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Champix aka Chantix/Varenicline



  • Registered Users Posts: 380 ✭✭Poutbutton

    Hi Donnie I could have used practically every one of those tips a few months ago when a freind tried to put me off using champix, so glad I gave it a shot. Day 5, I had a few strong pangs as I was off work but fought them off or at least champix did :pac:
    I did'nt get too much packing done, you know how it is when you start finding old stuff & photos you start going through everything...still I have time.

    Tomorrow night I will have at least 4 smokers in my company so that should be fun

    Tellox, take your tablet after your breakfast or first meal of the day and after your dinner at night, it does'nt agree with empty stomach. Best of luck with it, I'm on my 5th day not smoking, feel great no symtoms after the 3rd day off fags when I had a bit of an upset tum think it may have been the nicotene leaving my system. I get roughly 3 cravings a day but they go very fast.

    Let's know how you get on. Good Luck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,680 ✭✭✭Tellox

    Cheers for the support guys :)

    The dreams are actually something I'm looking forward to - I loved the dreams on nicotene patches!

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Tellox, feel free to join our threads anytime. It's kind of fun exchanging ideas and experiences. It's seems to make the quitting that much easier.
    Are you in Ireland also? Ms. Poutbutton is and I'm in Southern California not to far from Disneyland.
    Good luck. I'll think you'll find this the easier of all the alternatives.;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 380 ✭✭Poutbutton

    Good morning I thought I'd post early as I had my first dream! It was'nt bad at all in fact it was an epic :D Very vivid & very nice I felt like I had just had it when I woke up. So I can finally go back to my friend who treid to pt me off & say if your scared of the dreams you're missing out :pac: :pac: Cant believe it's almost a week since I smoked, I do believe the last time I was this free of nicotene was when I was 14 years old! Oh almost forgot, I am waking in the mornings with a dry uncomfortable throat that goes away once I'm up and about. I got some spray for it last night, has anyone else experienced this? Ok definitely gotta get some packing done today!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 sibs11

    Hi My name is Anne and I've been a smoker for more than 30 years, I never once tried to give up :( untill now I have just started Champix on day 3, I'm nervous that I will fail :( O so much want to be a non-smoker hope you don't mind me joining this thread, but I needed support :) Thanks guys

    Anne x

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  • Registered Users Posts: 380 ✭✭Poutbutton

    Hi Anne & welcome on board the more the merrier. Best of luck with quitting this time next week you could be smoke free! I found this a great help as I can check in anytime I want and thankfully more people are joining in so the support is growing. How are you doing? I'm nervous too but the feeling of getting over each day is so good that you actually look forward to counting them up and ticking them off. I'm 6 days smoke free now & I feel so good, no wheezing hardly any coughing, (I had flu 2 wks ago so not completely over it chest wise) no nausea, no bad side effects at all really. Have you chosen your quit date?

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Good Morning. Wow, we're moving right along!
    Well todays topic was mainly about how much we're saving by not smoking but I think we're all acutely aware of that. But did make one point that's worth passing on and it's pretty significant especially if your in the work place.
    "When you smoked, you probably always knew in the back of your mind you were spending too much time and money on cigarettes. Well, today, we're going to talk about how much time you used to devote to cigarettes. Then (and this is exciting) we'll figure out how much money you're going to save by not buying cigarettes.

    So, let's start with the time. Sure, the ritual of smoking offered a time-out in your day. But how much time did it steal out of each day? You might be surprised.

    Consider this
    Suppose it takes about 6 minutes to light and smoke a cigarette. And suppose you smoked 20 cigarettes a day. Six minutes times 20 cigarettes is 120 minutes. So if you were a pack-a-day smoker, you spent 2 hours a day smoking. Or to put it another way, by stopping smoking, you've just added 2 hours to your day. To do with as you please. To go to the movies. To go shopping. To get 2 more hours of sleep.

    All that extra time is a pretty good fringe benefit, wouldn't you say? And just think, the money you're saving by not buying cigarettes may be even more impressive.

    For today's activity, you'll use a calculator to look into the future and add up how much you'll save by not buying cigarettes. When you're ready to see the dollars and cents, click the button below".

