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County Registrar

  • 04-11-2008 7:41pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 29,472 ✭✭✭✭

    Just a quick question.

    What judicial role does the county registrar have? Is he a judge of the circuit court? I do know that he oversees the electoral register and issues civil bills.
    Does he hear applications in the circuit court or decide cases?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,726 ✭✭✭maidhc

    Not a judge, he (or she) is just a registrar.

    Hears the usual motions for judgment in default of appearance/defence/3rd parties/want of prosecution.

    Does the applications for discovery.

    He doesn't decide cases and doesn't give judgments.

  • Legal Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 4,338 Mod ✭✭✭✭Tom Young

    Quasi Judge is possibly the best description - there are judicial functions which are actually exercised by the Country Registrar, as is the case with the Master of the High Court.

    If you look at the Circuit Court rules on and search under Registrar you'll get the information you are looking for.

    Some function include: Listing of cases, discovery, service, substituted service, judgement in default, Summary Judgment etc.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,062 ✭✭✭dermot_sheehan

    The County Registrar can make orders for the adoption of proceedings into the High Court or remittal to the District Court, judgements in default of appearance/defence. Can compel replies to particulars or grant orders for discovery. She (quite a few of them are women) can also make orders for substituted service. The judicial powers of the County Registrar are listed in Order 18 of the Circuit Court rules:

    The County registrar has powers of a limited judicial nature in non criminal matters as authorised by Article 37 of the Constitution and the Courts and Court Officers Act 1995.

    She also taxes costs in the Circuit Court and has the power under the Landlord and Tennant Acts to arbitrate the price to be paid for the compulsory buying out of the freehold by a leasor under a ground rent if the premises is commercial.

    She also is responsible for the running of the Circuit Court office (issuance of civil bills/circuit court orders). In Circuits outside Dublin she also sits as the registrar for the Circuit judge (the official who sits in front of the judge who drafts the court orders and swears in witnesses) when the judge is sitting in the county.
