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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Thanks ladies, I am definately going to go tonight. I know it's the only way to get back on track but it's going to take all my willpower to get me there!

    The runners were those reebok tone ones...the boyf bought me them for Xmas...but he's going to buy me new ones for my birthday.'s such a waste of a present...(how selfish am I, should be grateful he's getting them for me!)
    Lady Lainy wrote: »
    could someone actually ask there leader about the whole eating all your dailies thing...

    i'd like to see what the leaders are actually saying....

    At the start, our leader was saying you had to eat a minimum of 29 points per day. But I'm sure this would be different for men and if your daily allowance is a lot higher.
    I'll ask her interesting to see over the next few days what responses the different leaders give.

    I definately need to start making more time in my day for Boards...feeling a bit more focused just reading through the last few days.:pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 758 ✭✭✭bubbaloo

    Lady Lainy wrote: »
    could someone actually ask there leader about the whole eating all your dailies thing...

    i'd like to see what the leaders are actually saying....will they just say "oh yes you have eat them all" or will leaders actually explain why you should eat them all. when pro points launched in the UK back in october i read every articles i could find on it, articles about using all the dailies, the weeklies the activity poiints...I read at least 2 or 3 weight watchers articles a day online...either on the oz,us or uk site, or just surf the net for stuff.

    then i started just reading up on how fibre, carbs, water, caffine, alcohol, excercise effect weight gain or loss to see if the general information out there actually supported the principles of pro points....

    i'm one of these people...i have to know WHY/How it works to have faith in it....

    So i think I've educated my self thru researching it my self...and my own on going battle with the scales. I'm still learning!!! like last night i was slightly terrified sitting down to dinner eating steak!

    Pro points = Points Plus in the states, cos they use different measurements of food, but its the same idea,
    there is TONNES of free content and recipes on the US and OZ sites :)

    Our leader spoke a bit about this last night. She said we should try to eat them as much as we can because the programme is trying to teach us habits for life. She said if you feel like you're on a "diet" you will just go back to old habits as soon as you've lost the weight. If you eat your weeklies you will feel more satisfied and happier and it's more realistic to long term living. I hope this makes sense!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    Micki wrote: »
    My leader did not really say whether or not you have to use all of your daily points but she did say that if you do not use them on the day that you loose them and you cannot carry them forward or save them and use them again or anything like that.... If this is any help! :)

    yeah i like the whole no saving points thing! that really screwed me up in the old way....that if i wanted a few drinks at the weekend i had to be hungry all week!

    but the new programme, i can eat comfortably all week, and have the weeklies to dip into if and when i need them...mentally its a more comfortably programme, cos its always when you know you have very little points left you feel the hungriest...its like you want what you cant have

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,894 ✭✭✭Chinafoot

    We were told to aim for the full daily amount and to hit a minimum of 29 if the full amount isn't possible. However, if you have for example, 35 pp a day only eating 29 would be counter-productive as the pp allowance decreases as your weight decreases. If you stick with 29 when you should be on a higher amount it'll be harder to get the weight to move.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    bubbaloo wrote: »
    Our leader spoke a bit about this last night. She said we should try to eat them as much as we can because the programme is trying to teach us habits for life. She said if you feel like you're on a "diet" you will just go back to old habits as soon as you've lost the weight. If you eat your weeklies you will feel more satisfied and happier and it's more realistic to long term living. I hope this makes sense!

    sounds like a really good positive leader :) and she's bang on, like i dont feel like i'm on a diet...most of the time...i'm just eating healthy, when i'm out at places, i dont say i'm doing ww, i say oh no i'm just trying to eat healthy :D
    Chinafoot wrote: »
    We were told to aim for the full daily amount and to hit a minimum of 29 if the full amount isn't possible. However, if you have for example, 35 pp a day only eating 29 would be counter-productive as the pp allowance decreases as your weight decreases. If you stick with 29 when you should be on a higher amount it'll be harder to get the weight to move.

