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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 450 ✭✭Blip

    Super achievment Mick, I remember reading a post of yours on another poker forum... (I wont give the name as the forum as its no longer modded and is full of spam and other crap, so I've copied it in here for reference, many here will tell from the opening line who's site it was anyway.) ....and thinking to myself this guy must be off his head trying to make 50k playing STT's. This post was about 18 months ago so that Jan would be 2 years this month. Well I'm sure you've surpassed your origonal target by miles and how about those Elite packages, wp, gg and all.

    $50,000 a year part time

    "hey nick its mick here i eventually signed up to this thing! remember i was talking to you in the shilling one night about an online canadian pro u were telling me about some website he had can u tell me the name of it?? also getting pretty serious online meself im hoping to make $50,000 this year part time which would be nice. im aiming to do this by playing 15-20 hours a week 60-80 sit an gos 4-6 tableing. and of course mtts. with an av. profit of around $13-$18 a game so wish me luck! on track at the moment +$15,000 for the year. ill keep u posted let u know how im getting on. started on pokerstars in january so ill be playing mostly there. look me up if u want username bigmickg."


    "well was all going hunky dory until about 10 days ago. i was just under the $20k mark and bang! went through my worse ever sit an go spell on stars. thats just poker but u have to learn to deal with it. variance. its bound to happen no matter how good a player u are ur gonna go through some massive loosing streaks. i think the difference between a good player and a very good player is not about short term big cashes but about getting through these loosing streks and avoid TILTING! when ur opponent seems to keep hitting his mracle 3 outer on the river on the bubble of a $200 or $300 sit it really really hurts! trust me. but as long as u dont let these crazy runs of bad bets influence ur decision making in every hand ull be fine. u have to just grind ur teeth and get on with it. which is what im doin. so anyway im just under the $17k mark for the year so cant really complain altough was hopin to be a bit better. i can feel a change of luck coming so watch this space...................... ps ill post again when i get to the $20k mark"

    1. What stt levels did you start out playing on-line, did you grind up to $100-300 or did a big mtt score help you on your way.

    2. Who was the Canadian you mentioned in your post and did you use his strats or mainly fine your own way in the long run.

    3. Advoiding tilt, do you still just grind you teeth and get on with it, or have you another method like replacing expensive computer equipmnent, lol (tip, I've made a voodoo doll out of the kids play dough, looks like pinhead now but deffo helping me)

    4. MTTs early stages of a FO,
    A, sit and wait on the hands to come,
    B, try and see as many flops as possible
    C, make moves regardless of the blind levels (chip accumlation)

    5. Whens the last time you played a €25 + 1T/R pub tourney, and do you miss those early days.

    Best of luck for the future.

  • Registered Users Posts: 479 ✭✭Flipz4Rollz

    gaslast wrote: »
    Congrats on making your goal to become supernova elite but to be honest I find it more impressive to see monthly graphs of people killing cash games than somebody who is after playing 10 million sng's or whatever. It is a very good achievement and all but playing a standard strategy with good ICM is all that is required to beat these games for your win rate. I mean there are exceptional sng players such as gidders, z32fanatic, bigjoe2003 etc that have had sick win rates at sngs but being praised for spending hours and hours grinding these things and contributing unholy amounts of rake isn't the most inspiring poker feat that I have ever heard. Anyway I wish you similar sucess as fellow elite's like Dario Miniri and RainKhan. Then I'll tip my hat to you sir!

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,313 ✭✭✭✭LuckyLloyd

    This post has been deleted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 991 ✭✭✭ZZR1100

    well done on a great achievement and congratulations on your determination to carry it through.

    1. If you had to start from scratch on the 1st of jan this year, what would you do differently and how would you approach it.

    2. Are you using any AHK scripts / helper software
    jorj95(george lind ) made 3mill vpps last year on a laptop
    All he uses is a betpot % script and allsnap

    3. from sharkscope you were up close to 80k after 8k stts and finished the year up 52k after 25k stts.
    is this a result of moving to the bigger buyins at that stage or something else.
    would it have been possible to make elite if u had stayed on the lower levels or make as much as elite is worth continuing at those levels (hard to be sure i know)

    4. If u had started your graph after the 8kstts how long would you have continued your quest. ie down 25k from that point.

