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Champix aka Chantix/Varenicline



  • Registered Users Posts: 37 hacker21

    Hi all,
    I am a smoker who wishes they weren't, I have given up loads of times trying accupuncture, patches,gums, lozengers and the last effort was cold turkey about 6 months ago ( I lasted a week) I swore that was the last time I was doing this. But here I am again wishing I could give up - and I would like to give Champix a go but I am terrified reason being I can get very down but I get by my own way. But I am afraid of not being able to keep control if champix effects me badly. I work in a stressful enviroment enough, where errors are serious and I need to be alert and fully concentrated at all times. Would you people who have experience of Champix recommend I try it or take 2 weeks of work and then give it a go? What ya think?

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Hi Hacker 21, All I can say is give it a go! I smoked for over 50 years trying every conceivable way to stop over the last 15 or 20 years. Then I found Chantix/Champix, talked to my Doctor, and decided to give it a go. Well, I have been smoke free now for over 3 years now on January 7th, 2013. I personally didn't have any side effects, cravings, just a few vivid dreams.. If you go waaay back in this thread you can follow the progress of those of us who are still smoke free. Today it's as if I never smoked. Plus I don't turn rabid if someone lights up in my presence. I remember what that was like when I WAS a smoker. It made me feel like a bloody vagrant to have to stand somewhere outside hiding in some corner.
    You have to remember to follow the directions explicitly. This IS a prescription drug. If you should start having pangs about it be sure to consult your physician before you make any changes. If you take it with food and drink plenty of water it helps to overcome any adverse effects.
    MAINLY, go into it with a POSITIVE attitude! "Finally something that's going to help me get off these filthy fags"! The best of luck, and keep checking in to the thread! It's a great support group!!:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 hacker21

    Thanks DonnieL for the reply and advise and I am getting your message loud and clear. I have to give a go and give it 100 per cent. No point in going in half hearted. A big congrats and admiration for your achievement. Time to make a plan and stick to it. And if I do go half mad or loose my job in the process so be it. Thanks again, Hacker21.

  • Registered Users Posts: 384 ✭✭terenc

    HI Hacker21
    Gave it a shot, STAY FOCUS AND BE POSITIVE you may have side effects but thinking back (3 years now) and I would work in a fairly stressful
    area where mistakes can cause accidents the champix did not make me loose concentration if anything it seem to make me more alert but everybody is different but the longer I stayed of the feckers the job became that much better has I was not clock watching waiting for my next fix. Take on board what Donniel says, Havent been here for a while but seen your post and and thats what this thread is all about supporting each other, keep us posted and go for it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 hacker21

    Hi Terenc, I am currently in that horrible place where every fag is my last one, every box is the last box I buy and I am sick of it. I know I can't do this on my own and Champix may well be the answer. I am learning here that there are lots of things I have no control over i.e. stressful job, getting into bad humour aso, but it is time I took control of my smoking not it of me. Just picked a day next week to go to the doctor and get the perscription and get this started and going to spend the time between now and then reading this thread. Thanks for taking the time to drop a line and huge respect for giving up. Thanks again Hacker21

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  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Hi Hacker,
    I see by your message that you're still focusing on your job and going mad. That is totally negative thinking and a crutch to fall back on. Think POSITIVE! "I'm going to finally quit letting these fags run my life"!! Listen to Terenc.. "No More Clock Watching" waiting to puff you life away on that piece ****e between your fingers!
    It sounds like you REALLY want to quit! That's the first step! When I first started the medication I started losing the desire to light up on the 3rd day by the 7th day I was done with those things forever... This medication blocks the receptors in your brain from experiencing pleasure from smoking. As I said before, follow the directions, eat, and lots of water.. YOU CAN DO IT.. ;^)

  • Registered Users Posts: 13 Catsup99

    Hi Hacker,

    I remember exactly that feeling of frustration that I was still smoking, I was sick of it, that's when I did what you have just done and sorted out a visit to the doctor, two weeks later I stopped smoking, in just over another 2 weeks will see me to the 6 month mark. I'm still a virtual newbie compared to some on here, but I'm happier with myself and my decision to quit with every passing week. You sound like you have made up your mind, you should go for it, best of luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 56 ✭✭DMCC71

    I am now on day 12 ( I think ) smoke free! I have noticed that I have stopped concentrating on the number of days already, when I was asked the other day how long since I stopped I said it will be 2 weeks on Wednesday, that's how confident I am that I won't smoke! Most of the tiredness I was feeling has gone, only hits me now and again and I have regained the confidence I always had in myself.
    It has proved to me that smoking doesn't do anything for you, it's just that you have convinced yourself that it does!
    Good luck all!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 hacker21

