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Patto's Rapid Fat Loss

  • 05-12-2008 8:02pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭

    I have started a blog.

    Ok, let the madness begin. I am going on a 12 day protein sharing modified fast (PSMF). You what?

    For 12 days I will be eating nothing but 374g of protein, a dozen fish oil capsules, as many veg as I can handle and a few other essentials like salt, and various vitamins and minerals.

    This will give me a total of about 1600 calories per day. My normal maintenance level is 3200 calories per day. That is a 1600cal daily deficit in theory. Realistically, due to metabolic slowdown, reduced exercise and a few other factors, it will be more like a 1200-1400 deficit which should see me loose a pound of body fat every third day. So I should end up at my current weight which is 212Lb minus 4lb to 208lb without loosing any muscle, going from about 12% body fat to about 10%.

    Ok, I have to give the obligatory warning i.e. don't try this at home. Dieting like this is dangerous if you don't know what you are doing. I'm not going to explain the theory of the diet because I'd make a balls of it and anyway if you read Lyle McDonald's book "Rapid fat loss" you will get all the nitty gritty. The details of this diet are very subjective. As such this diet is specific to my age, height, weight, body fat, excercise levels and the number of meals I eat in a day. Please don't borrow anything from this blog, do the research first.

    So why am I doing this? Its pretty simple really, playing football at just over 15 stone I am carrying about 25lb of fat on a free ride around a field for an hour. Try running one lap with just 10lbs on your back, then take it off and run another lap you'll know what I mean. Ideally I need to be in the 6%-8% bodyfat window for my sport and especially given the position I play (midfield). Not to mention my old age. Added to that loosing weight slowly and training on a small deficit is a killer and if you want to bulk up muscle wise at the same time its almost impossible.

    I am also curious. I have never in my life really counted calories. If I were to estimate how much chicken it takes to eat 30g of protein I could easily be out by a mile. I am going to have to start weighing everything. Having just read Lyle's book a few things have become apparent to me already. 1. I don't eat enough protein. I should be eating 280g of protein per day on my maintenance diet. I'd say I check in at around 180-200g most days and that is probably better than most. 2. I eat too many carbs. I kind of get away with it though, I reckon I have pretty good insulin sensitivity. 3. I reckon eating like I currently do my bodyfat is pretty much regulated at its current level. I would not be able to maintain a lower body fat eating carbs like I do. 4. Getting lean protein and enough of it into every meal is bloody difficult even with supplements. I'm going to have to rethink this one. Looks like I am going to have to preprepare food every day or at the weekend. I'd like to limit supplements to post workout and emergencies only.

    That's it for post 1. I'm going to throw up the before and after pics. I'm also going to do a few strength tests before and after to make sure I haven't lost any muscle/strength. I'll log what I eat and my exercise and my observations and moans.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Weight 212Lb

    Body Fat: 6-8mm on body fat calipers. Usually I take the same measurement an inch above my hip bone about 10 times. The measurement can vary depending how much pressure and how quickly you apply pressure to the calipers. It can also vary depending how you are pinching your skin. I'm very used to doing this and have a good feel for it. I'll score it a 7mm. which is about 10%.

    Realistically that is a generous score. For example on those impedance scales I score more like 20%. I'll throw up some picture and maybe someone will give me an educated guess. I reckon I'm more like 12-14%.
    The pictures are up on the blog:

    The supplements arrived yesterday.

    4x5lb boxes of Muscle milk from Worked out at about €52 for 5lb which is about €8 less than the best deal I can get in the supplement stores here. Muscle milk is my stable, I use a scoop in the morning and 2 scoops after training religiously. Will sells this stuff too, I must check out how Will's prices compare.

    1000x1g Fish oil capsules from for €35 which is about a tenth of what you will be asked to pay in a health food store.

    And 5lb of milk protein concentrate (MP) from for €35. I've never see this stuff for sale anywhere else. Its one of the things Lyle mentions in his book. Its a slower acting protein so it should keep me fuller for longer. I tried a glass of it. It is unflavoured so it tasted rotten. Like super concentrated fat free milk. I added have a scoop of muscle milk, that improved things dramatically. MP has a much heavier texture than whey protein and it mixes better.

    Testing and Measuring
    On Wednesday I did a 300M row 10 times with 60 sec between intervals at 1:35/500M pace. Then rested for 5 minutes spinning the wheels of an exercise bike. I repeated this 3 times. Total 9000M in 30 intervals of 300M. It was the second worst experience of my life on a rowing machine. I won't be doing anything like this for the next two weeks and I don't miss it either.

    Anyway, I took a few measurements.
    Waist: 36.5in
    This includes at least 3in of spare tyre. I'm hoping to see this number drop to maybe 35in.

    Bicep: 14.25in
    I don't have big arms and I don't store much fat on my arms so this number should stay the same.