    5. whats your plan if not going for elite this year to best utilise the bonus of having it for 6months.

    GL in 09

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 335 ✭✭BIGMICKG

    Ste05 wrote: »
    A few generic questions for you to get you going:

    What's your Poker story?

    What are your Poker plans for next year?

    Who is the player(s) you play against regularly that you respect the most?

    Any epiphany moments in your career?
    started playing freerolls online in 05 and the local pub tourneys etc. had succes from the start tbh deposited $50 in pacific poker in february 06 and havent looked back since then. grinded like fcuk. started at 5c 10c full ring cash and $5 sngs just kept moving up the levels. last year (07) set myself a goal to make $50k part time online and if i achieved this i was gonna pack in the job. so i did, this year (08) was my 1st year as a fulltime player and i made over $100k excluding the supernova elite tourney packages so was happy with that.

    plans for this year is to play 9-5 5 days a week and make around $200k (online). hopefully can get a cash in 1 of the major 3 i have planned for the year. (irish open,monte carlo ept and wsop m.e) last year my sleeping patterns was an absolute disgrace and something im hoping to change by playing during the day. i know traffic and game selection is gonna be a big problem but im gonna try it for a few weeks and see how it goes.

    players i play against regularly who i respect the most.. the games i play are honestly so so tough. there are so many good players but the ones that spring to mind would be spacegravy,ddbeast,messier11,amlove,jorj95,

    epiphany moments of my carer.. lol ull have to excuse me im not 100% sure what this means. but if u mean highlights itd have to be playing the wsop 08 and reaching elite. i defnitly feel reaching elite is my biggest achievement regards grinding etc. alot of people look down there noses at people like me (high volume players who rely on rakeback) but reaching elite isnt about sitting on front of ur pc morning noon and night grinding with no social life. its about being a good enough grinder to accumalate that amount of fpps without loosing ur bollox (elky). any 1 who thinks they are capable of reaching elite without playing a ridiculous amount of hours should defnitly be going for it imo.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 335 ✭✭BIGMICKG

    Hey Mick,

    First off thanks for doing this and congrats again on the Supernova Elite.

    1. How do you deal with the tedium of the volume of SnG's you play?

    2. Why did you choose to focus on this one area of poker over, say, cash games?

    3. Who is your non-poker hero and why?

    4. Do you think that poker offers big rewards but takes too much in return in terms of personal life? How do you try and strike a balance, or do you try?

    5. Do you have any specific strategies for adapting your online skills to live MTT's like the IPC or the Irish Open?

    Thanks again and good luck in all your goals for this year

    1. i just treat it like a normal office job at this stage, sitting in front of a pc for 30 hours a week

    2. main i reason i chose to play sngs was because of poker tracker and other similiar softwares. they put me off playing cash. i have played online cash successfully over a decent sample at levels up to $3- $6. but would prefer sngs because i dont think hud softwares etc. dont play such a big part

    3. not sure tbh, any really succesfull people who made it on there own i suppose and werent just born with a silver spoon in there mouth or into a rich family.

    4. for me personally i feel poker offers huge rewards for not alot of effort. know exactly where ur coming from tough. not sure what my hourly rate would be online but its defnitly over $50. i could never dream of an hourly rate like that in a normal job with my qualifications, think its very important to not get carried away playing online when ur a succesful player and always put ur partner,friends,family and socialising etc. 1st. i spend alot of time away from poker socialising etc. and actually missed quiet a few festivals over the last year for some reason or another friends birthday etc.

    5. well obviously its very differnet 15 tabling sngs online to 1 tabling a live mtt. but they both have the same principals. i feel im a very competent live mtt player and hopefully i can prove that this year. i feel my strengths over the av. live tourney player would be my understanding of the game. mathimathically, implied odds etc. and my bet sizing and controlling the size of pots

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 335 ✭✭BIGMICKG

    What age are you?

    How many tables do you play at a time?

    Did you / Do you study poker much i.e. books, training sites etc.?

    If you had one piece of advice for newbies what would it be?