    Ah cool, so leaders are actually explaining things, my old leader was lovely but she never really explained things, it was just eat your points....and she'd have catch "fridge pickers wear bigger knickers"......That never motivated me....cos i was already im bigger knickers was like saying "keep eating and you'll always be fat" when her message should have been...make better choices about what your eating and you'll be slender! like i was only with her on the old system, never experience her on pro points,

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  • Registered Users Posts: 74 ✭✭Micki

    Lady Lainy wrote: »
    yeah i like the whole no saving points thing! that really screwed me up in the old way....that if i wanted a few drinks at the weekend i had to be hungry all week!

    but the new programme, i can eat comfortably all week, and have the weeklies to dip into if and when i need them...mentally its a more comfortably programme, cos its always when you know you have very little points left you feel the hungriest...its like you want what you cant have

    I know the feeling! I used my weeklies this week between a good Friday fish and chip from take away and an easter egg on Sunday! Stayed within weeklies and dailies though but on sunday night when i knew i had no points left, my stomach was growling at me! Even though i couldn't possibly have been hungry but i think it was a mind over matter thing! But weighed in yesterday and still lost 1lb so happy days... :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    kildareash wrote: »
    Thanks ladies, I am definately going to go tonight. I know it's the only way to get back on track but it's going to take all my willpower to get me there!

    The runners were those reebok tone ones...the boyf bought me them for Xmas...but he's going to buy me new ones for my birthday.'s such a waste of a present...(how selfish am I, should be grateful he's getting them for me!) :

    Are they actually comfortable to walk in ?

    (sorry for ranting prob all sick of me...I'm just always trying to absorb every bit of advice and tips and tricks of trade i can
    I have alot to lose, so anything that could help i'll take on board)


  • Registered Users Posts: 937 ✭✭✭newbee22

    Lady Lainy wrote: »
    well if you just started ww the first 2 or 3 weeks you usually get big losses.
    so just thank your lucky stars. You wont be able to eat like that every week! You were really really lucky! Well done! I'd love to see a 3 let alone a 5!

    you may also be dehydrated from the alcohol and this heat. so start drinking loads of 2.5 - 3 litres. Its really warm these days...ALOT of people complaining for headaches which prob down to hey fever or irish aint designed for this heat...i'm downing water like a fish at the moment...cant seem to get enough of enough. I suffer really badly from hey fever usually....but so far i've been ok :O i think all the water is keeping my sinuses flushed!

    Its week 15!!cant understand it at all!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    newbee22 wrote: »
    Its week 15!!cant understand it at all!!!

    wow...that is pretty insane alright! Just be careful incase it shows next week! thats what happens with me when i drink

  • Registered Users Posts: 47 brightstar

    Lady Lainy wrote: »
    Are they actually comfortable to walk in ?

    (sorry for ranting prob all sick of me...I'm just always trying to absorb every bit of advice and tips and tricks of trade i can
    I have alot to lose, so anything that could help i'll take on board)


    I have these runners and I love them, they take about a week to get used too..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 758 ✭✭✭bubbaloo

    Lady Lainy wrote: »
    sounds like a really good positive leader :) and she's bang on, like i dont feel like i'm on a diet...most of the time...i'm just eating healthy, when i'm out at places, i dont say i'm doing ww, i say oh no i'm just trying to eat healthy :D

    Yep - she was Leader of theYear for 2010 - she's really great.
    But I feel like that too - I honestly feel like I eat healthily during the week and then I can have my "splash out" at the weekend and not worry about it - and I can envisage myself continuing through life like that - happy in the knowledge that once (or maybe twice :D) a week I can go a bit off the rails - and that's what makes the tough days easier to get through - I can look forward to a good night/day out without feeling the guilt I used to feel on the old plan. I honestly find the ProPoints plan works so much better for me than the old one. I know it hasn't worked for everyone but we're all different - I suppose I'm just trying to say that I'm pleased to have found something that is - for now - working for me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 47 brightstar

    While on the subject of "not on a diet" I have to say I find pro points so much better also than the old plan. Before I would be saving points for a take away or a night out and if I went over I would think i had blown the whole week and just give up where as now I can fit it all in (most of the time:o) and for the 1st time really believe that this is a lifestyle change not a diet ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,404 ✭✭✭✭Pembily

    What meeting do you go to bubaloo?? I'm going on Friday and i'll ask then, it's my first meeting since January...

