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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 671 ✭✭✭Shoe Lover

    Have WI tonight and so not sure of how it is going to go. Weighed myself last night and it should I was up by 2lbs :eek: I was really good this week, only used 10 weeklies, earned about 18 activity points too. Then I weighed myself this am before I had my breakfast & they showed a loss of 1.4lbs! So now I'm confused, I'm not sure if the 2lb gain was because I was after having my dinner & a snack whereas I normally weigh in not having eaten in about 4/5 hours. If I'm up or STS again this week, I'll go nuts :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 283 ✭✭Kay_80

    I have to say I agree with mlady & others prepare for a 1-2lb loss max per week & anything more is a bonus. Sure some ppl on here have lost 4,5 or even 6lbs in a week but they are in the minority & I don't mean just here as in WW in general, the plan is geared for sustainable 'fat loss' & doing that at 1 or 2 a week is fantastic. I suppose I'm gearing this ramble at ppl just starting you will have weeks where you lose 0.5lbs or STS or are up even when you rigidly stick to plan so if you have unrealistic expectations of losing 5-9lbs in a week you are setting yourself up for dissappointment & will likely fall off plan & revert to old habits.

    This is not meant to be a quick fix it's a cliche but it is a lifestyle change which most of us want as a permanent one, we're here to support we all feel at times pissed off or frustrated at how slow it can be sometimes. But I guess for me when I see ppl posting I 'only' lost 2lbs or I 'only' lost 3lbs I don't think you realise that's a damn lot of weight pick up 2 or 3lbs of butter in the supermarket to put it in perspective it's ALOT. It doesn't matter if you've 5 stone to lose or 2 Stone it's going to be a long journey for all of us, nobody put it on overnight!

    The biggest thing I've found with weightloss is you have to want to do it, you have to want to physically change & you have to be truthful & honest with yourself when doing it, it takes lots of time, lots of effort but ultimately won't it be worth it to not ever have to go through it again, or those feelings of loathing we all get when we dont want to go out cos we feel/look fat, don't want our photo taken or feel self conscious in the clothes we're wearing etc etc

  • Registered Users Posts: 47 SAexpat

    Shoe Lover wrote: »
    I'd say that's about right. I ran 6.08k last weekend and it was about 6000 steps so I'd say you are right. Mind you, my pedometer isn't the best, it's only a cheap one, I'm using it more for measuring distance when I'm running than the amount of steps I take or the cals I burn.

    Thanks shoelover, any idea how many steps you need to earn pp ? I think there is a level that is normal activity and once you get beyond that , you start earning points? The pedometer I bought at lidl was cheap - about €6 but it seems to have all the functions (that I dont know how to use! lol) plus a radio, alarm etc, good value but of course it does not give you the pp earned! 6km ran- that is good, hope I can get to that some

  • Registered Users Posts: 283 ✭✭Kay_80

    Good luck with WI today everyone, shoelover ill be the same tomorrow morning I'll go nuts if I don't have any type of loss after STS last wk!

    On a totally different note WTF did the spring go? Went for a run in lovely sunshine last night & had a massive salad for dinner & today it's cold, grey wet & dreary & looks like I need a few extra layers of clothes today!

    Have a good Thursday everyone, nearly the weekend thank god! Long work week!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,641 ✭✭✭sillysocks

    Ive been reading all the posts on this thread, well the last few pages anyway - so much good information. I joined WW about 6 weeks ago, have been in it quite a few times before, but the last time was about a year ago. I've just had a baby - 3 months ago - so trying to get back on the bandwagon now.
    Have had mixed losses, some weeks 3.5lbs, other weeks up a pound or two, so I need to just get dedicated and stick to it and I know I'll lose the weight. While I was pregnant I was definitely eating for 2 so I know when I start counting properly I will lose weight.

    I have about 4 stone I'd like to lose. The last few weeks I havnet been tracking so thats my first step this week. My main obstacle is going out for lunches and dinner. I go out and then because I haven't a clue how to point stuff when I'm out I just don't bother counting them up for that meal :rolleyes:

    Need to just start trying to make a best effort at counting and doing a bit more walking and hopefully I'll have a sucessful week!
    Kay_80 wrote: »
    The biggest thing I've found with weightloss is you have to want to do it, you have to want to physically change & you have to be truthful & honest with yourself when doing it, it takes lots of time, lots of effort but ultimately won't it be worth it to not ever have to go through it again, or those feelings of loathing we all get when we dont want to go out cos we feel/look fat, don't want our photo taken or feel self conscious in the clothes we're wearing etc etc

    This is so true, and I think I stumble on being honest with myself, and my motivation wains when faced with a dessert menu, or a panini and chips!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    Hi all

    Have not posted in a few weeks.. to be honest I have been completely lost.. over the oast few weeks, i have been up a half down a half up a half down a half!! Its very annoying.. My eating habits have not been great and my stress levels have been sky high with my Thesis. I was even contemplating reverting to the old plan.. I have not been to the gym either..!! ANyways I need some help and a big kick up the bum. Today my thesis is been handed in so I have no more excuses.