    Favourite food?

    im 23

    12-15 tables at a time. apart from the 1st 40 mins and last 40mins of my session when im starting up games and finishing them

    no not really altough i did watch a program regularly a few year ago (poker night live) it was on 1 of those sky stations. which i found very helpfull at the time

    just play small games and dont move up levels until u are consistintly beating them. alot of average players have this silly idea that its easier to play against good players because u know where u stand and they dont call ur raises with **** etc. this is sooo untrue trust me. if u cant beat small stakes online u certainly wont be able to beat the higher stakes

    fav. food.. stake and chips all the way :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 335 ✭✭BIGMICKG

    ITT-Pat wrote: »
    any hand(live) that you remember playing particularly well?

    no sorry no 1 hand springs to mind. hopefully ill have 1 this year when i take down a biggy :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 335 ✭✭BIGMICKG

    Tight Ted wrote: »
    Are you a poker pro? If so, what role does poker have in your long-term future?

    yep last year (08) was my 1st year as a full time poker player. i hope to continue making a living from it for the near future anyway/ if it fails ill have to get back on those roofs :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 335 ✭✭BIGMICKG

    sickpuppy wrote: »
    Hi Mick 1 Did you ever ride ahorse through the green areas of Finglas bare back.

    2.Would you consider Galway a foreign holiday?

    3.Any regrets about leaving the roofing business to be a poker player?

    4.Have you spent your FPPS? or are they waiting for arainy day.

    5Favourite holiday destination? ever consider moving abroad and play with the sun on your back so to speak.
    lol i wont bother answering 1-3 mick :)

    4. i cash in most of my fpps. bought into wsop last year with them.this year im trying to save up a few million of them and see what stars will do for me. have around 1 mil in the account at the minute. which isnt alot. hoping to accumate half a million a month this year

    5.not sure about favourite holiday destination. have considered moving abroad but im in a long term relationship and she is happy in her job for now anyway. bought an apartment in bulgaria last year would like to spend a few months over there in the next couple of years

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 335 ✭✭BIGMICKG

    FuttBucker wrote: »
    Do you not get insanely bored of sit n go's?

    Are you going to get the porsche?

    Fav football team?

    no i just treat them like a job at this stage. obviously the novelty of playing poker for a living wears off really fast but i still enjoy the freedom etc.

    no porsche isnt available in ireland i was on to stars about it last year they basically wire $60k to a porsche dealer in ireland if u want 1. obviously $60k isnt enough for a new porsche over here so u have to put the rest urself

    fav football team. man utd. try to get over as much as i can, was there 4 times last season

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭DeadMoney

    Many congrats on your achievement Mick! Very impressive!
    You mentioned that you had a very big downswing at one stage. I have always found that variance can be absolutely killer at sng's and you really need to have good bankroll management in place.

    How many buy in's do you personally like to have playing at a given level?

    Also, considering that you are a very good player and able to beat high stakes sng's, do you ever consider changing focus to cash games and trying to translate your success to these?

    All the best in 2009 and good luck in the major live events that you are playing!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 335 ✭✭BIGMICKG

    tipp86 wrote: »
    Hi this really interests me because i have taken up sit and gos in the last 2 months ive played a 1000 sample so its good to be able to ask someone like you a few questions!

    What levels did you start at?

    What level did you find toughest to make the move up at?

    What is the best possible way to learn while moving up the levels eg:books , coaching etc.....

    Im currently playing $10 turbos what roi should i be looking to attain at this level in order to be a winning player at higher levels?

    What has been your worse downswing?

    Congrats on making sne

    started at $5 fullring sngs. i would have started at $2 only there was a 50c (25%) reg on them which is ridiculous imo

    none really. suppose at the minute i cant comfortably beat $114-$555s would love to be able to do this 1 day

    not sure as i never done either

    hard to answer this accurately. the amount of tables ur playing is the most important factor like. 3% roi 15 tabling is way better than a 10-15% 1-3 tabling. whenever u feel ur comfortably beathing them over a decent sample i suppose. when i was moving up levels i moved up when i had 30 buyins for the next level and dropped back down if i went below 20. just keep applying this

    worse downswing around $25k excluding rakeback so wasnt really $25k as i would have had alot of money coming in from fpps, sng leaderboards milestone bonuses etc. but

