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swim, bike, run ... it'l be fun!



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    I did blacksod point to wrap up the season at the weekend. A brilliant race, and much nicer weather than they had for us last year!

    Found the swim tough, after the first turn the water was quite choppy and I got more than a few mouthfuls of water. I had a little panic attack and had to flip onto my back for a few seconds, and then I kept swimming off course and having to readjust to get back swimming inside the line of buoys. Despite swimming well this year I finished a lot further down the swim rankings than at this race lastyear. The bike was lovely on the way out to the turnaround, but it would be when you have a savage tailwind behind you :D The less said about the brutal headwind on the way back to the pier the better, my average speed dropped back from 40kmph to 30 by the time I was into T2. Lovely run, it's a really great loop and the section across the beach is excellent.

    That's the racing year all wrapped up now. New PBs in 10k road race, olympic triathlon, middle distance triathlon and ironman triathlon. Finished the wicklow 200 in horrible weather, and did a 6hr swim event for good measure during the year.

    Next year I was thinking about doing the ART O Neill challenge and an ultra swim that I've got an idea for, but I've knocked both on the head. There is a return to IM planned, and getting the splits down is the primary goal for the year - anything not helping with that isn't going into the plan.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    :eek:6hr swim event?? Eh? You've had a good year KingQuez and I see good things for you next year. What IM are you doing? I'd like to do Ultra stuff too but have a few new monkeys to get off my back first

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    :eek:6hr swim event?? Eh? You've had a good year KingQuez and I see good things for you next year. What IM are you doing? I'd like to do Ultra stuff too but have a few new monkeys to get off my back first

    Sounds like you've plenty to keep busy with at the moment MCOS. Pity about berlin, but you've got to admit you had an amazing year; there are lots of us on here who keep a bit quiet about events and goals, or dont put the real goal out there for people to see, so fair play for keeping your log entirely truthful and up to date during the year! Enjoy the ongoing housework and bit of down time, you deserve a bit of a break :D

    I'm signed up for frankfurt; will be interested to see how it compares with Austria and how well I can improve my times.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    I'd two lazy days after blacksod, and then pulled something in my neck giving me another few lazy days. Back with 8x3mins @ under 10k pace with 90seconds recovery running lastnight down in UCD, lovely weather and there were lots of things going on at the pitches with the start of college it seemed. Its so much easier to motivate yourself when you see other people suffering too :D

    Nice easy run for 1'15 thismorning, it was warm and dry and I never want to see the winter. But as the starks say, 'winter is coming' - so im going to make the best of it for the moment! Meant to go for a swim later if I can find somewhere to have a splash after work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    I'm like all 'surprize' :D, and my body is all like 'hell no' :mad:. Wonder who will win? :)

    Anyway, winter is here. An hour on the turbo trainer on saturday (first time using it in months), and winter kit on for thismornings spin on the bike too. A whopping 8hours this week all in; its amazing how quickly you get used to just not training, and what a shock to the system it is to be back.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    This week has been the first solid week of swimming in a while. Monday was a set with some backstroke and breaststroke for a warmup, 1k with paddles (i dumped them before the set was done -- im not used to using them and dont want to jump in doing too much) and some other bits n pieces. In the pool lastnight for just under 4k. It was the first *proper* swim I've done in a while, it wasn't pretty but not a total disaster either. Did some stroke counting and came in at about 30/31 for each 50m when making an effort, and back up to 34 or so when just splashing up and down. Swimming thismorning had 2.6k before work with a descending set ending on a bunch of 50m flat out kicking.

    I've also started to cycle to work after avoiding it for well over a year. At least I'll be in the habbit when the weather really turns on us :D

    I'm looking forward to a run tonight, seems like forever since I've been running... its all intervals and tempo runs lately which just arent the same as going for a nice fun run; I cant wait for another month or so until I'm back doing some longer easy runs :)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Good start to the sub 10 training there! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    kingQuez wrote: »
    Did some stroke counting and came in at about 30/31 for each 50m when making an effort, and back up to 34 or so when just splashing up and down.

    NICE swolf score :eek: I did my first splash back (although nothing like a 4k set) in the 50m pool last night and I was at 39/40 strokes per length :( Actually I would struggle to hit 30/31. My norm when swimming 'well' is about 34-36 ad goes up to 38-40 when pushing it. Might be lower in a short course though...

