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Champix aka Chantix/Varenicline



  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    It is a good idea to surround yourself with people who support you. But, you can't turn your back on those who can't. You have to focus on you and not the ones around you. :cool:

    That's what I used to do because it's always easier to blame someone else. "I can't quit as long as he/she is still smoking". :o

    My cousin started Chantix right after I did. She couldn't handle the side effects (really bad "night terrors") :eek:

    She was afraid to smoke around be because we were always "smoking pals" at family gatherings etc. I made up my mind that I wasn't going to let it bother me because I didn't want the issue to get in the way of our relationship. Now I even empty her ashtrays without it bothering me!:)

    Just fight the battle for your own good and self satisfaction and most of all your own well being! Forget what the people around you are doing. Most of all don't let it jeopardize your friendships.;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    For all of you that have been off the smokes for a while here's a point to ponder. Just received it this morning from the Chantix Support group.;) I still hear from them once a week. This will end on my one year anniversary off the cigarettes!!

    "Have you noticed a change in your home? Perhaps with no ashtrays brimming with ashes and cigarette butts, the look of the place has improved. No more stale smoke odors lingering on drapes and furniture. Now the air itself is sweeter and cleaner.
    Without lifting a finger (or lighting up a cigarette) you've also made a big improvement where you live. Why not go for another change? A lot of people who quit smoking notice they have more energy than they used to. If you're like them, you could start putting that extra pep to good use. Start by clearing out the garage or the attic, or getting rid of those old magazines gathering dust.":D

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Here's another little exercise while you're off the smokes!;)

    Something as basic as making breathing exercises a part of your daily routine at work or at home can help make you more relaxed and reduce stress.
    Here's a simple exercise. Try to practice it every day.
    · Put a hand on your abdomen and close your eyes
    · Let your mind focus on a restful scene or thought
    · Inhale deeply, filling your lungs from the bottom to the top, and feel your stomach expand until your lungs are filled
    · Pause, and then exhale until you have emptied your lungs and you feel your stomach return to its normal position
    · Pause for a moment, and then repeat this exercise several times
    That's all there is to it! Instead of filling your body with the carbon monoxide that used to come from inhaling cigarette smoke, you'll be adding healthy oxygen.

  • Registered Users Posts: 384 ✭✭terenc

    Hi Donniel,
    Still off the weed came off the champix last Sunday and boy was I doing a lot of deep breathing but it works.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 ardveen

    Hi All, how are we all doin on the champix !

    Anyway, I was away in France on holidays and slipped a few times ( on the basis that I was on holidays and allowed a few pleasures !!! ) anyway did not go overboard as I knew that I was in the process of quitting. Back home now for 1 week and still off the fags, getting the usual cravings but resisting. I am varying my Champix intake, some days 1, other days 2, depending on how I am doing, not sure if its good or bad to mess with the recommended dose, but trying to stretch out my last box of Champix. I was given a prescription for the starter box ( 1 month ) and 1 follow up months supply.
    I'll be trying not to slip are pretty much back at the start coping with the initial cravings all over again, it was'nt that much fun at the outset to want to relive it.
    Anyway I am 3 week ( substantially ) off the weed and still focused on shaking the habit.
    Hpoe Brian throws another 5€ on the packet as a further deterrant in the upcoming Budget.
    Good Luck to all and keep the faith. !

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  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Well Gang, I'm on day 306 or, my 11th month with no slip-ups yet. I really don't anticipate any at this late date, God willing!

    Here's a Great Topic for thought. It's this weeks tip from Chantix Support:;)

    "Despite what may cause you to want a cigarette, please don't ever say to yourself, "Oh, one won't hurt. I'll just have a few puffs and put it out." As we've said in the past, a few puffs can lead to a complete cigarette. One can lead to three. Three can lead to a pack. That's a path you should avoid.
    So if one of life's upsets should cause you to face one of those urges, just keep this image in the front of your mind: you, happy, living as a nonsmoker, enjoying all the things you've worked for. Got an urge to smoke? Drink a glass of water. Walk around the block. Do stretches at your desk. Whistle a happy tune. Throw yourself into your work or your hobby. Better yet, call up a friend from your support network.
    Instead of reaching for a cigarette, remind yourself how long you've been committed to being a nonsmoker. It's easy: just look at the top of your GETQUIT page — that's where the number of days since your Quit Date is displayed. Need a little more inspiration? Go to your recap page to see how much money you may have saved by not buying cigarettes. So, before you find yourself with a pack in your hand, reach for your computer mouse instead and visit GETQUIT.
    As time goes by, those urges should happen less often. As they get weaker, your resolve should get stronger. So believe in yourself. We do."