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 335 ✭✭BIGMICKG

    gaslast wrote: »
    Congrats on making your goal to become supernova elite but to be honest I find it more impressive to see monthly graphs of people killing cash games than somebody who is after playing 10 million sng's or whatever. It is a very good achievement and all but playing a standard strategy with good ICM is all that is required to beat these games for your win rate. I mean there are exceptional sng players such as gidders, z32fanatic, bigjoe2003 etc that have had sick win rates at sngs but being praised for spending hours and hours grinding these things and contributing unholy amounts of rake isn't the most inspiring poker feat that I have ever heard. Anyway I wish you similar sucess as fellow elite's like Dario Miniri and RainKhan. Then I'll tip my hat to you sir!
    i totally understand what ur saying here. but tbh im not really bothered what people think of me as a poker player. to me playing online is about making as much money as i possibly can and not about trying to impress people into thinking im an excellent poker player. in a way i agree with u, it is more impressive to destroy high stakes cash games. any1 who does this is prob twice the poker player ill ever be. u say what i do isnt very inspiring maybe it isnt. but like i said its about making as much money as i can. dont care how i do it. i did grind a $50 bankroll into 6 figures within a couple of years without any big wins i think alot of up and coming players may find this inspiring. ok so $100-$200k a year isnt a sick amount of money but taxfree for someone with basiaclly no education i think its ok

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 335 ✭✭BIGMICKG

    Headspace wrote: »
    1. How do you find the sngs on Euro sites at the same level that you regularly play? 2. I like sngs as well and tried to turn to cash as "its where the money is" but its slowly dawning that I'm just not suited, I spew and tilt. Please comment. 3. Imo the only way to win at poker is to play your best every time you ply. Do you agree. If so how do you prepare for a session. 4. And do you ever feel like quitting if the first 10 sngs go very well and you may have a loosing night if you keep playing, cause I do, discuss
    dont play on the euro sites so cant comment altough a number of people have told me there noticeably softer

    2. well obv as u know sngs and cash are very different. so thats important to adjust ur style and not play the 2 the same. poker tracker etc. are almost essential if ur to play cash seriously.

    3. ye ur defnitly right, i dont have any preparation as such but i do try give 100% every session. very rare i play for more than 4 hours at a time as i become tired and dont play 100% u just have to stick to it and dont tilt. i find playing so many tables at once actually helps avoid tilt. i know alot of people say when ur running bad u should take a break, and yes this is prob correct if ur a casual player but if ur a full time player i think its soo important u learn to just deal with it without tilting

  • Registered Users Posts: 588 ✭✭✭Lao Lao

    BIGMICKG wrote: »
    no porsche isnt available in ireland i was on to stars about it last year they basically wire $60k to a porsche dealer in ireland if u want 1. obviously $60k isnt enough for a new porsche over here so u have to put the rest urself

    It's actually very easy to get the Porsche from the US to Ireland if you are interested in it

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 335 ✭✭BIGMICKG

    The C Kid wrote: »
    Congrats on Supernova achievements.

    1. You don't play a 2+2 SNG style. In the present climate with SNGs being almost a solved game do you feel that playing a style, similar to yours in that it differs from standard percieved optimum strategy, may now be just as optimal as the considered correct strategy?

    2. Best 5 regs on Stars in the $100s etc.

    3. What do you think the regs/winners think of your game?

    4. Do you still berate people in chat, this used too tilt me so much :)

    Congrats again, gl in 2009.

    1. not 2 sure what the 2+2 style is exactly. but ive always had a somewhat unique style and was reffered to by alot of the regs who play against me as alot less robotic than the av. reg. theres is prob better if u can play it i suppose

    2. so many good players as i already mentioned but space gravy,messier,jorj,amlove,ddbeast and fultip for non turbos

    3. alot of mixed opinions here. i know some of them think im bad but others have alot of respect for my game. wont mention any names on this. prob worth mentioning that the top players i play against reguallarly are excellent players and absolutely flawless. like i know im nowhere near as good as some of them at turbos

