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Stingiest thing you've seen stingy people do



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 927 ✭✭✭AngeGal

    Quazzie wrote: »
    The pub wouldn't give the singer in the band playing in there pub a reduced rate on a few pints.

    I always thought that bands drank for free when playing. :confused:

    In fairness, they're usually getting well paid, don't see why the should get free pints aswell, the staff don't!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,243 ✭✭✭LighterGuy

    AngeGal wrote: »
    In fairness, they're usually getting well paid, don't see why the should get free pints aswell, the staff don't!

    Depends on the pub. Depends on the band. Many a band has gotten paid with just free drinks for the night. No money passing hands.

    So in that sitaution it really comes down to how much the band was getting. A nice little earner or chump change. If it was the latter, it was tight to not give them something. Be it at a discount or a few on the house.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,367 ✭✭✭✭watna

    robindch wrote: »
    On very rare occasions, I'd invite a certain mate of mine along for dinner in my place with a few friends. He was notorious for showing up with a bottle of the cheapest crap imaginable, but would still drink everybody else's better stuff while leaving his stuff untouched. He even tried it on with something from the earlier days of M+S wineshelves one time, a bottle that was so acidic, I couldn't even cook with it afterwards.

    Anyhow, one evening a few months after the M+S bottle incident, he and another friend arrived together, and the two of them asked me for a glass of wine. I headed into the kitchen, closed the door and filled the nice friend's glass with the good stuff, and filled Mr Stinge's glass with something out of a rank bottle I'd opened the previous week. As I was filling his one, the door opened and Mr Stinge sauntered in, looked at the two bottles on the worktop, the two glasses of wine with obviously different-colored red wine in each, and said "I suppose you're pouring me out a glass of that cheap-looking stuff?" "Actually, yes I am -- here you go."

    Next time he showed up, he arrived with something drinkable.

    I Love it! We have two friends that do this, buy the cheapest, nastiest wine possible (always a rose) and then drink everyone else's on the night, before cracking into their own cheap crap. It got so bad we had to especially buy cheaper stuff and hide away the nice wine in the cupboard when either of them come over, to save for other occasions with friends that aren't giant scabs. One of them never buys enough wine either, he's a big drinker and will always only bring one bottle, even though he always drinks more than that. Then he'll ask everyone else very politely if he can have one of their beers or a glass of their wine, picking the nicest stuff. Drives me mad!

    One of the culprits regularly used to "forget" to pay his share of meals out too. He'd tell everyone he had to head off and then "forget" to pay. Whenever it was brought to his attention afterwards, he used to tell the poor person who'd had to pay for his share that he'd get them a drink next time he was out to pay them back, because of course one drink = the same price as a whole meal :rolleyes: We covered his meal once (which, might I add, was at a time, when neither myself nor my fiance had jobs and he had a well-paying job) and we never did it again. He's got so much abuse about that little trick that he's stopped doing it and always behaves himself now when we're out for dinner. We went out to dinner for his 30th a few weeks ago, normally for people's birthdays we all divide the bill at the end of the night but don't expect the birthday boy/girl to pay. Not one person suggested that this guy wouldn't have to pay. We've all been shafted too many times :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,190 ✭✭✭Dublinstiofán

    All the people filling up their cars with petrol + diesel to save less than a Euro.

    Noticed this earlier alright, i did this yesterday but only because it was empty! :D

    I brought a friend and his girlfriend away for two weeks, put them up in free accommodation and they didn't even buy me a drink (BETWEEN THEM)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,829 ✭✭✭Alkers

    Out for a birthday over the weekend, the person who's birthday it was ordered a round of drinks, one cocktail for everyone at the table (13 or so of us), saying that she had her father's credit card. When the bar girl came around she collected €5 from everyone at the table, happened twice. If we are going to pay for our own drinks surely we should get to choose whatever we want ourselves :confused:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 21,611 ✭✭✭✭Sam Vimes

    A while ago three friends (including one stingebag) and I were heading somewhere in a taxi. The non-stinges and I had previously agreed that when the taxi stopped we'd run off so the stinge who always avoided paying for taxis would finally have to pay. When he had to pay it led to a bit of an argument about his stinginess

    Anyway a few weeks later we were all down the pub and he insisted on buying me a pint to prove that he wasn't stingy. So he bought it and then proceeded to spend the rest of the night drinking the cans that he brought in his backpack, apparently oblivious to the irony.

