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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    Thanks tootsie i really do want to celebrate what i have started over the hols its bn great gettn new clothes and to feel proud wearing them..:D

    Iam going to try do the same with the hols eating...:D:D My leader says there 21 days to your next WI from your last one and in them 21 days 4 are bold but if you are really good over the other 17 you could prob counteract the badness of the 4 days..!!! I think this is a great way to think!!

    Oh and im so excited to start back in jan... I wish i could skip the over eating and drinking for the festive season..

    Be proud ladies...We've all done so brill so far!!! xx

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,359 ✭✭✭whiteandlight

    Well I changed my weigh in day to Friday so if I've done badly at least I know before Friday nights! But between that and a late weigh in the week before I went 12 days before weigh in and despite many bold evenings because of christmas season I still maintained which I'm delighted by! I really don't want to gain coz I'll be back below the two stone which'd really piss me off. Maintaining is what I'm aiming for to be honest and if I can manage that I'll be happy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 144 ✭✭felinefeelins

    Well done to all this week.
    1 stone gone, gone, gone. Now comes the hard bit, breaking through to the next stone. Now I am going to be realistic about christmas, there is going to be a slip up or 3, but, I am not going to stress out about it. I am taking a week out, not go mad, but enjoy myself and see what happens. And deal with what happens when it happens.
    Just call me Yoda

  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    Hello & a very Merry Christmas to all the WW out there!!!
    My Christmas wish is that mince pies, roses and all other nice things come with negative calories this year, so the more you eat the more you lose!!:D (Well, we can hope can't we!)

    I hope you all have a great Christmas & New Year & see you back here in 2009 with renewed determination!!:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    Just logging in to say have a great xmas and enjoy it..i no i will..

    Im going to WI at home today and den have a few days off :D:D

    Make the most of the season...and Happy New Year!!


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 144 ✭✭felinefeelins

    First WI post yuletide, up 3lbs. not too impressed with myself, but not surprised either. Got a few more parties and events left to attend so ......................
    C'est la vie.
    Hope everyone else fared better. I think part of the problem was I went from being "on the go" to doing almost nothing, just got to get back to normal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 89 ✭✭Tootsie

    Just dropping by to see how everyone is and did ye all survive ????? I was ok not too bad-drank heaps,and ate heaps,put on 2/3 lbs maybe,going to get back to normal this Thursday,then I've had a full week off the tracker:eek::eek:

    Hope ye have a great New Year :D


  • Registered Users Posts: 13 nelliet

    Getting back to basics this week, the family got a wii fit for Christmas, and it is brilliant, i would recommend. I don't have the time anymore to get out for an hour walk, so 30 mins a day on the fit board is great. it has yoga, aerobic, balance games and muscle building. love it! Up five pounds, but I am an old hand at this now, I never weigh in until two weeks after holidays, it gives you time to get that holiday bloat off, which will come off rather quickly if you get right back into healthy eating. Good luck to all in the new year.:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 144 ✭✭felinefeelins

    nellit, i ,luv ur thinking. been thinking bout d wii board, u mite have jus convinced me. who do i send d commission 2 ??????????????

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,359 ✭✭✭whiteandlight

    I got the wii fit too! I love the incentive to unlock new games etc. Not too sure about weighing in everyday, think thats a bit much for me so I might be leaving that for once a week.
    I was dreading weighing in this morning but I actually lost 1 pound over the last 2/3 weeks which is pretty cool considering I had an awful week this week after being really good over xmas. I'm hoping it doesn't catch up with me next week, fingers crossed :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    hello fellow ww boardies! hope you're all having a great start to 2009! just came across this part of boards & i'm delighted it's here i began my WW journey last august & have so far lost 23.5 pounds reaching my 10% goal just before christmas i was chuffed. think i may be a pound or so up after the festive season but not too worried about that. i've got another 28 pounds to go & i'd love to help out follow ww members & to get encouraged by other ww boardies so just wanted to say hi & good luck to everyone at weigh in's next week remember it's the new year & we've the new programme to look forward to!!! :D

    i'm determined to get my GOLD card this year!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    Hey der just back from edinburgh for the New Yr..Had fabulous time and a brill xmas too also...

