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swim, bike, run ... it'l be fun!



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Dragged my ass out of bed late, and jumped onto the turbo trainer anyway. A plan is a plan. Nailed the interval session, cut the warmdown short, and still ended up late into the office. Did a great impression of a zoned out zombie all day, huray for coffee :D Morning training just doesnt work for me.

    Made the pool session and put in a good effort; I'd agreed with myself lastnight that if i got both sessions today and didn't just give them a half assed attempt that there was a steak dinner in it for me.

    Noym. I'm full of waffles and steak now (yes i would ruin a nice steak by having it with waffles. i even considered having a tin of baked beans with it, but couldn't bring myself to do it).


    Long slow run tomorrow and a day off on thursday!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Nice ramble through the city tonight from taking in ringsend, pearse st, merrion sq. etc, plan was 1hr40 with an increase in effort at the end. Hamstrings were feeling quite tender so took the first 40mins very easy; was nice to get around so much of the city... i really like long runs because you end up going interesting places and seeing new things, there's a new building beside goldsmith hall on pearse st belonging to TCD that was a carpark last time I was there! Legs are drained now, bit of a wobble walk whenever i stopped running. Cant wait for a lie in tomorrow, im going to set my alarm just so that i can appreciate not getting out of bed! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    A day off on thursday would have been needed, even if it wasn't scheduled. Woke up tired and with a sore throat; think I picked up something in the office. Strepsils, vit c, paracetamol, and manuka honey in my tea all day, and in bed early instead of going for the planned curry with some mates. Less groggy thismorning, but still have a sore throat and swolen glands in my neck so taking the day easy... plan was a second tempo run, and long swim tonight. Skipped the run, might go to the pool and do a 30min easy technique swim tonight though. Was looking forward to a solid weekend of cycling too, but looks like I'll be taking that easy even if I do go out. Last year I managed to stay pretty healthy through the year, but I've already been out of action on three occasions so far in the past three months. Anyone got any silver bullet magic for keeping the immune system strong? :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    No training today again. Making the best of things, I replaced the session with a bit of reading and found three posts on joe friel's blog that were interesting.

    First, given I've now missed two full days of training and three sessions, it's interesting to see how quickly you lose fitness:

    Second, given how frequently I've been staying up late, and squashing in training sessions, a review of how to recover:
    Lately I've been getting an average of 2hrs less sleep than normal, even though training volume or intensity have been getting increased. It's funny how you need to re-read stuff you know to realize you're not doing it.

    Third... I did a vo2 max test a while ago out of curiosity, and subsequently discovered when reading up on things that they hadn't measured my CO2 output during the test, and hence didn't give you your RQ, but just the vo2 at various levels. I mostly care about long distance stuff at the moment, so vo2 max isn't especially useful as a number, I'd much sooner know the breakdown of energy coming from carbs/fat at different intensities, which is what the RQ indicates. If I do it again It's something I'd want to check is included ahead of time. And Joe had a blog post about it here:

    So, no training, but a bit of rest and interesting reading done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Another day off today, and a pretty easy week planned with no double sessions this week. Spent a bit more time reading up on sports science stuff and came across a nice article about lactate curves for ironman triathletes on the endurance corner site. It's hard not to be sucked in by the fun science, but all the knowledge in the world isn't going to make you fast... feck off cold so that I can get back training!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Swim the other evening was the first session back, and didn't go to plan at all. It kicked off with a hard warmup, and I just didnt feel right starting into the main set. Left the session after about 500m. Think thats the first time I've left a swim early after making the decision to go and do it. Was knackered and glad I called it quits early. However, that will not happen again; if you show up, do the set, otherwise it makes it too easy to quit on other days!

    40min easy run yesterday was a lot more enjoyable, but finished it and arms and legs felt a bit drained considering it was an easy run. Super easy session on the turbo tonight (an hour with 4x10mins at a very easy pwoer output) has me feeling the same again... cant figure out if im just out of form after a week off with whatever I picked up, or if im just being a lazy git.

    I recon I need to take some more HTFU in my water bottle.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Feeling better or just training because you're going insane not being able to?

    Seems a bit strange to be that drained - are your heart rates and all that jazz normal?

    Otherwise toughen up. I can recommend some inspiring music for you if you like. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Hey RQ, yeah, everything seemed normal. Was feeling good, HR looked grand in the morning and when training, and i had no temperature. Went to the GP to see if he had any ideas. Turns out HTFU probably wasn't needed this time around, a working thermometer would have done :) I've a fever and probably an infection. Loath as I am to have to take it easy again for a while, I do prefer leaving the doctors knowing there was something wrong with you rather than that you're just a hypochondriac.