    Hi all, been lying low (hiding in the long grass) beenreading this thread and thinking.
    DonnieL = Your right I am being negative and looking for excuses– remnants of past failures maybe but no more I am going to do this!
    Catsup99 = Thanks for the words of encouragement, 6 monthsoff the smokes is amazing. Imagine youwere where I am now 6 months ago! I hope you treat yourself to something reallynice to mark the occasion.
    DMCC71 = 12 Days smoke free! Bet your delighted, wow I amtrying to imagine how great you must be feelin, well done you!
    Going to doc on Wednesday, and I can’t wait to get startednow. So looking forward to being free of these feckin yokes and thanks for the wordsof wisdoms.

  • Registered Users Posts: 56 ✭✭DMCC71

    Hi hacker21! delighted to read you seem ready to quit! I tried from day one to always keep it in my head that " I don't smoke anymore " not that I have given up! I will agree that this is sometimes difficult and I think I annoyed myself at times but now I am starting to believe what I am telling myself.
    Good luck'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I look forward to hearing of your success!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 37 hacker21

    Sitting in de waitin room of docs surgery, my journey begins!

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Now that you're taking the Big Step keep us all posted. Keep a positive mind set. Forget everything you've heard about anything negative! You're in this to win! We'll be checkin' on ya!;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 hacker21

    Am all set to start the tabs tomorrow, so glad I found this thread as I was able to have an informed conversation with the doc about the tablets.

    The important message that I took away was the tablets wont make me stop smoking but they will, on the day I decide to stop, take away the physical withdrawal symptoms. Ihave to want to stop & I have to then do it! I know ye have all probably been saying that over n over but the message only hit home with me today.

    I am not looking on this as giving up something but ( hopefully I don't sound too ott) but gaining or as DonnieL puts it winning. I am a slave to the feckers, like most people I have lot less money in my pocket these days and I will sit at home with a packet of fags rather than go places because I can't afford both! How ridiculus is that! Right thats enough preaching, can't wait to get started now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 56 ✭✭DMCC71

    Hi hacker21! I am very happy for you!, hopefully we can all motivate each other while we continue our journey.
    I think I have read through this thread 3 times by now and I still find it a great help, I could log on 3 or 4 times a day. Thanks all!!!!!!!:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 hacker21

    Hi DMCC71,
    How are you getting on? You must be hitting the 2 week mark soon? How are you finding it? I've picked day 11 to stop smoking, 1st reaction was to pick day 14 the very last day, ha,ha! But then remembered this is something I want to do, I have to keep reminding myself of that! Its hard to get the head right. There is some great information on here, isnt there?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,891 ✭✭✭Harpy

    I'm on day 50 off the cigarettes using champix .. Been out drinking a good few times as well so its all going well so far, not letting my guard down though.. Was off them last year for 3 months cold turkey and then was stupid and had one out drinking and you know the rest of that story.. So this time no having just 1 or 2 while im drinking, i think ive learned from my mistakes of the last time.. Love coming in reading this forum, all the threads are good motiviation..

  • Registered Users Posts: 56 ✭✭DMCC71

    Good man hacker! Glad to see you have started! Yes I have hit the 2week milestone and I am feeling better with every day passing. I still have a portion of each day that it sneaks into my mind but I either remind myself of how well I'm doing if possible I will log on and have a read here.
    I picked day 13 because it was close to the weekend and I wanted a couple of relaxing days at the start!

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 hacker21

    HI Harpy, 50 days! Fair play! Thats some achievement, I do feel your pain. Gave them up twice last year (failed obviously)! Both times was raging with myself for giving in and smoking. NO matter what I do I feel like I would chew my way through concrete for a smoke! So am hoping Champix will make this more manageable (on day 2 taking tabs). I suppose when you've givin them up and failed a few times you know the pitfalls to watch out for. (Well hopefully)
    DMCC71 - I aint no man!! Just re-read my posts to see if I am coming accross all "manly" , I am a bit of a mucker a heart, and yes I do own a pair of wellies, so maybe it do!! You are doing really, really well. I cant wait for day 11 already, to get started and be smoke free.

