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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Don't encourage me! lol!!!
    I'm trying to just have lots of low points rubbish

    *devours more velvet crunch and sugar free jelly*:D

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 277 ✭✭misspiggy40

    Woohoo! It's great to have an good wallow! Don't forget though it is only allowed for 24 hours. Tomorrow morning it is back on track........meanwhile leave a bag for me!!!!;);)

    oops got carried away there and put it up twice!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭Edgedinblue

    Still searching the floor for my motivation. Maybe I am just not going to find it today at all. Best I can hope for is to keep out of trouble. Maybe tomorrow will be better. Thanks Edgedinblue.......amid all the happiness it is good to have a fellow struggler. Hope you feel better really soon.;)

    I went for a lovely hour walk today and i dont feel too bad now, saying that i had alot of layers on and was roasting before i got out the door, hoping i sweated the takeaway off! :D hope you get some motivation into ya, everyones allowed a day off!

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 277 ✭✭misspiggy40

    Hi All. Back on track today. Have been to gym and have forward tracked for the day with no distractions on the horizon. If I am really good til Wed. I might get my other halfpound for the first stone gone and that is what I am focusing on.

    Thanks very much edgedinblue and doctorwhogirl for the solidarity!! :D

    Good luck this week to all.

    Just a quick note as to my downer over the weekend, I have mentioned before that I use the kids portable DVD player when I am on the treadmill at home. Between Thursday and Saturday the DVD player died, the incline on my treadmill broke and so I can't use it until I get it sorted and my liquidiser, which I make my all important soup with gave up the ghost. I just could not believe it. All my crutches falling down at once!!:eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    These things are sent to test us MissP!!! Unfortunately! (Like my house full of rubbish food was yesterday! ;)

    Difference is you aren't going to let that stop you, are you ;):)

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  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 277 ✭✭misspiggy40

    You are so right DWG. To be honest I was fed up of the treadmill anyway:( and my trip to the gym this morning was great:p. Used different muscles and feel much better.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 kareno.carnival

    Hey im new to all this, have lost 10 pounds by myself but seriously lacking motivation so joined ww last week, first weigh in tomo and i had a dreadful weekend, party with plenty of drinks & chinese food, and a pizza yesterday!! aaaah its hard to stay going, but im trying :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Welcome Kareno!

    Best of luck with it! Loads of support and great ideas to be found here!

    DWG :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭Edgedinblue

    good luck 2moro kareno! dont worry about all that badness, start afresh wednesday morning! youll get into the swing off it.

    got my WI moro aswell, didnt have a good week was horribly fluish and just wanted crappy food and no exercise. so we'll see how it goes moro.

    good luck everyone! :) just remember every time youve a WI that its the last time youll ever see that weight on the scales!

  • Registered Users Posts: 264 ✭✭hollyhock

    ...........not as motivated this week,wedding fri,party sat but got back to points 2day! got a walk in too,got soaked but as our leader says "we won`t melt or rust"! heres hoping 4 thurs!:P

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  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭itsallaboutme!!

    Hi all hope your all having a good week so far!!

    I have wi in the morning am excited about it as i'm 1lb away from my 3rd silver seven so I am really really hopin I get it tomorrow I've been really good all week got in loads of walks, aquafit, drank plenty of water each day and stuck to points all week. If I don't get my 7 I'll be really disapointed!!!

    Just been reading through all the posts from the last week and have to say your all doing so well and to read your posts really gives me inspiration for the week ahead!!

    So anyway best of luck to all this week fingers crossed for wi tomorrow!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 birdie26

