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Stingiest thing you've seen stingy people do



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,827 ✭✭✭Donny5

    And it's a huge problem for Boeing and Airbus when a new model of aircraft is weighed for the first time as airlines have all sort of penalty clauses to compensate for the extra fuel burnt up over the life of the plane.

    That's a different world altogether. A modern 747-8I masses 190,962 kg empty. With full tanks, it carries 238,610 L of jet fuel, or 191,842 kg. That is to say that a full tank is heavier than the plane carrying it, and fuel will always be a much more significant contributor to energy expenditure than in a car.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,858 ✭✭✭homemadecider


    Where's the stinge?

    I saw a lady in work making a teapot full of tea (for about 5 people) with only 1 teabag. Not sure if stingy or just a bit dim.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,439 ✭✭✭SunnyDub1

    Rothmans wrote: »
    Here's one that happened to me a few months back and really pissed me off. A few of us were out in town for the night. I usually get a taxi home which generally costs about €12-€15. When I was about to head one of the lads who just lives in town (just a few minutes out the road) said he'd come too, and a fella who I only knew vaguely (lets call him 'Jim')said that he and his friend (who I didn't know at all) said they live down that direction so we could split a cab. Grand I thought, sure that'll reduce the fare for all of us so and the four of us headed for a taxi.

    When we dropped the first fella off, there was something like €4.50 on the meter, so the first fella says 'Here I'll get this' and hands €5 to 'Jim', then gets out of the taxi. Great I think as this fella is after paying his way no bother.

    Then we are going down the N11 approaching my house, with about €10/11 as per usual on the meter at this stage, and I'm just telling the taxi driver to take the second left, when Jim pipes up saying, 'take the first left actually, I live down there'. Grand I think, if his house is before mine we'll drop him off first.

    I assumed he lived on that road, as was implied. However, the taxi proceeds to drive down the road for about 2-3 mins (I was getting a bit confused at this stage) when Jim says to 'take the next right'. We were now driving down a road which was directly parallel to the N11. So we proceed down this road. 6 or 7 mins later 'Jim' tells the driver to 'pull in here this'll be grand'. There was almost €20 on the meter at this stage. Then 'Jim' said that his friend hadn't any money so he'd be paying for both of them. 'Grand' I said, and he handed me the money and jumped out of the taxi fairly lively. I assumed he gave me AT LEAST €15 seeing as I would be paying for an unnecessary journey back up to my house, as well as that €4.45 surcharge. I looked down at the money he had given me. It was the €5 that the first fella had originally handed him for his fare. The mean, stingey cunt. No wonder he alighted the taxi so rapidly.

    I tell the taxidriver my address, expecting him to do a U-turn and head back the way we came. But no, he drives straight down the road we were on, and within one minute we were back on the N11. The taxi driver turns right, and 3-4 mins later we were at my house. The fare came to around €23/4, and the taxidriver was sound enough not to charge the surcharge for whatever reason.

    This just really pissed me off. Not only is it mean and stingey, it is dishonest and disceptive. It would have made alot more sense and have been cheaper to go straight down the N11, dropping me off at my house first, then travel the 3 or 4 mins down to his place. But no, this mean cunt deliberately had the taxi driver turn off just before my house and take a longer convoluted route to his house, so he would be dropped off first and could dupe me with the fare and pay nothing himself. The fact that he did this, thus increasing the bill for me actually pissed me off more than the fact that he or his friend payed NOTHING towards the bill. This absolute slyness was much worse than the mere stinginess.

    Hopefully you all followed that, but I was experiencing a mini-fit of rage just typing it.

    Have been in many situations similar to this.
    What pisses me off most in these situation is that it's always the ones that drink the most and manage to get food after the pub that are the ones who will leave you short when it comes to paying the taxi.
    They will spend their last few euro on a shot or a pizza than keep it for the taxi home and will expect you to pay the fair cause they have no money left :mad:

    Or another commonly stinginess occurrence (already mentioned in another post) - The people who don't want to break their note "for the sake of a couple of euro" so will stinge the couple of cent/euro off you.

    Or the "I'm given up the smokes one"
    Work colleague: "I'm off the smokes"
    come 11 o'clock "I'll just have the one do ya mind if I rob one off ya?"
    Come 2 o'clock "can I rob another off ya"
    Next thing you know you are supplying them with smokes for the week while they are supposable "given them up":rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,300 ✭✭✭✭retalivity

    I have a plastic thermos mug (about a pint size) that I fill with tea in the morning and bring to work with me. After about an hour ive about a third left and its cold, so I fill it up with hot water and and a bit of milk (still have the teabag in the mug), and im off again. I might even try and get a third fill out of it but by then its a bit watery.

