭✭Jwacqui

    Hi Carolinespring,

    First you need to think about yourself differently, I know it can be very hard but I really believe you need to get your head in a good place to start losing weight. You need to believe that you can do it (which you can as you've already proven that). I think once you get your head in it it will all fall into place.

    Why don't you join a new weightwatchers meeting? that might help, a fresh start. Also don't look at it as 7stone to lose break it down. Altogether I have just over 7stone to lose, I am already down 2st 4lb, instead of thinking I have 5stone more to lose I look at what I have lost and am proud of my achievements so far.

    No matter what stay positive, you've have realised that you need to make a change and that is the first step.

    I wish you all the best and I hope my little waffle helped there!

    Take care..

    J xx;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭itsallaboutme!!

    hi carolinespring

    like jwacqui i agree you need to look at the whole process a bit differently. dont look at it as 7st to lose and break it down into smaller goals. take it a lb at a time then that way when you reach your mini goal you will feel much better about your achievement and that in turn will give you the motivation to set your next target and keep going to reach it!

    i have 3stone to lose in total and i got my first stone this week. i set myself mini targets for each month. i try to set my target depending on what i have going on during that particular im not gonna set myself a big loss target if im going on holidays during that month as i know i want to enjoy my hols and personally i know that its not going to be possible for me personally.

    it might also be a good idea, like jwacqui suggested, to try going to a different meeting to the one you went to previously and see how you get on there.

    at the end of the day do it for yourself, take it a day at a time and if you have a bad day leave it in the have taken a huge step already in realising that you want to make a change and as you said you have done it before so there is nothing stopping you doing it again!!!

    best of luck with it:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭carolinespring

    Hi Jwacqui and Itsallaboutme,

    Thanks a million for your support. I was trilled to read you messages this morning. It really helped and I am feeling so much more positive today and now feel I can do this. I am going to take it just one day at a time. I have decided that a weight loss of one stone between now and the end of july is very do-able. This morning I took a outfit one size smaller out of the wardrobe and hung it in the side, hopefully this will spir me on.... size 20 hear I come....!!!
    How long are you guys doing WW? You are both doing great. Any tips or advice is really welcome. I now feel I can do this and think the support of this thread will really help. going to work out my menu now and go shopping. Really looking forward now to the fresh start.:):):)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,772 ✭✭✭Jwacqui

    Hi carolinespring,

    I am glad you are feeling more positive. My WW jorney is a bit all over the place to be honest I starting back in Oct last year and have lost 1st 9lb since and before that lost 9lb so altogether 2st 4lb.
    I have a food diary in the foody diary tab that explains it all if you want to read it, it also has my weekly losses and some gains and shows that its not always perfect!
    My one big tip is STICK WITH IT!! WW works, most of us have been before and the reason we are back is because we gave it up and didn't stick with it. Another thing I would say is stay for your meeting! I used to hear this all the time and leave and I set myself a task to stay for as many in a row as I could so I have only missed one meeting since last October and I can't stress how much this has helped me!
    Another thing I would say is if you have a bad day or week or month put it behind you and just get back on track don't let it get you down.

    There's so many more things I could say but I'd be here all day!

    Are you going to join a meeting you've been to before or a different one?

    J xx ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭itsallaboutme!!

    hi carolinespring

    glad to hear your feeling better about things:D i joined ww back in feb but kind of fell off the wagon for about 4 weeks and went back there three weeks ago.
    my weight loss had kind of stalled a bit and i just got fed up and disheartened by it. then i found this thread and reading some of the posts on here inspired me to go back to my meetings. when i went back i made myself join an aqua aerobics class and also started walking and i have found it brilliant,i lost 5lbs in my first week and then 2.5lb last week!! so my one tip would be to give exercise a go. i really was not a fan of exercise i hated the thought of going to the gym and would find any excuse not to move. but i have to say that i am now actually enjoying it:D

    when you do join your class remember its a new start,there will be ups and downs but that all adds to your journey:):):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 361 ✭✭breadandjam

    My one big tip is STICK WITH IT!! WW works
    Another thing I would say is stay for your meeting!
    Another thing I would say is if you have a bad day or week or month put it behind you and just get back on track don't let it get you down.
    Well said Jwacqui. Probably the three best tips you could get there carolinespring. As you say you know you can do this. It won't always be easy but at least with WW it doesn't have to be torture.

    I lost five and a half stone years ago with WW but stopped going when the leader I had left. I put it all back on and 6 stone more.

