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Champix aka Chantix/Varenicline



  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭connewitz

    terenc wrote: »
    Well done blaze1,
    The cravings will get shorter, just keep all the positives that are happening to you from the moment you stop smoking like the breathing, are you coughing less, health issues which you might have though had nothing to do with smoking suddenly seem to get better or indeed might dissapear:D.
    So rock on blaze 1.

    Terence is so right!
    Just keep all the good things in mind and if you start to struggle - have a read through the thread and you will see, you are not alone in this!
    We will help you!:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 41,926 ✭✭✭✭_blank_

    Started them on Tuesday, so Day 3, last day of taking one of the .5mg tablets in the morning, up to 1mg spread out tomorrow.

    In the evenings I usually sit on the couch smoking my brains out, but last night I didn't, had only one in the back garden at about 10.30 or so, which was good.

    Now, we had the sitting room painted, so not allowed to smoke in there any more anyway, and I've a horrible cold on me at the moment with a chesty cough, so maybe that's contributing to my lack of wanting to smoke.

    One thing I noticed, the cigarettes taste more of smoke to me, I don't know what is causing that - also, I've smoked two this morning (would be 4 by now ordinarily), and about half way through each I just wanted to put them out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 384 ✭✭terenc

    Well done Des,:D
    I really hope you succeed and am sure you will because the champix will gave you a great kickstart and I was very similar to how I was feeling when taking the champix, but that is how they work, they can work really fast , SO KEEP IT GOING.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 41,926 ✭✭✭✭_blank_

    Day 8 on these tablets, and all going well

    I was in work on Saturday, which isn't a normal occurance, and smoked five from the time I got up until I was going home, then only had one more that evening.

    Didn't smoke many on Sunday, I think 4, and 4 yesterday to finish the packet - I didn't actually smoke at all after work yesterday, so from about 3.30 onwards.

    Today I've only had one so far, and that was a bummed one, I didn't buy another pack since I finished my last one yesterday. I hate "people giving up" who scab off others, but this is legit, I've given this guy a few smokes over the time I've known him.

    Anyway, the cravings aren't that bad, and I've sugarless mints on my desk to keep me occupied.

    This is going better than I thought it would.:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 41,926 ✭✭✭✭_blank_

    Day 9

    1 smoke today, on the morning break at about 11 ish.

    Went out then in the afternoon for another one, but decided on the way out the door not to have one and didn't.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 41,926 ✭✭✭✭_blank_

    Day 11 - no smoke yesterday which was Day 10. I originally had Day 12 in my head, but the dwindling numbers spoke to me, and I didn't see the point in having just one smoke yesterday just to keep smoking until my target date, I thought that was a bit stupid.

    So, one day off the smokes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭connewitz

    Des wrote: »
    Day 11 - no smoke yesterday which was Day 10. I originally had Day 12 in my head, but the dwindling numbers spoke to me, and I didn't see the point in having just one smoke yesterday just to keep smoking until my target date, I thought that was a bit stupid.

    So, one day off the smokes.

    Welcome on board and well done so far! You have just began an amazing journey and I hope, you keep going. Some fell off the wagon, but the most stick to their guns and gave them coffin nails a good kick in the bum!
    Keep them messages coming. This board is a brilliant support. I am a non-smoker since 1,5 year and very proud of it. This thread helped me through anxiety and the desire to smoke. I still pop in now and then. It is so good to meet old friends in here!:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 41,926 ✭✭✭✭_blank_

    Day 15.

    I was dreading last weekend, as there was a work night out with free drink.

    But I went and didn't smoke at all. Didn't even get tempted once.

    Now, the lads inwork who I'm most friendly with mostly smoke, and I went outside with them a couple of times, because it was very warm in the pub we were in. But even out there, looking at everyone smoking, I didn't even want one then.

    The hangover on Sunday was better too, head felt much clearer than normal, which is a bonus too I suppose.

    On Sunday night I went to the Darts in Citywest, again, didn't ever feel the need to have a smoke.

    And now here we are today.

    The last day I smoked was the 5th October, last wednesday, so a week off them now.


  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭hellodolly

    The 5th. of October was my 2nd. anniversary of being a non-smoker :) Quare proud of meself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭connewitz

    Des wrote: »
    Day 15.

    The hangover on Sunday was better too, head felt much clearer than normal, which is a bonus too I suppose.

    On Sunday night I went to the Darts in Citywest, again, didn't ever feel the need to have a smoke.

    And now here we are today.

    The last day I smoked was the 5th October, last wednesday, so a week off them now.


    It is very good, that you can drink and don`t have the desire to smoke. The most of us got cravings because of the drink. Maybe you are one of the few, which are sailing through this whole phase with flying colors and no side effects at all. All the best!:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭connewitz

    hellodolly wrote: »
    The 5th. of October was my 2nd. anniversary of being a non-smoker :) Quare proud of meself.

