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Champix aka Chantix/Varenicline



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 GR

    DonnieL wrote: »
    Hi GR, Thanks for the input! I think if you check with your GP you'll find that he can renew your prescription beyond the 12 weeks should you need it. At least that's the case here in the States but it wouldn't hurt to check.
    Congratulations on being off for 3 months!! BE PROUD!! :D:):D

    Hi DonnieL, Thanks for the reply. I will make an appointment to go back and see my doctor. You are right i cannot hurt to check. It was the nurse who i've been seeing and whilst i really don't want to take up the habit again i think i could have done with a little while longer on the champix, seeing as though they've worked so well for me. All i got though was it's a 12 week course and a little clap from her. No after support or anything. I'm very proud of myself though.:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 190 ✭✭SMK

    GR wrote: »
    I haven't smoked since my quit day(over 3 months ago) It really does work! I was a heavy smoker too. Just one problem! I found there wasn't any support afterwards. Just a case of you've had the course and thats it! your on your own now. Apparantly you only get this for 12 weeks and then you have to come off it whether you think you are ready or not. I'm pleased i have done so well but i will be annoyed if i end up going back on them after all this time.:confused:

    My doctor was fine about extending my prescription. I was very nervous giving up the tablets in case I started smoking again so I weaned myself off the tablets over about a 3 week period until I was taking .5mg every second day! There was probably no need to do it that way but it was enough to satisfy myself that I could stay off the cigarettes. And I'm two years off them today! :)So, I haven't smoked in..........

    Two years, 1 hour, 18 minutes and 24 seconds. 18276 cigarettes not smoked, saving €6,442.42. Life saved: 9 weeks, 11 hours, 0 minutes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 88 ✭✭TheQueen

    Trying to stay positive by reading your stories but this is day 7 for me, still smoking almost as much as normal. Going to the 1mg twice a day so maybe that will make a difference. Have to say feeling quite low and no energy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14 Trollness

    MonicaBing wrote: »
    HI guys, today is day 8 and to be honest i dont know whether im coming or going. Have had some very weird dreams the last 2 nites so weird i had to make sure it was a dream i had and am very tired, but whats worrying me is this feeling i have of, its kinda hard to describe, its like a mix of Paranoia, insecurity and just generally being very down. Have been bursting into tears most of today and am very confused as to whether or not to stay going.
    Advice wanted from anyone please...

    Hello MonicaBing, I experienced some very odd dreams too but they do get easier around the 3rd week. I too have had that feeling that you are describing but for me the paranoia has gone, still feeling a little insecure but i guess that is a normal feeling given the fact that we are weaning off the cigs. Try and persevere for another few days but if it gets too much for you go and speak to your doc or even the pharmacist!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14 Trollness

    TheQueen wrote: »
    Trying to stay positive by reading your stories but this is day 7 for me, still smoking almost as much as normal. Going to the 1mg twice a day so maybe that will make a difference. Have to say feeling quite low and no energy.

    Hello The Queen, dont be too hard on yourself. I too was smoking large amounts on my first few days. You will definitely notice a difference when you move to the 1mg tabs. You must remember that everyone is different and you can only go at the pace that you are most comfortable!! As i said in an earlier text day 8-14 is only a general guide it does NOT work for everyone!!!!

    The amount i smoked was cut in half on day 8ish. I am now on day 23 cos i had to cut my dose in half for a while and am still smoking but have cut down to between 4-6 which is a collosal achievement for me.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 GR

    SMK wrote: »
    My doctor was fine about extending my prescription. I was very nervous giving up the tablets in case I started smoking again so I weaned myself off the tablets over about a 3 week period until I was taking .5mg every second day! There was probably no need to do it that way but it was enough to satisfy myself that I could stay off the cigarettes. And I'm two years off them today! :)So, I haven't smoked in..........

    Two years, 1 hour, 18 minutes and 24 seconds. 18276 cigarettes not smoked, saving €6,442.42. Life saved: 9 weeks, 11 hours, 0 minutes.

