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Worst thing you've said/done/posted when drunk.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭dSTAR

    giggsy664 wrote: »
    At the chicky babes?
    Good recall.

    *Hands a beer*

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,457 ✭✭✭giggsy664

    Your not much of a poet, are you?

    Really. Is it.

    Aha. I got it.

    Its coward..

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,457 ✭✭✭giggsy664

    dSTAR wrote: »
    Good recall.

    *Hands a beer*

    You seem to be forgetting a slight barrier there.

    I'm 13

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭dSTAR

    giggsy664 wrote: »
    You seem to be forgetting a slight barrier there.

    I'm 13
    I began my drinking career much earlier. Get it down your neck son.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,442 ✭✭✭Firetrap

    dSTAR wrote: »
    Damn you just about ruined my fantasy.

    What kinds of clubs do you frequent as a matter of interest?

    Interesting ones.

    The lad in the wheelchair was in an ordinary nightclub though. The Venue in Kilkenny.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭dSTAR

    Firetrap wrote: »
    Interesting ones...
    The kinda clubs where you see monkeys with bow ties and top hats smoking cigars and dwarfs in leathers dancing in cages?

    I am familiar with this type of establishment ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,169 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    taking a piss against the bar while trying to get a drink in leggs is probably the worst thing I'ver ever done.

    done a lot of funny/stupid things while under the influence, thats probably the only one thats scumbaggish.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭Oswald Osbourne

    Sangre wrote: »
    taking a piss against the bar while trying to get a drink in leggs is probably the worst thing I'ver ever done.
    Should have just done it in a bottle and then sold it on for €36. That's the going rate for piss in there.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,631 ✭✭✭✭Hank Scorpio

    hmm where do i start

    started a row with my best m8 over my drunking dancing

    busted in a door to a girl i really liked , previous night i told her i liked her alot , also extreemly ( 16 can ) drunk

    got a bj off some bird i knew from my area and cudent get it up enuff to stick it in, next day i went back to her room after yet another 14 or so carlsberg and was told to fo and got thrown out by all her r00m m8s, was followed by several abusive text message

    got fecked out my uni house for being up all night playing music

    lost about 700 euro one night after too many vodkas

    a m8 had to hold me up to take a wee infront of another girl i liked

    broke the door on my friends apartment then smoked a cigar and threw his poker set out the window down 6floors

    attempted to jack off in the middle of a apartment room with about 5 people inside

    people tell me i have a drink problem...
    i think not

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭Oswald Osbourne

    nuxxx wrote: »
    people tell me i have a drink problem...
    i think not

    Agreed. Your mates are the ones left with the problem by the sound of all that.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,631 ✭✭✭✭Hank Scorpio

    Agreed. Your mates are the ones left with the problem by the sound of all that.

    lol true and ill save all the nasty stuff for later :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,169 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Should have just done it in a bottle and then sold it on for €36. That's the going rate for piss in there.
    in my defence that place has got to have the worst toilet/person ratio in any club ive been to.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,255 ✭✭✭anonymous_joe

    Hmmm. I think the worst thing I ever did was ring my ex, telling her I still loved her. She then started crying, and ended up breaking up with her then boyfriend.

    What else...

    Broke up a couple who were going to be married because I came home late at night and got talking to her. Ended up telling her she wasn't being treated right, she left fiancé, then asked me out.

    That was pretty weird.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,556 ✭✭✭✭AckwelFoley

    I post rude remarks in threads, that moderators kindly delete, or start threads from the toilet of a pub exclaiming to the world that im taking a dump

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,821 ✭✭✭RxQueen

    mmmm i very bad for drunk texts and calls! delete my sentbox the minute i get home to save the "omg i did not say that" thing the next morning

    worst thing I done when drunk ... erm my ex :rolleyes: had to delete his number in the end cause it was becoming a regular occurance earlier on in the year, number still burnt im my mind, but not so easy to type it from memory when drunk!! :P WIN!

    was staying in my friends house one night, we posted in PI , he got banned ha, so glad i didnt log into my account! :pac:!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,910 ✭✭✭✭RoundyMooney

    Mix up Hamlet and Macb*th.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,737 ✭✭✭BroomBurner

    Used to start fights with any lads that used to grab me in nightclubs. Would get quite viscous then get the bouncer to throw them out. Thankfully none of them ever hung around outside to get me back.

