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Champix aka Chantix/Varenicline



  • Registered Users Posts: 209 ✭✭mrswalton

    Lil Missy, was it your day 1 off the cigs today?

  • Registered Users Posts: 19 lil missy

    Hey Mrs Walton
    Yeah was suppose to be but decided to wait till 2moro cause im working all day and am hoping that keeping busy will take my mind of smoking.Hopefully im right :) Think the tablets are def working for me at last not smoking half as much as i was:) Im burning the last of my cigs tonight think ill get rid of ash trays 2 hate the sight of them now :) How you getting on now ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 209 ✭✭mrswalton

    Probably a good move, much easier when your busy, presume you can't smoke at work anyway.

    Tomorrow will be harder because my little one will be at school and that's when i normally have the freedom to smoke (outside of course).

    But it really hasn't been too much trauma so far. Every now and then i think, 'oh i'll go for one now' and then i just think, 'oh no i won't. And that's it. No torment.
    No torture.

    I live a good 10 min drive from a shop/garage, and i have no cigs in the house, so for me it would want to be one hell of a long serious crave to give into.

    I was out and about today and went into Centra for the Sunday paper, i thought to myself i could buy some now, but that was all.

    Its all good really. Just have to keep reminding myself that i don't have to anymore.

    Best of luck tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 209 ✭✭mrswalton

    Day four off the cigs. Doing fine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19 lil missy

    Day two for me found it so hard yesterday not as bad today hopefully it'll get bit easier from now on .Were getting there folks :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 209 ✭✭mrswalton

    Well done Lil Missy, you are on your way.

    I spent a bit of time last night reading through the early part of this thread, but only got about half way through. It's like a bloody soap opera, i can't wait to find out if poutbutton managed to kick them in the end. And DonnieL, well, what a guy, a real inspiration, amazing to read the relationships develop between Irish giver uppers and a smashing retiree in California. Did Poutbutton and DonnieL ever exchange photos? Forget Eastenders, i'm back for part two of "Champix aka Chantix/Varenicline, the story of life, love, nicotine addiction and majic pills".


  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭connewitz

    mrswalton wrote: »
    Well done Lil Missy, you are on your way.

    I spent a bit of time last night reading through the early part of this thread, but only got about half way through. It's like a bloody soap opera, i can't wait to find out if poutbutton managed to kick them in the end. And DonnieL, well, what a guy, a real inspiration, amazing to read the relationships develop between Irish giver uppers and a smashing retiree in California. Did Poutbutton and DonnieL ever exchange photos? Forget Eastenders, i'm back for part two of "Champix aka Chantix/Varenicline, the story of life, love, nicotine addiction and majic pills".


    No, they did not exchange personal pics, only one about the snow in Dublin. And no again, Poutbutton is back on the smokes for a long time. I am now writing with Don and he is a real trooper!!!!
    Good looking as well.;) Would have never guessed his age!
    He is my hero!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 209 ✭✭mrswalton

    Oh. Guess its back to Eastenders then. I think they call that a spoiler! Connewitz.:rolleyes: Nevermind.:wink: I'll read it later anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭connewitz

    mrswalton wrote: »
    Oh. Guess its back to Eastenders then. I think they call that a spoiler! Connewitz.:rolleyes: Nevermind.:wink: I'll read it later anyway.

    Thats exactly why it was titled "Spoiler"!;)
    Gave you the opportunity to read or not to read (this was here the question)!:D
    I wish you lots of fun. It is really amazing, what some people have gone through!

  • Registered Users Posts: 19 lil missy

    Day 5 for me today doing well still getting cravings but they pass i'm finding that after i eat im really missing my smoke really missing it !! so i just have to get up and do something. Called to a friend earlier for a cuppa she smoked in front of me that was the first time ive been around smoke since i quit handled that fine didnt say to long all the same :)
    Hope everyones doing well :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 208 ✭✭tmabr

    hi all, going well - quit day is sunday, day 11 on tabs. down to 8 a day from 20.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 209 ✭✭mrswalton

    Day 7 off the smokes today!

    I'm only taking .5mg in morning and .5mg in the evening. Last time i came off the champix after a couple of weeks, because i was feeling sick and my head was a bit off too. I stayed off the cigs for several months after, and only complacency that put me back on them.