  • Registered Users Posts: 58,456 ✭✭✭✭ibarelycare

    Hey guys. Despite all the lovely encouragement I received on Monday I chickened out from going to my WI yesterday :o

    I'm regretting it now because I'm in a terrible mindset. My sister's wedding is on Friday so I was planning on having a relaxed weekend WW-wise but I seem to be having a relaxed week too :rolleyes:

    Really need a kick up the arse. I'm worried that the 5lbs I've lost will be back up again next week after 2 bad weeks!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Lady Lainy wrote: »
    Are they actually comfortable to walk in ?

    (sorry for ranting prob all sick of me...I'm just always trying to absorb every bit of advice and tips and tricks of trade i can
    I have alot to lose, so anything that could help i'll take on board)


    Yeah, really comfy. I didn't find them hard to adjust, felt 'normal' to walk in, unlike MBT's.
    Can't say that I really noticed that they toned my legs up or anything. (Let's hope my boyf doesn't read this. I told him they were great! :p)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    bubbaloo wrote: »
    Yep - she was Leader of theYear for 2010 - she's really great.
    But I feel like that too - I honestly feel like I eat healthily during the week and then I can have my "splash out" at the weekend and not worry about it - and I can envisage myself continuing through life like that - happy in the knowledge that once (or maybe twice :D) a week I can go a bit off the rails - and that's what makes the tough days easier to get through - I can look forward to a good night/day out without feeling the guilt I used to feel on the old plan. I honestly find the ProPoints plan works so much better for me than the old one. I know it hasn't worked for everyone but we're all different - I suppose I'm just trying to say that I'm pleased to have found something that is - for now - working for me.

    could not have said it better my self :) eating well, losing weight, living life.

  • Registered Users Posts: 364 ✭✭fofany

    kildareash wrote: »
    Hi everyone,
    haven't posted in a week or so, but have checked in every so often to see how ye are all getting on.
    I have lost total interest in WW...don't know what the hell is going on in my head but I have well and truly fallen off the wagon, which didn't stop to wait for me to pick myself up and get back on.

    I was up 1lb last week, and although I was disappointed I cld put it down to a few factors - I had pasta for lunch, when normally I would have a light lunch and I had drank more during the day because of the heat. Apologies for TMI, but I hadn't gone toilet in a few days either.
    I had great intentions to start a fresh, but I have just been ridiculous, eat a whole easter egg on Monday even tho I had promised myself I wouldn't and got a chinese take-away that night.

    I haven't really been exercising because the dogs chewed my runners and I haven't been able to afford to replace.

    I was going to skip WI tonight, but I'm going to go and face the music and try and start from scratch after the meeting.
    It's my birthday next week and I really wanted to have three stone gone by then, but instead I'm going to be further away from it. :mad::(

    But I did decide last night, that I'm going to stop drinking (or cut back) alcohol. Over the last year maybe a bit longer, I've been having awful problems with my face. It flares up and goes bright red and really hot and I keep on getting spots. I never had trouble with my skin before it was always flawless and it's really getting me down. I have never wore a lot of make up but now unless I find I'm even wearing it to work to try and cover up the redness. Anyway, was out for a drink last night, literally had one west coast cooler rose and my cheeks started to burn. I'll have a few this wkend because it's my birthday and then I'm going to give it up for a few weeks and see if it makes any difference.

    Sorry for the ridiculously long post, but I'm just feeling a bit low at the minute and it's so much easier to slip back into the old ways rather than sticking to my new good habits.
    I have come such a long way and I don't want to go back to nearly 17stone again, I just have to get my game head on again.

