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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,103 ✭✭✭misslt

    Chinafoot wrote: »
    I've decided, the next time you say sorry for not walking you're getting a slap :P Exams take absolute priority and we'll be out pounding the pavement soon enough!

    I genuinely think WW is impossible without a scales. I was amazed at the portion sizes when I weighed out my food. I was eating far, far too much. Its great though because while it can look piddly at the beginning you get used to it very quickly. I find it takes a lot less food to fill me up now, which is great. I bought this kitchen scales and its brilliant.

    Quick question for all those with the WW pedometers. Do you find its very sensitive?? I bought one on Tuesday at my WI and yesterday I racked up over 12,000 steps and today it was over 14,000. I had it on the all day, step counting mode and I earned what seems to be a lot of activity points! Given my weight I only need to do around 4,000 steps before I start earning but once I hit that the points seem to rack up very quickly. 6 yesterday and 7 today. Now I work in a busy enough library and I literally stand all day except for my lunch break but I was just really surprised at how many steps were appearing on that little screen! I don't intend to eat any of my activity points or anything, but I'd hate to think I spent €21 on something thats not shagging working properly!

    Okay I'll stop :)

    That sounds about right on the pedometer, I'd rack up close to 15000 when I'm at college all day.

    The more weight you lose the more steps you have to do to earn activity points.

    It can be very sensitive but when I count out how many steps I take the pedometer says the same. Just make sure it's paused when you aren't walking :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 283 ✭✭Kay_80

    So WI this morning & I STS

    I'm not freaking out like last wk when I was up 1.5 for no reason I was really good this wk walked 5 out of 7 days 5k each time I did eat all my points including weeklies but I've been feeling horrible all week ( I get one really bad month a year with TOTM I reckon this is that month sorry if tmi ) so I do feel that has impacted on the last 2 wi's but I've decided I need to give my body a kickstart to get back on track & see those 11's!! Most of my weeklies were spent on oily fish, nuts, avocados etc Which I don't regret my body craved them so I gave it want it wanted! but some red wine, chocolate & crisps sneaked in there too! I also had a couple of mornings where I had cereal instead of porridge - sugar for me is a trigger for hunger so it's prob why I ate so much fruit ie grapes so back to porridge as well!

    I'm going to have date night tonight & eat & drink what I want then not have any more weeklies, do my DVD tomor morning & Sunday morning as well as walk every day my 5k. Also going to rejig my lunches I'm out on audit so can't have soup & Ryvita so going to cut out carb( bread, pitta pasta) & have lots of free salad & a protien & cut back a bit on my fruit during the day as well. I find when I'm out of my own office I'm eating more fruit during the day- the last couple of wks alot of grapes so going to swap that for an apple & maybe some chopped kiwi & my mid morning banana. I'm also going to drastically up the water I've been so busy out here I've found that I've only had 500ml of water from7.30 - 3 rather than my usual 2 ltrs I then begin growing back another 500ml before I leave at 5 to ensure in not dehydrated before my walk - I need to put myself first & not the client!! (sssh don't tell my boss that!)

    I hope doing that will help with my energy levels & give me a kickstart on the scales nxt wk all the good I did over the last couple of wks has to show at some stage right?!

    Sorry for long post just need to type this down to motivate me & feel that I'm accountable somewhere! :)

    Lil KC I know how you feel that was me last wk when I was up 1.5 I was annoyed & felt like feck it but it's better to get the anger out, stay on the wagon & keep on track! As has been posted before it's a marathon not a sprint it will come off & hopefully quicker than 3 wks. I hope you're better after your fall this wk?

