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Cervical cancer vaccine program scrapped



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,494 ✭✭✭ronbyrne2005

    tallaght01 wrote: »
    Our public health consultants get paid about half of what their clinical colleagues get. Our psychiatrists get reasonably well paid, but don't get the early retirement option that they do in most countries that allows for the high rate of mental illness in the profession from what they have to see on a daily basis. Also, psychiatrists and public health doctors are on-call too.

    Consultants in Ireland are not paid more than the relative average. The UK pays the lowest, by and large. BUt the UK should not be seen as a shining example of good healthcare. Their cancer survival rates are abysmal. They struggle to attract consultants .

    There are not "hundreds of thousands" of obstetricians in Ireland. Go into any labour ward during an emergency to see just how stressful the atmosphere is.
    You can argue all day about the pay issue. But, you get the brightest school leavers, and then within that group, you get the brightest of them that make it to consultant level. They work shifts of 72 hours on the troot for up to 13 years to get to consultant level. Then most of them work about 55-60 hours a week making life and death decisions for 50-60 euro per hour, and we're told that's exorbitant? Well, fine, you're entitled to your opinion. That's cool.

    The reason it's important, though, in this context, is that any reduction in pay would be almost unheard of. It happened in the UK, and there was a mass exodus to Australia. When this happens, services like those for cervical cancer suffer.

    There is no shortage of private work on offer in Ireland. The public sector is the pits. Cancer care in Ireland is stressful and the consultants are overworked. You start telling them their 50 euro and hour salaries are exorbitant and that they're going to have 50k per annum or whatever shaved off their salaries...then watch morale sink even lower and see how many are left treating the current crop of cervical ca patients.

    I meant hundreds of thousands of doctors around world who don't find obstetrics as stressfull as you. 50euro an hour is just basic salary , the pensions of public sector workers and job security and other benefits means the real rate is much higher. Let the greedy docs go to America etc like they always did. Lets import loads of consultants at cheaper rate from Poland, India etc where consultants get a fraction of the pay here and are as well qualified.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,778 ✭✭✭tallaght01

    Panda I think you're picking random points from what i'm saying to paint me as having a view that I do not.

    I think cuckoo's questions are fair. I don't agree with the point she's making, but you have to encourage questions. Many places don't vaccinate their kids against Hep B. Some only offer it to high risk kids. It's a contentious vaccine at best, so the analogy in that particular case is perhaps flawed. But insert mumps instead, and I take your point.

    When I talked about this not being a disaster, the point was made within a evry narrow and specific frame of reference...namely that this was a postponement, and not a cancellation....and that there would be catch up vaccines available soon. This point remains valid, and there is simply no evidence to argue the contrary.

    I don't know what point you were refuting exactly with your suicide argument. I agree that public health is underfunded. I am patently aware that as a public health consultant I'll get paid half the normal consultant salary and will have a crappy departmental budget at my disposal. BUT, you still can't argue the 2 points you're making in the real world ie.....

    No programme that we have the potential infrastructure and framework to deliver can impact on suicide withouth widespread structural reform within psych services, and the enormous investment that would go with it.

    Similarly, if times are tough and we have to make tough decisions, the cervical cancer immunisation simply does not give you as high a return in terms of lives saved per euro......particularly if you're going to implement a catchup system at, say, age 14. You also have to bear in mind that the effects of a cervical cancer vaccine that get quoted are all in the absense of a screening programme. We have a screening programme getting rolled out.

    The point about the consultants rather misses the point. Someone argued that we should cut consultants salaries to pay for the vaccines. I made the point that this is robbing peter to pay if you did that primary health may get a temporary boost, but tertiary care would suffer. So, you may be less likely to get cervical ca, but if you do get it, your care will be compromised. That's not such a difficult concept to grasp, and it certainly has a place to be argued here.

    Sadly, the situation as it stands (or as it appears to stand) is that there are no plans to re-implement the vaccine programme in the future.

    I think THAT is a disaster.

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 13,425 ✭✭✭✭Ginny

    roberta c wrote: »
    They were talking about this on today fm earlier, they had some poor guy on talking about how his wife had recently died from cervical cancer, he had to quit his buisness to care for her and now hes raising their 11yr old daughter on his own, is unemployed and doesnt have €600 floating around to pay for her vaccine...

    General idea was for anyone who wants to email Minister' and complain, send pics of daughters nieces etc. and ask why they happened to announce this when on one was looking

    They also had someone on who worked in the diagonistics labs, some of their work was farmed out to the UK and US and they were told this was done to cut costs and provide the money necessary for the rollout of the HPV vaccine.
    If that is true it's disgraceful.

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 10,661 ✭✭✭✭John Mason

    yes, it is terrible that this is been scraped but there is only so much money to go around.

