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From the Department of finance.....

  • 02-01-2009 3:14am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,414 ✭✭✭

    to me
    show details 3:12 AM (0 minutes ago)

    Dear sir,

    As Ministor of Finance for the Republic of Ireland I am being force to be
    staring into the chassm of depression into which I have driven my nation.
    I am enaged full time to be finding a solution to this apparently unsolvable
    problem. I have spent my time sending hundreds of emails such as this to
    suggested donations to the national coffers of Ireland.

    If you agree within writing to donate £1000 punt today, I guarantee a resonable
    return on your investment in the Republic of Irelangeria of about 10% within
    the spade of ten years.

    to perform this 100% legal and legitamat transection I need the following
    from you:
    Bank account number:
    Account PIN number:
    A blind eye for two weeks.

    Please believe me, this is the only solution to cure our great African nations
    deplorable finances.

    If you *do* believe me, immediately forward a C.V. to
    , because chances are you'll do a much better job of this Minister for Finance
    gig than me

    Brian Lenihan T.D.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,986 ✭✭✭Red Hand

    I too hope that our great African nation will overcome.
