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Champix aka Chantix/Varenicline



  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Well it looks like we got a "gang" stopping the smokes next week! As Poutbutton said, "don't push yourself". Stop when you feel confident that you're comfortable with it. Poutbutton has been there and done that. She knows what she's talking about. She was so adamant about quitting the first time she forgot some of the everyday pressures she was undergoing. Work, Exams, Moving her house, etc. So just be sure your ready and that will help in avoiding failure.

    I WAS ready on day eight, so I stopped there, and haven't smoked since. And that's even with 6 1/2 packs in my freezer calling my name! :D I was able to turn a deaf ear!!:pac::D

    Deisenaut, that list you put on your phone is fantastic! Thanks for sharing that! It's an excellent tool that everyone could use!;):)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 41 Deisenaut

    Hi everyone. I've had a really rough day today on the blue tablets but made it through. While range of side effects and close to anxiety attacks when I woke up this morning but made it through. Thought I was actually going to pass out in tesco today! Still, I am so determined now that my quit day is Monday but I'm going to see how far through the day I can make it tomorrow. A dry run really. I'm praying that tomorrow is easier - the metalic taste, wob outs and "the fear" were just too much today!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 fergal76

    Hi Deisenaut, sorry to hear you had a bad day yesterday. What day are you on at the moment, was that your first day on the blue tablets. I'm on day 6 at the moment so tomorrow is my last day on the white ones.
    I'm sure its gonna get rough for all of us at some stage but dont forget this message you wrote earlier.

    Midnight 22-23rd August 2009

    This is when I gave up smoking
    I have not smoked since
    I am a non smoker
    I am not a slave to this drug
    I do not need it
    Not smoking will not kill me
    Smoking will kill me, painfully
    People have endured tougher things than cravings
    All or nothing - not even a drag
    I have better lung capacity
    I can train longer
    I can train harder
    I do not smell of stale cigarettes
    I am healthier
    My son sees me as "a non smoker"

    a dry run is a good idea, i had a bit of a wobble yesterday but as donnie said probably was not ready at that time to stop. gonna see what happens today.


  • Registered Users Posts: 380 ✭✭Poutbutton

    Ouch Deisenaut sounds like a hangover without any booze! I've had the odd woozy moment, almost like a dizzy spell since taking the full dose, they only last seconds though but yea your right it feels like "the fear" alright. Good way of describing it! I also get "the fear" the first 3 days I'm off the fags but the buzz you feel being off them and being able to resist them far outweighs the weird stuff. Hope today is better.
    I just had a smoke, first one of the day and it tasted disgusting as did the after taste :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 41 Deisenaut

    Yesterday was my first day on the blues, and we were out on Friday night, didn't do the dog on it but i'm sure it contributed! Handy trick for the dizziness - apparantly it's a drop in blood sugar, so keep a pack of lucuzade glucose tablets to hand - they help but its impossible to not eat the whole pack!!! Well I didn't even notice any side effects today which is cool. Even cooler - it's now half way through the day and I haven't had a cigarette yet!!! Trying to keep my mind off it but on a wet, windy and miserable Sunday there isn't much to do - maybe I should get to playing Tiger Woods PGA Golf 10 for a while. Guys / Girls - we can do this one tomorrow !!!! By the end of the week Pout, Fer, Lady we will ALL be non smokers !!!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 fergal76

    i been lucky to have been on holiday but back to work on tuesday. my first day on the blue tabs.better bring 2 packets of those lucuzade tablets. same as you deisenaut. not smoked yet today. chelsea playing later though, now that will be a test.if i go through a a match without smoking.i can do anything. roll on tomorrow

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,021 ✭✭✭LadyE

    I think I might just quit tomorrow - have one left (and the one Im smoking now :o) of the 20 pack from Thursday...think it may kill me to buy more!!

    Only side effects for me are tiredness and a dizzy this morning when I smoked, nut the nausea has gone.

    Can see already how much Ive saved from not buying smokes!

    Deisenaut hope your feeling better today, yesterday sounded awful!!