    Hope everyone had a lovely Easter and is enjoying the short work week ;)

    Don't give up, you are doing to well to have almost 3 stone off so far. That's a great achievement. After your break from WW & then coming back onto this forum will help to remotivate you & you'll get back into the zone again.

    And, about the redness in your face, I have been suffering from it for about the last 6 years. I would also have rarely worn makeup before this, but now if I'm going out, especially if I'm going to be drinking, I do & I wear green coverup under my foundation. I also find too much sun, exercise or spicy foods (in other words anything that raises my temperature) has the same effect. I don't know if there's a cure, but I know how annoying it can be.

    Good luck with WI tonight. I hope you feel a bit better coming on here - I find even reading how others are getting on helps to see that you're not the only one going through it & puts you back in the right mindset.

  • Registered Users Posts: 758 ✭✭✭bubbaloo

    Pembily wrote: »
    What meeting do you go to bubaloo?? I'm going on Friday and i'll ask then, it's my first meeting since January...

    I go to Loughrea in Galway on a Tues evening. Good luck on Friday - I find the meetings really help me. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 758 ✭✭✭bubbaloo

    kildareash wrote: »

    But I did decide last night, that I'm going to stop drinking (or cut back) alcohol. Over the last year maybe a bit longer, I've been having awful problems with my face. It flares up and goes bright red and really hot and I keep on getting spots. I never had trouble with my skin before it was always flawless and it's really getting me down. I have never wore a lot of make up but now unless I find I'm even wearing it to work to try and cover up the redness. Anyway, was out for a drink last night, literally had one west coast cooler rose and my cheeks started to burn. I'll have a few this wkend because it's my birthday and then I'm going to give it up for a few weeks and see if it makes any difference.

    My sister used to suffer very badly with redness and she used this: 7276S_2.jpg La Roche Posay Rosaliac Cream

    It seemed to clear it up a lot - if that's any help!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    mother of god......i'm working my ass off, just clocked in another 5km on the treadmill...

    what kinda bugs me....ww online consider 5km in 60 mins "slow walking" based on there minuters per mile....dear god if i go any faster i'll actually take off and fly away! 5km per hr is 3.1miles, which is about 19 minute mile, and mother of god my clothes are actually soaked right thru with sweat....slow walking my arse! "walking slow 20+ minutes per mile" for 60 minutes is 6pp,

    "walking gentle 18 minutes per mile" is 8pp

    i'm in the middle at 19 minutes per mile so i'm calling it 7pp

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 277 ✭✭kashmir

    GT_TDI_150 wrote: »
    I personally dont eat at all after 20:00, unless out for a meal obviously.

    I think this, portion control, 2-3ltrs of water daily and little or no bread in my diet have been the reason why I lost the weight I have sofar

    Or maybe you are just eating less and exercising more :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 578 ✭✭✭Caros

    Having some roast chicken for the dinner this eve, have come up with a new - well to me anyway! - way to make stuffing, instead of softening the onions for it in butter/oil I softened them with a chicken stock pot in the microwave, one point I think I saw for one of them earlier on this thread and I'll mix in some seasoning, parsley and breadcrumbs which will be pointed too! Going to forego spuds with the dinner and have this stuffing instead, Can't wait!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    Caros wrote: »
    Having some roast chicken for the dinner this eve, have come up with a new - well to me anyway! - way to make stuffing, instead of softening the onions for it in butter/oil I softened them with a chicken stock pot in the microwave, one point I think I saw for one of them earlier on this thread and I'll mix in some seasoning, parsley and breadcrumbs which will be pointed too! Going to forego spuds with the dinner and have this stuffing instead, Can't wait!!! :D

    oh those knorr stock pots are so nice! I use the beef one when using Quorn, and tonight having chicken cottage pie, so i'll be using one to cook with the chicken mince. YUM YUM


    holy far this week i have 40 weeklies and 21 activity weeklies left and my WI is saturday morning...thats alot of extra points to go thru! :O LOL does anyone notice they feel less hungry the days they excercise? Think i'll be adding some peas and corn to the cottage pie to tonight to use up few more points, and maybe do another bit of steak tomorrow night to try useing up a few more points. I still have 28pp left today to use :O i might spoil my self and make a bowl of oatmeal with full fat milk :P haha

