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Comments in the Dail on Airsoft



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,125 ✭✭✭amaughan

    Nodin wrote: »


  • Registered Users Posts: 14,148 ✭✭✭✭Lemming

    Nodin wrote: »
    amaughan wrote: »

    QFT = Quoted For Truth

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 261 ✭✭trentf

    Jesus. I can't believe what im seeing. Are we such a nation of wusses that you would readily give up your rights to own what is essentially a toy. Comon give me a break...

    When will the line be drawn. Who is this minister of justice to tell people what to do... i didn't vote for him and his shower of corrupt f'ers. Busy taking fas money and getting expensive holidays only to come back and make laws restricting the public having fun. These guys have ticked every segment off recently from teachers to penisoners ordinary workers legal gun owners and now this airsoft?? AIRSOFT FFS?

    Airsoft can't kill people. You might as well start banning bandanas next because you know they look like sharp knives when wet...

    When will you people stand up for your rights. Rights are not bestowed apon man by other men only by god. What can these clowns do if everyone stands up and kicks them out of power. Nothing they are only a small number versus millions yet the millions cower and police themselves as you guys are now even doing. Did you ever stop and think to yourself....'hey wait a minute i don't want to do this f him who is he to tell me what to do' no like good sheeple the first thing was to find a way around what this pleb tells you he plans, 'oh we must get serial numbers, we must get this we must do that to please old corrupt minister of justice'....whats next biometrics?

    If every airsofter in ireland and gun owner refused to give up their guns and airsoft devices what could they do? Go around and take em off them.HA no they couldn't because they are only a very small number and the rest is a large percentage of the population. So forget your letters to the minister of justice forget, the minister of justice. These people are corrupt and are laughing at how they make unfair and unjust laws and you follow them. They get to take money, steal it, lie and make the laws which you follow. You never stop to question and think. Thugs run free in this country and the general population isn't legally allowed to own anything. Anyone seeing the problem here or are we all following the sheep herder?

    You police yourselves because they can't its impossible. I say never never give up your airsoft all of you and what can they do... THEY AWNSER IS NOTHING!!!! You are the ones that enable these people to make these unfair and unjust laws and by following them and abiding by them you are giving your power away. Realise its always you getting the short end of the stick the little bit of enjoyment you had with airsoft you can't have because they want to take this away too...and believe me it won't end with airsoft, its time to take a stand..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 797 ✭✭✭Spetzcong

    Who let you out?

    We're doing everything within our power to prevent airsoft being banned.

    Refusing to abide by the law, if it is changed isn't our style, we are law abiding people us airsofters.

    What would you suggest? We get all camoed up and march on the Dail with our AEG's? Come off it.

    Also, I wouldn't be coming on here encouraging people to flout the law, even if it hasn't been changed yet. It won't go down well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,171 ✭✭✭G3-Nut

    trentf wrote: »
    Rights are not bestowed apon man by other men only by god

    And where is god for all the other people having their rights taken away...

    saying that was youre 1st mistake,

    youre second was allowing youreself to be so paranoid, thus taking away youre own freedoms

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 261 ✭✭trentf

    Nobody is taking away freedoms, the problem is the mindset that allowed the type of people to rule them who now wish to restrict every aspect of your life. If banning a toy gun isn't a sign of things to come then i would suggest that we have really lost the plot. It hasn't worked in the u.k has it so why is this government pushing down the same alley?

    Wheres the logic in banning a toy gun? As far as im aware now correct me if i am wrong and i could be hardened criminals don't use airsoft devices to commit crimes. They tend to use real firearms with real bullets to kill real people. Airsoft never has killed anyone in this country as far as i know so wheres the harm coming from? Oh thats right you can commit a robbery with one but if noone gets killed then wheres the harm? I think its the government and the general public thats paranoid about airsoft because they are banning an item based on a percieved threat that in reality occurs very seldom. Self policing, what the government loves, keeps you in line. And by the way whats wrong with a march? Isn't that called peaceful protest? No you'd rather bow down then stand up for your rights...oh well you can always look back to the day you used to play airsoft...such fun times..

    i appreciate your sincerity of obeying the law but you have to realise something. They don't care about airsoft, they don't care wheither you enjoy it. They don't care about the future of the sport. They don't care about your petitions in letters or how many members think its worthwhile teambuilding excercise. It might be cold hard reality for you and your immeadiate reaction is to say 'oh i don't want to be seen to disobey the masters and the law better not step out of line' but let me tell you that attitude will only dig a grave even larger for you. Thats self policing, see thats how one man can rule one million when all he does is say something and everyone obeys without question. The poker game is rigged and your sitting at the table having tied your own hands behind your back. Your not obeying 'the law' your obeying their law.

