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Off Topic thread *time to say goodbye*



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭D2D

    I know the draft is still a while away but I was reading through the show's thread and I have to put up Ger's show again. For newbie's taking part, this is the winning show and set's the standards. Enjoy:)
    Welcome everyone to Bloody Sunday, Live in Croke Park, in Dublin, Ireland! “Up the Premier!”

    Green pyro flies all around Croke Park as we are welcomed to tonight’s festivities by one night only ring announcer, The Memory Man himself, Jimmy McGee. He introduces the great Damien Dempsey to sing Amhrán na bhFiann. 92,000 people join Damo in belting out a soldier’s song, as they anticipate the battles that are ahead of them tonight. As a chant of “Damo!” rings out through Croker, we are taken to a video package that highlights the upcoming matches for tonights show. Croke Park goes into a frenzy on sight of their own Sheamus on the big screen.

    We go ringside to Mícheál Ó Muircheartaigh who is providing commentary for the night, as it is now time for the first match of the evening. As we go to ringside, we hear what sounds like gunfire in the distance from Croke Park…

    Match #1 – Kensuke Sasaki vs Roderick Strong

    A battle of genuine legend against a man who believes he is a legend. This is a very hard-hitting battle to open the show, as the crowd joins in the festivities with a loud “WOOO” whenever a chop is serves up. Strongs cocky attitude looks like ends up costing him the match, as the veteran Sasaki manages to win the battle of the chops, and ends up dropping him with a shop. As Sasaki goes for the pin, Strong kicks him in the bollix, and covers him for the 1-2-3.

    Winner via pinfall in 10:39 – Roderick Strong

    Strong celebrates, as we hear the sound of gunfire and rattling get very close to Croke Park.

    *PA Announcement* - “would the owner of a 1990 Nissan Sunny please attend to it, as the Brooklyn Brawler is trying to jump start it. Thank you”.

    We get a shot of the crowd - Irish Boxing champion Bernard Dunne is in attendance. A small child bumps off the back of his head, and Dunne is KO’d.

    A camera is seen making its way outside Croke Park, as two armoured cars and a Tank pull up. Could this be the much anticipated arrival of the black and tans??

    Match #2 – Grudge Match – El Santo vs Blue Demon Jr.

    Santo is given a hero’s welcome, half way across the world from him native Mexico. There is much bad blood in this match, as Blue Demon Jr. is out looking for revenge for his incapacitated father, the original Blue Demon, who had feuded with El Santo for years. The first every Lucha Libre match to take place on Irish soil goes down a treat, as these two legends put on a clinic. Santo eventually manages to overcome the Demon, and hits him with the diving head butt for the pin.

    Winner via pinfall in 12:26 – El Santo

    Santo celebrates this historical victory to the delight of the packed crowd,

    We go back outside and see the two armoured cars and the tank parked up. Jonny Storm and Jody Fleisch get out of the two cars, and Paul Birchill opens the top of the tank and says “we’re here lads”, as Croke Park turns into a frenzy. They laugh, but quickly stop and ask “what do you want, mate?”. We see Gay Byrne enter the screen. He says that those cars are not safe to be driven on Irish Roads, and calls them pups. Birchill gives Byrne the C4 on the bonnet of one of the cars. Storm then mocks Gaybo’s Harley Davidson, calling it “well bad”, as we return to the stadium for the next match.

    Match #3 – Christian vs Austin Aries

    Both competitors here consider a victory vital to their hopes of one day winning the PWF World Title. This match is considered a huge stepping stone, as it will either help the veteran Christian break through the glass ceiling, or help and give Aries the last boost he needs to gain a title shot. Lots of back-and-forth action between two incredibly talented men. After a very competitive match, the finish comes when Aries puts Christian down, and ascends to the top rope to hit the 450 splash. However, Christian manages to jump to his feet just as Aries leaps into the air, and is able to turn the 450 into the unprettier!

    Winner via pinfall in 15:00 – Christian

    Christian is over the moon, as he now knows that somewhere down the line, he will get his title shot.

    We get a shot of the crowd – Pat Kenny is in attendance. He doesn’t realise the camera on him and continues to pick his nose. What a plank.

    We go backstage, and see the Black and Tans making their way through the arena. Fleisch says he prefers Wembley by a mile. They see a storage room. Storm schnakes in, and robs three “proper messed up cricket bats”. GAA president Christy Cooney sees this, and tells them to put those Hurleys back – “ye have as much right picking up those hurleys as a Kilkenny man does kicking a football, ye bastards”. The Black and Tans beat up Christy Cooney with his own hurleys, and march on their merry way with no remorse. They come across a catering area. They eat all the food. They are now literally taking the food off our plates. Something will have to be done.