    Strength Tests
    I was in the gym tonight. I did a few strength tests. Without going into too much detail on this its important to remember that strength isn't all about size. Concieveably I could maintain my strength levels and even loose a small amount of muscle mass. Or I could maintain my muscle mass and loose strength. Strength is a combination of efficient neural pathways, or to put it another way, practice and an efficient technique, and size. If I can't maintain lifting intensity I may loose practice a little, or, if I over do it I may start burning into my own muscle. It will be interesting to see what happens.

    Anyway the strength tests
    Inverted rows: 28 in 60 seconds (That was 5 more than my previous best)
    Pressups: 36 in 60 seconds (That was an embarrassment, only 1 more than my previous best)
    3RM chin up: 97Kg+17.5Kg
    I didn't do any lower body tests
    Trap bar deadlift: 180Kg (about 6 weeks ago, this number needs to be heading towards 200Kg pretty soon).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Day 1 Saturday
    Weight (210lb) Sunday morning.

    Not a good start. I eat some dodgy coleslaw last night and started my fast with a dodgy stomach, lovely. I'll spare the detail.

    An omlette with 4 eggs, about 300g of ham, onions and celery. 5g Fish Oils. It took ages to eat.

    Mid morning (during workout)
    1 scoop of Muscle milk and 1 scoppe of whey.

    Post workout
    Tuna Salad with some half fat cheese

    3 scops of Milk protein and 1/2 scoop of Musle Milk

    300g of Steak and a sause with half a tin of tomatoos, garlic, onions and mushrooms. A few pices of brocoli.
    This wasn't bad actually.

    Dinner 2
    300g of Steak. 5g of fish oils.

    Another 3 scoops of Milk protein

    Todays workout was a fairly heavy session. I'll take it while I have the energy.
    2x1000M rowing @2min/500M
    Mobility stuff
    Sumo Deadlift w/u to 100Kg the 5x5 @120Kg
    Step ups 40Kg 3x5
    Rollouts 3x15
    Mobility stuff
    Bench Press w/u to 60Kg then 70Kg 5x5. Don't know what was gong on. I should be lifting 80s here.
    Inverted rows 3x10
    Bicep curls 30Kg 5x10
    Back extension 3x15

    Day 2 - Sunday
    Weight 208Lb (Monday Morning)

    I'm not going to log my daily food each day quite simply because it doesn't vary much and I'm finding it boring I don't want to inflict that on anyone else.

    My jaws and teeth are sore from eating meat. I went through a whole chicken, half a leg of lamb, a lump of cheese, a slab of salmon and 2 protein shakes today.

    I think I might be following the wrong protocol also. Lyle separates the fat loss program into 3 categories. I had thought I was in category 1 which is the leanest category. Seems as Lyle has put me at 16-18% I'm now thinking I'm sitting just outside category 1 in category 2.

    Category 2 would give me a bigger deficient and I wouldn't have to eat so much meat. I'm having no issues with hunger or energy at the moment. I've sent a query to Lyle.

    My weight is down 4 lb to 208lb. That is pure water loss from the depletion of my glycogen stores.

    I had a bit of Doms today but nothing out of the ordinary.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    I've put some pics on the blog
    feel free to go in and let me know how fat you think I am:o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Day 3 Monday
    Weight 208 (Tuesday Morning) no change.

    Well, on Lyles advise I have reclassified myself as a category 2 dieter for a week or two at least. That means I drop from 375g of protein a day to 225g. I also get a 5 hour refeed on Saturday which is great.

    One of my concerns doing this diet was what my energy levels and concentration would be like at work. Monday was grand, no issues with hunger, energy or concentration. I cycle to work, it felt no different to normal. I drank about 10 cups of coffe all the same.

    Tuesday, December 9, 2008

    Day 4 Tuesday
    Weight ? (i'll post in the morning)

    I have been taking this Milk protein stuff in the morning. Along with preparing two subsequent meals, it takes too long to eat 50g of chicken and a heap of veg first thing. Its great stuff. Keeps me going until lunchtime.

    Got caught on the hop a little today. The canteen food wasn't as plentful today. I was cut a little short on the protein and the salads and veg, either had a bit too much dressing or included some of the banned veg i.e. sweet corn and carrots. I'm eating too much salmon too which is quite a fatty fish.

    2k row 2min/500M
    70kg squats x3x8
    Natural reverse hypers x3x8
    single leg Planks x2 60sec (I like these not only are they a good progression but they are a great hip stretch)
    Plank with 20kg 60sec
    Chins (nautral grip) bwx3x8
    DB Bench 27.5kgx3x8
    Reverse curls x3x15
    Arms 40Kgx3x8

    Supped on a carb drink during the workout which gave me about 30g of carbs.

    This is a lower volume and much lower intensity than I'm used to. Did a lot of mobiliy, stretching and soft tissue (foam roll) stuff with the spare time. I feel great, again no issue with energy and strength is fine. This is like a deload, I'm actually feeling better than I normally would. The way this is going I think I might run this diet right to the 25th and refeed good and propper on Christmas day. I bet I speak too soon:p

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,213 ✭✭✭SoWatchaWant

    Cool. Good luck, I'll be keeping an eye on this thread.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Day 5 Wednesday
    Weight 208Lb (no move for 3 days now)

    I'm not sure what is going on. I presume I am due a big woosh any day now.