    Well done. Thats fantastic!!! I don't know if my doctor will give me another prescription as i stopped taking them around 3 days ago through no choice of my own. I was told i would get a starter pack to finish off with and that i should cut down to 1 a day before coming off them altogther. When i went for what i assumed would be my last prescription from the smoking nurse i was told it's only a 12 week course and that is it. So i've gone from 2 a day to none instantly.:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 190 ✭✭SMK


    You will be fine. I know now I didn't need to wean myself off the tablets, I was just being over cautious. As you can see from above, DonnieL took the course as prescribed without extending it and he's doing great.

    Expect to continue to feel occasional cravings - you won't be getting the cravings because you are no longer on Champix, you'll be getting the cravings cos you're human!! But you've come this far and you don't want to start at Day 1 again, so you'll be able to manage the cravings.

  • Registered Users Posts: 197 ✭✭budfox

    I got my Champix script about 2.5 months ago...i started the pack about 9 weeks ago. After nearly two weeks taking them and smoking I noticed a definite decrease in the last cigarette was Friday 29th February...I went to the Irl v Eng game on the saturday and left the Marlboro lights behind me...haven't smoked since...

    You could get wound up pretty easily from the instructions on the pack as it includes a ton of disclaimers including possible side effects such as suicidal thoughts etc...and i've heard loads about that too...but I don't know anyone personally who's had such issues...

    Personally, i have had no problems. I was sick and tired of smoking (20 years, now in my 30's, 20 a day.....and more at the weekends) and the constant heading outside for a smoke as well as the general smell and coughing was just too much...

    So far then, no issues that i wouldn't expect other than eating a bit more than usual. Maybe and only a maybe, my dreams are slightly more vivid, maybe, but nothing mad...

    The confidence boost in giving them up has far outweighed a few extra pounds and for me anyway, I think it's beaten any of the negative side effects from taking I'm fairly chuffed...

    Would I recommend them? I'd have to say yes, I would but obviously let your GP advise you accordingly...

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Hey Budfox.. Welcome aboard! It sounds like you're getting the same effects that I did. I'm now off the smokes and off the meds!

    Hey Celt, I don't don't know why I thought of you when I heard this joke!! L.O.L.!!:D If you're all tired of the Irish Jokes let me know!!;)

    Paddy had been drinking at his local Dublin pub all day and most of the night..

    Mick, the bartender, finally says "You've had yer fill, you'll not be drinking any more tonight, Paddy."

    Paddy replies "OK Mick, I'll be on my way then". Paddy spins around on his stool and steps off. He falls flat on his face.

    "What the...." he says and pulls himself up by the stool and dusts himself off. He takes a step towards the door and falls flat on his face again.

    "Damn!" he says.

    He looks to the doorway and thinks that if he can just get to the door and get some fresh air he'll be fine. He belly crawls to the door and shimmies up the door frame. He sticks his head outside and takes a deep breath of fresh air, feels much better and takes a step out onto the pavement and falls flat on his face.

    "Bi'Jesus... I'm soused," he says.

    He can see his house just a few doors down, and decides to try for it. He crawls down the street and shimmies up the door frame, opens the door and looks inside. He takes a look up the stairs and says, "No flappin' way."

    But he somehow crawls up the stairs to his bedroom door and thinks, "I think I can make it to the bed." He takes a step into the room and falls flat on his face again.

    He says, "This is hell. I gotta stop drinking," but manages to crawl to the bed and fall in.

    The next morning, his wife comes into the room carrying a cup of coffee and says, "Get up Paddy. Did you have a bit to drink last night?"

    Paddy says, "I did Jess. I was totally pissfaced. But how'd you know?"

    "Mick called... You left your wheelchair at the pub."

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 174 ✭✭tattoo man

    5 weeks down,car broke down today,stress heavan,got a wee bit of an urge,if that all i get after a day like today ill be happy,havin a few tins now and feeling good,as i said before,im smoking 20 a day for 18 years,and at least 5 joints a day(ill admit that),so im not finding any major benifits breathing wise,but i know that takes time,onwards and upwards..
    and to all that have quit and are about too,fair play,it makes ya a better person all over,chat soon....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,455 ✭✭✭celt262

    Good one DonnieL :)

    Im off the tablets since tuesday. Had decided myself to cut down to one tablet a day for the last 2 weeks. All going well and im glad to be off the cigs and the tablets.