    The government will will try to ban airsoft no matter what you think or say. If they did care about your opinion or airsoft in general then the minister would have awnsered the emails and petitions wouldn't he? Nope canned response message about firearms. Yes and airsoft isn't a firearm minister, great ground work you friggen genius. A man banning an item he has never used.

    You can play the whole ' im a law abiding person' till the cows come home it won't make any difference. They plan on banning it to keep themselves in power. Thats what it all about. Thats what its alway's about. The way to stop this is to stop the system simple as. Be a restricted lab rat if you want as your walls close further and further in on you...maybe one day you'll wake up.. If the government thought they could score brownie points they'd ban blankets and don't doubt it for a moment...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 797 ✭✭✭Spetzcong

    Yes, fight the power. How very gangster rap of you.

    On the other hand back in the real world, and away from tinfoil hat land, the system isn't just going to stop.

    This is not the time, nor the issue to get all Greek on things and start a riot, while you may be right, that if they really want to ban airsoft they will, all we can really do is try our best to interact with the powers that be within the framework that is provided for us and hope that our voice is heard.

    Worrying? yes. Time to overthrow society? no.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 261 ✭✭trentf

    yes and what was wrong with the greek riots? Some problem was there?
    the people got ticked off and let their government know whos really in power. What about iceland too recently. Those crazy icelanders standing up for their rights why didn't they just be good sheeple? Whats happening is People are reaching breaking point you can only shove so much *** down the toilet until it comes back at you. Whats the last straw for people airsoft, perhaps it will be cars coz you know cars can actually kill people so time to ban them too.

    Again in terms of obeying the laws appreciate the sincerity but wake up and smell reality. The real world is what you make of it not what you allow others to make for you. It aint just airsofters this government has ticked off recently or haven't you been watching the news? The point in general is when will these restrictions stop. When? Is it when the government says it? because we all know they will never stop with the restrictions.

    Or is it when the people say so. Again how can 1 person police thousands and the awnser is they can't the people self police themselves. Everyones got a right to their opinion but we've been down the road of petitions and self restrictions. Doesn't work, sorry, just emboldens those in power to take more rights away from you. Most people are so conditioned to accept that reality they react with fear which leads them to obediance. Then when you tell them to think for themselves they think not being obediant means 'the overthrow of society' No sense of perspective. They don't even know how to embrace what they truely know to be true..

    Nobody is calling for anarachy but now and then things need to happen in order for people's rights and freedom's to be respected and i would suggest there's nothing gansta rap about that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 Viper 2

    Hey I have to agree in the main with trentf all one has to do is look back at history only to see many stories of oppression in various forms by Governments the main ones being the Two World wars.However not wanting to sound "Extremest" but all one has to do is look close to home and ask oneself where this country would be now without the will of our forefathers who stood up to British oppression (No disrespect to our neighbours across the pond) earlier this century.In the main Governments are fine however we must remember that they are elected by the people for the good of "ALL" the people so that each section of socicity is treated fairly and if this not be the case PEOPLE have a RIGHT to peacful protest!!.Also remember these people (our ministers) are just like us "Fallable" not perfect human Beings " they can and do make bad/hasty jugements " too.They also occasionally need pointing in the right direction.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 Viper 2

    Also we must never forget it not the Government/Politcal bodies who have the power .....we the PEOPLE have the power.We elect these bodies and entrust them to run OUR country on our behalf.Spetzcong you mention "Fighting the power....Gangster rap" possibly without realising what I have mentioned above.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,171 ✭✭✭G3-Nut

    trentf wrote: »
    Nobody is taking away freedoms, the problem is the mindset that allowed the type of people to rule them who now wish to restrict every aspect of your life. If banning a toy gun isn't a sign of things to come then i would suggest that we have really lost the plot. It hasn't worked in the u.k has it so why is this government pushing down the same alley?