    I went back to WW last January and I've lost 4 stone so far. I'm quite determined and motivated this time. One of the things that keeps me motivated is I asked my daughter (6) to draw a picture of me as I was when I started and what I would look like when I reach my goal. I keep that drawing where I can see it- see attachment.

    I also found a great leader- Michael who does a lot of the mens meetings in Dublin and if I miss my local meeting I go to another venue where I know he'll be. I went to other meetings but I found some of the leaders less than inspiring. So shop around until you find a good leader.

    The thing I found hardest when I started back was getting up off my a$*e and doing some exercise. I started walking -just to the shops and I gradually built that up so now I do a couple of hours a day, I even jog a bit now. Get a dog- or borrow one:) My dog hides now when she sees me reaching for the lead.

    I find the weekends hard especially like this one when the weather is so crap. And any break in the routine can throw a spanner in the works but as jwacqui says "Just put it behind you"

    My wife and daughter still eat Icecream and chocolate and I've got to where it doesn't bother me to open the fridge and see a carton of Ben and Jerry's phish food icecream looking back at me. Buy plenty of fruit and if you have a really sweet tooth - like me- remember there are alternatives, the little five pack of after 8s is only two and a half points, same for a curly wurly, a crunchy is 3 and a half points. Meringue nests are quite low in points too.

    Remember Plenty of varied veg on your plate to fill you up. One thing I've done is I replaced mash potato with mashed cauliflower. I replaced bread with the round wholemeal pitta pockets for one point and I fill them up with turkey or salmon and plenty of tomatoes, cucumber, beetroot, onions and mustard for a very filling low point sandwich.

    I can honestly say I haven't felt hungry since I started WW.

    Best of luck

    Onwards and downwards! (Weightwise:D)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭carolinespring

    :):)Hi jwacqiie, itsallaboutme and breadandjam,

    It was so great to get your advice. I have had a really good day, I have felt so motivated. I really think my head is in the right place. this evening I cooked a lovely low point sweet and sour for dinner and both my husband and I really enjoyed it. I have not had any rubbish and took my time and enjoyed my food.
    I plan on rejoining my local meeting on thur, as I live in a smallish town in the north-west there is only one meeting on a thur evening. The next town with a meeting is a 30 minute drive away and with work I just could not make it. Do any of you know anything about WW on line? I also plan to go back to aqua fit, it runs 3 times a week but with work I could make 2 of them. I used to go all the time but that fell by the wayside.
    Breadandjam I loved the picture ou daughter drew. It would motivate anyone. the pitta sandwich is a great way to go. I will be fine with dinners but lunch I dont have a lot of time as I am self-employed and lack time.
    Iam a really good cook so if any of you need help adapting any recipes just let me know. last time I really got into working out low point tasty dishes.
    You guys are all great and keep up the good work and keep the advice coming my way.:):):)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15 Boolana

    Hi I am new here. I have been attending WW since end of last year and have lost 3stone and 1 pound so far and want to lose another 2 stone. Last half a stone I have lost on my own as we have been having some hassle at work and have been working longish hours. I am planning to return to my meetings again once work has calmed down in July. It is a long slog but it works.

    I am looking for some advice. Can anyone recommend a good DVD for toning?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    Hi guys
    Just back after a weeks holiday down the country and we had a ball, walked lots for first 4 days but then between visits to extended family and travelling seemed to eat non stop and exercise little. Feeling very bloated and clothes a bit tight.
    I'll be missing WI tomorrow with work, so it will be next week before I can get an idea of the damage. Hoping though if I pull back this week by next week I'll be doing ok again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    hi guys,

    hope everyone had a nice weekend lord above i wasn't at my meeting last week so i weighed myself this morning & it looks like i'm up 8 yes i just said 8lbs! some major damage limitation is necessary & it's back to basics for me for the next couple of weeks i'm hoping my scales at home is a bit off which means i'm expecting to be 5 or 6 lbs up for this weeks weigh in. i've been a bit on the bold side saying oh sure i've done so well so far but bloody hell the feelings i'm having now are so not worth the food i've eaten!!!

    right so on wards & downwards AGAIN :)

    best of luck to everyone this weekend!

