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Getting back on track ....



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    Started the new programme last night.


    Con. Block 10mins

    KB Swings 24kg
    DB Snatches 10kg (12.5kgs were in use)
    10 rounds

    Work Block- 15mins

    Lunges 15kg e/s 2 lengths
    10 DB Floor press 15kg
    10 e/s Unsupported rows 15kg
    6 rounds
    - meant to go for 10kg on the lunges but picked up the 15's by mistake, so just kept going with them then. Felt a bit heavy, my forearms were on fire, but got them done:)

    Work Block

    5 Turkish Get up e/s 8kg
    10 KB row e/s 16kg (think this was actually meant to be only 5 e/s, oops)
    10 Potato sack squat 24kg
    5 rounds
    - Just learned how to do the Turkish Get Ups today; I was standing looking at Conor thinking 'WTF'?! I've tried them before to no avail, but I had a good handle on them by the end of the block today:) The weight was easy enough, but it's an 8kg jump up so I'd say I'll be sticking with it for a while til I nail them.

    Con Block 10 mins
    Lateral Shuffle Sprints
    Every minute

    Good session, I'm liking C1, mainly because there aren't any burpees....:p
    My mind was whizzing away through the session too - just linking in the different ways each block was going to help me with my other lifts.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    Yesterdays munchies

    Kcal: 1422
    Fat: 34%/ 55.8g
    Carbs: 48%/ 177.8g
    Protein: 17%/ 65.8g

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    Box Squats
    20kg x 5
    20kg x 5
    30kg x 5
    40kg x 5
    50kg x 5
    50kg x 5
    50kg x 5
    Then dropped the weight to work on technique, i.e. sitting back more
    40kg x 8 x 5sets

    GHR - hefty bruise on my thigh at mo so Will said to skip these. Happy days haha:p

    Band Pulldowns
    3 x 10/10

    Chin ups
    Green band 2 x 8
    Blue band x 5
    Blue band x 5
    Red band x 3
    Blue band x 5
    Blue band x 4

    DB Floor Press
    15kg x 12
    15kg x 12
    15kg x 12
    15kg x 12
    15kg x 12

    DB Side bends

    15kg x 12 x 3sets

    Overhead Plate Extensions

    100 rep

    I like this session:)

    kcal: 1337
    Fat: 58.5 / 38%
    Carbs: 156.2/ 47%
    Protein: 54.1/15%

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    G86 wrote: »
    Good session, I'm liking C1, mainly because there aren't any burpees....:p

    Hate burpees, I don't care what anyone else says they can't be good for you. I think they do hurt the baby maker and they set world peace back a bit each time you do one.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    Hurt all over today and had a mental day in work, so I very nearly went straight home after work.. but I wanted to get a full round of the new program done this week.

    60kg x 5
    80kg x 3
    90kg x 3 x 5 sets
    100kg x 1
    105kg x 1
    was going to do another single but my back started to round a bit and was feeling sore so left it there.

    Step ups


    My core is still Doms'ed up so these were tough. Figured there was no point doing them waited when wasn't hitting 60sec unweighted.

    Bench press
    20kg x 5
    20kg x 5
    30kg x 5
    40kg x 5
    40kg x 4
    40kg x 5
    40kg x 5
    40kg x 5

    Side bridging
    45 sec
    30 sec

    Hammer curls
    7.5kg x 12 x 5 sets

    Just realised I forgot the rows,I'll do them tomorrow.
    Nothing great to note, just wanted to get through it. Did strength today cause I`m doing C2 with Sarah tomorrow.


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86


    Con Block 10 mins
    Prowler pushes +20kg outdoors
    1 per min, avg 10secs per push
    Will said to keep these light and go for longer speed pushes

    Work Block 15mins
    5 Deadlift e/s 24kg
    5 double kb press 8kg
    5 green band pullups
    14 rounds in 15mins
    -pull ups slowed me down a bit at the end. Otherwise it was grand.

    Con Block 10mins
    Myself and Sarah decided to do some Hill sprints outside, and some dude from one of the warehouses came out to offer us come cake halfway through :p

    Distance was about 50m
    1 uphill sprint per min,
    8/9secs per sprint.

