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Champix aka Chantix/Varenicline



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,265 ✭✭✭RangeR

    Hi, Found this thread a couple of weeks ago. I started champix today. I have smoked for 30+ years and had started smoking up to 40 a day. fingers crossed champix works for me:)

    Take it easy. One day at a time. You will be fine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Hi Oldandfeelit, Trust us, you can do it!! You said you've smoked for 30 years. I've got you topped! I started when I was 17 or 18 and quit with Chantix/Champix (I'm in the U.S.) at 72.;) You do the math! ha! ha! Once you quit you'll be "Youngandfeelit" ha! ha!! :D Keep us posted.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 36 oldandfeelit

    Thanks RangeR And Donnie.

    Today is day 4 and I have had no side effects, no sickness etc, which is great :)
    I did notice I smoked less yesterday and I am up since 6.45am this morning and haven't had a cig yet. I usually have about 3-4 by now!! Will keep you posted:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 384 ✭✭terenc

    Hi Oldandfeelit
    Hope everything is going to plan, the champix are great,I would not have come this far without them:) keep us posted on your progress did you set a date for stopping :D. I found it easy to stop when I was on the champix
    hope it is the same for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 36 oldandfeelit

    Hi terenc, Thursday 20th is my quit day. I really hope these work for me too. I have tried everything, patches, gum, inhaler etc, and nothing has worked for me.
    Today is day 6 and I am not smoking as much now. I haven't had any side effects which is great :)
    How long are you off the cigs now? Did you find your quit day hard? sorry for all the questions :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 384 ✭✭terenc

    It took me two attempts thinking back I went for day 8 but I had a
    cigarette that night ( I didn't buy it I got it off somebody,was I :mad:with myself)
    So I set myself up for day 9 (28/9/2009 the date is etched into my brain)) and haven't had one since:D.
    The champix gives you a window of opportunity to set an other day which is great but am glad I got it on the second attempt.
    Keep it going oldandfeelit, just be positive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭connewitz

    Hi everyone! I am 53 years old and smoked since I was 15. After my best friend got diagnosed with lung cancer, I got so scared, that I went to the doc and got champix. This was 4 weeks ago. Stopped on day 9 and I feel good without cigarettes. Just a little bit tired and sometimes drowsy. I read a lot about champix and all the scare mongers aside - it was the start of a career as a non-smoker for many people. So, I will stick with it and yes this time I mean serious business. Have to say, that I changed my life style as well. Lots of water, raw veg and fruit (keeps bowels moving, hihi) and I run every day on the cross trainer. No weight gain and I feel fit! My brain starts to realize, that there is no more crap coming and even my skin starts to get radiant again, after all them years of gray! It is worth the effort!!! Good luck to all quitters! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,265 ✭✭✭RangeR

    connewitz wrote: »
    Hi everyone! I am 53 years old and smoked since I was 15. After my best friend got diagnosed with lung cancer, I got so scared, that I went to the doc and got champix. This was 4 weeks ago. Stopped on day 9 and I feel good without cigarettes. Just a little bit tired and sometimes drowsy. I read a lot about champix and all the scare mongers aside - it was the start of a career as a non-smoker for many people. So, I will stick with it and yes this time I mean serious business. Have to say, that I changed my life style as well. Lots of water, raw veg and fruit (keeps bowels moving, hihi) and I run every day on the cross trainer. No weight gain and I feel fit! My brain starts to realize, that there is no more crap coming and even my skin starts to get radiant again, after all them years of gray! It is worth the effort!!! Good luck to all quitters! :D

    Well done and welcome to the club. It is worth it, so are you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 36 oldandfeelit

    connewitz wrote: »
    Hi everyone! I am 53 years old and smoked since I was 15. After my best friend got diagnosed with lung cancer, I got so scared, that I went to the doc and got champix. This was 4 weeks ago. Stopped on day 9 and I feel good without cigarettes. Just a little bit tired and sometimes drowsy. I read a lot about champix and all the scare mongers aside - it was the start of a career as a non-smoker for many people. So, I will stick with it and yes this time I mean serious business. Have to say, that I changed my life style as well. Lots of water, raw veg and fruit (keeps bowels moving, hihi) and I run every day on the cross trainer. No weight gain and I feel fit! My brain starts to realize, that there is no more crap coming and even my skin starts to get radiant again, after all them years of gray! It is worth the effort!!! Good luck to all quitters! :D