    Also woke up in hospital after a night out, though not sure if one of my drinks had had something added to it. Still get the odd flash-back, one in particular of lying in my own vomit in the gutter on a main road :(

    Thankfully, I'm off the booze now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,025 ✭✭✭homerun_homer

    One of the worst but funniest things I did when drunk was get bladdered at my dad's 60th in the local golf club, pulled a Del Boy by trying to lean on the bar and missing - falling straight to the floor. My sister asked my friends to take me home and I vanished in protest. I ended up wandering the golf course in horrible, wet February weather, lost a shoe in a pile of muck, anytime people rang me I answered and roared down the phone that I didn't know where I was and hung up.
    Ended up walking through the empty airport beside the club, limping like a zombie in a cheap b-movie, covered in muck. When my friend arrived and found me he thought it only best to take a photo.

    The best part was I woke and had no hangover, score!! :D:pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 51,054 ✭✭✭✭Professey Chin

    This because im contributing nothing :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,025 ✭✭✭homerun_homer

    This because im contributing nothing :(

    Boo urns

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,385 ✭✭✭ThunderCat

    A few years back, I went and stayed with a mate of mine from college at his parents house in Co.Offaly for the weekend. I had never been in his parents house before or even met them before so i was determined to be on my best behaviour. Anyway we arrived at his house, went inside but there was no-one at home. Me and my mate had plannned to just drop the bags in, change the clothes and head straight out to the pub. To quicken this up, my mate had a shower in the main bathroom and he sent me down the hall to the en-suite in his parents room to shower. That was grand. We headed out and got blind drunk. Anyways we get in the house at 3am and i head off to sleep in the spare room. During the night, i get up, half asleep and dying for a piss. So i walk down the hall and into his parents bedroom. I havnt a **** whats going on at this stage but i walk right into their room, lad in hand, and ive never even met them before. His aul lad had to walk me to the main bathroom. Good job he woke up as soon as i got in the bedroom because i know for a fact i would have pissed all over the bed and not even bothered with the en-suite Breakfast was fairly icy the next day but the dad took it well.
    Anyway, I was there for the weekend so me and my mate went out again on the saturday nite. Things were going well but after the niteclub i lost him and ended up getting a taxi back to his place after some chipper food. Anyways I was banging on the front door of his house expecting him to already have got home before me and let me in but of course he wasnt home yet and it was the dad that had to get up and let me in. I couldnt get out of his house quick enough when Sunday morning came.
    Ive been up there a few times since and his dad always slags me over it. Luckily my mate is now in Australia for a year so his parents have a bit of breathing space before i come and visit them again in 2010:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭RossFixxxed

    If this hasn't been posted already. GENIUS.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,662 ✭✭✭Trinity

    Christ I still cring 20 years later at some of the stuff i've done.

    Mildest one i can think of is coming home locked and pissing in my Dads sock drawer thinking i was in the toilet, yet toilets dont have drawers. :confused:

    I'm a girl btw, which means i squatted and all :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭allybhoy

    Trinity1 wrote: »
    Christ I still cring 20 years later at some of the stuff i've done.

    Mildest one i can think of is coming home locked and pissing in my Dads sock drawer thinking i was in the toilet, yet toilets dont have drawers. :confused:

    I'm a girl btw, which means i squatted and all :(


    Hmm, stuff ive done is fairly mild but one of my mates (flatmate aswell) seems to have a habit of doing really stupid things when drunk. In the last few months he has done the following.....