  • Registered Users Posts: 46 oat

    Had my weigh in last night, was down 2 and half. I was so shocked. I missed weigh in last week and had a very bad week with plenty of drinking. I can't understand it. Deligted though, this brings me to 10 and half lbs 6 weeks

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 671 ✭✭✭Shoe Lover

    Baby75 wrote: »
    Think I may have to change WW class, the leader asked me to stay the last two weeks I couldn't as I had older kids with me, no way I would keep them quite, today I stayed and my daughter whom is two did great but in the last 5 minutes got a little restless she wasn't crying but said something funny which caught some peoples attention, the leader looked a little cross and said can every one ignore the child, rambled on some more then said now can people ignore the child redface.gif i was so embarrassed I wanted to leave so not to disrupt any more but would have if i tried! luckily the class was over don't think i will be staying again not really annoyed over it! bit embarrassed though.

    God, she sounds so rude :mad: A lot of ppl bring children to my class & if they start talking or anything, the leader just ignores it. She certainly wouldn't single out the parents for it. That's ridiculous! I'd be more annoyed about ppl's mobile phones ringing mid-meeting, than a child making a bit of noise at the end! Ignore her!

    WI last night, was down 0.5lbs. Think I need a shake up so going to up the exercise a bit, going to a double step class tonight at 6.30pm! I hate step - mostly because I have no co-ordination at all, but I always work up a sweat at it. Then running a few days over the week and pole on Tuesday night.

    Also my leader said that we should take one thing each week that we need to work on and really concentrate on it for the week. So for me, it's limiting the amount of treats I have. She reckons you should only be keeping about 3pp for treats in the evening. So going to try that and see how I get on! Hopefully I will have the willpower to keep it up for the week :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 758 ✭✭✭bubbaloo

    fionas046 wrote: »
    11.5lb in 7weeks is great and don't let anyone tell you it isn't! We all lose weight at different rates because we're all different. It took me a long 2 years to loose this weight and it was tough at times but I used different incentives to keep me going. First off, I never missed a WI, secondly I always stayed to my meetings. Some were better than others but its surprising what tips you pick up there. Another thing I did was buy a box of paperclips, I took one for every pound I lost and hung them on a nail in my kitchen in full site. Its quite amazing how that string will grow and how much it incentivises you to keep going. Set yourself little goals, and make them realistic!
    As regards food, I would be quite a plain eater as well but with a very sweet tooth. So, instead of ignoring my tooth, I indulge it. I discovered that the small Cadburys caramel treat size bars are 2points. So every evening, I sit down with my cup of tea and my bar (which I nibble!) and I look forward to it all day. Sometimes I even stretch to 3 points and have a finger of fudge.
    I also discovered Butternut squash chips, my lifelong friend. I don't like pasta at all and while I do like potatoes, I don't love them. BNS chips are a staple in my diet.
    I know this is a long post but doesn't even scratch the surface but as I said earlier, positive attitude will get you where you want to go. At 11.5lb down you very close to people really noticing your loss and believe me there is no greater motivation than the compliments you will receive! :)
    I just thought this was a lovely post and really motivational for those of us who are losing a bit of heart with WW. Thanks Fiona!
    Joined weight watchers last year to lose weight for my sisters wedding, managed a few lbs but after i stopped going to meetings things just went back to the way they werefrown.gif. Am now back at the meeting and finding it tough to lose even a few pounds even though i'm counting, weight and writing everything, its so disheartening. Found out last thursday that i have an intollerence to wheat and dairy and need to follow a diet free from both of these. can you please help me with lunch and dinner suggestions as i'm lost. there is wheat in so much stuff. thankssmile.gif

    Jackie307133 - have a look at the WW UK site and go to the Vegan discussion boards - they might have some good recipes for you.