  • Registered Users Posts: 380 ✭✭Poutbutton

    Hi everyone it's been a while since I was on. Welcome all the newbies and good luck with your quit plans. The Queen and MonicaBing I hope you can continue with champix how have you both been since your last post? I never felt down on the drug but it did give me serious nausea & I went off them for a bit. Even 1 a day has an effect on my digestive system.
    I found my willpower was defeated when I was with certain smoking friends, especially at night when out. I think it's time I went back and read the entire thread again to get some inspiration! I never went over smoking 3 a day since I slipped butI seriously need to stop that, I'm afraid I'll get back to smoking fulltime :eek: NO WAY i will NOT let that happen!

  • Registered Users Posts: 611 ✭✭✭MonicaBing

    Poutbutton wrote: »
    Hi everyone it's been a while since I was on. Welcome all the newbies and good luck with your quit plans. The Queen and MonicaBing I hope you can continue with champix how have you both been since your last post? I never felt down on the drug but it did give me serious nausea & I went off them for a bit. Even 1 a day has an effect on my digestive system.
    I found my willpower was defeated when I was with certain smoking friends, especially at night when out. I think it's time I went back and read the entire thread again to get some inspiration! I never went over smoking 3 a day since I slipped butI seriously need to stop that, I'm afraid I'll get back to smoking fulltime :eek: NO WAY i will NOT let that happen!

    Tee hee, good on ya!

    Regarding how im feeling? Today im doing great, all week its been a nightmare though so thats a week i don't want to repeat. Today was supposed to be my quit day but i dont feel strong enough after the trauma of last week. I genuinely felt that i was going mad! But thank feck it sort of lifted yesterday. Her Trollness has been great, pm'ing me her story so i know im not alone.

    I have cut down and the smokes DO taste yuck, i feel sick when i smoke and im only smoking part of cig and stubbing out! So hopefully this week will be the kicker, see how i go smoke wise and then make the D day decision!

  • Registered Users Posts: 380 ✭✭Poutbutton

    Thats good news there's nothing worse than disturbed sleep & feeling rotten as well. I did'nt get insomnia until about the 3rd week it was so weird. The dreams on the other hand were mostly good ones. Champix really does hit each individual in an entirely unique way. I still hate the taste of the smokes so I dont get the logic as to why I want one every now & then but I'm not going to analyze that [cos I bet I'll realise I am again addicted to nicotene & I do not want to admit that to myself!]
    So tomorrow is a fresh start & I am determined not to have even 1. We'll see how it goes. I still have to buy my 3rd pack of champix I still have just under 2 weeks tabs left in the 2nd pack.
    Hopefully this week will be better for you too. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Hi Alimo.. I don't know how I missed these pics!! I was just reviewing the threads and stumbled across them! I loved the one with Uncle Sam!! L.O.L. I'm going to re-share with Poutbutton! L.M.A.O. =^)

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    From a Yank to an Irish Lass! Which initially came from an Irish Lass (Alimo) to a Yank! (see attached):D:pac::D

  • Registered Users Posts: 88 ✭✭TheQueen

    Not sure if I can continue, on the plus side I last bought cigarettes on Friday and there are still 7 left in the box, which is amazing for me and think Im ready to quit completely in next day or two but on the other side, Im so so so low, have just wanted to lie in bed all weekend and the nausea is killing me. Since moving up to the 1mg twice a day they are really affecting me badly. I can handle the nausea ( it reminds me of morning sickness!) but the feeling blue is worrying me. Im afraid it is going to get worse, have never suffered from depression but feel Im slipping very quickly towards it..........Did the side effects last for long for others?
    Any advice anyone?
    MB glad you are doing a bit better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 611 ✭✭✭MonicaBing

    TheQueen wrote: »
    Not sure if I can continue, on the plus side I last bought cigarettes on Friday and there are still 7 left in the box, which is amazing for me and think Im ready to quit completely in next day or two but on the other side, Im so so so low, have just wanted to lie in bed all weekend and the nausea is killing me. Since moving up to the 1mg twice a day they are really affecting me badly. I can handle the nausea ( it reminds me of morning sickness!) but the feeling blue is worrying me. Im afraid it is going to get worse, have never suffered from depression but feel Im slipping very quickly towards it..........Did the side effects last for long for others?
    Any advice anyone?
    MB glad you are doing a bit better.