    4. lol yes. something i keep telling myself i must stop doing but just cant resist. :) its only a bit of fun really. never take anything serious from a chatbox online. like people have said some sick **** to me in the past. hope ur family dies.. hope u catch cancer, go kill urself etc. i just laugh it off and try give as good as i get. im not as bad as scossett though. (1 of the best sng players in the world who i didnt mention)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,511 ✭✭✭chips1234

    1.was recently grinding the the DoN's on stars from the $1-$5 levels beating easily enough but when i tried to move to the 3.40 10man and the 6.50 9man
    i wasnt having quite the success losing the head etc,obv these are two different types of SnG's what advice would you give me for moving to the regular SnG's(i can 10-12 table regular ones and 20 table DoN's)

    2.what is your strategy for early-middle-late stages of SnG's ?

    thanks for answering

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 335 ✭✭BIGMICKG

    1. Why did you choose pokerstars?
    2. How do you play a site without rakeback when you play such high a volume?
    3. What % of Stt players make a profit/loss in your opinion?
    4. How many hours a day/week do you put in?
    5. What are your goals for 2009?
    6. What levels are you currently playing and do you ever mix your games?
    7. Are you affected by tilt?

    1. few reasons. people kept recomending it to me and the traffic bein the main 1s

    2. fpps are as good as rb

    3. havent a clue tbh

    4.av. about 30 hours a week. gonna try play about 35-40 this year as theres no travelling time like with a normal job

    5.havent really set any tbh, suppose make around $200k and have a big live score.

    6.yes i play a huge rang of games $60s-$555s mostly $100-$225s. non turbos are my strongest game by far

    7. i like to think im not altough im sure i do at times

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 335 ✭✭BIGMICKG

    FeetMagic wrote: »
    How did you feel to see a player limp-shove over your raise from the BB with 85s and to go on and bust your AA? Only hand I saw of you today at the IPC. But I think your still in it so good luck !
    Serious question time: At what age did you start playing poker? Would you recommend it as a career choice? Have you ever taken a long break from poker not planning on coming back to it? Finally do you ever play cash games, live or online, and for what stakes?


    lol that 85 was bull**** alrite.

    started playing at 19 i think

    would i recomend it as a carer choice.. intersting 1. if ur doin well in school college etc and start playing poker and winning i think u should defo put scholl college 1st obv. on the other hand if ur still living at home with mammy and daddy with a regular job no degrees etc. and have reason to belive u can make a decent living from poker then give it a shot altough its silly for people to have 1 big score and quit there jobs thinking there good enough to play poker for a living

    no never took a big break as of yet.

    never play cash online altough i did up until last year play $2-4 $3-$6. play the odd bit of live cash. nothing big 1-2, 2-5 max. never played bigger than that in ireland. played a bit of $5-$10 in vegas. find live cash very boring tbh

    who are u? are u the guy i was talking to that was talking to derek murray?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 479 ✭✭Flipz4Rollz

    BIGMICKG wrote: »
    im 23

    12-15 tables at a time. apart from the 1st 40 mins and last 40mins of my session when im starting up games and finishing them

    no not really altough i did watch a program regularly a few year ago (poker night live) it was on 1 of those sky stations. which i found very helpfull at the time

    just play small games and dont move up levels until u are consistintly beating them. alot of average players have this silly idea that its easier to play against good players because u know where u stand and they dont call ur raises with **** etc. this is sooo untrue trust me. if u cant beat small stakes online u certainly wont be able to beat the higher stakes

    fav. food.. stake and chips all the way :)

    I loved this show until sky came in with sky poker and Fcuked everything up.

    Whats the most SnGs you've ever played in a day?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,100 ✭✭✭FeetMagic

    BIGMICKG wrote: »
    lol that 85 was bull**** alrite.

    started playing at 19 i think

    would i recomend it as a carer choice.. intersting 1. if ur doin well in school college etc and start playing poker and winning i think u should defo put scholl college 1st obv. on the other hand if ur still living at home with mammy and daddy with a regular job no degrees etc. and have reason to belive u can make a decent living from poker then give it a shot altough its silly for people to have 1 big score and quit there jobs thinking there good enough to play poker for a living

    no never took a big break as of yet.

    never play cash online altough i did up until last year play $2-4 $3-$6. play the odd bit of live cash. nothing big 1-2, 2-5 max. never played bigger than that in ireland. played a bit of $5-$10 in vegas. find live cash very boring tbh

    who are u? are u the guy i was talking to that was talking to derek murray?

