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swim, bike, run ... it'l be fun!



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Great, another IM log :) Looking forward to reading this one.

    As Izoard said dont be worrying about the bike. IMHO a longer IM bike is as much about dealing with the mental aspect as well the physical aspect - and I can say that as someone who took almost 7.30hrs to do the bike last year. If you have the right frame of mind the rest will follow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 295 ✭✭redved

    hey, just wanted to say the improvement in your swim times is something else. Really impressive
    I would be about the same level as you when you started 32 -33 mins for 1500m but no improvement.
    do you put this down to joining the tri club? Any tips you'd like to share:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    redved wrote: »
    hey, just wanted to say the improvement in your swim times is something else. Really impressive
    I would be about the same level as you when you started 32 -33 mins for 1500m but no improvement.
    do you put this down to joining the tri club? Any tips you'd like to share:D

    Hey redved, im far from an expert at the swimming thing but did find the times dropped off a good bit after a couple of months swimming with a group regularly. No matter how hard I tried swimming by myself sessions were never as hard or consistent as they are in a group:
    1. If you don't have the lane to yourself (or arent with a coached group) you usually cant stick to the times you're meant to do for the set.
    2. You push a hellofalot harder during a swim with a group, and its not half as mentally hard as doing it by yourself.
    3. During the winter you can improve the technique if someone is on the pool deck telling you what you're doing wrong.

    Swim sessions were really hard for the first few months and I was always just hanging onto the group, but eventually it came round. I got another bit of an improvement recently after increasing the distance I was swimming. Not doing it faster, but just adding the occasional heavy week of a swim or making a session much longer than I'd normally do. I'm sure interested or mcos can probably give you a better idea of what you should be doing to improve than me though :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Bike: 8x(6mins@140bpm, 2min easy) with 10min warmup/cooldown.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    kingQuez wrote: »
    1. If you don't have the lane to yourself (or arent with a coached group) you usually cant stick to the times you're meant to do for the set.
    2. You push a hellofalot harder during a swim with a group, and its not half as mentally hard as doing it by yourself.
    3. During the winter you can improve the technique if someone is on the pool deck telling you what you're doing wrong.

    .... I'm sure interested or mcos can probably give you a better idea of what you should be doing to improve than me though :D

    restricted by the medium of d'internet, the 3 above - especially no. 3 are very good suggestions. Spending time in the pool is beneficial, spending time in a pool 'competing' with others during swim sets and being observed by someone with an informed opinion will give you a better return on the time given to your swimming and may* help with your tri swimming.

    * translating your pool training to results in open water is sometimes considered a dark art ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    kingQuez wrote: »
    1. If you don't have the lane to yourself (or arent with a coached group) you usually cant stick to the times you're meant to do for the set.
    2. You push a hellofalot harder during a swim with a group, and its not half as mentally hard as doing it by yourself.
    3. During the winter you can improve the technique if someone is on the pool deck telling you what you're doing wrong.

    I wouldn't agree. I swim in a lane 3 mornings a week that will easily have 3-4 other people in it, I manage to stick to times etc.. Its about getting in the correct lane and knowing what other people are swimming.

    Group swims, every wednesday morning I watch a group of 10 people swim in a 25m pool. Hand to foot the whole way, sure the lead out guy is getting work done but the rest are being towed along.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    mloc123 wrote: »
    I wouldn't agree. I swim in a lane 3 mornings a week that will easily have 3-4 other people in it, I manage to stick to times etc.. Its about getting in the correct lane and knowing what other people are swimming.

    Group swims, every wednesday morning I watch a group of 10 people swim in a 25m pool. Hand to foot the whole way, sure the lead out guy is getting work done but the rest are being towed along.

    Ah, you're in one of those pools where there are both lanes, and people in them that know which one they're meant to be in :) You're right on the group swim though, usually there's only 5 of us in a lane with 5-10secs spacing so not too much of a free-ride to be had!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    kingQuez wrote: »
    Ah, you're in one of those pools where there are both lanes, and people in them that know which one they're meant to be in :) You're right on the group swim though, usually there's only 5 of us in a lane with 5-10secs spacing so not too much of a free-ride to be had!

    As for knowing which lane to be in, since the weather has improved alot of 'new to tri' types have ended up slightly lost and in lanes they should not be :D

    5 to a lane is fine, whenever I see that group in my pool.. 10+ in a lane.. even when I am two lanes over I can still catch a decent draft :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    mloc123 wrote: »
    ....sure the lead guy out is getting the work done and the rest are being towed along.