    Hey guys i'm new to this-just wanted to say what a great idea it is to have a special thread-sure it's like an online meeting! Anyway i joined weight watchers today (for second time, first time was only 2 weeks then went on a holiday and put up half a stone) so its now or never. - was living in denial the past while. at 26 years old i'm heavy and the weight crept up in college, i feel iv missed out on my 20's feeling insecure at the most of times and covering up my arms and stomach with cardigans etc. I can't remember the last time i wore a sleeveless top out. Anyway hope to lose the weight so i can enjoy the rest of my 20's and lead a healthy fit life. I want to give it a real go and know i can this time because i seam to be in control about every other area in my life!! Just afraid i'll slip up and not go ahead with ww...need that motivation. At 5 f 7 , I need to lose about 4/5 stone to be 'normal' even though i would probably be still over weight on one of those bmi charts! I'm very up to date on what is nutritional food and what is not and god Knows i buy every health magazine going so its just a matter of eating the right food now.
    iv joined curves too- am i wasting my money or is it any good?Would prefer lose a bit of weight first before i go to a GYM. Anyway any advice or a success story would be great now..!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 66 ✭✭finalfantasist

    I had my first meeting last Thursday. It's so hard for me to avoid the temptation of chocolate and cola.

  • Registered Users Posts: 48 Bedhead

    hello all the newbies (although to be honest, I still think of myself as a newbie). Advice - stock up on lots of 0point soup and keep cupboard free of biscuits, chocolates, etc. ALWAYS have low fat treats on-hand for those moments where your sweet tooth wins!

    Had a great weekend social-wise. Had friends over and decided to make a low fat chicken curry for dinner BUT when it was ready it was so tasteless I had to throw in a tin of FULL-FAT coconut milk to make it edible! LOL - I genuinely tried! Anyway, lots of drinks followed! Sunday wasn't so bad but it was such good craic that I really don't feel even the teeniest bit guilty.

    Back on wagon now but am going away with work this evening for two days and we are being fed as part of the deal. The problem is I know the food will be mass-produced and therefore covered in butter and oil... Will have to eat tiny portions!

    Good luck with all the WIs this week. I don't do mine until Sat morning and I doubt it will be down too much considering the weekend just gone!

  • Registered Users Posts: 311 ✭✭siobhanoh

    So last week I was up 1.5lbs and I was raging with myself! Then I tracked religiously all week... until Friday evening. I saved enough points for a few after work drinks but then they brought out finger food and I can just never say no! I ended up going home and eating a couple of milk tray (there was a minor celebration because my friend got a dog... seriously, any excuse!!) and a few biscuits. Saturday I was good with my breakfast and lunch but ended up buying a Snack bar when I was out shopping. It was another one of my friends 21st's on Saturday night (I have one every weekend!) and I was good with the drink until AGAIN, they brought the finger food out. I ate so much! Then back to her house for more drink and sandwiches. Sunday I was dying and we went for a carvery but I don't really like them so I just got a big plate of chips and roast potatoes and gravy!!! Ate some other bad things on Sunday.

    So as you can imagine I had all these excuses ready for my leader for when she told me I went up. I just hoped it wasn't too bad... And to add to it all Tom arrived yesterday. So up I go on the scales and she tells me I'm 3.5 down!!! So happy but I really couldnt believe it! Thought she was telling me 3.5 up!

    I have a wedding on Friday and then it's my 21st on Saturday night so I don't mind going up a bit next week because I did well this week. I am still going to try be as good as I can until the weekend.

    Welcome newbies! It really does work if you stick at it (and sometimes when you don't!). Activity points are the savior for me. Try get out in the evening to do the exercise because you cant eat while your exercising and you're earning points!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 birdie26

    ya the instructor told me to stick with the easy plan (i think it's called) this week as its low GI and you lose alot the first week. However, i know i won't eat some of the meals-don't want to mess it around too much but it's all the one if i choose a healthy alternative of same points. Breakfast was lovely this morning-the mixed gril but i hope the novelty doesnt ware off. Later, i'm heading over to a friends house for dvd--she is a perfect 10 and mite not get the whole weightwatchers thing if i start refusing the treats!! Well its for myself i'm doing it, so im going to buy some healthy snacks ..fruit etc before i go over.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 525 ✭✭✭ya-what-now?

    Exactly - dont' worry about what she thinks! Just say to her that you're doing it for herself and she'd be doing you a huge favour if she doesn't try to tempt ya!

    My friends have been great and really encouraging when we're out. Like they know why I drink Bulmers Light when out, and if going to the cinema bring my own bag of Manhattan popcorn! Your friends will soon get used to it.