    Been arrested for urinating on an unmarked garda car whilst two detectives were sitting in it. He claims he didnt see them.

    Brought back a couple who were engaged to the apt that he didnt know and proceeded to try and score the girl in front of her fiancee..

    Fell asleep out on the balcony in just a t-shirt when it was minus 3 out. Went out for a smoke, sat down and fell asleep. He woke up 6hours later with mild hypothermia and had to be brought to hospital.

    Brought back (and slept with) a girl who was morbidly obese, and by morbidly obese i mean she was pushing 30stone. She was so big that when he offered to drop her home the next day she wouldnt fit in his car and he had to ring a 6 seater taxi.

    He ring's his ex frequently when drunk. The last time few times he has rang her, her new bf has answered the phone and he has proceeded to ask him to stick his ex on the phone by saying such things as "ah go on mate, help a brother out...", and is it alright if he calls around cos he's feeling lonely etc etc.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 68 ✭✭lovemypinkhat

    The last night I was out I had some random guy come up to me and place his empty glass on my lap as if I were a table :mad: Well was I angry! I said it to a friend and she explained who this guy was (basically saying he's a guy who thinks he's God's gift when he's doggg) anyhoo we both march up to him and after a swift kick to the arse by me, I begin to verbally abuse him saying he's ugly and that people aren't as in love with him as he thinks. Needless to say I got called ugly and a slut. Nice. :o

    I'm actually not usually that mean, honest. I wasn't having a great night!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,800 ✭✭✭Senna

    even when i completely 'out-of-my-tree' drunk i can still remember everything so i have loads of painful memories.

    Told a girl at her 30th birthday who was upset she was getting old, 'dont worry you'll be dead soon', i thought it was funny, nobody else did.

    Got drunk in work when i was 15 (working as a floor boy in a hotel) some of the other staff took me out to reception to sit down. i got sick all over the fancy carpet with the manager watching.

    Ran when i seen two garda walking towards me, i had done nothing wrong and they were just out on patrol, they ran after me and caught me fairly quickly and then spend 20 minutes trying to find out what i'd done to make me run, i just stood there laughing thinking it was great craic.

    Tried to chat up a girl who another mate had already got off with, he was standing on one side with his arm around her, me on the other side with my arm around her, i didn't even notice him. Everybody else though it was hilarious.

    On the first night at our college dorm, i got off with the ugliest girl in the who place. set the tone for the whole 6 years.

    Plenty more of the usual cringe worthy stuff.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 235 ✭✭antSionnach

    probably the worst thing ive done was to kiss someone else right in front of my ex (although, not my ex at the time...) and then I started an argument about it, saying "stop over reacting". The worst thing... it was new years eve last year and she was walking home alone as the bells were ringing.

    I also kissed a girl in front of another girlfriend when drunk, but this time actually genuinely thought it was the right girl (they both had red hair, I was twisted). Began dating the new red haired girl after I was swiftly dumped.

    Put my hands down a (male) friends pants on a dance floor.

    Slept with people who I wouldnt sit next to on a bus!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 194 ✭✭ACW

    I posted the details of my break up on a forum. Was a bad idea as she used the same forum. Very messy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,662 ✭✭✭Trinity

    ACW wrote: »
    I posted the details of my break up on a forum. Was a bad idea as she used the same forum. Very messy.

    I just remembered I posted a pic of my OH in a see through dress with his willy sticking out, standing there with his hands on his hips and had a paragraph about him preferring my dog when we had a row. He had put it on for a joke and i took a photo.

    I thought it was hysterically funny texting him saying look at my profile and theres not a damn thing you can do about it. Then I woke up the next morning :(

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  • Registered Users Posts: 22,231 ✭✭✭✭Sparky

    Oh I have a few :(

    I drunk texted my ex one night when I was walking home from town. It always seems like a brill idea at the time, but I added insult to injury by calling her sometime after aswell.
    I wouldnt have remembered only she told me a few days later what I said.
