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VanDice is In the Well



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 754 ✭✭✭robinblinds

    max_power wrote: »

    Savage Band. Haven't Listened to "The Boy With the Arab Strap" as much as some of the other albums, must give it another listen. Listening to B & S makes you untiltable.

    The Boy With The Arab Strap is a modern day masterpiece. Must be listened to on a sunny day though for full effect.

  • Registered Users Posts: 872 ✭✭✭doke

    pok3rplaya wrote: »
    Wow please do this. My memory is shot to bits since I started playing poker.

    Same here. Good idea RT.

    My initial guess is it has something to do with memory being a finite resource. Since I can remember nearly every player I've ever played against live, and all the big pots I've seen them play, something had to give. That something being unimportant stuff like my kid's birthdays, other people's names and 1979.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,700 ✭✭✭Van Dice

    max_power wrote: »

    Savage Band. Haven't Listened to "The Boy With the Arab Strap" as much as some of the other albums, must give it another listen. Listening to B & S makes you untiltable.

    true, they're perfect to put on in the background. listening to this song now :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,846 ✭✭✭Moneymaker

    Hi VanDice, great read so far, real enjoyable and informative.

    -What advice would you give someone who's trying to improve their game? I know its a general question and all but any general advice for online cash(currently playing 50NL, moving to 100NL soon)
    -What's the most you made in one month?
    -What level are you currently playing and do you feel you can go even higher?
    -Are you gonna play the IO next year?
    -Have you ever seen Belle & Sebastian live?(I have, at Vicar St)
    -Hottest female in poker?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,698 ✭✭✭semibluff

    Really enjoying the read so far.

    How do you find playing on Betfair considering the lack of traffic it gets? Do you feel that the cross sell from the Sports book, and readily available money compensates for this?

    You mentioned the best players you've played against who post here, have you put any hours in against Bonkrs? Opinion?

    How unfortunate do you find yourself to not only be friends with a red-head, but for him also to be a forrest fan? ;)

    Why havnt you "dabbled" into PLO yet? was it due to constantly reaching and re-determining goals in NL that you havnt deemed the challenge neccessary? or you making too much of the moniesssss to care?
    (in my humbe opinion PLO is were NL was a few years back, atleast at the small/med stakes)

    What would a normal poker day be for you, from gym to hours you put in etc?

    What sort of set up do you have, and what do you think is neccessary to fully utilise your time and maximise profit?

    Thanks for this!


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  • Registered Users Posts: 441 ✭✭boba_fett3099

    Great read so far.

    1. How much do you charge for coaching and what does a normal coaching session involve? Also do you have a waiting list? (Interested in getting some coaching in the new year)

    2. What are some of the biggest leaks you see in the regs at SSNL and MSNL, and what adjustments have you made to your own game to exploit them?

    3. What are your stats?

    4. What qualities do you think helped you to succeed in poker when so many others have failed?

    5. Do you see yourself playing the nosebleeds in the future? If so, what parts of you game do you think need improving before you get there?

    6. How many hands do you think you've played lifetime?

    Thats it, thanks for doing this its been an enjoyable read.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,700 ✭✭✭Van Dice

    Great well so far VD.
    1. What did you find the hardest level to beat when moving up?
    moving from 1/2 to 2/4 was the toughest for me. I'm inclined to believe that one of the main reasons for that was just a mental issue. I didn't seem to realise that despite the stakes and screen-names being different, the game is still the same. When I finally saw some of the regs making the same mistakes as I was making, I calmed down, stopped trying to play back at everyone, and just played my normal game. It worked!

    Having said that, there definitely was a big increase in standard. I also started playing on FTP around the same time, which is probably a step above most other sites. I kinda knew that, but figured the practice would be good. I'm sure there were a lot of 2/4 games I played where I was not a favourite, but were probably worth it long term.

    The main difference I found was increased preflop aggression. I suppose mostly because it's the obvious thing to pick up on (who doesn't notice getting reraised constantly?). More subtly though, I started noticing that the better players had significantly higher W$WSF numbers. So I looked over stats/HHs for the better players who had roughly similar preflop numbers to mine, and tried to get my numbers to run closer to theirs (simplistic and probably not the best way to improve, but watyagonnado).

    Also, whenever I got put in a tough spot by a reg, I tried to remember it, and looked to put someone else in a similar situation.

    I'm not sure those are the reasons why I got better and started to beat 2/4 fairly comfortably though. I think it's more because I got in the right frame of mind.
    Maybe it's not so much that I fluked the right leaks to plug, but more because I started thinking about poker more analytically, and tried to find out what worked and what didn't (3-bet bluffing the river does NOT work!)
    Maybe it didn't matter so much that I tried to increase my W$WSF at all, and just mattered that I started thinking about poker in a more 'theoretically correct' (ie 2plus2) way.

    2. What do you think are the main reasons for poker players not being able to beat MSNL fter beating SSNL?
    I have lots of thoughts on this :)

    One is related to what I said about Hellmuth earlier - two players with the same winrates can have very different results against a particular type of player. So one player can battle well against good TAGs but not win nearly as much as they should against fish (bluffing in spots which would be +EV against a TAG, but is ----EV against a fish, etc). Whereas another player can play almost perfectly against fish, but is a little out of his depth against good TAGs. So I think that's one reason, that if a player is beating SSNL but is unable to adjust their game to the different styles and game composition at MSNL, they will struggle.