    Hi sweetie, you poor thing. But PLEASE BELIEVE ME YOUR NOT ALONE!!!!!!!!

    From Easter Monday, i have put down such a week that i genuinely thought i was losing my mind. I had such a vivid dream on Mon nite concerning the death of my partner (who's working in oz at the mo) that it took my kid a half hour to convince me it wasnt true. I've had mood swings, i've had a bad feeling all week that something was wrong and because of this i zoned in on my partner and thought he was up to devilment. The haraunging i gave him was unreal! I didnt sleep for 3 nights straight, and had my first proper dinner today as i had NO appetite.

    So believe me, your not alone girl. It will pass and it'll be worth it, i had to keep convincing my self of it.

    Good luck :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 88 ✭✭TheQueen

    Thank you MonicaBing, am in bed now trying to quell the nausea, sounds like you've had it rough too. Im really trying to stay positive and Im so delighted that Ive cut down so much and think I can stop properly. You're right it will be so worth it.
    Hope this week goes better for you! Let me know how you're getting on and thanks again x

  • Registered Users Posts: 380 ✭✭Poutbutton

    Hi guys, hope everyones well. I'm still a smoking charletan :o I'm dispicable I know :o you are all welcome to sling your wrath at me I am smoking 3 cigs a day hating it and everything about it but cant seem to muster the return to being off them. I've no real excuse other than having moved and being around smokers more than I was before.
    I'm not giving up "giving up" though! :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,455 ✭✭✭celt262

    Poutbutton wrote: »
    Hi guys, hope everyones well. I'm still a smoking charletan :o I'm dispicable I know :o you are all welcome to sling your wrath at me I am smoking 3 cigs a day hating it and everything about it but cant seem to muster the return to being off them. I've no real excuse other than having moved and being around smokers more than I was before.
    I'm not giving up "giving up" though! :D

    Come on Poutbutton kick them for good, i have been out loads and drank loads and didnt give into it. Im lucky that most of my friends are non smokers though i know this is a help.

  • Registered Users Posts: 49 cgan086

    Hi everyone.

    just have a few questions. would be much appreciated if someone could help with the answers.

    I'm on day 8 of the starter champix pack and don't notice any difference.
    Ciggs don't taste weird, still feels the same when i smoke.
    The only side effect i've experienced has been some trouble sleeping.

    I'm just wondereing does any body know exactly how and why they work.

    just trying to figure out why they don't seem to be effecting me and still have the urge to smoke:confused:

    Has anyone found the same thing and what should i expect to happen?

    Any answers would really help.


  • Registered Users Posts: 380 ✭✭Poutbutton

    Hi cgan086 welcome to the Quit thread, you will get a lot of tips if you read through it, each person is affected differently by the drug and it can take 2 weeks or even more to kick in, I was stil smoking until day 8 then chose to quit, it's totally up to you when y ou quit, you may even go 3 weeks or a month but you ultimately have to decide when to stop get the fags out of your environment & give the quit day a go!
    Here's a link to a really good explanation of how Champix [chantix in america]

    The entire site is good for explaining things.
    Best of luck in your quest to stop! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 380 ✭✭Poutbutton

    Familiar Chemicals in Cigarettes
    Found in:
    carbon monoxide car exhaust
    bug sprays
    tar material to make roads
    arsenic rat poison
    cleaning products
    hydrogen cyanide gas chamber poison
    cyanide deadly poison
    acetone nail polish remover
    butane cigarette lighter fluid
    DDT insecticides
    formaldehyde to preserve dead bodies :eek:
    sulfuric acid car batteries
    cadmium used to recharge batteries
    freon damages earth's ozone layer
    geranic acid a fragrance
    methoprene a pesticide
    maltitol a sweetener not permitted to be used in foods in the U.S.
    Sources: Dr. Joel Dunnington, Tobacco Almanac, Revised, May 1993.