    Ardveen, just a little advice. Being on Holiday is not a valid excuse for slipping if you're serious about quiting. Chantix/Champix IS a prescription medication and should be taken as prescribed, If you're having side effects you should discuss any adjustment in dosages with your physcian. In saying that I wish you the best in your continued quest of quitting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Just another thought. Last night while watching the news on television, there was a forecast of possible showers. I thought for a minute then started laughing.

    When I was smoking my "smoking lounge" was my patio which of course is outdoors. So, If it rained I'd get upset because I'd have to go out in the garage, open the door and smoke which is an inconvenience if you're watch a program on television.

    Now I'M FREE and don't have to worry about that petty crap!! :D;):)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 137 ✭✭jm99

    hey everyone,
    i'm new too boards and i was delighted to find this thread. Monday is the start of my week 2 on champix. its also the day i stop smoking:D. this is my second time using champix. the last time about a year ago i was off them about three weeks and i was really confident i cracked it so i stoped using them. needless too say i didnt last very long.
    i wish monday was tomorrow cause i cant wait to get started. i already feel that my urges for a fag are not as strong. this time i'm goin the full 3 months with them.
    i've really enjoyed flicking through this thread and hearing about other peoples success stories

    also the last time i used them i had an upset stomach alot of the time but i've found if you make sure to eat and drink when taking them i have no problems so far. i'm still on the 0.5mg tabs though

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Hi JM99, great to see you joining us. You're so right about taking the medication with food and water (drink).

    Here's wishing you total success for this 2nd time around! Keep us posted! ;):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 384 ✭✭terenc

    BEST OF LUCK JM99 if at first you dont succeed try again and in the case of ciggaretts try, try again. Am off them 7 weeks now and this is the longest I have been of them. Went out for a meal last night with 5 pals of mine, 3 smoke and I would have been 4 seven weeks AGO . Food was GREAT :D(I WAS TASTING FOOD).:D It was brill just to sit down and enjoy the ambiance in the brasserie without rushing out for a smoke which my 3 smoking pals kept doing between starter, main course and sweet.
    I told them about champix because without them I would not have got this far :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 137 ✭✭jm99

    hey lads
    thanks for all your kind words. Monday (my quit day) didnt go plan but tuesday, my plan b quit day went very well. off the smokes 5 days now:D. i'm very happy with how i'm coping. alot of the time i couldn't give a sh**t about a smoke and the rest of the time, well i do think i'd love one.

    I know this has been said and printed many many times all over but if you feel lik a fag go do something, anything really. I heard this so many times but now i'm converted. it works. thats my little bit of advice. plenty more through this thread from people with alot more than 5 days done.


  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭Tip

    Just popping in I am off cigs now 6 mths. Champix is the real deal. If I can quit smoking anyone can :D. Ardveen go back to your doc for another script I was on Champix for 5 mths as I long term smoker 35 yrs + and felt I needed the extra time, even though I never lapsed since I quit. Well done JM 99 on quitting you will not regret it. !!!!!!!. I feel great off cigs and everyone says 10 yrs younger looking;). I still think of missing something but it passes quickly. Only problem now is weight gain have put on over a stone so if I could get some miracle to just get rid of that without starving .

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL


    Just thought I'd check in and see what's been going on! I've been out of the thread for a bit getting used to Windows 7. Lost some of my Applications but saved the important ones anyway.

    WOW! I was delighted to see all the new POSITIVE POSTS!!;)

    Congratulations to all of you! Yup, on January 12, 2010, I'll be off the Cigs for ONE YEAR!!!:D(but who's counting) ha! ha!