    This has been scraped because the over 70's medical card has been put back place.

    something has to give - maybe they could scrape the district health nurse instead or cancer care.

    there is no point in shouting about it unless you give a suggestion to what else might be cut from the health budget to release funding to allow this programme to go ahead.

    the real problem is, the HSE itself, and the fact that you all keep voting Finna Fail back in , cos everything was going good and now there is now money left and everyone is up in arms.

    Life doesnt work like this. we all have to take responsbility for the state of the country

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,778 ✭✭✭tallaght01

    I meant hundreds of thousands of doctors around world who don't find obstetrics as stressfull as you. 50euro an hour is just basic salary , the pensions of public sector workers and job security and other benefits means the real rate is much higher. Let the greedy docs go to America etc like they always did. Lets import loads of consultants at cheaper rate from Poland, India etc where consultants get a fraction of the pay here and are as well qualified.

    Wow, they get a pension, too. How odd for a public sector worker.

    Let's assume doctors are all just greedy people. Then taking thousands of euros off them each year will just send them abroad. There's a good reason you don't see a lot of Eastern European consultans in Ireland or the UK. The quality of training just isnt as good. In Poland their rate of infant mortality during birth is much higher than Ireland, despite there being a healthcare professional available for 99% of their births.

    I think I have a job that would be conventionally more stressful than that of an obstetrician. But I keep going at it so I can pay the bills, and because there's many intangible rewards gained from saving a baby's life. But if you announced you were taking 20,30k off me each year I'd be outa there like a hot snot. So would most of my colleagues.

    That's the relevance to this debate. You'd loose a lot of consultants. Frankly, if that's what people want they can go with their polish docs. Doesn't affect me one way or the other.

    But beware of solutions that are attractive to the daily mail/news of the world crowd. They rarely work out.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,395 ✭✭✭Drift

    edit: found info earlier in thread - sorry

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,770 ✭✭✭Bottle_of_Smoke

    cuckoo wrote: »
    And....this is my cue to bow out of what had been an interesting discussion.

    I'm female, btw, I wonder if that means my 'attitude' is more or less valid...:confused:

    Why exactly? couldn't you just respond saying why I'm wrong etc?

    Sorry about the gender confusion, just the way you were implying a screening treatment is sufficient for something as horrendous as cervical cancer when a vaccine is available I got the wrong impression.

    I agree with Tallaght01, taking money off consultants is ridiculous. For logical reasons and imo the job they do. Very off topic anyway.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 271 ✭✭Rebeller

    the real problem is ... the fact that you all keep voting Finna Fail back in.

    Nail on the head. All those short-sighted, small-minded, gombeen fawning idiots who faithfully trotted out at the last election to return these mafiosi to power must bear responsibility for decisions such as this.

    As the saying goes, in a democracy the people get the government (and by extension the policies) they deserve.

    The outrage over this decision is typical. Perhaps we need a screening programme to deal with the collective FF supporter amnesia concerning the endemically corrupt, thieving, incompetent maladministration of 17 of the past 21 years.

    Is the decision to scrap the cervical cancer vaccination programme really the first time the mafia party have given the collective finger to the people? The innumerable similar controversies associated with FF's particular brand of governance are forgotten as always.

    Where has your anger been for the past 17 years? Where was your anger when you re-elected Harney, Cowan and company at the last election? We have been here many times before.

    As with the furore created by the medical card decision the masses will be placated once again by a predictable Fianna Fail (sic) backwoods, backbencher "revolt" and a carefully choreographed climbdown. Indignant, rabble rousing cries of "we'll never vote for you again" will be heard from FF strongholds throughout the country.

    However, once the sectional interests of those affected are satisfied the fawning die-hard FFers will once again cast their votes for the mafia party like the loyal sheep that they are: "To hell with the nation as a whole, my interests have been served, let's put FF back in power". Repeat ad finitum at every inevitable corrupt, short sighted, downright mean, penny pinching decision.

    There's no point whinging and bickering amongst ourselves in the usual Irish manner. Direct your indignant and righteous anger (in which this country is sorely lacking) at the thieving criminals who have made this decision. Take your anger to the streets, to Leinster house. Demand the resignation of the government.

    In Hungary in 2006 there were mass street protests and civil unrest calling on Prime Minister Gyurcsany to resign after he admitted his government had lied during the election campaign.

    In Ireland we have scandal after scandal after scandal with our elected leaders giving the figurative finger to the populace and all we get is the characteristic Irish unquestioning, apathy.

    As with the medical card move this decision is part of a greater policy of increasing privatisation of what used to be regarded as essential public services.

    As with the decision to remove the concept of "universality" in medical card allocation to the over 70s, the decision to postpone (most likely permanently shelve) the HPV vaccination programme is about testing public acceptance of privatisation of health and other public services.