    I weighed in last week an i was up like 5 lbs +... I have a few days to wrk out b4 WI but I no wat to expect already!!

    Cant wait to get back into things and keep it going this yr...

    2009 will see a slimmer me..!!:D:D

    Wishing you all best of luck gettin bak into things...I no i need all de help in the world..:(:(

    Fingers crossed anyways x

  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    Hi All, Happy New Year!!!

    Well, the Christmas / New Year Holidays are finally over - and in a way I am glad. No more excuses! Back to WW with a vengence:D

    My first weigh-in of 2009 is tonight & I reckon I'm up 4lbs :eek: - just goes to show how quick it can go on. But it's a new year & a new me!
    Found out we have a family wedding in Dec 09 so that will be a long-term target for the year (with lots of smaller ones during the year!)

    Hope you all fared better over the hols than I did!:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 135 ✭✭Molls

    hi all, happy new year!
    Started back tracking with WW yest after basically a whole month off! I was just finding it impossible so 1st wi on thurs. After all the crap i ate i'm delighted to be back and feeling better already :)
    Good luck every one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    hi WI is getting back into it...slowly tho i have to say...!! The exercise is killing me tho...just gonnna keep it up and try get stuck back in asap..!!

    I would love to WI and be the same..!!! oh theres a dream!! :D:D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    hey guys! i've got my WI on thursday evening weighed myself this morning & looks like i'm 2 pounds up which i'm hoping i'll shift quickly!

    just thought i'd share a little thing i've done for myself this year. i'm hoping on getting to goal this year & i've got 28 pounds left to loose. i've worked out my goal date i.e. the date i hit my goal weight & i have this date now stuck everywhere i can see it for a bit of motivation! so i'm even going to put it on boards.

    23rd April 2009!!! lets hope i get there!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭PinkChick

    Hi Guys, it's been a while since I have been on. Happy new year to you all and I hope you all enjoyed Christmas. I have completely fallen off the wagon. Back tonight and I am honestly dreading it. But at the same time I am prepared for the worst and am willing to start again if needs be. I was not good over the hols at all but I was definitely not as bad as previous years. Anyhow, good luck to everyone on their weigh ins. I am hoping this will be a good year. I have weddings in October and December and am determined to get killer dresses!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    Hi WW-ers! Was up 2.5lbs last night - ah well, nothing I can do about it now. I will just draw a line under it & start afresh!
    Hope you all do better at your weigh-ins!
    Someone in my class last night lost 2.5lbs over Christmas!!! Well done to her - just goes to show it can be done!

    PinkChick; we all fell off the wagon over the holidays! (well, I did for sure!) - but at least you're back here again & we can all help each other get our motivation back!

    ladiee24; I like your idea of plastering your target date everwhere, very inspiring! If you don't mind - I think I will look realistically at what my date will be & will do likewise!:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 297 ✭✭Slaygal

    Happy New Year Ladies, I didn't just fall off the wagon, I took all the food of the wagon and ate it ;-) Seriously, I ate more than I had intended but I feel like I ate less than previous Xmases. My WI is tomorrow and I've weighed myself at home the last 2 weeks so far I've stayed the same. I'm back out walking in the evenings, so lovely ladies keep your fingers crossed for me tomorrow night.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,359 ✭✭✭whiteandlight

    Hi guys, nice to have everyone back! I weighed in last friday at 1lb loss for xmas! Quite delighted with that. I took it sceptically though as my batteries were dying. WI again on friday and I've been really good so fingers crossed I did actually lose. I'm currently trying to resist checking the scales!

    I switched from american to uk online version last week and I'm actually really liking it. With the sterling exchange rate at the mo its not too expensive at all. The recipes and everything are much more similar to what I'd eat normally and I'm loving the message boards. Even reading them keeps me motivated. Using their points tracker so won't be keeping my food diary consistantly over here I'm afraid but I'll keep checking in!