    Not necessarily. As you said its about knowing your own pacing ability and sitting yourself in the lane according to how much you want to work. If you are one of the the fastest in the lane then I'd suggest agreeing with someone else to take turns leading it out. If you are getting a free ride with 6 bodies in front of you moving all of the resistance out of your way then move up to 2nd or 3rd off. It gets progressively harder the closer to your ability you go. So you could be getting a draft but its still hard work. For instance in my lane there are uber swimmers I cannot hang onto so I generally lead the mob behind them and I get a real workout for the session. I usually try to drop them and end up in in between them and the fish. If I'm having a hard time though I lead out for early sets, dive back into the group for a 'rest' and then lead out later sets too. Group swimming is great but if you continue to plod along with the same group in the same position at the same intensity all the time, you will platueau. Enter the hurtbox from time to time, it will bring you on!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    1.5hr swim tonight, lots of short sprints thrown into the mix.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Today was a 3hr bike in the rain including two thirty min efforts, and an hour run at HIM run pace. I tried to do the run pacing by effort without using the garmin and probably ran it too fast.. felt OK but just seems fast for the distance (14.6k, 4:08 min/km -- closer to a 10k pace than half marathon after a swim and cycle!).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    4hr steady bikeride today; bringing the recovery week in with one day entirely off, one missed session and 13hrs training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    30min run (easy), and a quick spash in OW for a few hundred meters to make sure everything still works this year. Met some older guy (probably about 70) getting in for a swim in his shorts; felt like a right prat in my wetsuit. Must grow a pair. Everytime I think a swim is hard or cold or whatever hes going to remind me to HTFU and JFDI.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    With one OW swim under my belt for the year it was time to race. A windy lough lene near colinstown was the venue for the Tri an Mhi CXIII. This is my only triathlon race before IM Austria, and the place was full of ironmen or wannabies. I doubt that the timing is a coincidence with many european ironman races in the next few months and a void of HIM races to line up with certain IM training plans.

    Woolly hats and windbreakers were ditched for wetsuits as 9am neared, and the weather continued to look ominous. After shivering through the race briefing, it was time to get in. The water wasnt as cold as I expected. After a bit of time to splash about and adjust things we were off. Two giant yellow buoys marked the swim. The water was choppy and I regretted not doing some more OW practice before the race each time I swallowed another mouthful of water. After passing the first buoy I got into a good rhythm, but then slowed down trying to navigate back to the swim exit (damn you fogged up goggles!).

    Slow T1 as extra layers were added; I'd seen the forecast and wasn't planning to freeze for three hours on the bike if conditions deteriorated anymore. There's a time and a place for tri suits, and a day with thunder and lighting forecast isnt that time. Certainly for three hours its not.

    The bike course was a two lap setup. It was well marshaled, road surface was good and it just rolled up and down with one proper climb about 16k into each lap. With only 110 people racing on the day I didnt see any packs of cyclists, was occasionally ovetaken by fast people and even managed to reel in a few people myself for a change. It was windy, wet, and I was glad I'd taken the time in T1 to put on a full sleeve jersey. Some IM-specific technique practice on the bike (ahem.) wasn't as difficult as expected; glad there was no audience for it though.

    There was no time wasting in T2; dump the bike and runners were on. I dropped the long sleeve top as I was going to get warmer on the run than I was on the bike. Ran the first 1k too fast, and the arch of my left foot felt tight. Then the right shin complained, and I steadied the pace. It's not a 5k run. Again the run was well marshaled, but there weren't many people to be seen on the quiet road it started on. Down to a t-junction and there was a loop that doubled back on itself to the right; it was here I spotted the first signs of life. It took a while, but I eventually caught the first person and passed a second before the two-loop section in fore. A conveniently placed water station appeared. Well timed as I'd just taken a gel and was hoping I hadn't mistimed it. Eventually someone caught me, I'd seen him for a good 5minutes before he appeared and I'd hoped it wouldn't happen. Ran with him for about 10mins before letting him continue as his pace was a little faster than what I could maintain; it was still early in the run. Coming into the second lap a second person appeared behind me poised to overtake. Cant let that happen again. So I stuck with him; only 10k to go, and hes not running too much faster than me. We stuck together for most of the rest of the run; seady for the next 5k, and then we increased the pace.. off the loop and heading for home. A mishap with the garmin (tip: dont drop them :( ) meant I'd no pace data for the final 5k, but we pushed a little faster as we got closer. At this point the weather had turned nasty; it was lashing rain and windy. Did i mention I love running in weather like this? i pushed harder and lost my running mate from the second half of the run (pity, he was flying and id hoped hed stick with me). Hit the turning point with 1k to go and the hailstones kicked in. The road was a river of water, and the laces of my left shoe opened. Looking at the stopwatch I was still coming in under 1.30 for the run.. no time to tie shoelaces; lets hope the shoe stays on. Please dont trip. With 500m to go the other shoelaces undid themselves. Darn water. Dont trip. Dont trip... finishline in sight. Faster. Can I catch that guy infront of me? ...... no.

