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swim, bike, run ... it'l be fun!



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,051 ✭✭✭MCOS

    Well done on your Marathon, thats a good time and excellent negative split!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Cheers MCOS!

    BIKE: The neglected discipline. 40mins easy. No idea what distance I covered, but I dont think it was much :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Need to start cranking up the distance I cover during swims past 1k. Will start off trying to push one session a week a little longer.

    SWIM: 1k. 4x50m frontcrawl, 50m kicking back, 50m kicking sides, 500m frontcrawl, 50m catchup drill, 100m frontcrawl, 50m frontcrawl.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Easy swim today.

    SWIM: 750m. 5x50m, 5x100m.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Was away for a couple of days holidays. Got in a bit of cycling and a swim, and got out for a run today.

    BIKE (thursday): 20k, tea and scones, 28k mostly into a strong headwind. Very hilly route.

    BIKE (friday): 7.5k easy, swim detailed below, curry (:D), 7.5k hilly route.

    SWIM (friday): 1km. 6x50, 200, 100, 200, 4x50.

    RUN (sunday): 2.9miles, 18mins 49sec (6min 29sec/mile). Average HR 157, max 185. Set out for a nice easy run, but everything felt brilliant.. so when I realized I was making good time I didn't slow down. Took ages before my HR dropped below 100 when I finished.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Swim today, was planning to do more but I kept verring off to alternate sides instead of swimming in straight lines, so decided to call it a day early -- something was obviously off.

    SWIM: 800m. 5x50m (20sec rests), 5x50 (15sec rests), 100m, 200m.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Great run thisevening, I love that its still bright for a run at 9pm :)

    RUN: 3miles, 24mins 37sec (8min 12sec/mile). Average HR 139, max 154.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Swim today. Quite disappointed with my swimming at the moment... technique seems to be all over the place, and swimming 200m still seems like its taking too much effort. I dont mind being crap on the bike, ive put very little effort into it, but swimmings a different story. Since the TI sessions finished its all been going downhill. I'll probably bump some running in favor of more time in the pool.. really need to get it back up to scratch.

    SWIM: 1100m. warmup: 3x50 front, 25m kicking left side, 25 right, 2x50 kicking back, main: 100m, 200m, 100m, 200m, 100m, cooldown: 2x50.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Finally got a wetsuit. Was looking forward to going for a splash in it, until I discovered it already had a nick in it. Think im heading back to the shop to get it replaced/repaired tomorrow :-/

    So, new plan was a cycle. Which turned into my first 'brick' session. I dont have a handle on what times I should expect from myself, so setout for a 20k cycle, and mid way through decided to add a 3mile run. 'Transition' took about 5mins because I wasnt planning on going back out..

    Legs didnt feel as bad as I was expecting from all the hype. Sure they felt a bit heavy, and I was certainly slower than normal on the run; I'm sure when I get up the milage Ill know all about it..

    BIKE: 19.65km, 46mins. First 10k was mostly up very slight incline and took 25mins, second half didnt register as 10k (despite being the same route).. not sure why, it took 21mins (lots of downhill).

    RUN: 3miles, 23min 10 sec (7min 43/mile), max hr 161, average 146.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Cycled to work for the first time in ages, and went for a spin in the park after. Wasnt very keen on locking the new bike outside so I stashed it in the office meeting room, but I wont get away with that again. Back to commuting on my crap bike if im going to improve my bike muscles as part of a commute :/

    Mostly just a spin round the park, but was made do some practice at taking corners too which I definitely need :)

    BIKE: 8k to work, 28.56k after work (20k of which was in the phoenix park in 40mins).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 278 ✭✭ladytri

    kingQuez wrote: »
    Was away for a couple of days holidays. Got in a bit of cycling and a swim, and got out for a run today.

    BIKE (thursday): 20k, tea and scones, 28k mostly into a strong headwind. Very hilly route.

    BIKE (friday): 7.5k easy, swim detailed below, curry (:D), 7.5k hilly route.

    SWIM (friday): 1km. 6x50, 200, 100, 200, 4x50.

    RUN (sunday): 2.9miles, 18mins 49sec (6min 29sec/mile). Average HR 157, max 185. Set out for a nice easy run, but everything felt brilliant.. so when I realized I was making good time I didn't slow down. Took ages before my HR dropped below 100 when I finished.

    Loving the way your log is peppered with little foodie tit-bits:) Can't beat tea and scones half way through a cycle!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    lol, thanks ladytri.. yeah, tea and scones are a pretty good snack allright :D

    Today's swim was OK.. it was all a bit messy, but there were glimpses of doing it 'right' after about 400m things just clicked. Lets hope for some more of that. Going to try and get swimming several mornings a week...

    SWIM: 1300m. warmup: 5x50 (3front, 1kicking back, 1catcup), main: 3x100m, 1x200m, 3x100m, cooldown: 5x50 (2kicking back, 1kicking side, 2front).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Short splash to try out swimming in a wetsuit in OW. Much more comfortable fit once they get wet, and very bouyant.. it will take a little bit of getting used to! Swimming with a tide pushing you about gently makes swimming in a straight line hard, I was really all over the place.. had to keep looking up to sight. Also found it much easier to breathe to one side only rather than doing breaths on opposite sides ever 3 strokes. Still, overall seemed grand.