    More time off just means i've more time to find races to sign up for..... :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    I can recommend some inspiring music for you if you like. :)

    It's allright, I've got "stronger" on my ipod right now :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    kingQuez wrote: »
    Hey RQ, yeah, everything seemed normal. Was feeling good, HR looked grand in the morning and when training, and i had no temperature. Went to the GP to see if he had any ideas. Turns out HTFU probably wasn't needed this time around, a working thermometer would have done :) I've a fever and probably an infection. Loath as I am to have to take it easy again for a while, I do prefer leaving the doctors knowing there was something wrong with you rather than that you're just a hypochondriac.

    More time off just means i've more time to find races to sign up for..... :D

    Sounds like what i had, just knocks the stuffing out of you and leaves you with no energy.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    kingQuez wrote: »
    It's allright, I've got "stronger" on my ipod right now :D

    Thought you'd be talking about that Gary Barlow song. You had me a bit worried there. :eek:

    Take it easy, the quicker you try to get back when you're not right the longer you'll be out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    It's ok to go swimming tonight though, right? I mean, if its just swimming easy? ........ :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Thought you'd be talking about that Gary Barlow song. You had me a bit worried there. :eek:

    lol, just looked that up on youtube.... even my taste in music isnt that bad!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Back in the pool on friday for a full swim session and it was great. I think it did more for me mentally than physically.. Tough session and I struggled to make the times, but ive been off pretty much entirely for two weeks now after giving in and taking a course of antibiotics. Just finished with them today so going to take things easy and not jump back into a full schedule this time around, I suspect I got going a bit too fast after the flu I picked up at xmas. Its 20 weeks to go, 17 weeks till taper.. plenty of time if I just get a bit of consistent training in between now and then!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    It's been 5 months since I've updated this.. new race report coming monday :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Good luck in FF, nail it.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Well done yesterday, don't forget which of us always believed you could go sub 11. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Well done yesterday, don't forget which of us always believed you could go sub 11. :)

    Told you I wasn't aiming for anything :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    No nerves this year; I kept expecting them to kick in, and even on race morning I only got the jitters getting into the water for the swim start. Having done Austria last year took away a lot of the fear of the unknown.

    Frankfurt is a bit of a logistical effort, the expo and registration are in town, the briefing is in a different part of town you need to take a train to, the swim is pretty much inaccessible by public transport except for when you head down to check in your kit for T1, and then T2 is back in town near the finish line. The volunteers are amazing, there were lots of them, and at check in they helped rack your bike, get your bags organized etc. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for the busses that bring you from town down to the lake with your bikes; huge queues and a total mosh once you get on.

    The swim starts very wide, but gets a bit squashed at the first proper turn. I got a few slaps and kicks at the start, and at times it was unavoidable to swim over people as things crushed in a bit, but some fecker grabbed my leg, then my arm, and then my shoulder to try and pass me coming into the first turn. I was having none of it, I grabbed his leg with both hands as he went past me and thought he was going to punch me when he stopped and looked up at me. He apologized and kept swimming. That put me on guard for the rest of the swim, but once we were past the first turn everything settled down a lot and the rest of it went well.

    Coming out of the swim and into transition you run up a big sandy hill which is a shock to the system after being flat for so long; into transition and got changed at the bike, much quicker than in austria where I wasted a lot of time. Exiting T1 and past the mount line everything was moving fairly fast, I had one option: a flying mount. They say you need to do something new on race day, right? Worked perfectly and no, er, issues.

    Onto the bike and the heavens opened. Poured rain for the next 100k, solid irish weather. Im a crap cyclist and taking turns in the rain was a pain, nearly skidded off into a hay bail on one turn so had to take a bit more care after that. Saw several people crash out. Theres a few hills on the course, but nothing too bad; given the rain there wasnt much support during the first lap. Onto the second lap and things started to dry out a bit, unfortunately now was when I was due to put in a bit more effort on the bike and my left knee started to seize up, like during the run in austria last year. I backed off to the effort I used on the first lap knowing I'd have a bad day if I came off the bike into the marathon with that sort of pain to begin with. Ultimately led to just under 6hrs for the bike; disappointing given how much effort I'd put into cycling this year, but couldn't have done much better with the day that was in it. A lot of people pulled out and became DNFs during the bike given how cold it was.