    Worked out as loads of recovery time so wasn't fcuked by the end of it or anything, and didn't get any slower on time. Might try it again at 30secs instead of a min. I really enjoyed this actually, and the prowler pushes, after all my procrastinating about doing stuff outside:pac: Like it was even my own idea to do the hill sprints! This is the pattern see, show me something new and I immediately won't like it, then give me a day or 2 and it'll be my new favourite thing:o I'm definitely a bigger fan of running for speed rather than endurance.

    ANTICHRIST Work Block -15mins

    -there's always ONE!

    10 burpees
    10 DB pushup rows 7.5kg
    10 sit ups
    7 rounds in 15min
    - this killed me. Seriously. I should have done with DB rows with 5kg, but they were in use. I was doing them in 2/3's they were that bad! Still had serious DOMS in my core too, I don't know what I did last week, cause I've never really had that before! I kinda like it though, makes my belly feel less flabby (psychologically!) :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    Squats and chin ups (no band) - I went for a set in between my squats and got 3 in a row for the first time ever:) So I slotted a few in between my sets then.

    20kg x 5
    20kg x 5
    30kg x 5
    Chin Up x 3
    40kg x 5
    Chin Ups x 3
    45kg x 5
    Chin Ups x 3
    50kg x 5
    Chin Ups x 2
    50kg x 5
    Chin Ups x 2
    50kg x 5
    50kg x 5
    Chin Ups x 3
    50kg x 5

    Band Pulldowns

    3 x 10/10

    Chin Ups - I'd forgotten I had these next! Will said to try them with a close grip, and I found them way harder that way, apparently some people find that easier though. It might have had something to do with all the sets beforehand too I'd say...:o
    Blue Band (close grip)

    DB Floor Press

    15kg x 12
    17.5kg x 12
    17.5kg x 8
    17.5kg x 6
    15kg x 5
    - totally failed on these on the fourth set of 17.5kg, so even when I dropped back down to 15kg my arms just weren't working!

    DB Side bends

    17.5kg x 15 x 3sets

    Overhead Plate Extensions

    100 rep

    Cond Block 10 mins

    50m Hill Sprints (outside)
    1 uphill sprint every 45secs

    My diet has pretty much levelled out now, so there's no much point in logging it here anymore, I have some higher carb days than others but I'm sticking within the 150-200g range and it seems to be working for me. Going to see if I can get my skinfolds checked at the end of the week as it'll be 2 weeks then, and I'm hoping I'll have got them down again after the last blip on radar:pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    G86 wrote: »
    got 3 in a row for the first time ever:)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    This is what happens when you're too ****ing stubborn, and try to drag 135kg up your thigh....


    It was niggling at me all week since, but I figured it was just bruised. Then I got a pure searing pain in my thigh when I was training today...guess I did more damage than I thought:o Will said to ice it so I'm sitting here with a bag of frozen sweetcorn stuck to my leg.... although I probably should have done this a week ago!!!!


    Work Block- 15mins
    Lunges 15kg e/s 2 lengths
    10 DB Floor press 15kg
    10 e/s Unsupported rows 17.5kg
    7 rounds
    - the lunges hurt, alot, But got one more round so happy enough.

    Con. Block 10mins
    KB Swings 24kg
    20 Swings on the minute (with 2 rounds of 10 'cause I'm a wuss)
    10 rounds

    Work Block

    5 Turkish Get up e/s 8kg
    10 DB row e/s 17.5kg (forgot was meant to use KBs for this)
    10 Potato sack squat 32kg
    5 rounds
    did this with Sarah and the timer didn't start, so we left it at 5 rounds as that's what I got last time with less weight. Took a while running through the Turkish Get Ups.

    Then tried a sprint block to finish off but my thigh decided to protest. I did one yesterday after strength anyways so it's grand, and can add in another cond block after strength tomorrow. Deadlifting should be grand, I presume it's just impact I've to steer clear of...those hill sprints weren't the best idea in hindsight....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    Skinfolds 10 days ago: 128mm
    Skinfolds today: 121mm:D:D
    Weight: 72.3kg - so that's back up and my skinfolds are down - yay!

