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Champix aka Chantix/Varenicline



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28 alimo

    kids dressed him up in the dolls clothes ....... lol

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28 alimo

    hmmm quess who's bored tonight lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Well Alimo this should make you feel much better! After seeing your stats YOU can call ME "Gramps".:eek: I'll be 72 next month..

    Your little Ollie is so cute! He looks like a lovable little lad!:)

    Poutbutton, I'm so sorry to hear about your baby.. I sure hope she recovers fully. I had a Llaso Apso for 18 years. My Vet called him the "Energizer Dog" because he kept going and going and going. Then he started failing. First his hearing then he lost his eye sight, then he would have "night terrors" (as you call them). Then when I went to wake him he'd be all wet. I finally had to have him put down. It was AWFUL! I sobbed my heart out for about an hour before I could get myself together enough to leave the Vets Office.:( I never want to go through that again!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28 alimo

    It is official the champix has sent me mad . I'm in bed surfing the net on my blackberry waiting for those damm foxes 2 try dig up my shallots ! And I'm eating a box of roses ... Donniel my gramps older than you he 78

  • Registered Users Posts: 611 ✭✭✭MonicaBing

    Wohoo! first day for me on Champix! It was such a personal victory for me just to get them! Have decided that the day i quit actually smoking will be on day 12, sunday week!! Have a pat on the back girl!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Glad to hear that you're on your way! Just remember to alway take the pills with food and drink lots of water. Welcome to the club!!:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14 Trollness

    Hi all just checking in!! I am now on Day 16 and am still smoking half the amount. I went to the Doctor on Tuesday who is impressed with the effort i have made however i feel that i should be smoking less!! I had to cut my medication in half as i was feeling unwell and severely agitated. I am now back on my full medication so hopefully this will help me to quit completely.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14 Trollness

    Poutbutton i soo pick up what you are putting down if you get my pun ha ha I too felt very unwell on the tablets which i feel in turn brings you backwards instead of forwards. It takes a while to get the motivation to take something that you know will make you unwell. I spoke to my doc about this very topic on Tuesday and he said that it will get better it just takes time!!!!I have not come off the dreaded weed completely as the tabs put me in a severe bad mood and was not well at all so was going to stop taking them completely but somehow i managed to continue to take one 1mg a day. I am now taking the 2 of them and no effects at all so fingers crossed!! I will storm the heavens for you to get strength to continue!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    I feel so fortunate that I got through the whole program with out experiencing any of the problems that a lot of you had.

    I think that I also had that mental boost when I found out that the carbon monoxide in my system from the nicotine was causing the surge in red blood cell count. My hemotologist reaffirmed that last tuesday when I still didn't need a phlebotomy. My last one was just before the Christmas Holidays.

    Good Luck Trollness on being back on the double dose. Just keep taking with food and drink a lot of water! (I know..I sound like a broken record) Oh, Record? that's those disk thingys we used to play before CD's:D:pac::D

  • Registered Users Posts: 88 ✭✭TheQueen

    Picked up my prescription this evening and day 1 of Champix tomorrow. Have read all the posts here and feeling very positive as a result. I am smoking 17 years and longest I have gone without is when on a plane or in hospital.
    I am for the first time completely ready to quit and really hoping this works for me.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Welcome your Majesty! I didn't realize that you smoked.:D

    Good luck and welcome to the family.

    I personally just "graduated" last week and am doing fine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 88 ✭✭TheQueen

    Thank you! Just taken the first tablet so here we go!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 88 ✭✭TheQueen

    Ok have only taken one tablet, this is Day 1 but feel quite groggy and medicated, is this norm?

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    It appears the medication effects individuals differently. I personally only experienced the vivid dreams. I guess there was some drowsyness that I wasn't even sure of until I was through with program and started getting a little energy back.
    As you may have noticed several on this thread did report some drowsyness and lack of motivation.
    I mentioned in my earlier posts that I actually felt a deminshed desire to light up on the 3rd day as I was going from 1 pill to 2.
    Good luck and hang in there. But, if you start experiencing any SERIOUS side effects contact your physcian ASAP.