    Keep up the Great Work!!! And pass on to your Friends & Familys!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 ardveen

    Hi all,
    Great to hear we are all sticking at it. The upcoming christmas festivities will need to be approached with caution ! I am doing great on ( off ) the cigarettes since my lapse in France but I reckon that I'll need to figure out a ' cunning plan ' to get me over the christmas, this will involve minimising my exposure to boozing / smoking pals and building up a reserve of willpower before partying...anyway plenty of time to figure out the approach.
    I am a bit suprised that this week my mind has focused alot more on wanting a cigarette, much more than in previous weeks, it seems that I am doing more ' fighting the crave ' than previously. I thought that as each week went by it would be easier, it seems to peak at times, settle down then raise its ' ugly little head again'.
    It's an ongoing battle thats going to take a while to win, so just ' dig in ' and prepare to sit it out until you've licked the habit. Best of luck to all ! ( even though i know its not luck we need ).

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Hey Ardveen, Great input! and your right about the Holidays approaching!

    Here's this weeks pointers from the Chantix/Champix Support:


    It's incredible. You've been avoiding cigarettes for almost a year now. You've made a lot of progress — progress that your friends and family have noticed. By now you know that when you're out with others, you have to keep your guard up. So what do you do? Exactly what you've been doing for the past year. Stay committed to your quit.
    When you go out with friends or coworkers, you stay away from places that allow smoking. When you're at a party, you don't stand outside with the smokers. In other words, you try to stay away from old habits and old temptations, and move toward the people and situations that can support you every step of the way.
    Just in case you still have trouble getting away from those old situations, let's review some of the ways you've learned to create a supportive environment:
    • If someone asks to smoke around you, politely say you'd rather they didn't
    • Ask to sit in the non-smoking section of a restaurant
    • If someone offers you a cigarette, say, "No thanks, I don't smoke anymore"
    • If someone puts an ashtray near you, move it away
    • If a smoker is visiting your house, don't be shy about asking them to smoke outside
    Remember, not so long ago, you had smoking buddies — today you have something better: support buddies. Now that's what we'd call real progress. Next week we'll look at some ways to help some of those old smoking buddies get away from their smoking habits, once they make up their minds to quit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭Tip

    Yeah Donniel we have to be vigilant at all times !!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I hope never to put a cig in my mouth again. I think it takes years to get over them. Its total Freedom not smoking though and I feel so proud of myself for quitting. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Hey Tip, great news! You do deserve to be proud keep up the great work!
    I spent Thanksgiving with family and friends after a 6 hour road trip to go a little over 100 miles. Traffic was brutal! There were about 8 smokers there congregating in the back yard. I went out and sat among them and it didn't bother me a bit. The smell of course is distasteful but otherwise I was fine. I really feel I've kicked it FOREVER!!;):D:pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 147 ✭✭ulysses32

    Hi Folks,

    Have been trying to kick the fags cold turkey on and off for the last couple of months and getting nowhere. Have an appointment with the GP this week and gonna go through the options there. It seems that a lot of people are going down the line of pills. Do these seem to be the best option out there?

    Are there any side effects?

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Hi Ulysses32,

    Welcome to the Group. As you've probably seen, if you've reviewed some of the previous posts, I will be off the "fags" one year on the 12th of next month.:D
    To ME Chantix/Champix is a miracle drug. But, this prescription, as I've found through these posts, effects everyone differently.

    1. Discuss the Medication with your Physician.
    2. Make sure you are ready to quit.
    3. You should be in a positive state of mind when you begin the program. (The side effects depend on each individual)
    4. Most importantly follow the program to the letter and make sure you take the medication with food and plenty of water. I personally had no side effects except for a few dreams. But I dream anyway so it was no biggy.

    If you've studied up on this medication you know it blocks the receptors in your brain from experiencing pleasure from smoking. I notice a deminished desire to smoke by the 3rd day.

    Mostly, remember that the "Pill" is not magic and won't just automatically make you quit. You have to be ready to quit and willing to put plenty of effort into reaching that goal.

    And just remember, we're all here to support each other so keep in touch and keep us informed and we'll back you all the way.

