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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,154 ✭✭✭Dolbert

    Hi S,

    Just wanted to say to be careful drinking when you eat so few points. I did that a few years ago. Just before our wedding I was trying to lose weight and had low points one day and ended up out that night and had 5-6 drinks and was very ill for days. I felt like I was going to die. Never again would I do something so silly. Normally I could have drank that much and often a lot more and would be fine.

    Have a great night but do be careful.

    +1, Not trying to be harsh but why do you 'need' to drink that much? Starving yourself just so you can drink loads on a night out is just silly. Why not just alternate a vodka & soda water (very low cal) with a glass of water. You'll still get tipsy, but not messy drunk (who wants that anyway?)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17 cathead

    Isn't Aqua Fit just fantastic!
    I find it a great activity aside from the gym, it breaks the monotony of what I do in the gym and I get to have craic with my friend at the same time!

    I'm having a treat chinese tonight, really splashing out but have saved up for this all week! Can't wait!

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭itsallaboutme!!

    +1 on the aqua fit!!! i must sound like a looney coz everytime i get the chance i rave about it:D i find it brilliant i have to say coz i am not the biggest fan of exercise and its a real acheivement for me to go out for a walk on the days i dont do aquafit!!!

    cathead- im also having a treat chinese tonight so hoping it wont affect m WI on tuesday too much:D:D:D

    hope everyone is havoing a great weekend;);)

  • Registered Users Posts: 284 ✭✭nurse23

    hi everybody!!

    im new to weightwatchers and have just started my first food diary here on boards:D

    just a few questions that i have
    1. if your point allocation is 22 a day, and you dont use the 22 everyday how many can you healthily not use say in a week/day (im having difficulty so far using up the 22 everyday so far i'm sure this wont always be the case). hope that made sense!!!
    2. whats the general consensus on tesco light choices products???
    3. at the bottom of my tracker is activity points earned???? cannot find anythin in my info about this. i walked for 30mins twicw today so how many activity points is that?

    thanks a mill if anyone can answer these!!
    well done to everyone ye are doing great:) and im really excited to share this journey wit ye all xx

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,184 ✭✭✭neuro-praxis

    1. You should save no more than 4 points per day.
    2. They're expensive, but convenient. However you are better sticking with whole foods and really learning to cook rather than depending on low-fat products. Have lots and lots of veg and lean meat and fish with herbs and spices, baby new potatoes, brown basmati and wholegrain pasta.
    3. Activity points are different for everyone, as they are based on your weight. In a couple of weeks you will be given a card that allows you to calculate your activity points. Until then, don't worry about them. For now, focus on food. It's best not to eat extra points earned anyway; ignoring them speeds up your weight loss.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 284 ✭✭nurse23

    thanks neuro praxis that was great.
    was shoppin today and got their youghurts,bran flakes and stuff, had the lasagne this evenin and it was only ok, so your def better off cookin your own the healthy way!! im a nurse workin about 60hrs a week days and nights so sometimes it will just be handier to use these products but def goin to work on recipes and..........learn how to cook:D:D. is there any ww recipe books available to buy at meetings? also at the first meeting i was speaking to the lady and she ran through stuff with me assumed she'll be my leader but nothin specified, do they allocate you one after the first week? should have asked all this at the time but i was nervous the first time and didn't think of half the things i should have:rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,184 ✭✭✭neuro-praxis

    Yes, they do sell recipe books and they're pretty good, as they're put together with recipes from WW members, as opposed to cooks. They're usually simple, practical and easy to make. I would recommend buying the cook books if you are unfamiliar with cooking yourself. You will eventually get good at it and become adventurous with new flavours.

    Yes, that woman who weighed you and ran through the program is your leader. Did you not stay for the meeting? I understand you are very busy but your health and weight are worth 45 minutes a week. The meeting is extremely helpful and a place to share the journey and ask your questions.

    Good luck! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 284 ✭✭nurse23

    ya i stayed for the meeting and chatted with her after the meeting it was just never stated 'i am your leader' so i was just not sure, shes a dote anyway so im glad. def intend to attend a meeting every week for all the reasons ya mentioned as well as getting my 10 euros worth!!

    really goin to give the cookin a go and maybe ill be hosting dinner parties by xmas:D:D:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7 eilyducks

    Hi everyone,
    I joined a week and a half ago. My first weigh in was great, down 3.5 lbs! So thrilled! Having loads of fun with the recipes and adapting the foods I like. My next weigh in is on Wed eve and then I'm off on hols on Sat morning for a week! Anyone have any tips for the hols? I bought the eating out guide already.
    I just wanted to check in and say congrats to everyone in the forum. Good luck!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 46 112togo

    i am so annoyed with myself!

    for the last three days ive been binging on chocolate.

    ive eaten good healthy meals, but teh crap ive eaten between them is ridiculous - in the three days ive had 3 yorkie bars, 2 aeros, 1 wispa and about 12 curly wurlys.

    no wonder im over 15 stone

    for f*** sake

    im so pissed off

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,184 ✭✭✭neuro-praxis

    You chose to eat every bar.