    And proud you should be!!!!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,937 ✭✭✭spookwoman

    Started on Champex today. Headaches and started getting sick stomach after I took the night tab. Painkiller has eased the pain.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 41,926 ✭✭✭✭_blank_

    spookwoman wrote: »
    Started on Champex today. Headaches and started getting sick stomach after I took the night tab. Painkiller has eased the pain.

    I have to say, I've not had any bad side affects, strange.

    Anyway, two weeks stopped today, I think.

    I'm not actually keeping track of dates and anniversaries, if I do I'll just start doing maths with the money, and depress myself with the money I spent when I was a smoker.

    Was out watching football at the weekend, didn't even go out to the smoking area at half time. Then I was out drinking Saturday night, and didn't smoke. Not missing it one bit.

    I wonder how much of it is the tablets, and how much of it is me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,937 ✭✭✭spookwoman

    Feeling a little better today no headache. That might have been sinus.

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Just thought I'd check in! I see we have some more newcomers.. Welcome! you won't be sorry. As Connewitz says, just keep checking in. It's great to have the support.
    Spookwoman you mentioned headache and upset stomach..just remember always take the medication with FOOD and LOTS of WATER..
    And Des, you're fortunate not to have any side effects so far. BUT, don't get complacent.. follow the program as prescribed and only make adjustments under your physicians direction. Just keep in mind this is a prescribed medication and should be taken as directed.
    I'm like you and didn't have any side effects through the whole program except a few dreams that were actually pleasant.;)
    You have some great coaches in Connewitz and Terenc.. Come this January I'll have been off the smokes for 3 years! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,937 ✭✭✭spookwoman

    So far no more headaches. I only seem to get the upset stomach after the night tab. On 2 a day one morning and one night. Had some fecking weird dreams last night. Even when half asleep.

  • Registered Users Posts: 384 ✭✭terenc

    spookwoman wrote: »
    So far no more headaches. I only seem to get the upset stomach after the night tab. On 2 a day one morning and one night. Had some fecking weird dreams last night. Even when half asleep.
    Hi spookwomen
    Well done on starting on your battle against the smokes.
    Havent being around lately, I really are beginning to beleive I am off the smokes altogarther, they dont seem to bother me at all:), but it took me two fecking years to come this far but without the champix and this thread I would have been history.
    Hopfully the dreams will lessen , look at what you eat before you go asleep ,and dont eat anything before bed 2 to 3 hours :mad: if possible I got that advice from my GP so maybe gave it a shot.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,937 ✭✭✭spookwoman

    I know it wasn't anything I ate. I tried giving up on my own without patches etc. Was cutting down then went back to normal amount again. The dreams werent bad just weird.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 41,926 ✭✭✭✭_blank_

    Another milestone here.

    I like an odd glass of wine, had a couple last night, usually I like a smoke with that (it's different to drinking beer, in my mind).

    So, I've

    - been on a mad night out
    - been to see a football match
    - watched football on TV
    - sat at home with drinks, beer and wine on different nights
    - been in work for weeks

    and not smoked one single cigarette

    I'm going for a short trip to London to visit friends this week, another test!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,937 ✭✭✭spookwoman

    Sick the other night and queezy most days. So far today I've only had 3 just don't feel like smoking which is a good sign. Will put up with being sick to get off the damn things

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  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭connewitz

    spookwoman wrote: »
    So far no more headaches. I only seem to get the upset stomach after the night tab. On 2 a day one morning and one night. Had some fecking weird dreams last night. Even when half asleep.

    Dreams are normal, you will get used to them and.... you will kind of miss them, when you finished your course!;)
    Keep up the good work!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,557 ✭✭✭DublinWriter

    Week eleventy-one on the Champix.

    The whole problem about nicotine addiction is it's compound nature - on the one hand you have the physical addiction working in tandem with the sometimes more insidious mental/process addition.

    Champix really does the business in terms of the physical addiction and like the Alan Carr method doesn't stress the bejeysus out of you and lets you smoke as you quit.

    However, I'm finding the mental/process addiction the hardest.

    This may sound weird, but I find the deepest point in my nicotine addiction was using ciggies to 'punctuate' my day if that makes any sense.

    For example, after a hefty meal, after a protracted business meeting, with coffee, first thing in the morning, at least two on the drive into and out of work, after a car-crash, etc, etc.

    The worst of all is when I'm having a relaxing drink or three.

    I feel a little guilty about the superior feeling I get looking looking at ex-smoking buddies puffing away...just a little!

    Just as a tip to reduce the nightmares on Champix, I take mine at 6am and 6pm. I wouldn't take them going to bed as they really unsettle my stomach, even on food and with lots of water.

