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Slingbox connection to Wireless Router

  • 09-11-2008 5:00pm
    Registered Users Posts: 346 ✭✭

    Hi All,

    I have been considering buying a slingbox for a while now to link in with my Sky box. My Sky box is nowhere near my Eircom Netpoia router so I would need some form of wireless connection from the slingbox to the router.

    I have read about a device that allows you to connect via the electrical sockets. However, on the slingbox site it mentions on the FAQ page that a wireless bridge or wireless gaming router could be used to connect the slingbox

    The Slingbox has an Ethernet port that you can connect to an existing wireless network by using a wireless Ethernet bridge or wireless gaming adapter, similar to the method used by gaming consoles for network connectivity. If your laptop is connected to the same wireless router, your Slingbox experience is now very mobile in and around your house -- take your laptop into a room that doesn't have a TV and enjoy!

    I have an unused Linksys router - could this be used. Alternatively I have an XBOX 360 wireless connector. Can either the Linksys or the XBOX 360 device be used? Does anyone have this setup working?



  • Registered Users Posts: 451 ✭✭LeperKing

    The Linksys router could do the job but will probably need dd-wrt flashed onto it, to make it a wireless bridge. I'd try the 360 device first as it should be more straigtforward.

