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THOMSON TG585 v7 - where can I view logs?

  • 05-11-2008 11:22pm
    Registered Users Posts: 180 ✭✭

    Just got connected to Smart this evening. All grand, except I'm a bit baffled by the apparent restrictive nature of the THOMSON TG585 v7 they supply.... hopefully I am wrong and just making a balls of something...

    1. If I change the password, it kicks in alright, and if I reconnect to the network with the new password, it works fine. But when I turn the modem off and on again, I can no longer connect to the network. It is as if the password has been reset.

    2. There are options under allowing new devices. It is defaulted to "New stations are allowed automatically". What if I want to restrict by MAC Address? I tried selecting the "via registration..." assuming that would be a similar idea, but I have the same issue as above.. I can no longer connect to the network after saving settings.

    3. If I change the SSID, I cannot connect to the network anymore. I get a generic "Could not connect to the wireless network"... not that I need to change the SSID or anything, but it should be possible

    4. Where can I view the logs of what has been accessed by any connected PC's? Is there a history of what devices have connected to the network and when?

    To get around all of the above, I just left everything at default settings... I can live with it, but would prefer to add a wee bit more security.