    Yes, I've had occaisional dry mouth also so I started keeping a bottle of water next to my bed.
    Unless I'm mistaken, you're in day 6. CONGRATULATIONS! Keep it up. Monday I start my 3rd week smoke freeeeeee!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Hi Anne,
    Welcome to the "family"! =^) There is nothing really to be nervous about. As the days go by that urge to have a smoke will subside. You WILL think about it occaisionally but it passes quickly. Monday I start my 3rd week smoke free.
    Here in the US Chantix offers a support plan. They email me everday with pointers for that particular day and they call every evening to see if you have smoked. I understand by Ms. Poutbottom that Champix doesn't offer that in Europe so I've been sharing some of ht pointers that you'll be able to pickup by checking the the threads. GOOD LUCK and HANG TOUGH!

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Well here's todays topic but it's kind of geared toward the end of the second week:

    "About 2 weeks ago, we asked you to build a support network. Hopefully you called a few friends or sent e-cards to your family to share the news you're quitting smoking. We hope you've been sharing your progress, too.

    Just in case you haven't, there's no better time than today to celebrate your successes to date. It's been 2 weeks since your Quit Date — a huge milestone. Don't think of it as bragging — you've accomplished so much. And your friends want you to succeed. So make 'em proud and share the great news!"

    You can always let your friends know your progress by email anyway. It's just that Chantix furnishes a template that you only have to address.

    Well tomorrow I start my 3rd week and have already ordered my 2nd prescription. Congratulations on starting you're second full week. KEEP IT UP!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 380 ✭✭Poutbutton

    Day 14 on Champix & Day 7 smoke free, somebody press the Wooo! button :p One whole week without the ash. I am stunned at how easy it was. I'm even calling my self a non-smoker now & I hope I continue this way & never smoke again.
    I was in the company of 2 smokers yesterday for a few hours, they went outside to smoke & when they returned I was repulsed by the smell coming from them. I'm ashamed to think I smelled like that for all those years Yuck!
    (see what I wrote there...while around them feeling like having a cigarette just did'nt come into it!)
    My brother in law & one of my friends interviewed me on the process have now decided to give champix a try, I'll back them all the way.
    I had a drink last night & had a craving for a moment but again it passed in no time.
    I had my second Dream last night (felt like this morning) it was another good one so no complaints there. This one was about me making the most delicious chocolate cake in the world, it was so real I felt like I was physically decorating it. I was the only person who knew how to make it & it was scrumptious! Ha ha
    Wow Donnie, you are a mere week away from a month off Good Stuff Outta you! I wonder if the dosage goes down each month.
    Best of luck to you Donnie & to anyone who is starting quitting smoking on Champix tomorrow!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7 bunnybaloo

    sibs11 wrote: »
    Hi My name is Anne and I've been a smoker for more than 30 years, I never once tried to give up :( untill now I have just started Champix on day 3, I'm nervous that I will fail :( O so much want to be a non-smoker hope you don't mind me joining this thread, but I needed support :) Thanks guys

    Anne x
    hi anne im just after giving up ciggs havin been a smoker for 25yrs at 20 a day off them now 25 days on the champix and think they are the the best things ive ever tried cause tried everything from gum to patches even tried zyban about 6 years ago and still smoked but now dont want to smoke so best of luck to you keep it up and you will definitely be rewarded

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,680 ✭✭✭Tellox

    Day 3 today, and I'm a little shocked by the results. I've found my brain is somewhat..reprogramming itself to make me hate cigarettes. I've barely smoked at all today - every couple of hours I'd realise I haven't smoked, and feel a little sick to the stomach when I think about it.

    Last night after having a few bottles, I got up to have a cigarette as normal, and found myself staring at it for a good 10mins before literally needing to pluck up the courage to smoke it.

    Very very strange, a little overwhelming if anything.. looking forward to seeing how I'm feeling when I'm on the "full dose" from week 2 on..

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Hi, I'm just getting ready for bed and decided to clean out my email when I found the following from one of my cousins and thought you'd find it amusing. Well tomorrow is week 3 off the smokes and I'll see what the support group has to say and will forward if pertinent.

    You go Donnie!!! You go Donnie!!!!!!!

    Keep up the good work! Don't smoke!"


  • Registered Users Posts: 380 ✭✭Poutbutton

    "Very very strange, a little overwhelming if anything.."

    Hi Tellox it's amazing is'nt it. I'm still in shock that I'm not crawling the walls for a drag. I get moments of feeling like I should be smoking at different times, maybe 3 times a day and a strong one in the evening, they pass so quickly though & generally if you are kept occupied or entertained the craving seems to go away fairly fast.