    Wheres the logic in banning a toy gun? As far as im aware now correct me if i am wrong and i could be hardened criminals don't use airsoft devices to commit crimes. They tend to use real firearms with real bullets to kill real people. Airsoft never has killed anyone in this country as far as i know so wheres the harm coming from? Oh thats right you can commit a robbery with one but if noone gets killed then wheres the harm? I think its the government and the general public thats paranoid about airsoft because they are banning an item based on a percieved threat that in reality occurs very seldom. Self policing, what the government loves, keeps you in line. And by the way whats wrong with a march? Isn't that called peaceful protest? No you'd rather bow down then stand up for your rights...oh well you can always look back to the day you used to play airsoft...such fun times..

    i appreciate your sincerity of obeying the law but you have to realise something. They don't care about airsoft, they don't care wheither you enjoy it. They don't care about the future of the sport. They don't care about your petitions in letters or how many members think its worthwhile teambuilding excercise. It might be cold hard reality for you and your immeadiate reaction is to say 'oh i don't want to be seen to disobey the masters and the law better not step out of line' but let me tell you that attitude will only dig a grave even larger for you. Thats self policing, see thats how one man can rule one million when all he does is say something and everyone obeys without question. The poker game is rigged and your sitting at the table having tied your own hands behind your back. Your not obeying 'the law' your obeying their law.

    The government will will try to ban airsoft no matter what you think or say. If they did care about your opinion or airsoft in general then the minister would have awnsered the emails and petitions wouldn't he? Nope canned response message about firearms. Yes and airsoft isn't a firearm minister, great ground work you friggen genius. A man banning an item he has never used.

    You can play the whole ' im a law abiding person' till the cows come home it won't make any difference. They plan on banning it to keep themselves in power. Thats what it all about. Thats what its alway's about. The way to stop this is to stop the system simple as. Be a restricted lab rat if you want as your walls close further and further in on you...maybe one day you'll wake up.. If the government thought they could score brownie points they'd ban blankets and don't doubt it for a moment...

    youre making it such a big deal mate...look back at when we used to play, it hasnt even been banned, one man on a typical political rant just went along with what the senior citizents are complaining about, whoopdie fekn doo lets all rebel agains the government that kept us in a relatively safe, healthy, and wealthy enviornment, you my friend have no idea of the luxuries you have/had here, i grew up in a foreign country, and at the time it was 3 quarters democratic and quarter communist, youre just another spoilt little twat who does not appreciate what you do have towards what the 4.5+ billion less fortunate people on this planet, you utterly dicust me with youre ignorance, wake the fek up man, you are not Ernesto "Che" Guevara!! i can guarantee you that all youre talk of standing up to oppression etc, yet if push came to shove you would cower away, this is an airsoft forum, not a try to turn everyone against the law forum, now either cop on, or get out of here and stop making us look bad to people who do not completely understand the situation but gander through this forum!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,341 ✭✭✭Fallschirmjager

    trentf wrote: »
    yes and what was wrong with the greek riots? Some problem was there?
    the people got ticked off and let their government know whos really in power. What about iceland too recently. Those crazy icelanders standing up for their rights why didn't they just be good sheeple? Whats happening is People are reaching breaking point you can only shove so much *** down the toilet until it comes back at you. Whats the last straw for people airsoft, perhaps it will be cars coz you know cars can actually kill people so time to ban them too.

    Again in terms of obeying the laws appreciate the sincerity but wake up and smell reality. The real world is what you make of it not what you allow others to make for you. It aint just airsofters this government has ticked off recently or haven't you been watching the news? The point in general is when will these restrictions stop. When? Is it when the government says it? because we all know they will never stop with the restrictions.

    Or is it when the people say so. Again how can 1 person police thousands and the awnser is they can't the people self police themselves. Everyones got a right to their opinion but we've been down the road of petitions and self restrictions. Doesn't work, sorry, just emboldens those in power to take more rights away from you. Most people are so conditioned to accept that reality they react with fear which leads them to obediance. Then when you tell them to think for themselves they think not being obediant means 'the overthrow of society' No sense of perspective. They don't even know how to embrace what they truely know to be true..