    I wouldnt consider myself stingy though...the mother sent over a box of lyons a few months ago and im just trying to spread them out until I get more!

    Canadian tea is just sh1te

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,569 ✭✭✭✭ProudDUB

    Another time he asked me for money for condoms so he doesnt get the gf pregnant again :pac:

    Ha. That reminded me of the time I was in the 2 euro store buying birthday cards. (No, I wasn't being stingy. I was being frugal. Their three cards for two euro deal is a great one. You'd spend quadruple that at Easons for the very same cards. imo ) Anyway, there was a lad near the top of the queue who had an armload of 12 pack boxes of condoms. People behind him were pointing and smiling at going to the 2 euros shop for something :rolleyes:

    Someone must have made a smart remark to him, as he turned around and said dead seriously that he wears 2 or 3 at a time "just to be sure" & that he can afford to do so as they are so cheap. Everyone fell around the place laughing. Would love to know if he really meant it. :eek:

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,439 ✭✭✭SunnyDub1

    retalivity wrote: »
    I have a plastic thermos mug (about a pint size) that I fill with tea in the morning and bring to work with me. After about an hour ive about a third left and its cold, so I fill it up with hot water and and a bit of milk (still have the teabag in the mug), and im off again. I might even try and get a third fill out of it but by then its a bit watery.

    I wouldnt consider myself stingy though...the mother sent over a box of Lyons a few months ago and im just trying to spread them out until I get more!

    Canadian tea is just sh1te

    TBH I'd sooner drink sh*t Canadian tea then drink a cup of watery milky lyons tea - That's if anyone would even consider calling the third cup a, a cup of "tea". more like a cup of water and milk :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,104 ✭✭✭✭Larbre34

    The canteen where I work offers soup, and has polystyrene bowls with lids available for those who want to take it away.

    At the end of the day, a colleague of mine goes into the canteen when its more or less closed up, takes one or two of the disposal bowls, walks across to the tea and coffee area and fills the bowls with whatever milk is left in the chilled dispenser so he doesn't have to buy any.

    This guy lives alone and has a salary of just under €70,000.

    Top that?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,043 ✭✭✭MurdyWurdy

    My husband's family all live in South Africa and his cousin has what she calls her maid/servant (it's just a different world there) to clean her house and look after the baby even though she her partner has never had a proper job and is at home in the house all day. The maid doesn't live with them but works 8am - 8pm or something like that.

    The maid is from Zimbabwe and is in South Africa illegally (like a lot of domestic workers) Last time we were there she spent 30 minutes complaining about how much she has to pay the maid - then told us she pays her half of the pitiful going rate for servants because there is nothing the girl can do about it as she is illegal and even if she wasn't there is no social welfare in SA. A lot of these illiegal migrants live in shanty towns which are shacks made of cardboard.

    She also spent ages complaining about how much food the maid ate while she was in her house. She told us she has stared marking the plastic milk jug to see how much milk the maid drinks because it's "far too much". It was a horrible conversation to overhear (also because there was a lot of racist remarks thrown in too). Myself and my husband were just shocked that someone he is related to could treat someone like that. I bet the poor girl is terrified all the time.

    If I had someone like that working for me, I would pay her the proper going rate and make sure she had more than enough to eat and some to take home to her family at the end of the day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 314 ✭✭skeg16

    When my sister had her 21st party in the local my mother made a load of sandwiches etc

    During the party one of the local drunks (not invited to the party...he practically lives in the pub) ate half the food and as he was going home he asked the barmaid for a plastic bag and started to bag all the remaining sandwiches and brought them home.....main cvnt :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,515 ✭✭✭✭admiralofthefleet

    skeg16 wrote: »
    When my sister had her 21st party in the local my mother made a load of sandwiches etc

    During the party one of the local drunks (not invited to the party...he practically lives in the pub) ate half the food and as he was going home he asked the barmaid for a plastic bag and started to bag all the remaining sandwiches and brought them home.....main cvnt :D

    that happened at a party i was doing years ago in a pub in harolds cross. one of the locals (a rude, mean scrote) sneaked into the party and filled a plate with food and went back into the bar. i had him clocked so i got one of the barmen in the bar (who hated him) to charge him €7 (the price per head i was charging the party) on top of his next pint. he was livid but paid to save being made a show of.
    also, in the same pub i worked with the meanest man ive every met. he was a filthy dirtbag who i called bigfoot (if you eat in mc donalds in rathmines you may have seen him). he was employed just a runner and glass collector but one night at a party he brought a bag for life into the kitchen and 'told' me to fill it with the food that is returned from the party. this would be half eaten cocktail sausages/wedges/onion rings ect.. but he wanted to bring them home for dinner. needless to say the bag for life and food went in the bin, he too was livid. he asked me once for a lend of €8 to get smokes and i gave it to him. without knowing he was being watched he produces a was of 50's to pay for his pint, i made a show of him. other times he would worm his way in when we all would be having a late drink after work. we would drink in rounds that could cost up to €70 but when it came to his turn he would always suddenly be asleep or say in his culchie english ' i no money' even after necking 8 pints that were bought for him

    i could fill this thread with stories about him

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  • Registered Users Posts: 904 ✭✭✭Drakares

    My sister is getting married next week and her fiance got a call of his very rich and posh Aunt who asked him if he'd be available to meet her in the city centre (he works in town) so that she could give him their wedding gift.