    Great day. New PB on HIM distance and on half-marathon too. I think the swim was a little short (I'd a bad swim but got a good time), the bike a little long, and the run a few hundred meters short. Great setup by Tri an Mhi. I'll certainly be going back for their races in the future.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Sub 1.30 for the run...super stuff.

    What were the other splits?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Izoard wrote: »
    Sub 1.30 for the run...super stuff.

    What were the other splits?

    Without checking the exact splits, 30min swim and a short while over 3hrs for the bike. Good day out for me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Snap! Very nice swim, your bike is improving kid and running yourself into the top20 in conditions like that! I now have you pegged for 11:00 ish at Austria in 7 weeks ;) I'll go with a conservative 63/6:00/3:47 with 10 mins for T1+T2... squeezing the extra couple of minutes out of the bike or run maybe... :D

    Well done, that must have given you a boost eh!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Cheers MCOS, Was a great race and nice to hack of a large chunk of time from my last one. I'm making no predictions for the IM, it's going to be very different from the race on Saturday. 47 days. 26days till taper :eek:

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Great report KQ - congrats on both pbs. You're looking good for the big one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Great result KQ. Seriously impressed with that run split.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Thanks guys, wasn't expecting to pull off such a good run at the end so really happy with it. Just read the report from the race, and the organizers say it was the full 1900m on the swim, so pretty surprized with that split too, time to get in some more OW swimming and see what I can get when I think im swimming well!

    Back to regular training now after a pretty lazy two days, death by swimming pool tonight. You're only as good as your last session :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Just catching up on the log. Great going in the HIM in tough conditions and super run off the bike, a good confidence builder.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    Great going KQ, all the best for the rest of your IM training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Picked up a cold over the weekend, been months since I was under the weather so I should of seen it coming. Only 40 days, it's starting to seem very real :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Nice 6k swim tonight, a mega pyramid of sprinting. Arms were falling off at the end, but tomorrow's only a long run so who needs arms eh? :D

    32 days to go..

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    You are getting close to peak fitness then. How long is your taper? 6k swim set :eek: Was that planned or did it turn out that way? Savage work

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    You are getting close to peak fitness then. How long is your taper? 6k swim set :eek: Was that planned or did it turn out that way? Savage work

    Hey MCOS. I'm into the last two "big" weeks now (although they're a long way off the milage / time you've been clocking up yourself). Plan is a 3 week taper after the wicklow 200.

    I figured I'd up my effort with swimming for the next 2-3 weeks (add in a weekly OW swim and increase one of my swims to somewhere about 5k), the swim sets I do are varied enough but the overall mileage hasn't increased in a while. Arms are heavy today :D

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    When is the Wicklow 200? Sometime in June isn't it? Not so long ago, I planned on doing that, now I've barely been on the bike :rolleyes: Being a stubborn bitch I reckon I could still do it. Slowly.

    And 6k in one session is savage swimming. It'll all be over before you know it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    When is the Wicklow 200? Sometime in June isn't it? Not so long ago, I planned on doing that, now I've barely been on the bike :rolleyes: Being a stubborn bitch I reckon I could still do it. Slowly.

    And 6k in one session is savage swimming. It'll all be over before you know it.

    Hey RQ! W200 is june 12th. I may have bitten off more than I can chew, the only wicklow hill I've ever done is sally gap.... its going to be a day of death :eek:

    You're welcome to come join me at the back of the pack :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Had an OK few days over the weekend. Finally did the 3.8k swim straight (in a pool), the 200m splits were evenly paced (although I miscounted and did an extra couple of lengths on a few of them!) but it took a bit of effort for the final 800m instead of being just easy. Saturday was a rest day (unscheduled, I just didn't feel right - so pushed the weekend training back a day since I had monday in as the planned rest day). Sunday was a 4.5hr spin in wicklow, today had a 4hr spin with 90min run. It doesn't seem like a lot. Must trust in the plan.

    I think I'm more worried about the wicklow200 now than the IM. Maybe its just because thats the first of the "new" events this year.

    26 days to go!