    Thanks and well done! :D. Great to hear another person has managed to quit with the help of champix.
    I am 50 and have smoked since I was 15 also. today is day 9 for me (day 11 is my quit day :)) I felt a little sick on day 8 after first tablet but ate before second tablet and was fine and have had no other side effects...but have to say I am having the best nights sleep in years!!
    I am really looking forward to being smoke free. I honestly can't remember what it was like not to smoke!:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭connewitz

    Do you have them weird dreams as well? They seem so real to me! Can remember every detail of my dream when I wake up.
    I still get now and then a pang. But I am telling myself, that I am in the process of healing and this helps me over the cravings. Try to see it as a healing process! This takes time and patience. Just think about, what goes on in your body - heart and lungs are getting more oxygen, circulation gets better and your skin as well. You dont smell anymore of cigarettes and your house/flat smells good as well! This was the first thing I did notice. I smelled nice for hours after a shower and when I came home, the house smelled good as well. Don`t even have to use the odd mouth spray anymore!!! But there is still a long road ahead. I do know from experience, it takes only one cig and you fall of the wagon! This will be a long battle. Sometimes I think, that being addicted to nicotine is the worse addiction a human being can have. It just sucks!!!
    We will need all the support we can get and I am very glad about this thread! We can help each other! Keep the posts coming!!!:D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭connewitz

    Yes there are a lot of things one can do to quit smoking. It is depending on the individual, if it works or not. I myself tried many things but the champix seems to be the best. With all the other stuff I had bad moods, was nervous, had trouble sleeping and always longed for a cigarette. Now no more! But as I said, everyone has to try different things and find the shoe which will fit.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 36 oldandfeelit

    well this has certainly been the week from Hell!!! I haven't had a ciggy since last Thursday (yipee) but I was taken off champix on monday by my doctor. I turned into a mad person over the weekend. I think I cried for Ireland and got so depressed. I felt a bit low on wednesday evening but I just got worse & worse until family said ''enough is enough, get off the tablets'' doc agreed. I feel normal today :). I am not missing the cigs at all......I am not going through that again lol
    champix may not have agreed with me but I am off the cigarettes:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 971 ✭✭✭CoalBucket

    Just a quick note of support to all who have quit and those who are in the process. I quit using Champix nearly 16 months ago now and it gets easier and easier.

  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭connewitz

    Yes - champix is not for everybody. My doc told me, that when you had only the slightest depressions in the past, don`t take them. I am a very balanced person and maybe this is, why I have no change in personality.
    Now, especially for oldandfeelit - try to stay off the fags. Will be harder now, but tell yourself, that you have managed a full week without them, which shows you that you can survive without smoking. I don`t know, if you like sweets. When I get a craving (and don`t get me wrong, I get them with champix as well), I take a lolly pop and this helps to overcome the urge for a cigarette. Unfortunately I could not find any sugar free lolly pops, so it is not good for my teeth. But brushing and rinsing or chewing sugar free gum cleans them quick enough. I do really cross my fingers for you! Let us know, how you get on. Nobody on this board will lynch you, if you have a cig again, but we can give you support for staying off them! Good luck to you!
    And all the others out there fighting the habit - stay off them and give yourself lots of treats instead. :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 Trax

    I'm now into week 5 of taking Champix but still smoking about 5 fags a day. I'm starting to panic that I'll be the only person that fails on Champix. I am riddled with side affects too. My sleep pattern sucks, I just pour of sweat and feel like I'm burning up. I get a pulse in my temples but worst of all my torso has bloated up so much that I now look like a beachball with arms and legs. I really want to stop smoking and keep taking the tablets in the hope that I will eventually succeed. Should I just stop taking them and maybe feel normal again. I have smoked 25 a day for the last 30 years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭connewitz

