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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    PinkChick - that's great news!! Congratulations!:D I am delighted for you.

    Congratulations to all of you that lost weight - that is brilliant!:D I am a little jealous - but you obviously all worked hard for it and deserve it!!
    I hope to be in the same boat next week:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 corcors

    Hi Everyone I joined up on Wednesday and was pretty shocked I weighed a stone more than I thought! 14st 0lb. I knew things were bad but that was a bit of shock.

    I have 2 stone that I want to lose by my brothers wedding at the end of August but I'd like to have a stone gone by the end of april when I head off to Turkey with a group of friends for a few days.

    I've been doing really well the last 3 days although I'm REALLY missing my friday night btl of wine tonight! The other toughest thing is resisting all the chocolate and crisps that are constantly available in my office! I've also realised my portion sizes were out of control

    Anyways I'm hoping this thread will help keep me on track :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,245 ✭✭✭psycho-hope

    hey corcors welcome to the thread:o
    well havent had a great two days since my Wi so need to get my ass back in gear or will have put on the 3 pounds i lost over xmas so hopefully you guys will help keep me on the straight and narrow

  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    Welcome to de new posters..!!!

    Thanks molls for the congrats..and congrats to all de others that lost over xmas..its brill!!

    New programme going ok so far..havin a bit of a bad day today an will be havin a couple of drinkies tonight..but il just try to stay on track from tamo til weds...

    fingers crossed peeps...good luck over de weekend!! It always kills me!! :D:D xx

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 277 ✭✭DubLegs

    Hello All!

    I'm a newbie to this thread and glad i stumbled across it.

    I've been in WW since April last year and everything was going fab, i'd lost 1 1/2 stone, but i fell off the wagon last sept when i lost my job. I'd been trying to get myself back in to the routine but it wasn't as easy as it had been. So by my last weigh in last Friday i had put back on the half the weight i'd lost.

    So dusting myself down and climbing back up onto the wagon, I'm prepared to lost the 13lbs i need to by the summer. I'm on my second day and am now having to sit on my hands to stop myself snacking.

    Hope everyone is getting on ok and congrats on the weight loss.!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,359 ✭✭✭whiteandlight

    Oh my dears I have had such a terrible weekend...... Food, alcohol you name it I ate it! I did keep up my exercise which I suppose is something but wow I fell off spectacularly.... :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    Oh my dears I have had such a terrible weekend...... Food, alcohol you name it I ate it! I did keep up my exercise which I suppose is something but wow I feel off spectacularly.... :(

    leave the past where it belongs in the past dust yourself off & start again tomorrow! i know you prob feel like total sh!t now but it's not as bad as it seems we all have bad days or weekends!! you'll get there! :D don't be so hard on yourself!!! ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,359 ✭✭✭whiteandlight

    Oh I know and TBH I really needed the night out, its how bad I tend to be the next day that drives me nuts. I did an hour an a half of exercise (moderate intensity) but I ate so much crap its ridiculous. Ah well back to school and the start of a new week so fingers crossed. Also thinking I should change my weigh in day to saturday again coz then at least I tend to be good on a friday! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,079 ✭✭✭smurph

    smurph wrote: »
    hi first post,
    bit of a newbie (n this forum anyway)
    Went back to WW in Glasnevn, WI
    only up 3llbs from my last weighin- (august last year),
    I need to lose about 4stone in total.
    Would I be right to split that into groups of half a stone at a time?
    Also how do you get those weight tracker thingies at the bottom in your Sig

    I am planning to lose 1.5 11bs a week, so half a stone a month, give or take a session or 2.

    Anyway good luck to me, very interesting thread.