    They were delighted at the idea of some extra dosh or something nice for their wedding. He took a half day off work and went out to meet the Aunt for dinner.

    They ended up in an expensive restaurant in which she gave him a €3 bowl from Dunnes. Not a fancy ornament, a fecking cereal bowl!! price tag still stuck to the bottom.

    And to top it all off the card machine wasn't working in the restaurant, and she didn't have cash so he had to pay for the dinner :pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 346 ✭✭dorkacle

    this would be half eaten cocktail sausages/wedges/onion rings ect.. but he wanted to bring them home for dinner. needless to say the bag for life and food went in the bin, he too was livid.

    He sounds like a right b*ll*x alri, but if it was going in the bin you may aswel have gave it to him to eat rather than waste?

    I've seen it mentioned a couple of times here too, an this whole business of someone asking for a euro off everyone in order to pay for their food or ticket or whatever while everyone else is paying their way anyway really does my head in!

    I remember outside a club one of the lads in my class tried this, he had money and everything to get his drinks and all! He does it all the time at lunch and all, I never let it happen. Particularly as he already stung me before.

    Same guy owes me a lunch since the 1st year of college, he had no money at the time so I said i get it for him an he can get mine the next day... fool me once :rolleyes: He said every week he'd get me something the following week when he gets paid. 2 and a half years later and he still must not have been paid... I just let it go tbh, was only about 6 or 7 euro...

    An I don't mean to generalise or stereotype but I find its the people who actually have or come from money that are the most stingy! Like the guy I've mentioned comes from a very 'posh' area in dublin drives his own car, new clothes every week and as students go is pretty well off!

    He is also the kind of guy that you wouldn't hear from at all until there is an exam or assignment due the next day and he's ringing you every hour for hints and tips because I actually went to class and didn't leave everything until the last minute!

    I wouldn't at all consider him a close friend, but when I am out with the people I would be close with we would we all buy each other drinks and whatever, he conveniently hangs about when all this goes on making people feel uncomfortable to not get him something if someone is going to the bar to get a round in, but would never stay too long to have to get his round... Pisses me off so much! :mad:

    I don't know what it is, but for the sake of a couple of quid I couldn't be bothered to put so much effort into getting a few drinks out of people, and I wouldn't have money to throw around anyway. To be stynge you really have to put effort in don't you?

    And that getting stung with the taxi fair business really does my head in too! Happened to me before aswel...!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,652 ✭✭✭fasttalkerchat

    You know how before going off on holidays you go around the house taking out plugs and double checking the immersion?
    Anyway, my granny knew someone who went round with a roll of sellotape taping up packets of biscuits so they wouldn't go stale.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,652 ✭✭✭fasttalkerchat

    You know how before going off on holidays you go around the house taking out plugs and double checking the immersion?
    Anyway, my granny knew someone who went round with a roll of sellotape taping up packets of biscuits so they wouldn't go stale.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 31,117 ✭✭✭✭snubbleste

    You know how before going off on holidays you go around the house taking out plugs and double checking the immersion?
    Anyway, my granny knew someone who went round with a roll of sellotape taping up packets of biscuits so they wouldn't go stale.
    What's wrong with that :confused:
    She could've put them in some sort of container but she chose to seal up food instead of binning it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 266 ✭✭kilkenny12

    You know how before going off on holidays you go around the house taking out plugs and double checking the immersion?
    Anyway, my granny knew someone who went round with a roll of sellotape taping up packets of biscuits so they wouldn't go stale.

    "went around"... Does she have packets of biscuits scattered around the house?
    Noting wrong with this in fairness, I wrap tinfoil around the top of my packets of biscuits.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,652 ✭✭✭fasttalkerchat

    kilkenny12 wrote: »
    "went around"... Does she have packets of biscuits scattered around the house?
    Noting wrong with this in fairness, I wrap tinfoil around the top of my packets of biscuits.

    The way I was told the story it sounded like it. Their taxi was waiting for them so I suppose the circumstances made it more stingy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,821 ✭✭✭✭mfceiling

    I started a big job in mullingar a few years back. 3 of us from dublin going to it every day.
    After the 1st week one of the lads tells me "i'll tip over to your place in the morning and go up with you - save taking 2 motors". Cool, no problem there - makes more sense.
    The other lad who was travelling with him had no choice but to come as well.