    I'm Still feeing good, no issues with energy or focus. This really isn't too bad at all.

    I've noticed that my bowls are slowing down big time.

    Day 6 Thursday

    Today for the first time I began to feel quite tired in the afternoon. I think that was mostly due to the gaps between meals though. Still bunged up and I don't think my weight has dropped much today either. I'm really counting on that woosh effect now.

    Tonights session was short and easy but I felt strong.

    2Km row @2min/500m HR max 153
    Chest supported Scap rows 50kgx3x15
    RDLs 80kgx3x10 (These were really easy)
    Side planks 2 each side x 60 sec
    Dips BWx3x8
    One arm bent over rows 40x3x8 (per hand)
    Shoulder presses 20x2x8 (pain in right front delt)
    Split squats 50kgx3x8
    Natural reverse hypers x3x10

    Went out for a few drinks (waters) with some collegues. Its funny when I told a few of the lads I was reducing my body fat they all thought I was nuts. I suppose because of my height I always look slim. Its never an easy one to explain, and the explanation get completely lost on most people. One guy told me I need to start lifting weights instead of loosing weight.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,021 ✭✭✭Al_Fernz

    Patto wrote: »
    I've noticed that my bowls are slowing down big time.

    This link will help with this :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    My weight this morning was 205Lb. That is -3lb in one day after 3 days with no move. I've no idea why, maybe it was all the water I was drinking last night.

    Its been a long week. It hasn't been that tough just long. In ways its been easier than a normal week. I don't miss the mind bending conditioning sessions on the rower that is for sure. By backing off the weights I've given my body a bit of a rest too. I really was expecting this diet to be way way tougher.

    I was delighted to finally see the scales drop off a few pounds this morning.

    I get a 5 hour refeed tomorrow which I am looking forward to.

    So one week in, 7Lb down in total, at a guess about 4lbs of that is pure water loss. Going on those numbers I should be down to 202lb next Friday. I'll see how I feel then and decide if I want to run right into the 25th. If I stop next Saturday which was the original plan I'll end up at about 206lb which would be around 13% body fat.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Weight 205Lb, on Saturday morning before refeed (No Change)

    Today I got a 5 hour refeed which lasted about 7 hours. I had porridge, a hugh smoothy with 50g of protein and I shared 4 eggs with my 2 year old son. He eat 3 I reckon.

    Then to the gym. I did a long but handy enough session

    2k row @2min/500 153 Hr Max
    A bit of mobilty stuff, over and unders, reverse lunges with a twist
    Sumo DL 110x3x8
    Rollouts 3x15
    Lunges 60Kg x3x8
    More mobility stuff, some YTWs and scap retractions on the seated row
    Bench 70x5 (no hand off), then 70x2x8 with a hand off. Its crazy a decent hand off gives me 3 extra reps. I felt like I could have benched 100kg for a few reps with the setup I had on the last set.
    Inverted rows 3x10 I must start progressing these again.
    Back extensions 3x15

    I felt fine in the gym. I'm quite happy with my strength. My hamstrings are in bits from the rdls on Thursday. So much for giving the legs a rest.

    Anyway on with the refeed. I had a post workout shake with 2 scoops of Mulcle milk and a scoop of whey. Then for lunch I had a 12oz steak with chips, onions and pepper sauce. For the whole afternoon I was like a new man. Apparently this has something to do with hormone production, on a diet like this certain hormones slow down quite a bit. When you refeed they all kick back in. I hadn't really noticed much difference during the week, I suppose becuase it is a gradual process but when you refeed you really feel it.

    I was back up to 210Lbs going to bed. Up 5Lbs in a day. That was expected, its all water from the glycogen restoration. It also puts things in perspective, I'm down about 2-3 Lbs overall which is about where I should be.

    I tooks some pics at 210lb tonight. There is no major visable difference. It only accounts for 1% body fat so I'm not going to get too hung up on that. I should be back down to 204 or 205 on Tuesday. I think I'll take another photo then to see if there is a big difference.

    The bowls and the bowels have sorted themselves out. Well, I don't think there was much wrong to be honest. I think its more that there just isn't enough waste going into them. Its amazing how little your body wasteage there is in, whatever it is, 20 odd chickens I have eaten in the last week. I'm kind of thinking I may have added some muscle in the last week. I'm not sure that is even possible. I must ask Lyle and I'll throw up some pics from the back so you can judge for yourself.

    Checkout the blog I put up a few before and after pics

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Weight 206lb (down 4lbs on reefed weight but still 1lb above zero carb weight)

    Looks like it takes nearly 3 days for me to strip off the glycogen. I should be back to base i.e. 204 or 205, tomorrow.