    Back in the ring, PWF owner Paul Heyman makes his way to the ring and grabs a mic. He says he wants to thank everyone for making Bloody Sunday the success it has been, and thank everyone for showing up. He says this is a great day in Ireland, and hopes everyone enjoys the rest of the show. He is interrupted by Takeshi Morishima and Matt Striker. Striker tells Heyman to stop wasting valuable airtime and get out of the ring, as a star is about to be born in Takeshi Morishima!

    Match #4 – Takeshi Morishima w/ Matt Striker vs Bruno Sammartino

    Huge ovation for the Living Legend’s first ever appearance in Ireland. People in the audience are comparing seeing Bruno in the flesh to seeing the pope in the flesh! This is a very old school, physical match between two warriors. Strikers wisdom at ringside is being put to great use by Morishima, as it appears that Strikers foresight has saved Morishima more than once tonight. Bruno manages to get on the offence, but as he goes to clothesline Morishima, is tripped by the devious Striker at ringside. The referee sees this, and orders Striker to leave the ringside area! Striker is livid, and cannot believe this. As he slowly leaves, Bruno locks the bearhug onto the enormous Morishima and he taps out.

    Winner via submission in 13:17 – Bruno Sammartino

    We all know what this means – That Striker has to spend 5 minutes in the ring with Sammartino. Bruno summons Striker to return and immediately beats him down with a flurry of punches. He begins to toy with Striker, spanking him to the delight of the crowd. After 4 and a half minutes he locks in the bearhug and puts Striker to sleep, as the audience roars in approval. Bruno grabs the mic and says “Young people…. Of…. Ireland… I Love You” and waves, as he leaves

    We get a shot of the crowd – Shane MacGowan is in attendance. He is asleep, with a huge pile of empty Druids cans beside him.

    Backstage, the Black and Tans and seen jumping the counter in a stall that sells hotdogs and cans of coke. They push the women out of the way, and steal the money from the register. They say they are going for a pint of magners with their newly inherited money. Someone at the bar in a strong Tipperary accent shouts “It’s ****in Bulmers boy, **** off home if you want magners”. The Black and Tans ask “is you avin a laugh mate?” before putting him through a table. Bastards.

    We get a shot of the crowd – former taoiseach Bertie Ahern is in attendance. He is taking bets on the main event. He is giving odds of 1/2 for Sheamus, and evens for Shawn Michaels.

    Match #5 – No Holds Barred for the TV Championship – Bam Bam Bigelow © vs Shane McMahon w/ Tito Ortiz

    McMahon cuts a promo on the way to the ring claiming the McMahons don’t even know what the word recession means, saying he would sell his arms and legs before he would take social wefare payments (a huge cheer goes through Croker at the mention of the dole). Bam Bam runs to the ring to beat some manners into the spoilt brat. The match immediately leaves the ring, as the two warriors brawl though the crowd. They find themselves at the foot of hill 16. Shane low blows Bam Bam, and orders Tito to hold him down, as Shano climbs up the goal posts. Shane McMahon does a huge jump from atop the Cross Bar onto the Giant Bigelow as the crowd goes insane.

    They eventually make their way back to the ring, beating each other with anything that will move, including one of MacGowans cans of Cider. When they return to the ring, they are both exhausted. Ortiz enters the ring, and goes for the take-down on Bigelow. Bigelow is too big, but manages to get a burst of energy and powerbombs Ortiz, and then himself falls with exhaustion. McMahon sees this, and crawls across to cover him. Bigelow kicks out at two, and manages to slam McMahon with all his power. He drags himself to the top rope and hits a HUGE moonsault for the pin.

    Winner via pinfall in 19:56, and still TV Champion – Bam Bam Bigelow.

    Bigelow is exhausted, and shakes the hand of an unconscious Shane McMahon before leaving. Perhaps McMahon does deserve a spot on the PWF roster.

    Backstage, the Black and Tans are walking down the corridor. They see a door with a sign on it that says “Weak and Vulnerable people support group”. They all laugh, and kick in the door. The door is closed behind them, and we hear lots of kicking and punching. This has gone too far! After several seconds, the rooms goes silent. The door re-opens, and we see Sheamus leave the room, with the Black and Tans all unconscious in the room!! Sheamus has saved us from the Black and Tans, as Croke Park erupts in a roar of both passion and joy.

    We see a video recap of the fued between Sheamus and PWF World Heavyweight Champion Shawn Michaels.

    Match #6 for the PWF World Heavyweight Championship – Shawn Michaels © vs Sheamus.