    Update - Due to get weighed on Wednesday. have been doing okay this week so far. Have up my trips to the gym (but have only being doing swimming but have got it up to 30 lenghts). I am having Porridge with honey every morning and it helps to keep me full till lunch time. anyway I am going to update weekly my food intake and weight loss/gain etc.,

    Good luck me

  • Registered Users Posts: 543 ✭✭✭mrsberries

    Hi all

    Second weigh in of the year tonight. Was down a pound. Have to say I was a little disappointed...I had been so good all week, stuck to my 18 points everyday and did tough exercise classes like bootcamp :eek: . I know im being ungrateful and every loss is a success, I guess I was just hoping for a little more on the scales.

    Best of luck to you all with your wi this week :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,359 ✭✭✭whiteandlight

    Mrs Berries don't be disappointed! Remember we are only supposed to lose 1-2lbs a week, I always say faster off, faster back on. Slow and steady wins the race.
    Congrats :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 choo choo

    hey guys! am starting my weight watchers journey in the morning!have done it in the past and it does work, but i gotta be committed about it this time!am bridesmaid for my sis in May....duchess satin is v.unforgiving so wish me luck and hopefully this time next week I'll have a good loss:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭PinkChick

    Had my second WI of the year last night and was down a pound again. I am chuffed. Have got back past my stone and am at my lightest so far. I am only half a pound off my goal weight now. Going to try and have a really good week so that I can hopefully get it next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    Yippee Pink Chick!!! Well done - must be great to be so close to goal!:D Make sure to treat yourself to something nice when you get there! (Doesn't have to be food - clothes, haircut, manicure, pedicure - anything that suits you.) It's well deserved!

    Choo choo - welcome & good luck! I hope you find this thread helpful on your journey. It's great for the good days & even better for the bad days!

    mrsberries - congratulations! Don't be too disappointed, sometimes it takes more than a week to show the results of a good week (remember - your body doesn't know that it's WI day!) I do understand it's frustrating though - my WI is tonight & I'm hoping ot lose 2.5lbs. If I don't I hope I can take my own advice!

    smurph - welcome too! and good luck! I'm impressed with your 30 lengths - keep it up!

    MM85 - you are an inspiration to us all!:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 85 ✭✭Spider_Piglet

    Hi everyone!

    I've been a long-time lurker on, but thought I'd sign up to join this thread! :)

    ...I've just eaten my last fatty sandwich...and am going to join weight watchers this evening.
    I did weight watchers before, about 3 years ago, so I know it works. I lost 21 pounds that time and got down to my goal weight.
    ...however...over the past 3 years I have put these 21 pounds back on...and probably about a stone or so more on top of it. Yikes!
    So it's time to get back on the wagon and do something about it.

    I'm thinking of starting a food diary on here. Do any of you find that it helps?

    I have a few goals in mind which I am hoping will help me along the way. My first one is a short-term one. I am going away with friends for a weekend in 5 weeks approx, so I'm hoping to be down a dress size by then...or at least not far off it. (7 - 10 lbs for a dress size as far as I remember?).
    Then my longer-term to be down to my goal weight by the time festival season hits! :)
    I'm guessing I have about 2 & 1/2 - 3 stone to lose. I'll know for definite tonight I guess at my first weigh-in.

    Wish me luck! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 277 ✭✭DubLegs

    Hi All,

    I'm half way through my first week back and i think (said with scary hesitation) it's going ok. I've been good kept to my points got a walk in and walked half way to work today and plan to do it for rest of the week.

    i just have one question?
    I've found myself having pasta nearly every day now and am a bit worried that its not good. I've been weighing it and pointing it but i'm a bit unsure if it's right or not. I had it for dinner yesterday have brought some in for lunch today - gonna try just veg tonight or noodles.
    is it right to have pasta every day or only every so often?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 corcors

    I’ve also found myself eating a lot of wholegrain rice, but I’m sure once you’re sticking to the measurements you’ll be ok. I have my WI tonight, kind of nervous I feel like I’ve done well despite a minor slip up on Saturday so I’ll be very disappointed if I haven’t lost at least 2lbs.