    Now choose tomorrow not to eat a bar. Take it one choice at a time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 284 ✭✭nurse23

    hi all. hope every one had a great week and all the best for coming week:)

    im on nights wed and thurs. shift is 21.45 to 8am. just wondering if anyone has any ideas/advice about how i should plan my eating during nights, fit in some exercise(during day) and what foods to avoid or what the best foods for during the night would be. i work in a house setting so its fairly sedantry.

    im awake all night too its not a sleep over situation.

    normally i'd sleep from about 9 to 6 (i totally zonk:))

    id probably have my dinner at 19.00 but should i have breakfast type stuff then and have dinner during night. and should i avoid eating before i go to bed??? any advice and info would be great especially if anyone here works nights.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 125 ✭✭9st n 09

    This might not just be a difficulty here but for the life of me i can't seem to find any of the WW "treat" products in any of the supermarkets in Limerick? I've tried Tesco, Dunnes, Supervalu and Superquinn. They all have the frozen meals but i'm looking for these kind of things:
    Any suggestions as to where to pick them up. Not that mad about the stuff they sell at the meetings, although the black forest bars aren't too bad.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 111 ✭✭journey

    Hey All,

    I'm back from my weekend away and despite my best intentions before I left it all went a bit hairy!

    Yesterday was my friends birthday barbeque. I was actually very good from a food point of view - steered clear of burgers and sausages and stuck to chicken and salad with a couple of small pieces of french stick.

    Alcohol wise I started off brilliantly and was drinking wine spritzers made with soda water and was also drinking water between drinks. But then the vodka came out and common sense went out the window. No idea how many points I used on alcohol but I am certain that it was way too many.

    This morning had a fry cooked for me - Had 1 sausage, 2 rashers, 2 slices of toast, a tablespoon of beans and some mushrooms. I figured that would keep me going until I got home and then I would have something healthy and low point to try to minimise the damage.

    Flight was delayed though and I was stuck in the airport, hungover and hungry - not a good combination. Ended up having a hamburger happy meal AND a portion of chicken nuggets (and wouldn't you know there was an extra nugget in my box so I actually ate 7!!!) I also had a chocolate brownie (which wasn't even nice but I still ate the lot). I've worked out that I had 33.5 points today (allowance is 21) and I'd estimate yesterday at something similar. So I basically need to claw back 25 points to make up for the weekend.

    I'll try to save 4 points a day for the next 3 days and then hit the gym. What's done is done now. No point in beating myself up over it. Back on track now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 58,456 ✭✭✭✭ibarelycare

    112togo wrote: »
    i am so annoyed with myself!

    for the last three days ive been binging on chocolate.

    ive eaten good healthy meals, but teh crap ive eaten between them is ridiculous - in the three days ive had 3 yorkie bars, 2 aeros, 1 wispa and about 12 curly wurlys.

    no wonder im over 15 stone

    for f*** sake

    im so pissed off

    Hey, no offense but your attitude isn't going to help. Draw a line over the past few days and start fresh. The most important thing is to not put yourself in temptation's way. Do you have chocolate in your house? If so, then get rid of it all. If you bought them while shopping, why? Don't go shopping on an empty stomach. Bring a list and just stick to it, no matter what. You have to have SOME willpower! Don't go near the confectionary counter and don't go down the biscuit/yummy aisles.

    As neuro-praxis said, you chose to eat the bars so you just need to choose not to do that. Be positive and good luck :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    112togo wrote: »
    i am so annoyed with myself!

    for the last three days ive been binging on chocolate.

    ive eaten good healthy meals, but teh crap ive eaten between them is ridiculous - in the three days ive had 3 yorkie bars, 2 aeros, 1 wispa and about 12 curly wurlys.

    no wonder im over 15 stone

    for f*** sake

    im so pissed off

    foot on the brakes my dear! give yourself 10 mins to relax about this it happens it will happen in different ways for the rest of your life be it a chocolate binge, a major night out or a dinner party or just being too lazy to cook! it's how you deal with it that counts!! as neuro praxis & ibarleycare have said make a positive choice in the right direction! this is your journey you control it; it doesn't control you! as much as we like to say it's not really in our control or something came along & made me do it no it didn't!