    + on what RC said :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Good start to the sub 10 training there! :)

    If I was a mod for a day I'd ban you :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    NICE swolf score :eek: I did my first splash back (although nothing like a 4k set) in the 50m pool last night and I was at 39/40 strokes per length :( Actually I would struggle to hit 30/31. My norm when swimming 'well' is about 34-36 ad goes up to 38-40 when pushing it. Might be lower in a short course though...

    + on what RC said :)

    To be fair there was a good bit of gliding off each stroke and a decent kick to help get it down, if I'd been told to go fast that would of gone out the window!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    I WILL master tumble turns in the pool.

    I've got my hands on a power meter for a month to play with, so I suspect I'll also discover just how crap I am on the bike over the next week as I play with it. On the upside, the worse I am... the more gains I have to make :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    No swimming at the moment due to injury, but enjoying my time cycling and running. I did an FTP test on the bike last week; It came out at a depressing 200 watts at the same average HR as my AT when running. I paced it badly and started out too hard only to see the power drop off over the session instead of stay steady or increase. On the upside it means there's lots of room to improve! I'm still trying to reconcile various numbers that seem at odds with eachother (last year I had no hope of getting my HR that high on a bike, now that I have the power output is rubbish).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    No swimming for another 3-4 weeks :(. I need to find something to fill in my time, I guess I should take the chance and get in some extra work on the bike... already dreading the return to the pool, I remember last time I took a break for a few weeks it took a couple of months to get back swimming properly :/

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    What have you done to yourself? Shoulder injury?

    Think of all that running you can get done! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    What have you done to yourself? Shoulder injury?

    Think of all that running you can get done! :)

    Nothing nearly as exciting, i burst my eardrum :rolleyes:

    I tried a few types of earplugs thinking I could ignore the doctors advice to stay out of the pool... but they all fall out or leak, so the best I can do is kicking with a board with my head out of the water at the moment. Perhaps my kick will improve as a result of it :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Great 3 hour brick session today; havent done one in months now.. 2'40 bike and then a 20min run (ok, jog), but it was a lovely crisp dry day for it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    kingQuez wrote: »
    Great 3 hour brick session today; havent done one in months now.. 2'40 bike and then a 20min run (ok, jog), but it was a lovely crisp dry day for it.

    Jealous :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    My log has been a bit neglected lately, lots of stuff going on at work and generally been a bit tired. Back swimming last week which was a shock to the system - its scary how quickly you lose your technique - and boy is it cold out on the bike these days! Went off to do 6x1mile run intervals today (in the snow, now there;s commitment!) but the session just turned to mush.. not enough energy to hit the target pace, but enough effort to leave my legs dead now. On the upside it is great to be back training, and I rediscovered a great tune on my ipod today too :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    6 weeks on from my FTP test and it was time to repeat it yesterday. I've improved power by 8.5% at the same HR. Again power just seemed to steadily drop over the course of the 20min section while HR stayed the same... need to do some more reading to find out what that means. Improving cycling is hard work, I'd of been gutted if I hadnt gotten an improvement after the last six weeks of bike training!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    kingQuez wrote: »
    6 weeks on from my FTP test and it was time to repeat it yesterday. I've improved power by 8.5% at the same HR. Again power just seemed to steadily drop over the course of the 20min section while HR stayed the same... need to do some more reading to find out what that means. Improving cycling is hard work, I'd of been gutted if I hadnt gotten an improvement after the last six weeks of bike training!

    Hey KQ did you go down the power meter road in the end? 8.5% improvement in 6 weeks is massive i would have thought!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    hey jackyback how's the form? yeah, cheapest powertap i could get my hands on in the end.. i was looking at the power2max ones but it would have involved a bit of effort on my part to get it working (wrong bb etc.), and swopping the wheel between bikes is more in line with my mechanic abilities anyway, and easy enough for turbo sessions too :)

    It seems like a good enough improvement for six weeks, but you can always seem to pick up gains like that once you get some structure into your training if you're kicking off from a relatively weak starting point. It will be interesting to see how those improvements drop off in the next 6 months. Bet i'll struggle for 1% improvements this time next year! One thing that's great is that I have some base values to compare against things I'm reading about, so the various articles about training are much less abstract now. Makes intervals and steady temo efforts on the turbo a lot easier to pace and get value out of too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    It felt like I finally got a feel for the water again lastnight; it felt good. Pace wasnt amazing, technique wasnt perfect, and the distance wasn't far. That said, it was one of those sessions where things clicked and it felt like I was swimming properly again. One of those sessions where you leave having really *enjoyed* the swim, where muscles are tired and a little sore, and where you're thinking about the next session and what you want to achieve in it. I need to get in some steady sets in the next few weeks now, and a few good technique sessions too. It's a pity we're onto christmas and pools will be shutting up shop over the holidays.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Nice run thismorning, was in the gym on a treadmill which was a nice change from the cold and dark mornings :)