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,381 ✭✭✭✭rubadub

    Boolana wrote: »
    I am looking for some advice. Can anyone recommend a good DVD for toning?
    There is a personal trainer who posts in the fitness forum who recommended some Davina McCall DVD, I see she has a few though.
    ladiee24 wrote: »
    i'm hoping my scales at home is a bit off which means
    Sounds like it is off, I would certainly bet it is not 8lb of fat. I can fluctuate 6-7lb easily due to hydration. Also I have used a WW home digital scales that went mental when the battery was low, could have 6lb difference I think. My own scale is a cheapo one that varies depending on where you stand on it. I would recommend the salter brand of scales.

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    thanks rubadub i'm using a digital ww scales but not too sure about the battery lets hope so eh! lol :D i was looking at those salter ones recently but i don't like to weigh myself much as i think it defeats to purpose of ww.

    however, no harm in getting a little shock to the system to get be back on track.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,859 ✭✭✭m'lady

    Hi all.. Im new to this thread, just having a look for the first time now.. wow so many inspiring stories! Well I'm 29, and am starting back in ww on wed in Navan.. have joined ww about 8 times at this stage, but I dont think my mind was in the right place. I have about 3 stone to lose, maybe a bit more. I have a wedding next December and my 30th in lots to aim for! Think Ill probably do a food diary to try and motivate myself too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 252 ✭✭rebelchick2

    Hopefully tonight will go well!!!!! Last week I was down 4lbs so not expecting too much for week 2, but I'd love to be down something anyway!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 76 ✭✭lots2lose

    Hey Everyone

    Hope you all had a great weekend!

    I was better than I have been most weeks i'm changing my weigh in day from Wednesday to Saturday as the Wednesday class was too hard to get too without missing class.

    Ive cut out the booze since last Sunday and I have really noticed a difference so im hoping that shows on the scales!

    I'll be doing a 9k Walk tonight gym tmrw Aqua Aerobics on Wednesday and more walking Thursday and Friday so hopefull that will give me the boost I need! the Holier is getting closer and closer so if I can get even 10lbs off i will be delighted!

    How is everyone doing?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 76 ✭✭lots2lose

    Oh and welcome to all the newbies! i'm only new too but ive been finding this thread a god send :) xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭carolinespring

    Try not to get to down. 8lb is a lot but not the end of the world. Try and put it behind you and move on. :rolleyes:
    I have never used a dvd but a friend swears by the Divina McCall one.
    I had a reilly great weekend food wise, even with a big family get together yesterday. I drove back 2 hours yesterday feeling hot and unwell (my husband who is a consulant had headed to Dublin for a early meeting) anyway I just put it doen to tiredness and went to bed to wake up a couple of hours later really wheezy and feeling very unwell anyway called the out of hours doctors service to find I have a very deep rooted chest and lung infection. finally got back to bed after a visit to the doctor at 3am. I could not take time off from work so dragged myself out of the bed at 7am and have felt awful all day, have just had orange juice and a bucket of medication today. Feel I need something to eat but cant move from the sofa to cook so going to order take away and I am feeling so guilty about it (I know I shouldnt feel guilty, my husband is still away and after all I am sick) trying to figure out what to have points wise.... maybe chicken black bean and boiled rice???:mad:
    Had hoped to get out for a walk but food and bed is more the order of the day now.:)
    How is every one getting on today?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,772 ✭✭✭Jwacqui

    Chow mein would be the best option points wise from the chinese, Chicken chow mein has 8points and a Prawn chow mein has 6 I think!

    I find this site extremely helpful for points values;

    Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!

    Oh just so you're aware Chicken in black bean has 8points and boiled rice is 6.5points for the tray! 14.5points is not worth it!

    J xx :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭itsallaboutme!!

    hi all welcome all the new posters hope everyone had a great weekend!!

    im just back from aqua aerobics really tried to push myself tonight as i had a bit of a crappy week.just wasnt tracking properly at all for some reason and then went and had dinner out in town yesterday, lasagne and chips in luigi malones temple was so nice eating it but ive felt so guolty ever since:o:o

    weigh in tomorrow morning so heres hoping the damage is only minmal:o:eek:

    best of luck to all with this week!!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    Hi all how are we doing this monday ??

    Welcome to all the new posters just been catching up on the weekend posts..