    Every day for the next 3 months i took these lads to the job. Every morning we stopped for a coffee. Not once did either of them say "i'll get this as a thanks for you driving" Every day i went through the N4 toll twice - not once did either of them say "do you want a couple of quid for the toll"

    I would never have expected money for diesel but it would have been nice to have been offered (even a tenner each for the week).

    My good friend who i work with regularly will always fall into an unwritten rule with work. He used to come past my house in the morning to go to a job 2 miles from my house. Every morning i bought him a tea in the shop. On other jobs we would fill our cool boxes on a monday and share out lunches for the week. We worked in london and without ever discussing it took it in turns to buy the dinner each night.

    Can't understand miserable gits.

  • Registered Users Posts: 81,310 CMod ✭✭✭✭coffee_cake

    Would you not just say it to them? :confused: I mean, for 3 months and not a word?

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,089 ✭✭✭✭LizT

    bluewolf wrote: »
    Would you not just say it to them? :confused: I mean, for 3 months and not a word?

    Exactly, they may have been perfectly happy to contribute if something was said.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,821 ✭✭✭✭mfceiling

    bluewolf wrote: »
    Would you not just say it to them? :confused: I mean, for 3 months and not a word?

    Mentioned it twice in the first 2 weeks about maybe taking the other motor for the next week....met by "ah it needs a service".

    Wouldn't dream of asking for diesel money - i would always offer but sometimes other people won't.

    I did however drop them in it one evening when i forgot to mention that i was going to stay with my wife's parents in 5 o'clock.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,020 ✭✭✭homeless student

    LizT wrote: »
    Exactly, they may have been perfectly happy to contribute if something was said.

    ya right. reminds me of a time i gave a "friend" a lift to get a train so it would work out cheaper for him, on the way he bought a coffee and didnt even have the decency to buy me one.tight git.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,089 ✭✭✭✭LizT

    ya right. reminds me of a time i gave a "friend" a lift to get a train so it would work out cheaper for him, on the way he bought a coffee and didnt even have the decency to buy me one.tight git.

    Did you ask him for one?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,020 ✭✭✭homeless student

    LizT wrote: »
    Did you ask him for one?

    you shouldn't have to ask, anyone with anything to them would offer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,089 ✭✭✭✭LizT

    you shouldn't have to ask, anyone with anything to them would offer.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,835 ✭✭✭✭cloud493

    you shouldn't have to ask, anyone with anything to them would offer.

    No. No they would not.

    There's this lad I vaguely know, who constantly begs for money and stuff on facebook. Many of his various posts include asking people for borrows of money for a tattoo, lends of games, free guitars and game systems, free drinking sessions. I saw him in town today, don't know him that well really so wasn't going to say anything more than a hi, but quick as a flash he asked for a 50 quid loan :O And he has a job, cos he's constantly moaning about his work times, and he lives at home, rent free.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,190 ✭✭✭Squeaky the Squirrel

    cloud493 wrote: »
    No. No they would not.
    Yes, yes they would.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,835 ✭✭✭✭cloud493

    Yes, yes they would.

    Your telling me you think everyone who had money in their pocket would automatically offer it to someone for driving them?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,652 ✭✭✭fasttalkerchat

    Yes, yes they would.

    It would be nice but I don't know that I've never forgotten to offer someone something.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 119 ✭✭greenheart

    MurdyWurdy wrote: »
    My husband's family all live in South Africa and his cousin has what she calls her maid/servant (it's just a different world there) to clean her house and look after the baby even though she her partner has never had a proper job and is at home in the house all day. The maid doesn't live with them but works 8am - 8pm or something like that.

    The maid is from Zimbabwe and is in South Africa illegally (like a lot of domestic workers) Last time we were there she spent 30 minutes complaining about how much she has to pay the maid - then told us she pays her half of the pitiful going rate for servants because there is nothing the girl can do about it as she is illegal and even if she wasn't there is no social welfare in SA. A lot of these illiegal migrants live in shanty towns which are shacks made of cardboard.

    She also spent ages complaining about how much food the maid ate while she was in her house. She told us she has stared marking the plastic milk jug to see how much milk the maid drinks because it's "far too much". It was a horrible conversation to overhear (also because there was a lot of racist remarks thrown in too). Myself and my husband were just shocked that someone he is related to could treat someone like that. I bet the poor girl is terrified all the time.

    If I had someone like that working for me, I would pay her the proper going rate and make sure she had more than enough to eat and some to take home to her family at the end of the day.

    That's not stingy, that's just scummy to treat another person like that. It sounds like she's on some sick power buzz and gets off on the poor girl's misery.

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