    T2 was a painless setup; volunteers to take and rack your bike so none of the faffing that we had in Austria. Onto the run and the plan was to take the first lap slow, the second lap a little faster, steady for the third lap and then push for the fourth. I spent myself too early in the run in Austria and I wanted to pace this run properly; spent the first 5k talking to someone that was going at a lot slower pace than me to force me to stick to the plan, and then spent the next 5k going just a little faster. Lap 2 and I had to really pay attention to keep my pace down but this worked out well when I fell in step with a guy aiming for a sub 10 who had a nice steady run going, and then on the 3rd lap I finally got to settle into my planned speed. It was pretty comfortable at this point, and I could feel my knees starting to tighten up, so took the chance to make my only toilet stop on the run to avoid any of the mess in Austria (where I was unable to start running after stopping for a toilet break at 30k last year). Collecting the bands that mark how many laps you've done is a great motivator on the day, it gives a nice little sense of achievement each time you get the next one, and after getting the 3rd it was time to push on a little. Pace finally came to something comfortably hard but it was a great feeling to know that pain was coming, and to have planned for it mentally; it was totally unexpected in Austria, here I knew I could just push through it. I used gels for my first 3 laps, and on the 4th I swopped over to coke for a reward.. but it meant I needed to power walk the aid stations I stopped at which must have looked ridiculous as I shuffled through them spilling coke all over my face. In the last 5k I passed a lot of people who were on their fourth lap who were walking and had blown up; Finally I was close enough to the finish line to properly pick up some running form and was running along at a nice clip, feeling stronger than I should at this point. Overall the support on the entire run course was brilliant, really much better than Austria given its smaller laps.

    I didn't see much in the finishing chute, I wasn't exactly sure what time I was at now but knew it was close to 11 and was going to be damned if I missed it this year. In the end it was 10'53, not a massive improvement on last year in terms of time -- but positioning was a lot better, and it was a much better executed day, so all round I can't complain.

    Overall I improved everything except the bike split (which disimproved), didnt break the hour for the swim but getting closer, knocked a good bit off the transitions (with lots more to go), and ran a steady marathon. Need to bike more.

    The finish line party is a bit of a non-event in frankfurt; which is a real disappointment. Things wrap up at 10pm, and there's no really big finale like in Austria where they had a great atmosphere going and a huge fireworks display.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Well done KQ, question if you were offered one or the other race next year which one would you prefer and why?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Well done KQ. The swim sounded a bit rough, was it this race that HM had her nose broken in the swim (or Austria, can't remember which)?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    catweazle wrote: »
    Well done KQ, question if you were offered one or the other race next year which one would you prefer and why?

    That's tough, both are excellent and have their pros and cons :)
    Gut reaction is Austria, better atmosphere at the finish party, and I enjoyed the bike better because it was less technical and had some sharper hills that suited me better. That said I really enjoyed the run at FF which was a fantastic setup.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    griffin100 wrote: »
    Well done KQ. The swim sounded a bit rough, was it this race that HM had her nose broken in the swim (or Austria, can't remember which)?

    Dont think it was austria.. didnt think it was germany either though, im getting forgetful in my old age :D

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    griffin100 wrote: »
    Well done KQ. The swim sounded a bit rough, was it this race that HM had her nose broken in the swim (or Austria, can't remember which)?
    kingQuez wrote: »
    Dont think it was austria.. didnt think it was germany either though, im getting forgetful in my old age :D

    Switzerland. Some of us are still young*. :cool:

    *and possibly have the time on their hands to use the search function

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Havent done much since frankfurt, sat on my ass for a week and then got back swimming, went for a nice 90k spin at the weekend and have been running twice. Knackered my leg on a sprint the other evening to avoid missing something (a boat to alcatraz for a swim! so was worth running for).. feels like ive strained some tendons or something running down the outside of my lower leg, so im going to stick with swimming and the bike for another week. I've discovered how great those sports tapes are for adding a bit of support to your leg, picked up a role of Rock Tape for $15 and have been messing about with it.. youtube is a wealth of information on how to tape things!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Tell us more!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Tell us more!!

    They have non-competitive swims once a month from the rock back to the mainland in SF that you can sign up for, figured while im here it would be a bit of fun. Unfortunately I missed the boat despite the all out sprint (possibly the fastest I;ve run all year too). Ah well, that will learn me to run faster (or not rely on getting a cab next time) right? :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    What's all this about being a triathlete? I thought I was a runner who did triathlons. I think im lost.. anyone know where the running forum is? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    In training news.. I still haven't been back running, tendons or something in the top of my foot are still sore to walk with, really don't know what's going on. Why I didn't think about that, and the fact my bike wheels are still banjaxed from the flight back from frankfurt, before taking a transfer for caroline kerney i just don't know. Not sure if ill be able to get everything sorted in time to make the start line next week.

    I was swimming in the sf bay again a few times last week; and took my first proper non-wetsuit sea swim lastnight. Was blue when I got out and it took about an hour to shop shivering, but was great fun and a real sense of achievement from it.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Never mind jellyfish. Watch out for sharks out there!