  • Registered Users Posts: 380 ✭✭Poutbutton

    Hi everyone, Easter already :D
    welcome The Queen, best of luck! I'd say it may have been a coincidence that you felt sleepy after your very first tablet, let's know how you get along. :)
    Well done Monica Bing you're on your way!
    Trollness!! You should have quit by now! You should have picked a day in the first 14 and decided to stop! Hopefully you will have by the next time you log in, the drug wont make you want to stop you have to do that yourself, the first 3 days are the hardest after that-plain sailing my friend!
    DonnieL & Alimo I am enjoying the photos :D
    I'm back on track & taking it one day {party} at a time....:o I've got a really big night out tomorrow night but part of it will be at a comedy performance which wont be hard, then on to a party so I'm going to try really hard not to smoke even though I'll be with my chain smoking friend.
    Nice to have a few days off work for Easter, I got the entire front & back gardens totally organised today, now I can start planning my beds & rockery.
    so, hope you all have a nice Easter! :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    OK Poutbutton, you just be careful tomorrow night! Don't Make me come over there!!:D
    H A P P Y E A S T E R E V E R Y O N E !!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,081 ✭✭✭chasm

    Hi Guys
    Day 8 off the smokes for me.
    Has anyone here been prescribed a second course of champix after their initial 12 week course?
    I read in the leaflet that came with the tablets thatif you are still off the fags after the 12 weeks your doctor may recommend an additional 12 weeks of treatment.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 190 ✭✭SMK

    I was on Champix for 6 months in total but I smoked for the first three months on them before I gave up the cigarettes.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28 alimo

    hi chasm , doc will give you more if you need them as far as i am aware . Im off the smokes 3 weeks now , actually had to go check as i don't count the days , hmmmm maybe i will start and treat myself each day instead of each week :) .First week i went out to buy myself new clothes , ended up buying kids all new spring wardrobes instead , 2nd week i got my teeth lasered , this week i bought an (expensive);) pair of shoes for me !
    welcome to all the new champix users :D
    poutbutton u better start behaving !!! donniel hope you stay away from the temptation else i'll have to force you into that babysitting job !!
    I'm heading off for few days with kids leaving the cold damp weather of co.galway for ohhhh the cold damp weather of co. mayo :rolleyes: Temptation will not find me unless i find it :confused: my sister is comming down from the north to meet up with me so should be fun . Hope you have all had a great easter , only problem for me is that since not smoking too many easter eggs in my house to nibble at grrrrrrrr .

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,081 ✭✭✭chasm

    Thanks alimo. I was on champix this time last year, but went back on the smokes after, so i think i will probably ask to taper off them or get a second course this time round.

    I treated myself when i gave them up last time too- joined the gym, and 2 weeks all inclusive to Turkey,amongst other things- we hired a bus to bring us to Gatwick from where i was staying in essex and the rush of the smokers to get off the bus the minute it stopped was unreal. We had a couple of hours at the airport before our flight and it was of great relief not to be a smoker because seemingly it was a very long walk to find a smoking area.

    As i said in an earlier post i can learn from my previous experience and know that just 1 cigarette will be enough to put me back on the fags again- and i definitely dont want to go down that road again. I had been doing really well at the gym too-was a bit hard at first as i was suffering quite badly with anaemia and didnt even know it till i was in with the doctor to get my champix prescription and she said she wanted to do some bloods.

    They really were very low-the doctor phoned me at about 10pm wanting me to come down before surgery the following morning for an iron injection. i had to have an injection every couple of days for a couple of weeks. The Gym got much easier after that,(apart from the rowing machine-sitting down was a bit painful after the injection!!) and i began to feel like i was benefitting from not smoking (If that makes sense?).

    Am treating myself to holiday in turkey again this year, would love to save up and get my teeth whitened-had them cleaned/polished etc last year but the smoking has loosened a couple of them and i find the cleaning then loosens them more- the plaque is probably holding them in place haha im such a wimp though they have to give me about 6 injections just to clean them!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14 Trollness

    Poutbutton the doctor told me that day 8-14 is only a guideline. He said that if people push themselves to quit between this time and are not completely ready then they are likely to keep slipping up along the way. He is really happy with my progress and so am I.I would prefer to do it when i feel 100% ready because i know if i keep slipping up i will give up.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28 alimo

    u r just right trollness to do what you feel is best , being forced into something is one of the worst things , i just took one day at a time and stopped when i felt like it , i didn't set a day , one day i just got up and made that decision for myself .
    i am going to wean off these slowly also chasm as i took zyban before and didn't complete even the 3 months and ended up smoking again . holiday sounds great , i been thinking bout mine which already booked before xmas , im going to costa calida to a villa for 3 weeks wooooohooooo can't wait . i stopped going to the gym a while ago as hadn't the time , keep saying going to go back now , but really can't find the time until i get the accounts finished and kids easter break over , then im going back . have to do all i can to try win those glamourous granny contests ;) !! just looking at a huge easter egg i got yesterday ...... better eat that before i get to the gym !!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14 Trollness