    I have boxes of old WW stuff and tips and plans, I think I might go thru that tonight and make a plan for myself and try my very hardest to stick to it and go back to my meeting nxt week. I know WW works I lost 4st 4lbs about 2 yrs ago and still have almost 3st off.

    Just feeling a bit lost! Sorry for the rant.. hopefully Il get myself into gear.. back to the gym, back to healthy habits.!

    Any advice wud be greatly accepted :) x

  • Registered Users Posts: 172 ✭✭jackmax

    had WI last night and was down 3lbs :D didn't even get much exercise in. really wanted to though so am going to start again today on the threadmill. has to be done :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 65 ✭✭shanasue

    Morning all,
    I was down 0.5lbs last night....bit frustrating but hey its a loss, I was 1.5 off a stone to this is what peed me off!! :mad: nextweek I'll get my little stone...
    our leader was talking about not getting fixated on the scales, very hard not to! but she has a point, we tend to ignore all the other benefits of this lifestyle change, like more energy, feeling healthier, more positivity, being in control of our eating habbits, and in control of our lives! the fact that I get excited about exercising still shocks me :eek: heheheh the person that was stuck in side all the fat is coming out and I'm loving her :P
    On another note...I had a small loss but I did fit in to my skinny sister in law's dress...whoohoo:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,859 ✭✭✭m'lady

    I totally agree with shanasue,there are other benefits we are all getting while doing ww, for me its mainly the confidence I have,not because I've lost weight,but because I am finally doing something about it, and for that we should all be proud of ourselves.

    I've decided to also measure myself once a month so I can see the inches I'll hopefully be losing, its an added motivational tool and also if we are doing a bit of exercise we will be building muscle :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13 arsieoc

    Hi all, i'm a long term nosebag with this thread and a new poster. The tips and just general chat is amazing help. I'm really struggling this week. It's taken me 9 weeks to loose 7.5lbs which is grand was just delighted to be down the 1/2 stone this week. But my form is so bad the last two weeks, tired, teary, cranky, snappy and I'v no reason to be. I feel a little bit out of control of myself and I am so frustrated. Anyway it's just good to vent. Thanks for listening and sorry for being so pitiful :o

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  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭Dubgirlww

    hey all, well done everyone we survived another week!! well done to everyone for sticking with it even if good or bad result!!

    after being up 3 pounds last week....i was down 4 this week!! so i was able to collect my gold card with pride as i was really scared they were going to have to pry it back off me!!

    i still havent got back into exercise after over a week of being lazy!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 283 ✭✭Kay_80

    Sillysocks welcome to the fold & congrats on the baba :)

    You'll lose the weight for sure you've done it before & you can do it again. I would definitely try & track as much as you can even when you go out to eat, take as close a stab as you can pp wise, watch your portions & try take note of the main things you're eating so you can point it later if needs be & that way you can eat your meal enjoy every morsal & take it from your weekies if you need to :) alot of us have had to eat out a lot & loads of info has been posted up for Italian, Chinese, Indian, pub food etc if you're really not sure post on here & we'll do our best to help! Tracking is the key at least if you're up you can look back & see why & having those weeklies is a great safety net! :D

    Shellybelly welcome back & congrats on handing in your thesis been there done that & oh the nightmare it was for me too a couple of wks beforehand! Don't worry if you were off plan during that time you're back on track & you can start from today! Set yourself some mini goals, plan out your meals for the nxt few days & you'll slip back into the habit no bother :)

    Jackmax & shanasue well done on the losses! That's fab & couldn't agree more about focusing on more than the scales I've been doing that since wk 1 & it does help, one wk I went a bit nuts with the scales weighing myself everyday & driving myself around the bend so not a good idea I'm focused on the number in the sense I want to see it go down but the other things are way more important good on your leader for pointing that out :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 283 ✭✭Kay_80

    arsieoc wrote: »
    Hi all, i'm a long term nosebag with this thread and a new poster. The tips and just general chat is amazing help. I'm really struggling this week. It's taken me 9 weeks to loose 7.5lbs which is grand was just delighted to be down the 1/2 stone this week. But my form is so bad the last two weeks, tired, teary, cranky, snappy and I'v no reason to be. I feel a little bit out of control of myself and I am so frustrated. Anyway it's just good to vent. Thanks for listening and sorry for being so pitiful :o

    Welcome arsieoc & congrats on the loss that is great :) you are not pitiful at all, it's totally normal to go through phases like that I think the clocks changing has knocked alot of us out of sync maybe try give yourself little treats every day (food & non food!) to help cheer yourself up? I bought myself some nice nail polish on Saturday & it sounds so silly but it did cheer me up & help with the 'meh' I've been feeling since last week.