    I also think that people get into bad habits at SSNL. Playing 12 tables is great for your winrate, sure, but imo most people would be far better off playing 4 tables, and really putting thought into their play.
    Say an SSNL player had 2 options:
    A: 14 table .25/50 with stats of 18/15
    B: play something laggier like 28/23, only 4-tables, and work on their handreading. I think that would increase the chances they get good enough to move up limits quickly.

    Ideally then;
    A will get much more hands in, but will have a lower BB/100 and will be at lower stakes and won't really have improved their thought process at all.

    B will have had a very spewy opening, but will then have improved his game much quicker, and will have been in far more situations where they've thought about how to really play poker.

    Of course, B will have to have a certain amount of intelligence, and work ethic, but if A and B have both of those in equal measure, I think B's strategy is way more likely to result in a better player, and to get the most out of their ability at the highest stakes possible.

    Basically, I think a lot of SSNL players do things robotically without ever really understanding the 'why?' question. They see Krantz 3-betting the button light in a video, or they see a post on twoplustwo where a turn King is double-barreled, and they think 'cool I'll do those things'. Then they start to misapply those ideas because they never even asked themselves why they should be doing them in the first place.

    I'm not too sure how to express it better than 'people don't think enough and don't think about the reasons for doing something'. If an average SSNL player were to at least consider all possible actions before clicking anything, he'd be way better off. Sometimes you see posts with 'call or fold', and I find it odd they haven't at least considered a shove.

    Another thing that holds people back is tilt control/discipline. If you get outdrawn, you get outdrawn. So what! It's poker, not chess! It's like playing golf, if you allow the last 3-putt to weigh down your mind, it's definitely going to affect your next shot. Luck is a factor, and you'll never play perfectly. Luckily this applies to everyone else as much as you.
    Good decisions make you a small bit of EV each time. Tilting badly just haemorrhages EV all over the place. If the poker world consisted of players of exactly the same skill level, yet they were all prone to tilt except one guy. That person would be a pretty rich man. (or woman, for the politically correct, though I doubt that will include too many :D)

    One thing I really picked up on from Tommy Angelo's book (if you haven't already, read it) was the importance of not tilting and instead playing your A-game the entire time.
    Factors which aid this:
    Not playing under-rolled
    Not playing drunk/tired/emotional etc.
    Having put in strategy work away from the table so that you know your decision is correct despite what short-term results might be telling you. You really need to 'know' what you're doing is correct, and be very confident in yourself.

    I think a lot of SSNL players are prone to these (middle one obv applies to everyone, perhaps even more to HSNL players lol).

    one final thing which I kinda notice every now and then in my more philosphical poker moments [btw I hope I'm not sounding like some all-knowing guru MDMA character here, I'm not at all. I'd say I'm just a fairly avg winning midstakes reg] is that people don't seem to realise that their opponent is not the only one who has a hand range. You do too!

    So when thinking about a hand, try to think where the specific hand you have ranks along the range of hands you could plausibly have taken the same line with so far. Sometimes I realise that what looked like a tough laydown/tough call really shouldn't have been that difficult, because although my hand was relatively weak/strong, it was the worst/best possible hand that I could have got to that point in the hand with.

    I think cooker3 said it fairly well in ozpoker's AQ hand, when discussing folding the turn, because AQ was one of the weaker hands that he has on the turn. From being a hand right at the top of your flop range [set of hands that raise in LP and c-bet a dry flop], to one of the weaker hands in a turn range [hands in flop range that also called a tight player's CR into two people]

    3. If you won the lotto would you still play poker? If yes, would you move up levels?
    For sure, I enjoy the game. I'm gonna substitute Euromillions for Lotto though. If I won a huge jackpot, I'd probably play RailHeaven a few times. I'd enjoy the challenge, but would definitely be outclassed. Still, dropping a few buyins would make no significant difference to my net worth. And hey, if you get a chance to play 1 on 1 against Messi at virtually no cost, you're not going to turn it down!

    They would only be very few sessions though, then after that if I was playing I'd play the highest stakes I think I'm a pretty good favourite in (ie current ones). I hate losing more than I enjoy a challenge :)
    I'd also probably play a bunch of live tournaments around the world, and treat it like a round the world holiday.

    I would have more important things to do if I won the Euromillions though. House with waterslide from bedroom to kitchen table, souped-up tank to drive around in, etc etc.
    4. Do you have a threshold for quitting a session when down x amount of buyins?
    nope. I don't typically play very long sessions anyway though. I prefer playing for 45 mins or so, then taking a break, unless the games are too good. Losing a certain amount of buy-ins doesn't bother me at all. What does annoy me is when I make a play which I know isn't good even as I'm doing it. When that happens I often quit straight away.

    I can see why having a loss limit is a good idea for some people though, especially if they're prone to tilting. I would probably have one if I played more HU because I think momentum is a big factor there.

    Good questions, i think i got a little carried away with answering those lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,700 ✭✭✭Van Dice

    RoundTower wrote: »
    do you find your memory (short and long term) has suffered since you started playing a lot of internet poker?

    I had an interesting and very enlightening discussion with a friend about this recently, I'm going to make a thread on it when I figure out what I want to say and where to put it.

    please do, I'd be interested to read that

    Personally I think it's one of those correlation !=> causation situations.

    Person who plays a lot of poker -> very likely to keep late/antisocial hours. Late bedtimes adversely affect sleep quality, and lack/poor quality of sleep has a negative effect on mental ability. I'm almost sure that lack of sleep has a detrimental effect on short-term memory, I think I learned that in Leaving Cert. I don't know about long-term memory.