    Sheamus enters first to a cheer that could be heard all over Dublin, an perhaps even beyond that. The Champion, Shawn Michaels, enters to potentially the loudest jeering he has ever faced. He realises he is at war tonight, and his game face is on. Jimmy McGee does the introductions, when both competitors are in the ring. Sheamus isn’t letting his reception affect him – he is here to win the PWF World Title. Michaels is jeered ferociously, and is hit by a half full can of Druids, as MacGowan is ejected from Croke Park. Michaels is lapping up the hostility, taking it in his stride and using it as a positive to boost him. They do the “boo-yay” back and forth spot for a while, until Michaels takes over the offence for a while.

    Chants for Sheamus encourage the big man to get back on offence. The action spills outside the ring. The ref seems to be letting the action go in this match. They brawl over towards the commentary booth. Michales puts Sheamus on the table and beats him down. He climbs to the top rope, as 93,000 people are on their feet. Michaels flies through the air and drives Sheamus through the table with a huge elbow!

    After they recoup, Michales throws Sheamus in the ring and goes for the pin. Sheamus had enough time to recover and kicks out at 2. They trade back-and-forth action for some more time, until Michales hits his trademark flying forearm and nips up! He signals for Sweet Chin Music, Sheamus is slowly getting up. Sheamus gets to his feet, and turns straight into a huge superkick! Michales covers him 1…… 2……. Sheamus kicks out at the last minute! Michaels is getting frustrated and the energy the crowd is pumping into Sheamus is annoying him. He signals for another Superkick. Sheamus drags himself up by the ropes, with the crowd in unison chanting his name. He turns, and manages to duck out of the way of the kick, and as Michaels turns, Sheamus hits Michaels with a Pump Kick of his own!! The crowd erupts, and Sheamus quickly picks HBK up for the Razors Edge! He drrrivvvvesss Michales to the mat with a huge Razors Edge 1…… 2………. 3!!!!

    Winner via pinfall in 27:36, and NEW PWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, SHEAMUS!!

    Sheamus collapses in a pool of tears as many of the members of the crowd shed tears of joy for the Celtic Warrior! Green Fireworks once again are flying all over Croke Park in celebration of this huge victory for the Dublin native. Sheamus eventually comes to his feet, and is presented with his belt for the first time. The screen flashes images of Michael Collins, Padraig Pearse, Thomas Clarke, James Connolly, Wolfe Tone, Robert Emmett and the final image of the show is the image of the new Irish Hero, Sheamus!

    and here's Flah's roster as a cast of "Ballynagusset"
    Flah wrote:
    Casting has already begun and the following information is to hand:

    Ted Dibiase will play the part of Frederick Paisley-Roundbottom, wealthy Protestant landowner who owns most of the land surrounding the village and who has been treating the local villagers like dirt for years. He charges exorbitant rent to all and sundry for the use of his land and rumour has it he wears Union Jack underpants under his 2,000 euro suits.

    His son Ted Jr will play Fred Jr his spoiled imbecile son who has never done a days work in his life. He never leaves the house unless dressed from head to foot in Abercrombie and speaks with a Southside Dublin accent, despite being born in Cavan. Simply put he’s nothing but a ballbag of a young fella.

    IRS will play the part of Ebeneezer Furlong, a lifelong friend of the Paisley-Roundbottoms. He works for the Inland Revenue and takes great delight in reporting even the slightest fiscal misdemeanour. He once tried to charge a woman tax on the breastmilk she was feeding her newborn baby from the tit. He is known around the village as the The Taxman and is your quintessential rat bastard.

    Mick Foley plays the part of Mike Foley. Mike has fallen on hard times. He once owned the local hardware shop, specializing in Foley’s cordless drills. However he lost his mind a few years back and has developed a split personality. Sometimes he thinks he’s back in the seventies and dances around the streets dressed in tie dye t-shirts, whereas other times his dark side emerges and he hides in dark corners playing with rats and wearing a bizarre leather facemask. He is now homeless and has been wearing the same stinking check shirt for as long as anyone can remember. People used to like him but at this stage he’s kind of an embarrassment.

    Stan Hansen has been handed the role of Dan Scargill. Dan the Man is the town drunk. In keeping with every Irish stereotype he drinks all day every day and has a penchant for starting fights with people for absolutely no reason, usually bayting the lugs clean off them for good measure.

    Dusty Rhodes plays the part of Dessie Diamond, the local DJ. Dessie is the most popular man in the town. He uses his show on the local radio station to give the people a chance to air their views and is widely known as a “fierce sound man.” If Dessie can’t get it done then it can’t be done. He always keeps a few new potatoes in his pockets to hand out to the local children. As the local aul wans put it best “shur, everyone loves Dessie.”