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 154 ✭✭lil kc

    Lil KC I know how you feel that was me last wk when I was up 1.5 I was annoyed & felt like feck it but it's better to get the anger out, stay on the wagon & keep on track! As has been posted before it's a marathon not a sprint it will come off & hopefully quicker than 3 wks. I hope you're better after your fall this wk?[/QUOTE]

    Ah thanks its just the worst I have felt in a long time and cos it is so slow 1.5lbs to me ruins weeks of hard work. Need to take some of your advice I think, cut down on carbs and get back to basics. Just did 30 mins on my step machine at a fairly fast rate. Im ok after my fall but just have massive bruises everywhere, so im gonna go and do a tan for the weekend to try cover them up a bit and just put last week to bed! Thanks Kay x

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    GT_TDI_150 wrote: »
    why did she insist you stay for the classes? my wife goes in with our 14month old, steps on 'the weigh bridge' (as my OH calls it), and exists stage door left!

    bit ignorant to insist you stay but make a point of showing up you and your kids!:mad:

    I know, she is a mature leader :) and I think she likes listening to her own voice think it will be just WI for me from now on! wait till she ask me to stay next week:D
    stanlea wrote: »
    Hi all,
    lost my first stone yesterday!Wahoo! Now hubby wants in on ww. Could anyone tell me about how many points a 6ft 30 yr old male weighing 13st should be on?
    well done on the first stone :) thats brilliant! your DH weight sounds right mine is nearly 6ft and 18 stone 12 he lost 7 pounds with me on ww so far lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 846 ✭✭✭tantipie

    stanlea wrote: »
    Hi all,
    lost my first stone yesterday!Wahoo! Now hubby wants in on ww. Could anyone tell me about how many points a 6ft 30 yr old male weighing 13st should be on?
    he's on 41pp daily:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 58,456 ✭✭✭✭ibarelycare

    Baby75 wrote: »
    Whoo hoo 2 pounds down biggrin.gif just found out I should be on extra points for feeding the baby its 14 extra so 43 over all eek.gif seems so much not really sure I need that many.

    Think I may have to change WW class, the leader asked me to stay the last two weeks I couldn't as I had older kids with me, no way I would keep them quite, today I stayed and my daughter whom is two did great but in the last 5 minutes got a little restless she wasn't crying but said something funny which caught some peoples attention, the leader looked a little cross and said can every one ignore the child, rambled on some more then said now can people ignore the child redface.gif i was so embarrassed I wanted to leave so not to disrupt any more but would have if i tried! luckily the class was over don't think i will be staying again not really annoyed over it! bit embarrassed though.

    Kay enjoy that meal and hope it works wonderssmile.gif good luck tomorrow

    Monife I hate moving, we only moved just at Christmas, your right there is really bad places out there, we looked at dome real bad houses! hope you can find something soon

    just in case some have missed it, the RTE guide had a good WW section this week I got it today for some recipe ideas for during the week

    That was rude and humiliating for your leader to say "ignore the child"...BUT I have to say I hate when people bring children to classes. They make noise and are so distracting. A few of weeks ago a woman brought her daughter to class who was obviously sick and she sat behind me and kept coughing in my hair and ear. Even after a few dirty looks to the mother, she didn't move the bloody child or tell her to cover her mouth. :mad:

    For a couple of weeks I've been going to a different class because I couldn't make my normal one, but when I went back last week I saw that there was a sign up to ask people not to bring their children to classes. Was pretty happy with that!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 154 ✭✭lil kc

    That was rude and humiliating for your leader to say "ignore the child"...BUT I have to say I hate when people bring children to classes. They make noise and are so distracting. A few of weeks ago a woman brought her daughter to class who was obviously sick and she sat behind me and kept coughing in my hair and ear. Even after a few dirty looks to the mother, she didn't move the bloody child or tell her to cover her mouth. :mad:

    For a couple of weeks I've been going to a different class because I couldn't make my normal one, but when I went back last week I saw that there was a sign up to ask people not to bring their children to classes. Was pretty happy with that!