    This decision is one of many made by this government which is ideologically driven. FF have succeeded thus far in masking their true neo-liberalist leanings using the convenient rather large fig leaf that is that bastion of corporate socialism Minister Mary Harney and the PDs. Incompetence alone cannot explain the terrifying inefficiency and wastage of resources associated with Harney's tenure as Minister for Health.

    Her sole desire is to privatise all aspects of health care provision in this state, ensuring healthy profits for the likes of Sean Quinn and unhealthy, early deaths for those who cannot afford to buy into her free-market, health as a commodity future.

    The decision in itself is not surprising, nor is it the most despicable that has been taken by this corrupt cabal of gombeen backwoods men and women. Don't assume that the gender of a minister dictates his or her capacity for compassion and/or corruption.

    Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. FF have never had to pay the price for their crimes. Their cronies will vote them in again and again and again and again.
    we all have to take responsibility for the state of the country
    A noble aspiration but all know that some will be expected to take more responsibility than other, e.g. 12 year old girls, the poor, the disadvantaged, non FF voters etc.

    Let's put a stop to it now. Let this decision be the line drawn in the sand.

    In effect, this is what the government is saying to us:


  • Registered Users Posts: 9,770 ✭✭✭Bottle_of_Smoke

    If fine gael were in they'd do the same thing and Fianna Fail would be attacking them. I don't like either party but thats how reality works.

  • Registered Users Posts: 139 ✭✭secrecy_ie

    I have created this online petition to re-introduce the vaccine, please sign:


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  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭ballroom blitz

    Hey everyone,

    This petiton has been passed around Ireland via e-mail all day today and has ~775 signatures already so please add your name/support and pass it on to people you know:

  • Registered Users Posts: 109 ✭✭PWR

    email a photo of your daughter to mary harney:

    dateThu, Nov 6, 2008 at 9:08 PM
    subject cervical cancer vaccine for Sophie
    hide details 9:08 PM (1 hour ago) Reply

    Dear Minister,
    This is my daugher Sophie. If she were to contract cervical cancer in future, which could have been prevented by a vaccine, how would you feel?

    Best regards,

    Taxpayer and Father

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46 Steven_in_Cork

    Hi there,

    just found a solution as outlined in my post right here.

    Stop water fluoridation of drinking water, save the millions, live healthier, and spend the millions on cervical cancer vaccine!
    But she was trying so hard to find a few millions, there you go Mary Harney!

    Simple and easy!

    Think about it.


  • Registered Users Posts: 394 ✭✭Nuravictus

    Why dont you's go buy some Health Care & get it. I'm not trying to be a ass here but not everything the government hands out works. Look at the Flu Vaccinations which causes Alzheimers and we don't know if this Vaccination will have any bad side affects like the Flu Vaccination. From what I have read this Vaccinations only stops the STD that causes the Cancer. Wouldnt good personnal judgement & responablity with sex not solve this issue for free ?
    "Young girls are experiencing severe headaches, dizziness, temporary loss of vision and some girls have lost consciousness during what appear to be seizures," said Vicky Debold

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,778 ✭✭✭tallaght01

    Nuravictus wrote: »
    Look at the Flu Vaccinations which causes Alzheimers


    Try to contain the scaremongering!

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 6,376 Mod ✭✭✭✭Macha

    Nuravictus wrote: »
    Why dont you's go buy some Health Care & get it. I'm not trying to be a ass here but not everything the government hands out works. Look at the Flu Vaccinations which causes Alzheimers and we don't know if this Vaccination will have any bad side affects like the Flu Vaccination. From what I have read this Vaccinations only stops the STD that causes the Cancer. Wouldnt good personnal judgement & responablity with sex not solve this issue for free ?

    We're not talking about adults here, we're talking about 12 year old girls. So issues such as responsibility and "personal judgement" are not relevant, unless they are applied to the parents.

    Anyway, what on earth makes you think that a policy of abstinence would be effective? Perhaps as effective as it is in the fight against HIV?

    What irritates me about this is the inconsistency. Yes to MMR, No to HPV. Why? PLUS, free MMR vaccinations are available to adults, to whom the argument of personal responsibility could apply and clearly in a better position to personally afford a vaccination than a 12 year old child.

    If parents are forced to pay for this, then naturally it will be mostly the daughters of poorer families that will not receive this vaccination.

    As Gandhi said, a society can be measured by how it treats its weakest members and this government just makes me sick: cuts in education, cuts to pension card, cuts to HPV, still no 24 hour suicide helpline but the builders need all the help they can get??

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,883 ✭✭✭shellyboo

    Nuravictus wrote: »
    Wouldnt good personnal judgement & responablity with sex not solve this issue for free ?

    You can still contract HPV while wearing a condom. All the good judgement and safe sex in the world can't prevent you from catching it, that's why so many women are affected with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,770 ✭✭✭Bottle_of_Smoke

    shellyboo wrote: »
    You can still contract HPV while wearing a condom. All the good judgement and safe sex in the world can't prevent you from catching it, that's why so many women are affected with it.