    Btw this is a guy with a permanent pensionable full time job who still lives at home so it's not like he's on the breadline

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,052 ✭✭✭u_c_thesecond

    foxyboxer wrote: »
    This has to be the winner. Or at least on the podium :eek:

    Oh that wasnt the end of it. After i got the text my husband rang her and said "Why are you asking for money back for 2 cans when we gave you 2 buckets of coal and blocks"

    Her answer "Well you benifited from the fire last night as well as the rest of us, but Your wife benifited from my 2 cans and thats hardly fair on me!:D

    She never lived it down, and is not as scabby anymore;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,194 ✭✭✭saa

    Simona1986 wrote: »
    Out for a birthday over the weekend, the person who's birthday it was ordered a round of drinks, one cocktail for everyone at the table (13 or so of us), saying that she had her father's credit card. When the bar girl came around she collected €5 from everyone at the table, happened twice. If we are going to pay for our own drinks surely we should get to choose whatever we want ourselves :confused:

    I hate rounds, I am not drinking 5 pints at someone else's pace, yeah pretty stingy and no fun and soft drink is the same price as booze how does that work..

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,829 ✭✭✭Alkers

    saa wrote: »
    Simona1986 wrote: »
    Out for a birthday over the weekend, the person who's birthday it was ordered a round of drinks, one cocktail for everyone at the table (13 or so of us), saying that she had her father's credit card. When the bar girl came around she collected €5 from everyone at the table, happened twice. If we are going to pay for our own drinks surely we should get to choose whatever we want ourselves :confused:

    I hate rounds, I am not drinking 5 pints at someone else's pace, yeah pretty stingy and no fun and soft drink is the same price as booze how does that work..
    Wasn't even rounds really, the group had all arrived at different times so there were several small groups doing rounds and a few people just getting their own drinks, this was kinda like a toast and she got the initial credit, looking sound by buying the round but then looks miserable collecting from everyone.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,949 ✭✭✭✭IvyTheTerrible

    I know a guy who is really stingy, one thing he does is fill up the car at night "Because it's colder so liquid contracts, you get more petrol at night than during the warmer day"...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,181 ✭✭✭Rick Deckard

    Old geezer on the news last night being interviewed while filling up before the 1.4c increase kicked in!! And he said he was on his way to get the missus' car to do the same

    Works out at 50c-75c saving for a full tank!! He would have used more than that driving to the petrol station!!

    Tight bastárd.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,351 ✭✭✭Orando Broom

    I know a guy who is really stingy, one thing he does is fill up the car at night "Because it's colder so liquid contracts, you get more petrol at night than during the warmer day"...

    Stingy and ill-informed. The contraction and expansion does occur in areas the size of the hold of an oil tanker but not in a petrol tank. Also the tank in a petrol station is so far underground that ambient tmeperatures do not affect it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,569 ✭✭✭✭ProudDUB

    Here's another seasonal one for ya.

    When I lived in the US my sister, cousin and I would fly down to Florida for Xmas. We all lived in different US cities. My mother would fly in from Ireland to join us. All of our relations in Ireland would give my mother their Xmas pressies cards for us & some would give her Xmas pressies for us too. Their mantra was always that that they'd get there quicker, or they wanted to be sure they got to us safely. Bull$hit. They were all too bloody cheap and lazy to go to the post office and pay for postage to the US. My sister and cousin and I all put in the time, money and effort to get all of our gifts purchased, wrapped and into the post by December 1st, so that they'd be in Ireland in time for Xmas. No one in Ireland ever did the same for us, as they looked on my poor mother as their own personal pack mule. Grrrrr...