    SWIM: 500m with lots of stops to see where I was.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    It seems i did 2k in the pool today! SCORE!

    *everything clicked*. I wasn't swimming very fast.. but when I was feeling so good at the first 200m after already doing 600m, I decided to shove in an extra three of them.. making 4x200 instead of 4x100 to finish. But then I wasnt wrecked after them, so finished off the original plan of 4x100 and 4x50. It got a little sloppy towards the end.. but hey, im happy :)

    I'll believe it when I manage to do it a second time. Or if I hurt a lot tomorrow.

    SWIM: 2k. 4x50 warmup, 4x100, 4x200, 4x100, 4x50 cooldown.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    All my swim training until now has been trying to get the distance up to par. We did one 750m timetrial at the end of the TI new to tri sessions, and I came in at 20mins 41sec. Since that session I havent swum the 750m distance in a single go again, nor have I tracked any of my swim times.

    Yesterday I got a watch so that I could time myself in the pool, and despite feeling a little weathered after a birthday party lastnight went off to the pool this morning.

    Current swim time for 750m is now down to 16min 51sec. And I cut my finger during it, so lost a few seconds there trying to figure out if I needed to stop.

    Times per 50m were : 1'0, 1'04, 1'06, 1'07, 1'07, 1'07, 1'10, 1'10, 1'12, 1'11, 1'10, 1'10, 1'17 (cut my finger), 1'07, 1'0

    Now I need to figure out what I need to do to start improving the time, aswell as increase the distance to olympic :)

    SWIM: 1k. 4x50m warmup, 750m, 50m cooldown.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,518 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    How did you cut your finger during a swim?! Open Water? Sharp-toothed fish?
    Great swimming, great times. Very jealous..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Hey Krusty_Clown, It was a shark in the deep end. Well.. a shark-teeth-sharp chip in a tile on the side of the pool :rolleyes: . I blame the canoeists that get to use it during college term time!

    I'm very happy with the swim time, I didnt believe MCOS when he said to just keep at it, that it would come good in the end. He was on the money! Even recently I've been struggling with knocking out 200m.

    I managed to pull something in my leg yesterday and have been limping about a bit :/ not looking good for two weeks time now at all... :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    It almost killed me to stay off exercise this week.. but the pain in the leg was improving all week but not fixed. Yesterday was the first full day that I didnt notice anything at all, so got out for an easy run today.

    Outside of my right knee is a bit sore; but at least thats back to an injury I've had before. Stretching and standing on one leg exercises seem to fix that one up normally.

    Plan this week is to do a little bit of everything, all very easy, and hope things are grand for first triathlon in athlone next weekend. Today I tried running with no socks and all was good. Tomorrow Im planning an easy pool swim (maybe 800-1k max total). Monday I hope my knee is feeling OK, so will try and get out on the bike and see how I go with no socks. I'd like another OW swim this week, but It wont kill me if I miss it. Also want another easy run, probably on thursday.

    A little worried that I havent worked through the logicstics of transitions before now.. Mostly the issue of what to do with clipless shoes on the bike; prefix to the bike (theyre not tri shoes) or change into them and run? (can barely walk in them without making a fool of myself)..

    I've a horrible feeling Im going to make a mess of things in Athlone; but I wasn't expecting to be much better prepared this soon after the marathon 5weeks ago. Main reason for going through with athlone at this stage is to have one under my belt before my years A-goal of finishing an olympic-distance tri at the end of august.

    RUN: 3miles in about 23mins.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Went off for a nice easy swim, swum in a lane with someone else doing lengths that was a lot slower than me to keep the pace down. I never do it, so counted the number of stokes it took me to cover 25m. Averaged to 23 initially (used to be about 26, which depressed me so I stopped counting). After putting a little bit of effort into stretching on entry + a bit of a glide I had it down to 21.. and managed a few lengths with a count of 19. No idea how far off 'reasonable' that is.. will have to go check it out. All at a very slow easy pace.

    Whatever I pulled in my leg is back niggling at me, as was the side of my right knee.. so think its time to find a physio. Hope its not too late :/

    SWIM: 1k. 10x50m, 1x200m, 1x100m, 4x50m.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,051 ✭✭✭MCOS

    kingQuez wrote: »
    It seems i did 2k in the pool today! SCORE!

    *everything clicked*. I wasn't swimming very fast.. but when I was feeling so good at the first 200m after already doing 600m, I decided to shove in an extra three of them.. making 4x200 instead of 4x100 to finish. But then I wasnt wrecked after them, so finished off the original plan of 4x100 and 4x50. It got a little sloppy towards the end.. but hey, im happy :)

    I'll believe it when I manage to do it a second time. Or if I hurt a lot tomorrow.

    SWIM: 2k. 4x50 warmup, 4x100, 4x200, 4x100, 4x50 cooldown.