    But I think rather than poker being the cause of any memory deterioration, it's the lifestyle that tends to be led by those who play a lot. I'm generally pretty good about keeping hours though, I usually get up at 9 every morning and it's not that often that I'm up past midnight.

    I'd say rather than a slide in memory, that the type of things I remember has changed. I can remember a ridiculous amount of poker hands, and exactly how the action went. Outside that, I remember specific details better than an overview. Like I'll remember exact scenes in a book but not remember who the author was. I find that weird, because I always think having a 'macro' view on things is much more valuable than a 'micro' view. Maybe I need a psychiatrist :)

    idk if that answers your question passably/badly/not at all, but I want to hear your thoughts anyway!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,724 ✭✭✭nicnicnic

    great well Van Dice, very enjoyable read

    What traits do you think are essential to become a top poker player

    Do you bet on golf, your thoughts on golf as a punting medium

    Binocular for the champion hurdle ? ( get on before next Saturday imo ) I backed noland today at 17.5 for the king George, any opinion on it.

    You mentioned the place markets on betfair, were you punting, laying or both ?, did you have any rules. I play the place markets a fair bit ( two very simple rules , no bumpers in uk and no bet kempton all weather ).

    You said you want to win a seven figure sum from poker, how close are you 1/2/3/4 quarter ?


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,700 ✭✭✭Van Dice

    pok3rplaya wrote: »
    The only thing I remember about you was your incessant 4betting which really pissed me off.
    pok3rplaya wrote: »
    My notes on you say:
    - c/c drawy flop as PFR w combo draw multiway
    - c/r flop as PFR in RR pot
    - limp/RR QQ pf
    - c/c flop as PFR in RR pot w init

    the first one was the one I played horribly against you which I told you to erase from your mind!!

    The QQ one I remember very well because it's the only time I've limp/reraised a hand in the last 6 months :)
    I didn't play it on this computer so don't have the HH, but I'm certain if you go back you'll find that I limped behind a fish and then folded to your isoraise. This was in a period where you'd been aggressively isolating said fish. Either the next hand or the following hand, I limped behind him again with QQ because I thought there was a very big chance that you/someone else would isolate again, and my line looks so FOS because TAGs NEVER limp big hands. I don't either obviously, just seemed like an awesome spot to get a little funky, and would probably look like I was frustrated and making a transparent bluff.

    and due to advanced FPS, I take a few more non-standard lines than most I think

    kinda glad you're not really playing there any more, you've left me to wage war on all the other 40/10 'regs' on my own.

    thanks for response btw

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,709 ✭✭✭YULETIRED

    great well old chap. good stuff...keep it going folks don't let him up yet.

    more gambling Questions please degens....

  • Registered Users Posts: 276 ✭✭k101

    interesting read.

    How do you find the standard of the midstakes games (2/5 5/10) on betfair compared to other sites.

    What five players who play 2/5 on betfair would you not like on your table and why?

    What five would you like at your table also ?

    Do you datamine much ?

    How heavily do you rely on your hm hud? Would you be comfortable playing with out it ?


    ive started playing a bit on betfair recently and am just curious as to who the good regs/fish are.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,696 ✭✭✭Hectorjelly

    pok3rplaya wrote: »
    Wow please do this. My memory is shot to bits since I started playing poker.

    Mine isn't. Maybe I dont play enough

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,700 ✭✭✭Van Dice

    im en route to airport, away for a couple of days. i will answer any more on Sunday, pending hangover.
    thanks for all the questions. it's actually been enjoyable for me, so BCB, i'll call off those two Russian heavies hanging around PP towers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,933 ✭✭✭H8GHOTI

    Great answers so far. You don't talk enough imo :rolleyes:

    How long ago were you playing 100nl? Already answered earlier. Just re-read thread and spotted it.

    What do you put your improvement as a player down to? Probably lots of things but would you put anything in particular at the top of the list? Reading books, videos, posting hands, playing as much as possible?

    You said Super System was the first book you read. Have you read many since and would you recommend any?

    Have you subscriptions to many training sites and who is your favourite instructor and why?

    Do you think you'll make enough from poker to afford your house with the water slide?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,004 ✭✭✭pok3rplaya

    Yearly graph?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 584 ✭✭✭aidankk

    Van Dice wrote: »
    I think he's more likely than most to successfully come back from injury given his lack of miles on the clock. I just don't think that he'll be able to get back to his best, which is a real shame. What a superstar!

    lol, it just is. Nothing like seeing someone else do the hard work while you're lying back like a bum!

    WOA, Great read..

    Been looking at the gold Cup Market and WOA looks value at 23/1 because there is a huge gap between Denman Kauto Star (both somewhat overrated)and the rest would you think WOA's chance of coming back to near top form is better than this price (he has looked decent so far this year) given the problems with those 2 atm im thinking that a ticket at 23/1 on gold cup day might look pretty nice..

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,537 ✭✭✭Ste05

    Very nice Well VD, most enjoyable

    Couple of simple fun ones:

    Favourite Film,
    Favourite Actor,
    Favourite Director,
    Favourite Band,
    Favourite Song,
    Favourite Animal,
    Favourite Food Type,
    Favourite Restaurant,
    Favourite Country to live in bar Ireland
    Favourite TV series
    Did you play any sports when you were younger/ now
    (ignore any that have been asked before)

    Feel free to add in a why to any of those above.