    I totally disagree there, absolutely if the child acts up then bring it outside, sit near the door etc but I have been to plenty of classes where children are well behaved. WW is all about encouraging different people with different lifestyles to come and participate in a safe environment in a bid to loose weight. Mothers with young children make up a large percentage of WW members who all pay €10 a week. To ban all children is a bit extreme. If I was a leader I would politely say children are welcome but for the benefit of all the members if they are unwell or restless please try and plan to go to class at a different time when there may be somebody available to mind them for an hour.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 58,456 ✭✭✭✭ibarelycare

    lil kc wrote: »
    I totally disagree there, absolutely if the child acts up then bring it outside, sit near the door etc but I have been to plenty of classes where children are well behaved. WW is all about encouraging different people with different lifestyles to come and participate in a safe environment in a bid to loose weight. Mothers with young children make up a large percentage of WW members who all pay €10 a week. To ban all children is a bit extreme. If I was a leader I would politely say children are welcome but for the benefit of all the members if they are unwell or restless please try and plan to go to class at a different time when there may be somebody available to mind them for an hour.

    If a child is quiet and sits there then that's absolutely fine. But children are unpredictable and get restless and bored easily. Yeah, the children should absolutely be brought outside if they get like this but people have different levels of tolerance. A parent mightn't think their child is being annoying by simply kicking a chair repeatedly or playing a game on a phone with the sound on, whereas others would find that very annoying. We all pay €10 to go to class and it's not fair for the leader and other members to be put out by children just because someone hasn't organised a babysitter.

  • Registered Users Posts: 846 ✭✭✭tantipie

    i don't mind children being there, it's up to the parents to occupy them,i have 3 myself but don't bring them, i go when there at school,i wouldnt be able to pay attention if i took my youngest.but PHONES drive me crazy i hate when they start ringing and usually the person can't find the bloody thing:rolleyes:

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 154 ✭✭lil kc

    If a child is quiet and sits there then that's absolutely fine. But children are unpredictable and get restless and bored easily. Yeah, the children should absolutely be brought outside if they get like this but people have different levels of tolerance. A parent mightn't think their child is being annoying by simply kicking a chair repeatedly or playing a game on a phone with the sound on, whereas others would find that very annoying. We all pay €10 to go to class and it's not fair for the leader and other members to be put out by children just because someone hasn't organised a babysitter.

    I understand that it can be annoying but so are people when they are constantly talking, so are the moblie phones, so is the air conditioning when it rattles or people arriving late to class, you could spend 10 minutes at the beginning of each class listing off distractions. For the sake of a 20-30 minute meeting maybe we should all be a bit more tolerant. That mother may be a single mother out working all day, you just never know peoples stories. I'm sure they wouldnt turn away new members when they ask is it ok to bring my baby, I'm sure they would be told no problem at all!

  • Registered Users Posts: 58,456 ✭✭✭✭ibarelycare

    lil kc wrote: »
    I understand that it can be annoying but so are people when they are constantly talking, so are the moblie phones, so is the air conditioning when it rattles or people arriving late to class, you could spend 10 minutes at the beginning of each class listing off distractions. For the sake of a 20-30 minute meeting maybe we should all be a bit more tolerant. That mother may be a single mother out working all day, you just never know peoples stories. I'm sure they wouldnt turn away new members when they ask is it ok to bring my baby, I'm sure they would be told no problem at all!

    I agree that mobile phones and people talking are really rude too and I feel as strongly about those as about children in the class :) Something like air conditioning or noisy traffic is something that can't be helped though, so I don't have a problem with them.

    I'm aware that someone might be a single mother and mightn't be able to get someone to mind her kid, but that's not my problem tbh. I still wouldn't be happy with the child constantly coughing in my ear or being terribly noisy. As long as the kids are quiet then that's fine, but that's not always the case. And it would be great if the mothers would bring their child outside if they're acting up but that's also not always the case.

    Anyway I'm not out to offend anyone or start an argument :o Obviously I don't have children and I'm not a children person at ALL :D But it's just my opinion :)

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 154 ✭✭lil kc

    I agree that mobile phones and people talking are really rude too and I feel as strongly about those as about children in the class :) Something like air conditioning or noisy traffic is something that can't be helped though, so I don't have a problem with them.