    ;) well done, great progress there! Delighted to see the consistency is paying off for you

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    One trip to the physio later and it turns out my Gracilis had tightened up and needed to be released. I have no idea how a physio can hone in and find something very sore that you didnt even know existed. Was sent off for a swim and a cycle to see how things faired and have to call back to get the OK for the triathlon this weekend depending on how I got on.

    Swim yesterday went OK, but leg was a little tender after the visit to the physio earlier in the day. Was a bit scared to give a proper kick, so was all fairly lazy. None of the original pain afterwards though!

    Cycle today was grand, but depressingly slow (50mins for 20k). Will see how I am tomorrow.. hopefully will continue to be fine!

    SWIM: 1k. (4x50, 2x100, 1x200, 2x100, 4x50).

    BIKE: 20k. 50mins. average hr 130.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Physio was happy that the niggle/pain has gone down and that its nothing serious, so all things are go for this weekend :eek:

    Quick run/swim today just to stretch. 10mins easy on a treadmill and then 400m easy in the pool.

    Cant wait for the weekend; even though im 1/2 terrified of what i've signed up for. Wish I'd made more of an attempt to put it all together; transitions are going to be messy. Once I get a good swim Ill be happy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    I survived my first (sprint) triathlon in Athlone today! Finished in 1hr24. I claimed I'd be happy if I got a good swim; Well I'm happy, but I couldn't really call it a good swim. Other things went well fortunately :D

    SWIM: Initially I tried to swim regularly, taking breaths every 3 strokes. That wasnt going to work; I was veering off to the right, and with the excitement of imminent drowning needed to breathe more often, so I ended up breathing every two strokes to the same side. I just sort of followed the crowd during the swim, I couldn't sight very well without my glasses, nor track where everyone else was until I was almost swimming into them, so had to stop and tread water once or twice to get my bearings. Happy I didn't drown, but I'm annoyed that I wasn't fully 'in control'. Clearly I need to do more OW swimming!

    T1: This went pretty well, but I really wish they had swept the road leading in/out of the transition area. The loose gravel was a killer on bare feet. Got through T1 in 4min20 (gained nearly 80places within the category here :eek:); My big concern before the race was whether to attach bike shoes to the bike or not. In the end I did; I duck-taped the velcro straps opened so they wouldn't get caught in the chainring, and given it was my first attempt at a transition it was all quite smooth.

    BIKE: Nothing much to say here; did the route and just kept at a speed I knew I could maintain so that I'd be strong for the run. I haven't done much bike training, so wasn't expecting anything fantastic to happen. (Overall I lost about 50 places within the category). My speedo had the route at 22k?

    T2: This was also pretty fast, even if I was cursing as I ran back in barefoot over the loose gravel again; then I'd to stop to use the toilet making it take almost 5mins :( Came out of T2 without moving too much within my category rankings despite the pitstop.

    RUN: Well, this was going to be the one part where I was strong. Gained 30 places within the category. There's no way the course was 5k though; on a good day I've to work pretty hard to knock out a time under 20mins, and my time had me well under that.

    Overall I'd a good day, and the atmosphere about the place was great, people were a lot more friendly than I was expecting tbh!; going through one race I've learned a *lot*. I need to do more OW swimming to get comfortable outside a pool, it really is quite different. Cycling needs to get added to my weekly routine; I dont think I can ignore it for too much longer. Run was grand. Transitions were the one thing I think I did pretty well; very happy with them, aside from the toilet stop. I wish I didn't have a huge blood-blister on my heel from running barefoot though them though; oh well :cool:

    SPRINT TRIATHLON: 1hr 24mins. (bike: max hr 169, av 153. run: max hr 178, av 163)

  • Registered Users Posts: 278 ✭✭ladytri

    Well done KingQuez- great result!

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,518 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    Well done KQ. What were your times for the swim, cycle and run?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,051 ✭✭✭MCOS

    Well done kingQuez, thats an excellent result for the work you have put in :) And you got through the swim, see! Now you have a good idea on what you need to prioritise to work on next... good day for you

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Thanks folks; Given I'm not training iwth a club Boards has been invaluable with getting me there, so cheers to everyone that gave me encouragement with the swimming and answered my silly tri-related questions! :)

    Krusty_Clown: I came in with a 13min swim, 44min bike and 17.5min run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Over for an easy swim after work to stretch the legs...

    SWIM: 1k (5x50m frontcrawl, 5x100m frontcrawl, 5x50m -- 2xkicking back, 1xkicking sides, 2xfront).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Finally built up the motivation to get out cycling today; and thankfully the rain held off till I was out on the road. I've got no muscles for cycling.. nearly killed me during the 10mins 'hard' (which I suspect was still incredibly easy given I couldnt even maintain a 140bpm heartrate) to keep things going.

    BIKE: 30k, 1hr18mins. 10mins warmup, 3x(10mins easy, 10mins hard), 10min cooldown.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Haha.. I set out to try and get a 2k session after work again, but I didn't do my sums right, ended up with 2200m :) Great swim; really enjoyed it.

    SWIM: 2200m (4x50,5x100,4x200,5x100,4x50).