    :eek: :eek: :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 380 ✭✭Poutbutton

  • Registered Users Posts: 197 ✭✭budfox

    Poutbutton wrote: »
    Hi guys, hope everyones well. I'm still a smoking charletan :o I'm dispicable I know :o you are all welcome to sling your wrath at me I am smoking 3 cigs a day hating it and everything about it but cant seem to muster the return to being off them. I've no real excuse other than having moved and being around smokers more than I was before.
    I'm not giving up "giving up" though! :D

    Nobody should sling any wrath at're on the right road and you'll get there eventually....keep up the good work!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 197 ✭✭budfox

    Poutbutton wrote: »
    Hi cgan086 welcome to the Quit thread, you will get a lot of tips if you read through it, each person is affected differently by the drug and it can take 2 weeks or even more to kick in, I was stil smoking until day 8 then chose to quit, it's totally up to you when y ou quit, you may even go 3 weeks or a month but you ultimately have to decide when to stop get the fags out of your environment & give the quit day a go!
    Here's a link to a really good explanation of how Champix [chantix in america]

    The entire site is good for explaining things.
    Best of luck in your quest to stop! :)

    I agree with took me nearly 2 weeks to get off them...each person is different....making the decision to go for the prescription and start taking them is a great step in itself...that's what I figured for myself anyway....

  • Registered Users Posts: 611 ✭✭✭MonicaBing

    Poutbutton wrote: »

    That was great pout! Thanks for taking my mind off the fact that im into day 2 of Week 3 and still flipping smoking! AAAAARRRGGHH!!:mad::mad::(:o:eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 602 ✭✭✭dollyk

    TheQueen wrote: »
    Not sure if I can continue, on the plus side I last bought cigarettes on Friday and there are still 7 left in the box, which is amazing for me and think Im ready to quit completely in next day or two but on the other side, Im so so so low, have just wanted to lie in bed all weekend and the nausea is killing me. Since moving up to the 1mg twice a day they are really affecting me badly. I can handle the nausea ( it reminds me of morning sickness!) but the feeling blue is worrying me. Im afraid it is going to get worse, have never suffered from depression but feel Im slipping very quickly towards it..........Did the side effects last for long for others?
    Any advice anyone?
    MB glad you are doing a bit better.

    please go and see your doc asap, i had very bad reactions to champix, i was extreamly low and had peroids of violent outbursts, i cut down to .5 mg a day and then had to stop altogether, dont want to put anyone off but we all have different reactions to different meds, if in doubt see your doc, i also had problems with my cycle.:confused: sorry guys, but i bled for two months, doc said it was a one off case.. im off champix now and still have trouble with the vivid dreams and forgetfullness

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  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Hey Poutbutton long time no talk..L.O.L. Here are some more points to ponder that I received from GETQUIT this week.

    Hopefully, you've managed to avoid most of your Smoking Risk Situations. But you may not be able to avoid them forever. So let's talk about how you can face them without giving in to old habits.
    Early in the GETQUIT Support Plan, we asked you to identify your Smoking Risk Situations. We talked about ways to deal with them. Maybe you've avoided friends you know will offer you a smoke. Or you haven't gone to parties or other places that allow smoking.
    In real life, people smoke. Sometimes you may find yourself around them. So what's the best way to deal with these situations?
    • Be prepared. Remind yourself that you're avoiding smoking, and that there's no room in your life for cigarettes. Remind yourself that smoking is not an option.
    • Think about all the great things about quitting smoking
    • Think about Your Inspiration and Reasons for Quitting
    Remember, it's not okay to have an occasional smoke — even one cigarette can lead you right back to smoking. Your goal is avoiding cigarettes for good.
    If you do find that being around old or new Smoking Risk Situations sparks an urge for a cigarette, here are some ideas for managing those situations:
    • Drink a glass of water
    • Have a healthy snack
    • Brush your teeth
    • Go for a walk
    • Chew sugarless gum or suck on hard candy
    • Call a friend
    • Play with your pet
    • Write a letter or e-mail to a friend

    Personally, still off the smokes and meds with no urges. Even went to a BIG 40th Birthday Bash Saturday night with free flowing booze, D.J., and a Casino Night set-up with Black Jack, Craps, and Roulette plus a couple fo slot machines. Had to cost them a bundle. Butttttttttttt, if felt soooooooo good not to have to duck out and try and find a place to light up. LOVIN' IT!!!