    Mike Awesome plays the part of Redser Connors, a well-0known local traveler and constant troublemaker. If it’s not nailed down, Redser will steal it. With his leather jacket, ill-kept mullet and hooped earrings he is every bit your typical Irish pikey. He uses the word “boss” to finish every sentence he says. The only living creature he treats with any respect is his beloved piebald pony Bertie.

    Masato Tanaka plays the part of Willie Chang. Willie runs a local oriental restaurant specializing in Sushi. He is well liked by the locals for his hard working ethic and has become fondly known as Willie the Chinaman, despite being born in Japan. He has had a long running feud with Redser Connors since 2001. Their encounters invariably descend into violence and it wouldn’t be unknown for every table in the local pub to be smashed to bits after one of their legendary rows. No one can even remember what the row began over, but everyone agrees their fights are unreal to watch.

    Hayabusa plays the part of Willie Chang’s son, known about the place as Small Willie. He has been bullied mercilessly in school for years because of his over prominent front teeth so has taken to wearing a homemade mask fashioned from a chip bag over his face to hide his embarrassment. Some days he’s going top snap and it won’t be pretty.

    The Iron Sheik plays the role of Darius Villicius, a Lithuanian illegal immigrant who makes ends meet by selling flowers outside Betsie’s, the local disco hall. He is hated about the town because he’s foreign and doesn’t work.(Shur why else?). Worse still, his twin brother Danius Villicus (played by the original Sheik) has recently been seen about the town, confirming rumors that they both schnaked their way into Ireland on the same passport.

    Scott Steiner plays the part of Seanie Carmody. Seanie is a bit of a local hero, having scored the winning point in the Cavan District League Under-14 final nearly 20 years ago. Forthright in his opinions, he doesn’t mince his words. He hates the influx of foreigners into the town as he blames them for the fact that his brother Rick had to emigrate back in ’93 as there wasn’t much happening in the panel beating business.

    Steve Williams plays the part of the local GP. Dr Williams is the worst GP in Cavan. His cock-ups are legendary at this stage. Perhaps his finest moment came when an obviously pregnant woman came into the practice complaining of stomach cramps and Dr Williams told her “go home and take a big sh*te and you’ll be grand.”He has the highest patient mortality rate if any Dr in Ireland, earning him the nickname “Dr Death.”

    Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard play the parts of Tom Anderson and Fiachra Tully. They are best friends and are known as the Horsemen as they're always in the bookies backing the horses.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,600 ✭✭✭✭CMpunked

    So your telling me something was helded in croke and the president wasn't there to remind everyone that that is literally all she does (appear at events).

    That's totally unbelievable so. :P

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,296 ✭✭✭✭gimmick

    Dragongate in UK this weekend was beyond awesome.

    That is all.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭waltersobchak

    In a move announced today by WECWF owner Eric Bischoff. The WECWF has agreed to purchase the D.W.O promotion from company CEO Dare_2_Defy.. Its unknown if D2D will still run the D.W.O in what is expected to be the WECWF Development Territory, or else take a job in WECWF..

    Cant wait for the Draft lads..

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭D2D


    Cant wait for the Draft lads..

    F4W can confirm that Mr. Defy has indeed sold the D.W.O onto the WECWF. The following is from his blog:
    Dated 12-9-10

    The past few week's haven't been good for me. I decided to resign from the BWE, I had to pay "Dashing" Walter Sobchek's bail after his "incident" in the bowling alley (fyi, he still hasn't paid me for that yet) and now, to due restraints, I've had to sell up the D.W.O. For those that don't know, the D.W.O (Defying Wrestling Organization) was a company I set up in January last year. Unfortunalty, business and revenue hasn't reached my expectations and I've had to sell on. I can reveal that the WECWF have bought the D.W.O and now own all of the D.W.O's likeness, talent (up until their contracts run out) and properties. Unfortunalty, I can't reveal to what capacity the WECWF will use the D.W.O or anymore info than that at this time.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,957 ✭✭✭The Volt


  • Registered Users Posts: 14,600 ✭✭✭✭CMpunked

    My sediments exactly:


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭waltersobchak

    CMpunked wrote: »
    My sediments exactly:


    What like soil and stuff??? :pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,284 ✭✭✭Gerard.C

    Ha, good man D2D!

    Tell us about Dragon Gate gimmick bai

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,296 ✭✭✭✭gimmick

    Thoroughly enjoyed both nights, but night 1 was the better of the 2 without doubt.