    Carolinesprings..welcome aboard the ww journey what the others have said is spot on taking it small goals at a time is defo the way to go!! Tracking is great too..and also the exercise is key to helping you keep the weight off in the long run..Anyways hope your feeling better..and dont woory too much bout ww while sick most important thing is to get better!! :)

    Oh and i was told Chicken chow mein tray is 9.5 points is it only 8 points??:)

    After my awful WI last thurs and fri went well..sat and sun were written off again with my social life..drinks and foodies both days no tracking or nout...Then monday comes around again and im trying to be good..:)..Hoping to god i wont be up again..just finding things very hard not using the im defo not burning what i was??..Im trying to walk to wrk etc its jus hard fitting it all in when i wrk 12 hr shifts..trying anyways i guess that counts :):)

    Ladiee24.. Iv been the same myself past 2 weeks been over good bit points wise and saying im fine iv done great but i was honestly gutted at WI last week when i heard 3lb..!! Your right it aint worth it..!! But if you are up this week draw a line and as ya say get right back on track for next few weeks and ul be at goal in no time..!!

    Im hoping to do the same with the hols coming up too..!! Heres hoping anyways...Onwards and Downwards...:D

    Best of luck at WIs!!..xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,560 ✭✭✭tscul32

    Just be careful with pointing things like your takeaways. The points listed in books for eating out are guidelines only and best to be used only to help you decide which meal is the best option. One chef will use twice the oil of another chef, completely changing the points make up. Some places will put peas in, some won't. Even your portion will probably be different size, so there's no guarantee that your chow mein is exactly 8 or 9.5 pts (could be 11, could be 6). What the book will help you do is to choose the prawn chow mein over the beef curry with fried rice. But I usually add a few pts to whatever the guide points are just in case. No point (no pun intended) in enjoying your meal but ending up way over cos the chef in that takeaway is a bit free with the oil and I always follow a takeaway day with a really good day so no guilt. My weigh in is on a thursday so if I want a takeaway I'll get it on thurs night and then have a week to make up for it.

    Welcome to all newbies, hope you lose what you (don't) want and more importantly, keep it off.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 SmellyKelli

    Hey !

    Chicken and mushroom is only something like 3/4 points from the chineese.....

    Its the rice that kills your points :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭itsallaboutme!!

    hi all just back from WI was up 1lb this week was expecting it tbh but its a new week now so back on track. gonna save up a few points this week for take that concert saturday night:D:Dcant wait!!!

    best of luck to all with WI's later this week.congrats to all who lost and to those who didnt its a new week draw a line under it and keep going;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Serafijn

    tscul32 wrote: »
    Just The points listed in books for eating out are guidelines only and best to be used only to help you decide which meal is the best option.
    Chicken and mushroom is only something like 3/4 points from the chineese.....Its the rice that kills your points :mad:

    If you look carefully the points in the books are often also listed per 100g. I know that my local chinese does portions much bigger than this and I'm sure yours does too! They work well as a guideline as you say, just don't take them literally!

    When you do get takeway, limit the damage by getting one of the 'better' options. Eat until you're full then stop; have the rest for lunch the next day, or give it to your bf/brother/dog :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 lmb

    just found kinda good WW tracker in excel - am I allowed to attach it to a post does anyone know?

    i am awful writing things down but at PC 8 hours a day so find it easier (also adds it all up for you!!)

    I am drifting and need to get kicked into place - heart broken last Thurs as I was +2lbs...... took me 2 weeks to loose 2lbs before that!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,859 ✭✭✭m'lady

    lmb wrote: »
    just found kinda good WW tracker in excel - am I allowed to attach it to a post does anyone know?

    i am awful writing things down but at PC 8 hours a day so find it easier (also adds it all up for you!!)

    I am drifting and need to get kicked into place - heart broken last Thurs as I was +2lbs...... took me 2 weeks to loose 2lbs before that!!!

    Hey Im no mod, but Im sure you would be allowed to? there is another type of tracker up above here that was attached anyway!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 lmb

    will post link instead (didn't think of that!!)

    seems to calculate points for u - not sure how accurate but for things I know the points of say "banana" i put it as 75 calories to give me 1.5 points - need to play around with a bit but hope useful to other lasy people like me who never brings tracker or if i do don't fill it out!!

    enjoy people

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  • Registered Users Posts: 58,456 ✭✭✭✭ibarelycare

    lmb wrote: »
    will post link instead (didn't think of that!!)

    seems to calculate points for u - not sure how accurate but for things I know the points of say "banana" i put it as 75 calories to give me 1.5 points - need to play around with a bit but hope useful to other lasy people like me who never brings tracker or if i do don't fill it out!!

    enjoy people

    Just to let you know that that spreadsheet is based on the American way of calculating points. I'm not sure how much it differs, but it is different. They include fibre while calculating points so just be aware that it may not be entirely accurate

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