    The following I received from Chantix Support this morning.bdr_grey_lft_h60.gifEdit img_cash_bundle.gifbdr_grey_rt_h60.gif
    Edit img_cash_bundle.gifbdr_grey_rt_h60.gif

    "You are on Day 325 of not smoking"
    "By not buying Cigarettes you may have saved up to $2,712.00"

    Best of Luck!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 137 ✭✭jm99

    hey all,
    Best of luck ulysses32, champix like donniell said is a miracle drug. It just made quitting so easy. Of course there were "moments" but champix makes them a lot easier.
    17 days off the smokes now and last night was my first night out and I didn’t smoke :D.I drank a bit too much but too the best of my girlfriends and my knowledge, not a single puff was taken. For me personally, I think this was quiet an achievement. Unfortunately I have a girlfriend who's not talking to me again which ruined what was a great night. I think I’ll go search for an idiot boyfriend thread. We have a weekend away booked this weekend, that’s if there still is a "we". Should be fun!!!!:mad:
    I think she actually caused this bust up for once but obviously I’ll be keeping that to myself;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 35 DonkeyPunch

    Good luck giving up ulysses32. Champix are the business, I will be off the smokes 2 years in a few weeks. Be sure to take them with food, I found they ripped the gut out of you on an empty stomach.

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL


    Just checking in to wish all my Quit Smoking friends a very Merry and Blessed Christmas and a Beautiful Smoke Free New Year!!:D;)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27 nevevix


    A very merry christams too all & best wishes for 2010....:D:D

    This forum has been a real support to me in the determination to be smoke free :-) & i am just over 5 months off the cigarettes! & its brilliannt. Thanks every one for your support xxxx:):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,265 ✭✭✭RangeR

    Just checking in too. Happy Christmas everyone. I think I'm now 6 months sober.

  • Registered Users Posts: 49 cgan086

    go champix. 8 months no cigs. great job

  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭Tip

    I am over 7 mths Smoke Free, could not have done it without Champix. I know lots of people give up at New Year maybe this year give Champix a try, you will not regret it. Happy New Year to all on forum, it helped me so much when I started my quit and I still like to keep in touch.

  • Registered Users Posts: 384 ✭✭terenc

    Hi folks
    Haven't posted for a while, off cigarettes 3 months now and 1300 EUR better of, going to treat myself to a little holiday with my wife and children.:):)
    I wouldn't have done it without Champix. I used a 28 day prescription ,I know the recommended procedure 3/28 should be followed but my sleep patterens were disturbed and I felt I had the strength to get through it. I still have the urge to have a smoke but has time goes by I seem to be more in control.:D
    Happy New Year to everybody and the best of luck to everybody who want to gave up smoking and always remember if at first you dont succeed try, try and keep on trying.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 CooCullIn

    Hi folks. Just came across this site and thought I'd like to contribute. It is refreshing to see a board which dedicates itself to those who wish to put smoking behind them. I myself stopped just over twenty months back and do no get great cravings at this stage. I do not delude myself into thinking I have conquered this habit . I have friends who were off them many years but have since relapsed. But I will say this: Every day you succeed makes it easier. It may not seem that way at the moment for those of you who have just begun, but believe me when I say that each day makes a difference. Carpe Diem.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 CooCullIn

    Greetings all,
    Not sure if I will be at my system for the foreseeable future, so Happy New Year one and all. I am looking forward to keeping regular checks on this board to see how you are all doing.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    I'm glad I checked in! Great news from everyone! Welcome CooCullin! Well today I received my last communication from the Chantix Support Group because it will be a year next week. I just thought I would share these points they sent me:

    Of course, there's no magic formula. Because there's nothing out there that's better than what you already have inside you: the strength and the smarts to want to stay away from your old smoking habit. But just in case you feel yourself slipping back, put this list up on the refrigerator, or carry it around in your purse or pocket to remind yourself what you've accomplished.
    When I feel like a cigarette, I will:
    • Leave the situation
    • Drink a glass of water
    • Brush my teeth
    • Chew sugarless gum or have a mint
    • Do my breathing exercises
    • Take a walk or do another activity
    • Watch TV or listen to music
    • Read a book or magazine
    • Catch up on work or errands
    • Remember my reasons for staying quit
    • Remember My Inspiration
    • Call someone from my support network
    • Think about all the people in my life who are so proud of me
    I will not light that cigarette because:
    • My breathing may have improved
    • I feel so much better
    • I may be at a lower risk for circulatory and other medical problems
    • I have more free time
    • I have more pocket money from not buying cigarettes
    • I have so many options open to me
    • I have more energy
    • I have so much to live for
    • I do not want to light, inhale, or put out another cigarette for the rest of my life
    Now go out there, and enjoy all that life has in store for you. Say it loud, "I'm a nonsmoker and I'm proud!"

    Have a Safe, Happy, & Prosperous 2010!!!