    I'm aware that someone might be a single mother and mightn't be able to get someone to mind her kid, but that's not my problem tbh. I still wouldn't be happy with the child constantly coughing in my ear or being terribly noisy. As long as the kids are quiet then that's fine, but that's not always the case. And it would be great if the mothers would bring their child outside if they're acting up but that's also not always the case.

    Anyway I'm not out to offend anyone or start an argument :o Obviously I don't have children and I'm not a children person at ALL :D But it's just my opinion :)

    Ah yeah sorry not meaning to be argumentative and I don't have kids either but I guess we all have our different tolerance levels. Like I find it very annoying when the leader for instance is obviously just winging it cos they have come with nothing prepared and the same old stuff is being rattled off as the week before. Like what are we actually paying for sometimes!!!:p

  • Registered Users Posts: 758 ✭✭✭bubbaloo

    I agree that mobile phones and people talking are really rude too and I feel as strongly about those as about children in the class :) Something like air conditioning or noisy traffic is something that can't be helped though, so I don't have a problem with them.

    I'm aware that someone might be a single mother and mightn't be able to get someone to mind her kid, but that's not my problem tbh. I still wouldn't be happy with the child constantly coughing in my ear or being terribly noisy. As long as the kids are quiet then that's fine, but that's not always the case. And it would be great if the mothers would bring their child outside if they're acting up but that's also not always the case.

    Anyway I'm not out to offend anyone or start an argument :o Obviously I don't have children and I'm not a children person at ALL :D But it's just my opinion :)

    This is a point I've been worrying about actually. Normally I go to an evening class because I work full time and my hubby is at home to look after our little boy - he's only 2 and would never be able to stay quiet for half an hour in a WW meeting! But my hubby works long shifts in the summer so I've been thinking I won't be able to attend meetings for those months. I will go to my WI but won't stay for the meeting. The alternative is that I go to WI during my lunch hour from work but I wouldn't be able to stay for the meeting then either as I have to get back to work. We live hundreds of miles from family so I can't ask anyone to take my little boy for an hour - I would never ask a friend or neighbour to do that on a regular basis. A one-off is okay but every week for 3 months would be rippin' the p**s! I would be raging if a neighbour expected that of me. So I guess I will miss the meetings for the summer :( but my leader is very understanding and I'm sure I could ask her to email any topics of conversation. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 58,456 ✭✭✭✭ibarelycare

    bubbaloo wrote: »
    This is a point I've been worrying about actually. Normally I go to an evening class because I work full time and my hubby is at home to look after our little boy - he's only 2 and would never be able to stay quiet for half an hour in a WW meeting! But my hubby works long shifts in the summer so I've been thinking I won't be able to attend meetings for those months. I will go to my WI but won't stay for the meeting. The alternative is that I go to WI during my lunch hour from work but I wouldn't be able to stay for the meeting then either as I have to get back to work. We live hundreds of miles from family so I can't ask anyone to take my little boy for an hour - I would never ask a friend or neighbour to do that on a regular basis. A one-off is okay but every week for 3 months would be rippin' the p**s! I would be raging if a neighbour expected that of me. So I guess I will miss the meetings for the summer :( but my leader is very understanding and I'm sure I could ask her to email any topics of conversation. :)

    Oh god now I feel bad for my opinion :o:o lol

    Maybe you could say to your leader that you'll bring your son along but you'll sit near the door so that if he does start getting very noisy you could bring him outside? But 2 year olds are hardly going to sit still for any amount of time are they? :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭corasam

    eek i've hurt my ankle - well my achilles tendon. which i think means I'll have to rest it for 1-4 weeks. ragin as i really think the running is whats achieving the best results for me with the weight loss and I was starting to really enjoy it. going to go for jog today and see how i get on, if its still at me will do the physio/rest etc whatever it takes to sort it.