    Finally, I see you generally like to get up around 9 and are generally in bed by 12, this lead me to a general wonderment regarding to how you schedule your time and generally how you approach your profession. So I was wondering a few things, do you play when you feel like it during the week, or do you have a set schedule,
    i.e. Monday to Friday, Play X:00 - X:00, break, Play X:00 - X:00, break, Play X:00 - X:00, finish for the day. Or do you just have general hand/hour targets for the week/ month that you just fit in when you're feeling fresh and in the right frame of mind, or do you just play when you need money??

    Which leads me onto my next question, if you have a set schedule, or hand/hour targets (which I assume you do) what do you do if you just don't think you should play a certain day, be it for tilt reasons, not being in the right frame of mind, tired, etc. etc. etc. do you just not play and make the time/ hands up later or do you just write it off??

    It's something I'm trying to think about as I'm working out for myself as I prepare for going pro in the new year.

    Any other general tid bits about the transition to Full time pro would be nice too, apart from the usual about studying your game/ looking for leaks/ playing hands/ controlling tilt, just general things that you hadn't thought of before you went pro that might be useful for others starting out.

    Also, trip report of the trip you just took would be nice too. Hope it was enjoyable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,053 ✭✭✭jimbling

    No particular questions right now, but really enjoyed the read.
    Great well.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 161 ✭✭colquhom

    Stakes 1-2nl, you raise on the button to 7 after everyone folds to you.
    BB playing 21/18/3 with 3bet of 7% 3 bets to 22, effective stackes are 120bbs. You play about the same.
    BB is competent enough in 3 bet pots, will barrel scare cards, will mix it up slightly, i.e will check good hands some of the time so u can auto-bet like the monkey u are, etc, plays well

    How do you proceed with 99,66, q10o, q10s, jj, 87s, 34s, kjo, kjs?
    No history.

    How does ur decision change if its 150bbs+? 100bbs?

    Thanks for doing this, great well.

    Sorry if there's too many questions!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,700 ✭✭✭Van Dice

    Moneymaker wrote: »
    Hi VanDice, great read so far, real enjoyable and informative.
    Thanks. Just reread a bit of it though and it seems I'm trying to corner the market in comma usage!
    Moneymaker wrote: »
    -What advice would you give someone who's trying to improve their game? I know its a general question and all but any general advice for online cash(currently playing 50NL, moving to 100NL soon)
    It's a general question, but I don't think it's a question that can be answered with specific examples anyway. What I mean by that is the game has changed so quickly over the past couple of years that specific hand examples aren't particularly useful anyway. Well that's not entirely true - they are obviously very useful in the short-term. What I'm getting at is that the correct play now might not be the correct play in 3 months time.

    So my answer would be along the same lines as what I mentioned in an earlier reply. Obviously it helps simply knowing you should c-bet more OOP than IP, and be more willing to check back rather than c-bet a lot of hands with marginal showdown value such as Ace-high when in position . It helps a lot more to understand why this is. Once you understand the rationale behind decisions like whether or not to c-bet and the factors which have most impact on this decision, you've made a big improvement already.

    Rather than looking at a particular HH and thinking 'I should check that back', I think it's much more beneficial to think about what would need to change for you to change your decision. What would you do if your hand is slightly better or worse, if stacks were shallower or deeper, if you had raised UTG instead of on the CO, if your opponent was more aggressive or more passive, etc. That way you haven't just learned about one particular situation. You've learned about lots of them. And you've learned about how you can adjust to changing situations.

    To improve, what I try to do is read a lot of posts on forums (fora?), go over hand histories, ask people to look at hands I played, and look over my own stats from time to time. Just looking at one particular area such as all hands where I called a 3-bet in position. Then I can see whether I can improve in that area. Always the answer is yes, and luckily there are TONS of areas that I can improve in :) I know I would now disagree with a lot of what I thought about the game a year ago, and maybe even just a couple of months ago. I remember disagreeing with Ian about 3-betting KQ. Now I do it as standard.
    Moneymaker wrote: »
    -What's the most you made in one month?
    I've no idea. I try to ignore absolute $ amounts as much as possible over arbitrary timeframes. I think it's almost counterproductive to be closely monitoring account balances. It just leads to many more negative thoughts about downswings, and worrying about what every pot lost is doing to your graph. I definitely don't mean that I ignore record-keeping. It's incredibly important. I will look closely at ROIs and winrates. Once they're looking good, then $$ will take care of themselves.
    Moneymaker wrote: »
    -What level are you currently playing and do you feel you can go even higher?
    5/10 mainly, and I hope/think so. Personally I think I've gotten a lot better over the past couple of months. The people I play with probably disagree lol
    Moneymaker wrote: »
    -Are you gonna play the IO next year?
    Yes. So it's now become the €3200 added Irish Open!
    Moneymaker wrote: »
    -Have you ever seen Belle & Sebastian live?(I have, at Vicar St)
    No I haven't been to see a band in ages. I actually can't even remember what the last one was. RoundTower? long-term memory?
    Moneymaker wrote: »
    -Hottest female in poker?
    I play online, all I see are avatars! The girl who hosts the WPT is very hot though. Layla something? idk. Girls in poker get too much attention because it's such a male-dominated game

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,700 ✭✭✭Van Dice

    semibluff wrote: »
    Really enjoying the read so far.