    I'm happy and coping fine on the half dose, so i think i'll stick with it and fork out for another month supply which should keep me on it for the 3 month stint. Only this thread that has helped me make that decision.

    I have had a stomach/back problem for some time now, have had all sorts of tests to try and find out what it is. Have been told that it is agrivated by smoking and foolishly didn't really believe smoking had an impact. Have reduced fatty foods, eating late, alchohol all to no avail.

    Guess what, i have had no pain in about 4 days!

    Good luck Tmbar, hope your looking forward to Sunday.
    Well done to you lil missy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭connewitz

    lil missy wrote: »
    Called to a friend earlier for a cuppa she smoked in front of me that was the first time ive been around smoke since i quit handled that fine didnt say to long all the same :)
    Hope everyones doing well :)

    This was a huge step forward in the right direction. Well done!!!!
    Of course you are missing your smokes. The cigarettes were your best friends. Always and everywhere with you! Nothing and nobody else was with you every single minute of the day. Its like a friend died. So do your mourning! You have a right to be sad, but use it at the same time as a signal for a brand new start in life! Good luck!:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Connewitz and Mrs.Walton, thanks so much for the compliments! As I mentioned before throughout this thread, I was one of the FORTUNATE ones that had no bad side effects! Everything went along smoothly!;) Connewitz has become an ACE mentor for those that are trying their best to quit!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 60 ✭✭cars701

    Hey Everyone and Connewitz.... haven't logged in here in a while .... still off them THANK GOD. Don't know myself. It's sooooo worth sticking with it - I know it's hard sometimes but it REALLY REALLY is worth the effort. Good luck to everyone. xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Cars 701, CONGRATULATIONS! Keep up the good work! Keep offering encouragement to the others!!;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 19 lil missy

    Hey everyone .
    One full week off the smokes now :) its getting easier as the days go on :) still no side effects at all, Bit of heart burn but dont know if thats related didnt get it before so thinking it could be the tablets but small price to pay :) hope everyone is doing well :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 209 ✭✭mrswalton

    I week 3 days off them today, had a terrible jumpy day yesterday. Couldn't settle, ate my way through the kitchen, but thankfully never decided that jumping in the car to buy fags was the answer.

    Keep forgetting to take my evening dose.

    I know its off topic, but 4 of our hens laid eggs this morning so it looks like a better day already today:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 208 ✭✭tmabr

    hi all, day 3 off the smokes, its hard to explain but its not too hard or too easy staying off them. the craving only last a few seconds, after meals seem to be the toughest. the once or twice i nearly had one - i found myself thinking , why bother it doesnt do anything for you.
    now all i have to do is decide what to do with an extra 65 euro a week in my pocket :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭connewitz

    It looks like everyone is doing just fine! WELL DONE!!!
    The desire for a smoke will come and go for a very long time. My partner stopped smoking 30 years ago - yes you read that right - and still, out of the blue he gets a pang for a cigarette. He can laugh it off after such a long time, and I can do it now as well. Just to tell you, once an addict, always living on the edge!;)
    I got around my cravings with lolliepops.:D Mouth and hands were busy together for a good while. It helped me. Maybe better than to empty the fridge!:p

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12 TOMTAC

    Hi, 10 weeks no smoke and finished the tablet course.....and not climbing up any walls! I'm glad to be finished with the tabs...they are hard going but so what if the end result is success. 10 weeks without a smoke was a target for was 11am, 1pm and go to bed time on my quit day. other targets were one week, two weeks etc. The 10week one is the last of the weekly up 3 mths, 4 mths, etc. One thing which has helped me so far is that giving up the cigs is just one element of a little programme I'm undertaking towards a healthier life style. Needless to say stoping smoking is 99.9% of it, but for what its worth, the other two elements of it are daily breathing exercises (which I found on the net) and eating fruit and brown bread for I hear shouts of 'get a life ' in the background? Any way so far so good, I'm following with great interest the progress of every one else on this thread,so please keep posting.Good luck to all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1 cialou

    Hi all, I'm new to this site, have read a few of the threads and the support and encouragement is great.
    I started taking champix 6 days ago,so far I'm smoking my usual 20 a day.
    Should I start trying to cut down, my quit day is day 10.
    Have da usual side effects tiredness bit of nausea but it dosent last long and sleeping like a log which is great.
    I have been smoking 20 a day for 14yrs, tried several times to quit even went for hypnosis few weeks ago wit my fiance. Needless to say it didn't work for me but other half is still off them.
    I'm desperate to get off them champix are my last resort.
    I'm afraid if I don't cut down by sunday I won't be able to stop altogether.
    Well done ye all seem to be doin great, I hope that's me soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 209 ✭✭mrswalton

    Tomtac, I'm delighted coming off the course wasn't a problem for you. I know you were worried about it. As for shouts of 'get a life' I think not..... you are improving your life in lots of ways and that is to be admired and respected. Good for you!