    That's the lowest they've ever been! I'm delighted.

    Had to stick to lower body today, but I finally nailed 50kg on my bench so I'm happy out!

    Bench Press

    50kgx1:D PR

    Unsupported DB rows


    Hammer Curls

    Also, I'm keeping track with photos on my blog now too if anyones interested in seeing how fat I am. I just found one there from August before I joined IP, and I'm pretty happy with the difference so far :) Hopefully it keeps going this way!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,382 ✭✭✭lastlaugh

    G86 wrote: »
    This is what happens when you're too ****ing stubborn, and try to drag 135kg up your thigh....

    Hey G86, havn't been following your log, just out of interest what were you trying to drag up your thigh?!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    lastlaugh wrote: »
    Hey G86, havn't been following your log, just out of interest what were you trying to drag up your thigh?!

    A 135kg deadlift - got stuck at my thigh and I was too stubborn to drop it, so tried to drag it up my leg. Needless to say, it didn't work:o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86


    Chin ups
    Green band 2 x 8
    No band

    DB Floor Press
    15kg x 12
    15kg x 12
    17.5kg x 12
    17.5kg x 10
    17.5kg x 10

    DB Side bends
    20kg x 15 x 3sets

    Overhead Plate Extensions
    100 rep

    DB OH Press (strict)
    12.5kg x 8 x 5 sets

    KB Shrugs
    24kg x 10 x 3 sets

    Tricep Ext

    Alternate plate sit ups
    10kg x 20 x 3sets

    Then...went out and drank quite alot.....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    End of an era :( ...but definitely not the end of my training.

    My training in IP was a brilliant experience and a total eye opener to the bullsh1t that goes on with other gyms/know it alls in Ireland..who actually know fcuk all. I've learnt so much in the past 6 months, and I know it'll stand to me. IP was more than just a gym/club, it was somewhere to have the craic and meet some sound like-minded people. I'll miss Henners constant 'teacherisms', objectifying Conor, Hanleys abs, Sarahs boobs, Karlas malteaserness ('higher bars make pull ups harder!'), , Damiens supportive abuse, everyone elses prowler abuse, and of most of all Wills top class coaching - 'that's the way' :P. Oh and hearing 'Sugababes' on repeat on Wills ipod...And all the other guys who made IP such a legend facility. I've met some great people, thanks guys, you lot aren't half bad :) Onwards and upwards from here, we've had a great headstart!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    Have my sis down for a few days so brought her out to RAW, session was cut short though 'cause she felt sick. Also, I've learned that trying to show a frustrated 16 year old how to squat when she's convinced she can't do it is not fun.... It's also not a good idea when your leg is fecked!

    Tried squatting with the empty bar but only got through 3 reps and couldn't get anywhere near depth, was getting a sharp pain in my leg every time I tried. I guess I just need to proper rest it, but feels like I've been doing that for ages, and I have no patience. That said, it's not like I have a choice!

    Oh I had a 'Hanley' moment today too, when this dude recognised me from boards, haha:P

    RAW was pretty packed, so I was looking about trying to figure out how a conditioning session would go. I'll just need to change a few things in the C blocks I'd say, dependent on equip etc. I was looking at joining Ironside but it's just too far out, and I'd no problems with RAW before so I figure it's as handy to head back there. Also, they aren't doing the bootcamp on the track anymore which is brilliant as it's free of DLing etc.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    3 KB's - 8kg, 16kg, 24kg
    KB press w/ 8kg x5 each side
    KB row w/ 16kg x5 each side
    KB squat w/ 24kg x10

    Or use like 8, 12 and 16kg or whatever.

    We do it all the time as part of team conditioning. Nice simple block to use.

    The basic structure of the IP work blocks was:
    -upper body press
    -upper body pull
    -lower body

    Get creative and make your own. Just make sure they're compound movements.

    Is there any concept 2 rowers in Raw?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    Hanley wrote: »
    3 KB's - 8kg, 16kg, 24kg
    KB press w/ 8kg x5 each side
    KB row w/ 16kg x5 each side
    KB squat w/ 24kg x10

    Or use like 8, 12 and 16kg or whatever.