    Oh I got the wii fit for xmas and between yoga and muscle stretches everyday my legs are killing me!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 89 ✭✭Tootsie

    Hi Guy's, Happy New Year to all and hope ye had a good one....
    WI was tonight and I was down 2lbs,I was delighted,when I fell off the wagon,many times,drank tons,I always got up and went walking the next day,I think that this is what saved me. The weather was great so I tried always to make the most of it,I spent the time I was off work in the countryside...
    I like the new plan and our new little folders.....Im off to bed to read up on it......

  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    Hey girlies...
    I had my WI tonight and Im down 2 pounds whooo hooo :D:D:D...

    I am so happy!! I got my 2 and half stone and it felt brill...

    It musta been de water and gettn back to the gym...

    New plan looks brill startin it tamo hopefully il last on it the week!!

    Onwards and upward for the new yr ladies!!! :D x

  • Registered Users Posts: 13 nelliet

    Hey felinefeelins, i am having a great time of it, I wouldn't weigh in every day either, but i've been using every day for a week and i can feel the difference in my thighs waist back etc... i would have severe back problems, and it is improving as well, also really social, the whole family has a go! weight going down gradual now, cut the sugar and alcohol. Will wiegh in on monday and see how i did.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 135 ✭✭Molls

    well done shelybelly! go you! i havent been to a meeting in a few weeks - whats the new plan? sounds exciting :) I'm sure i'll find out at my WI tonight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    First time to post on this thread. Been in WW since Nov 07 and been struggling to lose more over the last 6 months. Was only up 1.5lb over the Xmas so happy enough, but now back to things properly.
    What do you all think of the new plan? My leader really concentrated last year on the core plan, but due to my being on the road and in clients for lunch so much I always went points. Bread is impossible to cut out completly when it's all that a client can order in, or the lowest fat thing available in a deli. I'm a bit worried that the new plan will cut me out completly.
    I have 18lbs to lose to hit target, and I want that gone within a realistic 20 weeks, I have to take into account weekends away etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,079 ✭✭✭smurph

    hi first post,
    bit of a newbie (n this forum anyway)
    Went back to WW in Glasnevn, WI
    only up 3llbs from my last weighin- (august last year),
    I need to lose about 4stone in total.
    Would I be right to split that into groups of half a stone at a time?
    Also how do you get those weight tracker thingies at the bottom in your Sig

    I am planning to lose 1.5 11bs a week, so half a stone a month, give or take a session or 2.

    Anyway good luck to me, very interesting thread.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,245 ✭✭✭psycho-hope

    hey folks had my WI today, down 3 pounds over the xmas god knows how but i did so am a happy bunny:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 543 ✭✭✭mrsberries

    Happy new year peeps!

    Had my weigh in on monday night and I was up 2lbs. Not goin to going to beat myself up about it, and am back on the wagon. Like the new plan and have started tracking. I was on the Core but I was cheating a bit so prob need the discipline of tracking. Have started Bootcamp this week too,which has nearly killed me, but should help me get back on track.

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    hey guys had my first weigh in after christmas tonight was up 2 pounds which i'm actually happy about considering i thought i would be about 4! really looking forward to getting into the new programme!!

    best of luck for the next week guys!!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭PinkChick

    Hi again. Well I had my WI on Tues and I was down 1lb which I was really happy about considering the Christmas. I was bad but did go for the lighter bad options if that makes sense. Low fat crisps, ww choc etc. I am now 1.5 off my goal so hoping to get it by end of the month. Haven't been able to exercise in two months because I have been sick. I was with doc yest and am now going to slowly start reintroducing it. It will be a while before I can do cardio but I will be very intersted to see if it makes a difference. I tried on some old clothes last night which haven't fit me in about five or six years and they either fit me again or just about do. I was also able to buy my first ever pair of skinny jeans this week. This for me is huge!!! I am very happy and proud of myself today for some reason. I really want this to be the year I get to a weight I am happy with and stick to it. I have changed my eating habits and am hoping to be able to incorporate exercise and if I can keep both up I will happier and healthier. I am sorry for the long post. I just wanted to say this stuff to ppl who I know will understand.

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