    Go Donnie Go! ha ha. I am relying on this thread to keep my morale up & so far it's working just peachy. Day 8 off the fags now I'm feeling so good. No dream last night, could'nt sleep til after 4, good job I have today off :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Good Morning, CONGRATULATIONS on Day 8! Last night my cousing and I went out to Dinner and had a few drinks when we got back. She couldn't believe that I still hadn't had a cigarette so she sent that email when she got home!:D I guess you're off today to continue packing. Now don't procrastinate.. get it done..:rolleyes: LOL. Well here's Chantix support topic for day 15.

    "Today, as you start a new week with GETQUIT, you might be able to do something you haven't had the time or energy to do since your Quit Date. You may be able to step back and see the ways you're looking and feeling better.
    Consider this
    Some ex-smokers find they have fewer colds after quitting. That's because of something called cilia. Cilia are little hairs in your lungs and throat that protect you from pollutants. But cigarette smoke can damage those cilia so they can't do their job as well. This makes your body more vulnerable to things like the common cold. But after you stop smoking, your cilia should start to work again.
    It's another good example of how you may be feeling better soon.


    A few weeks back, when you decided to quit smoking, you might not have realized all the ways your health might improve. Let's look at a few.
    From your head… You might have hardly noticed the way your hair smelled when you smoked. But other people probably did. It's the kind of improvement other people can enjoy, too. Your senses of smell and taste may also be getting better by the day without the dulling effect of cigarettes.
    …to your chest… Your lungs might be functioning better now. Anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months after most smokers quit, the coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath decrease. And 10 years after quitting, the risk of lung cancer can be reduced by half.
    …all the way down to your feet. It's a lot easier to be more active (even doing simple things like walking) when your blood circulation and lung function improve. And it probably began to get better almost as soon as you stopped smoking. ":)

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Good job Tellox! Sounds like it's working like a charm for you too! Keep up the GOOD WORK!

  • Registered Users Posts: 380 ✭✭Poutbutton

    Thanks & the same to you! I definitely feel much better since stopping, sinuses clearing, I can sing higher notes (alone in my car of course) I've no cough, skin seems to be brightening up, hair smells nice - Teeth are white all good stuff all I want now are more of those epic dreams!
    The packing is coming along nicely no procrastination today LOL
    The urge to nibble has come along full force today I will nip that in the bud tomorrow get some healthy snacks in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    I know what you mean about the nibbling!!!! If I keep it up, I'll be big as a barn! I finally bought some packaged baby carrots, celery, and cherry tomatoes with ranch dressing for dipping!:pac:
    Happy to hear that you're feeling so healthy again. I know I seem to have more energy to get things done now. I got so busy yesterday that when I finally went to bed, I went out like a light. I don't even remember dreaming. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,461 ✭✭✭celt262

    i started campix two weeks ago and now havent smoked in a week. Still get slight cravings but get rid of them by using positive thoughts on how not smoking is benefiting me. Was out with loads of smokers at weekend and the smell of them after they had smoked nearly sickened me.

    i got a months supply will i have to go back to doctor or will chemist just give me the next month?

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Hi celt262,

    Welcome to the club! I just started my 3rd week smoke free. I contacted my physican's office via email and requested a prescription renewal. I received a reply this AM saying it was ready at my pharmacy. I'm in Southern California so I don't know if it works different in Europe.
    It sounds like youire doing very well also! The only real side effect that I've had are the dreams and they really not that bad. Keep up the good work and stay in touch.;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Good Day! Well I guess you're back to work today.
    I was surprised that I haven't received my daily email from GETQUIT the support program yet today. But I'm still doing just great and hope you are too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 380 ✭✭Poutbutton

    celt262 wrote: »

    i got a months supply will i have to go back to doctor or will chemist just give me the next month?

    Hi Celt262 & best of luck with quitting, your doctor should have writen "Repeat x 3" on your prescription, did you take it home with you when you bought the champix? My pharmacist gave my script back to me but did offer to hold onto it til I get my second batch, check if you have it at home, otherwise your pharmacist may have held on to the script for you. You dont need to go to your Doctor, All you do is go back to where you bought the first lot & say you're ready for lot 2. Did they offer you the drugs payment scheme form? If not ask next time you go in, everyone is entitled to it & the pharmacist sets it all up for you, you need your PPS Number with you. It saved me €25 meaning I only had to pay €100.