    Due to all this, my poor mother barely had room in her suitcase for a pair of socks of her own. As she was a diabetic & had to travel with her own food, this was a real problem for her. A lot of the stuff was big, bulky stuff like candles, hardback books, vases etc etc that was a pain in the butt to pack, and for a 70 year old woman to lug around airports. I know for sure that all this stuff were re gifted items that the cheap bastards were just recycling, as there is no way that they went into shops and thought that any of this stuff would be the perfect gift for any one of us or easy for my mother to transport.

    My mom would try to bring some cool Xmasy stuff from home for us such as mince pies and Selection boxes, but often she wouldn't have room for it due to all the other stuff. So after a few years, we came up with a scheme. She opened up all the pressies before she left. Wrote down what was what and for who, so that we could thank the appropriate person. Then she put them away under a bed. When we came home in the summer, we decided then what we'd do with them. None of us had the balls (or the cheapness) to re gift them, but we really wanted to.

    What really bugged me was that I never had any Xmas cards from home to display in the run up to Xmas. They were all in my mothers suit case, and wouldn't be back at home with me until I went home in the first week of January, when it was too late really. It's probably pretty contrary of me to actually want Xmas cards from this lot in the first place, but there ya go.

    So the moral of the story is, if you have folks home for Xmas, don't overload them with stuff for others to take back with them. Not unless you are really, really sure that they are ok with doing so, and are not just being too polite to say No.

    Ok rant over....sorry for the length of it but it was 15 years in the making !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,181 ✭✭✭Rick Deckard

    ProudDUB wrote: »
    we came up with a scheme. She opened up all the pressies before she left. Wrote down what was what and for who, so that we could thank the appropriate person. Then she put them away under a bed. When we came home in the summer, we decided then what we'd do with them.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,528 ✭✭✭foxyboxer

    At least they gave something

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,296 ✭✭✭Frank Black

    I was in spain with one of my mate going to the benicassium festival! One of the days of the fest, i forgot to go to the atm and i asked him could he pay for my din dins! Which cost €7, He said yeah no bother, i told him id pay him right after the dinner! He said buy me 2 drinks instead (drink were 3.50 each) Instead i bought him 3 for being a sound man! While we were in a packed crowd watching the strokes, he turns to me and asks for the 2 euro i owe him clamming dinner was €9!!! We were in the middle of watching the F**king Strokes, And there was nothing around us that cost 2! I dont know where he was going with that one!!!

    I can't help but feel this whole anecdote was just an excuse to tell us that you saw The Strokes at the Benicassium Festival

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,615 ✭✭✭Kat1170

    ProudDUB wrote: »
    Here's another seasonal one for ya.

    When I lived in the US my sister, cousin and I would fly down to Florida for Xmas. We all lived in different US cities. My mother would fly in from Ireland to join us. All of our relations in Ireland would give my mother their Xmas pressies cards for us & some would give her Xmas pressies for us too. Their mantra was always that that they'd get there quicker, or they wanted to be sure they got to us safely. Bull$hit. They were all too bloody cheap and lazy to go to the post office and pay for postage to the US. My sister and cousin and I all put in the time, money and effort to get all of our gifts purchased, wrapped and into the post by December 1st, so that they'd be in Ireland in time for Xmas. No one in Ireland ever did the same for us, as they looked on my poor mother as their own personal pack mule. Grrrrr... ...........

    ............So the moral of the story is, if you have folks home for Xmas, don't overload them with stuff for others to take back with them. Not unless you are really, really sure that they are ok with doing so, and are not just being too polite to say No.

    Ok rant over....sorry for the length of it but it was 15 years in the making !