    How do you find playing on Betfair considering the lack of traffic it gets? Do you feel that the cross sell from the Sports book, and readily available money compensates for this?
    I don't always play on betfair, it's just one of the sites I play on. It's better to play on lots of sites, much easier to select good games when you can choose between so many games. For betfair, obviously being linked directly to the sports betting website is a huge plus for the games. Like you said, the downside is the lack of traffic.
    semibluff wrote: »
    You mentioned the best players you've played against who post here, have you put any hours in against Bonkrs? Opinion?
    Terrible terrible player, can't fold AK preflop to save his life and refuses to lose all-ins. lol :D
    He's a very strong player, better than me, but he's been playing higher limits over the last few months. I haven't played a lot with him tbh, I'm def down a couple of buyins to him though. One I remember I tried to make some fancy thin CR shove with 2nd pair thinking he'd have to put me on a draw, or something like that which made sense in my head at the time but was just dumb. Epic fail hand. So don't ask him about opinions of my play!
    He's also very approachable which I think is generous, especially given he plays 11 million hands a day.
    semibluff wrote: »
    How unfortunate do you find yourself to not only be friends with a red-head, but for him also to be a forrest fan? ;)
    LOL, it really couldn't get much worse could it? Unless he had some strange accent..
    semibluff wrote: »
    Why havnt you "dabbled" into PLO yet? was it due to constantly reaching and re-determining goals in NL that you havnt deemed the challenge neccessary? or you making too much of the moniesssss to care?
    (in my humbe opinion PLO is were NL was a few years back, atleast at the small/med stakes)
    I agree, and I think I probably will. I have absolutely no idea how to play it though, so it's going to be pretty frustrating to have to learn from scratch. I don't really know why I haven't played before. Still way down the NL pecking order I guess, and it's the kind of game that you can never ever stop learning. Every time I think back at how I was 3 months previously, I think 'I was really pretty bad'. I imagine I'll think the same in February. At least I hope I will :)
    I really dislike losing though, and I know I've an obsessive personality about things. If I start playing PLO I'd probably find myself ignoring NL for a while, so it will be a tradeoff!
    semibluff wrote: »
    What would a normal poker day be for you, from gym to hours you put in etc?
    I don't really try to have a set playing routine. I prefer playing when I feel like I'll be able to focus properly. I prefer taking regular breaks, either just to stop for 5 mins and get fresh air/food or to stop for an hour and do something entirely different. I have gotten much better recently at getting in lots of hands in per day though.
    Have also gotten much better at getting exercise, probably even more important. Going for daily runs, although it's making me hate this country!
    semibluff wrote: »
    What sort of set up do you have, and what do you think is neccessary to fully utilise your time and maximise profit?
    Big monitor on the way, so it will be much better. Kinda shoddy at the moment tbh. To fully utilise time - I just try to close everything else when playing. Not use msn/internet, and just concentrate on the games. I don't always do this but try to as much as possible. When I'm doing anything really, I try to focus on it 100%.
    I also think that taking even a few minutes to look back at hands I felt I misplayed is worthwhile. It seems to me like that is always time very well spent.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,700 ✭✭✭Van Dice

    1. How much do you charge for coaching and what does a normal coaching session involve? Also do you have a waiting list? (Interested in getting some coaching in the new year)
    It depends on what level the person is playing. I have to put in a little more work if they're playing 2/4 as opposed to .25/.5. I'd like to cut back on the time I spend doing it, so I'm putting it on the back foot for now, at least for 5 or 6 weeks. In terms of what a session involves, it depends heavily on the student.
    2. What are some of the biggest leaks you see in the regs at SSNL and MSNL, and what adjustments have you made to your own game to exploit them?
    Continuation betting too much. Simple to combat this, don't fold many pairs, and increase frequencies of floating/bluffraising the flop. Which you choose depends among other things on position, and how often they bet turns.

    Not value-betting thinly enough, and checking back turns for fear of being checkraised (I still suffer from this). People rarely checkraise the turn. It's extremely rare that people checkraise bluff the turn.

    When you combine c-betting too much with not value betting thinly enough later in the hand, your barreling range becomes ridiculously weighted towards bluffs. Someone who c-bets a low flop with JJ, then checks a K turn is never going to be able to barrel that spot effectively.

    Calling too much from the blinds, playing a range of hands that's too weak with no initiative in the hand. To combat - betbetbetbetbet.

    I think calling with 22 in the blinds with 100BBs when a good 22/19 reg raises the button is just pretty dumb in today's games. You're never getting to showdown, or at least if you do manage it once you never will again. The implied odds aren't close to good enough either.
    3. What are your stats?
    Over the last few months I think 20/17. I've tried playing a little looser recently, and have been playing 26/22 over the last few weeks.
    4. What qualities do you think helped you to succeed in poker when so many others have failed?
    I think that question is better directed towards someone who's better than me, it's a little embarrassing for me to answer that. I'm not particularly high up any form of poker ranking!
    5. Do you see yourself playing the nosebleeds in the future? If so, what parts of you game do you think need improving before you get there?
    No, but if I was able to give you a proper answer to the second question, I'd revise the answer to the first one :)
    6. How many hands do you think you've played lifetime?
    Haven't a clue. I've had a number of different databases on different computers, so it's a bit all over the place.
    Thats it, thanks for doing this its been an enjoyable read.
    Thank you

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,700 ✭✭✭Van Dice

    Hi Nicky
    nicnicnic wrote: »
    What traits do you think are essential to become a top poker player
    I'll differentiate between great and successful, because I think there are some exceptionally good players who aren't very successful due to bad bankroll management/tilt/etc.