    Another random question… you know the way you work out the points for something from the saturated fat? When they’ve listed polyunsaturates and monosaturates do you add them up too?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    Spider_Piglet: Welcome & Good Luck! I'm sure you will find this forum an enormous support!

    DubLegs: As long as you are staying within your points with the pasta then I wouldn't worry about it from a weight loss perspective. I always weigh pasta dry (find it easier that way) & then you can calculate using the points in the book. The thing I would say is - you might get very bored of pasta every day! (but I'm not a big pasta fan so many might say I'm wrong!)

    corcors: Good luck tonight! I hope all goes well for you, it's so motivating when it does! Regarding the Sat fat question: you only calculate points using saturated fat, not the poly-- or mono-- (they're the good fats!)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 corcors

    LorDar wrote: »
    Spider_Piglet: Welcome & Good Luck! I'm sure you will find this forum an enormous support!

    corcors: Good luck tonight! I hope all goes well for you, it's so motivating when it does! Regarding the Sat fat question: you only calculate points using saturated fat, not the poly-- or mono-- (they're the good fats!)

    Excellent news! Thanks a mill

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 277 ✭✭DubLegs

    Thanks for that corcors & lordar!
    I've become a bit of a fan of pasta lately so can't imagine myself getting bored with it - esp since i learned that 2tbsp of sweet chilli sauce is only half a point!! (hope no one is going to tell me otherwise!!)

    i was just worried that too much of it would have an adverse reaction on the WI. but then thinking about it - its the only piece of carbs i normally have a day!

    Thanks & good luck with tonight!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 42 Shelka

    Hi I was just wondering if anyone knew...
    Is weight-watchers designed specifically to lose weight or is it also good for keeping your weight down.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,503 ✭✭✭✭jellie

    Shelka wrote: »
    Hi I was just wondering if anyone knew...
    Is weight-watchers designed specifically to lose weight or is it also good for keeping your weight down.

    People who reach their goal weight on weight watchers are supposed to continue with it but with slightly higher points to maintain their weight. I think its something like num of diet points + 6 points, not exactly sure.

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭PinkChick

    Hi, welcome to all the new posters. Good luck to everyone this week. Does anyone know how it works once you get to you goal?

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    PinkChick wrote: »
    Hi, welcome to all the new posters. Good luck to everyone this week. Does anyone know how it works once you get to you goal?

    Hi PinkChick,

    once you hit your goal weight you go onto maintenice for 4 weeks. that is basically you get an extra amount of points normally 6 but you're leader will go through that with you on the new discover plan you will get two new booklets for helping you to maintain your weight. Once you've maintained your weight for the 4 weeks you'll get your gold card & once you stay within 5lbs on either side of your goal weight you won't have to pay to weigh in anymore! hope that helps :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭PinkChick

    Do I have to maintain it for the four weeks exactly? If I go over it by a pound one week do I start again?

  • Registered Users Posts: 442 ✭✭Papillon87

    I'm really frustrated at the moment. My weight loss is so bloody slow.

    I've only managed to shift 0.5lbs in my first weigh-in post Christmas (couldn't make it last week due to circumstances beyond my control). What's annoying me is the scale situation and the fact that I am following and abiding by my points' allowance (which, at 17 points a day, is pretty paltry to begin with :( ). My scales at home on the day I joined weighed me at 2lbs less than WW scales. I try to wear clothing as flimsy as possible because I have noticed my naked weight (which has always and will always be what I take as my true weight) tends to be 2-3lbs less than my clothed weight (at home even, thus at WW I'm usually about 5lbs heavier than what I was that same day at home). Anyway, at the moment according to WW I am 9 st 12lbs. On my home scales on the day of my weigh-in (Monday) I was 9 st 8lbs. Down to 9 stone 7lbs as of this morning. I don't know why this has annoyed me so much.....I guess I'm just rambling! No more jeans to weigh-ins! Next time I'm going in a bodysuit! :p

    I'm finding it really hard to make the 17 points stretch. I AM sticking to them, just having trouble finding dinners etc. that don't account for almost half of my daily allowance. I think I need to start the auld exercise. I really need to tone as I lose weight as I'm a wobbly fatty rather than just a fatty. I want to join a gym to combat this but I'm having real problems mustering the courage to just walk in and join! I REALLY don't want a fitness test or assessment etc. I was in a gym when I was slim but I forget how you use everything now!