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,404 ✭✭✭✭Pembily

    Thanks Bubaloo :D I'm going tomorrow instead so i'll be in to report! I'll only weigh in once a month (gold member) cause I found weighing in weekly was sabbotaging me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Ah ladies, ye are great. Thanks so much for all the support today. I'm feeling much better about my little jump from the wagon.

    @ Fofany and Bubaloo, thanks for the advice re: red face. Will deffo try those tips. I hate wearing make-up everyday. It's just not worth the effort and I'm not that kinda girl.

    Anyway, off to face the music now. are on a roll! Just reading about your exercise has me feeling exhausted!ha! Keep it up girl :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    kildareash wrote: »
    Ah ladies, ye are great. Thanks so much for all the support today. I'm feeling much better about my little jump from the wagon.

    @ Fofany and Bubaloo, thanks for the advice re: red face. Will deffo try those tips. I hate wearing make-up everyday. It's just not worth the effort and I'm not that kinda girl.

    Anyway, off to face the music now. are on a roll! Just reading about your exercise has me feeling exhausted!ha! Keep it up girl :D

    i actually have more energy the days i exercise which is just WEIRD...but WONDERFUL! Kinda missed excercise, i just feel better with it, sleeping better, maybe its all the happy endorphins floating around. lol maybe thats why im not so stressed over my exams (yet) excercise keeping me mellowed out.

    Oh i could not be arsed wearing make up every skin is sensitive at the best of clogging it up would just be torture. plus i'm rubbish at the whole girlie make up stuff. i try to just have nice hair instead :P

    My aunts 60th in two weeks time, most my cousins live next door, but i've been a workaholic since christmas that i havent seen them properly since xmas day...and i've lost like 21lbs since then :P so wonder will they notice! (they fecking better)

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,404 ✭✭✭✭Pembily

    Lady Lainy wrote: »
    i actually have more energy the days i exercise which is just WEIRD...but WONDERFUL! Kinda missed excercise, i just feel better with it, sleeping better, maybe its all the happy endorphins floating around. lol maybe thats why im not so stressed over my exams (yet) excercise keeping me mellowed out.

    I am wired after exercise, rang my mom one day and she thought I was drunk :o:o I love exercise - 30k cycle is great to get rid of a hangover :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 172 ✭✭jackmax

    wooohooo back from WI and down 3.5lbs :D only 1lb away from a total of 3 stone lost :D I had my own personal goal of 3 stone by the 14th of may for my step daughter's communion so im really pleased. never thought back in January that I could actually do it :D only 5lbs from WW goal too but I still have about another stone in my opinion to lose after that but im so thrilled with how its going for me :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 123 ✭✭Bernso

    Hey all,
    WI today and down 2Ibs. Delighted with that. Walked loads and ate well but had loadsa vino Saturday night and lots to eat Sunday. Pure example to me of how the exercise balances out the splurge and with the weeklies I too feel like I am living life.
    Much prefer the propoints to the old plan. Between the fruit and the no saving points you feel like you're eating healthy and is easier to stay on track!

    Food I'm loving this week is ww cheddar. 10pp in the whole block/ grated bag. Been using it over skinny shepards pie (savoury quorn mince over turnip) and makes them extra scrummy yet ridiculously low in pp.
    Hangover Sunday night when the post dinner snack attack came I made two cheeesie toasties with this stuff which totally hit the spot yet were so low compared to regular cheese. YUM-MY!

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 154 ✭✭lil kc

    Help i am all of a sudden 26 years down the line addicted to rich tea biscuits for some reason which wouldnt be so bad if i was only having one or two a day cos they're only 1pp but i can't stop at one or two!!!

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