    Maybe you are eating something which is helping make you feel a bit crap & tired, White carbs, bread & sugar can all do that give you a quick buzz but then it wears off & you fall back down further than before. Have a read over your tracker & see if that's it compare to the weeks you didn't feel that way & see the difference :) & of course you can always come here to vent!

  • Registered Users Posts: 283 ✭✭Kay_80

    Dubgirlww wrote: »
    hey all, well done everyone we survived another week!! well done to everyone for sticking with it even if good or bad result!!

    after being up 3 pounds last week....i was down 4 this week!! so i was able to collect my gold card with pride as i was really scared they were going to have to pry it back off me!!

    i still havent got back into exercise after over a week of being lazy!!!

    Brilliant well done dubgirl you've worked hard & you deserve it you're a great inspiration to the rest of us to get to goal & get gold! ;)

    Can I ask what did they say to you about maintenance just eat a few more pp each day or.....? I'm hearing conflicting things from different sources so would just like it clarified :) thanks & well done again! Fab news on this dreary day!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 365 ✭✭dammitj

    Dubgirlww wrote: »
    hey all, well done everyone we survived another week!! well done to everyone for sticking with it even if good or bad result!!

    after being up 3 pounds last week....i was down 4 this week!! so i was able to collect my gold card with pride as i was really scared they were going to have to pry it back off me!!

    i still havent got back into exercise after over a week of being lazy!!!

    Well done girl, that's great!!

    I am SO friggin peed off. I was UP 1.5lb last night! :eek:

    I have been exercising like a mad yoke for almost 2 weeks and stuck within all my points pretty much so I was gutted when she told me.

    The odd thing is, I took a break from WW at christmas for TWO MONTHS and only gained 3lb, so 1.5lb in one week is a bit mad!

    Feel like giving up on WW but sure I'll give it another week ... :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 330 ✭✭xxdilemmaxx

    Dammitj if you are excercising a lot ot could be musle gain, have you noticed your clothes felt looser? You might notice a few lbs coming off at next weeks WI.

    Have a quick question - I am doing WW now for the last 3 weeks, heading on a day trip tomorrow and am packing food to bring. Anyone any tasty low fat ideas? Want to eat nice things :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 48 missym

    Hi, I am a weight watcher for five weeks now and coming on here is keeping me sane. I am struggling this week in a big way. I have always been an emotional eater and for the past five weeks I thought I had this under control. This week I was faced with a few stressful situations and just like the old me I reached for the bad food. Now I feel disgusted with myself and totally out of control!! I wonder will I ever get this under control.

    In five weeks I have lost 9 and a half pounds and I am 2 stone down from my heaviest weight. Thanks for listening/ reading :) you are all very inspirational and I am really enjoying all your tips.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28 irishfm

    Down another 2 lb last night, thats a total of 32 an a half lbs gone since December well pleased :D:D:D:D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 60 ✭✭tattoo86

    Just checked the Ballyfree website and their turkey rashers worked out at 0 points,

    could that be right?

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,381 ✭✭✭✭rubadub

    tattoo86 wrote: »
    Just checked the Ballyfree website and their turkey rashers worked out at 0 points,

    could that be right?
    If the portion is small enough it could be 0 points, e.g. 0.49 points will be rounded to zero. Read below

    rubadub wrote: »
    You should workout points for the amounts you actually eat. There will always be a portion size where points are zero due to rounding it down, e.g. a 35ml shot glass of beer is probably zero points, but if you drink 8 pints that is what you should point. So if you always eat 2 or 3 biscuits then enter that amount. This will get rid of rounding errors and might be important if you eat the same stuff very often.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 58,456 ✭✭✭✭ibarelycare

    tattoo86 wrote: »
    Just checked the Ballyfree website and their turkey rashers worked out at 0 points,

    could that be right?

    I think turkey rashers are 2 for 1pp. I could be wrong though...I left my book out in the car so can't check!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    Becky85 wrote: »
    Strange all this talk of antibiotics I had to start one today, stupid tonsillitis! Hope I don't get the side effects you're all talking about!