    I heard an interesting interview on Pat Kenny last week. It was about will power.
    The interviewee was saying that will power is like a muscle that you need to excersize, and the more you use it, the stronger it gets.

    I, like others, am a bit worried about putting on the lbs while giving up. I have already found myself saying 'Ah i deserve another biscuit, sure its better than smoking'.

    So i am trying to tell myself, that because the Champix is looking after the majority of will power needed to stop smoking, therefore I need to 'excersize' my will power muscle around the biscuit tin.


    I think most people find they just naturally reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke in the run up to quit day. I would just be aware of how you are feeling about each cigarette as you smoke them, and focus on quit day.
    There is still more time for them to kick in better.
    Make sure you run out the evening before quit day, and look forward to joining your partner in a smoke free place.

  • Registered Users Posts: 51 ✭✭BoDiddly

    I am on my 3rd attempt to stop smoking, after 34 years of smoking, I have now gone a week without and feel great for doing so, the only thing I would say is don't set your quit day too early , and invariably be disappointed that you crave quick puff, don't worry if you do keep taking the champix and you will find the cravings evaporate I quit on day 16, after initially thinking day 10 myself, after that it's one day at a time, but the amount of positive energy I'm feeling right now is wonderful. good luck in your quest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭connewitz

    cialou wrote: »
    Hi all, I'm new to this site, have read a few of the threads and the support and encouragement is great.
    I started taking champix 6 days ago,so far I'm smoking my usual 20 a day.
    Should I start trying to cut down, my quit day is day 10.
    Have da usual side effects tiredness bit of nausea but it dosent last long and sleeping like a log which is great.
    I have been smoking 20 a day for 14yrs, tried several times to quit even went for hypnosis few weeks ago wit my fiance. Needless to say it didn't work for me but other half is still off them.
    I'm desperate to get off them champix are my last resort.
    I'm afraid if I don't cut down by sunday I won't be able to stop altogether.
    Well done ye all seem to be doin great, I hope that's me soon.

    Take your time! Some did quit after 14 days. Should you have trouble to cut down, ask your GP for advice! Good luck!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 209 ✭✭mrswalton

    Hello again,

    I'm off the cigs 10days now. Yesterday i had a headache all day. I put it down to tiredness. Went to bed early and had a good night sleep, woke this morning with same headache and its lasted all day. I'm only on .5mg morning and .5mg in the evening.

    Anyone else experience the same, and is it likely to last?

  • Registered Users Posts: 19 lil missy

    Hi Cialou
    I'm no expert only off the smokes a week but i found it very hard to cut down 2 looking back i think i should have made a few changes on the days running up to quit day like break all your smoking routines if you can like for me i really enjoyed a my cig after i ate so maybe make yourself wait an hour before you let yourself have one , if you smoke first thing in the morning do the same make yourself wait and if you smoke in the usual spot (the kitchen, outside the front/back door or in the car change this too maybe walk out to the front gate or further down the road and just don't smoke in the car at all if you do . I think if you this you'll avoid the trigger cravings and it will make it easier plus you will cut down by doing this and it wont be such a shock to the system. Unfortunately i didnt do all of these but the bits i did change helped me so much. My first few days were very hard and im convinced they would'nt have been as bad . You will do it though and it does get easier everyday :)
    The very best of luck :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 209 ✭✭mrswalton

    Two weeks off the smokes today.
    Weight regular.
    Headaches gone.

    Happy days.:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 39 locater7

    27 days exactly come 3pm
    never thought i would be here

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  • Registered Users Posts: 208 ✭✭tmabr

    day 9 smoke free, without doubt its all due to the champix, and im starting to hate the tablets as much as smoking.
    my dreams are just menthal,mad,loopy,weird :confused:
    i reckon ive smoked 145,600 cigs costing about 66 grand in todays money.
    if i have just that 1 i want - i lose 66 grand.