    Thank you Alimo!!!! I am going through a lot of other things in life at the minute and to do this at this time is a miracle for me!!I am weaning off them slowly and it really is working for me but i do know that champix is providing the extra support cos without it i would not be able to wean off them at all. I started at half a day and in the last 3 days am smoking 6 max a day which is the least ive ever smoked.

    SMK i take my hat off to you cos i know a lot of people would not admit that they smoked for the first 3 months so thank you cos you made me feel like i am not alone. I was very hard on myself for the first 2 weeks but now have decided to pat myself on the back for even getting this far. I adored cigs and yes i literally mean adored them. I dont like alcohol at all and never did so i guess they are my one and only adiction.

    Thank you again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Oh Well, My ultimate test failed! My cousin who was my smoking buddy came down for Easter weekend and I started to tell her you don't have to hide the smokes, because I noticed her cigs and and lighter weren't on the patio next to the ash tray. She then proceeded to tell me she's been off the fags for over a week. So alas, there went my challenge!! Soooo we just supported each other through the weekend.

    She did mention trying Chantix. But.... She had severe, as Poutbutton refers to as "night terrors", so bad that she had to get up and check the doors and windows. So she's trying "cold turkey"..

    Still haven't had any cravings and have been off the meds for over 2 weeks now..:D

    OK, all the rest of you keep up the fight, and again if you have any severe side effects, Please call your Doctor!! GOOD LUCK and God Bless!:):D

  • Registered Users Posts: 611 ✭✭✭MonicaBing

    HI guys, today is day 8 and to be honest i dont know whether im coming or going. Have had some very weird dreams the last 2 nites so weird i had to make sure it was a dream i had and am very tired, but whats worrying me is this feeling i have of, its kinda hard to describe, its like a mix of Paranoia, insecurity and just generally being very down. Have been bursting into tears most of today and am very confused as to whether or not to stay going.
    Advice wanted from anyone please...

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Yes MonicaBing, see your Doctor ASAP. My cousin was down over Easter. She was on the medication a little over a week and as I mentioned in an earlier post, had "night terrors". :eek: She said they were so bad she had to get up and check the doors and windows. She is now attempting cold turkey.:cool: It's amazing how this medication effects different people so many different ways. Fortunatley I had no problems at all.:)

    Chasm, from what I see here in the States is that if you think you need an additional prescription after the 12 week period you are able to get it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 611 ✭✭✭MonicaBing

    DonnieL wrote: »
    Yes MonicaBing, see your Doctor ASAP. My cousin was down over Easter. She was on the medication a little over a week and as I mentioned in an earlier post, had "night terrors". :eek: She said they were so bad she had to get up and check the doors and windows. She is now attempting cold turkey.:cool: It's amazing how this medication effects different people so many different ways. Fortunatley I had no problems at all.:)

    Chasm, from what I see here in the States is that if you think you need an additional prescription after the 12 week period you are able to get it.

    Morning all, well no dreams last nite, its still early so am not sure what way my emotions are gonna be swinging yet, but im so tired im gonna go back to sleep for a while! Im just so happy to have had no dreams. Thanks Donnie for the advice am gonna see how today & tonight go and if im still weepy and feeling like a teenager(!), i will be seeing my Gp.

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Hi.. The GetQuit Support Group is still emailing me once a week. Just thought this one was pertinent to all of us. (see attached):)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 GR

    I haven't smoked since my quit day(over 3 months ago) It really does work! I was a heavy smoker too. Just one problem! I found there wasn't any support afterwards. Just a case of you've had the course and thats it! your on your own now. Apparantly you only get this for 12 weeks and then you have to come off it whether you think you are ready or not. I'm pleased i have done so well but i will be annoyed if i end up going back on them after all this time.:confused:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Hi GR, Thanks for the input! I think if you check with your GP you'll find that he can renew your prescription beyond the 12 weeks should you need it. At least that's the case here in the States but it wouldn't hurt to check.
    Congratulations on being off for 3 months!! BE PROUD!! :D:):D