    You should go and see your doc! After 5 weeks on champix you should have no more desire for a cigarette! Don`t stop taking them without consulting your doctor, this could make it even worse!
    The bloating I have as well. Start to eat more raw veg and fruit, this gives a little relief. And do not drink fizzy drinks - they blow you up like a balloon!
    At the beginning I had trouble sleeping. So I started to take the second champix early in the evening around 7pm. No more trouble to fall asleep, just weird dreams and sometimes I wake up and have trouble going back to sleep. But because of my age (52 and female) I do know, that sleep patterns are no more the same, as they where. So I think, that this is a combination of the tablets and my age. I just go on with it and hot flushes where the norm for a long time. I just ignored them and went on with my life. And I started running and walking as well. Helps with the bloating and makes you tired in the evening. You will find a way to help your body to cope with it!
    As long as your personality does not changes, your are good to go with champix. But you are so much in doubt, that it would be really the best to see your doctor! Maybe he/she can help you otherwise. There are many therapies for smoking cessation. Good luck!;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 34 collei

    Hi everyone, I just read the last few posts and just have a few questions. I have been smoking for about 12 years now and do want to give me. I have had a prescription for Champix since January and still havent got it. The problem for me is that my boyfriend who smokes as well lives with me. I am just wondering would this make it harder to give up using Champix when you are surrounded with people smoking. Also about 80% of my friends in my social circle also smoke, again will this make giving up harder.

  • Registered Users Posts: 522 ✭✭✭mwrf

    Today is my first day taking champix. I have tried other methods of giving up previously, e-cigs, cold turkey. I'm almost 26 and have been smoking > 10 a day since I was 15. Just took my first tablet.
    My quit date is set for Friday 11th June. As expected, I'm quite nervous
    about what is to come over the next few weeks but hopefully I can ride it out and come out the other side a non-smoker.

    You can follow my progress on twitter if you're interested.

  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭connewitz

    Champix was for me the best I could get my hands on! When people around me smoke - it does not bother me. My daughter and son are smokers and both are around quite often. I just let them smoke and the same when I go out. It really has no effect whats or ever. So give it a go! It is worth it. I am now in week 6 of non smoking and feel great! Since 6 weeks I am paying the money I used to smoke in the credit union. Until now I saved up 180 Euro. Step by step I am saving a nice holiday together. Just imagine, what you could do with the money you will save! And on top of all, you get healthier!!! So try it and enjoy a smoke free YOU!
    And yes, it is important to set a day for quitting! This for the poor man/girl which is taking champix since 5 weeks and still smokes!
    Even with champix you need will power!!!;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 971 ✭✭✭CoalBucket

    connewitz wrote: »
    Champix was for me the best I could get my hands on! When people around me smoke - it does not bother me. My daughter and son are smokers and both are around quite often. I just let them smoke and the same when I go out. It really has no effect whats or ever. So give it a go! It is worth it. I am now in week 6 of non smoking and feel great! Since 6 weeks I am paying the money I used to smoke in the credit union. Until now I saved up 180 Euro. Step by step I am saving a nice holiday together. Just imagine, what you could do with the money you will save! And on top of all, you get healthier!!! So try it and enjoy a smoke free YOU!
    And yes, it is important to set a day for quitting! This for the poor man/girl which is taking champix since 5 weeks and still smokes!
    Even with champix you need will power!!!;)

    Speed reading is a curse. I just read that you used to smoke in the credit union. I thought "that must be illegal" :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭connewitz

    Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Should have taken my time! Save the money in credit union, which I would have spend for cigs! That`s more like it. Smoking there would be indeed illegal!:o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 971 ✭✭✭CoalBucket

    connewitz wrote: »
    Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Should have taken my time! Save the money in credit union, which I would have spend for cigs! That`s more like it. Smoking there would be indeed illegal!:o

    No you phrased it correctly, it was my error, with the ammount of posts i tend to speed read over them :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,770 ✭✭✭Bottle_of_Smoke

    My aunt got champix but decided not to try and has donated them to me. Only 4 weeks though. Would that much be enough to quit? Would be awkward having to go the doc to get more and having to explain id already been on them a month

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,265 ✭✭✭RangeR

    My aunt got champix but decided not to try and has donated them to me. Only 4 weeks though. Would that much be enough to quit? Would be awkward having to go the doc to get more and having to explain id already been on them a month

    You really should [have] gone to your doctor first. There is a reason that Champix is prescription only. If you haven't started on them, I'd advise you to see your doc first. Champix can have really bad side effects on different people.