    I think this comes under the heading of thoughtlessness rather than stingy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,569 ✭✭✭✭ProudDUB

    I don't know. These folks were very, very good at ignoring all the hints that my sister and I would drop during the year about the hassle of fitting all that you needed to bring into your suitcase & how hard it was at Xmas for Mom, as she had to bring additional stuff with her that most people don't need to when they go on holiday. When we'd be talking to them in the run up to Xmas, those hints were dropped again. They were always ignored or they went right over their heads. That bugged.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭Dan133269

    ProudDUB wrote: »
    I don't know. These folks were very, very good at ignoring all the hints that my sister and I would drop during the year about the hassle of fitting all that you needed to bring into your suitcase & how hard it was at Xmas for Mom, as she had to bring additional stuff with her that most people don't need to when they go on holiday. When we'd be talking to them in the run up to Xmas, those hints were dropped again. They were always ignored or they went right over their heads. That bugged.

    Hints? Are you kidding me? You had an elderly mother, 70 years old, traveling a long distance with a heavy suitcase and needs to bring her diabetes medicine, and none of ye were willing to say it directly to the people giving her heavy gifts to bring over? That beggars belief! :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,736 ✭✭✭✭kylith

    Dan133269 wrote: »
    Hints? Are you kidding me? You had an elderly mother, 70 years old, traveling a long distance with a heavy suitcase and needs to bring her diabetes medicine, and none of ye were willing to say it directly to the people giving her heavy gifts to bring over? That beggars belief! :eek:
    Totally! Your mother could at least have told them to feck off.

    It's possible to be too nice for your own good.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,003 ✭✭✭bijapos

    When I lived in Frankfurt I decided to drive home one Christmas as there was too much hassle trying to get a flight the day I finished work and a car rental would have been expensive too. This is back in the early 90's, no internet so it wasn't as simple to book stuff back then. So I said to a couple of English & Irish that I was driving and if they wanted stuff (books, food etc taken back I would oblige.

    So a fella from Laois asked me if I would take a box over for him, I said no bother, turns out it was a box that a mid sized TV would fit in, but it wasn't too much trouble as I had an estate. So I took the box to Laois which was a 100km detour, and the mother said what day will I pick it up? I had no idea I was taking it back but I said if it fitted in I would.

    I picked the box up after Christmas along with a few bags, took them back to Frankfurt and he said "sound for the box btw, I was running low here", I asked out of curiosity what was in it, he opened it and in it was his freshly washed laundry! I asked why? He said its DM6 (€3) to get it washed here, theres at least 6 washes in that box! It turns out I had driven about 200km out of my way to deliver his fcuking washing to his Ma and bring it back to Germany.

    So I was pretty pissed off it was something so menial, yet it took up so much space in the car, I said you can chip in some beer money for the 20l of petrol I blew delivering his washing, he then called me stingy and said it should be my Christmas present to him! Never really spoke to him after that.

    On the other hand on the way back I picked up a few bags of food for an English guy I knew, his Dad drove to meet me in a service station on the M6, gave me a box of ales and bitters from small english breweries (I'm a big beer drinker) and said if I ever fancied a trip to an Aston Villa match he would give me 2 tickets for any match. Sound out of him, a real Gent.

  • Registered Users Posts: 257 ✭✭dcrosskid

    foxyboxer wrote: »
    And did you get your money back off him? That's the definition of stingy right there.

    What we did was not bother paying him one week for the soccer. Told him he could cover it with the money he got off us from the previous weeks, anyways lesson learned -hes a sneeky bolix

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I remember being out playing with my cousins, aged about 10 and finding a £20 note. Took it home to show my Mum and she gave the 3 of us 50p each for sweets. The rest was never to be seen again an never to be forgotten!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,003 ✭✭✭bijapos

    I remember being out playing with my cousins, aged about 10 and finding a £20 note. Took it home to show my Mum and she gave the 3 of us 50p each for sweets. The rest was never to be seen again an never to be forgotten!

    I've no idea how old you are (I guess 20+) or what your parents financial circumstances are but maybe she might have needed it more for the household than you needed it for sweets and space invaders etc ;).