    guess i can try cycling instead, not a big swimmer and can't think of anything else that would keep me off the ankle. really hope it heals quick and i can keep up the momentum without the jogging.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 154 ✭✭lil kc

    bubbaloo wrote: »
    This is a point I've been worrying about actually. Normally I go to an evening class because I work full time and my hubby is at home to look after our little boy - he's only 2 and would never be able to stay quiet for half an hour in a WW meeting! But my hubby works long shifts in the summer so I've been thinking I won't be able to attend meetings for those months. I will go to my WI but won't stay for the meeting. The alternative is that I go to WI during my lunch hour from work but I wouldn't be able to stay for the meeting then either as I have to get back to work. We live hundreds of miles from family so I can't ask anyone to take my little boy for an hour - I would never ask a friend or neighbour to do that on a regular basis. A one-off is okay but every week for 3 months would be rippin' the p**s! I would be raging if a neighbour expected that of me. So I guess I will miss the meetings for the summer :( but my leader is very understanding and I'm sure I could ask her to email any topics of conversation. :)

    I would attend and sit near the door with him, bring something that may keep him occupied and even if you got 15 mins out of the class and had to leave then it would be worth it. You never know what you could pick up in that time. Try it and if it doesnt work out it doesnt work out. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 758 ✭✭✭bubbaloo

    Oh god now I feel bad for my opinion :o:o lol

    Maybe you could say to your leader that you'll bring your son along but you'll sit near the door so that if he does start getting very noisy you could bring him outside? But 2 year olds are hardly going to sit still for any amount of time are they? :D

    Oh God sorry - I didn't meant to make you feel bad. :D Don't feel bad. It's natural - to be honest I'd be fairly pi**ed off if a two year old came in and kept disturbing the class. I understand that sometimes it's unavoidable and that parents have to bring their kids but I would also expect some consideration for the others there. One kid making a comment ( like Baby 75's child) is not what I would consider a disruption, and I think the leader was totally in the wrong in that situation, but a two year old who can't sit still and would probably spend the whole time babbling would be annoying to everyone (even though I find it cute - as his mummy!! :D).
    I might try it for a week or two, and as you and others have suggested, sit by the door. If it's a disaster I'll know to leave after my WI the following weeks.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Woohoo, it's the weekend :)

    I'm having a good week, because I'm afraid to eat!hah! Wonder how long this will last for?!
    Met with consultant this morning and going in for tests in two weeks. Delighted that everything is moving so fastly.

    Tried a WW pizza last night, thought it made a nice dinner for 10pp. I had the BBQ chicken one...only thing putting me off was the price...€3,99:eek:

    Was supposed to be going to the races today...really disappointed that I can't go. But I am on hols next week and boyf has promised me a few nice days out, so I'm looking forward to that :D

    Happy friday everyone :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    This is an example of using pp in a really yummy and healthy way...instead of blowing pp on junk for the sake of using the dailies.

    Smoky Beef Steak Sandwiches

    ProPoints® Value: 10 per serving
    Servings: 4
    Preparation Time: 10 min
    Cooking Time: 5 min
    Level of Difficulty: Moderate

    A steak sandwich is a super standby meal for busy days. You can apply the marinade and cook it straight away. It works perfectly on the barbecue too.

    5 spray(s) Cooking Spray, Calorie Controlled
    4 medium Mushrooms, stalks removed, halved
    1 teaspoons (level) Mustard, Dijon
    1 tablespoons Worcestershire Sauce
    2 tablespoons Barbecue Sauce, (smokey)
    2 teaspoons Thyme, Fresh
    1 clove(s) Garlic, crushed
    500 g Beef, Fillet Steak, Lean, Raw
    8 slice(s) (medium) Bread, White, Farmhouse
    200 g Rocket
    1 large Tomato, cut into 8 slices
    1/2 medium Avocado Pear, thinly sliced

    Preheat grill over medium-high heat. Lightly spray mushrooms with cooking spray. Cook for 2–3 minutes each side or until tender. Transfer to a plate.