    Thanks for the answers. No I was playing a cash game behind you and just turned around to see the hand. Remember hearing the guy with the 85 say to the dealer "So just so I know how much would I have had if I won this hand?". Pretty sick river alright and the convo between you and him after was a bit funny. Where did you finish in the tourney? Enjoyable one?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 335 ✭✭BIGMICKG

    1. Do you think you could beat 200NL now if you starting into the games today say?
    2. What has been your biggest inspiration to get as far as you did?
    3. At what stage did you decide to give up work, and any regrets?
    4. Who has been your fiercest adversary in the SNG realm?
    5. Do you actively game select, or are you just happy to get enough games going?
    6. Would the treatment of dealers in the past affect your decision to go a tournament in the future, really?
    7. What one realistic feature would you put into a poker site which isn't there already?
    8. Was it REALLY worth all the time to get to SNE?
    9. If you paid 200K in rake, does that mean you paid 2,000,000 in tournament fee's, and so 2% profit was $40,000?
    10. Would you consider yourself to be better than most mid-stakes cash players?

    1. if i was only starting playing like? prob not. but i could defo beat 200nl now altough my winrate prob wouldnt be very good

    2.none spring to mind really. just to 1 day have a huge live score i suppose

    3.the end of 07 was really tough for me to motivate myself to get out of bed on a cold winters morning to get on top of a roof. as i knew i wasnt going to make as much money as i would if iwas to lie in bed playing poker all day. no regrets as yet as i can always fall back on it. worked for my dad hes a self employed sub contractor

    4.not 2 sure what this means

    5.i usually just keep registering altough recently i stopped playing the $225s in the night as there just full of regs. and i dont have an edge in them

    6. no not really

    7.good question, not sure really

    8. yes it defnitly was. i keep telling people this altough i dont think they belive me. i really didnt play that much. last 2 months i played alot but for the 1st 6 months of the year i defnitly averaged less than 30 hours a week. was on 6 weeks holidays last year and a few weekends 2.

    9. it just means i paid $200k in rake. like if i play a a $50 sng its $5 reg a $200 is $15 reg. at the end of the year all the regs added up to $200k. roi is different.

    10. dont make this comparison. im sure most decent regs would beat me in cash and i would beat them in sngs. overall its a matter of opinion really. kinda like comparing a defender with a striker

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 335 ✭✭BIGMICKG

    Well done Mick super impressed.

    Do you play to a rigid schedule per week / daily ?

    When on a downswing I really don't feel like playing, do you get like this and what works to counter it ?

    How do you have the time to post :)

    last year was hectic as i already mentioned. sleeping patterns were all over the place. played as late as 6am some nights and started as early as 9am on others. hoping to sort that out this year

    ye defnitly. if ur just a casual player id just stop playing until i feel like i want to play again. prob a day or 2 lol

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 335 ✭✭BIGMICKG

    shoutman wrote: »
    Congrats mick superb achievement.

    I played with you briefly at the IPO and noticed that you had no problem folding utg with less then 5bb (I think you folded with even less then this amount), if you can remember is there any reason for this action? Do you do this in SNG's also?

    thanks in advance.

    yes if u feel ur gonna get called light i.e u have no fold equity then theres no point pushing a less than average hand imo. yes i would do this in sngs also situation dependent of course

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭Tight Ted

    Another question. Do you find you lose a lot of poker hours because of being hung-over? I find after a night-out I'm just wrecked, can't play my A game at all. Even if I had the full day for playing poker after a night out, I'd rarely be able to play even 1000 hands.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 335 ✭✭BIGMICKG

    Hi Mick, Thanks for doing this.

    1. Playing SNGs do you ever have interesting hands/situations that you don't know what the correct play is? (I played ~2300 SNGs last year and there wasn't one hand worth posting on the HH forum, perhaps thats just the nature of the things).

    2. I 3-table $15+1 Stars Turbos as my regular game at 12% ROI using the basic tight early/loose late strategy. Is there any one tip or refinement you can give that might improve my game at this level?