    brush yourself off & start a fresh :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    Right now I'm finding things hard. I'm down what with work and losing Daddy, and am eating more than I should. On the positive side though the puppy and I had our first walk this morning. Will have another tonight, as she needs two a day. Hopefully the exercise will give me a mood boost. Feel like giving up but I won't. I have a wedding in seven weeks and I want to be thinner and WW the only way I seem to be able to do this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    barbiegirl wrote: »
    Right now I'm finding things hard. I'm down what with work and losing Daddy, and am eating more than I should. On the positive side though the puppy and I had our first walk this morning. Will have another tonight, as she needs two a day. Hopefully the exercise will give me a mood boost. Feel like giving up but I won't. I have a wedding in seven weeks and I want to be thinner and WW the only way I seem to be able to do this.

    big hug your way i can't imagine how hard it must be for you right now but your doing so well;

    that's great about the puppy starting walking i'd love a dog to walk :) but alas i couldn't have one. you will be bound to be eating more all you can really do is make sure you've got the alternatives in so if there's a hankering for chocolate or crisps you've loads of them but the low points ones. good luck with it & you know you can come here for support anytime. xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭carolinespring

    barbiegirl wrote: »
    Right now I'm finding things hard. I'm down what with work and losing Daddy, and am eating more than I should. On the positive side though the puppy and I had our first walk this morning. Will have another tonight, as she needs two a day. Hopefully the exercise will give me a mood boost. Feel like giving up but I won't. I have a wedding in seven weeks and I want to be thinner and WW the only way I seem to be able to do this.

    Hi Barbiegirl,

    I know how you feel, I lost my dad back in 98 and still miss him so much, try not to worry to much about what you are eating but try to eat healthy so that you can stay well. Try to treat and be kind to yourself. After dads death I found it very hard to talk about it but trating myself to a facial/massage or a glossy mag and a bath did help me. Focus on the wedding but dont but any pressure on yourself, you have a lot to deal with right now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 39 MIDWIFEnTRAININ

    112togo wrote: »
    i am so annoyed with myself!

    for the last three days ive been binging on chocolate.

    ive eaten good healthy meals, but teh crap ive eaten between them is ridiculous - in the three days ive had 3 yorkie bars, 2 aeros, 1 wispa and about 12 curly wurlys.

    no wonder im over 15 stone

    for f*** sake

    im so pissed off

    Hi There112togo I know how u feel , one chocolate bars turns into 5 then 6. It is easy to tel you to change but some of us struggle in different ways. Ive been were u are and some weeks it just hits you like a ton of bricks like a vicious circle u cant break.I completely agree with ibarelycare and neuro it is all about your attitude. If your on a downer or just not motivated its very hard to get out of it.Try forget about the few bad days and concentrate on wat makes you feel better like some exercise or a few hours out of the house! its amazing the difference it makes when you stop thinkin about wat happened.Sorry to hear of your loss barbiegirl, its bound to be hard. Gr8 ur gettin out with the new puppy though.Good luck with WI 2 everyone

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  • Registered Users Posts: 252 ✭✭rebelchick2

    Hi all,

    Had WI last night and was down another 1.5lbs. Was thrilled! In total I've lost 13.5lbs in 9 weeks! Next week, I'll def hit the stone!!!! :D


  • Registered Users Posts: 361 ✭✭breadandjam

    Hi all,

    Had WI last night and was down another 1.5lbs. Was thrilled! In total I've lost 13.5lbs in 9 weeks! Next week, I'll def hit the stone!!!! :D

    Fair play to you well done. Good steady progress.
    What's working for you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 311 ✭✭siobhanoh

    Hi all,

    Well I was very good on Saturday until they brought out the finger food. I made the effort to sit at the far end of the table where there was none and then they put a plate in front of me. I just am not strong enough to say no and I had a good few cocktail sausages and chicken wings... not that bad but then Sunday came along and I got a last minute space on the bus to go to the Dublin match in Thurles. So unprepared for the day and ended up getting chips (along with a good few pints over the course of the day). I had my WI last night and I was down 3 pounds but I'd say the weekend will hit me next week. So annoyed at myself after being very disciplined all week. I burnt over 2500 calories during the week. I just have to draw a line under it and just be good this week.

    I have never been very clear on activity points. Last time I was doing WW, I was earning 7.5 extra points a day. I wasn't eating the extra points most of the time but do they count as saved points? I have a new workout system on my phone which is able to tell me exactly how many calories I burn using a heart monitor and I was wondering is there anywhere that would give a relation between activity points and calories burned?