    We do it all the time as part of team conditioning. Nice simple block to use.

    The basic structure of the IP work blocks was:
    -upper body press
    -upper body pull
    -lower body

    Get creative and make your own. Just make sure they're compound movements.

    Is there any concept 2 rowers in Raw?
    Cheers for that, yup they have 2 rowers.. I mind Kieran mentioning a block with those before? Have sis here til Thur so gonna head back over then and hopefully the leg will be on the mend too.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    G86 wrote: »
    Cheers for that, yup they have 2 rowers.. I mind Kieran mentioning a block with those before? Have sis here til Thur so gonna head back over then and hopefully the leg will be on the mend too.

    Will's thrown two at me in the past week, both good and both horrible - just a demonstration of what can be done...

    150m x10 w/ 30 seconds between efforts
    *3 minutes off*
    150m x10 w/ 45 seconds between efforts
    *5 minutes off*
    150m x10 w/ 60 seconds between efforts

    200-400-600-800-1,000-800-600-400-200 w/ 2 minutes between each

    I was doing < 30 second 150's and < 1.45m 500m average splits for 1 and 2 respectively. I've no idea what that'd translate back to you.

    I did 500m x3 w/ 2 minutes between efforts, a weight block and then repeated both during the week too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    Did some 'pretend' deadlifting and a few squats in the house earlier to see how my leg was, squats are still a no-go but the deadlifting movement felt ok...brusing is waaay down so it has to be on the mend! Going to head in now and see how I fare with a barbell!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭cmyk

    Why not skip the bruises and use the trap bar until they disappear?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    cmyk wrote: »
    Why not skip the bruises and use the trap bar until they disappear?

    Well see I don't normally pull the bar up my thigh like...that was a one off act of stupidity, so it's not direct contact that's the problem - I was basically getting this sharp pain in my thigh whenever I lifted. Get the same whenever I bend it. Deadlifting was ok today though :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    First proper session outside of IP, and first set of 5 chin ups:D

    - kept these light just in case, but my leg was grand, happy days.
    Also, there's this group of dudes who used to be in RAW when I trained there before, and I always though they were total neandrathals...especially the perma tanned one, so I tended to avoid them. But today I didn't really give a ****; was pure shocked though when they were sound as hell and helped me unload/put away weights etc. Maybe I pre-judged...we'll see!:p



    Chin Ups (stuck these in btw the bridging)
    x5 :D

    45kgx5 - the last 2 reps were assisted, but I could have got the 4th one if he hadn't grabbed the bar.

    Side Bridging
    - that's the longest I had hold it on each side, it seems I'm better on on my left side. Not great at the oul bridging...

    Unsupported Rows


    Seated Bicep Curls

    10kgx10x3 sets

    Grand session, happy about the chin ups and happy I got to deadlift (it's been too long!). Didn't do the step ups because I could feel the pull in my thigh when I tried them, I'll give them a go again next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,146 ✭✭✭COH

    G86 wrote: »
    Also, there's this group of dudes who used to be in RAW when I trained there before, and I always though they were total neandrathals...especially the perma tanned one, so I tended to avoid them. But today I didn't really give a ****; was pure shocked though when they were sound as hell and helped me unload/put away weights etc. Maybe I pre-judged...we'll see!:p

    You do realise that last time round he was genuinely trying to help you with your squats... I think you hurt his feelings (all two of them)

    They might be loud, obnoxious, 'oldschool' gorilla d*ckheads... but they're actually nice lads. Just complete pricks, but who am I to talk :pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    COH wrote: »
    You do realise that last time round he was genuinely trying to help you with your squats... I think you hurt his feelings (all two of them)

    They might be loud, obnoxious, 'oldschool' gorilla d*ckheads... but they're actually nice lads. Just complete pricks, but who am I to talk :pac:

    Haha, is that the same guy?? I remember that dude but didn't think I saw him there today...there were a few of them, I mainly recognised the orange dude.