    Marathon length post. Sorry!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 corcors

    Hey well I lost 3lbs at my 1st WI so delighted with that! I have been sticking to it pretty good but I did drink at the wkend so was really nervous about the weigh in. It was definitely the motivationI needed though because I didn't have a great day today

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    PinkChick wrote: »
    Do I have to maintain it for the four weeks exactly? If I go over it by a pound one week do I start again?

    i'm not at goal yet myself PinkChick i'll ask my leader got my WI tomorrow night wish me luck i've had a very snacky week although i've kept it to low point options

    well done to you for getting so far!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 89 ✭✭Tootsie

    Hey guys,its been a busy week and have hardly had time to log on-welcome to all the newbies,this is a great place,I hope ye find the forum a support to find & share ideas:)

    Papillion87 I think from reading your post you should try and use only the WW scales,they are calibrated every week. The scales at home would not be as accurate and you are only upsetting yourself trying to figure out the true weight....You can range in weigh during the day too from morning to evening as much as 5lbs,so I've been told.....

    At 9st 12lbs you are by no means fat,and if you dont feel confidant enough about your size going to the gym why not just pop out in the evening/morning for a walk, after a few weeks doing 3 mls 3/4 times a week would make a huge difference with toning the body up.
    Drag a fried along if you can,bring an Ipod if you cant find one,thats what I do,I dont sit at home anymore waiting for people to decide if they want to go out on a windy night,I just go myself now. My weight loss is mine all mine & I'm working hard for it,and enjoying it too.....and you should too...

    I only have 16 points now 'cos I'm at 9st 9.5 still a few lb's to get to goal,I'm 5"2,and in my 30's[late one's LOL]..... I make big big stirfrys,and big bowls of Thai noodles,rice etc and things like that & porridge for breakfast..oh and baked spuds with lots of different fillings,and soup,I jus love soup,I made the spinach & brocolli one this week and its yum,i brought it in at 1/2 a point a portion,the WW one was 5 pts I think.....

    But above all dont loose heart:D and dont give up.....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 32,381 ✭✭✭✭rubadub

    Papillon87 wrote: »
    What's annoying me is the scale situation and the fact that I am following and abiding by my points' allowance (which, at 17 points a day
    What sort of stuff are you eating, are you carefully calculating all your points? In any weight loss program the most important scales is the one in the kitchen, not the bathroom.

    All calories and therefore points are not used equally by humans, they are all estimates calculated in labs, not on humans. If you ate your 17points solely from bags of sugar you would not lose as much weight as if you ate 17points per day from eating butter. That is extreme but you could be veering towards a "bad points". I dunno if they mention this at WW meetings.
    Papillon87 wrote: »
    I try to wear clothing as flimsy as possible...
    No more jeans to weigh-ins! Next time I'm going in a bodysuit! :p
    You should wear the exact same clothes, or clothes that weigh the same, this way your tracking of weight loss is not altered. If you stood on with 10lb boots each week it doesn't matter to your tracking of loses per week. But obviously it might later your goal weight.

    Papillon87 wrote: »
    I really need to tone as I lose weight as I'm a wobbly fatty rather than just a fatty.
    Have a look here
    and here

    Bear in mind if you are "toning" you are building a little muscle and it can mean your weight loss could slow, while your fat loss could be good. e.g. I remained 12stone for well over a year, yet got much thinner in that time, building muscle and losing fat at the same rate. As a woman you would probably not see the same effect to that degree. On a calorie controlled diet you will not put on much muscle, but it is worth doing as it increases metabolism.

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