    It was a litle bit tougher going back to the diet this week after Saturdays refeed. I suppose its easier when you have kind of forgotton what you were missing. Still yesterday was fine, its not anything like as bad as the day after a heavy lifting session or a speed session where you are completey bonked with fatigue or its not as bad as when you don't eat for 6 or 8 hours, its not anything like as bad as the sugar cravings you get 45 minutes after drinking a can of coke. Its actually not too bad at all.

    Anyway, Sunday was grand, I eat a lot of steak which is very filling but it adds up calorie and cost wise when you are going through a couple of kilos a week. I think chicken is a wise staple.

    I made a veg soup of sorts too. It was horid. I drank it over two days. I had to hold my nose in the end just to drink it. That was just a bit of needless suffering really. I shouldn't have made so much of the bloody stuff. Its done great things for my bowels all the same.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Weight 204Lb (That is 1lb down on my prerefeed weight)

    That was maybe a bit gererous it was somewhere between 204 and 205. 203 is 14 and a half stone. That would be a nice milestone to hit tomorrow. It would be great to get down to 200Lb by the end of the week. This rapid fat loss it starting to feel like a very slow process. I suppose its a bit like the watched kettle.

    Yesterday was grand, starting to feel more and more drained, doing a lot of slouching on beds and couches at home. Maybe I do that anyway, I dunno. Drank way too much coffee yesterday. I felt fit for bed by 8pm, went to bed at 10pm and didn't sleep until 1.30am.

    I'm quite busy in work. And its not a bother. In fact its grand, my focus on work is very good. And given that it only takes about 10 minutes to eat my preprepared lunch I can work right through. There is no 3pm slump or anything like that and the coffee and green tea does a good job staving off the drained feeling.

    I often wonder if I am doing something wrong. Should I be loosing weight quicker and should I be feeling worse?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Weight 203Lb on the button. A very nice milestone to hit.

    Only 3 days left, It would be great to get one last woosh down to 200. I'd take 201 now though.

    I think for the first time I can really see and feel the fat loss. My waist is in to below 36" (from 36.5"), I'm seeing 5mm (from 7mm) scores now on the calipers so I have definitely dropped a significant amount of body fat. I hope it shows up well on the pics I take on Saturday. I'll do a prerefeed and post refeed pic I think.

    I think it is safe to say I am now at the lowest body fat level of my adult life, at the age of 32. I have twice dropped big chunks of weight previously. In 2001, my best year on the football pitch, I went down to 14 stone in the summer. I just became a smaller version of myself though, I lost as much muscle as I did fat. Ditto in early 2007 when I trained for the Ballycotton 10. Again I went down to 14 stone, when I went back to the gym I couldn't squat 60Kg having previously squatted 80s for reps.

    I was in the gym last night, it was a long but decent session. My strength is still good. I did a lot of soft tissue work. Its amazing the lack of tension and soreness in my legs now, looks like I needed a break from the high intensity training anyway.

    2k row 2min/500M
    80kg squats x3x8
    Natural reverse hypers x3x8
    single leg Planks x2 60sec
    Plank with 20kg 60sec
    Chins (nautral grip) bwx3x8
    DB Bench 30kgx3x6
    Reverse curls x3x15
    Arms 30Kgx3x12

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Weight 203 (No change)

    Its funny, and maybe very obvious but the weight drops seem to co-inside with my bowel movements. I'm expecting one today so there should be another drop tomorrow.:o

    Yesterday was fine. I had to miss out on the annual Christmas dinner in work but that was no big deal really. There will be another one next year. Another work night out last night, I left as things were getting a bit messy, I can't say I enjoyed it that much to be honest. That is probably the hardest thing about the diet.

    I've learned a few things on this diet. I always thought I was a carb type. Now, I'm not so sure, I seem to function very well on a high protein diet. After the diet I will leave my protein intake as it, at about 225g a day. 225x4=900cal.

    Another thing I've learned is that I am too complacent with my fat intake. I'll increase my fat intake to 80g. That is not a lot so I need to watch it. 80x9=720cal.

    Then I will vary my carb intake on a per day basis depending how much exercise I am doing. My average will work out at about 300g. 300x4=1200cal.

    So the total would be 900+720+1200=2820cal. I'll have to play with the carb intake to see where I am as regards maintenance, bulking and deficit levels. I suppose I should read Lyles UD2.0 book, to nail this down properly. I've been making a balls of it for long enough.

    The other thing I need to sort out is what to do next. I'll be 206Lb @12-13% at the end of this. I could do with going down to 200 and 10%. I also need to get my strength up to Will's benchmarks the main one being a 200Kg Trap bar deadlift and I'm only a few weeks away from that I reckon. My bench needs a lot of work, it needs to go from 100Kg to 115 or 120 but that is going to take a full year Realistically. My back is a strong as it needs to be. I think that is even obvious looking at the pictures I posted, I look a lot bigger from behind, I think. I also have long limbs so I'm never going to have an enormous bench. Then I need to look at my power development and my general conditioning. I'm gonna leave all that to the expert. I'll see the Will next week, I'll probably be no wiser then but I'm in good hands ;-)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Weight 203Lb (No bloody change)

    I've only one more weigh in before a full refeed. Heres hoping for more woosh down to 200 or 201.