    10min warmup then 5x4min at 6min/mile (and max speed on last one) with 60 seconds rest and a 10min cooldown

    then an easy 1k swim.

    fun :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Another 10 days written off with flu, zero training hours which is the lowest week all year now. It's quite cool to have over a year of training catalogued to look back on, ignoring the week of being sick im up an average of 3hrs on the general weekly training volume compared to this time lastyear. I also realized its only 26 weeks to the A race, and I havent even had a panic, or thought much about training. This time last year I had a very determined attitude to it all. I'm not feeling it yet, but im putting it down to the groggy post-flu feeling.

    I've been looking at fleshing out a schedule of events to hit this year, and its just not coming together yet. Ive a half ironman, and an ironman already entered (july and september), and I'll probably enter another half in may. I'd like to get in a 10mile race in April if there's something convenient to get to scheduled, just to have a benchmark run time clocked. Looking at the TI calendar I'll probably do a couple of olympic races at the end of the season here, and outside of that want to keep my weekends clear for training in the lead up to July. I wont be doing the W200 this year, it was great to have it for confidence lastyear but for race-specific training I'd prefer to just put in two solid training sessions on the weekend instead.

    I've found a 10k swim 6 weeks before frankfurt that I'd like to do, but im not sure if its too close and non-A-race-specific to enter. But without it, the year is shaping up to just be a repeat of last year, only without anything "new" to keep it interesting, so its feeling stale. I'd like to try a couple of bike races, but again they're not very specific to IM racing.

    I'm toying with the idea of a marathon (dublin/berlin) as its been too long since ive done any good running. Also considering no long distance triathlons in 2013... even though I'd sort of earmarked an IM already.

    It was easier to plan a year when all races were new and a fresh challenge.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Sounds like your trying to pack a fair amount into next year kingQuez! Id worry about so many long events. Maybe some sprints sprinkled about rather than olympics to keep the races there but not taking as much from the ironman training.

    Get well soon anyway. I had a very exciting training week for this week planned and i got a bloody cold which wiped it all away! Raging!!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Kilnaboy 10 miler is on April 8th, last of the Munster Spring series and all the cool people are hoping to do the Amsterdam marathon in October.

    Crap time of year to be sick, just as you're gearing up to spend the extra time off work to get an extra bit of training in. Seems everyones had it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    4k swim tonight, it's been a long time since doing that! slowly technique is coming back, but there's still a long way to go. long runs are back up to 1.5hrs which is just about long enough to get somewhere interesting during a run again, and im quite enjoying any/all cycling at the moment. hills are fun, flats are fun, group rides are fun, solo cycles are fun, and intervals are fun. i think im finding swimming/running hard at the moment because i know how well i can do it, and am enjoying cycling because its the one im making improvements in where i never have before. that said, each session is improving things, so ive stopped comparing to how well i can go, and only look at the difference from one session to the next with the blinkers on :D

    for the first time in my life i got some michael jackson music, and its been on the ipod for running lately. its incredibly well suited to some of my runs, thriller came on when i was running through a deserted ery estate late one night last week. its time to stock up on some other tunes though, im a bit sick of tiesto and sunlounger, which were my staple tunes lastyear :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭kingQuez

    Had one of those days in work, and didnt get out running in the evening until after 10.30. Needed a bit of HTFU during the warmup, and eventually when it came time to kick into tempo pace made it happen. Did this run by HR and scored myself a new 10k pb along the way, 10bpm lower than the race where I got the pb lastyear, if you're allowed to count garmin times/distance :) Even if you're not, it was a cracking 50m tempo run and I wasn't going at full tilt. The highlight was when the drunk students in UCD raced me for a lap... sadly they stumbled at the last hurdle, literally. Bike intervals in the morning are not going to be fun, and theres some sort of waterboarding swim session in the evening planned... so its time to get to bed.

    Sometimes crap days end well :D

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Must be the Michael Jackson music!

    Michael Jackson. Seriously? :pac:

    Serious commitment to the plan to go out at 10:30, my cut off time is about 3 hours earlier than that. :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    A 10k pb at 11pm :eek: Fair play..

    I'm too much of a MJ fan to use it over and over as training tunes, I might just try it out now though :)