    Champix is a 12 week program although I only went through 6 weeks [due to side effects]. I'm now 12 months sober.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,770 ✭✭✭Bottle_of_Smoke

    RangeR wrote: »
    You really should [have] gone to your doctor first. There is a reason that Champix is prescription only. If you haven't started on them, I'd advise you to see your doc first. Champix can have really bad side effects on different people.

    Champix is a 12 week program although I only went through 6 weeks [due to side effects]. I'm now 12 months sober.

    Yeah I'm thinking that too. Its annoying though I'm an unemployed and student so I don't get the dole or medical card. GP will be €50 + whatever the prescription costs.:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,265 ✭✭✭RangeR

    Yeah I'm thinking that too. Its annoying though I'm an unemployed and student so I don't get the dole or medical card. GP will be €50 + whatever the prescription costs.:(


    How much will you save if you give up cigarettes?
    for me, it cost me 2 doc trips @ €50 each.
    6 weeks of Champix @ €150 approx
    Total €150.

    Only 2 or 3 weeks off the cigs, saved me that much.
    Since I gave up the cigs, I've saved over €3000.

    DON'T think of it as "OMG I can't afford to give up". I'm telling you, you can't afford NOT to. If you are struggling to find the money, then do without stuff for a while. Go out once a week rather than 3 times etc.

    If you wanted to give up, you wouldn't be using money as an excuse not to.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,770 ✭✭✭Bottle_of_Smoke

    RangeR wrote: »

    How much will you save if you give up cigarettes?
    for me, it cost me 2 doc trips @ €50 each.
    6 weeks of Champix @ €150 approx
    Total €150.

    Isn't that a total of €250?
    Only 2 or 3 weeks off the cigs, saved me that much.
    Since I gave up the cigs, I've saved over €3000.

    DON'T think of it as "OMG I can't afford to give up". I'm telling you, you can't afford NOT to. If you are struggling to find the money, then do without stuff for a while. Go out once a week rather than 3 times etc.

    If you wanted to give up, you wouldn't be using money as an excuse not to.

    Went out once in the last week. Spent 10euro. I smoke role ups so it costs me €4.20 every 3 days. Im not making excuses I literally do not have the money to go to the GP

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 Trax

    Hi Connewitz, Thanks for the advice and sorry it took so long to reply. I only have access to boards when working. I have been to the doctor twice and he just tells me to stick with it. He also said that he would give me the prescription for 6 months if needed. I'll just keep with it and hopefully I'll wake up one day and be able to let the dirty skanky things go!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭connewitz

    Trax wrote: »
    Hi Connewitz, Thanks for the advice and sorry it took so long to reply. I only have access to boards when working. I have been to the doctor twice and he just tells me to stick with it. He also said that he would give me the prescription for 6 months if needed. I'll just keep with it and hopefully I'll wake up one day and be able to let the dirty skanky things go!!

    Hi Trax! Well done! It is nice of your doctor, to even offer you 6 month of it. You should be able to quit. Set yourself a quit day. This is really important! Because otherwise you just keep pushing it away and look for excuses. You have a right to be sad. You will loose your best friend. So, of course you will feel the loss and emptiness! If you want, mourn. I know it sounds stupid, but it can help. There are a lot of situations, where you will long for a cigarette. Try to see how your body gets cleansed and imagine how all this brown and sticky stuff is leaving your lungs. Imagine this stuff in a glass jar, sitting in front of you - and I am sure, this will turn you off the cigs! I hope that you will make it. Would be nice, if you let me know how you got on. I can wait. Good luck!:D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭connewitz

    My aunt got champix but decided not to try and has donated them to me. Only 4 weeks though. Would that much be enough to quit? Would be awkward having to go the doc to get more and having to explain id already been on them a month

    I don`t think, that 4 weeks of champix are enough to quit. I am now on week 7 with them and still get sometimes the desire for a cigarette. Very seldom so, but it hits me now and then!
    Don`t feel awkward to go to the doc. He/she might give you a bit of a stick, but in the end you will get your prescription, because until now you had no side effects.
    It is true, that some people can not carry on with the tablets, because they are messing up there mental health. But the most of us have the common side effects like: weird dreams, trouble sleeping, bloating, tiredness, headache and nausea. Not nice, but it is only for a short while. After this you can go on as a non-smoker and with a little bit of willpower you can be without cigarettes for a lifetime.
    So go and see what the doc will say. Good luck to you. You made the first step!:D