  • Registered Users Posts: 384 ✭✭terenc

    DublinWritter has it right
    to reduce dreams and help with stomach problems try and take the champix in plenty of time before you go to bed, 6.30am and 6.30pm and I was in bed at 11. and was asleep at 11.05.PM.
    Just dont try and take the tab and hop into bed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 72 ✭✭susanweir

    Hi all,

    Just swinging in to see how you all are doing. Hi Connie and Terence and DonnieL,

    Celebrating 10 months off the evils tomorrow thanks to Champix (and willpower). Even though I live with a smoker (my dh), it doesn't really bother me any more. I send him to the basement to smoke and it suits us both! :D

    I just thought that might help someone in a similar situation. (I used to use my husband's smoking habit as a reason I could never quit!).

    I did put on weight, but I joined a gym and weightwatchers in July, and have now lost more than a stone. Still a bit to go, but the whole thing is actually 'do-able' -even after 30 years of smoking 20+ a day. So far so good anyway.;)

    Good luck to all newbies - it is really worth it - stick with it, and you will succeed.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 41,926 ✭✭✭✭_blank_

    I'm about a month off them now, with the help of the tablets.

    I was over in London for a while, and did a good bit of drinking, never once wanted a smoke.

    Also, today was the FAI Cup Final in The Aviva, and I support Shels, it went to penalties - if there was ever a time a smoker would want a smoke it's when their team is in a Penalty Shoot-out.

    I didn't want one today. Today is the day I finally can say to myself I've kicked them.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,807 ✭✭✭✭Orion

    Des wrote: »
    I didn't want one today. Today is the day I finally can say to myself I've kicked them.

    Good work Des. :)

    I have to say to you don't get complacent though - 1 month is only a short time. The addiction comes in cycles and, trust me, it's still there waiting to come back and bite you in the ass. It took me a full year before I could safely say I've kicked them. I was a cold turkey quitter but the same principle applies.

    I don't mean to belittle your achievement - it's great and I genuinely applaud you :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭connewitz

    susanweir wrote: »
    Hi all,

    Just swinging in to see how you all are doing. Hi Connie and Terence and DonnieL,

    Celebrating 10 months off the evils tomorrow thanks to Champix (and willpower). Even though I live with a smoker (my dh), it doesn't really bother me any more. I send him to the basement to smoke and it suits us both! :D

    I just thought that might help someone in a similar situation. (I used to use my husband's smoking habit as a reason I could never quit!).

    I did put on weight, but I joined a gym and weightwatchers in July, and have now lost more than a stone. Still a bit to go, but the whole thing is actually 'do-able' -even after 30 years of smoking 20+ a day. So far so good anyway.;)

    Good luck to all newbies - it is really worth it - stick with it, and you will succeed.

    You done it! Spot on!!!! Love your post, it is really a good advice for all the newbies. Thanks!!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 384 ✭✭terenc

    Great stuff
    Its just brillent reading all these postitves from people who have been addicted to cigs and who are winning this battle. I know it has to inspire people who read this thread to gave it ago and try to suceed no matter how many times you have tried before to quit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10 Ghjnr

    Hi All

    Just came across this thread while googling all of the side effects of Champix! Really great to hear all of the positive stories from so many people

    Started them recently. About to hit week 2 on Friday so the dosage is just about to go up. I quit for 3 months using them early this year, but cut my course short, then changed jobs and fell off the wagon.

    Feeling the nausea, and weird dreams again this time, and finding it hard to sleep but nothing compared to the last time! Going to complete the full 3 months and longer if I need to this time! I'm now taking them in the evening at dinner as mornings were terrible the first few days. Don't know what I am going to do when I go up to two a day!

    So far I have slightly reduced my cigarette intake, hopefully I'll see more before Sunday which is when I hope to stop (will have a bit of wine on Saturday night with the last of them!) Probably choosing a mad time coming up to Christmas and all the parties etc. but I suppose there never is a good time!

    Anyway, I just thought everyone's posts were really heartening so I thought I'd sign up and participate (selfishly to help myself) and hopefully if successful to help somebody someday about to do the same thing!

    Hope you don't mind me updating you on the progress and moaning if it gets hard!

    Thanks again for sharing all of the positive stories!

    Wish me luck!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,770 ✭✭✭Bottle_of_Smoke

    I posted here a good while back when I first tried champix. Didn't end well but was off them for a few months. Got a new prescription today and just had my first tab.

    Last time I stopped taking the tabs after approx 5 weeks cos I suspected I was feeling depressed from them and really believed I didn't need them at that point (and did continue without them for a good while longer) Gonna go the full three months this time. If I start feeling sh*t will talk to the doc about just taking a lighter dose or something.

    Looking forward to more energy, lifting heavier weights, less stress, lighter hangovers and mental dreams........