    Shingo Vs Yokosuka was match of the weekend, and the latter was my MVP of the weekend, closely followed by the improved beyeond all recognition PAC (admittedly I had not seen him in 3 years).

    Had a handy upgrade on night 2 from row 3 to ringside.

    I prefered the venue in Hoddesdon, but St Ives is a really picture esque little town.

    The 6 man on night one and the tag co main event with Shingo & Yamato Vs Doi and BB Hulk were both outstanding.

    Never seen Mark Haskins before this weekend and think he is one to watch.

    Great curries in both towns as well, and Hoddesdon would get the (very slight) nod over St Ives.

    Drank an outrageous amount over the weekend. Didn't think I had that sort of stamina still in me.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭D2D

    Voltwad wrote: »
    CMpunked wrote: »
    My sediments exactly:


    Basically, I don't think I'll be able to make the draft this year so I've sold my brand to Walter's WECWF:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,284 ✭✭✭Gerard.C

    Basically, I don't think I'll be able to make the draft this year so I've sold my brand to Walter's WECWF:)

    Cen Fath?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭D2D

    Gerard.C wrote: »
    Cen Fath?

    The course I got is continuous assessment so I have to give it my full concentration

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,284 ✭✭✭Gerard.C

    The course I got is continuous assessment so I have to give it my full concentration

    Shur I had CA all last year for my final year and I still managed to win the draft and graduate, thats no excuse :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,957 ✭✭✭The Volt

    Gerard.C wrote: »
    Shur I had CA all last year for my final year and I still managed to win the draft and graduate, thats no excuse :pac:
    Yeah and my exams were in January. The draft was my escape from reality dude!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,284 ✭✭✭Gerard.C

    Diabhal and Tribesman, did ye go down to the u21 game? I didnt expect it to be that close. Gripping stuff :pac: I'm only coddin ye. Comiserations.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,238 ✭✭✭✭Diabhal Beag

    Gerard.C wrote: »
    Diabhal and Tribesman, did ye go down to the u21 game? I didnt expect it to be that close. Gripping stuff :pac: I'm only coddin ye. Comiserations.
    My best friend had his 18 so I couldn't but I saw the 1st half. To be fair that was one of the worst u-21 teams we've had in years.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,284 ✭✭✭Gerard.C

    My best friend had his 18 so I couldn't but I saw the 1st half. To be fair that was one of the worst u-21 teams we've had in years.

    Shur ye got an all-ireland final out of them anyway so they musnt be TOO bad. The future is looking bright for hurling anyway :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,238 ✭✭✭✭Diabhal Beag

    David Burke, O' Halloran and Richie Cummins were the only players that might make Seniors in the future from that team.

    Great year to be a Maher though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,284 ✭✭✭Gerard.C

    David Burke, O' Halloran and Richie Cummins were the only players that might make Seniors in the future from that team.

    Great year to be a Maher though.

    And none of them are related either. Some breeding in that surname bai

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,957 ✭✭✭The Volt

    New Inbetweeners tonight lads. God bless CH4

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,238 ✭✭✭✭Diabhal Beag

    Gerard.C wrote: »
    And none of them are related either. Some breeding in that surname bai
    Is that what Daddy/Uncle/Grand-dad Maher said? :pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,284 ✭✭✭Gerard.C

    Is that what Daddy/Uncle/Grand-dad Maher said? :pac:

    If he did, hes some man for shootin them boys out of his hurl!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,238 ✭✭✭✭Diabhal Beag

    Gerard.C wrote: »
    If he did, hes some man for shootin them boys out of his hurl!!!
    The oul Whiskey dick

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,296 ✭✭✭✭gimmick

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,242 ✭✭✭chordtype

    Voltwad wrote: »
    New Inbetweeners tonight lads. God bless CH4

    Has there ever been an episode of this show that wasn't funny. Up there with Peep Show in terms of consistency.

    Can anybody recommend a good broadband provider that doesn't require a phone line? Cheapest if possible. About to move into a new gaff and need to get something sorted. Don't want to go down the vodafone/o2 stick route cause we want something that'll do all of us. I was able to pinch some poor quality free wifi from Croker but it only works in certain spaces and is a bit of a pain.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,235 ✭✭✭✭flahavaj

    Tonight's ending to the inbetweeners was f*cking brilliant. Yer man's bollock.:pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,957 ✭✭✭The Volt

    From this day forth I will call my car the mingemobile :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,888 ✭✭✭Charisteas

    Feisty one you are!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,600 ✭✭✭✭CMpunked

    Anyone see that 'banned' family guy episode yet?

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