    And don't worry - it's not that you have to deprive yourself, there are so many tasty treats that can fill the sweet craving without using a load of points. Try Treble Crunch (1.5pts) or Velvet Crunch (1pt) or a bag of the Manhattan Popcorn (2.5pts I THINK!). If you like chocolate, what about a Curly Wurly (2.5pts) or some weight watchers bars - that you can get in tesco - for 1.5pts each.

  • Registered Users Posts: 502 ✭✭✭itsallaboutme!!

    I am so happy today I got my 3rd silver 7 this morning was delighted I really tried hard this week as I wanted that 7 so much I ended up being 1.5lb down so I was delighted withe myself!!:D:D Im so motivated now to get my next one which will also be my second stone it seems like an age ago that i got my first one but im taking it one day at a time this time round as I reall wnat to get to goal and maintain it then after that!!

    Welcome to all the newbies good luck with all your WI's this week im sure you will all be fab;)

    birdie26- take it one day at a time is my advice. If you have a little mishap one day forget it and move on to the next and begin again. set yourself mini goals instead of looking at the whole of what you wan to lose break it down into more managable sizes i take my 7lb at a time. and remember what ever you weighed at first weigh in you will be less than that from now on:D:D like ya-what-now has said the curly wurlys are great for a treat as are pink'n'whites stick em in the microwave for 10seconds and they go all lovely and goooeyyyy:p:p

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    Heartfelt congrats It'sallaboutme! You did brilliantly! That was well deserved! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭carolinespring

    birdie26 wrote: »
    Hey guys i'm new to this-just wanted to say what a great idea it is to have a special thread-sure it's like an online meeting! Anyway i joined weight watchers today (for second time, first time was only 2 weeks then went on a holiday and put up half a stone) so its now or never. - was living in denial the past while. at 26 years old i'm heavy and the weight crept up in college, i feel iv missed out on my 20's feeling insecure at the most of times and covering up my arms and stomach with cardigans etc. I can't remember the last time i wore a sleeveless top out. Anyway hope to lose the weight so i can enjoy the rest of my 20's and lead a healthy fit life. I want to give it a real go and know i can this time because i seam to be in control about every other area in my life!! Just afraid i'll slip up and not go ahead with ww...need that motivation. At 5 f 7 , I need to lose about 4/5 stone to be 'normal' even though i would probably be still over weight on one of those bmi charts! I'm very up to date on what is nutritional food and what is not and god Knows i buy every health magazine going so its just a matter of eating the right food now.
    iv joined curves too- am i wasting my money or is it any good?Would prefer lose a bit of weight first before i go to a GYM. Anyway any advice or a success story would be great now..!

    Hi Birdie.

    Just want to wish you the best of luck. You can dothis if you set your mind to it and will be wearing the sleeveless tops in no time. I am back at WW about 6 or 7 weeks and have about 7 stone to lose, fairly happy with how I am getting on. Weight coming off slower than other times but I am now looking at that as good as I feel I will keep it off.
    My advice to you would be to be kind to ourself and learn to like your good bits and for the moment pretend you donr see the bad bits, Thats what I am doing and it really helps!!! Also if you have a bad day or even a bad week, so what... start again and DONT let it slide. Enjoy doing this for yourself, I promise it will make you feel good.:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭carolinespring

    Well done Itsallaboutme. Woohoo you must be feeling great. Cant wait until I have that much off. I really need a loss after last weeks gain.

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 277 ✭✭misspiggy40

    I am so happy today I got my 3rd silver 7 this morning
    So well done!! What an achievement!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    birdie26 wrote: »
    Hey guys i'm new to this-just wanted to say what a great idea it is to have a special thread-sure it's like an online meeting! Anyway i joined weight watchers today (for second time, first time was only 2 weeks then went on a holiday and put up half a stone) so its now or never. - was living in denial the past while. at 26 years old i'm heavy and the weight crept up in college, i feel iv missed out on my 20's feeling insecure at the most of times and covering up my arms and stomach with cardigans etc. I can't remember the last time i wore a sleeveless top out. Anyway hope to lose the weight so i can enjoy the rest of my 20's and lead a healthy fit life. I want to give it a real go and know i can this time because i seam to be in control about every other area in my life!! Just afraid i'll slip up and not go ahead with ww...need that motivation. At 5 f 7 , I need to lose about 4/5 stone to be 'normal' even though i would probably be still over weight on one of those bmi charts! I'm very up to date on what is nutritional food and what is not and god Knows i buy every health magazine going so its just a matter of eating the right food now.
    iv joined curves too- am i wasting my money or is it any good?Would prefer lose a bit of weight first before i go to a GYM. Anyway any advice or a success story would be great now..!