    Yesterday was fairly uneventfull. I did drink a shed load of coffee. I actually bough caffiene tables before starting the diet. I didn't use a single one. I reckon there is alos a fair bit of caffiene in green tea so I have been well topped up all along.

    Did a session in the gym. I designed this session myself. The idea is to target my weak hamstrings and get the glutes going. There are 3 hip dominant movements (RDLs, Split squats and the NRHs) I had Doms in my hamstrings for 5 days last week. I'll see how it goes this week, I think I'll adapt this week but maybe its a little too much focus on one area. The side planks, Dips and shoulder presses I put in because I haven't done them for so long. I want to see how my dodgy right shoulder responds to the shoulder pressing too. The chest supported scap rows were to work on a weakness in my middle and lower traps that is now alomost sorted.

    2Km row @2min/500m HR max 153
    Chest supported Scap rows 50kgx4x15
    RDLs 90kgx4x8 (These fine, need to watch my low back is staying straight)
    Side planks 3 each side x 60 sec
    Dips BWx3x8
    One arm bent over rows 40x3x8 (per hand)
    Shoulder presses 20x3x8 (pain in right front delt, I need to get it sorted, its from lifing my son, he will only let me hold him on my right hand side)
    Split squats 50kgx3x8
    Natural reverse hypers x3x10

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Have a look at some before and after Pics
    212Lb (Fully Carbed up) on the 5th of December
    203Lb (Zero Carbs) on the 20th of December

    Weight 203lb (No change for the fourth day in a row, I don't bloody believe it)

    I reckon I'm due a woosh. I won't see it now as my weight will go up 4 or 5Lb today with the refeed. I had hoped to end up at 206Lb which would be down 6Lb overall. That might still be possible. I'll know by Monday morning when I see what you weight normalises back to.

    Yesterday was alright. A tough last day. I really wanted a glass of wine last night after a busy week in work. I'll have a few tonight anyway, I figure I have probably earned it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Weight 209Lb +6Lb (after refeed)
    Saturday and Sunday were refeed days and by God did I refeed. I think I probably overdid it in fact. My weight this morning was 209lb thats -3lb overall.

    My weight should settle down over the next couple of days at 207 or 208lb.

    I went to the gym on Sunday and redid the two strength tests.

    I scored 36 again for 60 sec pressups. No Change.
    I scored 27 on the 60 second inverted rows. which is -1. I actually attempted 30 but fell short 3 times so I just made a bit of a balls of it.

    I also took some measurements last night. My waist was 36 1/16 my arms were 14 1/8.
    So I lost nearly 1/2 and inch off my waist and 1/8 of an inch off my arms.

    On the calipers I'm now getting measurements from 4mm-6mm down from 6-8mm which is a big difference.

    I have to say I'm a little bit bewildered. I had hoped to loose a few pounds more but then again I did loose 3 or 4 lb, my strength is still in tact and all the right measurements droped as they should have.

    I'll take one more set of pics tonight and that will be it for this blog.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    I've started another 2 week PSMF block. I've also streamlined things a bit, or I've just got lazy, and I'm just updating my progress in one post on the blog.. I think the one post idea makes it much easier to follow and to see progress

    I'll probably just post closing stats here next Sunday and that will be it.

    I'm going to cycle onto a diet called UD2.0 once this block is finished.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    I've read the book and I have a plan.

    I can't follow the process exactly as Lyle outlined in his book but this is what my plan will look like. My primary focus is to lose about 6lb over the next 6 weeks using the UD2.0 diet and then to go to maintenance.

    This will take a week or two to dial in propperly so I'll need to set and reset the carb/fat/protein intakes as I go. I should have the depletion settings nailed already from the PSMF already.

    So the plan:

    Monday: 1hr lunch time power session. Followed by a post work out shake, then I'm into hard Dieting and Glycogen depletion for 4 days.

    Tuesday: Football training or rowing intervals followed by depletion session in the gym as required.

    Wednesday: Diet hard

    Thursday: Pre workout carb drink. Starting with 50g Carb drink. Football training or rowing intervals. Maybe do some weights in the gym if I'm able.

    Friday: Luchtime Tension session in the gym which will then kick off a day carb load through to Saturday evening.

    Saturday: Mostly carb loading.

    Sunday: Maintenance carorie intake, Football Match or Power session in the gym.

