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SocsLAN - Free Gaming Event - Wed 19th

  • 17-11-2008 10:37pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭


    CompSoc and FanSci in association with Wired Gaming are pleased to announce a free LAN in the Áras Na Mac Léinn Foyer on Wednesday 19th November 2008 (this coming Wednesday).

    We'll be playing the latest & greatest games (from Warcraft III DoTA to Call of Duty World at War), running events and competitions and giving away spot prizes.

    The event will run from 9am to 7pm and it is open to everyone.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,299 ✭✭✭witnessmenow

    This is OT, but do you have left 4 dead in yet... itching to play it :)

    I'd say there will be some queue for machines tommorrow BTW :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 842 ✭✭✭Weidii

    Didn't Wired shut down the day before this was supposed to happen?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 143 ✭✭RabidDog

    Worse, the day before.

    I had no notice (well, if 4 hours counts...). My business partner pulled out suddenly because of his own financial problems and I wasn't able to buy him out.

    We (the community) are looking into plans for the future now (

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,299 ✭✭✭witnessmenow

    Its a pity, had some good nights there with the compsoc last year

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    It really is a pity, and the timing was really unfortunate. It's a loss to Galway definitely.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 842 ✭✭✭Weidii

    Yeah I was so shocked when that happened, there always seemed to be a load of people in there late into the night and everyone always raves about how good it is. It's definately alot better than clan anway.