  • Registered Users Posts: 252 ✭✭rebelchick2

    Fair play to you well done. Good steady progress.
    What's working for you?

    Hi B&J,

    I think what is working for me is the tracking! Since I start the food diary 2 weeks ago I've lost 3 lbs!

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    well done on the great losses everyone :D

    i'm a little nervous about my WI this week but hey no matter the result i'll keep on going i've been re-reading alot of my old posts & looking over past trackers & i've inspired myself to really go for GOAL now!

    Next month will be a year since i re-joined for about the 10th time & I've never done so well before I've had a good few bumps in the road but I find I'm so much more positive than I've ever been! Unfortunately I've to move from my lovely apartment as my house mate has been made redudant & my hours are reduced for the summer :( before if this had happened I know I would have hit food for comfort but instead I'm making sure I'm planning my meals & really enjoying the food I do eat & if I do need something sweet I'm having my low point options.

    best of luck for weigh in's for this week guys x

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭itsallaboutme!!

    hi everyone!

    well i had a fairly good week last week ate well aquafit twice walking twice then BANG friday came and i lost all control had chinese on friday afternoon. chinese on saturday night plus drinks and then had dinner out on sunday with a big wedge of chocolate cake to top it all off:mad::mad::mad::mad:

    I am raging coz I went to see U2 last night and missed aquafit and with work i wasnt able to make my meeting this morning either:mad:

    I have drawn a line under it and am hoping for the best at next weeks meeting but was still feeling a bit pi$$ed of with myself until i read some of the recent posts from the last few days and have taken some of the advice and moved on from it now back on track for the week so thanks to ya all!!!!;)

    Nurse23 - i used to work shifts too and it can be a real pain in the a£$e foodwise. i used to work 10pm to 6am for 7 days and i used to sleep till around 3 or 4 every day it was a killer:rolleyes:

    I dont know if its good advice really but I used to just have cereal when i got up regardless of time. then before work id have something small,pasta is a fave of mine with some sort of tomato based sauce and chicken and maybe bring some fruit or a sandwich into work for later in the night and plenty of water too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 46 112togo

    hi everyone
    thanks for all the words of support

    weigh in tomorrow so i'll know then how much damage i did

    it was just stupid behaviour, i was studying so felt i deserved a treat.... unfortunately i live straight across teh road from a newsagents, so it was easy get the chocolate, i normally do my groceries in tesco and steer well clear of the junk food aisles.

    anyhow, back on the wagon - again!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 284 ✭✭nurse23

    hi everyone!

    well i had a fairly good week last week ate well aquafit twice walking twice then BANG friday came and i lost all control had chinese on friday afternoon. chinese on saturday night plus drinks and then had dinner out on sunday with a big wedge of chocolate cake to top it all off:mad::mad::mad::mad:

    I am raging coz I went to see U2 last night and missed aquafit and with work i wasnt able to make my meeting this morning either:mad:

    I have drawn a line under it and am hoping for the best at next weeks meeting but was still feeling a bit pi$$ed of with myself until i read some of the recent posts from the last few days and have taken some of the advice and moved on from it now back on track for the week so thanks to ya all!!!!;)

    Nurse23 - i used to work shifts too and it can be a real pain in the a£$e foodwise. i used to work 10pm to 6am for 7 days and i used to sleep till around 3 or 4 every day it was a killer:rolleyes:

    I dont know if its good advice really but I used to just have cereal when i got up regardless of time. then before work id have something small,pasta is a fave of mine with some sort of tomato based sauce and chicken and maybe bring some fruit or a sandwich into work for later in the night and plenty of water too.

    thanks for the advice, think ill do somethin like that. best of luck for rest of week. you'll get back on track again, we all deserve a weekend off at times!!:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 82 ✭✭JOJOC

    hi everyone

    Just back from my WI was up 1/2 pound not very happy as I walked almost everyday and drank the water like my leader told me to. Dont think I went over but im goin on holidays on sun so will try walking everyday and drink plenty of water and eat loads of salads and cross my fingers!!

    well done everyone who has lost and good luck to everyone who still has to go to WI

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  • Registered Users Posts: 284 ✭✭nurse23

    JOJOC wrote: »
    hi everyone

    Just back from my WI was up 1/2 pound not very happy as I walked almost everyday and drank the water like my leader told me to. Dont think I went over but im goin on holidays on sun so will try walking everyday and drink plenty of water and eat loads of salads and cross my fingers!!

    well done everyone who has lost and good luck to everyone who still has to go to WI

    enjoy your hols and keep up the good work. all the walking may show up next week:) your doing fab. wish i could manage to walk everyday!!!

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