    I think a really good grasp of logic is the most important. Both for creating your own game, and being able to hand-read opponents. Related to this, I think a knowledge of psychology is vital too.

    You know when you're playing against an extremely weak-tight nit, and you're almost shaking your head at his missed value bets and passivity with strong hands? The reasons are that he is absolutely terrified at the prospect of losing a big pot, whether it's conscious or subconscious. It's the most basic type of read, but it's the trait that will factor into all their decisions. He starts fearing the worst and concentrates on minimizing losses rather than maximizing profits. He starts check-calling with AA or good top pair hands rather than betting. (I think this is why the saying 'either win a small pot or lose a big one with AA' is a self-fulfilling prophecy for some people. They might find if they started betting the hand rather than check-calling that the range of hands they get money in against gets dramatically weaker, especially in a typical loose-passive live game)

    So when you get that kind of read on a player, some idea of what kind of person/player they are, it's easier to follow what they were thinking at each point of the hand and then to make a decent assessment of what they are doing in hands you play against them. It's some combination of psychology and logic.

    Those are the two biggest things which I don't think are 'teachable' to a high level, so being strong in those areas is important.

    Obviously there are lots of other important attributes, but I think most others can be learned by most people. I'm coming to the conclusion that people who think logically are rarer than Wicklow football titles.
    nicnicnic wrote: »
    Do you bet on golf, your thoughts on golf as a punting medium
    No, I prefer playing it! I remember a couple of years ago noticing that people were really overreacting to one hole at Augusta. There's a really easy par 5 towards the end of the front 9 (the 7th I think?). It was playing especially easy that day, yet when players birdied it they were shortening quite substantially, and way more than they should have. That was a lot of fun :)
    (I remember two players around the same price - one playing this hole and the other on the 10th at the same time, they both got the same score and yet the guy on the par 5 shortened more (or drifted less, can't remember exactly). That's like saying a home draw against West Brom is more meritorious than a draw away to Chelsea.)

    I wouldn't have nearly a good enough idea of all the players to bet on someone to win a tournament though. I'd say it's a sport that's especially prone to fashionable players being badly priced. I could be way off here but I'd guess someone like Adam Scott offers shocking value compared to one of the older, shorter-hitting players.
    nicnicnic wrote: »
    Binocular for the champion hurdle ? ( get on before next Saturday imo ) I backed noland today at 17.5 for the king George, any opinion on it.
    I don't really have a strong opinion on the CH. The 5yo stat was turned over last year, but I'm not sure one 5yo win in 24 years sounds a whole lot better than none in 23. Having said that, he does look extremely talented and more likely to improve than the typical 4yo's aimed at the race. I think he's the most likely winner, but I'm not getting involved at 4/1. I don't really get involved in anything this far out, but imo Sizing Europe is the best price currently.
    It could be interesting on the day because apart from Osana, I don't think there are any other front-runners towards the head of the market. Could be something worth investigating.

    I'm a huge fan of Voy Por Ustedes. I think he's very likely to stay 3m, and I'll almost definitely side with him. I don't know about running plans for the rest - if Noland is a definite runner I'd say that's probably a good price. It's an interesting race because there are major question marks over literally every horse towards the head of the market.

    Actually that just reminded me of my favourite ever quote courtesy of Jamie Redknapp;
    "Torres was literally on fire out there today"
    Really Jamie? Really? LOL

    I would have sided with The Listener against Noland today though, exhibit A in how only the last run seems to matter to a price!
    nicnicnic wrote: »
    You mentioned the place markets on betfair, were you punting, laying or both ?, did you have any rules. I play the place markets a fair bit ( two very simple rules , no bumpers in uk and no bet kempton all weather ).
    Just trading. When those markets were just starting, with weak liquidity, they were a bit all over the place.
    The bookmaker's each-way fractions are a very amateurish way to estimate the chances to place. They don't make sense.

    Say you have a 10 runner race with 3 places, a favourite at 1/1000 and 9 others at 50/1 each. The 1/5 fractions mean the favourite is 1/5000 to place, and the others are 10/1 each to place. It's pretty obvious that the 9 others have a bigger than 10% chance each of finishing either 2nd or 3rd.

    More generally, the bigger the price, the smaller the fraction it should be to be placed. If an even money fav is 1/3 to place, maybe a 7/1 shot should be 7/5 to place. Applying the same fraction to every horse doesn't make any logical sense.
    If there are 3 runners at prices of 2/1 each, you could say each one has a 33.33% chance of finishing in any position.
    Now change it to an evs fav and two 3/1 opponents, and the distributions might now be
    fav: 1st 50% 2nd 30% 3rd 20%
    other two: first 25% 2nd 35% 3rd 40%

    And a while ago, people were very bad at realising that the distributions aren't linear and so they can't be just approximated by simply dividing the win price by 4 or 5 or whatever. I'd say what I used was almost entirely maths, but I knew enough about the sport as well to know most of the horses themselves, and what their preferences were.

    (Another aside - when Racing Demon runs and I hear EVERYONE saying confidently 'ah he needs to go right-handed' it makes me smile a little - he seems to be the only horse people realise has a preference for running clockwise or counter-clockwise. There are hundreds of them!!)

    So nothing exciting like having people in the know or figuring out that 'this is going to win today'. Just numbers!
    nicnicnic wrote: »
    You said you want to win a seven figure sum from poker, how close are you 1/2/3/4 quarter ?
    not within touching distance just yet!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,700 ✭✭✭Van Dice

    k101 wrote: »
    interesting read.