    UD2.0 week 1
    Week one snapshot:
    Starting weight: 206Lb
    Final Weight: 206Lb
    Max carb load weight: 209lb
    Min Depletion weight: 201lb

    The week went like this
    Monday: PSMF, Rest, 206lb
    Tuesday: PSMF, Conditioning and Depletion
    Wednesday: PSMF, Rest
    Thursday: PSMF, Conditioning session
    Friday: PSMF Am, Carb load PM, Tension session, 201lb AM, 206Lb PM
    Saturday: Carb Load, Rest, 209lb PM
    Sunday: Maintenance, Match. 206lb (Monday AM)

    The carb load worked as in I got 1300g of carbs into me in 30 hours from Fri noon. I eat too much junk and too much gluten. I managed to get 250g of fat in during the carb load which was about 200g more than planned. I'll dial that in better next week.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    I've gotten very lazy at updating this blog, I also mislaid my boards password for a few weeks.

    Anyway, I've not been at all lazy as regards dieting. I'm now on my 8th week of clinical dieting since early December. 4 weeks of PSMF and this is my 4th week of UD2.0. I started at 212lb (normal morning weight) and now I'm down to about (203lb normal morning weight and semi creatine loaded). I started taking creatine again two weeks ago to improve my carb loading, I repond profoundly to creatine so during the loading phase the creatine weight gain more than masks the fat loss. I set two PRs last week in the gym, I box squatted 110x3x3 and chined bw+20+clothes = 115x3x3. So I've lost no strength at all. At the moment I'm at around 10% BF I'll keep this going for this week and another two weeks. That will just about bring me into single digits. I'm not sure what I will do then. My sport is gaelic football and I play in a central position so the low body fat gives me a lot of bang for my buck. I need to work on my power and speed development and my bench press could do with being 20kg better, I'll need to stop the dieting and focus on these weaknesses during the season also.

    UD2.0 week 2

    Week Two snapshot:
    Starting weight: 206Lb
    Final Weight: 204Lb
    Max carb load weight: 210lb
    Min Depletion weight: 200lb

    The week went like this
    Monday: PSMF, Power lifting session, 206lb
    Tuesday: PSMF, Football Training, 203lb
    Wednesday: PSMF, Rest, 202lb
    Thursday: PSMF, Football Training, 200lb
    Friday: PSMF AM, Carb load PM, Tension session, 200lb AM, 206Lb PM
    Saturday: Carb Load, Football Training, 204lb AM, 210lb PM
    Sunday: Maintenance, Rest, 204lb (Monday AM)

    The carb load worked as in I got 1300g of carbs into me in 30 hours from Fri noon. I still managed to eat 165g of Fat and I eat a lazagne, a breakfast roll and a Pizza which filled me full of wind, I have serious issues with gluten. Gotta get the fat levs down below 100g and cut out the gulten. I used creatine as part of the carb load. It appears to give an extra bit of crab loading alright. I'll get a better idea over the next few weeks. Looks like I'm on track for loosing 1lb a week.

    UD2.0 week 3

    Week Three snapshot:
    Starting weight: 204Lb
    Final Weight: 204Lb
    Max carb load weight: 209lb
    Min Depletion weight: 201lb

    The week went like this
    Monday: PSMF, Power lifting session, 204lb
    Tuesday: PSMF, Football Training, 202lb
    Wednesday: PSMF, Rest, 201lb
    Thursday: PSMF, Football Training, 202lb
    Friday: PSMF AM, Carb load PM, Tension session, 202lb AM, 206Lb PM
    Saturday: Carb Load, Football Training, 204lb AM, 209.4lb PM
    Sunday: Maintenance, Rest, 206lb (204lb Monday AM)

    I didn't count the carbs on the carb load this time. I didn't deplete as much this week either. I don't know why. I'm not super strick on the dietery carbs and I'm not doing huge depletion sessions in the gym either. I reckon the creatine is having an affect also. I should be depleting to 199 or 198 at this stage so the creatine has given me 2 or 3lb of weight gain already. This will probably continue and should max out in week 4 or 5. I should see a measurable weight loss in week 6. I set PRs on the squat and chins on Monday so the creatine is having an effect in the gym also.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    UD2.0 week 4

    Week Three snapshot:
    Starting weight: 206Lb
    Final Weight: 206.6Lb
    Max carb load weight: 214lb
    Min Depletion weight: 200lb

    The week went like this
    Monday: PSMF, Power lifting session, 206lb
    Tuesday: PSMF, Football Training, 203lb
    Wednesday: PSMF, Rest, 202lb
    Thursday: PSMF, Football Training, 200lb
    Friday: PSMF AM, Carb load PM, Tension session, 202lb AM
    Saturday: Carb Load, Football Training, 205lb AM, 214lb PM
    Sunday: Maintenance, Football Training, 209lb (206.6lb Monday AM)

    I had a serious carb load this week. I reckon it wasn't all carbs either. I just eat a sh!t load of everything on Saturday. Depleted to my lowest ever which was 200lb. Its like another barrier I cannot break. The last one was 203lb. I reckon I am still adding more creatine weight than loosing bodt fat. I am getting leaner but its not showing on the scales. I'll put some pics up at the end of next week.