    3. What sort of player notes do you take on players?

    4. I've noticed a trend that a lot of players are raising instead of pushbotting with 5 or 6 BB from 100/200 level onwards. Obviously they are committed if reraised, but I'm guessing the theory is that their raise looks stronger than a push. Is this a good tactic?

    5. Do you avoid any players, like would you sit out for 10 minutes waiting for them to be registered for a full set of games before registering for the first of your own set?

    6. How would you play a hand like AK/JJ utg in the first level?

    1. yes i do have interesting hands and regualrly find myself unsure of the correct play. (prob a bad sign) lol

    2. 12% roi at any level turbos is very good imo. even the best sng players in the world wouldnt be able to beat them for 20% + imo because of the nature of them. just try to add tables would be my only advice as u know sngs are all about volume and ull really struggle to improve that roi so adding tables or moving up levels is prob ur only way forward

    3. dont take any really anymore unless really bad players etc.most important thing to try to learn in turbo sngs is what are peoples pushing ranges imo

    4. yes there is a reason for this i explained this before in a poker tips thread. long explanation so u can look it up if u really want.

    5. no cant really do this at the higher levels as there not enough games to choose from. u shouldnt be afraid of any 1 player no matter how good he/she is. there still could be a lot of value in the game. like which game do u think is gonna be more profitable for u. a game with the best reg at that level, u and 8 other bad players or a game full of relatively good regs. i have stopped playing games b4 as i mentioned already because they were just too tough for me

    6. generally id just open raise 3-4bbs c bet with both of them against 1 player on almost every board. 2 or more callers with ak id just give it up unless i hit the flop obv

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 335 ✭✭BIGMICKG

    M.T wrote: »
    Once again, well done on the Supernova elite.

    1: Do you use any special sng tools? Or just the standard PT or holdem manager?

    2: What is your rig/PC set up? Screens etc?

    3: Best thing you watched in 2008?

    Thanks for taking the time out to do this and sorry if I have repeated any questions.

    1. no dont use any altough i did mess around with sngwiz before never bought it tough.

    2. 17 laptop :cool:

    3. pokerwise? would have to be either finatns ept cash ladbrokes million final or martys wsop bracelet. all great for irish poker

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 335 ✭✭BIGMICKG

    Blip wrote: »
    Super achievment Mick, I remember reading a post of yours on another poker forum... (I wont give the name as the forum as its no longer modded and is full of spam and other crap, so I've copied it in here for reference, many here will tell from the opening line who's site it was anyway.) ....and thinking to myself this guy must be off his head trying to make 50k playing STT's. This post was about 18 months ago so that Jan would be 2 years this month. Well I'm sure you've surpassed your origonal target by miles and how about those Elite packages, wp, gg and all.

    $50,000 a year part time

    "hey nick its mick here i eventually signed up to this thing! remember i was talking to you in the shilling one night about an online canadian pro u were telling me about some website he had can u tell me the name of it?? also getting pretty serious online meself im hoping to make $50,000 this year part time which would be nice. im aiming to do this by playing 15-20 hours a week 60-80 sit an gos 4-6 tableing. and of course mtts. with an av. profit of around $13-$18 a game so wish me luck! on track at the moment +$15,000 for the year. ill keep u posted let u know how im getting on. started on pokerstars in january so ill be playing mostly there. look me up if u want username bigmickg."


    "well was all going hunky dory until about 10 days ago. i was just under the $20k mark and bang! went through my worse ever sit an go spell on stars. thats just poker but u have to learn to deal with it. variance. its bound to happen no matter how good a player u are ur gonna go through some massive loosing streaks. i think the difference between a good player and a very good player is not about short term big cashes but about getting through these loosing streks and avoid TILTING! when ur opponent seems to keep hitting his mracle 3 outer on the river on the bubble of a $200 or $300 sit it really really hurts! trust me. but as long as u dont let these crazy runs of bad bets influence ur decision making in every hand ull be fine. u have to just grind ur teeth and get on with it. which is what im doin. so anyway im just under the $17k mark for the year so cant really complain altough was hopin to be a bit better. i can feel a change of luck coming so watch this space...................... ps ill post again when i get to the $20k mark"

    1. What stt levels did you start out playing on-line, did you grind up to $100-300 or did a big mtt score help you on your way.