    I'm hating the smell off smokers too, it's great is'nt it! I'm dreading being in that situaion where you cant get away from the smoke though like at a house party, I just know I'll be dodging the smell like I used to when I was a kid. I used to give my dad hell when he smoked near me.

    Have you had any side effects?

  • Registered Users Posts: 380 ✭✭Poutbutton

    Hi Donnie, Well it's day 8 & I'm doing good, great even! Fewer cravings today at work & even during times when I could have smoked, nada. I am still taking a while to get to sleep but I dont mind as long as I'm smoke free.
    I'm getting a lot done too, I'm an industrious revolution of sorts :D I cant wait to move house now, I'll be able to get back into gardening, which I love. I could stay out working in the garden all day if I was let. Bring on a dry day, No work & i'm in heaven.
    I read a line in one of the research studies on Champix, I'll post it here if I find it again, it mentioned that if a person slips up and has one drag of a smoke the brain will be addicted again, 15 minutes after your slip up those receptors will be screaming for another hit. A warning to anyone who thinks they might just get away with having just one!

    ** Just realised, it's not day 8 it's day 9!!! woohoo!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,461 ✭✭✭celt262

    Poutbutton wrote: »
    Hi Celt262 & best of luck with quitting, your doctor should have writen "Repeat x 3" on your prescription, did you take it home with you when you bought the champix? My pharmacist gave my script back to me but did offer to hold onto it til I get my second batch, check if you have it at home, otherwise your pharmacist may have held on to the script for you. You dont need to go to your Doctor, All you do is go back to where you bought the first lot & say you're ready for lot 2. Did they offer you the drugs payment scheme form? If not ask next time you go in, everyone is entitled to it & the pharmacist sets it all up for you, you need your PPS Number with you. It saved me €25 meaning I only had to pay €100.

    I'm hating the smell off smokers too, it's great is'nt it! I'm dreading being in that situaion where you cant get away from the smoke though like at a house party, I just know I'll be dodging the smell like I used to when I was a kid. I used to give my dad hell when he smoked near me.

    Have you had any side effects?

    Yeah they signed me up for it. I must see if i can find the script but im sure it wont be a problem as they will have my details on record.
    Side effects.... not really sometimes i dont feel great but it just lasts for a while and goes away it may not be related atall. Also anyone who has cravings i find taking a drink of water helps.

    Found the script and it has renweal on it

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 dereksm

    Chantix is one of those medicines which help in getting over smoking habit, but this medicine has some side effects as well. Person using chantix mainly encounter sleeplessness, change of taste and headache. So people should consult there physician before going for this medicine and a regular check needs to be there on the person having chantix.

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Hello Dereksm, I had Chantix recommended by two specialists. One was a Hemotologist/Oncologist and the other was a Cardio Vascular specialist. My primary care Physician is the one that actually prescribed the medication. I'm in my 3rd week on Chantix and doing very, very, well. I have had none of the listed side effects except for a few of the "vivid dreams" and actually they were pretty good ones. =^)

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Welcome to DAY #10!!!!!! GETQUIT support didn't send any email today either so I sent them an email to find out what's happening. Hope you're still doing fine. I'm now on day 16!! YEAH!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 380 ✭✭Poutbutton

    Good for you! I cant believe It's been 10 days since I smoked the time is flying. Cravings are mostly mild & as suggested earlier in the thread a drink of water often curbs them. I'm having trouble nodding off the past few nights so I'm exhausted now, only getting about 3 or 4 hours sleep hopefully tonight I'll conk out.
    That's weird that GetQuit seem to have Quit on you :rolleyes: Must be a glich in the system. I'm thinking we'll deserve a nice reward after all this effort, I think when we reach the end of month 1 we should treat ourselves to something special...hmmm I'll have to think about this one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Hi, Lack of sleep is not good! When I have a problem sleeping :eek: I usually fix a cup of hot Celestial Seasonings caffeine free herbal tea. It's called Tension Tamer. I usually drink a cup about 30 minutes prior to retiring and usually drop right off. I don't know if it's available on that side of the "Pond" or not but here's the link to their website: you may have alternatives there in your markets.:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24 gerryok1

    Hey all, I have just been reading all your posts and good to see al the positive ones. am on day three of my .5mg and starting on my double dose tomorrow.
    I do feel that the cravngs are not as bad, have cut immediatly from 30 to 20 in the last two days. Stomach not the best though.
    When do they start to kick in, will feel less cravings on day four fve, worried that won't.
    Living in reland, is there any support site in EU which can help, like something similar to the US?