    I feel like you're talking about my life! I definitely feel like I've missed out on my teens because of my weight. I'm turning 23 soon and I don't want to miss out on my twenties because of it. And I hear ya about the cardigans... Being heavy has destroyed my confidence in many areas and I knew I needed to sort it out! I've been on the weight loss track for about 5 months and am coming along ok.

    Joined WW a few weeks ago but I've been in Figure 8 gym for ages (it's kind of like curves.) I have to say, the gym is fantastic. For those weeks the pounds might not come off, you know with the gym you're still getting rid of the inches! For me I found the fact I was paying for something meant I was more likely to do it. Also, if you have a bad week/day foodwise, I like having the option of the gym to go to, to be proactive about what I had eaten.

    Best of luck whatever you decide. Great help and support to be found on here :)

    Boosh x

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭Edgedinblue

    Had my WI this evening,first stone gone! as of tonight im at a total of 14.5 pounds in just 4 weeks. im delighted, i thought i had a bad week cause i was sick blah blah blah stories! but im delighted. my second silver 7.
    just had a large yet somewhat weightwatcher friendly dinner, chicken enchiladas! it was my little treat to myself for getting rid of my first stone.

    Just read through the posts, good luck guys! keep her lit! :)
    and dont worry about what friends think, just imagine how much better youll look and feel when you reach your goal weight.

    good luck! x

  • Registered Users Posts: 125 ✭✭9st n 09

    Its great to see how much every body is supporting each other, don't get to get on here that often (busy busy mum), but its great to read all the support and good wishes every body has for each other.
    I'm back after 2 wks hols and was delira to be only up .5 so am very pleased with myself.
    hope everybody has a great week.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 16,696 Mod ✭✭✭✭Silverfish


    I joined WW last week, and I'm hoping someone can help me with some of the meals - specifically where one would call for 125g of chopped veg ( the 0 point ones) - if they're 0 points, can I put in more than 125g?

    I think I'm trying to ask at what portion size do they go from being 0 points to being a number of points?

    Problem being with some of the recipies I like, 125g is like, half a red pepper, 1/3 of a courgette and 5 beansprouts - can I throw in 225g of the 0 point veg?

    Am I repeating myself? Its the hunger :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭doctorwhogirl

    I would assume, and I have assumed, that if they are zero points, you can have as much as you like!!!!

    At least that is what I do!!!!

    I'm a bottomless pit today :(
    Staying within points but not eating well.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 66 ✭✭finalfantasist

    I had chips and 2 couple of flyte bars today as well as some chicken dippers from Apache. I find giving up stuff hard. But every day is a new day right? I'll try harder tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭Edgedinblue

    i think the best thing to do about the veg is double check which veg you have with your little food book you have in your folder, if they all have 0 points, load up your meal with as much as you want!

    dont worry finalfantasist, tomorrow is another day! i find tracking your next few days ahead of time really stops you snacking, and if you leave 2points at the end of the day for a cuppa and a weight watchers/ tesco light choice bars you wont snack as much because you know you have something nice in the evening to eat. :) worked for me anyway..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 48 Bedhead

    Nice one Edgedinblue! You must be thrilled. That's definitely one of the main things I miss about the WW meetings - getting those little stones thingys! But I have to say, I'm shocked at how motivated I am doing it on my own. This thread is a bloody godsend! It is just like a meeting that I can go to anytime I want! Hoping to be down a little this Sat when I weigh-in so that I will be more than half way to my goal!!! Fingers crossed.:D

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