    Nobody is calling for anarachy but now and then things need to happen in order for people's rights and freedom's to be respected and i would suggest there's nothing gansta rap about that.

    trentf, i dont know whether its by design or on purpose, but you come across as quite angry on the posts. just thought i would point it out. On the political issues, i too would be one for small government, BUT i dont think you will find any traction here for dissent. This is what, is actually, when you sit down and think about it , absolutely leg slappingly funny about us in airsoft, everyone on the outside looking in seems to think we are some type of gun toting secessionists, people dressed in camouflage, stroking our guns, while eating canned food waiting for the apocalypse or just waiting for our chance to fire 0.2gram bb rounds as we storm the dail, screaming 'give me airsoft or give me death!'. nothing could be further from the truth. the reality is most here (if not all) would prefer to be able to go about their business in an open manner. Most if not all would prefer if the gardai were aware of airsoft and how utterly harmless it is and would prefer if the relationship between gardai and airsofter was open and fair. what we are trying to achieve here is for people to realise how utterly irrelevant airsoft is to gangland gun culture. Now my own personal political beliefs aside and if you want to discuss them, i will gladly meet you on the politics fora, but talking of riots in Greece as a solution to airsoft will only feed the trolls of this world. it will allow them to point and go 'ooh and aaah' and mix that with our super terrifying gun shaped abs aegs...well you get the picture i am sure.

    dont compare airsofters here as shepple, they are not. there is despite what you might think, a plan. it is a good plan and like all plans will need to change when it meets first resistance. A plan is a good thing, it shows structure of thought, structure of action and most of all it shows a way for us to all react together as a unified force which will have a far more dramatic and as it happens an exponential effect in the short medium and long term. If you read the iaa document on airsoft, it is an inspired piece. it is not a rant, it is not a is fact. there is a really good thing about facts, they are undeniable. sure, the minister can argue, hell he can disagree and ban them and us still. Everyone here has for the most part thousands invested in this sport as a player, some may have to even admit they have tens of thousands invested (i kid you not), some have their careers invested in it, some have livelihoods. Now if you want to give support, you wont find a more welcoming place tbh, if you want to tune that anger (which incidentally we all feel) to actually getting the answer we want...then i would hope you would go with the plan.

    As for resistance to the law, sorry i am busy that day, i just checked my calendar. The reality here and what is truly hilarious in the real steel fora is they will turn in their toys ( i have not read it there, i just know how law abiding citizens work)...why? because they are citizens of this great and slightly flawed nation. we will honour the law. that doenst mean i have to agree with it, but we will honour it. talk of anything else is bluster. That is what is actually the saddest part of this whole law change, it is nothing to do with crime, absolutely nothing, we are talking about law abiding citizens, its the other ones the minister needs to be looking at. So, if i could recommend you read the iaa document, i think you will find this is truly the best way forward.

    just my tuppence worth...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,053 ✭✭✭BornToKill

    trentf wrote: »
    whats next biometrics?

    Hmmm. Interesting idea.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24 Lomarticus

    "the IAA has been accepted by the Irish Sports council as the national governing body for Airsoft"

    SUPER - I have been hoping something like this would happen for AGES.

    I hope and presume this will give a level of official acceptance of Airsoft as a legitimate and respectable passtime.

  • Registered Users Posts: 947 ✭✭✭Frank the Manc

    Lomarticus wrote: »
    "the IAA has been accepted by the Irish Sports council as the national governing body for Airsoft"

    SUPER - I have been hoping something like this would happen for AGES.

    I hope and presume this will give a level of official acceptance of Airsoft as a legitimate and respectable passtime.

    where is thta taken from lad?

  • Registered Users Posts: 24 Lomarticus

    where is thta taken from lad?

    Was hopping between boards and iaa site during lunch and came across it on a current post. Couldn't point you to the specific post but it's a quote.

    (at least I hope I read it correctly as being current.)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,391 ✭✭✭extremetaz

    it's from the AGM minutes

  • Registered Users Posts: 947 ✭✭✭Frank the Manc

    sound. is there an audio of the ,inutes, had a scan through the PDF and it seemed quite short.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,052 ✭✭✭Dr_Pepper

    sound. is there an audio of the ,inutes, had a scan through the PDF and it seemed quite short.