    Its funny, if you look at the first 4 weeks it looks like I'm running to stand still. I should see 2 things in the next two weeks. When I take pics I should see a difference over the 6 weeks even if the numbers on the scales remain the same. The other thing I should see is once my creatine levels have saturated I should start seeing fat loss on the scales.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,606 ✭✭✭Jumpy

    Whats your body fat percentage?

    Also, kudos for the fish oil tablet bargain.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Jumpy wrote: »
    Whats your body fat percentage?

    Also, kudos for the fish oil tablet bargain.

    Realistically I reckon I'm just about heading for 10%, that is based on my look in the mirror and guestimate method. Which is probably as accurate as I can be.

    According to my calipers I'm about 5-6%. Which is BS. I'll post pics next week and send them the Lyle Mc Donald that is the definitive as far as I'm concerned.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,606 ✭✭✭Jumpy

    Well if you really were 5-6% that might point to why its so hard to drop weight. Would your power lifting sessions be simply packing more on?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Week Three snapshot:
    Starting weight: 206.6Lb
    Final Weight: 205Lb
    Max carb load weight: 209lb
    Min Depletion weight: 201lb

    The week went like this
    Monday: PSMF, Power lifting session, 206.6lb
    Tuesday: PSMF, Gym conditioning session, 204lb
    Wednesday: PSMF, Rest, 204lb
    Thursday: PSMF, Gym Conditioning session, 202lb
    Friday: PSMF AM, Carb load PM, Tension session, 201lb AM
    Saturday: Carb Load, Football Training, 205lb AM, 209lb PM
    Sunday: Maintenance, Football Training, 206lb (205lb Monday AM)

    I never fully blew off last weekends carb load last week. It was more than just carb load so I held back a bit this weekend sticking more strictly to carbs. I think I am fully creatine loaded now. I'm begining to see drops on the scales again, this week, which would indicate that I'm just seeing fat loss as opposed to creatine gain and fat loss. I'm setting PRs on my main lifts every time I go to the gym. Even last Friday (Bench 90x3x2) when I was after 4 days of hard dieting and again yesterday (Chins bw+22.5x3) the day after a hard football match. I reackon I've gain 5kg on my bench in the last 3 weeks which is about 3 months worth of normal gains. I put that 100% down to creatine. The way I understand creatine to work I expect to see these gains continue for another 4-6 weeks without any further weight significant gain.

    One week to go. Then loads of testing and pics. I'm going to leave the dieting at that. Its way too draining.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Jumpy wrote: »
    Well if you really were 5-6% that might point to why its so hard to drop weight. Would your power lifting sessions be simply packing more on?

    I did a session with Transform yesterday. In terms of body fat, and lots of other stuff, I ain't quite in Transform's league yet. If Transform is 5-6% then I'm at least 8%.

    I should deplete to 199 or 198 this week which would support my creatine gain Vs fat loss theory. I'd love to have hit the 196 14 stone milestone. The dieting is starting to take its toll though, I'll give the body a rest for a few weeks and maybe revisit again before the summer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,394 ✭✭✭Transform

    well your still looking great and making goo strength gains.

    Keep up the super work

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Rapid Fat loss November 2009

    Here I go again. A year older and wiser than the last time I attempted this madness.

    Here is the plan. 28 Days of Lyle's Rapid fat loss. I stated on Saturday morning weighing in at 217lb. I've been as high as 219lb. That is just about 100Kg. I'm aiminging to get to 90-92kg 196-203lb, that would put me well down the single digits.

    That is a full stone just to get into the 196-203 window. I reckon I'll drop to 207 (200 fully depleted) in the next 28 days. After that its probably back to another six or eight weeks of UD2.0 to get to 196 (190 fully depleted)

    What I've learned since last year:
    1. Well RFL is a bloody efficient way to lose body fat.
    2. I did 2 weeks, took a break over Christmas and did another two weeks last time. I lost 8lb net. I probably lost 10lb and put on 2lb over Christmas. So a 10lb net loss this time should be very attainable.
    3. I miscalculated starting bf and my category last time, so I lost a few days at the start eating way too much protein.
    4. I lost no muscle mass the last time. I shouldn't need to worry about muscle loss until I'm well under 200lb (fully depleted).
    5. I did get some metabolic slowdown the last time espiceally on the UD2.0. I should be ok until I get to 200lb (depleted), I hope.
    6. Is my 200lb (depleted) this year going to be the same as my 200lb (depleted) last year, that is, have I put on any muscle mass this year. I reckon I have put on maybe 3-4lb. Maybe that is wishfull thinking. I'll put up picks to compare.
    7. I drank wine in my second RFL last time and wasn't completely anal about it. I'm going to be more anal this time round. I'm off drink for November.:eek:
    8. I'm going to do more morning runs and long walks this time. I'll take a fibre supplement. I'll drink more green tea. I might also use yohimbine in the last week.