    How do you find the standard of the midstakes games (2/5 5/10) on betfair compared to other sites.
    I'd say on average about the same as other European sites, maybe a little easier. Definitely softer than the American sites.
    k101 wrote: »
    What five players who play 2/5 on betfair would you not like on your table and why?
    Players who I just don't like playing are Samanthas T because shortstackers drive me nuts. orphee, because he seems to win every pot I play v him. 1fineday seems a very solid, good player, nice guy too. I don't really have any ranking order, I just have good/bad and sit out if everyone else seems decent.
    k101 wrote: »
    What five would you like at your table also ?
    You'll have to find that out yourself!
    k101 wrote: »
    Do you datamine much ?
    not really. It's impossible to datamine on some of the sites I play on. I prefer just going off what history I have vs a particular player anyway. What people do vs me, they mightn't do against other people. Also the player pools on the sites I play on aren't huge, so I usually have some idea about most of the people I play against.
    It's better to datamine than not datamine though obv
    k101 wrote: »
    How heavily do you rely on your hm hud? Would you be comfortable playing with out it ?
    Very heavily, and it'd be very different playing without it. I would prefer if HUDs didn't exist though, because even though I'd play worse, I think I would be able to do without a HUD better than most. As things stand I think it's crazy not to utilize the amount of information they can give you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,700 ✭✭✭Van Dice

    H8GHOTI wrote: »
    Great answers so far. You don't talk enough imo :rolleyes:

    How long ago were you playing 100nl? Already answered earlier. Just re-read thread and spotted it.

    What do you put your improvement as a player down to? Probably lots of things but would you put anything in particular at the top of the list? Reading books, videos, posting hands, playing as much as possible?
    I think the most valuable things for me were finding out about poker forums, talking to people about HHs, and training sites.

    Replying to a ton of posts on a forum is really good for improvement. The ones you'll get the most out of are the ones where you look at the OP and think 'ughhhh I don't have a clue wtf he should do there'. I used to try to answer anyway, I didn't mind too much when I got slated because at least then I knew my line was wrong.
    It's not even having a thick skin, I mean who really gives a **** what random people on the internet think of you? But there are a lot of very good players among that random population, and if the price of a bit of abuse was worth hearing the correct answer, that was fine by me!

    twoplustwo is better than any book.

    Videos are all incredibly useful. I'd say any subscription you take out is well worth it. Pokerswat's line up is as good as any.
    H8GHOTI wrote: »
    You said Super System was the first book you read. Have you read many since and would you recommend any?
    Yeah I've read lots. I think time is better spent on twoplustwo though. Games change so quickly that by the time a book goes to print, a lot of it is outdated.
    Harrington on Holdem was great for me. I read that when I played SnGs and I think it's a great book in that it tried to explain thought processes behind the decisions, and in thinking through a hand. Also the author's style is probably perfect for playing online SnGs.
    Mathematics of Poker is brilliant, maybe not for everyone though.

    Actually fees on twoplustwo wrote a very good book for SSNL/MSNL.

    If you want to read something, I'd just look at that rather than go out and buy a book. I'd imagine most people would get far more from that than anything else.
    H8GHOTI wrote: »
    Have you subscriptions to many training sites and who is your favourite instructor and why?
    Yeah, I've seen lots. I think the ones I got the most out of were CTS and DogIsHead. They just explain things so well, incredibly articulate and obviously super players.
    If I was to pick one instructor to be coached by it would be Krantz though.
    H8GHOTI wrote: »
    Do you think you'll make enough from poker to afford your house with the water slide?
    With that kind of motivation... :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,700 ✭✭✭Van Dice

    pok3rplaya wrote: »
    Yearly graph?
    hands are all on different computers, so I don't know. This is the last couple of months on this laptop though, which is mostly at 2/5 and 3/6.


    edit: this is in Big Blinds rather than $

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,700 ✭✭✭Van Dice

    aidankk wrote: »
    WOA, Great read..

    Been looking at the gold Cup Market and WOA looks value at 23/1 because there is a huge gap between Denman Kauto Star (both somewhat overrated)and the rest would you think WOA's chance of coming back to near top form is better than this price (he has looked decent so far this year) given the problems with those 2 atm im thinking that a ticket at 23/1 on gold cup day might look pretty nice..

    I hope so, but I don't think so. I also think he's not particularly likely to shorten, given his aversion to soft ground which is what he's going to see between now and March.
    I do believe he could have been seriously good had he stayed injury free :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,700 ✭✭✭Van Dice

    whew, almost there!
    Ste05 wrote: »
    Very nice Well VD, most enjoyable

    Couple of simple fun ones:

    Favourite Animal,
    Favourite Food Type,
    Favourite Restaurant,
    Favourite Country to live in bar Ireland

    Did you play any sports when you were younger/ now
    (ignore any that have been asked before)
    These are not simple!
    As a pet I'd prefer a cat to a dog, I'm the only person I know who thinks like that though. Their independence appeals to me I think.
    Sloths crack me up too.

    Thai food is the nuts, Italian second.
    The nicest restaurant I've been in is Il Mulino, it's an Italian restaurant in Las Vegas. Unbelievably good.

    Favourite country, I'm not quite sure. I used to love pictures of Madagascar when I was a kid, not so sure now though. I really like Ireland, but the climate is just too miserable for it ever to be the best place to live. If you know the answer to this one, tell me!