    *Official IAA Response*
    The Audio is in several pieces and of varying quality.
    We will have to get it pieced together and transcribed.
    It will take some time but once done we will publish it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 74 ✭✭copperdaz

    Dr_Pepper wrote: »
    Well sadly everyone is entitled to their opinion, reminds me of that line, opinions are like assholes.........

    But as the ONLY representative body for airsoft, we actually do speak for EVERYONE, even those who don't join up because we are the ones making the suggestions to those who make the changes.

    So quit being part of the problem and become part of the solution before we get banned.

    Can i ask who this new rep group are i though there was only one rep body for your sport???
    im now told there is two . who is the group who will deal with the DOJ.???

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,414 ✭✭✭kdouglas

    At the moment, the IAA are the only official airsoft body in contact with the DoJ, the new group mentioned have not published any details yet.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 74 ✭✭copperdaz

    kdouglas wrote: »
    At the moment, the IAA are the only official airsoft body in contact with the DoJ, the new group mentioned have not published any details yet.

    Ok i see, can i just ask , and i know you dont speak for them but are they "official" too what happens if there are two official bodies speaking for the sport or is this going to turn like boxing who have loads of different bodies. the reason i ask is i how do i decide which group to join??

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,758 ✭✭✭Stercus Accidit

    Read the first link in my sig, very clear post on it.

    I agree with him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,414 ✭✭✭kdouglas

    copperdaz wrote: »
    Ok i see, can i just ask , and i know you dont speak for them but are they "official" too what happens if there are two official bodies speaking for the sport or is this going to turn like boxing who have loads of different bodies. the reason i ask is i how do i decide which group to join??

    there's a whole big thread for it in the forum, that's a little off-topic for this thread.

    But basically, read the information published by each and decide which suits you personally best.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 74 ✭✭copperdaz

    kdouglas wrote: »
    there's a whole big thread for it in the forum, that's a little off-topic for this thread.

    But basically, read the information published by each and decide which suits you personally best.

    ok thanks can you send me a private message message with the link tks.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 261 ✭✭trentf

    trentf, i dont know whether its by design or on purpose, but you come across as quite angry on the posts. just thought i would point it out. On the political issues, i too would be one for small government, BUT i dont think you will find any traction here for dissent. This is what, is actually, when you sit down and think about it , absolutely leg slappingly funny about us in airsoft, everyone on the outside looking in seems to think we are some type of gun toting secessionists, people dressed in camouflage, stroking our guns, while eating canned food waiting for the apocalypse or just waiting for our chance to fire 0.2gram bb rounds as we storm the dail, screaming 'give me airsoft or give me death!'. nothing could be further from the truth. the reality is most here (if not all) would prefer to be able to go about their business in an open manner. Most if not all would prefer if the gardai were aware of airsoft and how utterly harmless it is and would prefer if the relationship between gardai and airsofter was open and fair. what we are trying to achieve here is for people to realise how utterly irrelevant airsoft is to gangland gun culture. Now my own personal political beliefs aside and if you want to discuss them, i will gladly meet you on the politics fora, but talking of riots in Greece as a solution to airsoft will only feed the trolls of this world. it will allow them to point and go 'ooh and aaah' and mix that with our super terrifying gun shaped abs aegs...well you get the picture i am sure.

    dont compare airsofters here as shepple, they are not. there is despite what you might think, a plan. it is a good plan and like all plans will need to change when it meets first resistance. A plan is a good thing, it shows structure of thought, structure of action and most of all it shows a way for us to all react together as a unified force which will have a far more dramatic and as it happens an exponential effect in the short medium and long term. If you read the iaa document on airsoft, it is an inspired piece. it is not a rant, it is not a is fact. there is a really good thing about facts, they are undeniable. sure, the minister can argue, hell he can disagree and ban them and us still. Everyone here has for the most part thousands invested in this sport as a player, some may have to even admit they have tens of thousands invested (i kid you not), some have their careers invested in it, some have livelihoods. Now if you want to give support, you wont find a more welcoming place tbh, if you want to tune that anger (which incidentally we all feel) to actually getting the answer we want...then i would hope you would go with the plan.