    Although you're right I think that poster means abstinence by "good personnal judgement & responablity"

    There was Christian nut opposition to this vaccine in America when they introduced it.

    There's also a Catholic school in England which refused to administer the vaccination, thoguh they claim its not for moral reasons.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,883 ✭✭✭shellyboo

    Although you're right I think that poster means abstinence by "good personnal judgement & responablity"

    Yeah, I kinda figured... but that attitude would lead to the eventual extinction of the human race. 'Don't want cancer? No more sex for anyone! Except gay men! Problem solved!'

  • Registered Users Posts: 394 ✭✭Nuravictus

    Although you're right I think that poster means abstinence by "good personnal judgement & responablity"

    No I never said abstinence, what I meant is that woman/teenage girls should be maybe told that when having sex they need to be selective & get to know their choosen sexual partner. I know precaution & getting to know your sex buddy is not common in a society of instant gratification.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 45 RuthyB

    Hey, i know that this is a little off topic, and i dont know if this has been posted elsewhere. So Mods, if it is in the wrong place or if it has ben mentioned already feel free to move/delete it.

    Below is a link to Ray Darcy's page on the Today FM Website. He is asking people to sign a petition on the page which will be sent to the department of health.

    I have signed and i hope many more of the wimmins (and men of course) will do the same.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 6,376 Mod ✭✭✭✭Macha

    Nuravictus wrote: »
    No I never said abstinence, what I meant is that woman/teenage girls should be maybe told that when having sex they need to be selective & get to know their choosen sexual partner. I know precaution & getting to know your sex buddy is not common in a society of instant gratification.
    I agree with you that both men and women need to be more informed about HPV. I never even heard of it or the link with cervical cancer until I was in my early 20s and it was probably too late then.

    But the reality is that teenagers are going to have sex and so the vaccination is really important.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,883 ✭✭✭shellyboo

    Nuravictus wrote: »
    No I never said abstinence, what I meant is that woman/teenage girls should be maybe told that when having sex they need to be selective & get to know their choosen sexual partner. I know precaution & getting to know your sex buddy is not common in a society of instant gratification.

    Knowing someone does not preclude them from having HPV. Being extremely sexually careful does not preclude you from having HPV. If you've slept with one person you've known all your life, once, with a condom, you could still catch HPV. This is not a moral issue, it is a health issue.

  • Registered Users, Subscribers Posts: 47,304 ✭✭✭✭Zaph

    Nuravictus wrote: »
    Look at the Flu Vaccinations which causes Alzheimers and we don't know if this Vaccination will have any bad side affects like the Flu Vaccination.

    I'd like some credible links to back that claim up please, or I'll be deleting that portion of your post.



  • Registered Users Posts: 394 ✭✭Nuravictus

    Zaph wrote: »
    I'd like some credible links to back that claim up please, or I'll be deleting that portion of your post.


    shellyboo wrote: »
    Knowing someone does not preclude them from having HPV. Being extremely sexually careful does not preclude you from having HPV. If you've slept with one person you've known all your life, once, with a condom, you could still catch HPV. This is not a moral issue, it is a health issue.

    Yea did a bit of research tonight on this to get fully informed. You can get it from kissing as well.So yea you are correct.

    I hope thats good enough for ya.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 6,376 Mod ✭✭✭✭Macha

    Nuravictus wrote: »
    Yea did a bit of research tonight on this to get fully informed. You can get it from kissing as well.So yea you are correct.

    Kissing?! Is mouth herpes the same as HPV??

  • Registered Users Posts: 394 ✭✭Nuravictus

    taconnol wrote: »
    Kissing?! Is mouth herpes the same as HPV??

    I dont know to be honest. it just said that it could be transmitted orally.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,894 ✭✭✭Chinafoot

    Nuravictus wrote: »
    I dont know to be honest. it just said that it could be transmitted orally.

    It can be transmitted through oral sex with an infected person.

    Lots of people that carry HPV don't even know they have it because there are often no symptoms. It's scary.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 6,376 Mod ✭✭✭✭Macha

    OK so I did some checking on gynaecologist salaries:

    IE:€180k/year plus bonus
    UK: c. €120k/year plus bonus
    France: €90k/year plus bonus
    Mexico: €108k/year plus bonus

    I have yet to find any other country's public health service that pays its consultants as much as Ireland does. I wonder why exactly people go into these jobs if they won't get out of bed for less than €150k/year, if they hate them so much?

    I mean, where is all the money going into the health service go?? Administrators? Does the government not provide a break-down?

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  • Registered Users, Subscribers Posts: 47,304 ✭✭✭✭Zaph

    Nuravictus wrote: »
    I hope thats good enough for ya.

    Links please?