    Ste05 wrote: »
    Finally, I see you generally like to get up around 9 and are generally in bed by 12, this lead me to a general wonderment regarding to how you schedule your time and generally how you approach your profession. So I was wondering a few things, do you play when you feel like it during the week, or do you have a set schedule,
    i.e. Monday to Friday, Play X:00 - X:00, break, Play X:00 - X:00, break, Play X:00 - X:00, finish for the day. Or do you just have general hand/hour targets for the week/ month that you just fit in when you're feeling fresh and in the right frame of mind, or do you just play when you need money??
    It's not a schedule, but what it generally works out as is me playing for 50 mins or so, then taking a short break, play for another 50 mins, then go and do something different. Repeat until I don't feel like playing any more, or I have something else I'd like to do.
    I don't have any hands/month targets, because I think that would lead to me playing when I don't really feel like playing. I know from experience I never play well when I'm playing for any reason other than 'god I really want to play now'. The times I've played best are often after reading a poker strategy post or watching a video, and being really eager to try out something which struck me as very good in the article/video.
    So I'd say I play when I'm feeling fresh, focused and motivated.
    I take regular breaks because I think it's difficult to maintain focus over very long sessions.

    Ste05 wrote: »
    Which leads me onto my next question, if you have a set schedule, or hand/hour targets (which I assume you do) what do you do if you just don't think you should play a certain day, be it for tilt reasons, not being in the right frame of mind, tired, etc. etc. etc. do you just not play and make the time/ hands up later or do you just write it off??
    Just don't play. Tomorrow has never yet failed to arrive.

    Ste05 wrote: »
    It's something I'm trying to think about as I'm working out for myself as I prepare for going pro in the new year.

    Any other general tid bits about the transition to Full time pro would be nice too, apart from the usual about studying your game/ looking for leaks/ playing hands/ controlling tilt, just general things that you hadn't thought of before you went pro that might be useful for others starting out.
    Well, playing professionally wasn't a conscious decision. I'd also be reluctant to call myself a pro, because it's not what I intend to do with my life.
    Not playing isn't ever a bad decision, it's something I wish I'd learned earlier. If I don't think I'm going to be able to play my best, not playing at all is the best decision.
    Good luck with whatever you decide to do though.
    Sent you a PM
    Ste05 wrote: »
    Also, trip report of the trip you just took would be nice too. Hope it was enjoyable.
    I went to England with a few friends for a couple of days. Messy would sum it up best, and I'm not sure if they'd appreciate a trip report haha!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,700 ✭✭✭Van Dice

    colquhom wrote: »
    Stakes 1-2nl, you raise on the button to 7 after everyone folds to you.
    BB playing 21/18/3 with 3bet of 7% 3 bets to 22, effective stackes are 120bbs. You play about the same.
    BB is competent enough in 3 bet pots, will barrel scare cards, will mix it up slightly, i.e will check good hands some of the time so u can auto-bet like the monkey u are, etc, plays well

    How do you proceed with 99,66, q10o, q10s, jj, 87s, 34s, kjo, kjs?
    No history.

    Ok, this is exactly the sort of problem that you can deal with away from the table rather than trying to decide on the fly while you're playing. There is no definitive answer, but instead I'll try to answer with some of the factors that should influence your decision.

    First, his 3bet of 7% is an average across all positions. So when you raise on the button, and he reraises from the BB, the percentage is bigger than 7%. Just say for this example it's 10%.

    Then your next problem is assigning him a range. Some people 3-bet very polarized ranges, while others 3-bet more balanced ones including hands like 88. Against people with the polarized 3-bet ranges, you can 4-bet bluff a lot. They just won't have enough good hands in their range that they can shove for value.

    Off on a tangent, if you're 4-betting, you can make it 52.

    [I'm NOT saying any of these ranges or assumptions are correct in this example, just giving an example of how you can think about a situation on paper]

    Anyway, you make it 52. So you're risking 45 more to win 30. Assume he either shoves or folds. If he folds to your 4-bet 60% of the time, you break even on the bluff. If his shoving range is JJ+, AK - that's 3% of hands. So if he's 3-betting more than 7.5% [3%/40%], you can 4-bet any two profitably. Those ranges won't hold exactly true for most people, and obviously if you start 4-betting any two, he will notice and adjust.

    Also, try to 4-bet bluff hands with an ace in them, because of card removal.

    Anyway some factors that should influence your decision:

    He's made his 3-bet size quite small. You should call more often.

    How often does he c-bet in RR pots? The higher this is, the more apt you should be to both slowplay monsters preflop, and also shove flops as bluffs. Against players who 3-bet a lot and c-bet too much, rather than 4-bet bluffing you should be much more inclined to call their 3-bet and bluff-shove flops. When choosing hands to do this with, think what his calling range of your flop shove will be, and try to select hands with some equity. Overcards with backdoor flush draws, gutshots, etc.

    Does he check-fold a lot in RR pots?
    Does he fire a c-bet and then give up?
    What does he think of your hand strength in RR pots?

    Those are just some of the things to think about, not everything.

    Well, maybe to be specific on one of the hands, I don't think you should do anything other than call with 99. And a lot of the hands you listed are going to be extremely difficult to play profitably. You should probably be folding most of the time with them.
    colquhom wrote: »
    How does ur decision change if its 150bbs+? 100bbs?
    The deeper it is, the more frequently I call. The more you call, the weaker your hand is, but this is compensated for by having positional advantage with deep stacks.