    I say your on form of penicillin, amoxcillian or something like that, thats what they used to put me on for my tonsillitis, it shouldnt have too much of an effect, but just being sick in general just puts me in a crappy deflated mood so i end up eating.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,435 ✭✭✭Birdie086

    Up a half a pound this week, but I dont mind, I am on a well deserved week off work,
    I went to a spin class today after being away from the gym for over a year, gonna be sore tomorrow!!! Worth it thought cos its a great workout, I dont have the coorindation for dance/aerobics classes, I'd be fallin all over the place at least on the bike I am stationary!!!
    Will be back on track from monday and combined with the gym, hopefully things will start to fall into place for me.

    Well done everyone on their losses this week.
    And to those who gained, don't reach for the cake tin - keep at it!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 364 ✭✭fofany

    Hi all

    Have not posted in a few weeks.. to be honest I have been completely lost.. over the oast few weeks, i have been up a half down a half up a half down a half!! Its very annoying.. My eating habits have not been great and my stress levels have been sky high with my Thesis. I was even contemplating reverting to the old plan.. I have not been to the gym either..!! ANyways I need some help and a big kick up the bum. Today my thesis is been handed in so I have no more excuses.

    You have had too much other stuff to think about to fully concentrate on WW. Now your thesis is in, you can get back on track, destress & try to think positive thoughts. You know how well you have done in the past. Good luck.
    Dubgirlww wrote: »
    hey all, well done everyone we survived another week!! well done to everyone for sticking with it even if good or bad result!!

    after being up 3 pounds last week....i was down 4 this week!! so i was able to collect my gold card with pride as i was really scared they were going to have to pry it back off me!!

    Congratulations & good luck with the maintenance. At our meeting this week, a gold member told us that maintaining is just as hard as loosing!
    dammitj wrote: »
    I am SO friggin peed off. I was UP 1.5lb last night! :eek:

    I have been exercising like a mad yoke for almost 2 weeks and stuck within all my points pretty much so I was gutted when she told me.

    The odd thing is, I took a break from WW at christmas for TWO MONTHS and only gained 3lb, so 1.5lb in one week is a bit mad!

    Feel like giving up on WW but sure I'll give it another week ... :(

    One week I was up 2lbs for no reason, stuck with it & the next week I was down 4lbs. Hopefully next week will see a good result for you.
    irishfm wrote: »
    Down another 2 lb last night, thats a total of 32 an a half lbs gone since December well pleased :D:D:D:D:D

    Brilliant result. No wonder you're well pleased.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,917 ✭✭✭✭GT_TDI_150

    Down 2.75Lbs this week, that just shy of 22Lbs in 9 weeks!!!

    7 more to break the 2 stone mark

  • Registered Users Posts: 59 ✭✭Elliex

    Hey all...only down a half this week :( really thought it should have been more as i stayed within weeklys etc and exersized 4 days! Just a quick question tho.. i get weighed on a Tue evening @ 6pm and i dont drink any water, however i will still eat the same, like weetabix in the morn and pitta for lunch with fruit etc, should i be eating lighter on a WI day?

  • Registered Users Posts: 146 ✭✭Millieboo

    Well had "first" WI this morning (must be my millionth time joining WW...but anyways) was down 5lbs (which is 20% of my overall goal to loose ie. 25lbs)! Over the moon, really went hell for leather this week after seeing an extremely unflattering photo and I feel amazing!

    I feel back in control of what I am eating which in turn has made me feel back in control in loads of areas; college, cleaning, spending etc.

    Definitely motivates me to keep going, when you're really strict (and honest) with yourself and do the exercise and drink the water, it really works!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 58,456 ✭✭✭✭ibarelycare

    Elliex wrote: »
    Hey all...only down a half this week :( really thought it should have been more as i stayed within weeklys etc and exersized 4 days! Just a quick question tho.. i get weighed on a Tue evening @ 6pm and i dont drink any water, however i will still eat the same, like weetabix in the morn and pitta for lunch with fruit etc, should i be eating lighter on a WI day?

    I do eat lighter on a WI day...even though it's kinda cheating :o I have a normal breakfast (2 slices of wholewheat toast with Flora light and WW jam) and a banana, but then a very small lunch, usually just a few pieces of fruit and a bag of popcorn. I drink a good bit of water up until lunch and then don't drink much at all afterwards. Then I have my once-weekly "bad" dinner after my WI!

  • Registered Users Posts: 59 ✭✭Elliex

    Oh yeah you have to have a bad dinner after WI :D
    yea thats what i thought it wud be kinda cheating not eating properly! i dnt think i cud last the day on a few pieces of fruit and popcoen tho :confused: maybe ill give it a go tue and see how i get on :P

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,590 ✭✭✭Pigwidgeon

    Just back from my WI and after a few crappy weeks, I'm down 2lbs. I'm delighted, it'll give me the motivation to stick with it this week :)

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