    Meanwhile, combine mustard, Worcestershire and barbecue sauces, thyme and garlic in a shallow glass or ceramic bowl. Add steaks and turn to coat.

    Reheat grill over medium-high heat. Lightly spray bread with cooking spray. Cook steaks and bread for 1 minute each side or until steak is cooked to your liking and bread is toasted.

    Place 4 slices of toast on a flat surface. Top with rocket, steaks, tomato, mushrooms and avocado. Sandwich with the remaining toast. Serve.

  • Registered Users Posts: 46 oat

    Ca anyone recommend a good scales? Is the ww one the best? I stupidly bought one 2 weeks ago for a fiver and no matter how much I fix the dial its still showing me at the wrong weight, no wonder I was worried about meeting, scales showed me half a stone heavier

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    oat wrote: »
    Ca anyone recommend a good scales? Is the ww one the best? I stupidly bought one 2 weeks ago for a fiver and no matter how much I fix the dial its still showing me at the wrong weight, no wonder I was worried about meeting, scales showed me half a stone heavier

    This one is really good :) and its on special offer

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    Right.....i officially cant stop eating!
    (but i am tracking it LOL)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,485 ✭✭✭harr

    just had something new for lunch taught i might share

    1 large wholegrain wrap
    100g thin ham
    ww cheese or any low fat cheese
    chilli powder or flakes
    mixed herbs

    place wrap flat on a backing tray and add the ham slices(be sure to go right to the edges)
    dice all veg small and add to wrap
    grate 20g cheese and mix with herbs and chilli and sprinkle over the top
    put under grill for 3-5 min
    when done fold warp in 2
    and you have yourself a very nice low fat pizza
    I think it worked out at 10 points :)

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 154 ✭✭lil kc

    MMMM low low easy single cheese slices yum if you like that fake cheese taste for 1pp

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,859 ✭✭✭m'lady

    Just made a gorgeous low point vegetarian chilli if anyone is interested, I'll put up recipe. It works out at 3 pp maximum, and is really tasty. I'll have it later with a baked potato and some sour cream I think.:)

    Haven't got to thank those that replied to post the other day, but I will later.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    I agree that mobile phones and people talking are really rude too and I feel as strongly about those as about children in the class :) Something like air conditioning or noisy traffic is something that can't be helped though, so I don't have a problem with them.

    I'm aware that someone might be a single mother and mightn't be able to get someone to mind her kid, but that's not my problem tbh. I still wouldn't be happy with the child constantly coughing in my ear or being terribly noisy. As long as the kids are quiet then that's fine, but that's not always the case. And it would be great if the mothers would bring their child outside if they're acting up but that's also not always the case.

    Anyway I'm not out to offend anyone or start an argument :o Obviously I don't have children and I'm not a children person at ALL :D But it's just my opinion :)

    I can totally see were you are coming from, I would always leave if mine were acting up as with a 8 week old and a 2 year old no way they are going to be quite I said as much to my leader, I was by the door ready to go if I needed. after she asked every one to ignore my daughter, it would have been so obvious had I left every one was watching and sure she ended the class 2 minutes later, I was impressed that my daughter had been so good for so long I expected to go much earlier than the end of the class.
    may be they way to go for WW is to have meetings in the day for parents who have to bring children with them and ones for those who rather go to classes with out children? banning children out right is not right, I wouldn't be impressed with that at all. plus it would mean I wouldn't be able to go any more as well. :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 49 Jackie307133

    m'lady wrote: »
    Just made a gorgeous low point vegetarian chilli if anyone is interested, I'll put up recipe. It works out at 3 pp maximum, and is really tasty. I'll have it later with a baked potato and some sour cream I think.:)

    would love the recipe please :)

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