  • Registered Users Posts: 890 ✭✭✭dartstothesea

    It orange dude the guy always in the red shorts and red shirt? Though I can't say I've seen him in any particular group of lads.
    I don't think I've really seen anyone in there acting like saps or anything. Everyone seems pretty chilled.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    It orange dude the guy always in the red shorts and red shirt? Though I can't say I've seen him in any particular group of lads.
    I don't think I've really seen anyone in there acting like saps or anything. Everyone seems pretty chilled.

    Na he was wearing a black shirt I think. Never had any bother with them, but whenever I was in before they'd be grunting and shouting sh1te at each other and it didn't give me a great impression - it was more funny to watch than anything else:p

    Actually saw a dude doing groin rotations in there today and found myself watching to see if he was doing an IP warm up, haha:pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    Was out for Wills non going away going away drinks last night...and the head on me today was unreal. Still, least I did something....

    Tried few sets and wasn't as sore as before, but Kieran said my leg was caving in so I left it and moved on, just going to have to be patient - not one of my virtues!

    Chin Ups
    - very happy with these :)

    DB Bench Press
    Easy, played it safe, but wasn't sure I'd get 5 full sets out of the 17.5s.

    Side Bends
    20kg x 12 x 3

    OH Plate Ext

    10kgx100reps, broken down.

    IP has ruined me...I keep getting distracted by people doing weird ****, and wanting to go up and ask them what exactly they're doing and why - just to see if they actually have reasoning behind their stupidity.... Seriously, some dude was in there benching like 40kg with 2 plates and chains - wtf do you need chains for it you're only benching 40kg? Then some other dude was using every fecking thing APART from his biceps to bicep curl, the way he was swinging his arms to get the weight up was actually a health hazard, they were either going to go flying out of his hands and hit someone or he was going to do his back in. Damien was in too and we just sat looking around us in amazement:rolleyes:

    Like I said - I'm ruined.

    Oh another note, there was a guy in there doing band assisted L sits, I want to try those! Never thought of using a band for them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 512 ✭✭✭supposedly

    Hey great work on the chin ups! Very impressive :)

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    G86 wrote: »

    IP has ruined me...I keep getting distracted by people doing weird ****, and wanting to go up and ask them what exactly they're doing and why - just to see if they actually have reasoning behind their stupidity....


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    Today I discovered that I've the same love/hate relationship with rowing as I do with running - I love short distance but I ****ing HATE long distance!!!! I enjoyed the rowing today though :)

    IP Warm Upx3
    Con Block
    Row 10 x 150m/30sec rest

    - this was grand, actually liked it.

    Work Block 15mins

    5 Deadlift e/s 24kg
    5 double kb press 8kg
    5,4,3,3,2 chin ups/5 press ups for the rest of the rounds
    15 rounds in 15mins
    -started failing on the chin ups pretty quickly without the band, so switched over to press ups halfway through. I'll sub in inv rows next time.

    Con Block
    200m 47sec
    400m 1.44
    600m 2.46
    800m 4.02
    1000m 4.53
    600m 2.48
    400m 1.45
    200m 47sec
    - pure gassed myself on the longer rows by going hell of leather at the start, but learned my lesson pretty quickly! If anyone ever makes me row more than 1000m I think I might die.

    Work Block -15mins

    10 burpees
    10 DB pushup rows 5kg
    10 sit ups
    8 rounds in 15min
    - push ups rows were taking me ages at 7.5, and the plates were loose on the DBs so they kept rolling on me, so dropped down to 5kg. Still took me ages though! Also I'm still reverting back to push up style burpess out of habit, but sure it'll do me no harm.

    First Conditioning session in about 2 weeks I think, so went good considering! COH was great at giving me the evils any time I slowed down too :P Leg was grand - even with the rowing so I've no excuse not to get the squats sorted again now. I think I'll just have to work back up, I'm probably just leaning more on the other leg out of habit now.

    Also had a chat with Kieran after about how best to structure my deadlifting rep ranges over the next 6 weeks to hit 140, the IP prog leaves a bit of scope but I'd never really had to think about it before - I always just asked Will! Have a better idea now, so going to drop Will a line too and see what he thinks.

    I think what I have to get used to more than anything now is being more confident that I'm doing things right; I'm so used to being able to ask someone to re-affirm that I'm right, even when I know that I know myself!