    We were the same, my sister was 8 when she won a lamb in a raffle, it was sold on the spot, the money was needed for the running the house more than the lamb was. My Dad won a family holiday to London when I was 10, we had never been abroad up till this, but the holiday was exchanged at the travel agents for cash. Not stingey, just done out of necessity.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    bijapos wrote: »
    I've no idea how old you are (I guess 20+) or what your parents financial circumstances are but maybe she might have needed it more for the household than you needed it for sweets and space invaders etc ;).

    We were the same, my sister was 8 when she won a lamb in a raffle, it was sold on the spot, the money was needed for the running the house more than the lamb was. My Dad won a family holiday to London when I was 10, we had never been abroad up till this, but the holiday was exchanged at the travel agents for cash. Not stingey, just done out of necessity.

    There was always money for fags and bacardi so things weren't that bad. My mum is well known for being tight. She used to tell me that the ice-cream van played music when it had run out of ice-cream!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,003 ✭✭✭bijapos

    There was always money for fags and bacardi so things weren't that bad. My mum is well known for being tight. She used to tell me that the ice-cream van played music when it had run out of ice-cream!

    PMSL at that! Must remember it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,717 ✭✭✭YFlyer

    samsemtex wrote: »
    My current house mate is one of the stingiest humans i have ever met. She is a 55+ year old teacher who lives in Vancouver during the week but bought a flat in Whistler which she clearly cannot afford. She rents out the main room (to me) and sleeps on the pull out bed herself. (kinda defeats the purpose of owning your own place really especially since she works here too). Every weekend she gets here by hitch hiking every single time because she wont buy the bus ticket which is about $18 each way. And because she stays until monday morning this means her leaving here at 5am and standing on the side of the road waiting for a ride. This a woman who is almost 60!

    Times are hard.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,569 ✭✭✭✭ProudDUB

    kylith wrote: »
    Totally! Your mother could at least have told them to feck off.

    It's possible to be too nice for your own good.

    Ah come on now. This an Irish Mammy we are talking about. She never, ever says no to anyone for fear of causing offence, and then spends all day giving out about them behind their back. Rinse and repeat. :rolleyes:
    It turns out I had driven about 200km out of my way to deliver his fcuking washing to his Ma and bring it back to Germany.
    Originally Posted by Deleted User viewpost.gif
    There was always money for fags and bacardi so things weren't that bad. My mum is well known for being tight. She used to tell me that the ice-cream van played music when it had run out of ice-cream!

    I swear to God, I don't know which one of these stories made me laugh harder. All I know is that Coke coming out of your nose effing HURTS !!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 14 gluckantanks

    A friend of mine (Johnny) was out on the dry one night and was driving. One of his friends (Jimmy) asked him for a spin home. Johnny's petrol was low and dropping Jimmy home was about an 8 mile detour. But Johnny said he would no problem.
    Jimmy owns a shop and petrol pumps. When they got to Jimmy's house, the petrol was getting dodgy low so they said they'd throw in a drop from Jimmy's pumps. Jimmy went into the shop and turned on the pumps while Johnny filled €5 .01 of petrol.
    Now surely you'd think Jimmy would let him off with the fiver. But he didn't. And then, unbelievably, he not only demanded the fiver but insisted on getting the 1 cent as well.
    What a tight little c*#t.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,528 ✭✭✭foxyboxer

    A friend of mine (Johnny) was out on the dry one night and was driving. One of his friends (Jimmy) asked him for a spin home. Johnny's petrol was low and dropping Jimmy home was about an 8 mile detour. But Johnny said he would no problem.
    Jimmy owns a shop and petrol pumps. When they got to Jimmy's house, the petrol was getting dodgy low so they said they'd throw in a drop from Jimmy's pumps. Jimmy went into the shop and turned on the pumps while Johnny filled €5 .01 of petrol.
    Now surely you'd think Jimmy would let him off with the fiver. But he didn't. And then, unbelievably, he not only demanded the fiver but insisted on getting the 1 cent as well.
    What a tight little c*#t.

    I'd say Jimmy's petrol station also charges 20c for air.......AIR!!!!

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