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Just to let you in on a little secret.. When I finally quit, I had a half a carton of smokes in my freezer! I kept them there just in case! Now that's "negative" thinking. When I hit the one year mark I went over to my cousin's house. We mixed a couple of stiff drinks, built a raging fire in the fireplace and threw those dirty fags into the fire!!! We laughed all the way!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 384 ✭✭terenc

    Keep it up people, support each other, success is every sec, min, hour,hours, day, days, you don't smoke , 3 years now and I felt the pain but I don't feel it anymore(pain) and believe me you will get to that place, so well done everyone.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 37 hacker21

    On 5th day taking Champix, and so far so good,felt a bit "off" a couple of times after taking a tab but nothing major. Have asked a couple of people to keep an "eye" on me, you know people that know me well and that I see most days, to see if my mood changes dramatically or anything. I think its all about being aware when you start taking any medication, and while I am flying along thinkin I am doing great I trust these people to pull me aside if need be. At the same time dont get me wrong, I do know the act of giving up smoking can be a very solitary one, I know that from past experience, all around you life goes on while you are sitting there raging the greatest battle of your life inside!! Thats what I love about this thread so much, everyone, past posters and present have been through this stage and UNDERSTAND.
    P.S. DonnieL = I dont think thats negative thinking putting your cigarettes in the freezer like that = I would call it genius!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 56 ✭✭DMCC71

    Hi all, I am approaching the end of week 3 and I am feeling really good!
    I still have parts of the day where I think about it a lot but the thoughts are getting weaker and weaker! I am trying to always take the positives, like when I go for a pint I glad I dont have to go out in the cold to smoke.
    Hacker21 sorry about the " man " statement, it must have been the wellies that threw me off!!:)
    I agree that stopping smoking is a solitary experience but I found that the champix dealt with the physical cravings which made it easier for me to battle the gremlins in my head, much easier!!!! This thread has also been one of my biggest motivators!
    DonnieL and terenc it's great to see that ye still, check in on this thread after such a long time to make sure us newbies get the correct info!

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 hacker21

    I picked Day 11 as my quit day, not realising it's Paddy's Day!! Might just have move it forward one day!!!:mad: Been feeling really tired all day today and just feel asleep ealier this eve the minute I sat down! I know others experienced this tiredness having read earlier posts so I'll just go with the flow, nothing wrong with a power nap!

  • Registered Users Posts: 36 greengrass87

    Hi guys,
    So had 1 months champix at home the last month or so.
    Decided to take it on 4th march.
    Was fairly certain to stop smoking even before I started taking them.
    Also read Alan Carr at the weekend so had no desire to smoke after that really.

    On day 10 of Champix and haven't smoked since day 7.
    All Champix did for me really was make fags taste did not slow down my smoking.
    I still get cravings but I just laugh them off.
    I'm thinking about just stopping the Champix today really.
    I just don't think I need them to be honest.

    Restless nights and waking up with tightness in my chest like I've been kicked in the ribs all night.
    They just seem more hassle than there worth for me.
    It was Alan Carr's book which has got me off the fags.
    I seem to be taking Champix just for the sake of having them really.

    I'm just looking for peoples advice?
    Has anyone been in the same boat before?

    Should I wean my way off the Champix or just stop completely?

  • Registered Users Posts: 56 ✭✭DMCC71

    3 weeks done !!!!!!!!!! Feel great !!!!!!!

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 10,676 Mod ✭✭✭✭Hellrazer

    Im back!!!Having been back on the cigs for a year.And this time for good.Im on day 9 of Zyban and quit day is Tuesday.

    Just hope I dont have the side effects I got the last time on these (search the thread)

    I need to give these fecking things up.

    So Im going to have to pop in here for motivation!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 hacker21

    Well done DMCC71, great achievement and its good to hear you feel good about it, something to motivated me on quit day! On the full dose of the tabs and I feel medicated, if you know what I mean. Its not all bad, just feel tired, a bit agitated and just medicated (I dont know how else to describe it)!
    Howdo Hellrazer, welcome aboard, let the games begin, eh!!!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 56 ✭✭DMCC71

    Hi hacker21, I think i know exactly how you are feeling, you know theres something but you cant quite put your finger on it! Medicated thats brilliant!!!:) Is it saturday or sunday thats your quit day?
    I still get fairly tired from time to time but thankfully the crankyness isnt an issue anymore ( wasnt to bad at any stage once I avoided things i knew would annoy me ).
    I wish you myself and anybody else reading this thread and quiting all the luck and strength they need to get to the other side!!:):):):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 hacker21

    Thanks DMCC71, you've put my mind at rest a bit, reading Allen Carr's book aswell for a bit of extra motiviation! Leaving nothing to chance this time. Was going to quit Sun Day 11 (Paddy's Day!) but going for Mon instead now. Thanks again.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3 Bakkie

    I have been on Champix for 2 1/2 months now. I have not touched a smoke since week 1 and that was after 35 years of smoking. In the past week I have been really struggling with the need to smoke again. The urge doesn't seem to go away and I know that having a quick puff will relieve it, but I am resisting this.
    Has anyone else had this experience, so far into the rehab?:o