    2. Who was the Canadian you mentioned in your post and did you use his strats or mainly fine your own way in the long run.

    3. Advoiding tilt, do you still just grind you teeth and get on with it, or have you another method like replacing expensive computer equipmnent, lol (tip, I've made a voodoo doll out of the kids play dough, looks like pinhead now but deffo helping me)

    4. MTTs early stages of a FO,
    A, sit and wait on the hands to come,
    B, try and see as many flops as possible
    C, make moves regardless of the blind levels (chip accumlation)

    5. Whens the last time you played a €25 + 1T/R pub tourney, and do you miss those early days.

    Best of luck for the future.

    1. yep just grinded from $5 right the way up. won $1500 for coming 2nd in a tourney a few years ago while playing $5 sngs so that helped

    2. dont know who he was nick was just telling me about him he was keeping a blog like of his progress and it was an interesting read

    3. i just abuse people in the chat box that works for me

    4. a mixture between A and C

    5. a long time ago defnitly a year or 2. i banned myself from playing small buy in tourneys last year. no dont really miss them as there not a very good game of poker imo. they should be just treated as a social game for a bit of craic and a few pints etc. more fun than trying to develop ur game

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 335 ✭✭BIGMICKG

    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    - If you think back to before you started investing a significant amount of time into poker and playing for notable amounts - and particularly before you took the plunge and went full time - would you say that your attitudes and outlook on life have changed in any way? And is the manner in which you treat and think about money utterly different?

    - Given that you have achieved supernova elite, I assume it would be fair to say that over the past year you have put a relatively high amount of time and effort into a game that can be quite demanding emotionally. Aside from the financial element, has this left any noticeable impact on your life away from poker? And, if so, would you label such an impact as positive or negative?

    - I think that some of the above questions and comments touch on the pointless (imo!) old cash / tournament player argument and people's personal definitions of what constitutes a 'proper' or 'complete' poker player. Could you give a **** about such talk? And would being recognized or ranked be something that concerns you? Or do you just not care so long as you satisfy your own personal goals within the game?

    If you would rather not answer the above for whatever reason no sweat. Thanks for taking the time to do the well and good luck over the coming year.

    ye its actually a bit scary the way u lose value for money when playing poker paticularly when playing online. its still kills me tough loosing a few hundred in a live game. lol. its werid to think that like not to long agon i was working for an avearge wage. and now i can lose $10k+ in a week and not feel bothered. like $10k is alot of money to me but yet it doesnt bother me that much too lose it. if someone had told me 3 or 4 years ago that id have a $25k losing streak playing poker id have laughed at them and said theres no way id ever lose that much. because i never thought id be playing at levels that high. i think its important tough to kinda treat ur roll as if it werent real money. i cant really explain it very well what im trying to say. suppose u have to learn to ignore short term wins/loses and focus on the long term. like if i play a session tonight and win say $4k well in reality i didnt win anywhere near as much as that long term like. do the same with me loses as long as im happy im playing profitably otherwise ud be an emotional wreck

    dont think it had a huge effect on my life as i still spend alot of time with my girlfriend,friends. defnitly alot more freedom to do what i want. lots of holidays no boss to answer 2 which is the best part imo. the downswings can be a cause for concern.also very important to not let this effect u outside poker. i.e worried bout it, stressed

    lol yep i think i agree with u on this 1. kinda answered this already. i must admidt tough i would like to be regarded as a good all round poker player. but obv making money is the most important thing to me. like id rather make $200k+ online a year and people think im not even a good player than make $50-$100k and people think im an excellent player

    also cheers for encouraging me to play big buy in live mtts lloyd. ur one of the 1st boardsies i got to know. played against u in drogheda a couple of years ago if u remember. had some interesting talks with u since then and took on board every thing u said. this year (08) was the 1st year i decided to buy in to 500+live events. had moderate succes considering i didnt play very many. won a monthly in the se won an ipt tour and 6th in waterford and a couple of small cashes so ill buy u a pint next time i see u ;)