    As for resistance to the law, sorry i am busy that day, i just checked my calendar. The reality here and what is truly hilarious in the real steel fora is they will turn in their toys ( i have not read it there, i just know how law abiding citizens work)...why? because they are citizens of this great and slightly flawed nation. we will honour the law. that doenst mean i have to agree with it, but we will honour it. talk of anything else is bluster. That is what is actually the saddest part of this whole law change, it is nothing to do with crime, absolutely nothing, we are talking about law abiding citizens, its the other ones the minister needs to be looking at. So, if i could recommend you read the iaa document, i think you will find this is truly the best way forward.

    just my tuppence worth...

    Fair points to make which i accept and probably you are the first one to make the points clear. I don't want to turn this into a political debate because after all its an airsoft forum and congratulations to the iaa for putting forward proposals in such a clear and distinct fashion finally getting the sport recognised for what it is.

    Just want to be clear from my own comments on something. I'm not calling for rebellion or anything of the sort against anyone. Some people are interpreting it wrong. And to the guy who said im selfish and have no idea what it is to be in a third world country etc well i can inform you i have lived in other countries and experienced what you talk of so i don't need a lecture on that. If we judge ourselves by standards of other 3rd world countries and accept our lot then we'd be in a pretty poor state. Mankind is always striving to make things better. In fact we wouldn't be having this conversation if everything was dandy.

    One thing we are all entitled to is freedom and freedom to do what we want when we want to provided it is not harming anyone. Once the people who we entrust to make the rules start to infringe on these rights then yes i stand by my comments it is up to us to take action whatever form this may be in. The point im making is it's worrying that the government would consider a blanket ban on a growing sport which brings people together, helps the economy and brings joy to people. Don't always assume the government is looking after you and has your best interests at heart. Airsoft cannot in any way harm a person so taking a stand for what is your right doesn't make you some kind of gun nut because your not using a gun..

    The airsofters organised themselves, took action and they as a result have benefited from taking a stand and explaining the issues and it worked out for them and good luck to them. Other people choose to do it in their own way. And i'll leave it at that.

    Oh and merry christmas:p

  • Registered Users Posts: 115 ✭✭TheZenWithin

    jayod30 wrote: »
    Really at this stage if it is looking at a ban which i don't think it is, maybe the IAA should be lookin to the government to set up an organisation like UKARA so there is strict protocals before you can buy anything that resembles a real weapon. I know there only airsoft and considered as toys once under 1 joule but it seems anyone can sell them now so i think for the sport to survive we have to have some sort of government agency working along with the IAA.:(

    I completely agree. Maybe we should have liscences for each device we own, or atleast register our names along with a device specific code to some government agency.
    Places like the gadget shop are selling airsoft devices (at outrageously bloated prices might I add) and their staff haven't got the slightest bit of knowledge as to what they are really selling let alone to who they are selling them too. If there was a regulation of stores who where liscenced to sell them then it would surely decrease the chance of selling an airsoft device to someone who seems on the dodgey side.

  • Registered Users Posts: 115 ✭✭TheZenWithin

    Spetzcong wrote: »
    Who let you out?

    We're doing everything within our power to prevent airsoft being banned.

    Refusing to abide by the law, if it is changed isn't our style, we are law abiding people us airsofters.

    What would you suggest? We get all camoed up and march on the Dail with our AEG's? Come off it.

    Also, I wouldn't be coming on here encouraging people to flout the law, even if it hasn't been changed yet. It won't go down well.

    I think trenf did come on a bit strong but he is right. As a nation our attitude is "ah sure f**k it". If we don't get what we want the first time we just kinda say "oh well we tried".

    We appoint people to make decisions on our behalf as a nation. To benefit the people. Unfortunately ignorance of this sport is what stands in the way of its acceptance. Half the people I talk to are convinced airsoft devices are illegal, which I end up correcting them on. My parents where like this too until I explained the law on airsoft to them clearly.

    When people see what exactly airsoft is and its lack of dangers(not saying there are none) they will develop a muc more positive attitude towards the sport. The IAA are doing a brilliant job but they have to make people liek the minister for justice listen because people in the ministers position do not listen when they think they know all the facts.

    And that is my two pence.;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,021 ✭✭✭Hivemind187

    Just to point this out for the hundreth time folks;

    The Minister of Justice, Equality and Law Reform can not pass laws by decree - he is not a king! Every piece of legislation he intends to bring into effect has to go before a senate and Dail review, committee review and a judicial review.

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