    Am going out for dinner now, wont bring smoke with me, I can feel the difference already, you know when your half way through a meal and you want to give up because of the craving..dont get that anymore! Yay!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,021 ✭✭✭LadyE

    Well I spoke too soon, after dinner (and one drink!) I was gasping and had to leg it to the shop for smokes :o

    Think I may wait til Wednesday, I didnt realise that the does is doubled from tomorrow!

    May stick to non-alcoholic drinks in the future too :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 41 Deisenaut

    Yeah, you'll want to be smoking for double dose day, once your on the blues for a day go for it. Still haven't smoked today yet and about to crack my first calsberg export - it will be sooo cool if I can make it till bed time without a cig though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,021 ✭✭✭LadyE

    Well done Deisenaut, after 8 and you still havent smoked!!

    Well done!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 153 ✭✭rottweiler

    Hey all only a few hours left,have to say i find the tablets brilliant,the only side effects are a dodgy stomach for 20 mins and a few strange dreams,only smoked 3 a day on thur,fri and sat and i was out drinking sat night,down from 30-40 a day,only had half a smoke this morning,not gonna bother having any more,so hopefully ill be a successful non smoker from 10 o clock this morning.
    Working away from home for the next few days so everything is going to be out of routine which is probably a bonus.
    Best of luck to everyone tomorrow.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 41 Deisenaut

    In 6 minutes I will have officially not smoked today - horray!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 Gregois

    Hi guys and gals.

    From Sydney, Australia and was reading all the positive comments and support here - hope you don't mind that I drop in. I'm on day 4 of Champix. Had a pretty rough trot the first few days, nausea was a little pain in the gut (sorry, tried to get a joke in :)), but also spurred up some anxiety in me. I was anxious about taking the 0.5mg tablet today, but did it and feel ok so far. That was about 3hrs ago.

    Used to smoke about 12-15 per day, yesterday I had two late evening. They were pretty uneventful and didn't get the 'hit'. So I'm quite impressed with Champix... as far as the reduced smoking goes. My quit date is 31st August, but I recokn it'll happen before that as I really don't have the urge.

    Some questions, if you can help me:
    - When you take the double dose / full dose, do the side effects increase?
    - Has anyone else noticed that exercise makes the side effects lessen?

    Congrats to all here that have taken the steps to quit... it's not easy but together we can support each other to get through it!

    Best regards,


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 41 Deisenaut

    To be honest changing dosage hits me bad each time and yes it's a bit stronger but only seems to be the first tablet, then all is well again. As for exercise, yeah - the gym releases similar chemicals in your brain to nicotine and floods you with endorphines as well as taking your mind off things. Therefore going to the gym will help. Also once you quit the gym will get you through stuff quicker like all the sh*te you'll cough up from your lungs. Good luck to everyone quitting today - your not alone, it's only one day, tomorrows a new and easier one!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 41 Deisenaut

    Ust came across this article and there is some great info and stats that might help everyone stopping today

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 fergal76

    yes, today is the day. did not smoke yesterday, found chewing gum helped but also everytime i got a craving, i started doing pushups. my arms are like jelly today but it helped. gonna try jogging today and see how that goes. i find that i am very fidgety today, cant relax. which is why the jogging might help. no cravings as of yet though.

    LadyE, dont push yourself, you will get there in your own time.
    Deisenaut, you seem to be all set, Poutbutton, how are you getting on.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 fergal76

    Hi Gregsois and welcome, my first 2 days had a lot of nausea but none since.exercise i think does help but this is something i only started yesterday so will have to wait and see

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,021 ✭✭✭LadyE

    Hey gregosis, havent started te double dose but will let you know!

    I seem to be doing worse, have had 3 already today :( def not ready to give up altogether, tomorrow may be a different story tho

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Sounds like you're all stumbling through with determination!! That's a GOOD thing!!:D Trust me, once you kick this s--t, you'll be soooo happy you did.
    As I mentioned numerous times, I'm one of few who suffered NO ill side effects and totally made it through to being a non-smoker. There are a lot of Chantix/Champix "graduates" out there but a lot of them went through similar circumstances as you all are experiencing!
    The amazing thing is, I can be around other smokers without any desire to join them or light up. I've even emptied a few ashtrays at my cousins and it didn't bother me in the least. I know some who get thorougly disgusted just being around smokers.
    Just keep up the GOOD work and DETERMINATION!!
    And Welcome Gregsois! It's great to see someone else outside Ireland besides myself!:D
    Success to you ALL!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 380 ✭✭Poutbutton