    Vo2 max Nov 1st: 50 (test done on a polar hrm)

    Nov 2nd
    Bench: 100Kg (Form was off due to lack of practice and lack of carbs, I'll get 105 by the end of the month)
    Pull Ups: 12 (Nearly got 13, with a lower bw I'll get 15 next time)
    Inverted rows: 28 in 60 sec (Made a bit of a balls of the test and missed 2 reps, I'll get 30+ next time)
    Push Ups: 40 in 60 sec (good result, might get one or two more next time)
    TB Deadlift: 200Kg (Awfull form, if I sort out my hip issues and get some practice with a trap bar I'll get this back to 220Kg)
    Row Test: Didn't do it. I'll do a 30 sec power test on Sunday after my refeed, should hit 190M+, one of my off season goals is to get this figure up to 200M+ not in the next four weeks though.

    Nov 1st
    Waist: 37"
    Thigh: 25"
    Bicep: 14.25" 14.5 on a good day
    Calipers: 7mm

    Saturday October 31st: 217
    Sunday November 1st: 214
    Monday: 213
    Tueday: 213
    Wednesday: 211 (That is my full depletion level 217-219 is my fully carbed level)
    So 11 pounds to lose in 25 days. That is very attainable espiceally since some of that 11 pounds will be lost due to creatine depletion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,394 ✭✭✭Transform

    bset of luck with it man

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Cheers Dominic! Every time I do these diets I swear I'll keep my diet clean in future and keep my body fat in check so I don't have to do these things. We'll see next year.

    Anyway week one went as follows:
    Saturday October 31st: 217
    1. Sunday November 1st: 214
    2. Monday: 213 (cheat meal, strength test)
    3. Tuesday: 213 (light lifting session)
    4. Wednesday: 211 (That is my full depletion level 217-219 is my fully carbed level)
    5. Thursday: 209.6 (light lifting session)
    6. Friday: 209 (I reckon that's a 2lb net fat loss already, not bad)
    7. Saturday: 208.2 (That was a really good start)

    Saturday also included a 5 hour refeed which I managed to keep pretty clean. Cytomax 80g, 3 banannas, 2 bagels, a bowl of porridge, scrambled eggs and two chicken breasts. That's about 300g of crabs. My weight was back up to 214lb on Saturday night and back down to 211 this morning.

    I'm not sure if people understand the numbers here as the huge variance doesn't reflect true weight loss.

    My fully glycogen loaded level last Saturday was 217-219lb, After 4 days of eat little or no carbs you reach your depleted weight which in my case was 211lb. I also know from experience that my loaded to depleted differential is very close to 6lb. I went from there to 208.2 at the end of the week so I could that as a 3lb net weight loss. I also count all of that as fat loss.

    So, the targets next week fully depleted on saturday morning @ 205lb
    Saturday week: 202lb and Saturday two week I'll finish up at 199lb with a total fat loss of 12lb.

    There are some pics on the blog, I'll post pics again on day 14 and day 28.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Saturday morning weighed in 208.2 fully depleted after week 1. I reckon that is just shy of a 3lb net fat loss in 7days if I keep that up I'll be down 12lb over the 28 days. It going to be difficult to maintain that. Targets are: next Sat 205 fully depleted, then 202, then 199lb. Last year I stalled at 208, 203 and 200, It'll be interesting to see if something similar happens this time.

    Saturday: 5 hour refeed including a 2 hour lifting session in the gym, I did a lot of mobility stuff which took up most of that time.
    Saturday night I was back up to 214lb and looking much leaner than last weeks 217. I kept the refeed pretty clean, two bagles, porridge, 80g cytomax, 2 spuds, 3 banannas, that's only about 350g of carbs which is only about 4lb of glycogen. There must have been 2lb of water and something else (fibre?) in there too to get to 214. I've been thinking about something Dan from IP said to me on Monday about the carbs you eat the day before being the ones you can use for training. I reckon he's onto something. In terms of the diet it means I would have been running on mainly fats yesterday and more on glycogen today. Its prossibly worth doing something training wise the day after a refeed. I think take the bike out today.

    Sunday: 211 (3lb of glocogen to burn)
    Tuesday: (gym heavy deadlifts 130x5 and bench 90x3)
    Wednesday: 208
    Thursday: 206.6 (Did some beginner plyometcs)
    Friday: 206
    Saturday: 208.6 (after refeed) (Gym heavy front squats 80x5 and chins bw+15kg x3)

    I changed things round towards the end of the week. The plan was to lift and refeed on Friday evening. I just did the refeed. Forgot my locker key so couldn't use the gym. Saturday mornings gym session was a little disappointing. I thought the refeed might have given me a bit more strength but instead I felt low on energy and weak. My lifts were ok. Happy with the front squats, I seem to be setting the upper back much better now. It still needs work though. Next week I'll go back to the week 1 routine. The Saturday morning refeed is much more rewarding than a Friday night refeed. I should be able to get the refeed weight down quicker this week. I might get into the gym again tomorrow for a repetition session.

    Got down to 206 this week and refeed a day early. I might have got to 205. I'll be better able to graph my progress next week.