    Hi all

    Well, it has'nt turned out to be quit day for me. I was not ready this morning at all & going by current stress levels....I'm thinking Wednesday will be D-Day.
    So congrats to all today's new quitters, dying to hear how you get on.
    I had a sleepless night last night, I found I was aggitated yesterday, mainly environmental issues but I'm aware it could have been exacerbated by the Champix. Hoping I sleep tonight, fingers crossed.
    I'm still only able to manage to smoke half a cigarette almost each one I try to smoke so SOmETHING is happening :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 41 Deisenaut

    So Fergal - are you just finishing day 2 off the cigarettes the same as me? Everyone else, I felt really in the zone and just went for it. I just hope I don't fall out of the zone. Just remember you have to do it when YOUR ready!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 fergal76

    sure am Deisenaut,starting back to work today and starting the blue tabs as well. should be fun :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 41 Deisenaut

    Fair play starting before you even went on the blues! Day 3 they say is the worst so once you break the back of today it hopefully will get a bit easier - hopefully a few more will be off them today!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,021 ✭✭✭LadyE

    Hopefully it'll be mt turn tomorrow. STILL dont feel ready :(

    I started the blue ones yesterday (a day early by accident) - maybe after another day on them ill feel a little better

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 fergal76

    not a bad day today, got a bit light headed this morning. dont if it was the tablets or what but it passed after an hour or so and have taken the second blue one a while ago and feel fine.Deisenaut, i have to thank you cause i got two really bad cravings today and i had brought some barly sweets to work incase i felt sick. those sweets went down a treat and did not smoke.ok i intended to use them as you did but at least they took my mind off of smoking.

  • Registered Users Posts: 380 ✭✭Poutbutton

    Hello all still not my quit day...I'm getting a bit worried that it's not going to work :eek: I'm taking 4 x 0.5mg tabs a day, 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening. I'm still smoking, not as much as usual but still smoking. Maybe it'll take the 2 weeks on the tabs to do it. I have done it messy this time! skipping days and tabs here and there at the beginning. I want to be hating the fags by now! I have 13 left in a pack I bought at the weekend, I'm going to try to commit to smoking them and no more. watch this space!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 41 Deisenaut

    Yeah, sweets definately seem to be the key. Fruit pastilles are my cig replacement (you have to suck them). Touch wood it was day 3 allegedly the worst, and my cravings were minimal. The champix definately helps through the dark times! Feel now I've done 3 days, if I stay on my guard I can be rid of the smokes for good. Well done fer, don't worry lady and pout - you've got plenty of time

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 fergal76

    poutbutton, i wonder is it that because you have taken these before, your system has adjusted to them a bit and is taking a while longer this time.
    you will get there though. When the time comes, both yourself and lady will know and be bining the cigs :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,021 ✭✭✭LadyE

    I havent had one since 10am yesterday (yay!!) had one when I posted here, it made me so so sick, was nauseas all day then, wasnt nice at all and even one look at the ashtray yesterday had me feeling worse. Was in bed for 9pm last night feeling very very queesy :(

    Hopefully this is is for me!

    Pout how come you are taking double the white tablets..why not the blue ones?!

    Fergal and deise you both aer doing brilliantly!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Thought you all might be able to use a bit of humor to get you through another day! Hoping you haven't heard it before!!

    On a golf tour in Ireland , Tiger Woods drives his BMW into a gas station in a remote corner of the Irish countryside. The pump attendant, who obviously knew nothing about golf didn't recognise Tiger, so he casually greets him in typical Irish manner. "Top of the mornin' to ya, sir," says the attendant. Tiger, who is familiar with Irish customs, responds with, "And the rest of the day to you, sir!"
    Tiger then bends forward to pick up the nozzle of the gasoline hose. As he does, two golf tees fall out of his shirt pocket onto the ground. "What are those?" asks the attendant. "They're called tees," replies Tiger. "And what on the good earth are they fer?" inquires the Irishman. "They're for resting my balls on when I'm driving," says Tiger. "Feckin hell," says the Irishman, "BMW thinks of everything."
